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D&D 5E Monte Cook Leaves WotC - No Longer working on D&D Next [updated]


Earlier today, Monte Cook announced on his blog that he had left Wizards of the Coast and is no longer working on the Next Edition of D&D. The blog entry is produced below:

"Change of Plans"
"Last week I decided that I would leave my contract position with Wizards of the Coast. I am no longer working on Dungeons & Dragons, although I may provide occasional consultation in the future. My decision is one based on differences of opinion with the company. However, I want to take this time to stress that my differences were not with my fellow designers, Rob Schwalb and Bruce Cordell. I enjoyed every moment of working with them over the past year. I have faith that they'll create a fun game. I'm rooting for them.

Due to my non-disclosure agreement, as well as a desire to keep things on a professional level, I have no intention of going into further detail at this time. (Mostly, I just hate drama, and would rather talk about more interesting things.)

As for what I'll be turning to next, I hope you'll stay tuned. I plan on having an interesting announcement in that regard in the near future."

- Monte Cook, April 25, 2012

As for what this means for the next iteration of D&D or what precipitated Monte's departure, only time will tell. However, no matter how you spin it, it is difficult to paint a happy face on this development.

More news, if any, as it develops.


In response to widespread speculation about why Monte did not include Mike Mearls on his list of fellow game designers, he has clarified:
Praise for one person is not criticism for another. Singling out one does not automatically imply exclusion of another.

To be certain, I enjoyed much of my time working with everyone who's been involved with the new edition of D&D: Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Bruce Cordell, Rob Schwalb, Miranda Horner, Tom LaPille, Rodney Thomson, Greg Bilsland, Matt Sernett, Rich Baker, James Wyatt, and everyone else. The WotC RPG R&D department is full of talent.

Bruce and Rob were the guys I spent each and every day with, though. They were my team. I'll miss the daily doses of their creativity and friendship.
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First Post
Edit: never mind, that made no sense. This is a startling development, though. Wonder what the disagreement was over. Was it a game design thing, or something else?


Wandering. Not lost. (He/they)
Monte Cook is Leaving WotC, Again

From his blog-

Last week I decided that I would leave my contract position with Wizards of the Coast. I am no longer working on Dungeons & Dragons, although I may provide occasional consultation in the future. My decision is one based on differences of opinion with the company. However, I want to take this time to stress that my differences were not with my fellow designers, Rob Schwalb and Bruce Cordell. I enjoyed every moment of working with them over the past year. I have faith that they'll create a fun game. I'm rooting for them.

There is more at the link.



Man your fast -

will be interesting to find out what happened, maybe a difference of where he wanted DNDnext to go

My first thought is that this has to do with SRD. Or, rather, the lack thereof.

I hope not, but that's my gut instinct.


That is possible but I suspect it has something to do with the release schedule. He railed against the plan to release 3.5 when it came out (and basically said they had planned it all along). Wouldn't surprise me if a similar issue arose. But we wont know for some time. It does bode ill for 5E. Cook was my reason for having any interest in it or any hope it would be a move away from 4e style design. This definitly takes my interest down several pegs.

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