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[Adventure]: Murder at Midnight (DM: renau1g, Judge Ozy)


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OOC: Papolstaanas gains 4 temp HP when he’s attacked by the vine (from Wrathful Warrior).

Papolstaanas, having dashed forward impetuously to take a blow intended for Gil, struggles hard in the plant’s grasp, stabbing it again with his rapier. A single leaf floats up from the ground and somehow adheres itself to the top of the plant.

[sblock=Actions]Move: try to escape the grab. Athletics to escape grab
14(1d20) +8 = 22
. Not sure whether that succeeds.

Minor: Oath of enmity on Vine 1.

Standard: Overwhelming strike on vine 1 vs AC (oath active); damage
10(2d20.takehighest(1)) +12 = 22; 1(1d8) +5 = 6
. If that hits, and Papolstaanas escaped the grab, he shifts to T6 and slides vine 1 into the square he vacated. He gains CA against the vine if he was able to shift (deadly draw).[/sblock]

[sblock=Off-Turn Actions for Papolstaanas]Off-Turn Actions
Papolstaanas will concentrate on protecting other people from the vine. He’ll ignore the spores.

Guardian’s Counter (interrupt): Triggers when an ally within 2 of Papolstaanas is attacked and Papolstaanas is not included. Papolstaanas and the ally shift 2 (swapping places), the attack is resolved against Papolstaanas instead, and afterwards Papolstaanas gets to make a basic attack (Overwhelming Strike) against the attacker.

Papolstaanas will use Guardian’s counter to protect any vulnerable person in the group unless it’s likely to drop him.

Lightning Rush (interrupt):Triggers when an enemy within 5 of Papolstaanas targets an ally with an attack. Papolstaanas moves his speed to be adjacent to the enemy and attacks (+13 vs. AC, 2d8+6 damage). The triggering attack is then resolved against him rather than the intended target. (This is the augmented 2 version, which Papolstaanas will always use. If he doesn’t have power points, he won’t bother with this power.)

Papolstaanas will always use this on ranged attackers if he can get there without provoking (since it’s an interrupt, the ranged attack will provoke an OA from him as well).

Melee Basic Attacks: Papolstaanas uses Overwhelming Strike for OAs and granted melee basic attacks. He will try to arrange his slides and shifts so that he can shift clear of enemies on his next turn.

Wrathful Warrior (no action): Papolstaanas gains 4 temp HPs the first time he is hit by a melee or close attack.

Blurred Step (free, 1/turn): Triggers when an enemy marked by Papolstaanas and adjacent to him shifts. Papolstaanas shifts 1.

Papolstaanas will follow his mark around if he can. If the mark is also his oath target, he will try to keep the oath active (i.e., maneuver so as not to be adjacent to other enemies). He will also try to maneuver so as to be able to shift clear of enemies on his next turn.[/sblock]
[sblock=Papolstaanas]Papolstaanas Male Kobold Avenger|Battlemind 7
Initiative: +6, Passive Perception: 24, Passive Insight: 18, Senses: Normal
AC:24 (--), Fort:19 (--), Reflex:21 (--), Will:19 (--)
+2 defenses vs. traps; AC drops to 23 when bloodied
HP:56+4/69, Bloodied:34, Surge Value:17, Surges left:12/12
Action Points: 1
Power Points: 2
:bmelee: Overwhelming Strike +12 vs. AC; 1d8+5 damage, Papolstaanas shifts 1 square and slides target into the square he just vacated.
Shifty, Battlemind’s Demand, Blurred Step, Overwhelming Strike, Iron Fist, Lightning Rush
[x] Oath of Enmity (regained when target drops to 0 hp)
[o] Guardian’s Counter
[o] Fury’s Advance
[o] Distracting Flare
[x] Wrathful Warrior (feat)
[o] Second Wind

[o] Aspect of Might
[o] Nightmare Vortex
[o] Mental Triumph
[o] Vanguard Weapon daily


Full sheet: Papolstaanas[/sblock]

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[SBLOCK=Speakers]"I'll give it to you, you found out our employer, which doesn't mean we share his philosophy. We are not aware of anything they have taken from you. And if our employer have decided to hide us some information, it might mean other information they have given us might not be true.

But what brought us here was that card we found on the last crime site of these murder. I would like to listen to what you know and I prefer not to taint your version by any things we could tell.

But before you goes, I will amend of my lack of politness. I am Eloan Greenleaf, from Daunton. I am a former commander in Daunton's City Watch. Now you could call me an adventurer I think. I wish to run this contract the same way I ran my investigation: with fairness and impartiality."

OOC: After his speech, he feels the half-elf a bit more open to his request.

Diplomacy (1d20+14=24)


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"We THINK we know, but that's based only on what others told us and scant evidence easily faked.

Please tell us what you know. We'll try to keep your name out of this."

Diplomacy (1d20+13+1=18)


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The half-elf appears to be wrestling with something in her mind as the honeyed words of duo roll over her.

"Well, you're probably wondering who I deduced your employer and that is because I'm aware of the man you're hunting. You are seeking Vilk, is that not true?

Well, you are definitely in the right place then, Vilk and I.... well we used to be lovers, before he was exiled you see. He was smart, brilliant really, inquisitive, always quick to laugh, and not hard on the eyes either. If only he could have kept that inquisitive nature in check....
(she trails off, a wistful look in her eyes, then she shakes her head as if waking from a dream and continues)"Well, that was many, many years ago, and the life of a human is not so long, at least compared to those of us that share in elven blood. The victims of the murders were all connected, perhaps you've found that out, perhaps not, but they were all involved in his exile. " she states. [/sblock]


First Post
OOC: did @Mewness / Papo take into account CA from the dazed condition on the plant (for the attack not the escape)? Come to think of it, can a dazed creature maintain a grab [MENTION=54810]renau1g[/MENTION]?
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
The victims of the murders were all connected, perhaps you've found that out, perhaps not, but they were all involved in his exile. " she states.

"We know that, but thank you for sharing. We hoped you might know something about WHY this is happening or where could we find Vilk.

We're not after his blood, at least as long as he doesn't attack us. But we need to...we will get to the bottom of this."



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[SBLOCK=Speakers]"As my friend is explaining, we try to make sure there won't be any more death in this story. We want to end it. That include the murderer, we are not here to kill him.

But we would like to know a few more thing."
Eloan starts to asks his questions one at a time, making her as comfortable as possible and waiting her to answer before continuing to his next question.

"- Can you tells us what are the event that led him to get exile?
- How did his exile happen?
- Are you aware of anyone still living that had implication in his exile?
- What was his habit while he was with you?
- Did he frequent places regularly?
- On a more personal note, how did your relation start.
- What kind of relation you had with him?
- How did your relation end?

Understand that as you have been close to Vilk, that he is missing and might be the killer, we need to consider you as a potential target, even if you do not fit in the pattern seen. We do not want any harm made to you."

OOC: Trying to keep her open to us: Diplomacy (1d20+14=25)


First Post
OOC: did @Mewness / Papo take into account CA from the dazed condition on the plant (for the attack not the escape)? Come to think of it, can a dazed creature maintain a grab [MENTION=54810]renau1g[/MENTION]?

OOC: @cabana - no it can't, I effed that up. Papol isn't grabbed.... too bad....

Effects that End a Grab: If you are affected by a condition that prevents you from taking opportunity actions (such as dazed, stunned, surprised, or unconscious), you immediately let go of a grabbed enemy. If you move away from the creature you’re grabbing, you let go and the grab ends. If a pull, a push, or a slide moves you or the creature you’re grabbing out of your reach, the grab ends.

Voidrunner's Codex

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