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Hard Core Adventurers- KOTS 20.06 The Cathedral of Shadows



[sblock=A brief explanation]
I'm unhappy with my other story hour on this messageboard for this campaign, its just notes- not the story, or indeed the action. I must do better, or at least try to... to do justice to our game and my players.

This then is the prose version of our tale... and so, to Fallcrest, briefly.

On the 19th day of the third month of the year 2012, at number six Jepperson Street, in Upper Fallcrest- a rather well-to-do area of the city, a strange meeting takes place, well... strange-ish. The meeting is 'chaired', if that indeed is the correct word, by Gerda Staul, wife of Douvern Staul- ex-adventurer, ex-royal advisor to the Markelhay family and at present ex-of Fallcrest...

“He set out for Winterhaven four weeks past, another one of his darn 'digs'”, Gerda looks across the table at a large metal man, a warforged, she tuts; the warforged raises an eyebrow, or at least does the best it can not having eyebrows and being entirely made of unyielding metal.

Gerda continues, “... some burial site, he said- outside of Winterhaven, from the time of the old Empire- he said. And so off he went... not a care in the world, I said to him...” Gerda stops talking, fetches a handkerchief from her sleeve and blows her nose. She takes a moment and composes herself.

“I'm rambling, sorry, but I miss the silly old bugger- and I know nothing bad has happened to him, he always comes back, he's just stuck in a hole somewhere- getting dirty and excited about old bones and even older junk.”

A pair of small but hairy hands snake out and grasp Gerda's right hand, do their best to enfold it, Gerda smiles down at her son Jimmy, and sniffs.

“I'd just like you to make sure- go to Winterhaven, find him and tell him to come home. He's getting too old for...” Gerda tails off, “... I just miss him.” She finishes.

Silence for a moment, save Gerda's sniffles, “Will you? Please.” She asks and looks plaintively at the others sat at the table.

Jimmy, holding his mother's hand still, grins up at her and nods his head- almost eager- “We'll find dad, don't worry mum,” the smartly dressed young halfling resolutely states.

Sat awkwardly next to Jimmy is a bulky bull-headed female, a member of the minotaur race- Hedda, dressed in purple-robed finery and bearing the holy symbol of the platinum dragon- Bahamut, she too nods, with nothing to add to the conversation.

Next around the table, barely balanced on his seat, is the warforged, battered and ancient looking- Hal, the metal man's eyes flash his agreement. He opens his mouth to speak, then thinks better of it, shuts his mouth and bows his head a little, unable to meet Gerda's gaze.

The fifth chair is occupied by a monstrous looking, scarred, half-orc, with a thick head of hair, dressed for hard labour in worn and oft-repaired clothes- Gokan nods once- definite, and grunts his assent.

The last member of the assembled group is a bald and stern looking dwarf, old even by his long-lived race's counting- Sigur of Hammerfast, growls, stands- almost knocking over his chair, and in his gruff voice speaks. “Well! Let's get going then!” The dwarf declares with a hint of impatience.

Gerda grins, sniffles and then grins some more- her eyes glisten.

The others noisily stand, and one by one troop from the room, each taking a moment to make eye contact with Gerda as they file past her.

Sigur nods curtly and thumps his chest with his right hand, some sort of dwarven salute no doubt. Hedda does her best to smile as she bows low to Gerda- “May Bahamut bless our undertaking” she adds; in the background Sigur hisses and harrumphs.

Hal, the warforged, files past with only a sideward glance at the woman.

Gokan next in line stops for a second, reaches out with one of his large calloused hands and gently touches the middle-aged human woman's cheek- Gerda nestles against Gokan's hand and smiles up at the half-orc. Gokan makes a low, content, animal-like sound and then quickly moves off- leaving Gerda and Jimmy.

The halfling tightens his grip on his mother's hand, leans in and plants a kiss on Gerda's cheek, she smiles as the tears fall, and then Jimmy is gone too. Just Gerda, alone in her room, and the darkness outside.

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The PCs

Warning Spoilers!

The various hidden sections below contain details, as indicated, about the characters in play- reading these sections before reading the story may limit your enjoyment- you have been warned.

[sblock=The Present Party Line Up]

The Hard Core Adventurers Level 3


The PCs


Gokan, Male Half-Orc Whirling Barbarian Level 3

Played by Dave


====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Gokan, level 3
Half-Orc, Barbarian
Build: Whirling Barbarian
Feral Might Option: Whirling Slayer
Recent Life - Mercenary Work (+2 to Athletics)
Theme: Mercenary

STR 20, CON 13, DEX 15, INT 8, WIS 10, CHA 10

STR 18, CON 13, DEX 13, INT 8, WIS 10, CHA 10

AC: 17 Fort: 18 Ref: 14 Will: 11
HP: 40 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 10

Acrobatics +7, Athletics +12, Perception +6

Arcana +0, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +3, Heal +1, History +0, Insight +1, Intimidate +3, Nature +1, Religion +0, Stealth +2, Streetwise +1, Thievery +2

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Mercenary Attack: Takedown Strike
Half-Orc Racial Power: Furious Assault
Barbarian Feature: Whirling Lunge
Barbarian Attack 1: Whirling Rend
Barbarian Attack 1: Howling Strike
Barbarian Attack 1: Whirling Frenzy
Barbarian Attack 1: Macetail's Rage
Barbarian Utility 2: Shrug It Off
Barbarian Attack 3: Thundering Smash

Level 1: Thirst for Battle
Level 2: Axe Expertise

+1 Veteran's Hide Armor x1
Adventurer's Kit
Handaxe x5
Vanguard Battleaxe +1 x1
====== End ======

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Gokan, level 2
Half-Orc, Barbarian
Build: Whirling Barbarian
Feral Might Option: Whirling Slayer
Recent Life - Mercenary Work (+2 to Athletics)
Theme: Mercenary

STR 20, CON 13, DEX 15, INT 8, WIS 10, CHA 10

STR 18, CON 13, DEX 13, INT 8, WIS 10, CHA 10

AC: 17 Fort: 18 Ref: 14 Will: 11
HP: 34 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 8

Acrobatics +7, Athletics +12, Perception +6

Arcana +0, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +3, Heal +1, History +0, Insight +1, Intimidate +3, Nature +1, Religion +0, Stealth +2, Streetwise +1, Thievery +2

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Mercenary Attack: Takedown Strike
Half-Orc Racial Power: Furious Assault
Barbarian Feature: Whirling Lunge
Barbarian Attack 1: Whirling Rend
Barbarian Attack 1: Howling Strike
Barbarian Attack 1: Whirling Frenzy
Barbarian Attack 1: Macetail's Rage
Barbarian Utility 2: Shrug It Off

Level 1: Thirst for Battle
Level 2: Axe Expertise

Hide Armor x1
Adventurer's Kit
Handaxe x5
Vanguard Battleaxe +1 x1
====== End ======

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Gokan, level 1
Half-Orc, Barbarian
Build: Whirling Barbarian
Feral Might Option: Whirling Slayer
Recent Life - Mercenary Work (+2 to Athletics)
Theme: Mercenary

STR 20, CON 13, DEX 15, INT 8, WIS 10, CHA 10

STR 18, CON 13, DEX 13, INT 8, WIS 10, CHA 10

AC: 16 Fort: 17 Ref: 13 Will: 10
HP: 28 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 7

Acrobatics +6, Athletics +11, Perception +5

Arcana –1, Bluff +0, Diplomacy +0, Dungeoneering +0, Endurance +2, Heal +0, History –1, Insight +0, Intimidate +2, Nature +0, Religion –1, Stealth +1, Streetwise +0, Thievery +1

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Mercenary Attack: Takedown Strike
Half-Orc Racial Power: Furious Assault
Barbarian Feature: Whirling Lunge
Barbarian Attack 1: Whirling Rend
Barbarian Attack 1: Howling Strike
Barbarian Attack 1: Whirling Frenzy
Barbarian Attack 1: Macetail's Rage

Level 1: Thirst for Battle

Hide Armor x1
Adventurer's Kit
Handaxe x5
====== End ======


[sblock=Hal 5000]

Hal 5000, Male Warforged Great Weapon Fighter Level 1

Played by Lee

Now with +1 Greatsword

Killed in Encounter 9 The Rat Pack in KOTS.
Hal is the third PC to fall unconscious in this encounter, although his fall is final- the metal man takes a blade to the face from a Scurrying Wererat, a crit, for 22 damage- Hal is only on 2 Hit Points at the time. Hal's dead, his last words- "I have failed!"

Hal 5000

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Hal 5000, level 1
Warforged, Fighter (Weaponmaster)
Build: Great Weapon Fighter
Fighter Option: Combat Superiority
Fighter Talents Option: Two-handed Weapon Talent
Thousand Yard Stare (Perception class skill)
Theme: Ironwrought

STR 20, CON 15, DEX 10, INT 8, WIS 13, CHA 10

STR 18, CON 13, DEX 10, INT 8, WIS 13, CHA 10

AC: 17 Fort: 17 Ref: 10 Will: 12
HP: 30 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 7

Athletics +11, Endurance +10, Perception +6

Acrobatics +0, Arcana –1, Bluff +0, Diplomacy +0, Dungeoneering +1, Heal +1, History –1, Insight +1, Intimidate +2, Nature +1, Religion –1, Stealth +0, Streetwise +0, Thievery +0

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Ironwrought Attack: Inevitable Strike
Warforged Racial Power: Warforged Resolve
Fighter Attack: Combat Challenge
Fighter Attack 1: Cleave
Fighter Attack 1: Reaping Strike
Fighter Attack 1: Hack and Hew
Fighter Attack 1: Lasting Threat

Level 1: Two-Handed Weapon Expertise

Scale Armor x1
Adventurer's Kit
+1 Greatsword
====== End ======



Hedda, Female Minotaur Battle Priest of Bahamut Level 1

Played by Stu

Killed in Encounter 4 The Kobold Lair- Irontooth! in KOTS.
Hedda is knocked unconscious by Irontooth, then proceeds to bleed to death while her comrades are likewise suffering (Gokan, Hal & Sigur are also knocked unconscious- all thanks to Irontooth), or else are left to fight for their lives (Jimmy). The halfling gets to her too late... Hedda is gone.


====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Hedda, level 1
Minotaur, Cleric (Templar)
Build: Battle Cleric
Cleric Option: Healer's Lore
Auspicious Birth (Auspicious Birth Benefit)
Theme: Ordained Priest

STR 18, CON 11, DEX 10, INT 8, WIS 18, CHA 13

STR 16, CON 11, DEX 10, INT 8, WIS 16, CHA 13

AC: 16 Fort: 14 Ref: 10 Will: 16
HP: 30 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 7

Diplomacy +6, Heal +9, Insight +9, Religion +4

Acrobatics –1, Arcana –1, Athletics +3, Bluff +1, Dungeoneering +4, Endurance –1, History –1, Intimidate +1, Nature +6, Perception +6, Stealth –1, Streetwise +1, Thievery –1

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Ordained Priest Attack: Shining Symbol
Minotaur Racial Power: Goring Charge
Cleric Feature: Divine Fortune
Cleric Feature: Turn Undead
Cleric Utility: Healing Word
Cleric Attack 1: Righteous Brand
Cleric Attack 1: Gaze of Defiance
Cleric Attack 1: War Priest's Strike
Cleric Attack 1: Avenging Flame

Level 1: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Weapon Expertise (Mace)

Ritual Book
Comrades' Succor
Comprehend Language
Chainmail x1
Adventurer's Kit
Morningstar x1
Holy Symbol x1
====== End ======


[sblock=Jimmy Hoofenburger]

Jimmy, Male Halfling Trickster Rogue Level 3

Played by Dan

Jimmy Hoofenburger

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Jimmy Hoofenburger, level 3
Halfling, Rogue (Scoundrel)
Build: Trickster Rogue
Rogue Tactics Option: Cunning Sneak
Rogue Option: Scoundrel Weapon Talent
Auspicious Birth (Auspicious Birth Benefit)
Theme: Outlaw

STR 8, CON 10, DEX 20, INT 10, WIS 11, CHA 16

STR 8, CON 10, DEX 18, INT 10, WIS 11, CHA 14

AC: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 18 Will: 14
HP: 42 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 10

Acrobatics +13, Bluff +9, Perception +6, Stealth +11, Streetwise +9, Thievery +13

Arcana +1, Athletics +0, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +1, Heal +1, History +1, Insight +1, Intimidate +4, Nature +1, Religion +1

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Outlaw Attack: Surprise Strike
Halfling Racial Power: Second Chance
Rogue Attack 1: Deft Strike
Rogue Attack 1: Sly Flourish
Rogue Attack 1: Acrobat's Blade Trick
Rogue Attack 1: Blinding Barrage
Rogue Utility 2: Tumble
Rogue Attack 3: Fleeting Spirit Strike

Level 1: Light Blade Expertise
Level 2: Backstabber

Leather Armor x1
Adventurer's Kit
Dagger x6
Vicious Dagger +1 x1
====== End ======

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Jimmy Hoofenburger, level 2
Halfling, Rogue (Scoundrel)
Build: Trickster Rogue
Rogue Tactics Option: Cunning Sneak
Rogue Option: Scoundrel Weapon Talent
Auspicious Birth (Auspicious Birth Benefit)
Theme: Outlaw

STR 8, CON 10, DEX 20, INT 10, WIS 11, CHA 16

STR 8, CON 10, DEX 18, INT 10, WIS 11, CHA 14

AC: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 18 Will: 14
HP: 37 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 9

Acrobatics +13, Bluff +9, Perception +6, Stealth +11, Streetwise +9, Thievery +13

Arcana +1, Athletics +0, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +1, Heal +1, History +1, Insight +1, Intimidate +4, Nature +1, Religion +1

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Outlaw Attack: Surprise Strike
Halfling Racial Power: Second Chance
Rogue Attack 1: Deft Strike
Rogue Attack 1: Sly Flourish
Rogue Attack 1: Acrobat's Blade Trick
Rogue Attack 1: Blinding Barrage
Rogue Utility 2: Tumble

Level 1: Light Blade Expertise
Level 2: Backstabber

Leather Armor x1
Adventurer's Kit
Dagger x6
Vicious Dagger +1 x1
====== End ======

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Jimmy Hoofenburger, level 1
Halfling, Rogue (Scoundrel)
Build: Trickster Rogue
Rogue Tactics Option: Cunning Sneak
Rogue Option: Scoundrel Weapon Talent
Auspicious Birth (Auspicious Birth Benefit)
Theme: Outlaw

STR 8, CON 10, DEX 20, INT 10, WIS 11, CHA 16

STR 8, CON 10, DEX 18, INT 10, WIS 11, CHA 14

AC: 17 Fort: 10 Ref: 17 Will: 13
HP: 32 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 8

Acrobatics +12, Bluff +8, Perception +5, Stealth +10, Streetwise +8, Thievery +12

Arcana +0, Athletics –1, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering +0, Endurance +0, Heal +0, History +0, Insight +0, Intimidate +3, Nature +0, Religion +0

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Outlaw Attack: Surprise Strike
Halfling Racial Power: Second Chance
Rogue Attack 1: Deft Strike
Rogue Attack 1: Sly Flourish
Rogue Attack 1: Acrobat's Blade Trick
Rogue Attack 1: Blinding Barrage

Level 1: Light Blade Expertise

Leather Armor x1
Adventurer's Kit
Dagger x6
+1 Vicious Dagger
====== End ======


[sblock=Sigur of Hammerfast]

Sigur, Male Dwarf Wrathful Invoker Level 3

Played by Steve


====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Sigur of Hammerfast, level 3
Dwarf, Invoker
Build: Wrathful Invoker
Divine Covenant Option: Covenant of Wrath
Early Life - Imprisoned (Thievery class skill)
Theme: Earthforger

STR 10, CON 16, DEX 11, INT 10, WIS 20, CHA 8

STR 10, CON 14, DEX 11, INT 10, WIS 18, CHA 8

AC: 17 Fort: 16 Ref: 13 Will: 18
HP: 34 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 8

Endurance +10, Insight +11, Religion +6, Thievery +5

Acrobatics +0, Arcana +1, Athletics +0, Bluff +0, Diplomacy +0, Dungeoneering +8, Heal +6, History +1, Intimidate +0, Nature +6, Perception +6, Stealth +0, Streetwise +0

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Earthforger Attack: Stone Panoply
Dwarf Racial Power: Dwarven Resilience
Invoker Feature: Rebuke Undead
Covenant of Wrath Power: Armor of Wrath
Invoker Attack 1: Visions of Blood
Invoker Attack 1: Hand of Radiance
Invoker Attack 1: Thunder of Judgment
Invoker Attack 1: Angelic Echelon
Invoker Utility 2: Wall of Light
Invoker Attack 3: Falling Leaves

Level 1: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Implement Expertise (Rod)
Level 2: Improved Defenses

Ritual Book
Hand of Fate
Pass Without Trace
Chainmail x1
Adventurer's Kit
Mace x1
Hand crossbow
Rod of Absorption +1
Flame Bracers (heroic tier) x1
====== End ======

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Sigur of Hammerfast, level 2
Dwarf, Invoker
Build: Wrathful Invoker
Divine Covenant Option: Covenant of Wrath
Early Life - Imprisoned (Thievery class skill)
Theme: Earthforger

STR 10, CON 16, DEX 11, INT 10, WIS 20, CHA 8

STR 10, CON 14, DEX 11, INT 10, WIS 18, CHA 8

AC: 17 Fort: 16 Ref: 13 Will: 18
HP: 30 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 7

Endurance +10, Insight +11, Religion +6, Thievery +5

Acrobatics +0, Arcana +1, Athletics +0, Bluff +0, Diplomacy +0, Dungeoneering +8, Heal +6, History +1, Intimidate +0, Nature +6, Perception +6, Stealth +0, Streetwise +0

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Earthforger Attack: Stone Panoply
Dwarf Racial Power: Dwarven Resilience
Invoker Feature: Rebuke Undead
Covenant of Wrath Power: Armor of Wrath
Invoker Attack 1: Visions of Blood
Invoker Attack 1: Hand of Radiance
Invoker Attack 1: Thunder of Judgment
Invoker Attack 1: Angelic Echelon
Invoker Utility 2: Wall of Light

Level 1: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Implement Expertise (Rod)
Level 2: Improved Defenses

Ritual Book
Hand of Fate
Pass Without Trace
Chainmail x1
Adventurer's Kit
Mace x1
Hand crossbow
Rod of Absorption +1
Flame Bracers (heroic tier) x1
====== End ======

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Sigur of Hammerfast, level 1
Dwarf, Invoker
Build: Wrathful Invoker
Divine Covenant Option: Covenant of Wrath
Early Life - Imprisoned (Thievery class skill)
Theme: Earthforger

STR 10, CON 16, DEX 11, INT 10, WIS 20, CHA 8

STR 10, CON 14, DEX 11, INT 10, WIS 18, CHA 8

AC: 16 Fort: 14 Ref: 11 Will: 16
HP: 26 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 6

Endurance +9, Insight +10, Religion +5, Thievery +4

Acrobatics –1, Arcana +0, Athletics –1, Bluff –1, Diplomacy –1, Dungeoneering +7, Heal +5, History +0, Intimidate –1, Nature +5, Perception +5, Stealth –1, Streetwise –1

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Earthforger Attack: Stone Panoply
Dwarf Racial Power: Dwarven Resilience
Invoker Feature: Rebuke Undead
Covenant of Wrath Power: Armor of Wrath
Invoker Attack 1: Visions of Blood
Invoker Attack 1: Hand of Radiance
Invoker Attack 1: Thunder of Judgment
Invoker Attack 1: Angelic Echelon

Level 1: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Implement Expertise (Rod)

Ritual Book
Hand of Fate
Pass Without Trace
Chainmail x1
Adventurer's Kit
Mace x1
Hand crossbow
Rod Implement
+1 Rod of Absorption
====== End ======



Tonka, Male Dragonborn Inspiring Warlord Level 3

Played by Stu (who played Hedda)


====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Tonka, level 3
Dragonborn, Warlord (Marshal)
Build: Inspiring Warlord
Warlord Option: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence Option: Inspiring Presence
Dragonborn Racial Power Option: Dragon Breath
Dragon Breath Key Ability: Dragon Breath Strength
Dragon Breath Damage Type: Dragon Breath Lightning
Auspicious Birth (Auspicious Birth Benefit)
Theme: Knight Hospitaler

STR 19, CON 10, DEX 11, INT 8, WIS 10, CHA 18

STR 17, CON 10, DEX 11, INT 8, WIS 10, CHA 16

AC: 18 Fort: 17 Ref: 13 Will: 17
HP: 41 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 10

Athletics +9, Diplomacy +10, Heal +6, Intimidate +12

Acrobatics +0, Arcana +0, Bluff +5, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +0, History +2, Insight +1, Nature +1, Perception +1, Religion +0, Stealth +0, Streetwise +5, Thievery +0

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Knight Hospitaler Utility: Shield of Devotion
Dragonborn Racial Power: Dragon Breath
Warlord Feature: Inspiring Word
Warlord Attack 1: Wolf Pack Tactics
Warlord Attack 1: Rousing Assault
Warlord Attack 1: Guarding Attack
Warlord Attack 1: Leader's Instincts
Warlord Utility 2: Inspired Belligerence
Warlord Attack 3: Warlord's Strike

Level 1: Improved Inspiring Word
Level 2: Heavy Blade Expertise

Chainmail x1
Adventurer's Kit
Longsword x1
Light Shield x1
Healer's Brooch +1 x1
Vengeful Longsword +1
====== End ======

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Tonka, level 2
Dragonborn, Warlord (Marshal)
Build: Inspiring Warlord
Warlord Option: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence Option: Inspiring Presence
Dragonborn Racial Power Option: Dragon Breath
Dragon Breath Key Ability: Dragon Breath Strength
Dragon Breath Damage Type: Dragon Breath Lightning
Auspicious Birth (Auspicious Birth Benefit)
Theme: Knight Hospitaler

STR 19, CON 10, DEX 11, INT 8, WIS 10, CHA 18

STR 17, CON 10, DEX 11, INT 8, WIS 10, CHA 16

AC: 18 Fort: 17 Ref: 13 Will: 17
HP: 36 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 9

Athletics +9, Diplomacy +10, Heal +6, Intimidate +12

Acrobatics +0, Arcana +0, Bluff +5, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +0, History +2, Insight +1, Nature +1, Perception +1, Religion +0, Stealth +0, Streetwise +5, Thievery +0

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Knight Hospitaler Utility: Shield of Devotion
Dragonborn Racial Power: Dragon Breath
Warlord Feature: Inspiring Word
Warlord Attack 1: Wolf Pack Tactics
Warlord Attack 1: Rousing Assault
Warlord Attack 1: Guarding Attack
Warlord Attack 1: Leader's Instincts
Warlord Utility 2: Inspired Belligerence

Level 1: Improved Inspiring Word
Level 2: Heavy Blade Expertise

Chainmail x1
Adventurer's Kit
Longsword x1
Light Shield x1
Healer's Brooch +1 x1
====== End ======

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Tonka, level 1
Dragonborn, Warlord (Marshal)
Build: Inspiring Warlord
Warlord Option: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence Option: Inspiring Presence
Dragonborn Racial Power Option: Dragon Breath
Dragon Breath Key Ability: Dragon Breath Strength
Dragon Breath Damage Type: Dragon Breath Lightning
Auspicious Birth (Auspicious Birth Benefit)
Theme: Knight Hospitaler

STR 19, CON 10, DEX 11, INT 8, WIS 10, CHA 18

STR 17, CON 10, DEX 11, INT 8, WIS 10, CHA 16

AC: 17 Fort: 16 Ref: 12 Will: 16
HP: 31 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 7

Athletics +8, Diplomacy +9, Heal +5, Intimidate +11

Acrobatics –1, Arcana –1, Bluff +4, Dungeoneering +0, Endurance –1, History +1, Insight +0, Nature +0, Perception +0, Religion –1, Stealth –1, Streetwise +4, Thievery –1

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Knight Hospitaler Utility: Shield of Devotion
Dragonborn Racial Power: Dragon Breath
Warlord Feature: Inspiring Word
Warlord Attack 1: Wolf Pack Tactics
Warlord Attack 1: Rousing Assault
Warlord Attack 1: Guarding Attack
Warlord Attack 1: Leader's Instincts

Level 1: Improved Inspiring Word

Chainmail x1
Adventurer's Kit
Longsword x1
Light Shield x1
====== End ======



Ramm, Male Minotaur Guardian Fighter Level 3

Played by Lee (who played Hal)


====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Ramm, level 3
Minotaur, Fighter (Weaponmaster)
Build: Guardian Fighter
Fighter Option: Combat Superiority
Fighter Talents Option: One-handed Weapon Talent
Occupation - Bounty Hunter (+2 to Perception)
Theme: Stormraider

STR 19, CON 18, DEX 10, INT 10, WIS 11, CHA 8

STR 17, CON 16, DEX 10, INT 10, WIS 11, CHA 8

AC: 22 Fort: 17 Ref: 13 Will: 11
HP: 45 Surges: 14 Surge Value: 11

Athletics +6, Endurance +6, Heal +6

Acrobatics –3, Arcana +1, Bluff +0, Diplomacy +0, Dungeoneering +1, History +1, Insight +1, Intimidate +0, Nature +3, Perception +5, Religion +1, Stealth –3, Streetwise +0, Thievery –3

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Stormraider Attack: Storm the Deck
Minotaur Racial Power: Goring Charge
Fighter Attack: Combat Challenge
Fighter Attack 1: Weapon Master's Strike
Fighter Attack 1: Tide of Iron
Fighter Attack 1: Shield Bash
Fighter Attack 1: Shove and Slap
Fighter Utility 2: Unstoppable
Fighter Attack 3: Sweeping Blow

Level 1: Armor Proficiency: Plate
Level 2: Weapon Expertise (Heavy Blade)

Adventurer's Kit
Heavy Shield x1
Vanguard Battleaxe +1 x1
Black Iron Plate Armor +1 x1
====== End ======

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Ramm, level 2
Minotaur, Fighter (Weaponmaster)
Build: Guardian Fighter
Fighter Option: Combat Superiority
Fighter Talents Option: One-handed Weapon Talent
Occupation - Bounty Hunter (+2 to Perception)
Theme: Stormraider

STR 19, CON 18, DEX 10, INT 10, WIS 11, CHA 8

STR 17, CON 16, DEX 10, INT 10, WIS 11, CHA 8

AC: 21 Fort: 17 Ref: 13 Will: 11
HP: 39 Surges: 14 Surge Value: 9

Athletics +6, Endurance +6, Heal +6

Acrobatics –3, Arcana +1, Bluff +0, Diplomacy +0, Dungeoneering +1, History +1, Insight +1, Intimidate +0, Nature +3, Perception +5, Religion +1, Stealth –3, Streetwise +0, Thievery –3

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Stormraider Attack: Storm the Deck
Minotaur Racial Power: Goring Charge
Fighter Attack: Combat Challenge
Fighter Attack 1: Weapon Master's Strike
Fighter Attack 1: Tide of Iron
Fighter Attack 1: Shield Bash
Fighter Attack 1: Shove and Slap
Fighter Utility 2: Unstoppable

Level 1: Armor Proficiency: Plate
Level 2: Weapon Expertise (Heavy Blade)

Plate Armor x1
Adventurer's Kit
Heavy Shield x1
Vanguard Battleaxe +1 x1
====== End ======



Eko, Female Half-Elf Valorous Bard Level 2

Played by Steve (who also plays Sigur)

Eko totes her +1 Orium Wand.​


====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Eko, level 2
Half-Elf, Bard
Build: Valorous Bard
Bardic Virtue Option: Virtue of Valor
Signs of Influence Option: Welcome Guest
Signs of Influence Option: Ritual Beneficiary
Half-Elf Power Selection Option: Knack for Success
Auspicious Birth (Auspicious Birth Benefit)
Theme: Dune Trader

STR 10, CON 13, DEX 10, INT 14, WIS 8, CHA 20

STR 10, CON 11, DEX 10, INT 14, WIS 8, CHA 18

AC: 18 Fort: 12 Ref: 15 Will: 17
HP: 37 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 9

Arcana +8, Diplomacy +13, Heal +5, Intimidate +11, Perception +5

Acrobatics +1, Athletics +1, Bluff +7, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +2, History +4, Insight +3, Nature +1, Religion +4, Stealth +1, Streetwise +7, Thievery +1

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Dune Trader Feature: Quick Formation
Half-Elf Racial Power: Knack for Success
Bard Feature: Majestic Word
Bard Feature: Words of Friendship
Bard Attack 1: Staggering Note
Bard Attack 1: Vicious Mockery
Bard Attack 1: Shout of Triumph
Bard Attack 1: Stirring Shout
Bard Utility 2: Concerted Effort

Level 1: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Improved Majestic Word
Level 2: Wand Expertise

Ritual Book
Traveler's Chant
Chainmail x1
Adventurer's Kit
Longsword x1
Light Shield x1
Orium Wand +1
====== End ======


[sblock=The Red Baron]

The Red Baron, Male Wood Elf Archer Ranger Level 2

Played by Dave (who also plays Gokan)

The Red Baron grips tight to his +1 Retributive Longbow.​

Red Baron

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Red Baron, level 2
Wood Elf, Ranger
Build: Archer Ranger
Harper Pin Option: Tymora's Luck
Fighting Style Option: Archer Fighting Style
Ranger Option: Prime Shot
Auspicious Birth (Auspicious Birth Benefit)
Theme: Harper Agent

STR 11, CON 8, DEX 20, INT 10, WIS 16, CHA 10

STR 11, CON 8, DEX 18, INT 10, WIS 14, CHA 10

AC: 19 Fort: 12 Ref: 17 Will: 14
HP: 37 Surges: 5 Surge Value: 9

Acrobatics +10, Heal +9, Nature +11, Perception +11, Stealth +10

Arcana +1, Athletics +0, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +4, Endurance –1, History +1, Insight +4, Intimidate +1, Religion +1, Streetwise +1, Thievery +5

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Hunter's Quarry Power: Hunter's Quarry
Ranger Attack 1: Twin Strike
Ranger Attack 1: Nimble Strike
Ranger Attack 1: Two-Fanged Strike
Ranger Attack 1: Split the Tree
Harper Agent Utility 2: Harper's Healing Boon

Defensive Mobility
Level 1: Weapon Focus (Bow)
Level 2: Bow Expertise

Hide Armor x1
Adventurer's Kit
Retributive Longbow +1 x1
====== End ======


[sblock=Sir Garlik]

Sir Garlik, Male Dragonborn Avenging Paladin Level 2

Played by Stu (who also plays Tonka, and previously Hedda)

Sir Garlik wields his +1 Longsword Sentinel Martial Honour Blade, a family heirloom.​

Sir Garlik

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Sir Garlik, level 2
Dragonborn, Paladin
Build: Avenging Paladin
Versatile Expertise Option: Versatile Expertise (Heavy Blade)
Versatile Expertise Option: Versatile Expertise (Holy Symbol)
Dragonborn Racial Power Option: Dragon Breath
Dragon Breath Key Ability: Dragon Breath Strength
Dragon Breath Damage Type: Dragon Breath Acid
Auspicious Birth (Auspicious Birth Benefit)
Theme: Gladiator

STR 18, CON 10, DEX 10, INT 8, WIS 17, CHA 13

STR 16, CON 10, DEX 10, INT 8, WIS 17, CHA 11

AC: 21 Fort: 16 Ref: 14 Will: 15
HP: 39 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 9

Diplomacy +7, Heal +9, Insight +9, Religion +5

Acrobatics –3, Arcana +0, Athletics +1, Bluff +2, Dungeoneering +4, Endurance –3, History +2, Intimidate +4, Nature +4, Perception +4, Stealth –3, Streetwise +2, Thievery –3

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Gladiator Feature: Disrupting Advance
Dragonborn Racial Power: Dragon Breath
Paladin Feature: Divine Mettle
Paladin Feature: Divine Strength
Paladin Feature: Divine Challenge
Paladin Feature: Lay on Hands
Paladin Attack 1: Holy Strike
Paladin Attack 1: Valiant Strike
Paladin Attack 1: Radiant Smite
Paladin Attack 1: Paladin's Judgment
Paladin Utility 2: Sacred Circle

Level 1: Versatile Expertise
Level 2: Devoted Paladin

Plate Armor x1
Adventurer's Kit
Heavy Shield x1
Sentinel Marshal Honor Blade Longsword +1 x1
====== End ======


[sblock=Dead PCs]

First to fall-

Hedda, Female Minotaur Battle Priest of Bahamut Level 1

Played by Stu

Killed in Encounter 4 The Kobold Lair- Irontooth! in KOTS.
Hedda is knocked unconscious by Irontooth, then proceeds to bleed to death while her comrades are likewise suffering (Gokan, Hal & Sigur are also knocked unconscious- all thanks to Irontooth), or else are left to fight for their lives (Jimmy). The halfling gets to her too late... Hedda is gone.

Second down-

Hal 5000, Male Warforged Great Weapon Fighter Level 1

Played by Lee

Now with +1 Greatsword

Killed in Encounter 9 The Rat Pack in KOTS.
Hal is the third PC to fall unconscious in this encounter, although his fall is final- the metal man takes a blade to the face from a Scurrying Wererat, a crit, for 22 damage- Hal is only on 2 Hit Points at the time. Hal's dead, his last words- "I have failed!".


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Warning Spoilers!

The various hidden sections below contain details, as indicated, about the characters in play- reading these sections before reading the story may limit your enjoyment- you have been warned.

Warning Stats!

I love my stats, by which I mean the dumb lists that all DMs (fingers-crossed) make, this is the place for them. See spoilers above though, reading these before you have read the story will take some of the fun away.

I'll add lists and other things, like summaries of the action, here as and when I think of them...

[sblock=Monsters Defeated by PCs Level 1- KOTS]

25 XP each (x44 = 1100xp)
Goblin Cutter (Minion Skirmisher 1) x7 (Enc 8)
Kobold Minion (Minion 1) x33 (Enc 1 x12 & Enc 3 x11 & Enc 4 x10)
Wolf Packmate (Minion Skirmisher 1) x4 (Enc 5)

31 XP each (x4 = 124xp)
Human Rabble (Minion 2) x4 (Enc 2)

50 XP each (x4 = 200xp)
Wererat Scum (Minion Skirmisher 5) x4 (Enc 9)

100 XP each (x18 = 1800xp)
Goblin Acolyte of Maglubiyet (Controller 1) x1 (Enc 8)
Goblin Archer (Skirmisher 1) x1 (Enc 8)
Goblin Beast Marshal (Skirmisher 1) x1 (Enc 5)
Goblin Beast Rider (Skirmisher 1) x1 (Enc 5)
Goblin Blackblade (Lurker 1) x1 (Enc 7)
Goblin Cutthroat (Skirmisher 1) x1 (Enc 7)
Goblin Warrior (Skirmisher 1) x3 (Enc 8)
Kobold Guttersnipe (Artillery 1) x1 (Enc 1)
Kobold Skirmisher (Skirmisher 1) x4 (Enc 1 x1 & Enc 4 x3)
Kobold Slinger (Artillery 1) x1 (Enc 3)
Kobold Slink (Lurker 1) x1 (Enc 3)
Rat Dire (Brute 1) x2 (Enc 9)

125 XP each (x17 = 2125xp)
Demon Dretch (Brute 2) x2 (Enc 6)
Drake Guard (Brute 2) x2 (Enc 2)
Gnome Skulk- Agrid (Lurker 2) x1 (Enc 2)
Goblin Cursespewer (Artillery 2) x1 (Enc 6)
Goblin Guard (Soldier 2) x1 (Enc 6)
Goblin Sharpshooter (Artillery 2) x3 (Enc 5 x1 & Enc 6 x1 & Enc 7 x1)
Goblin Wizard (Artillery 2) x1 (Enc 5)
Kobold Denwarden (Soldier 2) x2 (Enc 4)
Kobold Dragonshield (Soldier 2) x2 (Enc 1 x1 & Enc 3 x1)
Kobold Pikeman (Brute 2) x1 (Enc 1)
Wolf Grey (Skirmisher 2) x1 (Enc 5)

150 XP each (x4 = 600xp)
Goblin Cursespewer (Artillery 3) x1 (Enc 7)
Kobold Wyrmpriest (Artillery 3) x2 (Enc 3 x1 & Enc 4 x1)
Wererat Scurrying (Skirmisher 3) x1 (Enc 9)

175 XP each (x2 = 350xp)
Kobold Slyblade (Lurker 4) x1 (Enc 3)
Spectral Apparition (Lurker 4) x1 (Enc 2)

250 XP each (x1 = 250xp)
Hobgoblin Subcommander (Elite Soldier 2) x1 (Enc 7)

300 XP each (x1 = 300xp)
Goblin Chief- Irontooth (Elite Brute 3) x1 (Enc 4)

400 XP each (x1 = 400xp)
Goblin Chief- Balgron the Fat (Elite Lurker 5) x1 (Enc 8)

Total 96 Monsters/Traps/Skill Challenges
Total 7249 XP
Monster Average XP 75.51


[sblock=Monsters Defeated by PCs Level 2- KOTS]

25 XP each (x18 = 450xp)
Skeleton Decrepit (Minion Skirmisher 1) x8 (Enc 13)
Wererat Minion (Minion Skirmisher 1) x10 (Enc 10)

38 XP each (x15 = 570xp)
Hobgoblin Grunt (Minion 3) x5 (Enc 11)
Zombie Rotter (Minion 3) x10 (Enc 12)

50 XP each (x2 = 100xp)
Wererat Scum (Minion Skirmisher 5) x2 (Enc 10)

100 XP each (x1 = 100xp)
Zombie Tainted (Brute 1) x1 (Enc 12)

125 XP each (x6 = 750xp)
Rat Swarm (Skirmisher 2) x1 (Enc 10)
Wererat (Skirmisher 2) x3 (Enc 10)
Zombie Goblin Archer (Artillery 2) x2 (Enc 12)

150 XP each (x5 = 750xp)
Hobgoblin Soldier (Soldier 3) x2 (Enc 11)
Skeleton Warrior (Soldier 3) x2 (Enc 13)
Wererat Scurrying (Skirmisher 3) x1 (Enc 10)

175 XP each (x1 = 175xp)
Hobgoblin Spear Soldier (Soldier 4) x1 (Enc 11)

200 XP each (x2 = 400xp)
Hobgoblin Warmonger (Artillery 5) x1 (Enc 11)
Wight Hobgoblin (Skirmisher 5) x1 (Enc 11)

300 XP each (x1 = 300xp)
Skeleton Mage (Elite Controller 3) x1 (Enc 13)

350 XP each (x1 = 350xp)
Zombie Hulk (Brute 8) x1 (Enc 12)

400 XP each (x1 = 400xp)
Wererat Mugger (Elite Brute 5) x1 (Enc 10)

875 XP each (x1 = 875xp)
Skeleton Lord- Sir Keegan (Solo Brute 4) x1 (Enc 14)
Skill Challenge- Defeat Sir Keegan (Combined with above)

Total 54 Monsters/Traps/Skill Challenges
Total 5220 XP
Monster Average XP 96.67


[sblock=Monsters Defeated by PCs Level 3- KOTS]

25 XP each
Skeleton Decrepit (Minion Skirmisher 1) x9 (Enc 18)

38 XP each
Hobgoblin Grunt (Minion 3) x9 (Enc 15 & 16)

50 XP each
Hobgoblin Sentry (Minion Soldier 5) x1 (Enc 15)

150 XP each
Hobgoblin Battle Guard (Soldier 3) x1 (Enc 16)
Hobgoblin Deathwatcher (Soldier 3) x1 (Enc 16)
Hobgoblin Soldier (Soldier 3) x2 (Enc 15 & 16)
Zombie Gravehound (Brute 3) x2 (Enc 18)

200 XP each
Hobgoblin Archer (Artillery 5) x1 (Enc 15)

300 XP each
Hobgoblin Bladebearer (Elite Skirmisher 3) x1 (Enc 16)
Hobgoblin Warcaster (Elite Controller 3) x1 (Enc 15)

500 XP each
Elf Ranger- Ninaran (Elite Artillery 6) x1 (Enc 18)
Skill Challenge- The Portal x1 (Enc 17)


[sblock=A summary of events so far- KOTS]

0) The PCs are hired (without pay) to head to Winterhaven (from Fallcrest) at the behest of Gerda Staul, wife of Douvern Staul- each of the PCs has some form of connection to Douvern. Douvern is supposed to be investigating an archaelogical site just outside of Winterhaven, only he should have been back in Fallcrest five days ago. Gerda is worried.

1) En route to Winterhaven the PCs are ambushed by a gang of Kobolds lead by Wyrmpriest Bad Derek, the PCs trounce their enemies, only Bad Derek escapes, although Hal is knocked unconscious at one point. The guys head on to Winterhaven.

1a) The guys arrive in Winterhaven, meet a few of the locals- including Lord Padraig who wants to hire the PCs to put an end to the Kobold menace, the guys have bigger fish to fry. One of the locals, it turns out, knows where Douvern is... The PCs get directions and head off back in to the wilds, looking for the Ancient Burial Site.

2) The guys locate the Ancient Burial site, chat with a Gnome- Agrid, and a bunch of workers, until a Spectral Apparition turns up and orders the attack. The PCs overcome their foes, including the strange ghostly figure, while Agrid the Gnome surrenders.

2a) The guys have a pleasant chat with Agrid the Gnome, they learn that he was hired in Fallcrest to kidnap Douvern, and then continue to excavate the Ancient Burial Site. Agrid is being directed by the Spectral Apparition, who also seems to be in league with a bunch of Goblins, and someone called Irontooth! Agrid and his workers have found a small ancient mirror, a child's plaything perhaps- but valuable, while excavating the site.

2b) The guys head back to Winterhaven with a mostly unconscious Douvern, have a brief chat with the locals again- the suggestion is the guys head back out to take care of the Kobold menace. They're about to leave when they're called back, Douvern is awake- and he has a present for Gokan, a +1 Vanguard Battleaxe. An hour later the PCs head off in search of Kobolds.

3) The guys get the jump on the Kobolds guarding the lair, although they too have a few surprises of their own. After a bloody fight in which Sigur has to make use of his Angelic Echelon, Daily Power, and in which Jimmy is almost killed the guys win through. All the guards are killed, and without the Kobolds within the waterfall lair being alerted. The PCs move in- time to end the Kobold menace.

4) The guys get the jump on the guards inside the Kobold lair, and mostly take care of business. Gokan wanders off to find some tougher enemies and with a little help from Jimmy takes down a pair of Denwardens. Bad Derek, the Kobold Wyrmpriest from encounter 1, is here- he blasts the Half-Orc before running off, Gokan in pursuit. The climax of this encounter occurs in the entrance chamber; Irontooth arrives and knocks Hal, then Hedda, then Gokan unconscious. Sigur is blasted by Bad Derek and also knocked unconscious, but not before Jimmy finishes off Irontooth. The Halfling Rogue and Bad Derek go head-to-head, its a close run combat but Jimmy wins as the Kobold falls in to the waterfall. Jimmy tries desperately to revive his fallen friends, alas he's too late to save Hedda- the Minotaur Priestess of Bahamut dies. The others are eventually saved, although Sigur gets awfully close to the edge. The Kobolds are no more, and Irontooth is dead- victory, just.

4a) The guys rest up in the Kobold's Lair, Jimmy frets- the Halfling is not happy. Hedda's dead body lies close by.

4b) The PCs head back to Winterhaven, toting Hedda's dead body, the people of the town do their best to help the unhappy adventurers- but nothing can lift the gloom.

4c) The PCs struggle to come to terms with Hedda's death, and then Tonka arrives. The guys learn a little more about a strange cult that is supposed to inhabit the Keep on the Shadowfell. The decision is finally made, they head out...

5) The PCs enter the Shadow Keep, kill some assorted Wolves and Goblins in short order and finally capture a Goblin Wizard, at which point Sigur steps in- he has a way with prisoners.

5a) The Goblin Wizard is interrogated by Sigur, Tonka later provides a summary of all the PCs learn from the pitiful creature. Jimmy has his doubts about Sigur, The PCs press on, heading for a chamber the Goblins are excavating, looking for something- strange?

6) The PCs fail to get the drop on a bunch of Goblins excavating a chamber (for what?), matters take a turn for the worse when two Demon Dretches hold the guys at bay for a while. However, as always, the PCs win through- eventually cutting down the Demons and chasing after the Goblins left alive- a prisoner is taken.

6a) The Goblin Sharpshooter is interrogated, more info is found out. Jimmy continues to worry over Sigur, the 'nutter', and then the guys head off to find the Torture chamber- which should provide them with some more fun.

7) The PCs burst in on the Hobgoblin lead torturer's, the surprise attack proves fatal for two of the Goblins, which makes for an easy, and quick, encounter. No prisoners are taken, the Goblinoids are cut down in style.

7a) The PCs search the chamber, and the Goblins, and discover a magical +1 Healing Brooch (taken by Tonka). They then head off in search of the Goblin chief- Balgron the Fat, they don't have far to go...

8) The PCs wail on Balgron the Fat and his associates, and in return take a kicking with Tonka, Hal and Gokan all getting knocked down (briefly). The fight is bloody and brutal versus the Goblin Chief and his pals, the guys eventually work their way through the Chief's followers, however Balgron does a runner. He flees via a pair of secret doors and makes his way back to the excavation site, alas (for him) the area has already been cleared. Balgron fights to the last, and is finally cut down by Gokan.

8a) The PCs rest up in the catacombs of the Keep on the Shadowfell, having defeated the Goblin Chief- Balgron the Fat and all his little helpers. The guys make sense of a bunch of paperwork they find- who are the messengers, and who is Commander Gark? They muse a while on their new info and then attempt to take an extended rest- they'll be level 2 when they awake.

9) The PCs rest is cut short when a swarm, actually several swarms, of rats turn up- worse still they turn out to be Wererats. The PCs are... well, swarmed- Gokan drops, then Sigur, then Hal (DEAD), and then Tonka. Which just leaves Jimmy. The tearful halfling manages to stop the massacre and convince the wererats to ransom his unconscious friends back to him- he can get 5,000gp in just a few days. A short skill challenge ensues, Jimmy convinces the wererat boss, the other guys (save Hal- he's dead) are stabilised. Jimmy departs...

9a) Jimmy flees back to Winterhaven, in a daze- and also a little affected by Filth Fever. Back in the village he rages and sobs, and... his friends and family spring in to action. Douvern heads back to Fallcrest to get the cash needed to rescue the other members of the Hard Core adventurers from the Ratmen. Jimmy meantime frets and worries, his dad arrives back in time to reassure his son.

9b) Still in Winterhaven the gold has been got, and new adventurers introduced to Jimmy- the rescue committee is formed. Gerda isn't happy however, it seems Douvern is about to put his children at risk, again.

9c) Sigur, Tonka and Gokan suffer in the darkness, prisoners of the Wererats- the trio are beaten and broken, and perhaps suffering from a little Filth Fever (Gokan).

10) The PCs meet up with the Wererats at the Ancient Burial Site- the Wererat Chief goes back on his word and offers only one of the prisoners for the money... The PCs have other ideas, their trap is sprung and the Wererats are ambushed. A massive fight ensues with the Wererat's prisoners- Sigur, Tonka and Gokan, finally getting free. Soon after the Wererats are vanquished, their Chief is the last to fall, running for his life.

10a) Gokan, Sigur and Tonka are welcomed back in to the fold, the dead Wererats are searched- with Sigur acquiring a set of Flaming Bracers, an ancient key is found. Job done the guys head back to Winterhaven.

10b) The adventurers celebrate their return and the destruction of the Kobolds with the locals in Wrafton's Inn, although several of the adventurers are either less than happy, or else fretting about the future- what happens next?

10c) Still in Winterhaven, some of them Filth Fever affected. A little while later, after much fretting and worrying, the guys decide to return to the Keep on the Shadowfell, Gerda's not happy.

10d) The PCs learn a little more information, prep for adventure and then head out, back to the Keep.

11) The PCs head back in to the Keep on the Shadowfell, and are quickly confronted by a bunch of Hobgoblins, the fight is hard with Tonka getting knocked down twice, but as always the adventurers win through.

11a) Sigur has some harsh words for Tonka, the dragonborn seems to be spending a lot of time on the floor during the fights- the dwarven invoker is not happy. The adventurers move out to re-visit the areas within the catacombs they have already been, to make sure nothing new lurks their, and to find Hal's body. The place is empty, their comrades body is nowhere to be found.

11b) Rat-filled caves are investigated- the former home of the wererats? Probably. A number of discoveries are made- including Hal's remains, oh apart from the metal man's head, which is missing. The guys head further in to the catacombs.

12) The PCs wander in to a maze dotted with glowing glyphs, and ZOMBIES; the guys smash the undead down, eventually.

12a) Alas they cannot find a way safely past the glyphs, the best minds are put to the test trying to find a way... The adventurers find another way, in to a catacomb.

13) Skeletons leap out of the sarcophagi either side of the adventurers, they're attacked on all sides- as it turns out the vast majority of the undead are Minions, and easily cut down. The Skeleton Mage however is a different prospect, the foul wizard is eventually destroyed but not before heralding the arrival of its master.

13a) The PCs search the catacombs, the place seems to be dedicated to Bahamut, which is odd- or at least Tonka thinks so. The guys also locate a pair of beautifully made statues of the platinum dragon, their joy is short-lived- the skeleton mage in the previous encounter warned the guys his master was approaching. A heavily armed and armoured Skeleton Lord arrives on the scene- he's not happy, the fighting begins.

14) The PCs are confronted by a Skeleton Lord, who turns out to be Sir Keegan, the undead knight breaks up the fracas with some sort of time stop ability, in these short segments he questions the PCs trying to judge their intentions. The PCs manage to defeat Sir Keegan while also convincing the undead warrior that they are the good guys.

14a) The PCs, and in particular the two best buddies, Tonka and Sigur, get in to a fight- with each other; it takes a while but eventually a few issues are ironed out. Ramm grabs Sir Keegan's +1 Black Iron Plate armour, while Tonka makes use of the Skeleton Lord's +1 Vengeful Longsword. The guys take a well earned Extended Rest- they're now level 3.

14b) The PCs chatter and recap events to date before heading off on their further adventures. They figure out that Sir Keegan is the good guy, they further work out that they're searching for (and finding) various mementos of the ex-Knight Commander's family. There's something going on here in the keep, some fractured memory from the past- from when the Keep fell.

14c) The PCs head back in to the tombs, they discover that the nasty glyphs which were stopping them from heading further in to the dungeon previously, have now been neutralised- Sir Keegan's doing they concur. The guys head down the stairs and straight in to an encounter- Jimmy is spotted!

15) The PCs put a bunch of Hobgoblins to the sword, the fiends are led by a Warcaster who takes some killing, that said level 3 is proving to be a charm for the adventurers- they're all powerful.

15a) The guys search the now empty guard room, even Sigur helps a little. The brief sojourn- all sweetness and light, is interrupted when a bunch more Hobgoblins attempt to get the jump, and their revenge, on the adventurers.

16) A bunch more Hobgoblins are put to the sword (and spell), a trio of the offending miscreants are thrown down the well in the chamber- a terrible fate. The Hobgoblin Bladebearer Chief is rescued from the well and made to tell all it knows. It seems there's a portal hidden a little further on, the portal leads in to the Shadowfell.

16a) Gokan grabs a new suit of armour as the guys explore the ruined catacombs, the place seems to be abandoned. Their exploring ends in a very strange situation- Jimmy discovers a corridor whose walls, floors and ceiling is punctured by great rents- visible though these gaps is nothing. The corridor itself ends in inky blackness- nothing, most odd. The Jimmy disappears.

17) The adventurers take the parts of the various members of Sir Keegan's family, and are transported by to the time when the Keep was overun by evil. This is a Skill Challenge with a difference, each of the guys must use their skills in an attempt to save the aforementioned members of the slain Knight Commander's family.

17a) Success and the adventurers are back in the dungeon and facing the portal, the portal to the Shadowfell, at which point the PCs suffer their second ambush in a short space of time. Undead rush from the portal, while Ninaran, a traitorous elven ranger, and her undead hounds attack from the opposite direction.

18) The undead attempt to cut the adventurers down- Jimmy falls, briefly, but eventually the PCs win through- Ninaran is just about the last to fall; it's a shame (for this DM) that so many of the enemies were minions.

18a) Gokan thinks back to the time he tried to chat Ninaran up, back in Wrafton's Inn in Winterhaven, the memory is triggered by the sight of the dead elf's body.

18b) Jimmy and Sigur chat about 'the gloom', the dwarven name for the Shadowfell- the halfling is fearful, Sigur does little to ease his fears. The adventurers rest up ahead of entering the portal- what lies beyond?


[sblock=Encounter runs- KOTS]

By which I am referring to the sequence of encounters faced by the PCs between extended rests.

PC Level 1-

Run 1-
Enc 1) The Kobold Ambush (Level 4)
Enc 2) The Ancient Burial Site (Level 2)
Enc 3) Outside the Kobold Lair (Level 4)
Enc 4) The Kobold Lair- Irontooth! (Level 6)

Run 2-
Enc 5) Into the Shadow Keep (Level 2)
Enc 6) The Goblin Diggers (Level 2)
Enc 7) The Torture Chamber (Level 2)
Enc 8) The Goblin Chieftain's Lair (Level 5)
Enc 9) The Rat Pack (Level 4)

PC Level 2-

Run 3-
Enc 10) The Exchange (Level 6)

Run 4-
Enc 11) The Hobgoblin Guards (Level 5)
Enc 12) The Dead Centre (Level 5)
Enc 13) The Skeleton Legion (Level 3)
Enc 14) Sir Keegan (Level 4)

PC Level 3-

Run 5-
Enc 15) The Hobgoblin Guards (Level 4)
Enc 16) The Hobgoblin's Revenge (Level 5)
Enc 17) The Portal to the Shadowfell (Level 1)
Enc 18) Guardians of the Portal (Level 5)

Run 6-


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While I'm going to tell the story of our adventures a fair amount of the action will be concentrated on the combat, that's not to say their wont be sections that are entirely combat free.

Anything that is not part of the story will be Sblocked, this could include details of actual game play, or else images to illustrate the action, or else images and details of the monsters or PCs in play.

Next point I'm going to be working my way through the combat one round at a time, and I know that this is not recommended but that's how I like it and this story hour is as much for me as it is you.

How this works is I'll post a new entry, with a rounds worth of story or else set-up and then submit it, the next day I'll add another rounds worth of story, or indeed the next part of the game action- however long that may be. When I add to an existing post I'll change the numbers in the story hour title, so 1.01 will become 1.02, then 1.03 etc.

Likewise when I move on to the next encounter the numbers will jump to 2.01, then 2.02- obviously.

Each new addition to a post will be annotated in the same way (with 1.01, 1.02, etc.), at a later date I'll take the numbers out so that it looks like one continuous story.

If you have any questions then don't hesitate to ask, likewise any comments good or bad then fire away.

Last point- this is a 4e campaign, the story is based on the players actions- so if the bloody dwarf keeps using the same spell then blame the player, not me. There are house rules in play, I'll comment on them if I'm asked to, otherwise... there are house rules, so we play a little differently to you perhaps.

This is my fourth attempt to make my way through the WOTC 4e Core Modules, several of the players have been this way previously as well- although the furthest any of them has got is part way through Thunderspire.

I've changed out some, many or a few of the encounters; some I've changed drastically- completely, others I've not touched at all. The original WOTC story-line, such as it is, has also been changed in places, bent to fit in others, and completely broken elsewhere.

It's our adventure after all.

But your welcome to take a look around.

Thank you for reading.

Goonalan (GM).

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KOTS Part 1: On the Road to Winterhaven.

[sblock=Party Line Up]

The Hard Core Adventurers Level 1


The King's Road to Winterhaven, a cart’s width- perhaps a little more, of dried mud that snakes north through the Gardbury Downs. Either side of the track are low bluffs- in parts thinly forested, between vast stretches of gorse and sage bushes which tumble down to the track. Here and there isolated boulders and outcroppings of rock- the road climbs slightly. Travellers often say 'it’s all uphill to Winterhaven.'

Today is the 20th day of the third month, early-afternoon, and the sun is high in the sky, and except for the breeze nothing stirs.

Save the five adventurers; sworn to locate their friend, or master, or father- Douvern Staul, the group have made good time, another hour and they will be in Winterhaven. They travel quickly, eager to be at their task.

“I do not understand your request...” Hal, the warforged warrior stares down at Jimmy; the metal man's almost featureless face somehow manages to express confusion.

Jimmy continues to grin- “humour me.” The halfling simply states, and goes back to grinning some more.

The pair continues to stride down the track that passes for the King's Road this far north of the Gardbury Downs. Eventually Hal looks down at Jimmy again; the halfling is, as always, grinning back up at him.

“I wish to make sense of your request.” Hal intones. Jimmy nods, and grins back.
“You want me to visit a merchant, or shop, or market stall, or similar- and procure from the vendor a lengthy weight?” Hal's metal face develops worry-lines.
“Ask for a long weight- that's it.” Jimmy grins back.
“A long weight?” Hal echoes.
“That's right.” Jimmy concludes with a friendly wink.

Hal faces forward and strides on, every now and then over the next two minutes he surreptitiously glances down at his halfling companion- only to be met, every time, by Jimmy's waiting grin.

Slightly ahead of the odd pair, Gokan, the half-orc moves forward in short loping trots, each burst followed by a moment of stillness in which the lithe barbarian sniffs and open-mouthed, tastes the air. All the while looking and listening intently.

Hedda, the minotaur Priestess of Bahamut, strides forward trying, and failing, to keep up with Gokan. Wrapped tight in her thick cloak to ward off the chill- she is unused to the climate, she strides on, does her best not to shiver too much.

Hedda chews anxiously- partially to stop her teeth from chattering, Gokan has already given her one annoyed look. And yet the half-orc says nothing about the metal man and the halfling's inane chatter- 'may all your troubles be little ones', something she'd heard back at the temple. Hedda reflects on the veracity of the statement, and glances back at Jimmy with furrowed brows.

Jimmy, of course, meets her gaze- it’s as if he'd known she was going to look back at just that moment, the halfling grins- he's always grinning. Hedda snorts and looks forward again, strides on, shaking her great horned head slightly.

At the very rear of the group of adventurers is Sigur, dawdling somewhat; the dwarven Invoker's old and filthy travel cloak trails in the dirt- too big for him, or at least too long, the dwarf being nearly as round as he is tall. Sigur grumbles and mumbles half-forgotten words, not for any particular reason, every now and then he has to race a little to keep up with the others- he makes sure none of them are watching when he does this.

“A long weight.” Hal intones.
Jimmy nods, and grins.

Winterhaven should be in sight soon, in an hour or so, Hedda thinks- thank the platinum dragon.

Back in the midst of the party Hal turns again to look down at the- yes, grinning Jimmy... then, suddenly, something strange happens.

The pair instantly, and simultaneously, look away again- Jimmy hard right, Hal hard left; the pair come to an abrupt halt.

At exactly the same moment Gokan screams furiously and launches himself off the beaten track and in to what looks to be a fairly unremarkable bramble thicket.

Sigur grumbles, louder now, and in a slightly more coherent manner barks- “Ambush!” Although as Jimmy states later, when Sigur isn't around, it sounded more like “hambush”.

[sblock=Kobold Minion]

Kobold Minion
Minion Level 1


Less than three seconds later a pair of wide-eyed, ill-equipped and poorly armoured kobolds yap their final yap, and then slump on to the now bloody turf - Gokan's twin axes continue to circle and dart. The half-orc whirls on, moving through the bushes towards a second panicked gaggle of equally shocked-looking kobolds- one of which, Gokan notes, is wearing what looks to be a large roasting tin as a breast plate.

[sblock=Picture- Gokan in action]


And has a saucepan strapped to its head. Gokan thinks about this, a little unsure as to what it signifies, the moment however soon passes- he whirls on, eager to be at his prey.

[sblock=Kobold Guttersnipe]

Kobold Guttersnipe
Artillery Level 1


Back on the road waves of spear wielding kobolds rush from the undergrowth, yapping, yelling and babbling excitedly in their strange tongue.

Sigur, at the very rear of the group, and somewhat separated from his comrades, is suddenly surrounded, and stabbed- repeatedly. The dwarf's right leg folds under him, he staggers, grumbles loudly and then finds his feet.

The dwarf feels light-headed, he begins to notice the patches of red showing through his cloak, he looks up and spies Hedda who has turned around to face him. The minotaur priestess brandishes her shiny holy symbol, and calls forth in a bellowing and yet sonorous voice- “May the light of the platinum dragon burn the unbelievers.”


Sigur is bloodied by the Kobold Minion onslaught.


Three of the Kobolds are struck by glowing rays of scalding silvery-purple light, seconds later the three reptilians are nothing more than ash in the wind- their bodies instantaneously consumed by Hedda's radiant power. The minotaur nods once at Sigur, and then turns back to see what comes next.

[sblock=Picture- Hedda in action]


Jimmy, the halfling, meantime spins out a dagger- the sixth kobold minion falls, clutching at the short blade buried deep in its chest.

Either side of the road bushes shiver and shake, or else are grabbed and pulled aside- more kobolds approach, but these are not the minions the adventurers have so far faced.

In the bush Gokan continues his bloody dance, his blades flashing about him- the half-orc slices in to the gaggle of cowering kobolds. His battleaxe bites in to the saucepan helmed reptilian's roasting tin-style breastplate- slicing through the thin metal. The effect is instantaneous, the guttersnipe's armour, such as it is, peels away from its body- some important tie or tether has been severed. A second later the forlorn looking humanoid is left standing naked amidst a small pile of saucepan lids.

Gokan's hand axe follows after his battleaxe, the embarrassed kobold clutches at its throat and staggers backwards, and falls- gurgling and forlornly waving it soon expires. Gokan however seems almost not to notice, the half-orc whirls and spins on, smashing in to the last two minions- again both of the his blades find their targets, the pair follow the guttersnipe down in to the dirt.

Back on the road, Jimmy is being menaced by a kobold skirmisher, clad in leather armour and expertly wielding a spear. Jimmy dances and, with his dagger, blocks the reptilian creature's repeated stabbing attacks.

[sblock=Kobold Skirmisher]

Kobold Skirmisher
Skirmisher Level 1


Further up the road a skull-masked kobold dodges out from behind a huge boulder, the creature mutters strange yapping phrases and with circling hands conjures a greenish ball of flickering energy. The wyrmpriest leaps a little and with one hand launches the energy orb towards the adventurers on the road.

Hal, the warforged fighter, watches the odd looking missile in, and at the last moment dodges right, straight in to the acid grenade- the metal man sizzles and smokes as he burns.


Hal is bloodied by the Kobold Wyrmpriest’s Energy Orb taking 15 acid damage.


[sblock=Kobold Wyrmpriest]

Kobold Wyrmpriest
Artillery Level 3


Moving out to join the wyrmpriest comes another kobold; this creature is armed with a lengthy, and dangerous-looking, pike. The creature snarls, grips the haft of the weapon tightly, and readies it to keep all enemies at bay- guarding its master.

[sblock=Kobold Pikeman]

Kobold Pikeman
Brute Level 2


Yet another kobold clanks out from cover, dashes across the road- straight for the still sizzling and spitting warforged. The scale armoured dragonshield ducks and dodges- yaps and suddenly points up and to the right. Hal foolishly follows the creature's gesture- looking away from his opponent for just a second- which is incidentally all the time the kobold needs. The dragonshield slices with its short sword. The blade pierces both of the Hal's knee-caps, sparks fly as the metal man staggers and totters. He windmills his hands furiously, trying desperately to maintain his balance, he fails, and falls- landing hard on the packed earth.

[sblock=Kobold Dragonshield]

Kobold Dragonshield
Soldier Level 2


The light goes out of Hal's eyes.

[sblock=Picture- Hal falls]



Hal is reduced to -12 hit points by the Kobold Dragonshield’s Dirty Tactics attack taking 22 damage, on a Crit. Three more damage and Hal is dead forever (negative bloodied hit points).


Sigur, still at the rear of the group, sucks up the hurt and shouts a lot while pointing skywards furiously with his rod- his words are indecipherable, more angular barked gruff sounds. A dark cloud forms in an instant high overhead, there follows a low grumbling sound which rumbles on for a second or two before ending in three staccato thunderclaps that suck the air from the assembled combatant's lungs.

Ahead of Sigur one of the kobold minions suddenly concertinas and collapses, all the life gone from it. The pair of kobolds facing Jimmy, and the fallen Hal, are likewise affected by the thunderclaps- the dragonshield staggers a little, its scale armour rent and broken in places. While the skirmisher has to plant its spear in the ground, and clutch on to it- in an effort to stay on its feet.

Sigur however doesn't stop invoking, or pointing, a pair of ghostly glowing hands suddenly appear and move swiftly towards their targets, swooping and diving through the melee. The first hand bursts against the dragonshield's breast, causing the creature to stagger further. The second slams in to the skirmisher, who spins around his planted spear, trying desperately to avoid collapse.

[sblock=Picture- Sigur dishes the hurt]


Jimmy sees his opening, shimmies over to the skirmisher and on his second attempt stabs the kobold in its side; the creature slides down its spear further, and then closes its eyes and falls lifeless on to the ground.

Hedda meantime gestures and chants towards Hal, the fallen metal man, “Bahamut preserve!” She yells over the noise of the battle. Hal's eyes half-open, the warforged flickers back in to life.

The minotaur priestess turns back again and strides towards Sigur, she flails wildly with her mace at a pair of kobold minions; she fails to connect with either of the sneaky dexterous reptiles.

Suddenly bursting back from the bushes comes Gokan, the half-orc is screaming again- his battle cry, he spins with his battleaxe and... THUK! The dragonshield is cleanly decapitated; the kobold's head spirals in to the air only to fall neatly at Gokan's feet.

[sblock=Picture- Gokan in action, again]


A terrified kobold minion gawps at Gokan in action, the small reptilian humanoid braces for impact as the whirling half-orc whirls on. Gokan smashes in to the creature, the kobold falls. The barbarian comes to a halt, grins back at his compatriots and then looks ahead at the kobold pikeman and wyrmpriest- pointing the way with his battleaxe, he roars.

Hal lurches to his feet and strides back a little to help Sigur and Hedda, the warforged's greatsword cleaves clean through one of the minions and in to the last of the creatures- all of the lesser kobolds are vanquished.

[sblock=Picture- Hal versus the Minions]


Back up the road the kobold pikeman acknowledges Gokan's challenge and scurries forwards, manages to dodge the half-orcs defence, and stabs Gokan in the side; although the half-orc twists at the last moment and deflects most of the force of the attack.

The kobold wyrmpriest chants and gesticulates as waves of positive energy fan from its hands; the pikeman is outlined in a protective furze. The spell-casting reptilian conjures again- another green grenade which it flings at Jimmy, the halfling reacts quickly, and yet still fails to avoid the burst- he screams as he burns, desperately trying to wipe the acid from his face and upper body.

Bad Derek, the kobold wyrmpriest, scurries back a little way- ready to flee in an instant, with only the kobold pikeman between it and the adventurers.

The kobold pikeman stabs at Gokan again, this time a hearty blow which punctures the half-orc's armour, and body. Gokan bleeds profusely but is far from beaten- he smashes his hand axe down on the kobold's pike, shattering the haft of the weapon. He spins forward, and whirls, his battleaxe comes full circle and bites deep in to the kobold's body.

An instant later Jimmy's dagger spirals out and thuds in to the pikeman's gut, a second later Hedda's mace whacks in to the side of the reptilian's head- the creature attempts to back away but is much too slow. Hal steps forward and almost cuts the kobold in two.

[sblock=Picture- Pikeman overkill]


The adventurers collectively look up, just in time to see the sneaky wyrmpriest sprinting out of sight...

The battle is won, the war has just begun.

[sblock=Encounter #1 Synopsis, PC XP & DM’s thoughts]

Encounter #1 The Kobold Ambush, starring-

Kobold Minion (Minion Level 1) x12
Kobold Guttersnipe (Artillery Level 1) x1
Kobold Skirmisher (Skirmisher Level 1) x1
Kobold Dragonshield (Soldier Level 2) x1
Kobold Pikeman (Brute Level 2) x1
Kobold Wyrmpriest (Artillery Level 3) x1

Total 900 XP for a Level 4 Encounter.

A beefed up version of the original encounter in the module, basically I’ve condensed the four kobold encounters in to three and shared out the XP to make them a little tougher, although I’ve obviously not made the Irontooth encounter any tougher.


150 XP each for a total of 150 XP in total (PCs Level 1).

Note because the Kobold Wyrmpriest Bad Derek fled, and without taking a single hit, then I didn’t give the guys the XP for the little guy, for three reasons-
1) Because I told the PCs the above and now they want revenge (and their missing XP).
2) Because they’re going to get another crack at Bad Derek.
3) Because I’m bad.

DM Thoughts-

Three of the five PCs have played this module before, although one of them only got as far as a TPK courtesy of Irontooth. I like the opening encounters so I didn’t want to mess with them too much, besides kobolds always play well in low level games- I tend to RP them as a mixture of sneaky, cruel and stupid. I also tend to throw lots of minions at low level players; the mook count is high because I think it always looks good on the map with piles of dead bad guys.

The encounter played well, particularly when Hal almost got cut in two; we’re using boosted to MM3 damage, erring on the nasty side. We agreed at the start of the campaign that the thing that was missing quite a lot of the time in 4e play was the threat. Therefore the knowledge that one bad hit from a non-minion type can leave a PC bloodied or worse certainly concentrates the mind.

To counter this PCs have one action point per encounter- they’re not allowed to save these up so they know to use them, and tend to make good use of them early on in an attempt to take out as many enemies as they can quickly.

I was of course overjoyed that the Wyrmpriest managed to get away.


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KOTS Part 1a: Winterhaven, briefly.

An hour later and the adventurers are in Winterhaven, a small fortified settlement, having nodded their way past the two guardsmen at the gate. Before them a small gathering of market stalls, two dozen or so natives of the town take a moment to stare at the strange-looking newcomers. Jimmy grins at Hal and nods towards one of the stalls, the metal man's eyes flash red, the warforged moves off in the opposite direction, towards a timber and stucco two storey building, the sign says 'Wrafton's Inn'.

[sblock=Picture- Winterhaven]


Moments later the adventurers are within; a cosy wide-open chamber, with a dozen or so tables, half of which are occupied, at the far end a long bar and a set of stairs leading up to the second floor. The occupants of the Inn stop to stare, while a well-dressed young man wearing a symbol of office stands up and clears his throat...

“Welcome to Winterhaven, I'm Padraig- Lord Padraig, and you are?”

The young man offers his hand, “Hedda.” Hedda states, and shakes the proffered hand- the minotaur priestess nods to each of her compatriots as she introduces them to the young Lord. The assembled adventurers nod, or else likewise shake his Lordship’s hand, drinks are called for and eventually the buzz of conversation returns, although the adventurers are still subject to many curious side-long glances.

“Well, what brings you to our pleasant town?” Padraig asks.

Hedda scans her compatriots’ faces before fielding the enquiry, “we're seeking a friend- Douvern Staul, an ex-adventurer, he came this way perhaps a month past....”

Padraig suddenly interrupts spotting the acid scars on Hal's metal body, the blood on Sigur's robes, and Jimmy's burnt and blackened hands, “It seems your journey was not without incident- Kobolds?” The young lord ventures.

“Aye.” Sigur curtly nods, “bloody little devils...” The dwarf trails off.
“How did you...” Jimmy begins, again Lord Padraig interrupts.
“We've been having a few... err, problems with the little... rascals, on the King's Road- I've posted a reward for their destruction...”
“We're not here for piffling kobold scum- we're here for our friend!” Sigur declares, punctuating his statement by slamming his tankard repeatedly on to the table.

The Inn goes silent again, behind Lord Padraig a large bearded man puts his hand on the hilt of his sword, and swaggers closer... “Watch your tongue, dwarf!”
Sigur stands; his chair spins back and clatters in to a nearby table spilling drinks.
“I'll say what I like to who I like- you long tall streak of p...”
“Gentlemen!” Hedda rises, hands out- proffering peace, “we came here to find our friend, not to cause trouble- if you help us with our mission, we will- time permitting - help you with your kobold problem. After all- one good turn deserves another.”

The silence sharpens, Sigur continues to bristle, the hefty looking man behind Padraig bites his beard and bristles back.

In the silence a badly-dressed older human staggers to his feet- gripping hard on to the edge of the nearest table, “I know... I mean, I knew... That is...” The old drunk tries for the third time to make himself understood. “He's working at the old burial site- Dougan, to the south east of here, not far- about three miles outside the town walls, I sent him there- or at least I told him...”

The five adventurers instantly forget their conversation with Lord Padraig and his lackey, they wordlessly excuse themselves from the table- Sigur grabs one of the drunk’s arms, Hal the other- the old guy's feet don't touch the floor until the gaggle are back outside the gates of Winterhaven.

“Where?” Hedda demands.
“I'm thirsty...” The old man starts.
“You will be rewarded well, should you tell the truth.” Hedda declares and fetches out her money pouch.
“Talk you dirty bastard.” Sigur spits and violently shakes the drunk.
“Over there.” The startled human points, “three miles or so- you can't miss it, a big hole in the ground circled by gorse bushes, he's down there. I promise, now...”
“When did you see Douvern last?” Hedda asks.
Sigur begins to shake the drunk when he hesitates.
“Douv..? Oh, you mean Dougan; he came in to town ten days back- bought food and drink from the store...”
“How did he seem?” Hedda snorts and gets in the drunk’s face, awaiting his reply- watching him intently.
The drunk shrugs, “alright, I guess- he had a drink and a meal at Wrafton's 'fore he left- bought me one for pointing 'im in the right direction.” The drunk looks momentarily wounded, he mutters to himself, “not right treating me like this...” Sigur snarls at the guy, whose face turns white.

“Let him go.” Hedda states, Hal and Sigur comply, the latter reluctantly- the drunk staggers some more as the minotaur priestess of Bahamut presses a single gold coin in to his hand. The old man grins as the coin catches the light revealing its value, all it seems is instantly forgiven.

“Bless you sirs”, the drunk states and goes to kiss Sigur, then thinks better of it, and hot foots it back through the town gate, heading at speed for the Inn.

The adventurers take a moment- each gazing off in to the distance, eventually Sigur breaks the silence, “Well!” the dwarf bellows, tuts loudly and then strides off towards the burial site, the others quickly follow after...

Hedda worries- too easy, she thinks, far too easy.

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KOTS Part 2: The Ancient Burial Site.

[sblock=Party Line Up]

The Hard Core Adventurers Level 1


The adventurers find the burial site with ease, and in good time- they don't think to mask their approach, which leaves them a little surprised when they encounter not Douvern Staul but a jolly gnome and a bunch of human workers; the group seem to be set on excavating the site.

“Where's...” Jimmy begins, which causes the gnome to look up, the four workers likewise cease their shovelling, and take the opportunity to lean on their spades and rest up a while.

“Agrid.” The gnome states, clearly referring to himself, he waves- “can I help you folk?” Agrid grins.

Hedda takes a moment; the area before them is quite clearly the excavation site the drunk spoke of. The minotaur priestess has never seen an excavation site in truth, but it’s exactly as she imagined. Steep banks lead ten to fifteen feet down in to a depression, in the centre of which is a low wooden-fenced area- clearly the area that is being excavated, and indeed investigated. Low level vegetation dots the hollow, and circles the sides of the decline- Hedda is fairly certain there's no-one else present, most odd- she thinks.

“Where's Douvern?” Sigur breaks the silence, less of a question, more of a demand to know.
“What's a Douvern?” Agrid the gnome asks, grins a little and squints into the low sun behind the adventurers.
“Our friend Douvern Staul was investigating this place- he went back to Winterhaven ten days past for more supplies, then returned here.” Hedda takes the reins.
“Are you sure?” Agrid asks by way of reply.
“Are we sure of what?” Hedda sighs, fearing the conversation is wilfully being steered off course.
“Are you sure this Douvern fellow came back here, or indeed was ever here- we've not seen him.” Agrid replies, the workers shake their heads echoing the gnome’s point, while continuing to lean on their spades.

“Where else could he have gone?” Sigur snarls.
“Where indeed?” Comes the gnome's reply, the small humanoid shrugs.

The silence stretches, a bird calls in the breeze and receives its reply. Hedda shivers, thinks for a moment, and then presses on.

“What're you looking for?” She asks.
The gnome squints again in the sun, cocks his head at a slight angle, “that's our business.” He states, before adding the epithet, “friend”, almost as an afterthought.

“We're coming down to take a look...”, and before Agrid can respond the five adventurers make the bottom of the slope in a rush, save for Sigur who ingloriously slides and stumbles down, much of the way on his backside.

“No closer now, this is private”, Agrid attempts to wave Hedda and the others back, although the minotaur priestess notes the gnome is doing little to close the distance, he's staying back. The workers on the other hand seem to be shifting their weight- taking up combat stances, albeit they're armed at present with shovels.

“What're the clubs for?” Jimmy asks, indicating the wooden cudgels hanging from the workers’ belts.
“Wild animals.” Agrid offers, realising that the game is almost played out.

Suddenly a burst of inky blackness soundlessly explodes in the centre of the fenced-off section. The black hissing mist is whipped away by the breeze, to reveal the shadowy outline of a wild-haired, robed figure; a human.

“Fools!” The shadowy apparition exclaims, and then turning to Agrid bellows in a rasping voice- “destroy them!”
“Yes, master.” Agrid mutters, and then screams, “Attack!”

[sblock=Picture- The Ancient Burial Site]


Before any of the adventurers can act, a shadowy monstrous clawed-hand suddenly materialises before Gokan, lashes forward aiming to rip out the half-orc's throat- Gokan dodges back just in the nick of time, the shadowy appendage as suddenly fades away.

Only Jimmy has the reflexes to react, the halfling takes a step backwards and in the same motion spins out one of his many daggers- the short blade THUNKS in to the chest of the closest member of the human rabble; the man goes down clutching at the halfling's dagger buried in his heart.

[sblock=Human Rabble]

Human Rabble
Minion Level 2


“One.” Jimmy plainly states.

The odds are evened.

The adventurers leap in to action, Gokan moves quickly towards the spectral apparition; however the half-orc's path is expertly blocked. The fallen human worker stirs and rises, in the process the flesh around the wound inflicted by Jimmy's dagger visibly rots and falls away.

Gokan can see all the way through the hole in the worker's abdomen. Beyond, the apparition floats backwards a few steps, all the while gesturing and shaping with its spectral hands- the rotten zombie is under its control it seems. The shambling undead lashes out, but the half-orc is too quick for the creature's lumbering attack.

[sblock=Spectral Apparition]

Spectral Apparition
Lurker Level 4


Gokan dodges right, trying still to find a route through to the spectral figure; at the same moment bursting from a stand of bushes close by comes a strutting lizard, a guardian drake- as tall as Jimmy. The scaly beast rushes forward, hurls itself the last few feet- straight at Gokan. It snaps its jaws shut around the half-orc's right forearm, and tugs. Gokan instinctively pulls back and rips his now lacerated arm free from the beast's bite- he feels faint, he's already lost a lot of blood and the battle has barely begun.

[sblock=Guard Drake]

Drake Guard
Brute Level 2


His instincts take over, a moment later Gokan is whirling in to action, his twin blades describe a furious arc as his battleaxe smashes in to the side of the drake's reptilian skull, sending it momentarily spinning, while his hand axe crunches in to the rotten zombie's face. He levers his off-hand blade free as the undead creature folds and falls- Gokan howls, head back, he screams and then launches himself forward intent on repeating the trick.

Both blades come again, both connect with the drake this time- the battleaxe crushing the creature's short forelimbs, the hand axe rips through the beast's scaly side plunging in to its internal organs. The drake staggers makes pathetic yawping sounds and dances like a tottering drunk in a forlorn effort to stay on its feet.


Gokan’s attack- Whirling Rend (Crit for 15 damage) with added Furious Assault, followed by an Action Point and a Howling Strike manages to reduce the Guard Drake from 48 hit points to one- not bad for first level.


Jimmy sidles closer, finishes the beast with an expertly thrown dagger, “That's two to me!” The halfling grins at the dumbstruck Gokan.

[sblock=Picture- Jimmy in for the kill]


One of the human rabble breaks ranks- rushes full speed screaming at Sigur and brings its club down hard on the dwarven invoker's shoulder. Sigur barely flinches, the dwarf's armour however instantly flares with a metallic bluish light which coalesces to a point, and then bursts and engulfs the club-wielding human. The man staggers backwards, his limbs seemingly not his to control, the human falls- twitches a while, and then lies still.

“Next.” Sigur declares, and invokes- a trio of ghostly glowing hands shimmer in to life and race forward to their targets, they twist and turn through the melee. One of the club-wielding workers is momentarily gripped by one of the ghostly appendages, another ducks at the last moment and scurries clear. The human gripped, falls lifeless to the dirty ground. The third ghostly appendage attempts to repeat the feat on the spectral human commander- the effect is disappointing; the shimmering apparition seems not to suffer any hurt.

Sigur spits and curses, invokes again- raging as he waves his fist and rod implement at the darkening clouds above- soon after come the thunderclaps- a pair of powerful bursts, but once more the effect is disappointing. Agrid and the apparition survive the blast with seemingly not a single hair out of place.

[sblock=Gnome Skulk- Agrid]

Gnome Skulk- Agrid
Lurker Level 2


From cover a second guardian drake emerges, stalks forward like some strutting peacock, and then launches itself at the dagger wielding Jimmy, the halfling staggers as the beast's teeth rake his shoulder but luckily fail to find purchase. Seconds later the halfling has to crouch and jump as Agrid's crossbow sings- the bolt THUCKS into the ground in exactly the spot he was standing a second ago. Jimmy lands expertly, and the drake comes again, it snaps and bites at him- the halfling gives ground.

The last of the human workers still standing sees his opportunity, shuffles closer and clubs Jimmy in the back- the halfling swears and curses for a second, then manoeuvres desperately in an attempt to keep both enemies at bay.

“A little help here- if you could!” Jimmy screams over the sounds of battle.

[sblock=Picture- Jimmy is under attack]


Hedda gestures and chants in Gokan's direction, “Bahamut preserve!” And in an instant almost all of the half-orc's wounds close over- Gokan grins his thanks.

Seconds later Jimmy is relieved when the uninjured guardian drake he is facing suddenly takes to cowering, attempting somehow to hide its eyes from... Jimmy glances over his shoulder- Hedda has her eyes locked on the beast, her holy symbol before her, muttering some unheard prayer. The drake looks confused, somehow hurt by the strange display, the halfling grins- help it seems has arrived.

A moment later Hedda dashes past Jimmy, quickly at full speed, head down she makes a raucous lowing sound as she thumps head-first, or rather horns-first, in to the remaining guardian drake. The beast is gored, it twists and turns as Hedda shakes it, and herself, free.

“Now that's what I call a Bull Rush!” Jimmy quips.
Hedda lows again, louder still, the halfling decides to save the witty banter for after the fight.

Hal finally lumbers forward, the warforged's greatsword dances in his hands, the metal man breaks in to a short trot, swings hard, and slices clean through the last of the human workers. Hal's momentum carries him forward, his greatsword finally coming to rest in the flank of the guardian drake. Hal swings again, the beast suffers only a glancing blow this time, but it’s almost enough. The guardian drake, like its partner, makes yawping sounds like some terrified beast, clearly not long for this world.

[sblock=Picture- Hedda & Hal to the rescue]


Agrid meantime dashes behind the low wooden fence surrounding the dig-site, doubles back on himself, and hides.

Suddenly Hal is gripped, a shadowy clawed hand appears from nowhere and begins to throttle the metal man. Hal is often described by the folk of Fallcrest as a 'big unit', and yet the warforged is lifted a good six inches into the air. He fights to free himself from the monstrous shadowy appendage's grab...


Hal is Bloodied, and Grabbed, by the Spectral Apparition’s Shadow Claws attack, which hits for 16 Necrotic damage.


Gokan looks at Jimmy, nods towards the last mewling guardian drake, and then charges screaming at the spectral figure, which seems to fade out of existence at just the moment his twin blades are set to connect with it- the half-orc stumbles, staggers on, trips and almost falls.

The apparition appears again.

“Foolish creature- do you not know who I am?” It intones and hisses at the flailing half-orc.

Jimmy meantime sees to his part of the bargain, the guardian drake seeing only the halfling before it, suddenly gets its courage back, and limping slightly stalks forward- its over-confidence proves to be fatal. A pair of daggers spin out and thump in to the small drake's scaly breast, it scrabbles for a second when the first hits- the second is enough however to end the beast.

“Three!” Jimmy shouts to anyone that will listen, grins a while and then has a thought- “get that bastard gnome!” He cries, as an afterthought.

[sblock=Picture- Jimmy’s third kill]


Hedda locks her gaze on the apparition, which instinctively turns to stare back at the priestess of Bahamut- the moment stretches as the minotaur priestess uses a mix of her faith and will in an attempt to overpower the spectral figure... the strain is terrible. The minotaur offers fresh prayers and devotions to the platinum dragon in order to boost her power.

“Ha!” The apparition triumphs, Hedda is forced to break its gaze, she staggers a little unsure of her step. Then suddenly throws her arms up and out, stumbles forwards bellowing, almost falling to the earth, then rights herself- spins round, all the while attempting to claw free the crossbow bolt sunk deep in to her back.

[sblock=Picture- Hedda gets shot]



Hedda is Bloodied by Agrid’s sneaky Hand Crossbow attack (with Combat Advantage), which hits for 19 points of damage.


Agrid however is nowhere to be seen.

“Kill that damn gnome! Now!” The priestess of Bahamut screams.

Sigur stays back, spies the battlefield- things are much clearer now, although the only enemy in sight is of course the horrid spectral figure- the dwarf invokes yet another of his spectral hands, alas the result is all too familiar.

Sigur shouts at the smiling apparition- “Don't make me come over there!”

Hal meantime levers his metal fingers inside the shadowy clawed hand's tightening grip, applies all his strength, and bursts free- his fall to earth turns in to a charge, he hurtles at the spectral figure- which once more fades to nothing at the just the right moment. Hal is sent sprawling in the dirt.

“You fools! You puny fools; scrabbling in the dirt- I shall destroy you!” The spectral figure seems to be enjoying itself.

Agrid scurries on all fours around the low wooden fence, still hidden from sight; the gnome chuckles a little, and makes sure his crossbow is cocked and loaded- ready to fire.

The spectral figure turns back to Gokan, gestures once, and the monstrous clawed hand that recently gripped Hal, reappears- this time with its great digits wrapped tightly around the throat of the half-orc. Gokan is wrenched in to the air- throttled, shaken like a doll, his eyes roll over to show white...

“You insolent dogs, now you will feel my pow...”

But the moment is enough, Gokan may not be as strong as Hal, but the half-orc is agile- he somehow manages to wriggle and slip his way free of the choking shadow hand, which fades to nothing on his escape.

Gokan is a blur, as are his blades- his battleaxe lashes out and connects with the spectral figure, his hand axe smashes down in to the apparition's left leg, shattering bone. The figure collapses, bleeding furiously from its wounds.

[sblock=Picture- The Spectral Apparition is sent sprawling]


A dagger thuds in to the hard-packed earth by the ghostly human's side, Jimmy curses.

“Bahamut preserve me!” Hedda intones, as her wounds heal over, the minotaur priestess looks over to see better progress being made with the spectral figure. “Now for that damn gnome”, she mutters, and mace swinging before her, stomps around the outside of the low wooden fence.

Hedda turns a corner and, PERCHANG! A crossbow bolt ricochets off her armour and away, she grins and smashes her mace down on the scuttling gnome, who at the last moment dives out of harm’s way. Hedda's attack smashes completely through a section of the wooden fence.

Sigur grumbles, mumbles and curses- and then Agrid pops in to view- the dwarf grins, almost claps his hands- again two ghostly hands are despatched, and again both fail to find their targets. Sigur makes a noise like a strangled cat.

“Stand BLOODY still!” The irate invoker roars.

Hal leaps back to his feet and stalks the scrabbling spectral figure, swings hard with his greatsword, but only just manages to produce the merest trace of red.

The spectral figure is quickly to its feet, although clearly shaken; the figure bows its head, looks beaten, but as Hal closes in darts one hand out to deliver the lightest of touches. The effect is instantaneous, the spot touched darkens, the darkness swiftly grows until it engulfs the upper half of the warforged warrior.

Hal stops moving, stops... everything, totters, and then collapses.


Hal is reduced to -2 hit points, after the Spectral Apparition hits the metal man with its Shadow Touch attack for 15 Necrotic damage. The second time a PC has been reduced to negative hit points- both times it’s been Hal.


“That will befall you all!” The spirit figure shrieks and points at the unmoving automaton.

“Fear my next visit... I will be...” But that's as far as the spectral figure gets.

Gokan winks at Jimmy, Jimmy returns the compliment- the pair dash forward; Gokan to the fore, Jimmy to the rear. The half-orc's battleaxe thuds in to the ghostly figure’s all too solid body, his hand axe follows- at the same time Jimmy's dagger is plunged in to the creature's spine.

“... back?” Jimmy offers as the spectral figure gargles and slumps to the ground, a second or two later the body fades to nothing.

“Four!” The halfling adds, and grins at a bemused looking Gokan.

[sblock=Picture- Gokan and Jimmy get to work]


Agrid suddenly makes for the exit, breaks cover and heads for the nearest slope, Sigur- closest to the gnome, grumbles and begins his favourite invocation. A crossbow bolt suddenly THUDS in to the dwarf's side; he staggers, but continues his casting.

Yet another ghostly hand appears, dashes forward and unerringly punches Agrid square in his face, BLINK, and the gnome is gone- disappeared.

Hedda is quickly at Hal's side, she knows little of the warforged's physiognomy, but she recognises the necrotic power which has caused Hal to falter. She sets to her ministrations, and in moments the metal man is levering himself back on to his feet.

Gokan sniffs and tastes the air, listening intently, watching like a hawk... screaming the half-orc charges, swings both of his weapons and THUNK!

Sprawling in the dirt before him is Agrid the gnome, bruised and battered- jaw broken, front teeth missing, and now sporting a terrible rent in his right shoulder.

[sblock=Picture- Gokan sniffs out the Gnome]



Gokan picks the right spot, and even at -5 to hit, connects and delivers 18 points of damage with his Charge attack, Bloodying Agrid in an instant.


“Thurwender.” Agrid mumbles, and drops his crossbow and short sword.

[sblock=Encounter #2 Synopsis, PC XP & DM’s thoughts]

Encounter #2 The Ancient Burial Site, starring-

Human Rabble (Minion Level 2) x4
Drake Guard (Brute Level 2) x2
Gnome Skulk- Agrid (Lurker Level 2) x1
Spectral Apparition (Lurker Level 4) x1

Total 674 XP for a Level 2 Encounter.

Unchanged from the original module- I just like this encounter as it does exactly what it says on the tin. It’s not supposed to be titanic, and it serves my purpose- see later. It also gets the players thinking- ‘what’s happening here?’


134 XP each for a total of 284 XP in total (PCs Level 1).

DM Thoughts-

This is the gateway encounter, the guys have come to Winterhaven to rescue Douvern, which proves simple enough, but in rescuing their friend they uncover something else- something bigger. This is the hook- there’s something else going on here.

And again Hal suffers- the metal man always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, that’s defenders for you. All told the Spectral Apparition dished out 38 points of Necrotic damage to the metal man over the course of the encounter. The player- Lee, wonders aloud whether he has built Hal to last.

It was, of course, my intention to ensure that Agrid was captured alive, so he can tell his strange tale.

SPOILERS- the Spectral Apparition is of course a projection of the final enemy in this scenario, Kalarel; but you knew that. The players of course do not, except for two of them that have played KOTS all the way through before- but they have been sworn to silence.


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KOTS Part 2a: A quiet chat with Agrid.

Ten or so minutes later, after Hedda has seen to the adventurers’ wounds, and done a little to make Agrid slightly more comfortable, it seems it’s time for the gnome to tell them what he knows.

“Where's Douvern?” Jimmy asks.
“Whathh a Ouv...” Agrid starts.
Sigur finishes, head-butting the restrained gnome in the face.

Five minutes later, when Agrid has been cleaned up for a second time, and while Sigur has been tasked with inspecting the fallen, Agrid tells his story; after of course leading Hedda to the unconscious Douvern- hidden in a particularly thick clump of bushes.

“I wath hired in Thallcresthh, a week ago by a low lifthh thuman- I downt know hith name. Before you askth. I wasth given money and thtold to get a gang togethhher- ththosthe guysth...”

Agrid points at sprawling dead humans, whose bodies are being kicked about by the grumbling Sigur.

“I wasthh thold tho thrack Douvern Stthaul down, sthhomewhere outshhide Winterthaven, tho capthhure thim- which wasth theasthy. Then thatth ththing thurned up...”

Agrid vaguely waves towards where the adventurers fought the spectral figure.

“Andth no- I donth thnow who he wasthhh eithther. He thsaid to carry on digging... didn't thsay whath we were looking for ththough. The thsaid thsome goblinsth would come andth bring usth more money and sthome guardth. They turned up yesthherday, withh the money, and them drakesth. Then they leftth again.”

“Go on...” Hedda advises, and pointedly looks at Sigur.

“Then the sththpirit guy comesth back- saysth sthomeone called Irontooth would come for Douvern... and to keep digging. He sthhaid he'd be watchthing usth. That'sth thit... Oh excthept we found thisth, I didn't get a chthhancthe to tell him...”

Agrid fetches out an ornate, and old fashioned looking, small silvered hand-mirror, perhaps a child's plaything- clearly valuable.

Douvern alas remains unconscious- Hedda ascertains the old man's life is not at risk, however he has taken quite a beating it seems- the ex-adventurer desperately needs food, warmth and bed rest.

After a brief chat Agrid is tied, and gripped by Hal, while Gokan and Hedda carry Douvern on a makeshift bier constructed from the remnants of the low wooden fence.

The adventurers head back unmolested, and at a brisk pace, to Winterhaven.

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KOTS Part 2b: Winterhaven whistle-stop.

Once again the adventurers’ stay in Winterhaven is a short affair, rooms are rented at the Inn, and Douvern who is now awake but still very groggy is put to bed. Sister Lenora is called for, from the church of Avandra situated within the town. Lord Padraig who is being very helpful implores the priestess to care for Douvern- she agrees.

Rond Kelfram, Lord Padraig's back-up in the bar earlier, is introduced to the adventurers, Sigur has nothing good to say and so keeps his peace. Rond functions as the watch captain here in Winterhaven; he takes charge of the miscreant gnome, Agrid, and then after a brief discussion between Hedda and Lord Padraig tells the adventurers all about Winterhaven's kobold problem.

Rond fears that the kobolds are being directed by some greater power, Lord Padraig however is not convinced- either way the reptilian humanoids are said to lair nearby- in a cave located behind a waterfall, at the confluence of two minor rivers. The little beasts, it seems, have been targeting caravans bound for Winterhaven, also attacking farmsteads close to the town- the citizens are beginning to feel a little isolated.

Hedda suggests that they solve the kobold problem immediately- there's still light left in the day and if need be they can always camp out in the wilds. The minotaur priestess of Bahamut's suggestion is swiftly approved- Lord Padraig grins a lot, shakes hands, and generally does a lot of back-slapping, he's delighted.

The adventurers refill their canteens, check their equipment and are about to head off again when Sister Lenora comes running down the stairs-

“Your friend, he wishes to speak with you.”

Five minutes later, after lots of warm embraces, the adventurers sit around in Douvern's room, the old man is awake, weak still, but much clearer-headed.

“I should've known... That bloody gnome- bushwhacked by one of the little folk, no offence my lad.” Douvern winks at Jimmy, who grins back at his father.

Douvern delivers a short account of his activities, which mostly consists of days spent digging, until he was jumped by Agrid and his friends. He recalls snatches of happenings during his captivity- it seems he was beaten several times, he certainly remembers some goblins turning up, and even repeats the name 'Irontooth.'

The adventurers however learn nothing new, but as it turns out telling his tale wasn't the reason Douvern called them back. The old man has a present it seems, for Gokan, something he procured from the merchant he travelled with to Winterhaven.

The dumbstruck half-orc is presented with a beautifully crafted, but clearly used, battleaxe-

“It is said to possess great power, in the hands of the right wielder.” Douvern adds.

The half-orc feels the weight of the blade, practises a few experimental swings, which causes the other assembled adventurers to scatter. The axe is clearly of expert manufacture; Gokan greatly approves, and in a heart-warming moment crushes Douvern to him.


Gokan, Male Half-Orc Whirling Barbarian Level 1

Played by Dave

Now with +1 Vanguard Battleaxe​



Each of the players initially supplied me with a comprehensive wish list as regards magic items. Throughout this campaign I have badgered them to maintain this list, with three items minimum/level up to PC Level +5.


Ten minutes later, having lost another hour of light, the adventurers say their goodbyes, and head off again. The sun is setting and they've a five mile journey yet to make, buoyed by their successes and Douvern's words, they cover the distance in less than an hour, following Rond's directions and the river all the way.

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KOTS Part 3: Outside the Kobold Lair.

[sblock=Party Line Up]

The Hard Core Adventurers Level 1

Gokan now with +1 Vanguard Battleaxe.​


Gokan holds up his hand; in the last dying rays of the sunset the adventurers draw to a halt, the half-orc puts a finger to his lips for silence, makes a fist with his raised hand and then moves off in to the woods ahead. The four remaining adventurers stand as still as statues, listening intently, anxiously watching and waiting.

Gokan makes his way through the copse of trees, towards the sound of fast running water, slowly- cautiously, he approaches a clearing.

The half-orc stands swarmed in shadow; ahead a grassy bank slopes down to a fast flowing stream. Gokan spies two kobold minions, both armed and armoured as the ones that lead the attack on the King's Road. The stream bisects the scene ahead- from a plunging waterfall to his right it rushes in to the darkness of the woods to his left.

[sblock=Kobold Minion]

Kobold Minion
Minion Level 1


Across the other side of the stream is a much larger grassy area, hemmed in again by trees and forest. Another four kobolds, similarly armed and armoured, patrol this area- or else loiter there. Also over the far side is a rough circle of standing stones, Gokan strains to listen.

A mumbling yapping sound comes from this direction, he shades his eyes to see- there are two more kobolds within the confines of the stone circle- one he's certain is another of the bastard wyrmpriests, the other looks to be a guard or warrior.

[sblock=Kobold Wyrmpriest]

Kobold Wyrmpriest
Artillery Level 3


Gokan waits a while longer, till he's certain he has seen all there is to see, and then silently slips back through the trees...

[sblock=Picture- Outside the Kobold Lair]


“Ready” Jimmy whispers- Hedda, barely visible in the fast approaching gloom, nods.

Jimmy throws his dagger out with all his might, the target- the chanting kobold, presumed to be another wyrmpriest, is far over on the other side of the stream, and only visible now and then as it moves within the confines of the stone circle.


Jimmy's target screams as from just short of fifty feet the halfling scores a terrible hit, the short blade burying itself up to its hilt between the wyrmpriest's shoulder blades.


Jimmy’s Sly Flourish attack is at long range and against the concealed Kobold Wyrmpriest, he needs to roll a 19 to hit- or something like that, and he rolls… a 19, of course. And in keeping with the theme does 19 points of damage to the now terrified Kobold.


The kobolds stir but too late, a double thunderclap makes the air fizz within the stone circle, both kobolds within are staggered and have to grip on to the standing stones to stay on their feet. The wyrmpriest is almost done for- blood gushes from its mouth, ears, eyes and nose. Sigur grins.

Hal lurches out of the tree line, his greatsword flashes and a kobold minion falls; Hedda meantime pops her head out of the woods and stares defiantly at the second kobold on this side of the stream. The terrified reptilian drops its weapon and with its panicked hands before it backs up at speed, trying desperately to escape the minotaur's horrifying gaze. Alas it backs up too fast and too far, the wretch tumbles off the bank and in to the stream- snapping its neck as it slams down on to the rocks there.

Gokan sets off at pace howling for all he's worth, all the while whirling his twin axes above his head- the half-orc reaches the waters-edge, leaps on to a rock midstream and bounds again on to the far side. Even then Gokan doesn't dawdle, the half-orc's charge continues, as he smashes in to the nearest enemies.

His axes dance and two more minions fall.

[sblock=Picture- Surprise!]


Jimmy dives headlong down the bank, dances across stones protruding from the rocky stream bed and makes the other side- the halfing scurries forward, target in sight. A spear wielding kobold minion approaches, while from within the standing stones the wounded warrior, another kobold dragonshield, emerges- the pair close in on the halfling, squawking and yapping their delight at having cornered Jimmy.

[sblock=Kobold Dragonshield]

Kobold Dragonshield
Soldier Level 2


Exactly where Jimmy wants them.

The halfling spins on the spot, his dagger thrust out before him, creates a bloody arc as he twists and turns, the minion staggers back- throat cut, it tumbles down the bank and in to the stream- drowning while it bleeds to death. The dragonshield is sliced across the brow- the armoured kobold staggers back in to the circle of stones, blood in its eyes, flailing with its short sword wildly. Jimmy grins, dodges forward- the dragonshield swings, and then backs up further, the kobold suddenly thumps in to one of the standing stones, ricochets forward- Jimmy dances in and stabs it in the gut. The kobold is almost, but not quite, done for.

The dragonshield screams and surges forward, throws its shield at Jimmy, clearly desperate, as it slices- connects and leaves a great scar down the halfling's now numbed right leg.

[sblock=Picture- Jimmy & the Dragonshield]


From the forest beyond the standing stones a pair of previously hidden kobolds emerge, the first slinks from its hiding place unseen, sneaks around the inside of the standing stones and in to position behind Gokan. The sneaky reptilian stabs out with its spear and skewers the half-orc, who is taken completely by surprise.

[sblock=Kobold Slink]

Kobold Slink
Lurker Level 1


The second sly kobold leaps from the shadows to land silently just behind Jimmy, the creature wields a short sword in each hand- both blades are plunged in to the halfling's body.

[sblock=Kobold Slyblade]

Kobold Slyblade
Lurker Level 4


Jimmy instinctively attempts to twist, to somehow lessen the blows’ effect, but too late, he gasps for air with a punctured lung. The pain is all too much, he falls face forward on to the cold damp earth- blood oozes from his wounds, the halfling has mere seconds left to live.

[sblock=Picture- Jimmy is down]



Jimmy is reduced to -11 HP and taking ongoing 5 damage, he will be at negative bloodied at the start of his next turn. The Kobold Slyblade hits twice, even after Jimmy employed his Second Chance (the Slyblade just hit again), for 16 and 18 damage respectively. The players are terrified- Jimmy might die.


Hal moves forward across the stream striding unhindered by the fast flowing water, the metal man climbs the bank as another half-dozen or so kobolds come rushing along the river's edge, hidden further downstream and therefore unaccounted for.

[sblock=Picture- Kobold reinforcements]


One of the creatures charges screaming at Hal, manages to stab and dent the metal man's right thigh, another rushes further on and joins the kobold slink menacing Gokan, the half-orc is nicked and cut again, he feels a little light-headed.


Gokan is bloodied.


Hal cuts down the minion he faces, and then moves on in to the circle of stones to stand over Jimmy's fallen body, the metal man lashes out twice more- backhand and forehand. The former causes the dragonshield to shift awkwardly to avoid the attack, the latter cuts - but only slightly - the kobold slyblade that did for Jimmy.

Two of the closing kobold minions pull up short, draw javelins and send them arcing towards Gokan. The half-orc swats aside one of the missiles with his battleaxe, but misses the other and takes yet another wound.

And yet another hidden kobold emerges from the trees, this fellow is positioned much closer to the waterfall- a little away from the action. The kobold detaches a grenade-like object from its belt, places it in in his sling- whirls up a storm and sends the odd-looking missile spinning. Alas the kobold slinger's aim is off- the grenade shatters on one of the rocks in the river, and bursts briefly in to flames.

[sblock=Kobold Slinger]

Kobold Slinger
Artillery Level 1


The staggering wyrmpriest chants and whines, a wave of shadowy energy pulses out and forms a dull sheen on its closest allies. The kobolds affected yap and screech their defiance, buoyed by their spiritual leader's protective magic.

The wyrmpriest is not done however; it circles its hands and conjures a glowing acid ball, which is sent sailing in to the air. The energy orb smashes in to Hal's chest-plate which, as in the first encounter, hisses spits and smokes as the acid gets to work. Hal staggers, barely able to keep his feet.


Hal is bloodied, actually reduced to 4 HP, after taking 16 Acid damage from the Wyrmpriest’s Energy Orb attack.


Sigur rushes out of the woods- he needs to get closer to the action; the dwarf grumbles and mumbles as he jogs forward in to the stream. He dodges hard left, backs up a little way, and avoids a minion's spear attack from the bank, then jogs on to a clear space between two of the standing stones.

The dwarf bows his head for a moment, mumbles something dark and dangerous, and then screaming punches his arms in to the air. A blanket of silvery purple light bursts from the dwarf- the glittering light seems to coalesce around each of his enemies- the radiant burst burns the kobolds. The slink, the slinger and the slyblade dodge and duck for cover and receive only minor wounds. The wyrmpriest receives the full force of the blast, and yet somehow manages to survive the attack, but is left barely standing- the kobold attempts to limp away. The kobold dragonshield meantime thumps in to the hard-packed dirt, deceased.

[sblock=Picture- Sigur in action]



Sigur unleashes his Angelic Echelon, his Daily Power, which does 56 points of radiant damage in total- kick ass!


The dwarven invoker however is not yet done, a pair of ghostly radiant hands rush to their targets- the wyrmpriest is scragged and falls, while the slink staggers and looks very ill.

Hedda heads over to join the action, she rushes over the stream, and gruffly barks at the fallen halfling, “Bahamut Preserve!” Jimmy blinks open his eyes, and grins- that was close. The minotaur priestess bows her head and charges, bellowing all the way, she thumps in to the slyblade, leaving the kobold bruised and bloodied and on its backside- Hedda swings hard with her mace, attempting to end the creature, but somehow contrives to miss her target.

A stray minion rushes at Gokan and the half-orc is stabbed again, he staggers, the kobold is however cut down for its pains, but it is the only enemy to fall to Gokan's axes; the slink is far too quick for him.

Hedda stands in the midst of the action; it’s going to be close, she frets, real close...

“For Bahamut!” The minotaur priestess screams, Jimmy still lying on the floor takes up the call- “HARD CORE!” The halfling rogue yells.

[sblock=Picture- A whole lot of hurting going on]


Jimmy manoeuvres, although still bleeding badly and clutching at his side; leaden footed the halfling sprawls forward the last few feet, and lunges at the kobold slyblade- a palpable hit. The kobold attempts to withdraw, but stumbles; the effect raises Jimmy's spirits - the halfling's wounds are temporarily forgotten.

“Come on!” Jimmy screams, clearly enthused, the halfling grins.

Gokan and Hal dodge fresh kobold attacks while Hedda is cut again, but not badly- a slight wound from yet another javelin flung in to the melee. Hal fights back, another glancing blow and the slyblade is almost out for the count- now leaning heavily on one of the standing stones, the upright is slick with its blood.

Gokan staggers forward, bats a minion aside- narrowly misses being speared again, and moves on. A second strange grenade-like object flies through the air missing Hedda by inches, THUNKS in to a standing stone and bounces off to plop harmlessly in to the stream.

The kobold slinger makes fists of its hands and jumps and yaps furiously on the spot- clearly unhappy with its aim.

Sigur conjures a trio of radiant spectral hands, two minions in the melee are picked out- plucked or else slapped, and sent spiralling to the dirt. The third ghostly appendage fizzes angrily against the kobold slink, and yet the hurt is still not enough to lay the creature down.

Hedda strides forward, “Bahamut preserve!” the minotaur priestess roars, Hal nods slightly registering his thanks. The minotaur strides on, brandishing her mace before her. Hedda closes on the kobold slyblade, dodges once and then smashes her weapon down, through the kobold's defences, and on to the top of the reptilian's skull, which CRACKS and breaks- the slyblade falls.

Gokan matches Hedda's efforts; his twin axes smash in to the kobold slink, which sinks down forever.

[sblock=Picture- The tide has turned]


There are only three kobolds left on the field of battle, the pair of javelin flinging minions who are even now backing cautiously towards the waterfall, and the short-sighted- it seems, slinger.

Hedda whirls her mace above her head, “No prisoners! No prisoners!” she yells, which produces a bloodthirsty chorus from her compatriots...

Jimmy dashes forwards and tangles with the kobold slinger, the creature has to spill its weapon to keep the halfling at bay. A javelin thuds in to the still screaming and pointing Hedda, a second just misses a ducking Gokan- the remaining kobold minions break ranks and turn tail and run straight towards the waterfall.

Hal charges and slices in to the slinger, the kobold staggers and squawks, seemingly outclassed as it’s harassed by the halfling and the metal man. The small humanoid manages however to draw its dagger and with a sneaky attack plunges the blade in to Hal's side; the warforged fights on- unconcerned.

Sigur grins, walks a little way forward and invokes another trio of his favourite spectral hands- the ghostly appendages seek out their targets, in quick succession the slinger falls, followed by one of the fleeing kobold minions. The lone survivor dodges at the last moment, and then rushes on and begins to clamber up and in to the waterfall, seconds away from safety...

Foolishly the kobold turns back to stare, about to plunge through the curtain of water, and is met by Hedda's defiant stare- the creature’s limited will is easily overcome, its hands slip and fail to grip- the creature falls backwards and smashes on to the rocks below the falls.

[sblock=Picture- Hedda finishes it]


Moments later the broken body of the adventurers’ last enemy floats away downstream.

“Quickly, check the bodies and then dump them in the stream... Quickly, our true enemy awaits within.” Hedda is all business-like, her fellow adventurers scurry to comply.

The adventurers get to work, each of the dead kobolds are briefly examined, or at least their possessions checked, a smattering of coin is collected- mostly copper and silver, but nothing else of interest. The foul reptilians’ bodies are then tossed unceremoniously in to the stream.

Job done, Hedda calls her colleagues over. The light is almost gone, the priestess of Bahamut does her best to ensure that all of the adventurers are at full health, patching wounds here and there. She nods once at Gokan after she has completed her work.

The half-orc grins, nudges Jimmy- the pair scurry over to the waterfall, pressed tight against the rock they climb up a way, and then peer- as best they can, through the shimmering curtain of water.

Lights within, torches illuminate a large natural cavern with a number of shadowy exits- within the chamber are half-a-dozen or more kobolds, all but one look to be minions. The pair look back to their fellows, gesture for them to approach.

Moments later they’re ready to launch their attack...

[sblock=Encounter #3 Synopsis, PC XP & DM’s thoughts]

Encounter #3 Outside the Kobold Lair, starring-

Kobold Minion (Minion Level 1) x11
Kobold Slinger (Artillery Level 1) x1
Kobold Slink (Lurker Level 1) x1
Kobold Dragonshield (Soldier Level 2) x1
Kobold Wyrmpriest (Artillery Level 3) x1
Kobold Slyblade (Lurker Level 4) x1

Total 925 XP for a Level 4 Encounter.

Only slightly changed from the original module, as I stated previously I just had a little bit more XP to play with after condensing the four Kobold encounters in to three. Who needs two ambushes anyway- particularly as they’re supposed to played out on the same map.


185 XP each for a total of 469 XP in total (PCs Level 1).

DM Thoughts-

Three encounters in and in every one I’ve reduced a PC to 0 hit points or below, Jimmy came awfully close this time. Towards the end the players were also fretting when it seemed just for a moment that the Kobolds were going to flee in to their lair to warn their friends.

All in all a jolly little fracas that needed Sigur to spend his Daily Power in order to turn the tide in the PCs favour.


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