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[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn


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"Ahh. I see." Dyre responds to the comment about shadow men. "So sort of like a cross between a bilge rat and a kracken I imagine. Or maybe just kracken... but tiny." The coated man reaches up with his free hand and strokes at the bristly chin that bears a couple days worth of growth.

"I'm not sure if there is an adequate term for this one... there must be though. Unless a yardarm don't swing, or a jib not run up with the sound like the crack of a whip, there must be a term." Dyre leans to the left as if he must keep in solid contact with at least three surfaces at any given time. The liquid swims precariously in the ale holder before he lifts it to his lips, casting some of it down in a whirlpool as it drinks it in.

"Well if I can't think of an adequate way to talk about a vicious bilge rat that's fleeing for the crow's nest and causes the wind ta fall from the sails as surely as the seas themselves did it." The hand holding the ale lowers it for a moment, then pulls it back up, drinking strong to finish off the first mug. His free hand knocks on the wood and he says something under his breath as if the very notion of what he talked about was thing of myth and well to be feared. "Well, I guess I could say that, but it's far longer than fear... scith?"

(OOC: Okay, normally I'd wait longer but inspiration struck and I had to hit while the iron was hot. Or in this case, I had to let out the sails and run broad reach... Arrrr)
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Umralar, just about to take a drink, stares blankly at Dyre for a moment. Then, glancing from Dyre's ale to his own, he sets his drink down carefully and turns to Anya.

"These. . . scaith? They live where you come from? I have not met another of my kind since the old priest died. It would be good to find more."

(OOC: I'm completely making this up as I go, honestly, the backstory in the character write-up is sketchy at best. It's much more fun if I let the story tell me what it wants to be. Also, not a CLUE what Dyre just said. So Um is assuming he's drunk or. . . something. :D)


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Parinon - Level 1 Fighter

Parinon enters the familiar bustle of the tavern taking in all the interesting patrons. He walks up and takes a seat at the bar tossing a couple coppers onto the bar top.

"A mug of ale to wet my thirst, please." he asks the barmaid as she comes over to collect the coins. "One more thing," he says before she hustles off, while pulling a silver piece from his pouch. "If you happen to over hear anyone looking for adventure types for work let me know right away." He gave her his most charming smile which by her expression was far from charming, but she nodded pocketing the coin.

When the mug of ale came he drank it slowly watching and listening to the talk of the tavern.

"My belle-mère would tell stories of the things that lurked in the jungle, stories every day, stories every night, and never the same creature twice." She shrugs. "Hard to believe that many strange creatures are running around, there but the jungle never really seems to care if you believe."


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"Oh, I can believe it." Dyre responds to Anya, ordering another mug of Ale with a simple pointing gesture. A passing glance is given to Parinon and a nod of the head before he's turning back to the talking. "There's many strange things out there, and I swear every day it just gets even more so."

He leans back a little into the bar, puffs out his chest a bit and then says in a serious tone, "Why - I'll tell you. Not only have I seen such things as a sucker from a Kracken, or heard the song of a mermaid. Just recently..." he taps his finger into the bar as if to make an emphasis of it, "JUST recently, I saw something that didn't just surprise me. Oh no, not just me but another as well. A creature that, not only, speaks but also, and here's the good part, also from a line of people that are rumored to be decedent of..." he tosses in another pause as if to give it time to sink in. His voice drops lower and as he picks up his ale, his eyebrows arch and he says:



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Parinon nods back to Dyre and listens in interest at his story of strange creatures. He longs for the day when he would have tales of his own to tell...

Satin Knights

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A formerly disinterested head turns and glares at the bar. A thunderous clap is heard throughout the building as a massive tail comes down upon the table she is sitting at. The mermaid chastises the the young human, "Oy! Be careful what you say about the wee ones. I am lucky enough to know a few gnomes that I call friends."

The quality weapons hanging from her custom lounging chair mark her as a veteran of more than a few battles. The holy symbol of Tanager, the Stormlord, hanging around her neck is one indicator of where her temper swells from.

Satin Knights

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Recruitment for *Wreck Ashore* levels 1 or 2

A young man, grubby from long travel, makes his way in the front door of the inn and weaves his way through the patrons until he gets to the bar. This man is not carrying any gear that a normal traveler or mercenary normally would. After talking to Grog for a moment and getting a key from him, he turns and makes an announcement.

"I come from the village of Carinsharn. We need help."
*cough* "The supply and trading ships from Venza have not been making it to our small village for months now, and we are getting desperate." *cough* "We need to find out what is blocking the ships from getting to us before we run out of food. I need volunteers to sail with the next ship to protect it." *cough* "I will be interviewing back here." as he points to towards the back hallway. He heads to the back and unlocks the door, then peeks over his shoulder to see if anyone is following before going in.

In case the crowd didn't hear the announcement, the half-orc bartender Grog bellows out, "Greenhorns, ders work for ya. Go help da kid.", as he points down the hallway.
[sblock=Recruitment for "Wreck Ashore" 4-6 first level characters]This is a short adventure that should take 3-5 months to play. It is for first or second level characters. Soulnova has dibs on a slot as a request from my last low level game. I am going to be attempting to keep the game on a fast pace with expectations of posting about once every 24 hours. The fights are also expected be tough. More details are in the first two posts of the game thread.

If you are interested, post finishing up your drinks, excusing yourself from tables, etc and make your way to the back hallway. Then switch threads to the Wreck Ashore, where you enter the back room, make your introduction and be interviewed. I am expecting all the first level characters to join, but that is no way a requirement if someone is not interested in a sea adventure. [/sblock]


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Parinon wastes no time seeing that the opportunity he had been waiting for had arrived. He hopped up from his barstool, grabbed his pack and headed towards the door the grubby man had just entered. He takes a deep breath and knocks firmly on the scarred wooden door.


First Post
"What?" Dyre says to the mermaid, he turns to look toward her and his head wobbles from side-to-side as he grins. "I think you misunderstand. They are a fine people. Regular magicians at anything they put their mind t--" He pauses as the person starts to make the announcement.

Dyre's brow furrows and he raises his mug to drink another good gulp of the Ale as he seems to mull it over. A bit of confusion seems to cross over his face as it doesn't seem to quite make sense, but enough is enough. He sets the mug down roughly, some of the ale sloshing over the edge and then with a bit of a nod says to all around. "If there's sailing to be done, I'm damned well going to be doing it too."

With his peace said, he makes his way toward the back hallway.

Voidrunner's Codex

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