• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

There was much satisfaction in the development department today.


Several woots were heard coming from the otherwise usually quiet cubical farm when it was learned today that the long rumored agreement with an industry leading game development company had gone through and we had become one of their vendors. While for obvious reasons, I can't go into any details of this corporate agreement (unless marketing comes up with an official press release) and frankly the telephony software we write is probably completely uninteresting and mundane anyway even probably to other geeks, but it was still very satisfying to this geek in particular (and the rest of the denizens of the cubical farm that meet Tuesday nights to game). All the customers of the telephony software development company are of course very important, but there is some extra personal satisfaction in selling the product of my labor to a company which has so often been the object of the profits of our labors.

Anyway, I didn't know where else to share this bit of semi-cryptic non-news where it might be appreciated. Somehow reducing the degree(s) of separation between yourself and a celebrity geek feels like a win, especially when it happens 'in the real world' and not just over the internet.

Finally, to the purchasing agent at said industry leading gaming company, I want you to know that I sincerely believe that you went with the right product (our last release was pretty darn solid if I do say so myself), and if you need anything, just let me know. We'll get you taken care of.

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Generic compliments on the disclosure of non-specific sales success.

Yup, congrats on the deal.

One of the side effects of making stuff for other people is that most of it is a secret of some kind.

So employees don't have a means to point at something and say "I did that."


First Post
So employees don't have a means to point at something and say "I did that."

No, but they can say, "I was perhaps tangentially involved in something that may or may not be what it first appears if I could possibly disclose details about what I am probably hinting at."

Voidrunner's Codex

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