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D&D 4E The 4e Solo Thread

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the Jester

Here's another solo + associated minion. This one is an insane grimlock priest of Juiblex. In my campaign, the party negotiated with him and managed to stay on his good side until they passed out of the area he was in.

The minions involve actually break my biggest rule of minion design- NO TRACKING. But these guys can gain temporary hit points. Since I designed them for a single specific encounter, I felt like that was a fine exception, but I certainly wouldn't make a rule of it!

Lurborask, Grimlock Priest of Juiblex --- Level 20 Solo Controller (Leader)
Medium natural humanoid, grimlock --- XP 14,000
HP 372; Bloodied 186 Initiative +13
AC 34; Fortitude 35; Reflex 29; Will 32 Perception +18
Speed 6 Blindsight
Immune gaze; Resist 20 acid
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2


Stench * Aura 3

Non-oozes in the aura suffer a -2 penalty on damage rolls and saving throws.

Thrall of Juiblex
If Lurborask begins his turn conscious but unable to take actions of his own volition, ooze lord recharges and triggers. This is not an action.


(mbasic) Slimy Touch (acid) * At Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +24 vs. Reflex.
Hit: 4d8 acid damage plus ongoing 15 acid damage and the target is slowed (save ends both).

(melee) Sickening Vomit (acid, poison) * Recharges when one of Lurborask's gory jellies dies
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature or two adjacent creatures); +24 vs. Fortitude.
Hit: 4d6+10 acid and poison damage, and the target is nauseated (save ends). While nauseated, the target suffers a -2 penalty on saving throws and grants combat advantage. (This penalty stacks with that from Lurborask's aura.)

(ranged) Glob of Jelly (acid) * At Will

Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +24 vs. Reflex.
Hit: 3d10+8 acid damage, and the target falls prone.

Ooze Lord (conjuration) * Encounter
Effect: Lurborask takes 10 damage and conjures four gore jellies within 10 squares. Each conjured jelly takes a standard action as a free action, and these jellies' initiative immediate follows Lurborask's. His xp value includes the value of all gore jellies conjured by him.

(close) Wave of Slime (acid) * Recharges when first bloodied
Attack: Close blast 4 (each creature in blast); +23 vs. Reflex.
Hit: 4d10+9 acid damage, one item (rolled on the chart below) takes 2d4+3 wear points and another item (also rolled on the chart below) takes 1d4+1 wear points.
Miss: Half damage, and one item (rolled on the chart below) takes 1d3 wear points.
01-30 Armor
31-50 Weapon or implement wielded
51-65 Arms slot item
66-80 Neck slot item
81-90 Waist slot item
91-95 Hands slot item
96-00 Feet slot item


Oozy Blood * At Will

Trigger: Lurborask takes damage other than psychic damage.
Effect (Free Reaction): A gore jelly appears adjacent to Lurborask and takes a standard action as a free action. Its initiative is immediately following Lurborask's. His xp value includes the value of all gore jellies created by this power.
Skills Dungeoneering +23, Religion +15, Stealth +18
Str 24 Dex 16 Wis 26
Con 18 Int 10 Cha 6
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common, Deep Speech
Equipment filthy robes, hide armor, morningstar, hidden symbol of Juiblex (a mass of harmless but disgusting cave slime), 9,000 gp in Religion components, 4,000 gp in Dungeoneering components

Gore Jelly --- Level 20 Minion Skirmisher
Small elemental animate (blind, demon, ooze) --- XP 700
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +x
AC 34; Fortitude 32; Reflex 31; Will 31 Perception +x
Speed 6, climb 5 (spider climb) Blindsight
Immune acid, gaze



While squeezing, the gore jelly moves at full speed rather than half speed, it doesn't take the -5 penalty to attack rolls and it doesn't grant combat advantage.


(mbasic) Bloodsucking Slam * At Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +23 vs. Reflex.
Hit: 14 damage, and the gore jelly gains 10 temporary hit points.


Nervous Response * At Will

Trigger: An attack misses the gore jelly.
Effect (Opportunity Reaction): The gore jelly shifts 2 squares.
Str 15 Dex 21 Wis 13
Con 20 Int 2 Cha 5
Alignment chaotic evil Languages understands Abyssal


[MENTION=1210]the Jester[/MENTION] Nice one! :) Wear points? Your house rules are blowing my mind.

Here's a solo I wrote up and ran for Dragon Mountain: a Kobold Horde. It was supposed to be a level 11 solo that represented a running battle against countless kobolds, but the PCs undertook an improvised skill challenge to prepare defenses and control where the fight happened, so I narrated all their traps/plans devastating a bunch of kobolds, then down-leveled two levels to 9th. What's fun about it is that it blurs the line between combat and skill challenge. And, as one of my players said with a big grin, "this encounter smells like cheese."

Kobold Horde --- Level 9 Solo Skirmisher
Gargantuan natural humanoid (swarm) --- XP 2,000
HP 368; Bloodied 184; Initiative +10
AC 23, Fort 21, Ref 22, Will 21; Perception +13 Darkvision
Resist half damage form melee and ranged attacks
Vulnable 5 close and area attacks
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2


From All Sides
The kobold horde occupies an enormous undefined area, and it can move into and thru enemies' spaces and does not provoke opportunity attacks. It is considered to be adjacent to all enemies in the encounter at all times, and has combat advantage from flanking on opportunity attacks unless the PC succeeds a DC 25 Insight or Perception check.

Swarm Attack
At the start of each of the kobold horde's turns, all enemies in the encounter are grabbed, and the horde doesn't need to spend a minor action to sustain the grab. An enemy starting their turn grabbed by the horde takes 5 damage.

Horde Immunities
The kobold horde is immune to all conditions that don't originate from area effect, close blast, or close burst powers. However, conditions like dazed and stunned, even if they don't affect the horde, still cause it to let go of grabbed creatures. In addition, the horde may take 92 damage to shake of any condition.


(melee basic) Any Weapon You've Got * At-Will
+14 vs AC; Hit: 2d8+8 damage, knocked prone, and grabbed. Against targets granting combat advantage deal +2d8 damage.

(melee) Overwhelming Surge * At-Will
Effect: Make a melee basic attack against each enemy in the encounter. If an enemy was disarmed of a magic weapon (and it hasn't been reclaimed yet) then one of these attacks is made with that weapon.


The Horde Presses Down * At-Will
Each enemy in the encounter must make a DC 25 Dungeoneering (find a safe passage out of path of kobolds), Intimidate (hold kobolds at bay), Perception (navigate quickly and safely thru tunnels ahead of kobolds), or Stealth (hide from kobolds) check. A failed check indicates the PC has been separated form the rest of the party, in addition to the following guidelines:
Dungeoneering - The PC is forced into a tight passage until the end of their next turn; while in the tight passage their speed is halved, they suffer -5 attack, and grant combat advantage.
Intimidate - The PC is restrained by kobolds until the end of their next turn, and the Kobold Horde gets a free basic attack against them.
Perception - The PC is forced into a trapped passage (roll on Random Trap Table in DRAGON MOUNTAIN 4e) and trigger the trap.
Stealth - The PC loses their current light source(s) and they are forced into a pitch black passage until the end of their next turn.


(melee) Swarm the Fallen * At-Will
Target all prone enemies in the encounter; +14 vs Fortitude; Hit: 2d8+8 damage and disarmed of one held item (if a light source it is extinguished).


Kobold Summons * Encounter
Trigger: When first bloodied
Effect (No Action): One kobold (see DRAGON MOUNTAIN 4e) enters play adjacent to each enemy.


Skills Dungeoneering +13, Stealth +13, Thievery +13
Str 9 (+3) Dex 18 (+8) Wis 13 (+5)
Con 12 (+5) Int 9 (+3) Cha 9 (+3)
Alignment evil; Languages Draconic
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Here's one I used in my Dark Sun campaign a year ago.

I hope the text is legible, I'm copying from black text on a white background, and the formatting is getting removed :(

Shammu rode a lightning drake (a blue dragon, lowered to level 11 and its Int dropped, because Athas has no true dragons).

Shammu, Psion of the Order
Level 11 Solo Controller

Medium natural humanoid (half-elf)
XP 3,000
HP 448; Bloodied 224

AC 25; Fortitude 23; Reflex 23; Will 24
Speed 6
Resist 10 psychic
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2

Initiative +7
Perception +15
Low-Light Vision

Born in the Saddle
Shammu bestows her heroic stability trait on any mount she rides.
Heroic Stability
When an effect forces Shammu to move, Shammu moves 2 less squares than the effect specifies. When an attack should knock Shammu prone, Shammu can roll a saving throw to avoid falling prone.
If Shammu suffers from an effect that ends at the end of a creature's turn, the effect ends at the end of Shammu's next turn.
Ritual Caster
Shammu can master and perform psionic rituals of 11th-level or lower.
Shammu makes two initiative checks, and takes a full turn on each initiative result. She receives one immediate action between the end of one of her turns and the start of another.

Standard Actions
m Steel Mace (weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +16 vs. AC
Hit: 3d8 + 6 damage, and Shammu pushes the target 2 squares.
R Ego Whip (implement, psionic, psychic) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +14 vs. Will
Hit: 2d6 + 7 psychic damage, and the target is dazed until the end of Shammu's next turn.
R Domination (charm, implement, psionic) • Recharge when no creatures are dominated
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature, or two creatures when Shammu is bloodied); +14 vs. Will
Hit: The target is dominated (save ends).
C Psionic Blast (implement, psionic, psychic) • Recharge 6
Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in the blast other than her mount); +14 vs. Will
Hit: 4d6 + 7 psychic damage, and Shammu pushes the target 5 squares.
Miss: Half damage.

Minor Actions
Splice (psionic) • At-Will (1/round)
Effect: Shammu makes an at-will implement attack as a minor action.

Triggered Actions
Indomitable Will • At-Will
Trigger: Shammu becomes dazed, dominated, stunned or knocked unconscious by an effect.
Effect (No Action): Shammu makes a saving throw to end the triggering effect, even if the effect would not normally end on a save.
C Bloodied Psionic Blast • At-Will
Trigger: Shammu is first bloodied.
Effect (Free): Psionic blast recharges, and Shammu uses it.

Skills Acrobatics +12, Athletics +10, Insight +15, Nature +15

Str 10 (+5)
Dex 15 (+7)
Wis 21 (+10)
Con 16 (+8)
Int 17 (+8)
Cha 11 (+5)

Alignment evil     Languages Common, Elven
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Here's a confusing solo. He's based on a villain from an Eberron adventure. He has a "soulblade", an intelligent item that can take independent actions such as Perception checks to look for hidden opponents.

The soulblade actions trait is supposed to give him another set of actions (much like Double Actions, Sage's Alacrity, etc) but this set of actions is different. For instance, it can use confusion but not a melee attack (or even an opportunity attack). It's supposed to be unaffected by Lucan's conditions. If you knock Lucan prone or weaken him, the soulblade shouldn't be affected. But there's an issue. There's no "attack an object" rules in 4e. The traits need rewriting, but I think I have something good here.

When it comes to anti-control, he's basically two monsters, except only Lucan himself can move.

Lucan Stellos
Level 4 Solo Skirmisher
Medium natural humanoid (human, vampire)
XP 875

HP 208; Bloodied 104
AC 18; Fortitude 16; Reflex 16; Will 15
Speed 8, jump 4 (spider climb)

Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerability 5 radiant
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2

Initiative +9
Perception +8

Child of the Night
If Lucan ends his turn in direct sunlight and lacks a protective covering such as a cloak or other heavy clothing, he takes 5 radiant damage (plus additional damage from his radiant vulnerability) from the sunlight, and he is weakened until he is no longer in direct sunlight. If he drops below 1 hit point from this damage, he is instantly destroyed.
Combat Advantage
Lucan deals an extra 1d6 damage on attacks against any target he has combat advantage against.
First Strike
At the start of the encounter, Lucan has combat advantage against any creatures that have not yet acted in that encounter.
Magic Sword
When Lucan scores a critical hit with soublade, he deals an additional 1d6 damage.
Lucan gains a +4 bonus to all defenses against opportunity attacks provoked by movement.
Lucan regains 5 hit points whenever he starts his turn and has at least 1 hit point. When Lucan takes radiant damage, his regeneration does not function on his next turn.
Soulblade's Actions
The soulblade rolls initiative (+4) separately from Lucan, and takes a standard and minor action on each initiative result. If Lucan is affected by a daze, domination or stunned effect, the soulblade's actions are not affected. If the soulblade is granted immediate actions, it can use one between the end of one of its turns and the start of another. The soulblade tracks its power usage separately from Lucan.
Soulblade's Defenses
While Lucan carries the soulblade, he gains immunity to charm effects.
Vampiric Stability
When an effect forces Lucan to move, he moves 1 less square than the effect specifies. When an attack should knock Lucan prone, Lucan can roll a saving throw to avoid falling prone.

Standard Actions
m Soulblade (weapon) • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage.
m Vampiric Slam (necrotic) • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d10 + 7 necrotic damage, and Lucan grabs the target is he doesn't have any creatures (escape DC 14). While grabbed, the target grants combat advantage to all attackers.
M Bite (healing) • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by Lucan); +9 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10 + 3 damage, and the target is weakened (save ends). Lucan regains 20 hit points.
M Spring Attack • At-Will
Effect: Lucan can move up to his speed and make two melee basic attacks at any point during the movement. Lucan doesn't provoke opportunity attacks from the targets when moving away from the targets of the attack.
R Confusion (charm, item) • At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +7 vs. Will
Hit: The target makes a melee basic attack against a creature of the soulblade's choice, charging if necessary.
Special: This is a soulblade ability. Using it does not provoke an opportunity attack.
A Dedicated Confusion (charm, item) • Recharge 5 6
Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 (enemies in the burst); +7 vs. Will
Hit: The target is dominated (save ends).
Special: This is a soulblade ability. Using it does not provoke an opportunity attack.

Move Actions
Vampiric Leap • At-Will
Effect: Lucan flies up to 2 squares. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.

Minor Actions
A Faerie Fire • At-Will
Effect: Area burst 1 within 20 (creatures and objects in burst). The target grants combat advantage and cannot benefit from concealment or invisibility until the end of the soulblade's next turn.
Special: This is a soulblade ability. Using it does not provoke an opportunity attack.

Skills Athletics +12, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10, Insight +8, Stealth +12, Streetwise +10, Thievery +12

Str 20 (+7)
Dex 20 (+7)
Wis 12 (+3)
Con 12 (+3)
Int 15 (+4)
Cha 16 (+5)

Alignment chaotic evil     Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven
Equipment soulblade, glove of storing


I like the diversity of solos you guys are sharing. Any other folks want to share their creations?

I am assembling a hyperlinked list of the solos by level in the first post for use of reference.

After a bit more dialogue we can start hammering out a list of updated solo design precepts that reflect what we've learned putting this edition thru its paces the last couple years.

An idea I had. I read a modern retelling of the epic of Gilgamesh, and the monster Huwawa (Humbaba on Wikipedia) was pretty interesting.

"His breath is death, his mouth is fire, his roar is a flood", he could hear everything in his sacred cedar forest, he doesn't sleep, and he has a "seven fold radiant aura". And that's just what you know before you face him.

His forest is large (big enough to probably take seven days to get to the center) and each day you are plagued by horrible nightmares (which probably drain healing surges). Some of the auras also frighten away animals (so no horseback riding, no pulling wagons, nothing like that), so that there's no natural animals in the forest. Food might be a problem, and cedar isn't edible. He can also control vultures, but they didn't attack; at least he has "minions" in the non-game sense.

Finally, you face him. He's always awake and heard you coming, and you've probably lost half your healing surges. He's a Gargantuan manscorpion with an incredibly ugly lion's head. (Think horror factor.) The glare from his perpetually flaming mouth gives him an advantage at the start of the battle (he basically gets total concealment in round one, although for obvious reason he can't make Stealth checks). Anything he says is a psychological attack (probably an at-will large close burst fear attack that inflicts attack penalties). He has an aura of poison. He can breathe fire, and possibly even little fire minions. And of course he can pincer you to death or sting you to death, or more likely both. His attack routine changes as he takes more damage.

Finally when you kill him, he breathes a dying curse. Also, his father (a god) won't be happy with you. Gilgamesh, you sure know how to pick them.

In the 4.5 thread, there was talk about condition reduction, to give controllers a reason to fight a solo.

Blinded: could be reduced to suffering concealment only

Daze: When dazed, the monster instead loses its next minor action and grants combat advantage.

Dominated: there are now numerous ways of fixing this issue.

Immobilize: could either be slowed, or have its speed reduced by a small amount.

Restrained: as immobilized.

Slow: could be outright ignored if the creature is a skirmisher. Of course, a teleport speed obviates this.

Stunned: as dominated, this has many fixes

Unconscious: there's a few creatures that have triggered attacks that go off even if unconscious, or if suffering any condition except unconsciousness. I once built an arcane warlord who basically had ioun stone "drones" that attacked much like beholder eye rays. They all attacked Fort, as none of his special attacks targeted Fort.

Weakened: no good ideas, except maybe -5 damage per tier.

Resist Attack Penalties: The boss reduces the total penalty it is taking to its attack rolls, skill checks, or ability scores by 2/tier. I haven't used this one yet, but am certainly thinking of it.
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I haven't designed my own solos very often. I typically take an existing solo and modify it. One way I have been doing lately that I really like is giving the solo a second full turn. Especially if the solo has instinctive assault I usually replace it with a second full turn. I have also started using the power to let solos cancel conditions with a minor action.

One general monster building things to take into account that becomes more pronounced with solos is the idea of ranged vs melee. In my experience most monsters are primarily or only melee and most PCs (at least in my groups) are mostly ranged fighters. So it is very common tactic for my groups to deny movement to the monsters and pelt them from range. This doesn't always work but it works too much. So I have started giving a lot of monsters good ranged attacks to counteract these sorts of tactics.


First Post
I've been meaning to post to this thread for a few days. I've done an insane amount of modifications and experiments with solos having run a level 1 - 28 campaign. I'll post up my ideas, some successful, some probably just broken (but effective against my Epic group none the less).

I'll start with the demon lord Shaktari, Queen of Mariliths. Basically I took a regular marilith stat block, suped up the level and brought her up to solo stats, and tried to anticipate the problems she'd have killing my group. Remaining fair, but challenging, while also minimizing my clerical work during combat, I came up with the following. Fair warning, she is scary, but when you've seen what a level 28 party can do between damage, locking, healing, and resurrecting, you'll forgive me.

Shaktari, Queen of Mariliths.png

Just some design notes:

1. I can't be bothered with Variable Resistance for demons during combat. I give them a flat Resist 10 All Elements (fire, cold, lightning, thunder, etc) or more for the big ones, and if they're someone who should be more resistant to a certain type I add that in (like Orcus and necrotic), usually as immune.

2. I halve prescribed hp for all monsters and increase their damage (usually 150%, but for dragon breath I tend to go 200% or 300% because it should be the scariest thing in the game in my mind). It helps move things along, obviously, and the way I do a lot of solos it doesn't greatly affect their impact. Which leads me to a solo design I never quite shared with my players, but they did pick up on eventually...

3. Solos have something I call 'narrative stopgaps', though a more accurate name could be 'narrative invulnerability'. Yes, I know, that sounds horrible and contrived and counter-intuitive to gaming as a whole, a DM's greatest sin, but hear me out.

Like many people, I usually run solo combats through multiple 'stages', each one changing in some way, be it an evolving terrain, added solo powers, or using different stat blocks for the solo entirely. In order to graduate to the next stage of the fight, an objective (or objectives) must be met. This can be as simple as reducing a solo to 0hp (he or she gets a boost next stage), bloodying the solo, but more often it involves hp in conjunction with the story or terrain, using rp, problem solving, creative uses of powers, lore, diplomacy, and/or skills.

So beating up the bad guy isn't wasted, but once he or she is reduced to 0, it becomes effectively 'invulnerable' because the next stage is still waiting on some other unfulfilled component. Once that is achieved, we move on. And again, this isn't every solo fight, but a good deal for my games. And they don't have to be so artificial in objectives, say pulling four levers to release the water and flood the mythal, it could be organic. I've gone into a solo combat with the objective being 'everyone is satisfied' and that has worked. It's a risk, though, and if you haven't built trust or really understand your group or the story, it's going to smack of something false.

4. Solos don't have encounter powers, rather everything on a generous recharge, usually 4-6, but I'd go 3-6 or even 2-6 if I really wanted to see the power used more than once in the combat.

5. I've played around with condition mitigation. For Shaktari, I opted for 'demon lord's succor' which simply washes off a condition at the start and end of her turn as free actions. I wouldn't always use this approach, but her accompanying marilith guards will be easy targets for conditions by comparison, and technically conditions will get her, its just not for as long as everyone wishes. Makes her seem quick, slippery (especially with teleport), and of course deadly.

6. A lot of solos right out the book couldn't touch half of my high level players. I boost their attacks a bit, but at the same time I don't want the combat to be auto hits back and forth from the outset. Shaktari has a 'Your Defenses Are Weak' which gives a cumulative +2 to attacks beginning round two and stacking every round after. I think it's enough to scare players into killing her quick cause they weren't planning on that before, hehe.

7. I was on the fence about the 12 attacks, just because of the time it would take to roll and calculate, but when you have a demon lord with six arms, it just can't be helped. The actual rolling and rolling and rolling really built up suspense and even a little despair, which helps in a demon lord fight.

8. Her minor is wicked, and with the potential for ongoing. I was also on the fence about this, cause I could have just tacked on ongoing instead of wasting time and energy with a secondary attack, but you have to balance efficiency with effect. The secondary attack drew players in, and it gave a few PCs chances to help in new ways via interrupts and immediate saves.

9. Her triggered action is even MORE wicked. Whenever someone misses her, she attacks them outright, for free, for as many people miss her on a turn.

10. Believe it or not, I was considering having her act more than once a round. I'm still thinking I should have, maybe at a cost of reducing her multiple attacks in half for that second turn. Hm, you know, that would be cool. She could even do it again to reduce those attacks in half again.

Something like:
Free Actions
I Will See You Dead * At-Will
Effect (immediate interrupt): Shaktari may take another turn following an ally's turn. Her number of attacks are halved using Rain of Unrelenting Steel and Shaktari's Dance of Death. For every additional turn, her number of attacks are halved again, (ex. 12, 6, 3, 1)
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[MENTION=59411]Pour[/MENTION] Yikes! That is one scary monster. The only thing I noticed missing from her stat block is improved critical hit damage for the falchion. It should at least be +3d6 for the high crit property, and you probably could have set it at +6d6 or even +8d6 and still been fair. With 12 attacks per round, she absolutely should be crit-fishing. If the players can do it... ;)

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