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Insight's "Emerald City Knights" - Prelude - The Silver Storm



Kyle looked around him at the others who had been changed, mutated, from something. So far, the likely cause was whatever was in the containers the Red Shift Energies van had been carrying.

What now? Are we supposed to form some sort of superhero team? God, I hope not. I have a real life. I'm graduating soon and then I'll be getting engaged.

"So what happens now? Do we turn ourselves in and become guinea pigs? Do we just walk away and try to live normal lives? I'm no hero. I'm just a history student."

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"don't sweat it.." Jacie winced at her accidental pun. "I doubt 'sticky palms' is high on the list of super-team powers. Just be careful shaking hands, and don't touch my stuff."

She turned to Kyle "Yeah, because all heroes wanted it right? Besides you don't even know if you DO have anything yet, you could still be... 'regular'." She looked around "Either way there's still people who need help.. like your girlfriend who could still be out there. How bout we deal with this AFTER the crisis? We were trying to help people before, why should that change?


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Michelle paused and looked back, not dropping the 'helpless victim' face just yet. The girl had a point. But the damn lights...she wasn't sure she could keep them away for long, and one slip up...

She eyed the camera suspiciously, trying to tell if 'stickypalms' had turned it off or not. Good publicity was one thing, but she didn't want to wind up on the nightly news as Glowbug the Freak...or worse, YouTube.


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"Hmmm the girl is right, we were helping people before, why stop that?" John continues his efforts to help people.


Thy wounds are healed!
Seeming not to hear anything going on around him as he studies his hands, Marcus does look up when he hears 'sticky palms'.

"Huh? How do I get rid of this?" he says as his pen sticks upside down to his palm.

OOC: No camera crew brought to this and he hasn't taken his phone out to snap pictures (yet).



Kyle looks at his hands then looks around at the devastation and injured. He still wasn't sure how long he had been unconscious but he could see a few others walking around trying to help people.

"Yeah, you're right. We should go see if others need help. We all might be different now than we were earlier but we're still alive and seemingly uninjured."


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Despite her misgivings, Michelle realized the 'reporter' was in the same boat she was. Maybe even worse, since sweating goo seemed like a horrible 'power.' Little lights were at least inoffensive.

Still, she approached cautiously, ready to fade away if cameras appeared...either his or anyone else's.

"Try thinking of something else," she suggested. "Anything, really."


Thy wounds are healed!
Pulling the pen and a long line of "goo" that trails after it from his palm, Marcus smirks in disgust.

"Sorry but thinking of anything but getting this to stop is kind of hard right now." he says to the Asian woman. He casts about the van trying to find something else to focus on. "Maybe if we find out who did this we can go looking for a cure."


First Post
"Redline Energy's not just going to admit they were trucking dangerous chemicals through downtown Emerald City," Michelle points out. "Especially if it was related to that explosion...and honestly, what else could it be? Their truck's here, but that stuff in it...that's gone. We haven't got any evidence. Their lawyers would take us to pieces."

She shrugs. "I think the best thing to do is get some checkups, and try to just deal with what's happened."


Thy wounds are healed!
"I don't want to broadcast this!" Marcus nearly shouts as he rubs his hands together getting a large amount of glop together and then throwing it to the ground in disgust. His hands stay sticky free for only a moment before once more the odd substance surfaces. "The less who know the better. I wasn't saying we go accuse them of anything. Just ask a few questions and find a few answers."

He looks around the plaza and then back to the others. "And I think we should get out of the open as well."

Voidrunner's Codex

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