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Race Design


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Thanks for the info.

Here is the new version.

Doppelgangers are shapeshifting fey from an area of the Otherworld known as Faerie and often travel to the natural world to wreak their form of chaos and mischief. It is common folklore that doppelgangers have a particular fondness for stealing human babies and replacing them with their own progeny. These doppelgangers grow up among humanoids and reproduce. Other doppelgangers simply mimic humanoids and infiltrate their societies, also gaining the opportunity to reproduce. The resulting offspring are called changelings, shapeshifting fey of the natural world. While they do not possess the full shapeshifting powers of their doppelganger ancestors, they are a race able to assume the features of other fey and folk humanoids.
Type: Medium biped fey
STR 2 AGI 3 END 3 INT 4 WIL 4 CHA 4 MAG 0 LUC 2​
Acting, Bluffing, Disguise, Linguistics, Local Knowledge​
Changeling Disguise: Using two consecutive actions, you can transform your appearance to that of any other medium sized humanoid race. You keeps your statistics in the new form but your apparel does not change. This transformation lasts until you change your appearance again.You also gain a +1 die bonus to Disguise checks.

Very cool!

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First Post
@LucasC already created a changeling type of race.

Bit late to the party but if your interested, here's the version I did for N.E.W.


Although I haven't done it yet, the idea is to make some racial traits that allow them to get good at changing their shape. One will be something such as a glopian infiltrator that allows them over the course of a few ranks in the career perfectly mimic another species.


Ok, after looking at some of LucasC's posts and since I got a shout out in the Kickstarter update, I thought I'd toss out a few more ideas.

First Draft - Changeling Species Traditions
* NOTE: I see these as being a bonus tradition level between Species and Starter Talents for my setting. To balance, all races would have this level of choice, including humans. For humans it would be Talent choices like: Agile, Charismatic, Cunning, Educated, Industrious, etc. This would allow me to get a little more gritty into races having meaning and being able to really get into Subspecies.

CHAMELEON [Species]--------------------------------------------------0 Years

Prerequisite: Changeling

Chameleons do not live the life of a single persona, but of many. They utilize their powers actively and often. They disguise, deceive and lie as needed to further their individual goals. At the core of their identity is the belief that the central aspect of a changeling is their mutability. To fully be a changeling, one must change, convincingly and frequently. For many, however, there is no purpose and integrity to these changes. A chameleon considers themselves simultaneously to be both a mutable changeling and the individual they are portraying. Chameleons, of all changelings, are most adept at grasping the duality of changeling nature and are devoted to the ‘Truth of the Now’.

MAG +2 LUC +1

Acting, Bluffing, Disguise
You gain the Quick Change signature spell as well as a +2 die bonus to bluffing and disguise activities.

DARKLING [Species]--------------------------------------------------0 Years

Prerequisite: Changeling

Darklings are the only true physical subspecies of changelings and are quite rare, especially in the mortal world. Unlike other changelings who trace their lineage to doppelgangers, darklings trace their heredity to hags, often the result of a hags mating with a tricked mortal lover. They look like most other changelings with a few distinct characteristics that set them apart. Darklings often appear more slender than other changelings, bordering on an almost skeletal appearance. Their complexion also differs from other changelings. Rather than the typical pale-white to grey skin they instead still have very pale skin but in shades of blues and greens and often with black hair rather than white or blonde. Darklings can still be Tricksters, Chameleons, Passers or Realists.

MAG +2 ans choose 1 Heredity:
  • Annis Hag: STR +1
  • Green Hag: CHA +1
  • Sea Hag: END +1

[*]Annis Hag: Bravery, Intimidation, Tactics
[*]Green Hag: Carousing, Flirtation
[*]Sea Hag: Swimming
You gain Darkvison 60’ and gain one free spell list based on Heredity.
  • Annis Hag:Infuse Earth
  • Green Hag:Charm Creature
  • Sea Hag:Move Water

PASSER [Species]--------------------------------------------------------0 Years

Prerequisite: Changeling

Passers are the most un-changeling-like of their species in their thoughts and perspectives. They are ordinary people who just wish to lead ordinary lives as part of a community. They endeavor to repress or deny their mutable nature. As such, they use their powers to fit into their chosen society more easily. They often have only one form that they choose and keep and some even so thoroughly adopt their new identities that they closely identify with their chosen race more than with their own species. They also rarely travel or assume new identities. Other changeling subspecies view passers with contempt, often calling them "actors" or "pretenders" who have denied their true selves.

INT +1 CHA +1 MAG +1

Acting, Bluffing, Linguistics, Intuition
Choose a species that is your chosen racial persona of choice. When you assume the form of this race you may gain one racial trait of the race you are shapeshifted into and you gain a +1 die bonus to bluffing and disguise activities related to your chosen persona. You also gain a +1 die bonus to oppose any Divination or Scrying effect. If successful you know the type of information being sought.

REALIST [Species]------------------------------------------------------------0 Years

Prerequisite: Changeling

A few changelings reject the passer’s notion of conformity at the cost of identity and spurn the chameleon’s philosophy of transience and impermanence. Realists believe in an ultimate Truth, that as fey creatures, their native form is perfect. Realists prefer their native form as well as being among communities of their own kind. They hold strong convictions and tend toward zealous belief in the ways of Faerie. Most do not practice deception, but at the same time the definition of deception is different among them. Some realists find anything remotely deceptive to be disgusting, while most hold this high standard only in reference to their own kind and feel that absolute truth and integrity are only due other changelings and fey.

CHA +1 MAG +2

Bravery, Intimidate, Leadership
You gain the [Transform Creature] spell list free but may only use it on yourself.

TRICKSTER [Species]----------------------------------------------------0 Years

Prerequisite: Changeling

This is considered to be the default subspecies of Changelings and by far the most common. They are often a balanced perspective between passers and chameleons. They often choose a specific persona that is their primary cover, whilst maintaining a small selection of nearly as well maintained alternate identities. While many enjoy the stability that passers seek with their primary identity, they have no qualms about utilizing their abilities to gain the upper hand, or simply to change up their life to avoid boredom.

AGI +1 WIL +1 CHA +1

Bluffing, Escape Artist, Stealth, Thievery
Once per day, you may call upon LUCK (or "Fey Grace" as you view it) and use your LUCK dice pool without expending it.

Signature Simple Spell

QUICK CHANGE Verito Vis ---------------------------------------------------0 MP

Transform Nature 0 / Gen 5

Cast Time: 1 Action

Duration: 1 minute

Range: Touch

Target: Your worn gear

Checks: None

You alter the appearance of your clothing, armor, weapons and equipment to appear as any other form of worn gear of the same type (worn to worn, carried to carried, etc.).
Example: You are wearing leather armor with a long sword and small pack. You could change to appear to be wearing plate armor, sword and shield or cloth robes, a walking staff and a message satchel.
Costs: 1 MP 10 minutes, 3 MP 1 Hour; 3 MP Silent; 3 MP Still



First Post
Of all the changeling subspecies, it seems that the one that should have a higher charisma (chameleon) does not receive that stat boost. They seem the most transient and likely to deal with a large variety of people/species and as such, I envision them as having a lesser focus on magic and a greater focus on 'people' skills. Were it me, I think I would give them +1 INT, +1 CHA and +1 MAG or +1 LUC. They have to be able to think quickly on their feet and keep track on the many tangled webs they've woven around themselves and if that fails, they should be charismatic enough to talk their way out of the situation.

"Did I say I was the son of Lord Dingleheim? Oh dear me, I fear that I may have had more wine than I thought. What I meant to say was I am the lesser son of a lesser son, Lord Dingleheim's nephew, the son of his youngest brother Tam. Please don't let on that you have caught me in this small conceit, you know how treacherous court can be and imagine the scandal and shame I would bring to my family..."

In the above scenario, I would have the Chameleon make a INT+Heraldry role to come up with a workable alias from the Dingleheim line followed by CHA+Bluff or some other appropriate skill to convince the other of his new story. It might then be followed by a contest of wills, probably using a countdown counter as the Chameleon has to charm the pants off the 'assailant' before the 'assailant' decides to call over the guards and have the impostor removed. For the chameleon, their words are their weapon that is one thing that I really like about this system, the above scene could play out like a typical combat scene without swords ever being drawn or a single spell cast.

Just my thoughts on the matter, but as a whole I enjoy what you've done and you've given me ideas on how to format things for the subraces I am working on.


First Draft - Changeling Species Traditions
* NOTE: I see these as being a bonus tradition level between Species and Starter Talents for my setting. To balance, all races would have this level of choice, including humans. For humans it would be Talent choices like: Agile, Charismatic, Cunning, Educated, Industrious, etc. This would allow me to get a little more gritty into races having meaning and being able to really get into Subspecies.


Nice work and interesting ideas here! I haven't delved deeply into the mechanics of your work but it's looking really good. Another option for humans (and all the races, really) would be Cultural traditions, e.g. Emerald Islander human vs. Icepeak Nomad human, etc.


Those are some good points. I think I'll adjust it as INT +1 CHA +1 MAG +1.
I agree with the view on INT and CHA being likely more important, but I want to make certain they have a magic score as I want them to be able to be true chameleons. Since their clothing doesn't change with their natural ability, I wanted them to have that quick way to alter their clothes when it's absolutely imperative to do a complete appearance change.
Very food point on regionals. I do have some already done in my game from the other system, but I would likely want to start with the generic ones first since they'll likely get used more. However if anyone wants to throw some "generic" location related options out that helps too as they can always get adapted.

Voidrunner's Codex

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