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The Wayfinders - The Wreck of the Archon

Dr Simon

Kraken stands his ground and directs a focussed attack just... so. Compared to his frenzied assaults on the walking dead on Tempest Isle, this is almost eerie in its control.

Falchion attack 1d20+12=27
Damage 2d4+6=11

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First Post
Kraken's strike perfectly bisects the creature's head as it lunges forward one last time. The creature falls limp to the ground though its limbs continue to twitch and claw at the ground. You don't hear any more sounds come down the hall other than the intermittent hiss of escaping steam.

The man behind you says "It's not dead, they never are. They take the bodies when you aren't looking. There are always more. They take you, infect you, make you into them. I saw them, saw them walk around like dead men." He sits down with his back to a wall and cradles his head. You can hear him quietly saying over and over "Never should have come". Now that you have a moment, you get a better look at him. He appears to be a young man in his early twenties. His hair is brown where it isn't soot and oil stained. His clothes look sturdy but they are filthy and torn in numerous places. He carries no pack but has a flattened waterskin and some small pouches on his belt. He looks gaunt and hungry. Now that he isn't waving it around his cracked wand has reduced itself to a dull glow and has stopped spitting sparks.

Deuce Traveler

Doral raises and eyebrow to his fellow companions as he himself is unsure of what to say. Then he takes off his pack and offers the young man a sip of water and some bites of food.

"I apologize in the fact that I lack anything stronger. Would you be so kind in telling us what you know about what we may be dealing? While you are telling the tale, please regale us with the story on why you are here. This place is lacking in adequate facilities for tourists."


First Post
Midian almost smiles at Doral's lighthearted approach, but bites down on the reaction until he sees how their new acquaintance responds. Better with animals than people, he let the more charismatic party members take the lead, instead focusing on keeping his eyes and ears open for more trouble should it come their direction.

[b]HP:[/b] 66/66       
[b]AC:[/b] 21        [b]AC(T):[/b] 14    [b]AC(FF):[/b] 18 
Wildshape base AC: 15
Medium/Huge Animal AC: 17
Medium Magical Beast AC: 19
Medium Air Elemental AC: 20, Reflex save: +8

Conditions: Resinous Skin (80 min duration. Not sure if this is expired? DR 5 / piercing). for Kraken: Delay Poison (8 hrs), Geyser (7/8rounds)

[b]Init:[/b] +02
[b]BAB:[/b] +6/+1     [b]CMB/CMD:[/b] +8/22     [b]ACP:[/b] -3     
[b]Perception:[/b] +17

Saving Throw    Base   Mod   Misc*  Total
Fort:            06     1     +2    +9      
Ref:             02     2     +2    +6       
Will:            06     6     +2    +14

* Cloak +2
Conditional: +4 vs. spell-like fey & plant effects (Resist Nature's Lure)
Resist Cold 10
[b]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/b]
Shortspear, full attack...+8/+3..1d6+2/1d6+2...x2
Shortspear, thrown........+8.....1d6+1.........x2, range 20'
Sling.....................+8.....1d4+2.........x2, range 50'
Sling, full attack........+8/+3..1d4+2/1d4+2...x2, range 50'

[b]Surge:[/b] 7/9 remaining (CMB +14)

Magical Feats: Spell Focus (Conj), Augment Summoning, Natural Spell

0st Level / DC16/17 6 Day : Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Mending, Stabilize, Spark
1st Level / DC17/18 4+2+D Day : Endure Elements, Entangle, Feather Step, Liberating Command, [s]Ray of Sickening[/s], Faerie Fire, Obscuring mist(D)
2nd Level / DC18/19 3+2+D Day : [s]Delay Poison[/s], [s]**Frigid Touch[/s], Lesser Restoration, Resist Energy, [s]Stone Call[/s], Slipstream(D)
3rd Level / DC19/20 3+1+D Day : **Call Lightning*, Hide Campsite, Neutralize Poison, [s]Resinous Skin[/s], Water Walk(D) 
4th Level / DC20/21 2+1+D Day : Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, [s]Geyser[/s], Control Water(D)

* attuned to empowered spell shard
** Eberron shard can recall evocation spells up to 4th level: 2/2 remaining

[b]Wand charges:[/b] 27/28 remaining.
[b]Wild Shape:[/b] 1/3 remaining

Dr Simon

Kraken wipes the gore from his blade and crouches down to examine the beast that he has just killed.

"The name's Thom, mate," he says to the man, barely glancing at him, "although most folks call me Kraken. The wordy fella's Doral, that's Middo and the lady's Whisper." He prods the corpse with the tip of his falchion. "Don't you worry 'bout these buggers. We've had a lot of practice in killing things that won't stay dead, eh?"


First Post
"No time for stories," Whisper says, looking around. "Not here. There's too many blind corners, too many places another attack could come from." She focuses on the rescuee and offers him a hand...slowly so as not to startle him. "What's your name, friend? Is there a safer place around here? You must sleep somewhere."


First Post
The man hastily snatches the food and water, nearly choking himself as he crams as much in his mouth as he can. Around a mouthful of bread he says "Henrick. That's my name. We can't stay here, no no. Gotta move, always move. They sniff you out." He accepts Whisper's proffered hand and stands up. He picks up his broken wand and gestures down the hallway he came from. He sets out at a fast pace but pauses at each intersection. On some of them you can see little black arrows have been marked with some coal. He seems to be following the markers. The tunnels continue to twist and turn, obviously designed to confuse intruders. You pass many open doors and some closed ones. You can see mostly offices and mechanical rooms. Some of them had glass windows that are broken out. At one point near an intersection Henrick flattens himself against the wall and stares upwards wide eyed in terror. After a second, you hear it too. Something immensely heavy strides across the floor on the level above you. He remains cowering for several moments after the sound fades away before gathering his courage to move again. Finally he stops at a set of double doors marked with a sign that says "Mess Hall". With a shaking wand outstretched before him he nudges open a door.

The mess hall is in disarray due to the crash. There is no light here other than the glow from your own lights and the red light coming from the wand. Stacked plates and silverware have toppled over and now litter the floor here and there. Henrick avoids them as he carefully makes his way forward among the tables which remain upright where they were bolted to the floor. He heads for the kitchen entrance. The back kitchen is in much the same shape with bowls and utensils lying in piles. Henrick leads you to a large metal cooler and creeps inside. Once you are all in he shuts the door behind you. The cooler is a mess with piles of smashed boxes and cloth wrappings that once held supplies. A pile of clothing in various states of cleanliness lies piled in one corner in something like a nest. A few other scraps lie here and there, leather belts and buckles, badges, a few damaged books, and a butcher's cleaver. The air is humid and tastes stale. Henrick moves over to the nest of clothes and plops himself down.
"Can't stay in the same place long, but this might be safe for now. It was cold in here when I came last, pipes gotta be clogged."

You look over the creature carefully while the others tend to the survivor. The beast's nervous system continues to cause the limbs to spasm. Closer inspection reveals that the creature might once have been a dog. From the size and shape you'd guess it was a magebred guard dog, created by House Vadalis and sold to all sides during the Last War. Possibly the beast was aboard the ship serving the Brelish when the Mourning struck. Could that event have twisted an already magically sensitive beast or was it something yet unknown?

Deuce Traveler

"I would hate to fathom what are in those pipes right now. Are you the only survivor here, Henrick? Why have you not made a break for it?" Doral asks, thoroughly perplexed.


First Post
"We tried, we tried for days. The passages are blocked now, by Them. There are only a few ways in because this place is a fortress. Trapped, trapped like Rats!" His voice rises to an uncomfortably loud level before he realizes he might attract unwanted attention and subsides.


First Post
"They don't like cold, then?" Midian wonders aloud as he looks about the cooler which is no longer cool. "Have you noticed any other particular aversions?"

[b]HP:[/b] 66/66       
[b]AC:[/b] 21        [b]AC(T):[/b] 14    [b]AC(FF):[/b] 18 
Wildshape base AC: 15
Medium/Huge Animal AC: 17
Medium Magical Beast AC: 19
Medium Air Elemental AC: 20, Reflex save: +8

Conditions: Resinous Skin (80 min duration. Not sure if this is expired? DR 5 / piercing). for Kraken: Delay Poison (8 hrs), Geyser (7/8rounds)

[b]Init:[/b] +02
[b]BAB:[/b] +6/+1     [b]CMB/CMD:[/b] +8/22     [b]ACP:[/b] -3     
[b]Perception:[/b] +17

Saving Throw    Base   Mod   Misc*  Total
Fort:            06     1     +2    +9      
Ref:             02     2     +2    +6       
Will:            06     6     +2    +14

* Cloak +2
Conditional: +4 vs. spell-like fey & plant effects (Resist Nature's Lure)
Resist Cold 10
[b]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/b]
Shortspear, full attack...+8/+3..1d6+2/1d6+2...x2
Shortspear, thrown........+8.....1d6+1.........x2, range 20'
Sling.....................+8.....1d4+2.........x2, range 50'
Sling, full attack........+8/+3..1d4+2/1d4+2...x2, range 50'

[b]Surge:[/b] 7/9 remaining (CMB +14)

Magical Feats: Spell Focus (Conj), Augment Summoning, Natural Spell

0st Level / DC16/17 6 Day : Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Mending, Stabilize, Spark
1st Level / DC17/18 4+2+D Day : Endure Elements, Entangle, Feather Step, Liberating Command, [s]Ray of Sickening[/s], Faerie Fire, Obscuring mist(D)
2nd Level / DC18/19 3+2+D Day : [s]Delay Poison[/s], [s]**Frigid Touch[/s], Lesser Restoration, Resist Energy, [s]Stone Call[/s], Slipstream(D)
3rd Level / DC19/20 3+1+D Day : **Call Lightning*, Hide Campsite, Neutralize Poison, [s]Resinous Skin[/s], Water Walk(D) 
4th Level / DC20/21 2+1+D Day : Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, [s]Geyser[/s], Control Water(D)

* attuned to empowered spell shard
** Eberron shard can recall evocation spells up to 4th level: 2/2 remaining

[b]Wand charges:[/b] 27/28 remaining.
[b]Wild Shape:[/b] 1/3 remaining

Voidrunner's Codex

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