A Keep On The Borderlands: Arrival


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[sblock=Secret Meeting]
Watching Arcata, Sh'aah noticed her...well....femininity. It was strange in a way. Although he'd been well aware that she was female, he hadn't noticed, in a way. It was hard to explain, even to herself. She really was quite strikingly attractive, especially in profile, and doubly so next to the plainness of Cassie.

Sh'aah decided to speak up. Hope I don't wreck things. "Wardens are not secret and hidden. Idea is simple really. You need help? We help. You dangerous to good people? We dangerous too."
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Bastian Sangue, human cavalier

Bastian starts as a panel of the wagon appears to speak.

"I ... and who, exactly, are you? Your ... partner?... didn't introduce us?"


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[sblock=It's A Secret!]Arcata nodded at Sha'ah, then with a smile said, "Well I can't fault that. Allies then, and I apologize if I seemed hesitant. The place I came from is one where everyone offering a hand in friendship was hiding a knife behind their back in the other one. Thankfully I haven't been part of that world for long, or who knows what it would have done to me."

She offers Tzint a hand. "It sounds like we both need a friend if what you say about the fey around here is true. We will help the Wardens whenever we can."[/sblock]

Dr Simon

Tzintzan leaps to his feet and takes Arcata's hand, and then kisses it, giving a florid bow.

"I'm not unfamiliar with court life, My Lady," he says with a grin. "I wonder what this new regime will be like." He steps back, business-like again. "There is, perhaps, something that you can help us with," he says. "I mentioned the Zwergenberg dwarves before. They have an outpost up in Fanjyr Pass, but we've heard nothing from them for a while, and the last Warden who went there never returned. Now, if somebody were to commit some forces to investigating..."

The wooden face gives a creaking laugh.

"Partner?" it says. "That's a good 'un. The name's Wagon. The boss leaves me in charges of sales when he's doin' business someplace else. So, ya gonna buy anythin' buddy, or just stand there gawpin'? Anyone'd think ya'd never seen a talkin' wagon before."


First Post
Bastian Sangue, human cavalier

"That's a good 'un. The name's Wagon. The boss leaves me in charges of sales when he's doin' business someplace else. So, ya gonna buy anythin' buddy, or just stand there gawpin'? Anyone'd think ya'd never seen a talkin' wagon before."

"That's because I haven't?" the no-longer-last Lion offers, starting to recover. Seems life was even more different out here than he'd ever imagined. The young soldier closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and came back with his composure.

"From what we were discussing, I think a set of woodworking and stoneworking tools, these standard farm implements, and ... what kind of seed packs do you have? We need bread, certainly, but some proper vegetables would go a long way, as well. There's only so much more of Sh'aah's venison I can take without something green to spruce it up. And I'm a course sort; I have to imagine Arc... The Lady Dulat's missing proper entrees."


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[sblock=Secret Women's Business?]
Sh'aah grunted at the mention of the Dwarves. Once, a year or more back, he had wandered near to their lands. Dwarves not like me. Must be orc blood... Could be hard trip.

He spoke up, "Easy to find road. Dwarves like straight lines. Also have much metal."


Dr Simon

Wagon gives a sort of grunting sound, and some drawers open in a big merchant's chest. There are some small parcels wrapped in brown paper inside.

"I got all the seed ya need," it says in a sing-song voice. A beam of the wagon folds down, the assorted tools hanging from it jangling as it moves. "And I got the tools, if you got the talent."


Brother Comoray retrieves his small store of coins from his backpack and forks over the ten gold pieces required to pay for the tools. He decides to wait to see how much money is needed for more essential items before inquiring after the slate and chalk.


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Bastian Sangue, human cavalier

Bastian produces his own coin, offering up payment for the farming tools, then calling over Dewey and Nerfer.

"You two grew up on farms, right? Give us a bit of advice on what you think will grow 'round here and yield something edible."


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[sblock=The whole point of having a secret meeting is to tell the world you're having a secret meeting! Why did you keep it secret?!]Arcata can't help but chuckle at how the two are double-teaming her. Not two seconds after agreeing to help, now they wanted her to do something. Well that wagon could be driven both ways.

"Well," she says, "I was planning on sending an envoy to the dwarves regardless. With the information you've given me, I'll plan accordingly, and make sure we find out what happened to your man." With a smile she adds, "Maybe some of those resources you talked about would help, if there's danger there. What can you offer?"[/sblock]

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