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Insight's Emerald City Knights - RG


This is the Rogue's Gallery (RG) thread for my "Emerald City Knights" game. Characters should be posted here and kept up to date. Where a discrepancy arises, these versions will be considered "official" for the game.

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Walking Dad

First Post

James Marks never lived an ordinary life. Coming from a poor family in a bad part of the town, it was only a question of time before he was convicted for gang-related crimes.
But he was lucky. The man, Jonathan, who beat him and the others as they tried to mug him sensed in his moves not only potential for greatness, but also that he was holding back, trying not to permanently hurt an innocent man.
As a martial arts instructor in a local dojo, he offered him training and shelter. James was soon good in many styles, but excelled in the Phillipinian stick-fighting art Escrima. Jonathan finally offered him a job as junior instructor.

[sblock=67PP Sheet]


Agile Feint, Equipment 1, Instant Up, Luck 1, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Uncanny Dodge

EQUIPMENT (5 total)
Utility (Cellphone, Commlink, GPS) 3
Protective Gear (Protection 2) 2

Acrobatics 4 (+8), Athletics 6 (+8), Close Combat: Batons 5 (+10) Intimidate 8 (+8), Expertise: (Martial Arts) 5 (+5), Perception 8 (+9)

Throw +3 Ranged, Damage 2

WILL 5 *Without Protective Gear

Identity: James 'Jim' Marks
Motivation: Justice
Power Loss: It is nearly impossible to disarm James, but it does happen.
Reputation: Using to much violence against 'normal' criminals

Power Point Summary: Abilities 36 PP + Defense 6 PP + Skills 18 PP + Advantages 7 PP + Powers 0 PP = 67 PP


[sblock=Current Power-Up]

Fast Martial Arts: Enhanced Dodge 4, Enhanced Fighting 3 • 10 points

Quick Reaction: Enhanced Initiative 2
• 2 points
Super Movement: Quickness 4, Speed 6 • 10 points
• Super Recovery: Regeneration 5 (persistent) • 1 point

Enhanced Fortitude 2 & Will 2• 4 points

Agile Feint, Equipment 1, Improved Initiative 2, Instant Up, Luck 1, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Uncanny Dodge

EQUIPMENT (5 total)
Utility (Cellphone, Commlink, GPS) 3
Protective Gear (Protection 2) 2

Acrobatics 4 (+8), Athletics 6 (+8), Close Combat: Batons 8(+13) Intimidate 8 (+8), Expertise: (Martial Arts) 5 (+5), Perception 8 (+9)

Throw +3 Ranged, Damage 2

WILL 7 *Without Protective Gear

Identity: James 'Jim' Marks
Motivation: Justice
Power Loss: It is nearly impossible to disarm James, but it does happen.
Reputation: Using to much violence against 'normal' criminals

Power Point Summary: Abilities 36 PP + Defense 6 PP + Skills 18 PP + Advantages 7 PP + Powers 27 PP = 94 PP

[sblock=150 PP Superhero]


Fast Attack: Damage 1, Strength-based, Multiattack and Penetrating on 5 Damage • 11 points
• Damage 1, Strength-based, Burst Area and Selective on 5 Damage • 1 point

Fast Martial Arts: Enhanced Dodge 11, Enhanced Parry 5, Enhanced Fighting 5 • 26 points

Quick Reaction: Enhanced Initiative 3
• 3 points
Super Movement: Quickness 10, Speed 15 (64,000 MPH)• 25 points
• Super Recovery: Regeneration 10 (persistent) • 1 point

Run On Water: Movement 1 (Water Walking), Limited to While Moving • 1 point

Run Through Walls: Movement 1 (Permeate 1), Limited to While Moving • 1 points

Run Up Walls: Movement 2 (Wall-crawling 2), Limited to While Moving • 2 points

Clubs: Strength based damage 2
• 2 points

Agile Feint, Equipment 1, Improved Initiative 3, Instant Up, Luck 1, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Uncanny Dodge

EQUIPMENT (5 total)
Utility (Cellphone, Commlink, GPS) 3
Armored Costume (Protection 2) 2

Acrobatics 4 (+8), Athletics 6 (+8), Close Combat: Batons 5 (+15) Intimidate 8 (+8), Expertise: (Martial Arts) 5 (+5), Perception 8 (+9)

Throw +3 Ranged, Damage 2
Fast Attack +15 Close, Damage 5, Multiattack 5, Penetrating 5

WILL 10 *Without Costume

Identity: James 'Jim' Marks
Motivation: Justice
Power Loss: It is nearly impossible to disarm James, but it does happen.
Reputation: Using to much violence against 'normal' criminals

Power Point Summary: Abilities 36 PP + Defense 16 PP + Skills 18 PP + Advantages 7 PP + Powers 73 PP = 150 PP
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First Post
[sblock=Michelle Lindberg - PL 10 (150PP)]

Abilities: 46pp
STR 0 (0pp)
STA 2 (4pp)
DEX 4 (8pp)
AGI 4 (8pp)
FGT 1 (2pp)
INT 4 (8pp)
AWE 4 (8pp)
PRE 4 (8pp)

Initiative: +4 (4 agi)
Melee Attack: +1 (1 fgt)
Ranged Attack: +4 (4 dex)
Specific Attacks:

Defenses: (14 pp)
Dodge: +9 (5 base + 4 agi)
Parry: +2 (1 base + 1 fgt)
Toughness: +4 (2 sta + 2 advantage)
Fort +7 (5 base + 2 sta)
Will +7 (3 base + 4 awe)

Skills: (30 ranks) 15pp
Athletics +1 (1 rank +0)
Deception +9 (6 ranks + 3 Pre)
Expertise: Finanical +8 (5 ranks + 3 Int)
Insight +5 (2 rank + 3 Awe)
Intimidation +9 (6 ranks + 3 Pre)
Perception +6 (3 ranks + 3 awe)
Persuasion +9 (6 ranks + 3 pre)
Technology +4 (1 rank + 3 int)

Advantages: 6 pp
Attractive (looks great in a power suit) 1
Connected (she knows a lot of admin assistants and secretaries) 1
Defensive Roll 2
Languages (her mother is Japanese-american from the States, and she learned the language growing up) 1
Equipment (5 pts) 1

Invisibility (Concealment: All Visual, PF Selective +4) 9pp
Super Senses (Radius (Sight) 1, Low Light Vision 1) +2 2pp

Photokinesis Array 43pp
Illusion (Visual + Auditory, Duration: Sustained, PF Area Progression +1) +8 33pp
- Link: Environment 1 (Light: Bright) 2pp/rank; 2pp
- Link: Concealment 2 (Visual, Burst Area, Attack) 3pp/rank; 6pp
PF: Damage 10 (Ranged, Multiattack, PF Accurate 1, PF Precise 1, PF Imp Range 1, Indirect 4) 1pp
PF: Affliction (Dazzle) 10 (Ranged, Burst Area, Selective Attack, Cumulative, Limited to Vision) 1pp

Telekinetic Array 14pp
Telekinesis (Perception, PF Subtle, PF Precise) +3 11pp
PF: Enhanced Str (Psychic) +10, 1pp
PF: Protection (Only against physical attacks, Impervious, Sustained, Subtle) +6, 1pp
PF: Leap (Psychic) +3, Speed (Psychic) +2, Super Movement: Wallcrawling +2, Safe Fall +1, 1pp

Driven - When Michelle encounters obstacles to her goals, she doesn't give up or change course easily; the more challenging, the more obsessed she gets with overcoming it.
Center of Attention - Michelle likes to feel important, to be noticed; tends to showboat.
Motivation: Life of Comfort - Michelle desires to be wealthy and retire early and in comfort.

COST: 46 Abilities + 15 Skills + 6 Advantages + 68 Powers + 14 Defenses = 150/150

Michelle is from a working class family in rural Canada, and her demanding work ethic is almost entirely based on her desire to escape that background and never return to it. She has an unshakable faith in herself, and an equally relentless drive to master her full potential and capitalize on it. At her worst she is arrogant and unforgiving, often insensitive to the feelings or plight of others. At her best, she has an enormous drive to succeed, demanding no less of herself than of others and is an engine of brilliant, out-of-the-box ideas.

Unfortunately though, it has been very difficult for her to get ahead in her chosen field of finance. Hampered in part by her own overconfident recklessness, and in part by institutional resistance and opportunistic bosses, Michelle has not been able to advance nearly as far or as fast as she'd like. Currently she is the administrative assistant to a vice president in an investment bank, having moved to Emerald City in search of better prospects.[/sblock]
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[sblock=Jacie the Pro Gamer - Full Power]
Gamer Girl Jacie - PL 10 (150 PP)

Abilities: 22pp
STA 1 (2pp)
AGI 2 (4pp)
INT 4 (8pp)
AWE 2 (4pp)
PRE 2 (4pp)

Speed: 30; W/Boots: 120(Ground/jump)
Initiative: +2 (2 agi) W/Boots: +6
Melee Attack: +0 (0 fgt)
Ranged Attack: +0 (0 dex)
Specific Attacks:
Beam saber: +10, Toughness DC 25, Crit 16-20, Improved Defense, Range: Melee
Shoot: +12, Toughness DC 23, Multi-attack, Range: 200/400/800
Charge: +8, Toughness DC 27, Crit 18-20, Homing. Range: 600/1200/2400
Stream: Dodge dc 20, Toughness 25, area: LIne 5'wide X 60' Long.

Defenses: (12 pp)
Dodge: +11 (3 base + 2 agi +6 Enhanced)
Parry: +11 (3 base + 0 fgt +8 Enhanced)
Toughness: +9 (1 sta + 8 Protection)
Fort +8 (3 base + 1 sta +4 Enhanced)
Will +12 (3 base + 2 awe +7 Enhanced)

Skills: (58 ranks= 29pp)
Acrobatics(+5/3), Athletics (+2/2), Deception(+12/10), Insight(+12/10), Investigation(+10/6), Perception(+10/8), Persuassion(+8/6), Technology(+5/1), Expertise: Eclectic Knowledge (+10/6), Expertise: Gaming (+10/6)

Advantages: 14 pp
Attractive*, Taunt, Skill Mastery: Deception & Insight, Fearless*See Complications*, Minion 5, Luck 2*,
Benefit: Status & Wealth 1 (Pro Gamer) *Quirk/Limitation: Jacie's status and wealth are both dependant on her attending (and doing well in) Gaming tournaments a few times a year. Also her status is only useful with geeks and e-sports fans.*
Benefit: Eclectic Knowledge *Jacie does a lot of studying and reading and has gathered a lot of information on a wide array of subjects: Make in place of expertise checks, but ONLY to know things, not do things*
*Bonus from Powers: Attractive 2, Luck 3, Showoff, Instant Up, Improved Initiative, Move By Action, Accurate Attack, Power Attack, Improved Defense(With saber only)

Powers: 71pp
Feature: Special Effect (Music) (1pp) - There always tends to be a fitting song on whenever something important/interesting is happening in Jacie's life.
Quickness 1 - 1pp
*W/Boots, Quickness = 3 for Physical activities*
Senses : Communication Link(AI) - 1pp

Lucky Medallion: (9pp-2 Removable)=7
Enhanced Advantage: Luck - 1pp
Enhanced Will +7 - 7pp
Feature: Showoff/Effortless Effort(One use of Extra Effort that doesn't cause Fatigue) - 1pp
*based off the Luck advantage*
*Jacie can now summon her 'True Self' to the surface, Combining her Inner Gamer with her Athletic Desires. She creates from her mind a super-powered suit (Complete with helmet, boots, and power glove) to channel her power through. When she is not 'transformed', the power is 'stored' in the form of her Lucky medallion - A silver D-pad.*

Gamer Girl Transformation: 61pp
(Sexy Super-Suit) [Removable, Activation 1(move)] - 61 pp
*6+10+14+32 -1(Activation) = 61
Helmet: (8 pp)=6
Enhanced Advantages: Accurate Attack, Power Attack, Second Chance:Vision (Sight Dependent attacks/Visual Illusions), - 3pp
Super Senses: Counters Concealment(All) - 5pp
Suit: (13 pp)=10
Protection 8 - 8pp
Enhanced Fort 4 - 4pp
Revealing: (Enhanced Advantage: Attractive) - 1pp
Dash Boots: (18 pp)=14
Speed 2, Leaping 4, Quickness 2(Limited: Physical) - 7pp
Movement 2: Slow Fall, Wall Crawling*Jumping* 2(Limited: Not ceilings, uses jumping*wall jump*) - 2pp
Enhanced Defenses: +6 Dodge - 6pp
Enhanced Advantages: Instant Up, Improved Initiative, Move by Action - 3pp
Power Glove: (8+33-1 = 40pp)=32
*Quirk: Glove takes up entire arm, preventing her from using that hand for anything else.* (-1)
Enhanced Defenses: +8 Parry - 8pp
Damage Array: (30 point pool + 3 Alternate = 33 pp)
Gun Standard Shot (30)
-Damage 8 (Ranged+1, Multi-attack+1, AccurateX6) *3/rank+6=30*
Gun Charge Stream (30) *Alt Effect +1pp*
-Damage 10 (Area: Line+2) *3/rank=30*
Gun Charge Shot (30) *Alt Effect +1pp*
-Damage 12 (Ranged+1, AccurateX4, Homing, Extended Range, Improved Critx2) *2/rank+8=30*
Beam Saber (30) *Alt Effect +1pp*
-Damage 10 (Penetrating+1, AccurateX5, Improved Defense, Improved CritX4) *2/rank+10=30*

COST: 22 Abilities + 29 Skills + 14 Advantages + 71 Powers + 12 Defenses = 148/150

Motivation: The Challenge/Proving herself - Jacie is always looking for the next challenging thing to conquer.
Arachnaphobic - Jacie is fairly jaded, and not much tends to phase her.. except spiders.. *shudder*
Caffeine Addiction - As a long-time Pro Gamer, Jacie practically lives off Caffeine, and doesn't do so well without it.

Jacie was a highschool athlete, loving the thrill and adrenaline rush. She wasn't bad at it, but never quite the best, either, having always been more mentally gifted than physically. She has tried her hand at several sports - Basketball, Baseball, Hockey, Soccer, and then some more extreme sports, including Parkour, Snowboarding, Sky diving, and Base Jumping.
Her boyfriend in college introduced her to the gaming circuit, and she found that the rush of a good game was very similar, but that there was one major difference - In this, her intellect was a great advantage.
After about a year of gaming, Jacie had made it into the pro circuit, and has been playing in professional tournaments for over a year now.

The 24 year old red-head still tries to keep in shape and occasionally enjoys her less cerebral activities when she has a chance.

(Rank 5 minion) - Dante (Dantai=Defenive Advisory Neurolink Artificial Intelligence.
Abilities: -20pp
NO STR, STA, AGI, DEX, FGT : (-50)
INT 10 (20pp)
AWE 5 (10pp)
PRE 0 (0pp)

Defenses: (5 pp)
Toughness: As Suit *See habitation, below*
Will +10 (5 base + 5 awe)

Skills: (40 ranks = 20 pp)
Insight(+15/10), Investigation(+15/5), Perception (+20/15), Technology (+20/10)
Eidetic Memory: Expertise knowledge (+10)

Advantages: 8pp
Assessment, Eidetic Memory, Fearless, Well Informed
Skill mastery: Insight/Investigation/Perception/Technology*I took skill mastery with all the skills he has trained to replicate him always 'taking his time' as a computer entity.

Powers: 61
Habitation : The AI 'inhabits' the various parts of Jacie's suit (Or her pendant when she's not tansformed), and takes damage whenever any of those parts are damaged. He has no other corporeal form, though due do his immortality, will 'return' to Jacie even if destroyed. - 1pp?

Immortality 16: Limited(Jacie's death OR destruction of all suit parts) - 8pp
*Since he's actually a part of her, The AI can be knocked offline, but he'll just 'reboot' so long as Jacie survives along with at least one piece of her 'suit'. Takes 1 minute to reboot*
Immunity : Fortitude - 30pp
Senses 14 - 14pp
-GPS (Direction Sense, Distance Sense, Time Sense, Tracking)
-Advanced Sensors (Extended Analytical Radius Counters Concealment Sight, Extended Analytical Radio, Extended Analytical Hearing)
Feature: Record (Can record what he sees/hears and play it back on devices he connects to) - 1pp
Communication: Radio & Wi-fi 2 - 4pp
Quickness 10 (Limited: Mental) - 5pp *over 1000 times faster than human*

COST: -20 Abilities + 20 Skills + 8 Advantages + 62 Powers + 5 Defenses = 75/75
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Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=Marcus Holmes PL5 (75PP)]

STRENGTH 0 (0pts)
AGILITY 2 (4pts)
FIGHTING 0 (0pts)
AWARENESS 2 (4pts)
STAMINA 2 (4pts)
DEXTERITY 3 (6pts)
INTELLECT 1 (2pts)
PRESENCE 4 (8pts)

POWERS - none

Defensive Attack, Improvised Weapon, Equipment x4, Benefit: Wealth x1, Well Informed, Connected, Contacts, Defensive Roll x2, Eidetic Memory, Fascinate:persausion x1,

Size: Huge Toughness: 10 Features: Communications, Computer, Concealed, Dock, Garage, Gym, Hangar, Infirmary, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Power System, Security System, Workshop • 19 points;
- Cell Phone

Acrobatics 1 (+3)
Athletics 1 (+1)
Close Combat 0 (+0)
Deception 6 (+10)
Expertise:Current Event 4 (+5)
Expertise:pop culture 4 (+5)
Expertise: History 4 (+5)
Expertise; Politics 4 (+5)
Insight 2 (+4)
Intimidation 0 (+4)
Investigation 12 (+13)
Perception 5 (+7)
Persuasion 8 (+12)
Ranged Combat 0 (+3)
Sleight of Hand 0 (NA)
Stealth 1 (+3)
Technology 1 (+2)
Treatment 0 (NA)
Vehicles 1 (+4)



DODGE 3 (+1pt)
FORTITUDE 4 (+2pt)
PARRY 1(+1pt)
TOUGHNESS 2 (4 with Defensive Roll)
WILL 4 (+2pts)

Identity: Marcus Holmes
Motivation: Thrill
Fame: National renown anchorman
Responsibility: Having a full time job is taxing on Marcus's free time.

Power Point Summary: Abilities 28 PP + Defense 6 PP + Skills 27 PP + Advantages 14 PP + Powers 0 PP = 75 PP[/sblock]
Starting his career as a weekly news mag reporter Marcus has slowly climbed the ladder of success to his current career as WECN's weekend news anchor and field reporter. Known for getting the toughest of assignments Marcus's natural charisma and tenacity serve him well in breaking the story.

When the presences of super-heroes became known throughout the world Marcus was there taking the lead to get the story (any story) of who these people are and what they are truly about. It was also during one of these reports he came into contact with his first super-villain.

Saved from death by masked men and women, Marcus came to believe in what being a hero stood for. He started doing more and more reports on fire fighters, policeman, and other everyday heroes.

Also since his super-save he has become known as the "Voice of the Vigilante". His award winning report on why we need people willing to protect us, even at the risk of their own lives, won him his fifteen minutes of fame. (It truly helped that he was actually saved by a super-speedster. But that's another story for another time.)

He did a year long tour of the country stopping to speak in different cities and do different talk shows. Helping to show people that not everyone needs a super power to be a true hero.

But that was years ago and the bite of the super-bug has long since run it's course. Now he reports on home town heroes and does a special on past heroes who helped make the world a better place.[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=John Sears]

John Sears

Abilities: (10 pp)
-STR 10(Enhanced)
-STA 10(Enhanced)
-DEX 0
-AGI 0
-FGT 7(Enhanced)
-INT 0
-AWE 2
-PRE 3

-Initiative: +0 (0 AGI)
-Melee Attack: +7 (7 FGT)
-Ranged Attack: +0 (0 DEX)

Defenses: (10pp)
-Dodge: 6 (6 ranks)
-Parry: 7 (7 FGT)
-Toughness: 10 (10 STA)
-Fort: 10 (10 STA)
-Will: 6 (4 ranks + 2 AWE)

Skills: (46 ranks = 23 pp)
-Athletics 6(6 ranks)
-Deception 11(8 ranks + 3 PRE *+5 if Attractive kicks in*)
-Insight 10(8 ranks + 2 AWE)
-Perception 10(8 ranks + 2 AWE)
-Persuassion 11(8 ranks + 3 PRE *+5 if Attractive kicks in*)
-Stealth 8(8 ranks)

Advantages: (7pp)
-Attractive x2
-Fascinate x2 (Acting: Deception, Persuasion)

-Comprehend Languages - rank 1 = 2 pp
-Immunity - aging, disease, poison, critical hits = 5 pp
-Leaping Rank 1 = 1 pp
-Paragon Body (Enhanced Trait) - 10 STR, 10 STA + Impervious, 7 FGT == 64 pp
-Power Lifting Rank 1 = 1 pp
-Regeneration - rank 5 = 5 pp
-Shapeshift limited to normal sized humanoid (between 4 and 8 feet tall) and colour - Rank 2 (+4 to Deception, +4 to Persuasion, +12 to Stealth) == 16 pp
-Super-Speed - rank 1 = 3 pp

-Thrills: John just loves to have a challenge.
-Recognition: John also loves reputation, fame, and to be an idol for the kids.
-Fame: Whenever John is in public, he is hounded down by the media, paparazzi, and fans for his acting career
-Obsession: John is obsessed with making the world a better place.

COST: 10 Abilities + 23 Skills + 8 Advantages + 3 Defenses + 30 Powers = 73

Description: John sears is caucasian in his early thirties, has jet black hair with a small beard, blue eyes, and stands 1.8 m tall.

Background: John Sears was born in Canada as a poor boy from a poor family to spare his life from this monstrosity ... he took up acting. When his life became successful he did his very best to play all the good parts. Although he loves his work and the attention, sometimes he has to hide from the populace to catch a break. Despite his looks he is not really rich since he donates most of the money he makes to make the world a better place.[/sblock]
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Here is my finalized submission: Kyle Ellinger.

[sblock= Kyle]

Kyle Ellinger - PL 5 68pp of 75pp spent

Strength 2, Stamina 2, Agility 3, Dexterity 3, Fighting 0, Intellect 2, Awareness 1, Presence 0

Defensive Roll, Equipment 3, Great Endurance, Improved Aim, Jack-of-all-trades, Languages 1,

Athletics 8 (+10), Close Combat: Unarmed 2 (+2), Expertise: Current Events 2 (+4), Expertise: History 8 (+10), Expertise: Popular Culture 4 (+6), Insight 2 (+3), Intimidation 4 (+4), Investigation 4 (+6), Perception 6 (+7), Persuasion 4 (+4), Ranged Combat: Throw 4 (+7), Technology 2 (+4)

Car, Cell Phone (Smartphone), Computer, Flashlight, GPS Receiver, Multi-tool, Toolkit (Basic)

Initiative +3
Grab, +0 (DC Spec 12)
Throw, +7 (DC 17)
Unarmed, +2 (DC 17)


Native Language, Spanish

Dodge 4, Parry 4, Fortitude 4, Toughness 3, Will 3

Power Points
Abilities 26 + Powers 0 + Advantages 8 + Skills 25 (50 ranks) + Defenses 9 = 68

Work- Kyle works as a pizza delivery person whenever he can. Since he is a college student and an athlete, he struggles to balance all the demands on his time.

Relationship- Kyle has a steady girlfriend that attends a nearby college.

Athlete- Kyle is one of the star pitchers on his college baseball team. He dreams of being drafted by a major league team.

Hero Lab® and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at Lone Wolf Development
Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition is ©2010-2011 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.


Kyle grew up in a small town in the midwest. His father is a salesman at a local car dealership, his mother works at a flower shop, his sister is a student at the same college as his girlfriend, and his younger brother is a senior in high school.

Kyle has always been a good athlete, participating in a variety of sports while growing up including tennis, basketball, baseball, football, and track. His father would take the family to baseball games whenever he could. Sometimes it was a major league game, sometimes a minor league game, and even local college games. Kyle's father always taught his children to play fair in everything they do.

Even though Kyle has played many different sports, some better than others, he found he was best at playing baseball. He played primarily in the outfield in middle and high school. It wasn't until his senior year of high school that he tried pitching. His team was playing for a chance to get into the championship game and their pitcher got injured. Kyle volunteered to try it since there was no other pitchers available. To everyone's surprise, he pitched well. His team lost the game but the coach encouraged Kyle to continue to pitch as often as he could to improve his natural ability.

During the summer months, Kyle played for a local team sponsored by the town's Elks lodge. His pitching ability improved enough to earn him a spot on the pitching rotation for his college team.

Even though Kyle is an excellent baseball player and would jump at the chance to play for a major league team, he is realistic enough to know that his chances of that are slim. As such, he made sure his academic scores were very good throughout high school and college.

Kyle first became interested in history when his father would talk about the history of baseball. His father even took the family on a trip to the Baseball Hall of Fame. Kyle was fascinated by the old time players, their lives, and the parks they played in. From there, his interest in other areas of history grew as he learned how the history of baseball was interrelated to the history of the towns and cities where it was played. He started watching the History Channel on television, visiting historic battlefields, reading countless history books, and just talking to people and asking them questions about their lives.

Kyle was a junior in college when he met his current girlfriend. He had recently broken up with his high school sweetheart and went to visit his sister who was attending a nearby school. The two of them went out to dinner and just sat and talked about all sorts of things. When Kyle walked his sister back to her dorm, he met his sister's roommate Melissa. She was a sophomore like his sister. Kyle's sister introduced him to her. A couple of days later, Kyle's sister called him to tell him that her roommate thought he was cute and a nice guy. The following week, Kyle and Melissa went on a double date with his sister and her boyfriend. Kyle and Melissa soon started dating seriously. Now, Kyle is just about to graduate and is considering asking Melissa to marry him.

For now, he pays the bills by delivering pizzas and tutoring other students when he isn't busy with school or baseball.


[sblock=Kyle PL10]

Kyle Ellinger - PL 10

Strength 2, Stamina 2, Agility 3, Dexterity 3, Fighting 2, Intellect 2, Awareness 1, Presence 0

Close Attack 2, Defensive Roll, Equipment 3, Great Endurance, Improved Aim, Jack-of-all-trades, Languages 1, Ranged Attack 7

Athletics 8 (+10), Close Combat: Unarmed 2 (+4), Expertise: Current Events 2 (+4), Expertise: History 8 (+10), Expertise: popular culture 4 (+6), Insight 2 (+3), Intimidation 4 (+4), Investigation 4 (+6), Perception 6 (+7), Persuasion 4 (+4), Ranged Combat: Throw 4 (+7), Technology 2 (+4)

Ice Balls: Energy Control 10 (DC 25; Penetrating)
AE: Blizzard Conditions: Environment 7 (Alternate; Visibility (-5), Radius: 1800 feet; Selective)
AE: Frozen in Place: Snare 7 (Alternate; DC 17)
AE: Ice rink: Environment 7 (Alternate; Impede Movement (2 ranks), Radius: 1800 feet; Selective)
AE: Ice Sculpting: Create 10 (Alternate; Volume: 1000 cft., DC 20)
Immunity: Immunity 12 (Common Descriptor: cold, Environmental Condition: cold, Starvation & Thirst)
Movement: Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation: Choose Environment)
Protection: Protection 7 (+7 Toughness)
Regeneration: Regeneration 2 (Every 5 rounds; Source: cold environment)
Senses: Senses 1 (Low-light Vision)

Car, Cell Phone (Smartphone), Computer, Flashlight, GPS Receiver, Multi-tool, Toolkit (Basic)

Initiative +3
Frozen in Place: Snare 7, +10 (DC Dog 17)
Grab, +4 (DC Spec 12)
Ice Balls: Energy Control 10, +10 (DC 25)
Throw, +14 (DC 17)
Unarmed, +6 (DC 17)

Motivation: Recognition
Motivation: Thrills

Native Language, Spanish

Dodge 10, Parry 10, Fortitude 10, Toughness 10/9, Will 8

Power Points
Abilities 30 + Powers 48 + Advantages 17 + Skills 25 (50 ranks) + Defenses 30 = 150

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