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[LPF] Greener is the Grass

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure

So. Goti archer bandits. Any idea how many would be in an attack? Also, do you have any bows and arrows in your village I could purchase?

[sblock=Mini Stats]Vincenzo
AC: 18 (13 flat-footed, 15 touch) (+ variances)
HP: 32/32
CMB: +5 CMD: 17 (+ variances)
Fort: +4 Reflex: +3 Will: +2
Perception: +2
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: +1 ivory handled Rapier
Att: +7; Dam: 1d6 + 2, Crit: 18-20/x2, Type: P
Current Conditions in Effect: none

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First Post
"No obsidian axes or such?" Sylla says with a hint of disappointment. "So be it. We can arrange a price, I'm sure."

She considers the situation and grins in her unsettling way. "Archers who ride? This might be interesting. Does your cat enjoy the taste of horsemeat, druid?"


First Post
Maui smiles and nods, content to hear a healer is in the village who can tend his wounds but before he can reply Sylla asks about Taniwha's cullinary tastes. "Taniwha enjoys te taste of te Buffalo Milk. But Taniwha loves te meat of te Buffalo too. Where I am from there are no horses. My people ride te Moa, te Running Bird. We used to eat te Running Bird, but now it is tapu. A treasure. Tapu. No eating. Te Moa is more than meat. Like your horses." Maui's reply is noticeably restrained and underspoken. His brow is furrowed as though desperately trying to capture a thought hovering at the edge of his mind. "Goti .... Goti ... te Goti bones. Anger... War..." He looks up, his eyes unseeing, though his voice, now clear, he has snatched the thought at last. "We will go and meet te Goti. We will return te bones of te girl we found for burial. Te angry bones will be laid to rest, and maybe te gift of knowing will end te anger. We will talk to te elders of te bandits. And we will bring peace, with te words or te swords."

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Maui's reply is noticeably restrained and underspoken. His brow is furrowed as though desperately trying to capture a thought hovering at the edge of his mind. "Goti .... Goti ... te Goti bones. Anger... War..." He looks up, his eyes unseeing, though his voice, now clear, he has snatched the thought at last. "We will go and meet te Goti. We will return te bones of te girl we found for burial. Te angry bones will be laid to rest, and maybe te gift of knowing will end te anger. We will talk to te elders of te bandits. And we will bring peace, with te words or te swords."

Ah, forgot about her. We could use her return to them as an act of diplomacy to end these hostilities." Vincenzo looks to the orical with an inquisitive look. "If they revere holy men, how much more so with two?"


First Post
Sylla freezes as things click into place. "Oh," she says. She leans back and rubs a finger against her lips in thought. "Oh. I ... see, druid. I see. Yes."

She stands and turns to the elder. "We will meet your Goti. And then we will hunt, and I will redden my arrows with the lifeblood of the deserving. And afterwards, the Goti will be friends to you and in turn you will be friends to our employers. If this is acceptable, tell us where we might find the horsemen, and we will set out tomorrow."


Uthred listens as the four talk amongst themselves in his presence before breaking in with a few answers to their questions.

"We've seen a dozen of the bandits when they come to collect 'tribute' from us. We don't know exactly where they have their hideout but they seem to ride off to the west whenever they leave. You may need to do some scouting around to find them. As to their weapons, Pellmen prefer steel, as do the Goti. However, they do have heirloom weapons from the old days made of stone or obsidion or lesser metals. Ritual weapons are usually not steel."

The old man looks over at Vincenzo. "We have few goods to sell, if you are in need to buy but Toki is resourceful and likely has a hunting bow and some arrows. I'll take you to him but first the healer."

Uthred leads Maui out into the streets of Stokennor, clearly expecting the others to follow, and through the muddy ways until the healer's house is reached. The healing takes little time; the woman works without fanfare and restores Maui's vision with magics invoked from her god. She refuses payment saying the chance to have the blight of Bekelle removed is payment enough.

By this time the caravan has begun to arrive in the fields outside the village and the villagers move about with excitement over the prospect of foreign visitors. One of the caravan's scouts finds the four of you and tells you that Captain Threws is expecting a report.

[sblock=OOC]The village has a base limit of 500 gp and access to 3rd level spells if you need to do any purchasing before your next mission.[/sblock]

- Uthred of Stokennor -


First Post
"Perhaps you might consider selling that magic stick, druid. You might be safer without it." She gives a slight shrug. "I have no need of equipment."

She swings up onto her horse after the messenger finds them. "Well? Let's tell the captain how many new friends we made today."


Reporting to the Captain

Captain Threws is found at the edge of camp setting up extra sentries for the evening. Report is quickly made and the gruff woman nods begrudging approval as the day's negotiations are related. "You've done well. I have extra guards on all watches tonight; get some rest." The woman locks eyes with Sylla. "Tomorrow, you hunt those bastards that burnt those wagons and tortured those poor people. See that they pay for their crimes."

Threws takes a deep breath to regain her composure and lets it out slowly. "While you are out there, scout out a site for the Lady's city. These people are tired and ready to begin building. The sooner begun the better."

[sblock=OOC]I'm ready to advance to the next day if you all are.[/sblock]

-- - Captain Threws - --

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[sblock=OOC]I'm ready to advance to the next day if you all are.[/sblock]

OOC: I am ready. Here is a 'next day action' to start with. I can adjust back a day if necessary

The next day Vincenzo awakens and cleans up As soon as he sees Denizel he waves him down.

"Denizel, do you think the elder could appoint a guide to help us find a good place to start this city? They will need trade routs, good land to till, clean water year round and trees to build and to keep warm during the winter. Who else would know a better place to go to?"

[sblock=Mini Stats]Vincenzo
AC: 18 (13 flat-footed, 15 touch) (+ variances)
HP: 32/32
CMB: +5 CMD: 17 (+ variances)
Fort: +4 Reflex: +3 Will: +2
Perception: +2
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: +1 ivory handled Rapier
Att: +7; Dam: 1d6 + 2, Crit: 18-20/x2, Type: P
Current Conditions in Effect: none


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