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[Pathfinder] Friadoc's 'Down Camlin Way' campaign [IC]


During workdays the Welcoming Tide lines up tables around their domed inn, like spokes from a wheel, so as to best handle the fluxing masses they often service. Staggering, yet manageable are their number, as tables can always be added at the end of a rung if the need is pressing.

Under the heavy boughs of an old oak the eclectic bunch finds themselves a bench and table. A pitcher of cold water and several mugs for it are upon the table, along with a list of the various sundry food stuffs and drinks common to the inn's morning rush.

Once it's made known that you're ready, one of the inn's waitstaff makes their way to you. He's a pleasant young man, with floppy brown hair, dark eyes, and a lazy smile upon his face.

"What'll ya have?"

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First Post
Gileysefed Lan, gnome oracle

"Well, as it happens, I was going to go by the local inn myself. You'd all be welcome to join me. Giley, you'll have to leave your wolf outside though. I'm sure they haven't changed that rule."

Giley sighs and pats Golf's head. "I'll be sure to get you some nice bloody sausage, Golf," he says. The wolf gives him a sloppy lick across the cheek, which the little man takes as acceptance. He swings nimbly onto the wolf's back, and the canine trots along with the taller folk until the door of the inn, at which point her rider slides off, gives her another reassuring pat ("Shouldn't be too long, and look, the tree shade is free.") and hustles to catch up with the others.

[sblock=ooc]With Int 6 and being able to understand Common, I figure I don't need to make a Handle check for Golf to stay put?[/sblock]

"What'll ya have?"

"Oh, goodness, that's always the hardest question, isn't it?" Giley says. He juts out his lower lip and rests his head in his hands, elbows on the table, drumming fingers on his cheeks as he thinks. Finally, he shrugs.

"Hmmm. What's your favorite?" he says with his widest grin, and it seems he's asking everyone gathered.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"Ah! I would simply like the stew of the day, dark bread and a goblet of wine from the monastery known as 'Montoya Del Sol' please."


Tyyrh, Elf Fighter1, N/G

"Wine, fruit, and nuts for me, please," says Tyrrh.

[sblock=Tyyrh, Stats]
Tyyrh, Elf Fighter1, N/G
S14 +2
D17 +3
C14 +2
I10 +0
W10 +0
C10 +0

HP 13/13
AC 20 [10+1[feat]+3[dex]+6[chainmail]]
Move= 20 ft
BAB +1
CMB +3
CMD 17
Init: +5

-[L1]Weapon Focus (Elven curve blade--+5 att/1d10+3 dam, 18-20 X2)[+3str+1BAB+1feat]
Fighter Bonus Feat(s)
-[L1]Dodge (+1AC dodge bonus)

Skills (2 ranks/level)
-Climb 1rank+2str=+3
-Perception 1rank+2racial=+3

Fort: +4; Ref: +4;Will: +0

[starting gold = 300gp]
[20gp left over]
Chainmail (150gp, +6AC+3dex+1feat) (AC:20) (move=20ft)
Elven curve blade (80gp; 1d10+3 dam; +5 att, 18-20 X2)
Longsword (15gp; 1d8+2 dam; +4 att, 19-20 X2)
Dagger (2gp; 1d4+2 dam; +2 att, 19-20 X2)
Short bow (30gp; 1d6 dam; +5 att, X3 )
Quiver of 40 arrows (2gp)
Backpack (2gp)
Belt Pouch (1gp)

gp 20
Last edited:


Over the course of several minutes the young man takes everyone's orders, and it's obvious that he's use to various cultural norms and morays as he doesn't even pause at the idea of wine with breakfast.

While most the other tables are ordering fare that is common for breakfast, many others are also ordering lunch and dinner stuff, as well. It's quite evident that the Welcoming Tide provides service based on the customer's internal clock, and not whether it's day or night.

First he returns quickly with the various drinks ordered, keeping the table well stocked, if needed and asked. After a brief amount of time he returns with the various orders, as well. He also hands Giley a bowl that is obviously meant for Golf.

With that accomplished, he leaves you all to your meals after taking payment.

OOC: No worries about gold tracking for this meal, it's mainly setup and story filler, anyhow. :) Unless you try and go insane about it...;)


First Post
During the meal, Talashia doesn't talk a lot, focusing instead on eating. She appears pretty hungry. A little conversation reveals she and Giley are returning to this little town where they had both grown up, after matriculating (a word Talashia says with great pride) from a school of magic from the great port city on the coast.

"I'm coming back to see family and friends again, before beginning a quest I expect will take me into the wider world for some time," she finishes, smiling a secret smile. "Maybe even forever."


Tyyrh, Elf Fighter1, N/G

Intrigued, Tyyrh questions Talashia, "So you have a quest already? Do you need some guards to accompany you?" And then in a smaller, quiet voice he adds, "I'm no wizard, but even I know that 'matriculating' does not mean 'graduating'."

[sblock=Tyyrh, Stats]
Tyyrh, Elf Fighter1, N/G
S14 +2
D17 +3
C14 +2
I10 +0
W10 +0
C10 +0

HP 13/13
AC 20 [10+1[feat]+3[dex]+6[chainmail]]
Move= 20 ft
BAB +1
CMB +3
CMD 17
Init: +5

-[L1]Weapon Focus (Elven curve blade--+5 att/1d10+3 dam, 18-20 X2)[+3str+1BAB+1feat]
Fighter Bonus Feat(s)
-[L1]Dodge (+1AC dodge bonus)

Skills (2 ranks/level)
-Climb 1rank+2str=+3
-Perception 1rank+2racial=+3

Fort: +4; Ref: +4;Will: +0

[starting gold = 300gp]
[20gp left over]
Chainmail (150gp, +6AC+3dex+1feat) (AC:20) (move=20ft)
Elven curve blade (80gp; 1d10+3 dam; +5 att, 18-20 X2)
Longsword (15gp; 1d8+2 dam; +4 att, 19-20 X2)
Dagger (2gp; 1d4+2 dam; +2 att, 19-20 X2)
Short bow (30gp; 1d6 dam; +5 att, X3 )
Quiver of 40 arrows (2gp)
Backpack (2gp)
Belt Pouch (1gp)

gp 20
Last edited:

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"yes indeed, as a matter of fact it means enrolling rather then graduating." says the man in monk robes.


An awaken tide of purpose, that's the best way to describe the modest amount of humanoid activity around Camlin Shore and Ways during the breaking of Sarenrae's light across land and water. Folk who ply their trade upon the water ways are coming and going, as are those who trek across forest, hill, and vale. Then there are those who work their crafts within and about the township itself, not to mention hospitality vendors such as the inn at which the newly acquainted folk have broken their fast.

The waxing of a productive tide, with eddies and currents within it.

"...that's not like Sendik," states a shorewoman to her workers in between bites of biscuit and gravy. "Even when he ties one on, he's always back before the dawn and ready to haul line."

Across a watering trough one farm asks of another, "Only the speckled hens, you say? That's a might bit odd for a fox to do..."

"That's what the children said they saw,"says a matronly woman to another. "An ugly-faced dog chasing after some smaller beast, that ran first on four legs and then two."

"I know it's out there,"smirks an old man at his not so young son as he pokes his ham-laden fork in the offspring's direction. "If I was a bit younger, I'd find that cave and I'd be rich enough to be ride of you and your naggings."

The tide of chatter and talking rises and falls, with tidbits finding their ways to the inquisitive folk, some known and some less known, to one and other. Within the flotsam and chump, might there be adventure to be had?

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Ernesto de Palo Torres

The monk calmly and quietly listens and then carefully inquires as to who Sendik might be and where he possibly may have dissipated from? what direction he had left to? Ernesto humbly proses he may be of some assistance in finding this lost soul.

Voidrunner's Codex

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