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Mutant Future - Raiders of the Mind Lord's Tomb (Recruiting two more fine mutants)

Electric Wizard

First Post
If there's interest, I'd like to run a short PbP Mutant Future adventure I've pieced together. It'll be a dungeon crawl in a setting similar to Jack Vance's Dying Earth. But instead of a pulpy wasteland ruled by shiftless, paranoid sorcerers with hordes of forgotten spells, it's a pulpy wasteland ruled by shiftless, paranoid super-mutants with hordes of salvaged technology. I expect your four-armed psychic pig mutants and sentient Venus fly traps to spout at least a few verbose quips.

I haven't seen a lot of Mutant Future discussion, so here's my intro: It's a retro RPG made by Goblinoid Games, the guys responsible for Labyrinth Lord. The PDF is free. It's easy to roll a gonzo post-apocalyptic character in a few minutes.

IMO, character generation is the funnest part of the game. Unless you're really boring and decide to play a pure human, you get to roll on a big random mutation table. Depending on your luck, you could get anything from eye lasers and teleportation to a simian deformity and dual brains that compete for dominance. Armed with your mutant powers and whatever weapons you can muster, you scour the ruins and wastelands of a blasted world, battling berserk robots, vomit flies and the dreadful spider goats.

Level 1
Ability score generation - roll 3d6 and put the scores where you want them. If you have no remarkable stats, you can move around up to 5 points.
Races - No limitations. If you're dying to play a pure human, you may start with either a loaded primitive firearm (p. 107) or a "gizmo" and a "foodstuff and junk" (p. 108) with necessary power sources, if needed.

Men and Mutants
Cityfolk in Lud and Colombo refer to this vast region between their two city-states as "the wasteland". They turn their noses up at us mutants and cling together behind walls and bunkers. They call themselves "pure humans", mistaking their lack of evolution as a mark of superiority. They fear mingling with us. They depend on half-understood technological relics to simply survive. Somehow, they believe the future is theirs.

But you know better. The future belongs to the mutants. Your mutations are gifts. Our wasteland is brutal, but the clever, luckiest and most evolved thrive here. Like all wasteland folk, you dream of reclaiming a great ruin, accumulating technology and becoming a super mutant - a ruler of mutantkind.

Land of the Vines
You start in a vine-choked region near the Sea of Hurricanes. The true ground lies deep beneath a tangle of live and dead vines. A hurricane has hit, and your characters find shelter together in a vine cave. Honoring the Storm Truce, an informal agreement among local mutants facing horrible weather, you decide to share the space peacefully.[/sblock]

Rogues' Gallery

In Character Thread
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First Post
I had a Mutant plant in a MF game that died here a ways back. I'll see if I can find it, she was a blast to play.


No joy finding the old Mutant Plant. She had wings/Carnivore(5)/Dermal Poison Slime/Electric Charge Generation. She flew around carrying a giant scythe, all metal and coated in her poison slime to conduct her electrical charge, like a cross between the grim reaper from "The Adventures of Baron Von Muchausen", but made from the vines from "The Ruins". The game didn't even make it into the first combat unfortunately.

So here is a distant cousin, if I can presume that mutant plant PCs automatically get the "free movement" & "Full (human) Senses" plant mutations for free:

[sblock=Valla, the Voluptous Vine Dragon Girl]
Mutant Plant
Height 6ft
Weight 150lbs
Age 3

Ability Scores: Con=12, Dex=17, Wis=16, Int=9, Str=12, Cha=10, moving 3 from str and 1 from cha into dex giving her:
Str 9
Dex 21
Con 12
Int 9
Wis 16
Cha 9

Hit Points: 12d6=52

AC: 0 Studded Leather, Shield and 21 dex

Starting Gold: 66g/110g 3d8=11
Equipment (36lbs carried)
Studded Leather Wrap 30g/20lbs
Lexan Shield 10g/10lbs
Backpack 2g/2lbs
- candles X100 1g/-
- waterskin 1g/4lbs

Plant Mutations: 1d100=43, 1d100=56

Grenade-Like Fruit
Plants with this mutation have pods that are explosive and deal 2d6 hp damage to creatures within 10’. Upon exploding, the pod also releases radiation (50%) of 1d10=4 class. The range for this mutation is 60ft.

Natural Vegetal Weapons
could generally be considered “natural”. This includes things like large thorns (up to 12 inches), or sharp leavescapable of cutting into flesh or clothing. While dangerous on their own, these will generally only affect characters that blunder into the plant unaware of its danger. When such weapons are attached to plants that are capable of attacking or moving their vines or limbs about, however, they become very dangerous indeed. The types of weapons covered by Natural Vegetal Weapons can do 1d4, 1d6, or 1d8 damage. 1d4 dmg 1d6=1

Number of Human/Animal Mutations: 1d6=6
Human/Animal Mutations: 1d100=6, 1d100=79, 1d100=44, 1d100=17, 1d100=63, 1d100=11

Complete Wing Development
Valla has developed a complete set of vine & moss wings. With these wings Valla can fly with a movement of 120’. Valla may fly while carrying only 25% of her body weight (30lbs).

Body Adjustment
Valla can heal all of her hit points once every 24hours. In addition, if she is in a life or death situation, this mutation can double her physical attributes (Strength 18, Dexterity 42, movement 240') for 3d10 rounds. This power may only be used 1d4=3 times per week

Control Light Waves
Valla can control light, creating a number of interesting effects. She can bend light around herself, becoming invisible, or she may remove all light from a small area (10’ radius) at a range of 30 feet. She may also completely dissipate laser fire anywhere within this 30’ range. All of these effects require concentration, such that Valla may move at full speed but not attack when concentrating on using this mutation.

Reflective Epidermis (Radiation)
The character’s skin is essentially impenetrable to radiation energy. The mutant will never suffer damage from this energy source.

Epidermal Susceptibility (Slashing)
The epidermis of the mutant becomes defective, adding +1 per die of damage caused by slashing weapons.

This ability allows Vallat to disappear from one location and appear in a location up to 20 miles distant without physically crossing the intervening space. If she has never been to the location she is teleporting to or is only slightly familiar with it (ML’s discretion) she has a 25% chance of suffering 10d6 damage upon arrival as she teleports into a space occupied by another object, or misjudges some aspect of the location. If she is intimately familiar with his destination or has spent 2d4 hours conjuring an image of the location in his mind she can teleport safely.[/sblock][sblock=Appearance]While Valla is a being of rigid vines set into a mildly human shape, its her succulent fruit that gives her the curvacious form of a well fed woman. She instantly sprouts round and oval fruit in a wide range of green and yellow hues in all the perfect spots to fool most onlookers at a distance, even when she unceremoniously yanks one off to throw at a would-be meal or enemy. Which she does often. She sprouts melons and gourds over her shoulders, upper arms, forearms and for ample breasts, with a six pack of smaller fruits tucked in beneath them. This gives her upper body the sillouette of a greek goddess. As well as for her buns, thighs and calves the look of a life-long mountain runnner, even though her feet rarely touch the ground.

A pair of diaphanous dragon wings of the softest green fruit skin, stretched over bone-hard vines can carry her effortlessly over the land, fold invisibly down into her back when she deigns to walk amongst her food. A long tangle of spindly vines create an unmoving tail ending in three fins for stabilization during flight.

Valla's head is by far the most alien thing about her however. A thin and pathetically
undersized thing, supported by a slender neck, almost half the size of an average head. It is topped by a cascade of yellowish tan thorns that fall down to her rounded fruit shoulders. Spindly horns from above her brow ridges and arc back a full foot over the back of her skull filling her deep hood.

Valla usually wraps her buxom body in a long strip of studded leather with a deep hood to cover the head she is so openly ashamed of. Though the weight of the hood is more than her spindly neck could support, she has devised an ingenious solution. Under the hood she holds a built-in wire-frame of slender vines to keep it in place, and even hooks the ends of them to hold the mask of a beatuiful human woman's face in front of her own unpleasing features.

Her "hands", and sandaled "feet" end in long and delicate thorns that she can use if anything that might try to foolishly eat her gets too close. Tiny thorns cover Valla's entire body in a downy aura of razor sharp, and back pointed speartips providing protection should anyone try to grab her. Valla is to one degree or another a bristling bouquet of scintilating green hues with a smattering of tans barbs and gradiated yellow fruit heaving in all the right places. In the sun she shimmers with an irridescent green from head to toe and seems completely undamaged by any type of radiation.

Without her armor, voluminous cloak, or sprouting her fruit, Valla is quite a fright to behold. A vaguely humanoid skeleton of vines. All wicked wings and cruel barbs staring you down with a pair of slender alien eyes atop a lithe and whip-like neck, as she vanishes in front of your eyes to appear above dropping exploding fruit on your head, dousing you in radiation.[/sblock]
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Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
Interesting. Initial results:

Mutant Human
Ability Scores: STR 11, DEX 12, CON 15, INT 8, WIS 11, CHA 10
Hit Points: 15d6=53
Number of Physical & Mental Mutations: 1d4=1, 1d4=1
d100 Rolls for Mutations: 1d100=58, 1d100=78
Resulting Mutations: albinism, quick mind

Albinism: This mutation prevents the formation of melanin. The mutant’s hair and skin are bone white, and his eyes have light pink irises. Due to the lack of pigment in the eyes, the being is highly sensitive to light, and suffers a –2 penalty to hit when in daylight.

Quick Mind: The mutant is capable of learning how to use technology at a much higher rate of speed than other characters (in 1/3 the time), and receives a bonus of 30% to technology rolls. When confronted with a mental attack, an attacker must roll to attack three times, succeeding each time (roll three times for the one attack). Because of his incredible leaps of logic, a mutant with this ability has a 100% chance of figuring out whether someone is telling the truth.


First Post

Mutant Animal (Raccoon)
Ability Scores: STR 8, DEX 14, CON 13, INT 11, WIS 8, CHA 12
Hit Points: 13d6=42
Number of Physical & Mental Mutations: Number of physical and mental mutations (1d4=4, 1d4=1)
d100 Rolls for Mutations:Physical and Mental Mutation rolls (1d100=39, 1d100=77, 1d100=32, 1d100=25, 1d100=12)
Resulting Mutations:parasitic Control, Pituitary Deformation, Metamorph, Gigantism, Body Adjustment

Mutated genes have altered the mutant’s physical size, an
effect either related to a pituitary defect or a change in the
genetic program during the years of body growth and
development. While this serves to increase strength and
size potential substantially, the mutant is nonetheless
noticeably different than others of his species.
The original size is based on a 6 foot height. Roll 3d6 (gigantism (3d6=9)),
adding that many feet to the size of the mutant, achieving
sizes between 9 and 24 feet. The mutant gets a bonus to
damage, based on his height. Note that all mutants with
gigantism suffer a -1 penalty to hit creatures 3’ tall or
smaller. He is 15' tall with +2 damage dice bonus.
Natural Weapon (Bite) Damage: bite damage (1d6=6) =1d8.

Parasitic Control
If the character can attack and latch onto another creature
for 3 rounds, he or she will maintain control over the
creature as long as the two are in physical contact.

The character can choose (at character creation) another
creature that he or she can transform into. The character
does not gain the mutations of the creature, just the
physical appearance and natural abilities (such as claws or
sharp teeth). This physical change (in either direction)
takes 2 full rounds of inactivity before it is complete.
choice: Pickles can turn into a Allosaurus.

Pituitary Deformation
This defect indicates the pituitary gland of the mutant has
been deformed by mutation, causing unnatural aging.
A character with this defect appears much older than he
really is, generally two to three times his actual age.
Lifespan is also hindered by this deformation, resulting in a
maximum natural lifespan of 40-50 years.

Body Adjustment
The character can heal all of his hit points once every 24
hours. In addition, if the character is in a life or death
situation, this mutation can double his physical attributes
(Strength, Dexterity, movement) for 3d10 rounds.
This power may only be used 1d4 times per week (roll at
character creation) Body Adjustments / wk (1d4=2)


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First Post
I forgot to ask what lvl we are starting at 0,1, higher? I think starting at lvl 3 or so would be neat, but am cool with whatever.

@ hand - I would think your gigantism would effect natural atacks, so don't forget to roll your bite dmg on a d6 - 1-2 1d4, 3-4 1d6, 5-6 1d8 for being a mutant animal ;)

Electric Wizard

First Post
Characters will start at level 1.

Between a plant version of Kali the death goddess, a hulking raccoon that can transform into an allosaurus and a technological savant/human lie detector, we have a pretty solid group so far! I'll be sure to throw lots of wasteland horrors your way.

Edited OP. I'll accept two more people in the next week before I start a rogue's gallery and an IC thread. I'll post setting details tonight or tomorrow.


First Post
I don't know about plant Kali, :angel: she only has a natural 1d4 melee and 2d6 ranged attack, (granted with flight, teleportation, invisibility, healing, and immunity to lasers and radiation :devil:)! Are wings appropriate for your adventure Wiz, or should I switch them out for another beneficial physical mutation?

Electric Wizard

First Post
Are wings appropriate for your adventure Wiz, or should I switch them out for another beneficial physical mutation?
This adventure will mostly be inside and underground, so wings won't be a big deal.

Mutant Animal (Raccoon)
["*The Damage Dice Bonus is only applicable to non-powered hand weapons." - Does this work on his natural weapon?]
Yup. Remember to roll for your natural weapon's damage.

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