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Updated loot. From Kazyk, again, you got: Hand of the Mage, +1 glaive, lesser crystal of return, goggles of foefinding, and boots of agile leaping.

Below is all the information on the Song of Forms. Anyone can learn the song, even if they can't currently actually perform it (if they later become able to, the knowledge will be with them already).
Learning the Song of Forms
To properly learn the Song of Forms, you must possess the bardic music ability (or a similar ability), must be able to speak Sylvan, and must have learned the song from the seela of the Fire Forest. It does not require any special feat or ability.

Using the Song of Forms
Singing the Song of Forms counts as a bardic music usage. Beginning the song is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity, and maintaining the song requires concentration. The magic of the song draws on your life to create bodies for those that have none, so singing the song deals 2 points of Constitution damage to you, plus another 2 points every ten minutes you continue to sing. The Song of Forms only has a magical effect when sung by a living creature. Fey bonded to a location, such as the seela of the Fire Forest, do not take Constitution damage from singing the Song of Forms as long as they are in that location.

Effects of the Song of Forms
You make a Perform (singing) check, and each incorporeal creature within 200 feet must make a Fortitude save (DC equal to the result of your Perform check) or lose its incorporeality for as long as you remain singing and it remains in range. Note that the Song of Forms does not affect ghosts that have not manifested, since they are on the Ethereal Plane and not the Material (on the Ethereal Plane ghosts are not incorporeal). A creature with turn resistance adds its turn resistance bonus to its Fortitude save against this effect. The Song of Forms is a supernatural, sonic ability.
Creatures that are only temporarily incorporeal simply return to their normal corporeal form. Creatures that are normally incorporeal but that are currently occupying a physical body, such as a ghost using its malevolence ability or a trillith using its embody ability, are unable to willingly leave their current bodies. Creatures without any normal corporeal form — such as allips, shadows, and wraiths, as well as ghosts that are not in a body — assume a semi corporeal form. Trillith that are not currently occupying a body are affected as detailed by the trillith subtype.
A creature forced into a semi-corporeal body is affected as follows:
[sblock]Hit Dice, Base Attack, Special Attacks, Special Qualities, Saves, Skills, Feats
These do not change, except that the creature loses incorporeality and any attendant special abilities. The new form is not incorporeal, and thus the creature can be affected by weapons as any other physical creature, though it retains any special resistances or immunities it had that weren’t tied to its incorporeality.

Size and Type
Its size and type do not actually change, though its body does. The form the creature assumes resembles its incorporeal form, with appropriate modifications that would allow for actual locomotion. A wraith would gain feeble legs, while an unbodied (an incorporeal psionic brain able to creature illusory bodies) would probably gain the body of its current illusion, or if it had no illusion it would gain tentacles attached to its brain with which it could shamble about.

The creature loses any ability to fly unless its form has wings (such as a ghost manticore). If it had no other form of locomotion, it gains a land speed of 30 feet.

Armor Class
The creature loses the deflection bonus from its Charisma, and instead gains a natural armor bonus appropriate to its size, as shown in the table below.

Attacks, Damage, and Abilities
The creature gains a Strength score appropriate to its size if it did not already have one (see table).
If the creature had normal attack forms, it retains them, though they are no longer incorporeal. If it dealt special damage with its incorporeal touch attacks, that damage is applied as bonus damage to any melee attacks it makes, though the attacks must beat the creature’s normal AC, not just touch AC. The creature may gain attack forms appropriate to its new form. As a default, you can assume the creature gains a slam attack if it has no other clear attack form, with damage appropriate to its size.
For example, a ghost with the corrupting touch ability who carried a sword would be able to attack with that sword, dealing sword damage, plus 1d6 from the corrupting touch ability. An allip (a medium incorporeal undead) would gain a slam attack that did 1d6 damage, plus 1d4 points of Wisdom drain.
Other effects may be appropriate, at the game master’s prerogative.[/sblock]

Slain by the Song of Forms
Most undead are destroyed when reduced to 0 hp, and this occurs normally even if the creature is currently in a semi-corporeal form. Non-undead incorporeal creatures die at –10 hp as normal.
For example, when the host body of a ghost using malevolence is killed, the ghost survives, but it is forced into a semi-corporeal form by the Song of Forms. Even if the ghost is destroyed while semi-corporeal, however, it can still rejuvenate as normal.
When a trillith is slain, its essence disperses, but it is believed they can reform at some point later on. However, if a trillith is slain while affected by the Song of Forms, it is dead permanently.[/sblock]

Now obviously, I'm going to allow Mara to burn one of her dances per day as if it were bardic performance since the two features have overlap anyway. She will still need to know Sylvan and will still need to sing and make a Sing check (not dance), and she won't be able to use a dance ability while using the Song of Forms, just as a Bard couldn't use another performance while doing so.
I will also allow anyone who wishes it to take the Extra Performance feat despite not meeting the pre-requisites. Doing so will give you 4 perform uses per day that you can use for nothing but the Song of Forms (unless you later pick up bard levels or the like, of course). I doubt anyone will want to do that, but...I'm giving you the option.


First Post
Since it comes up now and again, someone in the party who has the ability and charisma should learn it.
The necklace will help with the Sylvan.


Everyone should at least learn the song, there's no real cost or penalty for doing so. Even if you never gain the ability to use it. If for no other reason than should Mara die and a new PC replace her, you at least still have knowledge of the lyrics within the party w/o having to trek back to Innenotdar.

Just my advice.


The Living Blade of Innenotdar

Appearing significantly over-sized for the wielder in whatever form it may take, the low density of the finely crafted wood frame and utter weightlessness of the photonic energy blade that makes up much of its dimensions more than compensate for this. The weapon, in fact, is by far the most well-balanced and effortless to swing and thrust with that Zayed has ever wielded.

When de-activated, the Living Blade's frame shuts tight. Activating it causes the front frame to split apart and shift down towards the handle forming a hand guard, as the blade of light bursts from it, illuminating as a sunrod would. It is a free action to activate or deactivate the Living Blade. Either mode features a small circular portion that fills with light when activated and is empty space when off. It has no apparent function...

Precognitive abilities of the Living Blade:
[sblock]Your weapon surges with azure psionic energy and your eyes glow with a blue glint, as the world around you suddenly slows down and blurs. You watch in horror as your foe delivers a devastating attack to a friend or innocent. This view fades from your mind as quickly as it appeared, and you find yourself back in the normal time stream. Screaming out a warning as a symbol etches upon the Living Blade and emanates an aura, you can only hope your vision does not become prophesy.

Right after an action/effect/attack has resolved, a wielder who has formed a true bond to the living blade may spend an immediate action to treat what just happened as a “vision” of the imminent future, rather than it actually happening, and he can warn an ally within 100 ft (including himself) of the danger so long as the wielder can move and act and he has line of effect to the ally. The wielder chooses one of the following effects ("enhanced" versions became available to Zayed after the events in the Trillith Dreamworld):

•Purge: Grant a reroll to the ally for a roll he has just attempted. This can only be used for defensive actions, such as a concentration check to cast defensively, saving throw, etc... Not to benefit a check against spell resistance, an attack or damage roll, and other offensive actions.
Enhanced: No longer has an immediate action cost (still only one Vision ability may be used per round). Seals the auras emanating from ally for 1 minute (blocks Soul Read, projection of Marshal auras, Paladin's auras of good and courage, etc...).

•Shield: Force a foe within 100 ft to re-roll a d20. This can only be used against offensive actions, such as overcoming spell resistance, an attack or damage roll, etc... Not against a concentration check to cast defensively, a saving throw, or other non-aggressive calls for a roll.
Enhanced: No longer has an immediate action cost (still only one Vision ability may be used per round).

•Speed: Grant an ally a partial withdraw action (as withdraw, but only up to the creature's speed) or 5 ft step that resolves before whatever triggered the vision. If this would thwart that action, the foe can choose to re-direct his attack, spell, etc... if there is another valid target/area in range. Otherwise, that action is wasted.
Enhanced: No longer has an immediate action cost (still only one Vision ability may be used per round).

•Armor: Grants an ally Evasion and Mettle against one attack. If he already has Evasion or Mettle, he instead gains Improved Evasion or Mettle, respectively. If neither would apply to the attack, damage taken is halved instead (including ability damage, if any). If neither benefit would apply, Armor has no effect.
Enhanced: Affects all allies within a 10 ft radius of a chosen center point within vision range, and remains for the duration of the attacking enemy's turn.

•Enchant: Grant an ally an immediate melee or ranged attack against the foe that triggered the vision. The ally you choose does not need to be the victim of the attack. The ally may substitute his melee attack with a disarm, trip, grapple, or bull rush maneuver if he wishes. The foe, if he is still able to take his action after this, may re-direct it to another valid target if he can no longer attack the original target.
Enhanced: Ally can also opt to partial charge or use a standard or swift action spell or SLA (which must deal direct hit point damage and target the attacking enemy or include him in the area).

Visions can be used when an ally would be reduced to 0 or fewer hp, knocked unconscious, or killed (or otherwise permanently debilitated, such as petrified) outright. Visions, other than Enchant, may also be used on other occasions, but doing so expends one of the wielder's readied Diamond Mind maneuvers.
Note that, other than Purge and Shield, dice roll results are retained after a vision has been resolved (Ex: A dragon crits Angir, Zayed uses Speed to move him safely away, but Tansley is also within its reach, it can crit her instead).

While mechanically, the player is choosing exactly when to use a Vision, remember that from the character's perspective the visions seem somewhat random and unreliable in "coming to you" and never seem to happen too frequently, although it's usually there for the party when serious danger is imminent. This is represented by the 1 immediate action limit per round, the player opting not to use a vision at some points to "save it" for later (possibly ending up not using it at all that round in anticipation of a tragedy that never happens), etc... The character is not actually "choosing" to "use" a vision, it just occurs, seemingly out of his control.[/sblock]
Finalized progression for the Blade:
[sblock]Cut from the First Tree of Innenotdar, the Living Blade was once bonded to the heroine Anyariel. When the heroes retrieve it, it bonds to whoever pulls the blade from Indomitability’s body. The power of the weapon grows with its wielder, and some of the abilities below may be exchanged for ones of equal power that better reflect the nature or experiences of the sword’s wielder.
Whenever the wielder gains a level, he has the option of transforming the weapon’s shape. When the heroes first encounter it in adventure two, it is in the form of a greatsword, but it can be turned into almost any type of weapon. The Living Blade cannot be transformed into a weapons with complex moving parts like a repeating crossbow, or a weapon with multiple segments, like a flail, net, or spiked chain. It can, however, be transformed into many other weapons, such as a dagger, a crossbow, a whip, a Bohemian ear-spoon, or a composite longbow. If it is turned into a composite bow, the wielder can choose any Strength bonus.
Once the Living Blade’s form is chosen, it remains in that form until the wielder gains another level, when he can transform it again. In any form, it appears as though it is roughly carved from wood.
Regardless of the form or enhancement bonus of the Living Blade, it has hardness 15 and 60 hp, and it takes no damage from fire. If the weapon is destroyed, the wielder it is bonded to gains a negative level that persists for one year. This negative level never causes actual level loss. If the wielder chooses the form of a double weapon, determine its powers as if the wielder were 4 levels below his actual level.
••Level 1: Masterwork and Sizing (auto-sizes to match the wielder)
••Level 2: +1 enhancement
••Level 5: Living Blade Buster
••Level 6: +2 enhancement bonus.
••Level 8: Warning property
••Level 10: +3 enhancement
••Level 11: Lesser Transmuting property
••Level 14: +4 enhancement and Morphing property
••Level 17: Transmuting property (full version)
••Level 18: +5 enhancement
••Level 20: Psychokinetic (+1d4 force)

Morphing: Standard to change into any other weapon of same type (2H, 1H, or light)
Transmuting: After hitting foe w/ DR, start of next turn weapon ignores that DR for 10 rounds or until you hit another type of DR.
Lesser Transmuting: Activates as Transmuting, but only lasts 1 round and then wielder must hit again on a round it is not active to re-activate (so, assuming at least one hit per round, the rounds it ignores the target's DR would alternate).
Warning: While held, you gain +5 insight to Initiative

Buster: Standard action; Expends highest level strike maneuver currently readied, can't be used if no strikes are readied. Once used, it cannot be used again for 5 rounds. The Living Blade surges with power and the blade briefly extends to 60 ft long in just enough time to make a single 90-degree swing with it. This counts as an area attack and the attack roll becomes a Reflex (half) save DC against the damage. Depending on how swung, it could be a 60 ft 2D conic fan shape when slashed horizontally, or be like a 60 ft line effect from Zayed that also hits directly above him and any in the arc on the way down, etc... Damage dealt is doubled against nonliving creatures. Power Attack can be used, it effectively lowers the save DC for more damage. Equivalent to a +1 bonus.

Strong evocation and transmutation, CL equal to wielder’s level or wielder’s level –4 (see above).[/sblock]
Replica Living Blade progression:
[sblock]••Level 1: Masterwork and Sizing (auto-sizes to match the wielder)
••Level 5: +1 enhancement
••Level 6: Warning property
••Level 10: +2 enhancement and Lesser Transmuting property
••Level 14: Living Blade Buster
••Level 15: +3 enhancement
••Level 18: Morphing property
••Level 20: +4 enhancement

Morphing: Standard to change into any other weapon of same type (2H, 1H, or light)
Transmuting: After hitting foe w/ DR, start of next turn weapon ignores that DR for 10 rounds or until you hit another type of DR.
Lesser Transmuting: Activates as Transmuting, but only lasts 1 round and then wielder must hit again on a round it is not active to re-activate (so, assuming at least one hit per round, the rounds it ignores the target's DR would alternate).
Warning: While held, you gain +5 insight to Initiative

Buster: Standard action; Expends highest level strike maneuver currently readied, can't be used if no strikes are readied. Once used, it cannot be used again for 5 rounds. The Living Blade surges with power and the blade briefly extends to 60 ft long in just enough time to make a single 90-degree swing with it. This counts as an area attack and the attack roll becomes a Reflex (half) save DC against the damage. Depending on how swung, it could be a 60 ft 2D conic fan shape when slashed horizontally, or be like a 60 ft line effect from Zayed that also hits directly above him and any in the arc on the way down, etc... Damage dealt is doubled against nonliving creatures. Power Attack can be used, it effectively lowers the save DC for more damage. Equivalent to a +1 bonus.

Strong evocation and transmutation, CL equal to wielder’s level or wielder’s level –4 (double weapons).

Overcharged Buster: Ability to “surge” for more power. Zayed may expend additional strike maneuvers (still going in order of highest maneuver level first) when activating Buster, though all of them must be of at least Master difficulty (7th-9th level). For each strike maneuver expended beyond the first, damage is increased by +50%, and the recharge time to use Buster again extends by 1 round. Example: Zayed expends a 9th level, 8th level, and two 7th level strikes. He deals +150% damage (2.5 times the normal amount) and can’t use Buster again for 8 rounds. Note for use on non-living foes, multiplier stacking rules apply. So the x2 would add +1x to the multiplier. In the example, damage would be 3.5x the normal amount.[/sblock]
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Indomitability's boon:
[sblock]Whenever the affected creature is reduced below 0 hp, it automatically stabilizes. Also, once per day, whenever the creature would die, unless it is from a death effect (such as an assassin’s death attack or a finger of death spell), the creature is instead reduced to –9 hp and becomes stable.
The affected creature gains the benefit of a permanent endure elements and stand the heat spell. The creature also ignores the effect of wounding injuries that deal damage round after round, such as from a bearded devil’s glaive. Finally, the creature cannot be checked, knocked down, or blown away by strong winds.[/sblock]


Seela are now available as a playable race, also.

Seela are a fey race native to the Fire Forest
of Innenotdar who have a great affinity with song
and wind. Before their forest was set to flame, they
served as messengers of the woods, singing news on
the wind. Their original vibrant beauty has changed
to match the dying conditions of their homeland.
As large as humans, they have wings reminiscent
of a dragonfly’s, or of leaves that got too close to an
open flame. Their flesh is naturally pale and sunken,
and they look perpetually starving and rather eerie.
Seela Traits
Type: Fey type. Seela are fey, not humanoids.
Abilities: +2 Charisma, –2 Constitution.
Size: Medium size.
Speed: A seela’s base land speed is 30 feet.
Senses: Low-light vision.
Proficiencies: Proficient with all simple
Skills: +2 racial bonus on Listen and Perform
Automatic Languages: Common, Elven,
Bonus Languages: Auran, Giant, Gnome,
Goblin, Ignan.
Favored Class: Bard.
Seela Special Qualities
The seela have suffered years of torment, and
thus are physically fragile but spiritually strong.
All seela have the following special qualities:
Bardic Music (Ex): A seela gains one
additional bardic music usage a day. If the seela
has no levels in bard, she can only use this ability
to sing the Song of Forms, detailed on page 450.
Fallow Touch (Su): A seela saps life with the
touch of her bare flesh. A seela’s unarmed strikes
deal an additional 1 point of damage. Prolonged
exposure deals 1d6 points of damage per round. A
seela cannot harm another seela in this way.
Glide (Ex): A seela’s wings allow her to
descend safely. She can ignore the first 20 feet of
falling damage as long as she is conscious.
Stand the Heat (Ex): Seela can resist the fires
of their home forest as if they were affected by
stand the heat. This power is only available in the
Fire Forest of Innenotdar and only as long as the
trillith Indomitability is alive and within the forest.
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): Seela can use
ghost sound and message each once an hour. The
caster level for these abilities is equal to the seela’s
character level.[/sblock]

Seela also have the option of taking up to 2 levels in the Seela Paragon "class":
[sblock]BAB: Medium (+0 at 1st, +1 at 2nd)
Saves: Good Reflex/Will, Poor Fort
HD: d6
Skill points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Spot (Wis), and Survival (Wis).

Seela who are strong of spirit can take one
level in the seela paragon class. Seela who leave
their ashen forest and travel to more promising
lands can take the second level in this class. Levels
in the seela paragon class never result in XP
penalties for multiclass seela characters.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the
seela paragon class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A seela
paragon gains no new weapon or armor
Personality (Su): A seela paragon adds
her Charisma modifier to her hit points at each
level, instead of her Constitution modifier (this
applies to all class levels, not just seela paragon
levels). She also applies her Charisma modifier to
Fortitude saves and Concentration checks instead
of Constitution.
Levels of the seela paragon class count as levels
of bard for the purpose of determining access to
bardic music ability, as long as the seela has at least
one level of bard. Her bard levels still determine how many uses of bardic music she gets each day.
Fallow Healing (Su): Whenever the seela
deals damage with its fallow touch, it heals an
equal amount of damage. A seela can heal no
more damage than twice her Charisma modifier
in a day in this way. At 2nd level, she can heal up
to triple her Charisma modifier in a day in this
Limited Flight (Ex): A 2nd-level seela
paragon gains the ability to fly for brief stints. She
gains a fly speed equal to her land speed, with
average maneuverability. However, she can only
fly for a number of rounds every ten minutes equal
to her Charisma modifier. After that, she must
descend. Additionally, her glide ability improves.
When falling, she can choose to descend as slowly
as 60 feet per round and to take no damage.
Longwalker (Su): A 2nd-level seela paragon
is considered to always be bonded to whatever
natural terrain she is in. This allows her to avoid
taking Constitution damage when singing the
Song of Forms, and may have other benefits, at
the game master’s option.
Charisma Bonus (Ex): A seela paragon gains
+2 Charisma at 2nd level.[/sblock]
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First Post

Hey! So sorry I missed today without notice. I really wanted to play but lost track of the date and went to another event without even thinking about it. I will see you all next Thursday.

Also, I have a new phone number, will send it to you, Mum.


First Post
Torrent CR 6
As tall and strong as the typical warrior, Torrent is a distinctive looking woman with tanned skin and short white hair. Under a dark winter coat she wears a breastplate decorated with blue wave-like etchings, and a holy symbol to a sea god is tied to her wrist with a leather cord. Her demeanor is smooth but forceful, like an ocean wave.
Female human cleric 4/crusader 1
CG Medium humanoid
Str 16, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14
Init –1; Senses Listen +2, Spot +2
Languages Common
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 17
Hp 47 (6 HD)
Fort +8, Ref +0, Will +8
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
Melee Bhurisrava's Mace +10 (1d8+4, x2), mwk battleaxe +8 (1d8+3, ×3)
Ranged light crossbow +5 (1d8, 19–20)
Base Atk +5; Grp +8
Combat Gear potion of remove paralysis, scroll of hide from undead, two flasks of holy water, wand of cure light wounds 35 charges)
Special Actions feat of strength (+4 Str as free action, lasts 1 round, 1/day), spontaneous casting (cure spells), turn undead 9/day (+2, 2d6+6, 4th), turn fire and command, rebuke or bolster water creatures 9/day (+2, 2d6+6, 4th)
Spells Prepared (CL 4th)
2nd (DC 14): bull's strength*, divine protection, shield other, silence
1st (DC 13): bless, divine favor, enlarge person*, protection from evil, sanctuary
0: create water, detect magic, detect poison, guidance, purify food and drink
* = domain spell; Domains Strength, Water
Feats: Shield Specialization (Light), Shield Ward, Steady Concentration, Divine Ward, Extra Turning, Divine Vigor
Flaws: Pathetic, Vulnerable
Skills (30 ranks): Concentration +8 (6), Diplomacy +7 (5), Heal +6 (4), Knowledge (religion) +8 (8), Sense Motive +7 (5), Swim +3 [+6 without armor or shield] (3)
Class Features: Steely Resolve (5), Furious Counterstrike. Indomitable Soul (Cha to Will)
Maneuvers (IL 4; 5 known; 5(2) readied): Crusader's Strike (S; DS) R, Shield Block (C; DS) R, Charging Minotaur (S; SD) R, Douse the Flames (S; WR) R, Tactical Strike (S; WR) R
Stances: Iron Guards Glare (DS), Leading the Charge (WR)
Possessions combat gear plus mwk battleaxe, light crossbow, +1 breastplate, +1 light steel shield, dagger, 40 crossbow bolts, copious variety of beverages in backpack, 300 gp, large padded hip pouch containing Amulet of Retributive Healing

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First Post
...next game

Long message.

So, I don't know if I scheduled this before or after we switched to Thursdays, but it occurred to me that a gig I signed up to work for will conflict with our next game. I may be able to do the Friday, if people are willing to switch. I also could do Saturday or Sunday- though I know I will be exhausted both of those days and on top of that there are things I'd like to go to (but I would rather have our game.)

In addition, there's a third thing I would REALLY REALLY REALLY like to go to on Thursday, so if it would be possible to switch my Thursday paid job to Friday, and then play with you guys on Saturday or Sunday... I would be a really happy person. I have no idea what's going on for you though.

Sorry, when it rains, it pours.

On other matters, I second Torrent going crusader/cleric.

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