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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Dramatis Personae

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Sloor Sanbraiz, Besalisk Scoundrel 3 / Soldier 1


[sblock="Character Sheet"]Sloor Sanbraiz
"Have you ever wandered what it feels like tawbe hugged taw death?"
Medium-sized Besalisk Scoundrel 3/Soldier 1
Force 6/7
Destiny 3/4 Education (specific person or founding/funding a pivotal organisation/gang/underworld network)
Init +2
Languages: Basic, Besalisk
Species Trait: 4-Handed (+2 grapple), Food stores (2 days autonomy), Expert Swimmer (Reroll and Take10), Artic Dweller (Reroll survival checks)
Defenses Ref 17 (flat-footed 15), Fort 17, Will 16
Hp 37/37; Threshold 17; Second Wind 13 (Unused).
Speed 6
Melee +6 (+3 Grab, +8 Grapple)
Ranged +3 (+4 at point blank range)
Base Atk +3 ; Base Dmg: +2
Str 17, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14
Talents: Fortune's Favor (extra Standard action on critical) "Well I *do* have fawr awf these things, you know."
______Devastating Attack (-5 Dam threshold with bludgeoning)
______Knack (Reroll 1 skill roll 1/day)
Feats: WP (Simple, Pistols, Advanced Melee), Point Blank Shot, Martial Arts I, Pin, Mighty Swing
Skills: Deception +10, Gather Information +10, Persuasion +10, Stealth +8 (+13 with Poncho)
Combat Summary :
Mighty Swing (2 swifts = +1 dam die)
Ojom Vibro Mace (+6, 2d10+8, 2-Handed, -5 Dam Threshold)
Stun Knuckles (+6, 2d6Stun+5, -5 Dam Threshold)
Barehanded (+6, 1d6+5, -5 Dam Threshold, return barehanded provokes if attacker does not have MA I or more)
Pin (+6, +8, Pinned till end of next round OR autodam with light weapon)
Heavy Blaster (+3/+4 Point Blank (<=20), 3d8+2/2d8+2)
Possessions (1375 credits):
Chodium-cooled all-weather thermalwear (100), AKA an All-Temperature cloak
Red jacket with white fur trim, Combat pants, Big ammo belt, Gold pin necklace.
10 Autolite smokesticks (breast pocket)
Stun brass knuckles, one in concealed back holster, one in breast pocket (80) AKA Stun batons in another form
Bright red Ojom Vibro Mace (50, 2.5kg), left hip
Heavy blaster in hip holster (775), right hip
Belt holster, set behind blaster: Basic datapad [Short-range comlink(25), Holocapable (125), Scrambled] (500), 3485 credits on Credit chip (100), Forged blaster license (150), Forged droid license (5), Forged rifle carbine license[/sblock][Sblock=S-TB42 probe droid]

Medium-sized Security Droid (Damaged, effectively a 1° droid)
Init +2
Languages: Binary and Basic
Species Trait: Droid traits, Ion vulnerability
Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed 10), Fort 10, Will 12
Hp 24; Threshold 10; Second Wind (None)
Speed 6 walking, 6 hover
Melee +0 (-5 Grab)
Ranged +2
Base Atk + 0; Grapple +2
Str 15, Dex 15, Con --, Int 7, Wis 15, Cha 7
Talents: None
Feats: Skill Focus (Treat Injury), Surgical Expertise (10min surgery)
- Surgical Expertise (10 min surgery)
Skills: Mechanics(Int) +3, Perception(Wis) +9 Low light + Darkvision, Stealth(Dex) +8, Treat Injury(Wis) +14, Use Computer (Int)+3
Secondary Skills: Acrobatics +2, Climb +2, Jump +2
Features (950, 28 kg): Basic processor (Free), Vocabulator (50, 0.5kg), Glow rod headlight (20, 1kg), Improved Sensor Package (200, 2.5 kg), Darkvision, Internal comlink (Scrambled), Video recorder/Transmitter, Medical Interface Visor, Vid-vox Scrambler
2 hand appendages, one telescopic (150, 15kg), 1 tool mount (10, 2 kg), Emergency Walking (360, three spindly appendages used as legs)
Locked access (50), 3kg Internal storage (150).

Features presently broken: All Weapon Feats, Attribute improvements

Kludges presently active: Cargo baskets mounted on tool mount (10, 2kg, Metal mesh with obscuring canvas, 15kg capacity)
Internal Storage: Binder Cuffs X2, Ion Grenades X2, Stun Grenades X1, Detonite X3, System tracker (can track a ship within a system)

Cargo Basket (13.3/15kg): Medpac X5 (100, 4kg), Stimpack, Power recharger (100, 1kg), Power packs X 3 (25, 0.3kg), 2 Energy cells (20, --), Breathing masks X 4, Surgery Kit, Camouflage poncho and cap; Energy Shield (+4 REF or use Standard action to gain Cover, strapped on)

[Sblock=Current Protocols]Sneak or Hide (1 swift action, 1 or 2/Turn): TB52 advances up to 12 squares and makes a +8 Stealth check (usually takes 10).

Whispering Toolbox (1 swift action, 2/Turn): TB52 retrieves an item from its storage and hands it to its owner, or vice versa. It always uses its +8 Sleight of Hand to make the movement as discreet as possible (usually takes 10.)
Avoid Surprise (1 free action): TB52 makes a +9 Perception check at the begining of battle. If successful, its owner avoids surprise.

Patrol duty (1 swift action, 1/Turn): TB52 makes a +9 Perception check vs the target's Stealth. If successful, its owner is made aware of the target as a free action.

Scan (2 swift actions, 1/Turn): TB52 makes a +9 Perception check vs DC15 against an adjacent square. If successful, its owner is made aware of any clues, secret doors, compartments, traps or anything else irregular about the target.
First Aid (2 swift actions, 1/Turn): TB52 makes a +7 Treat Injury check vs DC15. If successful, and adjacent character regains hit points equal to its character level +1 per point by which the check was successful.

Medical Assistance (1 swift action, 1/Turn): +2 to another character's Treat Injury check.

Revivify (2 swift actions, 1/Turn): TB52 makes a +7 Treat Injury check vs DC20 for a character presently at 0 hp. If successful, and adjacent character is unconscious instead of dead.[/sblock][Sblock=Cost breakdown]Scavenger's Guide pricing, p34.
(1000 for 1th degree + 950 in features - 1000 for attributes [Str11, Dex15, Con--, Int5, Wis13, Cha7] + 1500 for 3 skills)/2 + (380 in possessions)= 1585 creds[/sblock][/sblock][sblock=Background]Synopsis: A from-the-streets grey market trader specializing in repo-work plus illegal running and acquisitions.

Sloor started out as hired muscle on one of Ojom's largest orbiting station before bumming his way around the near systems as a cargo handler. He quickly started supplementing his too-small income with small time mule runs, dipping into debt-collection and repo work when onstation or, more rarely, onplanet (frecsing things are too marbling big!). His personnal brand of smooth-talking coertion eventually earned him notice and, also eventually, a spending account for -special- acquisitions with certain influential parties (amazing who wants to acquire things on the quiet after the Empire started really *watching*...). Only small things so far - tentative jabs into what the grey can do for them, he figures - but Sloor can almost *hear* the credits breathing in that client's shadow: play it sly, Sloor, play it smart and this will be big! In the meanwhile... well, any credit in a storm.

Recently Sloor was contacted by Ror Roogak, a middle-aged ithorian that once kept a few of Sloor's -uh- youthful indiscretions under his hat AND pulled his blubber out of an Ithorian holding pen back on Tokamon. Ser Roogak is now working for Universal Geographics and has need of Sloor's special talents, and his local knowledge of Sel Zonn Station, Sloor's on and off home for the past few years. Well, the favor's not for him exactly, more like his protegée, a human slip of a girl named Mir Malone. *She* is seeking some command and control parts from a ship downed years ago during the Clone war, parts she says she's tracked to the gray market operating in these parts.

Always one to pay his debts (well.. oh what the frecsal, he rather liked the old two-mouth), Sloor has agreed to the hire for nearly nothing -- plus expenses, of course. Now if he can only sell the idea to droid...[/sblock]
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First Post
Keyton Voyran

Keyton Voyran
Medium Human Jedi 2

Destiny (Destruction) 1; Force 6
Init +4; Senses Perception +7
Languages Basic
Defenses Ref 17 (flat-footed 14, in melee 22, in melee without Precise Shot 27), Fort 15, Will 15; Elusive Target
hp 18/39; second wind +9/19; Threshold 15
Immune +5 to Fortitude Defense against extreme heat and cold effects
Speed 6 squares

Melee lightsaber +5 (2d8+1) or
Melee snap baton +5 (2d4+1)
Ranged by weapon +5
Base Atk +2; Grp +5
Special Actions Quick Draw
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14

Talents Elusive Target
Feats Force Sensitivity, Improved Defenses, Quick Draw, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, simple)
Primary Skills Acrobatics +9, Perception +7, Use the Force +8

Secondary Skills Climb +1, Deception +3, Endurance +2, Gather Information +3, Initiative +4, Jump +1, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +1, Knowledge (galactic lore) +1, Knowledge (life sciences) +1, Knowledge (physical sciences) +1, Knowledge (social sciences) +1, Knowledge (tactics) +1, Knowledge (technology) +1, Mechanics +1, Persuasion +3, Pilot +4, Ride +4, Stealth +4, Survival +2, Swim +1, Treat Injury +2, Use Computer +1

Possessions 800 credits, lightsaber, snap baton, utility belt (3 day food supply, medpac, tool kit, power pack, energy cell, glow rod, comlink, liquid cable dispenser), all-temperature cloak, 2 medpacs.

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Mir Malone

Medium Human Scout 2 / Scoundrel 1 / Soldier 1
Destiny (Discovery) 4 ; Force 7
Initiative +9, Perception +9
Languages: Basic, Huttese, Rodese

Defenses: Ref 19 (ff 15), Fort 17, Will 17
HP 44; Threshold 17; Second Wind 13 (x2)

Speed 6 squares
Ranged: Heavy Blaster Pistol +5 (+1 point blank) (3d8+2, 2d8+2 stun) (+1 point blank)
Ranged: Blaster Carbine +4 (+1 point blank) (3d8+2, 2d8+2 stun) (+1 point blank)
Melee: Stun Baton +1 (1d6+1, 2d8+2 stun)
Melee: Short Sword +1 (1d6+1)
Melee: Unarmed Attack +1 (1d6+1)
Base Attack +2, Grapple +4

Abilities: Str 8, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14
Feats: Force Sensitive, Force Training (2), Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, Shake It Off, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Weapon Proficiency (Pistols, Rifles, Simple)
Talents: Force Harmony (p.16 JATM), Illusion (p.14 JATM), Tough As Nails
Force Powers: Cloak (p.50 CWCG), Mind Shard (p 28, JATM), Mind Trick, Negate Energy, Rebuke, Vital Transfer.

Trained Skills: Endurance +9, Initiative +9, Knowledge (Galactic Lore) +9, Perception +9, Stealth +9, Survival +9, Treat Injury +9, Use The Force +14
Untrained Skills: Acrobatics +4, Climb +1, Deception +4, Gather Information +4, Jump +1, Persuasion +4, Pilot +4, Swim +1, Use Computer +4

Possessions: (990 cr) heavy blaster pistol (improved accuracy +1) , stun baton, short sword, survival knife (p.36 UR), credit chip, recoding device (audio, video, and holo), personal multitool (p.41 UR), holster(hip), small backpack, all temp cloak, sytherope (45 m), license (heavy blaster pistol, blaster carbine, blaster pistol, blaster rifle) utility belt (food capsules (3 days), comlink, energy pack, energy cell, glowrod, liquid cable dispenser with small grapple hook, mesh tape, fast flash medpac (3 (p.54 TotG; +5 to TI)))
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Character: Mack Granger

[sblock= Mack Granger]

Myth Weavers Sheet
Mack Granger

Mack Granger (CL4)
Medium Human Male Soldier-4
Destiny: Rescue (4DP); Force: 7
Init: +10; Senses Perception +10
Languages Basic, Bocce

Defenses Ref 21 (18 Flat-footed), Fort 17, Will 15
HP 55; Threshold 17

Speed 6 squares
Melee Bayonet +6 (1d6+5)
Melee Knife +6 (1d4+4)
Ranged Blaster Rifle +8 (3d8+2)
Ranged Ion Pistol +7 (3d6+2)
Base Attack +4; Grapple +6
Action Options Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Running Attack, Rapid Shot
Special Combat Actions Battle Analysis, Cover Fire

Abilities STR 14; DEX 16; CON 13; INT 12; WIS 12; CHA 10
Talents Battle Analysis, Cover Fire
Force Powers None
Feats Weapon Proficiencies (Simple/Pistols/Rifles); Armor Proficiencies (Light/Medium); Point Blank Shot; Running Attack; Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid Shot
Skills Initiative +10; Knowledge Tactics +8; Mechanics +10; Perception +10; Pilot +10; Use Computer +10

Equipment (Load 26.2/49 Kg)
Bayonet (Licensed) with Sheath
Knife with Concealed Sheath
Blaster Rifle (Licensed) with Folding Stock and Targeting Scope
Blaster Carbine with Hip Holster
Ion Pistol (Licensed) with Hip Holster
Utility Belt (3-days of Food Capsules, Medpac, Toolkit, 4 spare Power Packs, 2 Glow Rods, Comlink, Liquid Cable Dispenser with Small Grappling Hook)
Datapad, Basic
Credit Chip (307.5 CR) - 400 credits owed Bail Organa
Com Link Short Range
Stormtrooper Armor
Security Kit
Mechanical Interface Visor
All-Temp Camouflage Cloak

Age 22
Description Blond hair, blue eyes, 1.8m, 85kg

Mack grew up in an upper middle class household on Alderaan. After finishing his education he joined the Special Response Unit of the local law enforcement. His career turned sour after his sister, who was dating a distant cousin of one of the Organa family, turned up dead for being a little too vocal in her political opinions. The empire agents also possibly killed her for being force sensitive. In any event there was not investigation into her murder. Mack, angry over the whole affair and how it was handled, left the police agency and decided to strike out and join up with some of these freedom fighters supported by the Organa family. His journey has taken him to Sel Zonn Station where he’s wandering around discreetly trying to get in touch with someone to let him join up.

Mack is suffering the grief from his loss of his sister, but angry and frustrated with the empire as well. This leaves a serious, no non-sense expression on his face most of the time. He liked his job before, being apart of a special para-military style unit, but now he is on the other side and sometimes feels out of place. He is confident in his abilities but does not flaunt them. When he feels something is worthy he will be devoted and loyal to that cause and the people associated with it.
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Small shard scoundrel 1
Destiny 1; Force 5
Init +9; Senses darkvision, low-light vision; Perception +8
Languages Binary, Basic, 2 unassigned
Defenses Ref 19 (flat-footed 11), Fort 11, Will 12
hp 18; Threshold 11
Immune droid traits
Speed 6 squares (hovering)
Melee unarmed –2 (1d2–2)
Ranged heavy blaster pistol +4
Base Atk 0; Grp 0
Abilities Str 6, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 10
Talents Force Repair
Feats Force Sensititve, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Proficiency (pistols), Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons)
Skills Initiative +9, Knowledge (technology) +8, Mechanics +8, Perception +8, Pilot +9, Stealth +14, Use Computer +7, Use The Force +5
Systems hovering locomotion, internal comlink, locked access, 1 hand appendage, 2 tool mounts, stabilized weapon mount, improved sensor package, darkvision, vocabulator, scomp link, heavy blaster pistol, tool kit (laser welder), (security kit) electroshock probe, stealth shell , holorecorder, holoprojector, sensor pack


Darius Thran
Male Human Jedi 3
Force 6
Init +8; Senses, Perception +3
Languages, Basic

Defenses: Fort +14, Ref +16 (FF 14), Will +16
HP: 44; Threshold: 14
Speed 6 squares
Melee: Lightsaber +5 (2d8+4)
Melee: Stun baton +4 (1d6+4)
Ranged: Heavy Blaster Pistol +0 (3d8+3)
Base Attack +3, Grapple +5

Abilities: Str 13, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 13
Talents: Deflect, Block
Force Powers: Surge, Shien Deflection, Twin Strike
Feats: Weapon Finesse (Lightsabers), Skill Focus (UTF), Follow Through, Power Attack
Skills: Acrobatics +8, Initiative +8, UTF +12

Dueling Lightsaber
Stun Baton
Heavy Blaster Pistol
Holo Comlink, Short-Range
Credit Chip
Hip Holster
2x Concealed Holster

Mythweavers Character Sheet: Darius Thran :: (Read-Only) - Myth-Weavers

Dr Simon

Darius Thran
Male Human Jedi 4
Force 7
Init +10; Senses Perception +4
Languages Basic

Defenses Fort 15, Ref 18 (FF 15), Will 17
HP 51; Threshold 15
Speed 6 squares
Melee Lightsaber +7 (2d8+3)
Melee Stun baton +5 (1d6+3/2d6+3 stun)
Ranged Heavy Blaster Pistol +2 (3d8+2/2d8+2 stun)
Base Attack +4; Grapple +5

Abilities: Str 13, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14
Talents: Block, Deflect
Force Powers: Battle Strike, Force Stun, Surge
Human Bonus - Force Training
1st Level - Skill Focus (UTF)
Jedi Starting - Force Sensitivity, Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons, lightsabers)
Jedi 2nd Level - Weapon Finesse
3rd Level - Follow Through (JATM)*
Jedi 4th Level - Quick Draw
Trained Skills Acrobatics +10, Initiative +10, UTF +14

Dueling Lightsaber (+1 attack on AoO)
Stun Baton
Heavy Blaster Pistol
Holo Comlink, Short-Range
Credit Chip
Hip Holster
Concealed Holster


Mythweavers Character Sheet: Darius Thran :: (Read-Only) - Myth-Weavers

[sblock=4th Level]
Ability Score Increase: Dex+1, Cha+1
Jedi 4 = BAB+4
Bonus Feat: Quick Draw
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