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Gaming W/Jemal: Planar Quest IC (Prologue)


UR explodes in size, charging at Wade. His blows rain down on the construct, but Wade weaves and dodges, deflecting most of the giant dwarf's assault. One strike seems to come close, Wade having to bring up both arms to block it, his massive stone feet sinking a few inches into the floor as he braces against the massive strike.

Gerard grabs the Egg with a wince as it immediately starts draining his life force, and he and Mei retreat from the fray without incident. Mei throws up her force dome but Wade seems not to care, surrounded by enough targets as it is.
Braham fires a blast at Wade, and the titanforged does something impossible. He backhands the acidic blast away into a nearby wall!
"If the egg were my only weakness, why would I need you?" Wade responds to Ur, beginning to chuckle until Darrian appears behind him, smashing the construct with his staff three times in rapid succession. The blows do not seem to harm Wade that much.

Wade is NOT the giant type, he is an Augmented Construct.
Ur hits once for 45 damage, Minus Wade's DR (Which you don't know the extent of yet).
Darrian hits all three times with some lucky rolling and the flank bonus. Wade is indeed immune to all forms of ability/sneak/precision damage. Darrian deals 20, 22, 20 damage but Wade's DR is obviously preventing at least half - but not all - of that.
Since I'm doing the rolling for you guys, I'll also tell you that based on what was rolled for Attacks, you could determine his AC between 39 and 43.

Gerard takes 10 damage upon touching the stone, and 20 more at the end of the round.
Still need Tutek's turn before Wade can go. And just for the record, Opening his hand to let someone take the egg did not require an action.

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"To fight threats that don't politely wander into your den?" suggests the dwarven giant, teeth tight. (So his adamantine strike is not enough to bypass this guy's magical protection... Maybe Cold Iron?)

[sblock=OOC]Religion Roll +10 to know what usually affects Titan spawns in the stories, Jemal please?

Oh, and if Wade Provokes, Ur would like to do a Trip for his AoO if possible. +17 (+7 Str base, +2 incr STR through Expansion, +4 size difference, +4 Improved Trip. Free attack at +28 (includes +2 flanking with Tutek), 8d8+14 damage on successful trip. A further +4 to avoid being tripped in return on a failed attempt (Dwarven stability)).[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Let's try this one more time, I'm not a friend of one time rebuttal, Sendesemcal if you'll do the honours?" The ogre says before lashing repeatedly with his chains from a safe distance.

Sendesemcal full attack: +37/32/27/22 2d6+29 19-20x2. If Wade approaches Tutek (since he is attacking from 20ft the ogre gets a AoO.


Impressive Braham is surprised at Wade's ability to deflect his blast. But I still have a trick or two up my sleeves.

He turns himself invisible and moves towards Wade.


Sendesmecal whirls and leaps at the statue, seeming to have a mind of its own that directs its attacks.
Still, only two blows manage to collide solidly, smashing at full force into the titanforged's side with a loud crack.
"OW. what the hell is that thing made of?" the chained sorceror grumbles.
Wade chuckles at Ur's comment "Oh well I suppose that WOULD make things easier." He seems to slow as he ponders the Dwarf's statement. He points an arm at tutek and it starts to flow and change shape, melting into a cannon and firing a single blast of energy which glances off the ogre's shoulder, the force of the impact nearly spinning him around.
One of Tuteks attacks was a nat 20 for full damage - Wade's immune to crits but thats still a lotta damage. You can tell he shrugged off about a third of it.
You've now narrowed his AC even more - your second strike missed on a 41, so his AC has to be either 42 or 43.
Also BF, you seem to have distracted and confused the construct a bit..
His cannon does not provoke attacks of opportunity. In fact, Braham can recognize that though it seems mechanical it functions quite similarly to his Eldritch blast.
Tutek takes 46 damage
OK party just start posting your actions (Including VV's next round since you act before Wade), I'll catch up when I can.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Ur first notices the fact that Wade's attack left no openings in his defenses... and then the slowdown. Pity Gerald is in the dome: sparkling patter is *not* one of the dwarven stonecutter's strong points. Maybe this will help though:

The dwarf strikes high left - thunderously blocked by a raised forearm - but that block has already allowed him to step in and down for a tremendous, giant-sized uppercut that shoots the golem clean off its feet... to come crashing back down onto its side a few feet back!

OOC: Flurry of blows, all of them Trip attempts until either Wade or Ur comes down (Free Stand from Prone in that case [through Anklets]). Then regular attacks, please. 28/28/28/23/17 on the touch attack (includes +2 flanking with Tutek). +17 on the opposed str check (+7 Str base, +2 incr STR through Expansion, +4 size difference, +4 Improved Trip. Free attack, 8d8+14 damage on successful trip. A further +4 to avoid being tripped in return on a failed attempt (Dwarven stability)).

If Wade Provokes this round (say trying to get up), Ur's AoO will be another Improved Trip attempt.
[sblock=Quick stat block]Current size: Huge
AC: 37 (Arrow Snarring 5/5, Spell Returning 3/3 [Ring]), Large 36, Huge 35
HP: 160/200 (Regeneration 20 Hp/H [Earring])
PP: 74/86
Ini: +10, Large +9, Huge +8
Reach: 5', Large 10', Huge 15'
Psionic focus: Focused

Fort 14/19 +2 Spells, +4 Suffocation, Immune to Poison and Disease
Ref 17/24 +2 Spells, Improved evasion, -1 Large, -2 Huge
Will 18/25 +2 Spells, +2 Enchantments

ToHit melee: (14/9/4 BAB), 26/21/15 with belt and bracers, 26/26/26/21/15 with Flurry
Damage unharmed: 4d8+12 (4 str, 3 belt, 5 bracers), Large 6d8+13, Huge 8d8+14 (Magical, Lawful, Adamantine [Ring])
Attack Options: Subdual, ST Knockback, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Trip, Improved Sunder [Ring], Jumping Charge, Power Attack
Defense Options: Up to 6 AoO per round, Slow Fall 50'

Move: 80' (Up walls if Focused, Stand up from prone as Free with no AoO [Anklets])
Jump: 45+1d20' (Only need 10' run up [Anklets], +10 to jump check 3/3 [Anklets])
Carry: Light 233, Medium 466, Heavy 700 (Lift X2, Drag X5, Large X2, Huge X4).

Powers From Items:
- True Sight 29min/30min, standard to activate [Goggles]
- Power Sight at will, Quick action [Goggles]
- Blingsight at will, standard to activate [Goggles]
- Earth Glide, standard to activate 15min 3/3 [Ring]
- Haste, Free action 9/10 rounds [Anklets]
- Empower Energy Burst (X1.5), Free action 3/3 [Shard]
- +5 Knowledge Skill, 1 min or Standard if at least 5 ranks 3/3 [Tome]
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First Post
There is a muttering and Darrian appears beside Wade. "I suppose I should make a quip about my blade tasting your blood but neither of us uses those... Sooo... Your bust is dust?" He makes a quick attack then vanishes again, only to reappear a few feet away to attack again and again. He attacks three times, vanishing after each before he steps back into the shadows awaiting his next chance.

[sblock=OoC] Hide is 59 minus modifiers. With spring attack he can't make AoO if he sees me. I cast golem strike as a swift action before I attack which allows me to add sneak damage against constructs for 1 round. The transmuting effect of my sword has activated meaning I by pass any dr exempt /- against him for 10 rounds or until it changes. My attacks are at +34/+29/+24 before flanking or unseen attacker. Damage 1d6+19+9d6+20. I separated the sneak because he might have fortification in addition to being a construct. Ac is 30/34 vs spells and medium fortification.[/sblock]
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First Post
Mei Ying takes a breath and holds a hand up, gathering her will. Arcane power surges within the force dome, and coalesces around her so strongly that it feels tangible, as if the air were thickening to a gel. She spoke a word of power; an instruction to the cosmos in its own language, a modulation not just of air, but of the essence of reality.

The word was: Stop.

And it did.

Immediately the light faded to a dim red monochrome, and all movement...even the bits of dust and blood in the air...was frozen. Only Mei Ying herself stood apart, able to move.

With a step, she flashed out of the dome into the battlefield of statues around her. Even in this state, she didn't dawdle, as even the strongest of mages could only stop time for a brief moment before reality reasserted itself.

There on the field of battle, she uttered a call. Her voice resonated through air and stone and the planes themselves, naming a creature to come to her aid; one of the sons of Ogremoch itself. It would take time to arrive, of course, but she was confident the others could keep Wade busy until then.

Mei-Ying briefly considered calling something else as well...but decided against it. This was all meant as mostly a distraction, after all. Another spell took her through the dome of force again, back safe inside it. Unfortunately she couldn't help anyone but herself in this state. Any spell she cast on someone else was taking place, for them, within the span of a tiny fraction of a second...far too quickly to be noticible..

Instead she cast a few defensive spells...bolstering herself for the moment when the dome came down, and the fight was joined.

Light flooded back in again abruptly as the timestream threw off her manipulations. To most eyes present, nothing at all had happened. Mei-Ying seemed to flicker within the dome, changing position slightly from one instant to the next, but no other obvious changes took place.


[sblock=Stuff]Mei Ying casts Time Stop, and rolls 5 rounds on the timer.

Round 1: Dimension Hop out of the dome.
Round 2: Cast Summon Monster IX for an Elder Earth Elemental to appear near Wade, flanking with a PC if possible.
Round 3: Cast Dimension Hop into the dome.
Round 4: Cast Greater Heroism on self; gain +4 to attacks, saves, and checks, 17 tempHP and immunity to fear.
Round 5: Cast Displacement on self; gain 50% miss chance (countered by True Seeing).

The summon will take place at the beginning of Mei's turn next round.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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