Let's see how well this pastes. Spoilers for ZEITGEIST Adventure 7.
It's a huge swarm of ghosts, encountered in a mansion, and it harasses the party while they're trying to run from room to room to gather allies or kill enemies before the hostile forces can regroup. Rather than being one single encounter, the party basically fights 1/3 of the ghost council in each of three different encounters, making it sorta like a recurring elite. There are other enemies in each of those encounters.
The 'fun' of the encounter is having this huge horde of ghosts pop in, cause trouble and knock the party around, then flee when it gets its nose bloodied.
Ghost Council Swarm Level15 Solo Brute
Gargantuan shadow humanoid (undead, swarm) XP 6000
HP 380; Threshold I 252; Threshold II 126 Initiative +16
AC 28, Fortitude 27, Reflex 27, Will 28 Perception +15
Speedfly 8 (hover); phasing Darkvision
Resist cold20, poison 20; insubstantial
Vulnerableradiant 10
SavingThrows +5; Action Points 1
Swarm ofGhosts
The swarm has two HP thresholds, and its abilitieschange as it reaches different thresholds. The damaged ghosts discorporate butwill return in a few days unless the conspiracy is defeated.
The swarm consists of a hundred or more ghosts whotravel together closely-packed, filling the space of a gargantuan creature. Theswarm needs only fill 16 contiguous spaces, and can stretch across abattlefield. Enemies can move through the swarm, which counts as difficultterrain.
Enemies cannot gain combat advantage against the swarmby flanking it.
Standard Actions
m EldritchGrasp (acid, cold,fire, lightning) * At-Will
You stray too close to the swarm, and ahalf-dozen undead mages assault you with energetic touch spells.
Effect: Ifthe swarm makes an opportunity attack, just make the following power once. Ifit uses this power on its turn, make the following attack against up to fourdifferent targets. For each attack choose whether it deals acid, cold, fire, orlightning damage.
Attack: Melee1 (one creature); +19 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6+17damage of the chosen energy type.
Bl OppressiveMoan (fear, psychic,thunder) * Encounter * Stage 1
The council shuffles forward slowly, hunched,glaring wide-eyed at you as they unleash a long, eerie moan.
Effect: Makethe following two attacks.
Primary Attack:Close blast 10 (enemies in blast); +19 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 5d6+25thunder damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Miss: Halfdamage.
Secondary Attack:Close blast 10 (enemies in blast); +19 vs. Will
Hit: 5d6+25psychic damage, and the target is weakened (save ends). This is a fear effect.
M Carry Off (necrotic) *At-Will * Stage 2
The swarm swoops into you. Dozens of hands graspyou and carry you off the ground. Every touch drains away your life force.
Effect: Theswarm flies 8 squares and makes the following attack against up to two targetsat any point during the movement.
Attack: Melee1 (one creature); +19 vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d6+13necrotic damage, and the target is grabbed (Escape DC 22). The target hasongoing 25 necrotic damage as long as it is grabbed. When the swarm moves, itcan slide the target along with it, even into the air. It can sustain the grabas a free action, and can grab up to four creatures at once.
Bu PoltergeistActivity * At-Will * Stage 3
You are all hurled by invisible force againstwalls. Some of you are defenestrated.
Attack: Closeburst 10 (enemies in burst); +19 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d10+13damage, and the ghost council hurls the target through the air, sliding them 5squares and knocking them prone. The ghost council can lift the target off theground during this forced movement.
Miss. Halfdamage, and the ghost council slides the target 1 square.
Minor Actions
EctoplasmicConstruct * At-Will, 1/round
A solid wall appears before you, cutting you offfrom your allies.
Effect: Theghost council creates a wall or similar inanimate object out of ectoplasm,filling up to 4 contiguous spaces within 20 squares, to a height of 3 squares.It lasts until the end of the encounter. The ectoplasm is translucent. Eachsquare has 10 hit points.
Triggered Actions
Splinter *Encounter
After your latest strike, the swarm recoils, but thengrows enraged. You sense a new presence nearby.
Trigger: Theghost council is reduced to 252 HP or below.
Effect (NoAction): The ghost council swarm uses oppressivemoan if it has not already. Two senior ghost councilors (see below) appearin spaces adjacent to the ghost council. They are invisible until they attack.All conditions affecting the ghost council transfer to one of those seniorghost councilors.
The ghost council gains an action point, then shifts 10squares. (It likely uses this to flee, but will return to combat later.)
Fracture *Encounter
The ghosts exchange glances, and a few shaketheir heads. Those fly away through the walls. Some seem to have steeled theirresolve, while the remainder gather together more closely.
Trigger: Theghost council is reduced to 126 HP or below.
Effect (No Action):The ghost council reduces to 9 contiguous spaces, and is now only size Huge.All conditions affecting the ghost council end. Two senior ghost councilors(see below) appear in spaces adjacent to the ghost council. They are invisibleuntil they attack.
The ghost council gains an action point, then shifts 10squares. (It likely uses this to flee, but will return to combat later.).
Str 28 (+17) Dex 12 (+9) Wis 14 (+10)
Con 19 (+12) Int 24(+15) Cha 14 (+10)
AlignmentEvil Languages Common, Elven,Primordial
Senior Ghost Councilor Level16 Goon Lurker
Medium shadow humanoid (undead) XP 600
HP 54; Bloodied 27 Initiative +16
AC 29, Fortitude 28, Reflex 28, Will 29 Perception +10
Speedfly 8 (hover); phasing Darkvision
Resist cold20, poison 20; insubstantial
Vulnerableradiant 10
Withdrawfrom Sight
Whenever the councilor takes damage, it turns invisibleuntil it either attacks or chooses to become visible. When it is reduced to 0HP it discorporates but will return in a few days unless Nicodemus the Gnosticis defeated.
Standard Actions
m Tap theCouncil (necrotic) *At-Will, Basic
You feel a tap on your shoulder and hear a manclear his throat. You see a ghost behind you, and just then realize your fleshis withering away.His touch carried not the power of a single ghost, but of theentire ghost council.
Attack: Melee1 (one creature); +21 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6+5necrotic damage and the target is weakened and has ongoing 5 necrotic damage aslong as any hostile member of the ghost council can see the target.
R Do NotDeny Us (charm) *At-Will
The ghost whispers, “Our will shall be notdenied,” and a deep, nigh-inaudible chorus echoes him. Then he says, “Slay yourallies.”
Attack:Ranged 10; +19 vs. Will
Hit: Thetarget is dominated until the end of the councilor’s next turn. Whenever thecouncilor takes damage, the target can make a save to end this effect.
Sustain standard.When the councilor sustains this power, he can make the target move its speed.
Str 12 (+9) Dex 12 (+9) Wis 14 (+10)
Con 19 (+12) Int 24(+15) Cha 14 (+10)
AlignmentEvil Languages Common, Elven,Primordial