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[Adventure]: Turning the Tide (DM: Dimsdale, Judge ??)


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Welcome everyone to the adventure
Turning the Tide


1. Eva: Elf Wizard L3 (Dekana)
2. Ignus Ironband: Kobald Monk L1 (Rapida)
3. Merri: Vampire L3 (FourMonos)
4. Graven: Warfored Hybrid Swordmage/Wizard L2 (VanderLegion)

As you enter the room you notice a stout human dressed in robes sitting at a table with chairs enough for five others not including the one the man sits in now. No one else is in the room except him. Torch light radiats the room. In front of the man is a large tome containing scribed notes in his own writing. There is also a large container of wine with glasses for six. He has poured a glass from himself already.

1. Borrowed from H.M.Gimlord and Mal Malenkirk...and Johnmeier1 :)
2. I've also borrowed Voda Vosa's map tool idea. In combat, you are allow to move your own token when you perform a move action. If you damage an enemy, you can deduct the amount of hp you cause to the creature.

Player Info: Include mini stat blocks in your posts. Mini-stat blocks allow you to keep track of your own healing surges, power usages, acquired items, etc... without having to ask the DM all the time. It's not the end of the world if you forget, but please be sure to include it when you are posting an action block. It also make it easier for me to check basic stats.

Example mini-stats:
Triggers: Fox's Cunning Trigger - Immediate Reaction to the First Enemy that attacks me in melee
Status: Bloodied
Init: +5 Speed: 5 Perception:22 Insight: 20
AC: 21 F/R/W:17/18/22
HP: 30/61 Surges: 4/8 Surge Value: 15 AP: 1
Languages: Allarian, Imperia, Draconic
Str:8 Dex:14 Wis:14 Con:14 Int:10 Cha:22

At Will - Jinx Shot, Cutting Words
Encounter - Second Wind, Fox's Cunning, Twin Strike, Grappling Spirits, Hunter's Quarry, Majestic Word (0/2), Words of Friendship, Chord of Dissonance, Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade, Virtue of Prescience
Daily - Arrow of Ill Omen, Arrow of Warning, Bracers of Archery, Inevitable Shot, Songbow of Vanishment, Warding Arrow

Full Character Sheet

Passive checks: I will use Perception and Insight and put information in private sblocks for certain players. If you are not one of the intended characters, please do not read these spoilers. The character, however, is welcome to, in character, reveal the contents of the spoiler to the others in game, remember that talking is a free action (but keep in short)


Players roll initiative individually, bad guys roll one initiative roll
Players with higher init than bad guys go first then all the bad guys go
Then all the players go. From this point, we alternate players vs bad guys
Good guy turns happen in first post - first acted order.
Illegal post-overs will be resolved in that round
Legal post-overs stand even if each didn't know the other was posting (Please use Go Advanced or Preview Post to avoid this)

DM Posts during combat will include:

Status of all players, monsters, NPCs etc... indicating Name, Location, HP/MaxHP, State, Healing Surges Left, Action Points left (i.e.:: Arkavas I6 -1/41 Dying HS 0 AP 1)

Map in the form of a grid, hopefully with coordinates

Enemy Mini Stat Blocks including HP, AC, Fort, Refl, Will, Immunities, Resistance, and Basic Attack. If there are more specialized powers, I will post them at the time of their use. Trigger powers for bad guys. If you provoke an AoO or a listed power during your turn you can roll the result (it will make less work for the DM and give you a rapid response)

Time: II will give players 48 hours to post, at the end of which time I reserve the right to RP the player's character on his behalf. I will use the most appropriate actions and At-Will powers only.

Exceptions: If you will be out for a long time and unable to post, please let the party know and assign responsibility to either myself or another, willing player for RPing your character, or I can write in a scenario that takes you out of the picture until your return (The former is preferred).

Treasure: Keep a wish list on your character sheet up to date with what you would like, and I’ll try to accommodate within reason. Items will be given relative to player level. Parcel Gold/Items will be evenly divided at the end.

Die Rolling: Roll your dice on Invisible Castle. If invisible castle is down, you can also use the Enworld Dice roller (but please select the SMALLER results in your profile) In IC, highlight the die roll in your post and use the 'Insert Link' button to post a link to your die rolls.

Out of Character Content: Post out of character content (i.e.: complaints, tactics, mechanics, etc...) in a spoiler with the letters 'OOC' in the title or the OOC tag.

ooc: Please introduce yourselves in character and provide your statblock with the post.
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The rusty metal man in the tavern wears a worn-out tuxedo, which are severely torn at the heels and knees. Great tears run down the shoulder blades where two transparent cylinders protrude from, which seem to be filled with a dark red liquid. One sleeve has been completely torn off, to reveal a rusty arm with a huge syringe as larger than his forearm attached to it.

A cracked monocle covers one of his glowing eyes, which are currently an uplifting blue. A shabby top hat rests squarely on his head. He even carries around a crooked walking cane.

The comical attire contrasts strongly when matched with his intimidating presence. The rusty metal man croaks: "Uhh..me Kruor, you can call me Corey. Because Kruor hard to say. Hurr hurr hurr. Oh, wine...me pour..."

As he reaches for the container of wine, you can clearly see that his fingertips have been replaced with syringes, each tipped with a large piece of cork, probably to prevent any accidents.

Carefully, he pours the wine into four of the remaining five glasses. He offers the wine to the rest of the party, but doesn't pour anymore for himself. "Err...me sorry." he says apologetically to the robed human. "Me only drink blood." he said bluntly. "My daddy was a vampire!"

"Me never catch your name, by the way..."

[sblock=Stat Block]Kruor - Robot Vampire 2 (reskinned Warforged)
Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 11
AC: 19, Fort: 15, Ref: 18, Will: 16
Initiative: +5; Speed: 6
HP: 32/32, Temp HP:
Bloodied: 16, Surge Value: 8, Surges left: 2/2
Dark Beckoning
Taste of Life
Vampire Slam

Blood Drinker [ ]
Warforged Resolve [ ]
Surprise Strike [ ]
Burst of Speed [ ]
Second Wind [ ]
Action Point [ ]

Swarm of Shadows [ ]
Cascading Strikes Ki Focus [ ]

[sblock=OOC]Kruor everybody, the blood drinking robot with ADD.[/sblock]
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First Post
The kobold walks in muttering about not being any sort of motley, "I'm purely kobold, I ain't never had nothing to do with no motley." He stops his grumbling when faced with the badly dressed mechanical monstrosity, "Welp dat's new, I don't usually drank but that dah-serves an exception." After looking it over, he obviously decides that it is safe to drink with.

He stands on a chair in his tattered robe and sandals, "I'm Ignus Ironbrand, bet yah can figure out why." He looks up towards his forehead where a large ugly symbol is branded. He pours himself a glass, quickly downs it, and begins to pour another in all one smooth motion. For someone who "hardly ever drinks," he looks to have some practice.

Ignus – Male Kobold Monk 1

Initiative: +4, Speed: 6 Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 11

AC: 17, Fort: 14, Reflex: 15, Will: 12

HP: 28/28, Bloodied: 14 , Surge Value: 7, Surges Left: 10/10

Action Points: 1

OA Basic Melee Attack: +5 Melee Basic Attack (Monk Unarmed Strike) 1d8+2 Damage

Powers At-Will Powers:Crane's Wings, Steel Wind, Shifty

Encounter Powers: Stinging Nettles, Shadow Step, Second Wind

Daily Powers: Lashing Rain


First Post
Another large warforged pushes his way into the room from the hallway. He looks around the room, taking in the strangely dressed robot and the branded kobold, then takes a place at the table. He peers at the glass in front of him, but doesn't move to pick it up to drink. "I am called Graven. I hear you have need of help for a job," he says to the human.[sblock="Stats"]Graven Male Warforged Hybrid Swordmage/Wizard (Good)
Initiative: +1, Passive perception: 11, Passive Insight: 11, Senses: Normal

AC: 18, Fort: 15, Reflex: 15, Will: 14
+2 saves against ongoing damage

HP: 35/35, Bloodied: 17, Surge Value: 8, Surges Left: 11/11
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: unused

Allarian, Silentus

Basic Attacks:
Melee Basic Attack: +6 vs AC - Longsword: 1d8+2
Ranged Basic Attack: Magic Missile - 6 damage

At-Will: Magic Missile, Booming Blade
Cantrips: Mage Hand, Light, Presdigitation, Ghost Sound
Encounter: Aegis of Shielding (Special), Sword of Sigils, Color Orb, Warforged Resolve
Daily: Vanishing Blade, Guardian Blades

Longsword - 1d8


Living Construct - No need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep
Unsleeping Watcher - 4 hours of inactivity counts as an extended rest
Warforged Resolve - +2 bonus to saves against ongoing damage
Sword Bond - Can call sword to hand from 10 squares away as a minor action
Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid) - Regain use of swordmage aegis if target dies[/sblock]


An elf girl steps into the room only a few moments after Graven. She carries a large staff with a crystal at the end and wears a spellbook in a pouch at her waist.

"Am I in the right place for the job?" asks Eva as she looks around. "I was expecting to see more heroes and less..." She trails off as she looks at the vampire-warforged and the kobold. "... uh, monsters."

"No matter! I'm Eva, and I'll be your mage for the trip. Please take good care of me!"

[sblock=Eva stat block]PC:Eva (Dekana) - L4W Wiki- Female Elf Mage 3
Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 11
AC:18, Fort:14, Reflex:17, Will:15 -- Speed:7
HP:32/32, Bloodied:16, Surge Value:8, Surges left:8/8
Initiative +2
Action Points: 1


Disrupt Undead, Ghost Sound, Phantasmal Assault, Restless Dead, Magic Missile
Color Orb, Color Spray, Darkening Flame, Elven Accuracy, Second Wind, Shield, Spook
Summon Dretch

[sblock=spellbook]Encounter (2): Color Spray (3), Cordon of Bones (3), Darkening Flame (1), Ray of Enfeeblement (1)
Daily (1): Spirit Rend (1), Summon Dretch (1)
Utility (1): Shield (2), Summon Shadow Serpent (2)[/sblock]Notes: +2 damage rolls vs bloodied targets[/sblock]
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The robed looks up and squints, trying to take a look at the new recruits Excuse me...now where did I put my glasses. Moving the large book he sees them and puts them on. Ah...yes, let's what who we have here...hmmmm...yes...in such short notice I believe the bartender did well. Looking at the empty chair, I'm sure I asked for five. Is there another one coming? Not waiting for an answer he states. Welcome everyone. I'm brother Navio, priest and servant of Lauto. I have much to tell you, but I prefer to wait until everyone has arrived. Please feel free to converse and have more wine. He turns back to his book and shifts some papers around as if he's preparing himself for a presentation.

ooc: just waiting on Formonus
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First Post
"Am I in the right place for the job?" asks Eva as she looks around. "I was expecting to see more heroes and less..." She trails off as she looks at the vampire-warforged and the kobold. "... uh, monsters."
The kobold turns towards the elf, "Don't worry I'll be your hero anytime," he strikes a small pose while still on the chair holding his wine glass. He has a sharp toothed grin as he tries to discreetly glance at Eva to make sure she is noticing.

When Navio suggest more wine, Ignus jumps at the oppurtunity but gets a suspicious look at the last second, "We ain't gonna be runnin' up no tab drinkin' 'dis wine are we? Don't want to drink away all the profit till we done with the thing."


First Post
"I was expecting to see more heroes and less..." She trails off as she looks at the vampire-warforged and the kobold. "... uh, monsters."

"Hey! Me no monster! Me have feelings too, elf..." Kruor exclaimed. His eyes flare up into a dark crimson. "It not fair you judge book by cover, you should know most well..." he says as he points to the spellbook poking out of her pouch.

"Hmph..." Kruor puts down the container of wine in a huff. He looks back towards Eva and crosses his arms crossly.
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First Post
Brother Navio clears his throat in order to gain the attention of the recruits. He takes a drink of his wine, then puts it down in front of him.

Due to the urgency of this task I'll tell you what needs to be done. If the other one shows up you can fill him in on the details. Time is the essence.

He shifts in he seat, then looks down at the floor where there is a large box. He then looks up

A little history...A year ago a young girl named Lerrick received a strange mark on her forehead. Her father, Lord Weinfurter ,contacted me about it. After researching the mark I discovered the bearer of the mark was to be sacrificed to the dreaded black dragon named Bosch. I've heard of this beast through stories told to me by elders, but I thought they were just rumors. However, researching more I discovered that there have been many sacrifices before Lerrick, each time the young girl kidnapped by the dragon's minions.

Not wanting this fate happen to Lerrick, I hired a group of adventures to escort the girl to Brother Butcha, one of the few who had the power to remove the mark. In order to reach brother Butcha, the party had to access a portal, which took them to the Valley of the Bone. It is here that is the location of Butcha's home. The party traveled through the portal successfully and arrived at Butcha's home, only to meet resistance from minions of the black dragon. After defeating the minions, the priest took the girl and performed the ritual, successfully removing the mark.

Navio takes another drink from his cup then continues...

There was not time to rejoice for the successful mission however, for the great beast arrived to claim his sacrifice himself. The party escaped the dragon only to hear behind them the dragon vow vengeance, claiming that he himself would return to Daunton himself with his horde and destroy the city of Daunton.

He pauses for his last statement to sink in...

The dragon is true to his word. A messenger of brother Butcha has informed me that the black dragon has assembled a large army of those loyal to him, and moved to the portal entrance of the Valley of the Bone.

He takes a final drink from the cup, emptying the contents.

Your mission, should you accept, is to take the explosive that I have in this box, travel to the portal located on our side, and place the explosive next to the portal. Once you've done that, back away to a safe distance and detonate the explosive, thus destroying the portal. It is my hope that by doing that we can stop the advancement of the black dragon and his horde. Bosch has may informants, some of which are here in Daunton, maybe even enjoying a drink in this tavern.

So...are you up for the task. If so, do you have any questions before I proceed? Iwith instructions on how to set the explosive and how to arrive at the portal?
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"Oh, me knew a Butcha. He lives down the street! Sells meat. I like him, he cut meat all the time. Like Kruor, me cut people all the time." Kruor's maw hangs loosely, as though he were grinning.

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