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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 0 - The Sending of the Wanderer

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First Post
This is Turn 0 of the 3rd Industrial Revolution thread.

Let's hope it works, and is fun, and does not quickly fail.
We have posted over 800 posts just leading up to this - let's try for 800 posts and more in the IR, in many Turns.

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You may do anything else in this Turn, except fighting, within the very short amount of time this Turn represents.

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This Turn does represent one month of In Character game time (Turn 1 and beyond will.)

This Turn represents only a FEW HOURS of In Character game time.
The last few hours before the war begins.

At the very beginning of this Turn, the Sending of the Wanderer is heard and seen by all.

At the very end of this Turn, Vecna and his Legions arrive in the Present, emerging out of Tovag Baragu.

- - -

There has been a change in the Rules, which is necessitated by the nature of the ENBoards.

A thread may have only 200 posts. No more.
Therefore, the Moderator (Darkness) will close each thread when it reaches 200 posts - and the Turn will be considered over.

I will post the results of the Turn that is now over, in the first posts of the next Turn when I create the thread for it.

- - -

This Turn will be shorter than 200 posts.

At an undisclosed point after the 50th post, I will create the thread for Turn 1, and the fireworks will start.

- - -

Now ...

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First Post

Note - the Sending of the Wanderer is rather disgusting and offensive In Character, and was meant to be so ... In Character.
NOT Out of Character. The Sending has no OOC implications or messages of any sort.

- - -

40 years have passed since the Greyhawk Wars ended.
40 years of peace.
Peace fought hard for, hard won, and well deserved.
A time of respite, a time of rebuilding, a time of growing prosperity and hope for everyone.

War looms again now, however - a war more terrible than the Greyhawk Wars ever were, and the general population of Oerth is in despair, and they cower and hide, hoping to escape the coming storm.

A magical sending comes to the people of Oerth.
This magical sending conveys both sound and sight, a series of images with vocal accompanyment that goes on for some time.
Every sentient being on Oerth, from the semi-intelligent gray ooze to the supra-genius gold dragons, and all between, receives this sending.
Every sentient being in Greyspace receives this sending.
The Sending is heard by the Torilian Border Guard.
The Sending is heard in the Border Ethereal where it touches Oerth and Greyspace.
The Sending is heard near Gates in Sigil that lead to Oerth or Greyspace.

Vecna alone does not hear the Sending, for he has not arrived in the Present yet (he will arrive within a few hours of the Sending, though, and from his magic learn about it, and everything said or shown in it.)

Nobody knows who made the sending.
Many think it is the mysterious Wanderer (see the Ivid the Undying internet supplement.)

Nobody knows for sure, but all receive the sending, in sight and sound, from beginning to end, and all clearly understand everything shown and said.

- - -

Everything shown and said in the Sending, happened.
The Wanderer is showing things that actually happened (in the first two IRs) and things actually said (in the first two IRs.)

In Character, spells like Detect Lie, Augury, Divination, Commune, Limited Wish, Wish, and Miracle will all reveal that everything shown is the truth.
Anyone travelling to the Outer Planes, to discuss the Sending with their dieties, or their Proxies, or the Planars, or attempting Contact Other Plane, finds that the Sending is showing truth.

The spells and visits show the Sending depicts the truth and no falsehood.
However, the spells and visits also show that the Sending is not the whole truth, nor is it necessarily a truthful depiction of the truth.

Here is what is heard and seen:
The voice of an elderly man, frail and spectral, is heard ((given in parenthesis below))

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(There was once a land like ours, called Faerun.)

- - -

The image of that land appears. There are the mountain ranges, snow capped and mighty.
There are the fields, castles tall amongst them, manor homes and peasant homes sprinkled throughout.
There are the forests, green and verdent, from the tall boreal forests of Luruar to the lush tropical rainforests of Chult.
There are the cities: mighty Waterdeep, noble Silverymoon, proud Zhentil Keep, menacing Mulmaster, Calimport in all it’s sprawl, Candlekeep with it’s endless libraries, and many more.
Like the Flanaess, there are the scars of wars and magic ... the High Moor is bleak and barren, the desert of Anarouch shimmers in the heat.
Like the Flanaess, there are places of mystery and wonder. The Halls of Eveningstar, the Star Mounds, Ironfang Keep, the mysterious magehalls of Nimbral, the buried wonders of Raurin.
Like the Flanaess, there are places of great beauty: Evermeet, a green and shining island of wonder in the middle of the blue sea, the stately grace of the islands of the Moonshaes, rising in green covered cliffs out of the froth, the grandeur of the Great Rift, the glittering caverns of Mithril Hall.
The elves of this land are like the elves of Oerth, pretty much; some are blue and some are gold, and some are even green, but they are all elves. The dwarves are like those of Oerth, noble and strong and stout. The gnomes are the same, short and clever and darkly humorous. The halflings are similar; some are peaceful gardeners, and some are lonely foresters, but all are reasonably non-violent.
Except for the altered geography, and the fact that there are more mages in this land, and they are slightly stronger than the mages of Oerth, this might well be the Flanaess.

- - -

(The people of this land, choose to walk a path that diverged from wisdom and the Light.)

- - -

Images appear, in order, one by one.

A stately old inn is seen, probably over a hundred years old. It is made of wood, it is aesthetically beautiful, the price is fair, the service excellent, and the food superb.
But now a large number of people are converging on the inn, and with picks and axes they are chopping it down, reducing it to kindling, and hauling off the remains.
And with the inn goes all the trees and shrugs around it, all hewed down and carted away.
An ugly building, 3 stories high, made out of dinghy stone, is put up in it’s place.
The new owner, a gnome, looks it up and down, smiles and nods: ‘This is progress. We will make much more money now.’

A pleasant country village is seen, with a scattering of homes, churches to various dieities, the general store, the blacksmith, the cobbler, the bakery, everything.
But they are tearing it all down, and people are being evicted from their homes by force.
Again, all the buildings are demolished, and all the trees and shrugs hewed away, and everything carted off.
In the place of the town rises a set of what look like tall stone block buildings (apartment tenements), and a new industrial center rises at the center of town, ugly and black, filled with odd and nonsensical looking pipes, beams, wheels, and long tall stacks.
The people are made to live in these stone buildings. They do not look happy.
Now, smoke begins to rise out of the tall stacks at an incredible rate. It very quickly changes the color of the sky to a murky blue, and the fumes cause people to gag, to cough, to hold their hands over their mouths as they hurry to and fro.

- - -

(They chose to walk a crooked path, a path that went wrong, terribly wrong.)

- - -

The same town, but now it is a city.
There is not a tree or bush in sight.
There are endless rows of tenements, hundreds of them, filling the entire vision, no countryside to be seen at all.
Gigantic buildings tower over the tenements, but these are not churches; they are great buildings of iron and stone, and an awful sound comes from them.
The sound of bellows, of steam, of hammers, of chains, of some unholy uproar, as if all the demons were loose and on the warpath.
The people in the narrow, grimy streets are rushing to and fro like a hoard of demons were coming for them; pushing through each other in an incredible jam, beggars and the destitute and the homeless evident at every corner, being splashed by the filthy slime thrown from the streets as the passerbys step in the murky water.
From the great tall cyclindrical towers are coming multiple plumes of smoke - so much smoke it seems like a forest fire is in progress. No amount of wood could produce that much smoke unless whole forests ARE being cleared to produce it.
The sky is a sickly yellow brown color, and the sunlight coming through the smoke is weak and reddish.

- - -

(The people of Faerun went wrong. As they continued walking their new path, reason and care were discarded on the grass.)

- - -

A large gathering of gnomes, bald men and women in red robes, men and women wearing black garments adorned with the symbols of a skull or other ghastly markings, and many others are congregated around a table.
A conversation is in progress:

‘We have perfected Permanency, and now it can be cast without any penalty to the wielder’
‘Yes, but will it take on items?’
‘Indeed, for we have modified it so that it will cover most spells, and most items.’
‘We can create magical items on an assembly line.’
‘Show us some of these items.’

‘Here is an arquebus (the device) that fires three times as fast as a normal arquebus, it never misfires, and it is twice as accurate.’
‘Here is a cannon (the device is shown) that loads itself, and we are working on making Bolts of Holding for the ammunition.’
‘Here is a device that will propel a ship through water without sails, employing steam, and its steel blades won’t break from any normal cause’

But now one of the gnomes steps forward, and presents a flask of greek fire.

‘When this is thrown, it will burst with 10 fold effect, and nothing will put out the fire until the oil itself has burned out!’

- - -

(Walking their path, they abandoned the care and caution of magecraft. They abandoned the responsibility of power. They chose to turn a blind eye to consequences. Only power mattered, and that was pursued ruthlessly.)

- - -

The forests are being hacked down, trees falling, crashing, thundering to the ground.
The new and horrible sound, the sound of chainsaws, is heard, and the forest is being destroyed at an appalling rate, an incredible rate.
Two iron or steel rails have been laid through the cleared area, and a gigantic machine is sitting on the rails, or a series of gigantic machines. The logs are being laid upon them, piled high, until thousands of trees are laid on the train, for train it is, and the engine roars to life, and with black puffs slowly accelerates, pulling the massive assemblage of logs and steel vehicles away, with a noise like steadily rising thunder.

Some of the trees that were cut are not hewed apart, but instead stripped in mills - strange mills filled with the deafening scream of magical saws, and then placed straight up.
Long rows of these naked posts are set up, then wires - made of some unknown substance - are hung from them, again and again, and more and more posts go up, and more wires, until they seem to block out the sky.
A bird lands on one of the wires, then contacts a second wire. With a flash like lightning, the bird is incinerated. Grumbling gnomes are seen climbing up and working on the wires with devices that are unrecognizable.
They kick the corpse of the bird into the nearby river, which is murky and has a strange sickly smell to it.

The view pulls back, and it can be seen that the devastation to the forests is far and wide, and everywhere these steel beams have been placed over the ground, and the poles and wires are everywhere.
All the quaintly old towns and villages are vanishing, and vast cities are springing up.
Cities where the air is so toxic men and women and children die from breathing it, people are made to live stacked up 10 stories high, 5 to a room, where beggars and the destitute rot in the narrow streets, and where endless vast factories, forbiddening, black, pour endless amounts of smoke into the atmosphere, filling the whole sky with a black pall.
The rivers are poisoned, and those who fall in come out sick, and they die, or must be magically healed ... but magical healing is still as rare as ever, and the clergy are raking in the money more than the new bankers or stock brokers are, shouting and yelling and brandishing slips of paper in a meaningless (and endless) cacophony of sound.

- - -

(Some among them had never chosen to walk the crooked path, and had retained wisdom and reason. They gave battle to the gnomes and technomancers, fought to keep them from making Faerun over as they pleased.)

- - -

The druids are gathered in conclave in the sacred grove.
Next, they are seen in the blackish pits of the machines, the factories, throwing their magic, wrecking the machines, stopping the smoke from billowing out into the sky, stopping the poisons from flowing into the rivers.
The sacred grove appears again. Into said grove march figures sheathed in armor, head to toe. The armor is strange; the figures look like they are covered in giant shells. Each figure is carrying a long tube that spits fire: fire that melts rock, and devours trees and shrubs, burning them quickly to cinders.
The grove burns, wails of protest by the dryads as they die unavailing them, for those who are attacking are without pity or remorse.

The image of a court appears. The gnomes are the judges, and the jury.
And the executioners, and the druids, men and women, are taken out and hung, by the hundreds, their bodies left to rot in the poisoned sunlight.

Wizards with red robes shoot blazing beams of light, whether magic or technology is unknown, and those beams cut down trees in a flash, like they’d been struck by lightning.
Mile after mile of forest is destroyed, then fireballs and thousands of the new greek oil explosives are thrown in, incinerating all.
The screams of the dying druids are matched by the screams of dying animals, birds, and the Faerie, trapped and unable to flee the firestorm.

The scene of a dungeon. Druid women hang in rows. With great glee, the men and women who are their jailors, wearing the hideous skull symbol seen earlier, begin their work of torture, ultimately multilating the victims beyond recognition.

- - -

(Drunk with power, victorious over the peoples and forces of reason, they chose to willfully abuse the very magic that had made them strong, and to hand the secrets of its power over to those who should never have been allowed to even know of such things.)

- - -

A man and a gnome are sitting, facing the hideous visage of a great orc, and a small grinning kobold.
The man speaks:

‘This is the new gatling gun, with Permanency and Haste, and with bullets augmented with explosive magic.’
‘Here is the secret of mass producing the new rifle. With this weapon, you can kill your opponents at thousands of yards, and their arrows cannot touch you.’
‘Here is how you build a factory to mass produce weapons of war ...’

He hands the weapons to the orc and kobold, and shows them extensive schematics.

‘Here is how to make Permanency effective over and over, without cost to yourself.’
‘Here are the secrets of magic, which have been wrongfully withheld from you.’
‘Here is how to cast high powered spells.’
‘Here is how to combine magic with science.’

A new image appears. It is like a Nibelungen cavern, for it is full of the den and uproar those dwarves would make.
But it is kobolds who are making this den, as they work in the hellish uproar of a great underground war factory. Magical blades, magical bullets, magic firearms, magical armor, and a number of unrecognizable oddities are all being made, while kobolds gloat over them, grin over them, and peer over schematics.
The scene shifts, and now an orcish city is seen. It is worse than the human cities ... they didn’t even bother to build tenements for their workers, and most live in huts.
But their factories tower into the sky, unleashing ungodly torrents of smoke, and from those factories come great vehicles mounted on the twin rails, and huge versions of the arquebus, over 10 feet long, are sitting on them. The orcs jump and howl with glee as their first magical artillery rolls out the door.

- - -

(Those that should have stopped them, failed in their duties. And when the illithid, aroused by the turmoil Above, choose to make themselves masters of the Underdark, nobody even bothered to look for the danger until it was upon them, and they were slaughtered.)

- - -

The Chosen of Mystra sits in her dressing room, peering at herself in the mirror. She looks gaunt and sad, and is holding a sheath of papers.
On those papers, is a long list, the list of druids and elves slain by the gnomes and humans of the Technomancy, as it now calls itself, and by the new and greatly feared Humanoid Alliance.
She shakes her head, and says: ‘We must not interfere. We must allow the world to make it’s own choices, for good or evil. We shall not stop this thing.’

The scene flashes to a drow city 2 miles below her.
The drow are being slaughtered, the mind flayers (illithid) are blasting them, incinerating them, blowing their brains out, devouring those they can catch.
Soon all the drow city is in ruins, and the last survivors are rounded up by the illithid, and march off as mindless automatons under illithid mental domination.

The great House of Baenre falls, and Narbondel breaks in half and falls, shattering, shards flying everywhere. Menzoberranzan is whelmed by the illithid.
Blingdenstone, the home of the Svirfneblin, lays silent and empty, no remaining life in the ruins, every last gnome carried off to the illithid cities.
The priestesses of Ghaunadaur fall to illithid mental power, and their servants, the puddings and oozes, halt, and acknowledge the overlordship of their new masters, the illithid, supreme rulers of the Underdark.

- - -

(Their path led to the ruin and multilation of Faerun. In that ruin, even those peoples of reason and lore were pulled down into folly and darkness. Amongst the technomancers who had perpetrated this wreckage, no act of madness was now beyond their scope of thought.)

- - -

The dwarf king roars in anger: ‘The elves started this trouble. I want Queen Amlaruil of Evermeet and all her mages brought here so they can be tried, properly found guilty, then drawn and quartered! Do you hear me?!
The elven emissary gasps, and states: ‘That is not reasonable, m’lord. The elves are victims of this war also.’
The king glares. ‘Bring me the Queen, or face the wrath of the dwarves!’
The elven emissary looks offended, and says ‘I shall depart now, and come back when you will be courteous and have thought upon the matter, and realized that what you ask is impossible and unjust.’
The dwarven king jumps to his feet in anger, points at the emissary, and states ‘I want him taken, chained up, and given 50 lashes. I want it done now.’
The elven emissary looks horrified and shocked. ‘I am a diplomat. Have the dwarves chosen to throw aside all diplomacy??’
The dwarven king roars ‘Make it a hundred lashes, and to the bone. If he starts to die, heal him! Then throw him out the front gate to rot!’

The flogging is carried out, the dwarves grim and strangely eager to the task, and the screams are deafening. What is left of the elf is tossed outside the Gates, which then slam shut.

In the deeps of some great building, beings sit around a table.
One is a human, one is an orc, and one is ... a horned devil.

The human smiles and speaks ‘We welcome the alliance with our new friends, the orcs and the kobolds, and we embrace all the humanoids. May they be ever welcome in our lands and our cities.’
‘With them shall we share all our magic, and all our science, and they shall come into their own.’
The orc speaks up ‘We welcome the friendship of the Technomancy, and we shall work with you to destroy the elves forever, exterminate them utterly from the planet, and drive all of our common foes from Toril.’
The human looks at the horned devil and smiles again, and says ‘With our Pact, the might of the Fiends is with us, and they shall overcome your elves, and any who dare oppose you.’
The horned devil, just smiles, and says nothing.

Another dark place, probably a cave. A demon is there, speaking with shadowy figures.
One of them speaks ‘With demonic aid, we shall carve our own place out in this world, and destroy all those who oppose us.’
The demon speaks ‘Just give me and mine fresh blood, the blood of innocents and children, and we shall be as a destroying wave upon your foes.’
The shadowy figure grins, and says ‘We have children aplenty and to spare. For the demons, nothing is too much to ask for, and nothing is to much to give.’
The shadowy figure is seen holding out one of the new machine guns to the demon, the machine gun glowing bright green with immense magical power. The demon takes it, eyes it speculatively, then blows the far side of the cavern to pieces with it. The demon seems very pleased.
The shadowy figure comments ‘We have thousands like that, and even better weapons, which shall be put at your disposal at once.’
The demon smiles ...

In Evereska, the ancient crystalline buildings are shattering, crumbling.
Great machines, glowing green with Protection from Normal Weapons and Protection from Magical Weapons, Stoneskin and Resist Fire, with Hasted tracks instead of wheels, aim huge barrels at the buildings, and massive explosions herald each new round of tank fire.
Figures in glowing green armor, which appears to be weightless - they are moving like it is weightless - are pointing glowing firearms of every kind at the elves, and an endless rain of multicolored destruction is flying into the defenders.
The elves are massacred. Blown to pieces, body parts strewn over the shattered cobblestones. More buildings crumble, elven archers, men and women, crushed as they fall with the structures.
Overhead flies an evil dragon, grinning and firing gouts of acid that melt buildings and elves alike, and with each strike those on the ground cheer.

When the battle is over, they doff their helmets, and the hideous visages of orcs, bugbears, kobolds, gnolls, every kind of humanoid in some unholy harmony, are seen.
With glee they clap each other, like old war buddies, and they prepare for the victory feast.
The elves, are the feast.
By the hundreds, elven corpses of men, women, and children, adorn the spits, while kobolds turn them grinning, and bugbears add seasoning, and orc chefs preside over great ovens, their knives flashing as they prepare special dinners for the guests.

Into the camp comes walking a large group of humans, carrying the ensignia of the Technomancy.
Cheers, roars, and shouts of greeting, and clapping, is heard from every corner as these allies of the Humanoids take their places at the seats of honor, and join in the dining with the humanoids.
As the food is wolfed down, and the ale flows, the human leader and the leader of the humanoids, a great orc, raise their glasses, and toast each other, and another great cheer erupts from all sides.

The last charred ruins of Evereska are blasted into rubble, dissolved in acid, and the ground itself is erased of all vegetation and any sign that anything ever lived there.
The blood of the elves, sinks deep into the earth, and the bedrock groans in pain, and if one listens carefully, weeping can be heard ... the very earth is weeping, as the elven blood saturates it.

In Leuthilspar, still untouched, it’s tall spires touching the sky, the elves hail their friends the Faerie.
Pixies, sprites, grigs, sylphs, compliment the main body of the sidhe who have come to stand beside their mortal brethren, while the more powerful nymphs, and the unearthly beautiful eladrin stand to one side.
The elven Queen, Amlaruil, raises her hand, and speaks ‘We shall endure, the magic will endure, and we will not fail our trust to the world.’

- - -

(Queen Amlaruil spoke falsely, and she failed utterly in the trust placed on her. For she joined her people, united them as one, with the very humanoids who had massacred and devoured her kindred.
Ultimately defeated and broken by the wars and the new order in which no place could possibly exist for them, the Faerie departed.)

- - -

The Faerie. But they are leaving. Pearly gates open, the Faerie step through, and the Gates close behind them ... forever.
By the hundreds, by the thousands, the Faerie, many mourning and weeping, are leaving.
The very lifeblood of the world is stricken, the Weave falters, the forests are permanently less verdant and green, the power of life is forever diminished.

The elves of Evermeet ... but now they are in underground caverns, cavorting and dancing and feasting as elves do ... with their new friends the orcs, gnolls, bugbears, kobolds, and all the others.
The daughter of Queen Amlaruil, beautiful and radiant, kneels before the great orc king, and kisses him on the feet. Then he sweeps her up in his arms and kisses her deeply, his body pressed to hers.
With a cheer and a roar, dozens of others do the same.
Bugbears sweep up elven women in their arms, elven women clasp kobolds lovingly, elven and humanoid faces stare at each other lovingly, and there is comradery and merriment ... and many children.
Half elf half orc. Half elf half bugbear. Half elf half kobold. One third elf one third orc one third kobold. One quarter orc one quarter goblin one quarter flind one quarter ogre.
A great dance begins, as elves and humanoids swing their partners around in glee, and the orc king sits with his elven concubine in his arms (she is totally naked, along with three quarters of the crowd), fondling her, while she grins and giggles.

Over all are two statues. One is of Father Grumsh, the Wise Old Sage, venerated by all elves and humanoids, and Mother Sehanine, the Mysterious, who all humanoids and elves venerate for magic and psionics.
Well, actually - only a few venerate these two. Most of the elves and humanoids abandoned their respective religions long ago.

The temples of the Seldarine lay silent and empty. They were not laid to rest with care, but were looted and ransacked, and the sacred shrines defiled.
More importantly, it was the elves who did this.
Elven swords hacked down the statue of Corellon, even arrows are embedded in the great murals, and elven swear words and curses are written on the walls and the shattered altars.

- - -

(In the new world the gnomes and technomancers had created, depravity became the norm)

- - -

A great cathedral, complete with stained glass windows, looms all about.
The sunlight shines down upon the congregation.
The congregation, is having an orgy.
But this is not just any orgy; this is an orgy of the Church of Toril.

Mind flayers are using their tentacles to pleasure women. Beholders are being stroked along the eyestalks by loving dwarven hands, even as the Beholders kiss each other and those on the floor, licking with their long tongues.
Kender giggle in the background, stealing everything as they move through the crowd, pointing out (as if it needed pointing out) in eloquent detail each new scene they witness.
Several ogres are present, wearing girdles of giant strength. They are quite popular.
Even more popular are the half reptilian Yuan-Tin, with their long snake-like tongues that give a new definition to the words french kissing.
An aboleth is present, and is serving as a carpet for two lovers, who are busy with each other even as the aboleth fondles them with it’s many tentacles.
It would appear several undead are present - their cold embrace is a novelty to the living, and spectral figures merge with the warm, living ones.
Even a few skeletons are present, drawing their long bony hands up and down the backs of those present, sending delicious tingles up and down the spines of men and women.

Meanwhile, the high priests and priestesses are having a private romp of their own.
A human woman wraps herself in magically altered Grey Ooze, and as it pours into her mouth and other places she convulses with pleasure (breathing apparently is optional), and it would seem the Ooze itself is radiating a sense of delight of it’s own.
The halfling woman prefers the Black Pudding. Its thousands of tiny microscopic mouths are giving her thousands of tiny nibbles, from head to toe, like a thousand kisses on her flesh, and she croons with the joy of it.
The elven woman yonder prefers the classic, high style version: the Ochre Jelly. As it pours into her every orifice, she cries out in delight, trying to wrap her arms around it as it encases her in it’s gooey substance.
Men, women, slimes, jellies, and oozes all meld with each other, merge with each other in joyous passion.
Of course, the succubi and even a few erinye are present, with all that entails, and they are a definite hit with the men ... and the women.
Cries of passion and cries of pain compete with each other for dominance in the air, which is thick with reddish incense; powerful aphrodasiacs working upon the lungs and minds of all in the room.

- - -

(Their society became strange beyond all strangeness.)

- - -

A new scene appears. Here is a drow city, dark and forbidding with it’s homes of stalactites and stalagmites, lit by sorcery.
A group of elves and drow face each other. Gold, silver, green, and dark elves.
One elf, a silver, smiles, and he gestures, and changes into a female silver elf, and all the elves applaud.
Then, apparently to outdo him, a gold elf gestures, and becomes a green elf male.
The green elf laughs, and becomes a gold elf female.
Then the silver elf smiles wickedly, and turns into a drow male, grinning wildly.
The gold elf snorts, and turns into a drow female.
One of the drow males, watching all this, smiles, and turns into a silver elf female.
Then one of the drow females, turns into a green elf male.
The elves continued to shift and change, cheering each new incarnation.

Over off to one side is a great pile of wreckage. There, the symbols of Corellon and Sehanine lay together with those of Lolth and Kiransalee.
All have been smashed and broken, trod underfoot, and desecrated, and it is obvious that all of the elves and drow took part in this.

Now, the elves, in all manner of form and sex - none of them their own race or sex - congregate together. Lips touch lips, and arms entwine around bodies. A new revel, a new orgy, is beginning ...

A beholder appears, terrifying with it’s 10 eyestalks. Known for their incredible self-pride, seeing themselves as the epidome of perfection, individual beholders are very antisocial even to their own kind, and look down on all other beings, except their masters the phaerimm.
However, this beholder is busy laughing and throwing beer steins with telekinesis at an orc. The orc is throwing beer steins back. Both are covered in ale, both are being laughed at by the entire room, and the town guard is rushing in and threatening them both with a stiff fine if they don’t quit.
Cowed and chastened, the beholder apologizes politely to the guard, eyes lowered, and even goes so far as to clean up the mess itself with its magic.

The gnome is standing at a pupit, giving a speech, in which he is explaining the basics of ... well, it is gibberish really (quantum physics).
An audience of learned sages, illithid, a number of phaerimm with beholder servants, humanoids, githyanki, and other assorted beings are present, listening.
When the diminuitive gnome is finished, they all stand and applaud him, even the phaerimm.
Now, you are inside the gnome’s head, hearing his thoughts, as he watches them applaud, and he is thinking ‘We have shown that we are superior to all of them, we gnomes, and they appreciate this now. About time.’
You are now inside the head of one of the phaerimm, whose magic and genius is legendary. And it is thinking ‘It is a privilege to learn at the feet of he who holds the Seat of Academia. If only I could actually get to meet the distinguished professor, that would be very nice.’

The next speaker is a kender. The kender, to a great ovation, takes the pupit (he climbs up on a high chair to reach the podium) and speaks:
‘It is a great pleasure to be here today. I think you all are great, and I know you think we kender are great too’
A big cheer from the crowd.
‘I shall tell you the story of my Uncle Trapspringer, how he befriended the gully dwarves, and the adventures that befell them!’
A kender speech, uninterrupted, then is heard for the next hour. Since the Sending to the people of Greyhawk does not allow for you to stop listening, or even to only half-listen, you are made to hear every word, every last one, with no chance to stop it, interrupt it, or escape from it. For those of you who know kender, I need say no more. For those of you who do not: within 10 minutes, you are desperate to shut the kender up. Within 20 minutes, you think you’re going to lose your mind if he doesn’t stop. In 30 minutes, you’d kill the kender to shut him up. In 60 minutes, by the time another speaker finally comes and takes his place, you’d kill yourself to shut him up.
But the crowd applauds and cheers wildly, and they mean it too. A standing ovation is given to the kender.
One of the dwarves, who seems a bit weary, is thinking something, and you hear his thoughts:
A law was passed. Harming or killing a kender means the offender is automatically sentenced to the Gentle Reeducation (where gentle, prolonged, maddening, and magical brainwashing is used to make you love all kender, to think of them as royalty.) Kender are above the law, outside the law. A kender could walk into your shop, steal everything - for those who do not know kender, they are all thieves - and your only legal recourse is to hope the authorities can locate your items and return them to you.

An aboleth, horrible and sickening in appearance, comes out of the sea, and a brace of kuo-toa with it. It is wearing a ring that magically levitates it’s amorphous mass, and enables it to survive in air.
As it and the kuo-toan walk and float down the street, the passbys nod with respect and even some awe, as if these beings were angelic, were worthy of respect, praise, and even worship.
You are taken inside their minds ... that is what they are thinking.

A spidery neogi is sitting atop it’s umber hulk servant, and having an argument with a commoner.
‘I demand recompence for your incompetency’ demands the commoner.
‘I did my best’ whispers the neogi, looking quite chastened.
‘Well, it wasn’t good enough, and my property was damaged. So pay up, sir.’
The neogi looks very embarrassed, and it whispers to it’s umber hulk servant ... who then opens a belt pouch and hands 5 pieces of paper to the commoner.
‘That’s not enough. I think 10 is more like it’ growls the commoner.
‘Oh come on, be reasonable’ protests the neogi.
‘I want my money. I think that is very reasonable.’ says the commoner.
The chastened neogi orders his umber hulk servant to pay the commoner the full 10, and kneels (if a spidery thing could kneel) and apologies for it’s clumsiness.

- - -

(They had walked their path into unrecognizable strangeness. And they took Faerun, the whole of Toril, indeed the very firmament of reality around them, into that strangeness. From that strangeness, the world and it’s fundamental realities would never return.)

- - -

An image of the sky. It is not blue. It is green, a bright vivid green, through which the sun shines creating a light green halo.
And the sun itself is all wrong ... it is yellow and round, but great clouds and streamers of yellow, orange and red surround it, and have drifted away from it, until all the sky is dissected or blotted with multicolored hues of brightness.
Beneath this green sky is a green carpet. The carpet covers everything, without a break, right up to the mountains, right over the mountains, right to the mountain peaks.
You are now brought into the green carpet.
Pine trees are growing alongside palm trees. Cactus are growing aside swampgrass. The trees are growing in a riotous way that is not normal ... they are entwining their branches, but the shade is not killing the leaves ... the trunks of trees wrap around each other for hundreds of feet upward, even bend straight sideways, even bend until they are pointed DOWN, and still they are healthy and green.
The heat is choking, the humidity suffocating. It is probably 110 in the shade ... in that one respect the dense, impassive foliage is of some help ... and the heat index is around 140.
You suddenly realize it is like this every day, every year, without pause or letup.
Eternal, steaming, stinking, heat. Nor cool winds ever come here, no snow ever graces this landscape, no seasons exist anymore ... the balance of nature has been utterly overthrown.j
You are now at the pole, and the sun is low and weak on the horizon, although it’s streamers light things up brightly enough.
Here too it is warm, and here too is the green carpet. Here too is the suffocating heat and humidity.
There is no place on Toril that is not like this, it would seem.
A great thunderstorm comes up, with hurricane force winds and torrents of rain. The great downdrafts momentarily ease the heat, but the rains come in a colossal deluge, and everything is flooded in seconds.
Within minutes flash flooding is in progress, and still the rain pours down, and the lightning flashes, thunder booms, and the wind blows.
The storm passes, and the sun comes out. The moisture starts evaporating, the flooding subsides gradually, and the air fills with steam.
It FILLS with steam, suffocating, awful, almost unbreathable, as the sun beats down on it, and the heat is now far worse than it was before.

The ruins of coastal cities show, their tallest spires rising out of the waters of the hot ocean.
No land is in sight, save maybe distant green mountains.
As one heads inland, the water of the ocean extends to the horizon.
All the land is drowned, the skeletal remains of forests sticking up out of it, the tops of hills almost grazing the surface.
Swamp grass and mangroves are everywhere, and a green slime covers the water.
At last, maybe a hundred miles inland from the drowned city, the new coastline appears on the horizon, drowned in it’s green carpet of jungle.

Even the air is wrong ... in some way that is difficult to figure out, but it is there, tangible to the senses.

- - -


- - -

Images of the Lortmil Technocracy, until now totally shrouded in secrecy, appear.
Men and women from the world of Toril are instructing the gnomes, enabling them to make centuries of progress in decades.
Already, the firearms are piled in great stacks.
Already, the first machine guns are being eagerly tested.
A cave wall explodes as a great lumbering monstrosity emerges, with a long barrel sticking from it. The barrel end flashes and booms, fire flies through the air, and the far wall of the cave explodes, rocks raining down in an avanlanche.
Running on strange treads, the vehicle lumbers across the cave, and through the far end.
The machines of that other world, are now on Oerth.

There are great regions of fire and dust, where the roar of machinery is deafening. Dwarves and gnomes run about, tending the machines, while vast clouds of smoke arise.
Above the Lortmils, through vents in the mountains, that smoke is rising.
Already the sky is wrong. Already it has turned from blue to a cloudy yellow, the sunlike poisoned as it filters through the haze.
The trees on the mountain sides are all dead or dying, axphixiated by the poison in the air, and in the creeks that run down the hillsides, there are no longer any fish.

What was fulfilled to devastating fullness on Toril, has begun here on Oerth.

There is a chamber, and the men and women from that other world, Toril, are talking to the gnomes and dwarves.
One of them comments ‘The people of this world are savages. We will bring enlightenment to them, and make their world like ours.’
A gnome replies ‘Aye. They are barbaric brutes, who know nothing but swordswinging and little spells. We will teach them better things.’
A woman from Toril then comments ‘Their religions are as barbaric as they are. The Church of Toril shall become the Church of Oerth. We will forbid them from practicing these backwards practices.’
Another man from Toril says ‘Actually, the Church of Mercy will become the great church here. Seeing what we do, they will flock to us, abandoning their warlike and cruel Gods.’
A dwarf speaks up ‘What about their feuds, their wars, their little squabbling nation states?’
The man comments ‘We will incorporate their nations into the Commonwealth. They will be made to submit. It is not a bad thing. Our laws and ways are better than theirs, and they will realize this after a time.’
To which the woman comments ‘They should not be allowed to practice their primitive ways, and follow such idiotic and backward laws ... we will reform them, make them realize how much better our way is.’
The dwarf chuckles ‘And if they will not listen?’
The man speaks up ‘Then, we will have to use sterner measures, obviously.’
Another man speaks up ‘That we will. They understand force, and only force, on this world. We will show them force beyond their wildest imaginings. They will heel, trust you me!’

A lone voice speaks up ‘Don’t you think these people should be allowed to evolve in their own way? Don’t you think they might have a right to their ways, their religions, their cultures?’

The answer comes ‘They are primitives. Their have no culture worth mentioning, much less respecting. They must be enlightened. What are you saying, sir? These people will thank us, in the end, for this!’

The Wanderer ends his sending, with these words:

(We are the people of Oerth.
I cannot choose for you, but I choose for myself. And I choose to deny these Torilians and their ways. I choose to not heed their words and advise.
They come in arms against us. I will arm myself, and I will fight. I will not submit to them and their new way.
I do not wish to see our world suffer the fate they have brought on their own. I will fight for Oerth and our people.
I am hoping some of you will listen to me, and take up arms against these emissaries from Toril.

And I am hoping the Technomancy of the Lortmils is stopped, before they bring their Industrial Revolution to all of our world, and people are tempted to walk the path the Torilians walked.

However, I am but one man, one old man. I cannot do this thing alone.

The fate of our world, hangs in the balance here, and it lays in your hands.)


First Post

Faction map for the World of Greyhawk IR thread:

Please note the scale of the map in the URL above is 1 inch = 230 miles

Here is a conversion chart.

1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
1 foot = 30.48 centimeters
1 yard = 0.9411 meters
1 mile = 1.60934
1 sea mile = 1.15078 miles = 1.852 km
1 pound = 0.45359 kg (kilogram)
1 ton = 0.907185 metric tons

The Oerik Continent:

The Big Map of Oerth:

Previous IR threads on Toril, the world of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting:

- - -


1st Month of the IR

6th Month of the Oeridian Year

Wealsun (Common)
Berrytime (Olven)
Fox (Nomads)

3rd Month of the Torilian Year

Common Year (FY) 624
Oeridian Reckoning (OR) 1268
Baklunish Hegira (BH) 3283
Flan Tracking (FT) 2744
Suloise Dating (SD) 6139
Olven Calendar (OC) 5086

Dale Reckoning (DR) 1405
Netherese Calendar (NC) 5264

8th Regency of Shadowlord Rhamagaum (Shadow Empire calendar)



* indicates this power has not yet been claimed by anyone

- - -


ALYX - The Mysterious One (PC, unknown race, unknown classes, unknown alignment) PL 3
ANABSTERCORIAN - Anabstercorian, Prodigal Heir of Ilsensine (PC, Torilian illithid, Psychic Warrior 20 / Cleric of Ilsensine 20 / Psion (Telepath) 20 / Monk 20 / Gundancer 10 / Fighter 5 / Blackguard 5, lawful evil) PL 4
BLACK OMEGA - none yet
BONEDAGGER - Vecna (PC, Suel lich, world’s greatest mage, evil) PL 20
CREAMSTEAK - Sanctus Punitor (In Latin: Holy Avenger) (PC, male high elf, Pal 10 / Rgr 10, lawful good) PL 2
DAGGER - none yet
DARKNESS - Shyntara Starfire (PC, female gray elf / half-fire elemental, Wiz 20 / Sor 12 / Clr 12 / Brd 12 / Ftr 11 / Rog 12 / Lor 10 / Planeshifter10 / Archmage 5 / Mystic10 /Arcane Devotee 5 / Divine Disciple 5 / Hierophant 5, neutral) PL 4
MR DRACO - Kas the Terrible (PC, Suel human of the Arcane Age, evil) PL 4
FESTY DOG - Silver Phase (PC, vampiric kobold, 90th lvl - 20 fighter, 20 rogue, 20 monk, 10 duelist, 10 weaponmaster (rapier), 10 warmaster, lawful evil) PL 4
FORRESTER - Forrester (PC, multiracial humanoid, high level, good) PL 5
FORSAKEN ONE - Vaeregoth, The Proxy of the Scion Queen (PC, Formian, psionicist supreme, alignment neutral) PL 5
FRIGID SPLEEN - none yet
GNOMEWORKS - Kessel GnomeWorks, the Arch-Mechanic, Lord over all Technology of Oerth, Master of the Three Forces of Technology, Psionics, and Magic (PC, gnome, Gadgeteer 20 / Psion 20 / Wizard20 / Rogue 15 / Cleric 5 / Fighter 5 / Ranger 1, alignment unknown) PL 3
JOHN BROWN - none yet
KABOOM - King Thayadon Fasfoni, Avreil Arch-Lich (PC, Avreil, Fighter 5 / Sorcerer 20 / wizard (Diviner) 20 / Loremaster 10 / Cleric 20 (air, good) / Rogue 10/ psion (shaper) 20, good) PL 3
KALANYR - Kalanyr, Master of the Demon Blades, Knower of the Unknown, Favoured of Lolth, Slayer of Devils, The Hidden Weapon, Torturer of Souls and General of the DemonWeb, The Oozing One (PC, balor (former drow/half-fiend), Anarchic Balor (20HD) Wizard 20 / Loremaster 10 / Archmage 5 / Arcane Devotee (Lolth) 10 / Divine Oracle (Lolth) 10 / Planeshifter 10 / Fighter 10 / Weaponmaster (Longsword) 10/ Blackguard 10 / Cleric 10 (Lolth) / Divine Disciple (Lolth) 10 / Ranger 20, chaotic evil) PL 5
MAUDLIN - Acererak, the Devourer, Cambion Demilich (PC, demilich, Necromancer 20 / Cleric 20 (Death, Evil) / True Necromancer 10 / Master of Shrouds 10 / Archmage 5 / Epic 150, evil) PL 10
LORD MELKOR (TALOS) - none yet
RHIALTO - none yet
SERPENTEYE - The God Emperor of the Dark Union (PC, human, 20 wizard / 5 archmage / 7 epic wizard / 5 rogue / 20 cleric (worshipping the ideal of Power) / 9 epic cleric (with innate spell Miracle), evil) PL 4
SOLLIR FURRYFOOT - Hellmaster Phibrizzo (PC, male Half-Celestial/Half-Machine (Death Slaadi), Fighter 20, Barbarian 20, Planar Champion 10, Weapon Master 10 (Claw), Sorceror 20, Spellsword 2, Templar 1, Rogue 1, Epic 14 (10 Sorceror, 4 Fighter), chaotic evil) PL 5
TURROSH MAK - Turrosh Mak (PC, half-orc, fighter 20, neutral evil) PL 2
UVENELEI - Aurican, the Great Dragonix (PC, Great Gold Dragonix, Wizard 20 / Sorcerer 20 / Cleric 20 (Knowledge, Magic) / Loremaster 10 / Archmage 5, Neutral Good) PL 3
VALKYS - Prince Aerion Valkys, Hand of Oberon, Scion of the Faerie Realm, Son of Titania and Oberon (PC, dark-elf/balor/unseelie, evil) PL 3
WILLIAM RONALD - Archcleric Hazen of Veluna (PC, Human, high level cleric of Rao, good) PL 3
ZELDA - none yet

- - -


(The Circle of Eight)

(Mordenkainen the Magnificent (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2

Alhamazad the Wise (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Bigby (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2
Drawmij (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Jallarzi Sallavarian (NPC, human, mage of high level, good) PL 1
Nystul (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Otto (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Theodain Eriason (NPC, high elf, mage of high level, neutral) PL 1
Warnes Starcoat (NPC, human, mage of high level, neutral) PL 1)

Anfaren Silverbrow, High Priest of the Lendore Isles (NPC, grey elf, cleric of all the Seldarine of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2
Bucknard (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2
Drax the Invulnerable (NPC, undead, fighter of high level, evil) PL 1
Eclavdra (NPC, drow, fighter/cleric of extremely high level, evil) PL 2
Iggwilv (NPC, witch of extremely high level, evil) PL 3
Jaran Krimeeah, Mage of the Valley of the Mage (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 2
Keraptis (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, evil) PL 2
Korenth Zan, Father of Obedience (NPC, human, monk of extremely high level, lawful evil) PL 2
Larissa Hunter, Magister of Dyvvers (NPC, human, mage of high level, good) PL 1
Leomund (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Lyzandred the Lich (NPC, lich, mage of extremely high level, evil) PL 3
Prince Melf Brightflame, Leader of the Knights of Luna (NPC, grey elf, fighter/mage of very high level, good) PL 1
Obmi (NPC, dwarf, assassin/fighter of very high level, evil) PL 1
Olinstaad Corond, Prince of the Principality of Ulek (NPC, dwarf, fighter of very high level, good) PL 1
Philidor, the Blue Wizard (NPC, human (blue colored!), mage of very high level) PL 2
Rary the Traitor (NPC, baklunish human, mage of very high level, evil) PL 2
Lord Robilar (NPC, human, fighter of extremely high level, evil) PL 1
Tenser (NPC, human, fighter/mage of very high level, good) PL 1
Xaene the Accursed, Lich (NPC, two-headed lich, mage of extremely high level, evil) PL 2
Yolande, Queen of Celene (NPC, grey elf, fighter/mage of high level, neutral) PL 1
Zuggtmoy (NPC, female archfiend, evil) PL 2

Heward (NPC, demipower, was human, bard/sorcerer of extremely high level, neutral good, friend of Mordenkainen) PL 5
Kalden, the Prince of Swords (NPC, demipower, was human, fighter of extremely high level, neutral) PL 5
Keoghtom (NPC, demipower, was human, cleric/mage of extremely high level, chaotic good, friend of Mordenkainen) PL 5
Murlynd (NPC, demipower, was human, paladin/mage of extremely high level, lawful good, friend of Mordenkainen) PL 5
Tharizdun (NPC, demipower, former race unknown, insane) PL 6
Zagyg the Mad Archmage (NPC, demipower, was human, mage of extremely high level, chaotic neutral) PL 6

- - -


Celestials (Planars of Mount Celestia, lawful good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Guardinals (Planars of Elysium, neutral good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Eladrin (Planars of Arborea, chaotic good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Slaadi (Planars of Limbo, chaotic neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Demons (Planars of the Abyss, chaotic evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Yugoloths (Planars of the Gehenna, the Grey Waste, Tartarus, neutral evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Devils (Planars of Hell, lawful evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Raskshasa (Planars of Acheron and Hell, lawful evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Formians (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Modrons (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Metallic Planar Dragons (Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Gem Planar Dragons (Gem Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Chromatic Planar Dragons (Chromatic Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Faerie of the Realm of Faerie (Planars of the Realm of Faerie, good and neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Unseelie of the Realm of Faerie (Dark Planars of the Realm of Faerie, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Githyanki (Planars of the Astral Plane, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Githzerai (Planars of the Astral Plane, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Filchers (Planars of the Ethereal Plane, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Thought Eaters (Planars of the Ethereal Plane, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Xill (Planars of the Ethereal Plane, lawful evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Xeg-Ya (Planars of the Positive Material Plane, good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Xeg-Yi (Planars of the Negative Material Plane, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Shades (Planars of the Plane of Shadow, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Jann (Planars of unspecified Elemental Planes, neutral and good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Nature Elementals (Planars from various Planes, all alignments but always on nature's side) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Air Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Air, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Djinn (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Air, good) see the Planar Arms Race
Invisible Stalkers (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Air, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Water Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Water, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Marids (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Water, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Water Wierds (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Water, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Earth Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Dao (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Xorn (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Fire Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Fire, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Efreet (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Fire, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Salamanders (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Fire, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

- - -


Church of Toril (If played by Aloisius)
Eternal Empire of Realmspace (If played by Forrester or Reprisal)
Hope Isle of Toril (If played by former player)
Star League of Realmspace (If played by former player)

The Shadow Empire (Empire of Shade in the Plane of Shadow, many kinds of beings with the Shade template or associated with Shadow, Torilian humans, demihumans, humanoids, some Oerthian converts, evil) PL 77
United Commonwealth of Realmspace (A greater part of the people of Toril and Realmspace, neutral and good) PL 1,000

- - -


Dwarven Citadels of Greyspace (Spelljamming dwarves, neutral and good) PL 25
Elven Imperial Navy of Greyspace (Spelljamming elves, neutral and good) PL 15
Gith of Greyspace (Spelljamming gith and gith mercenaries, neutral) PL 20
Gnomish Sidewheelers of Greyspace (Spelljamming gnomes, neutral and good) PL 10
Illithid of Greyspace (Spelljamming illithid, slaves of every type, evil) PL 25
Neogi of Greyspace (Spelljamming neogi, their umber hulk servants, slaves of every type, evil) PL 30
Scro Armada of Greyspace (Spelljamming scro, evil) PL 30

- - -


Celestial Imperium (Oriental humans, Spirit Folk (Oriental elves), Oriental dwarves, Oriental gnomes, Oriental halflings - these races have different names in the Celestial Imperium, all alignments) (west off-map) PL 30
Esmerin (Halflings, cloud giants, stone giants, storm giants, titans, neutral and good) (west off-map) PL 25
Erypt (Humans of unknown kind, powerful undead, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far southwest off-map) PL 25
Ishtarland (Humans of unknown kind, genies, demihumans of unknown kind, humanoids of unknown kind, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far west off-map) PL 25
Lyrn (humans of unknown kind, genies, demihumans of unknown kinds, humanoids of unknown kinds, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far west off-map) PL 40
Nippon Dominion (Oriental humans, spirit folk (oriental elves), oriental dwarves, oriental halflings, oriental humanoids, monsters of every kind, all alignments) PL 23
Orcreich (Gnomes, halflings, hill dwarves, svirfneblin, mountain dwarves, some humans, high elves, good) PL 20
Sky League of the Isle of the Phoenix (Winged oeridian humans, winged humans of unknown kinds, avariel, winged dwarves, winged gnomes, winged halflings, all alignments but few evil) (far east off-map) PL 22
Solistarim (Flannae humans, rogue phaerimm, beholders, illithid, aboleth, some neogi, sahuagin, kraken, intelligent evil sea life, lizard kings, lizard men, efreeti, salamanders, fire elementals, fire giants, frost giants, Nibelungen dwarves, dark gnomes, chromatic dragons, liches, vampires, various undead, various other lawful evil and neutral evil races, evil) (northwest just off-map) PL 50
Storm Riders of Telchuria (Agnakok mages, agnakok humans of unknown kind, agnakok demihumans of unknown kinds, agnakok humanoids of unknown kinds, small sentient tornadoes, spirits of the earth and sky, neutral) (far northwest off-map) PL 35
Suhfang (Humans of unknown kind, powerful undead, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far southwest off-map) PL 25
Varnaith (Elves, dwarves, gnomes, Suel and other humans from outside the Flanaess, all alignments) (south-southwest off-map) PL 23
Wind Dukes of Aaqa (Oriental humans, spirit folk (oriental elves) oriental demihumans, oriental humanoids, lawful neutral and lawful good) (far west-northwest off-map) PL 30
Empire of the Yuan-Ti (Yuan-Ti, Hempmonalander humans, slaves of all types, evil) (southeast off-map) PL 20
Zindia (Star dwarves, nibelungen dwarves, star gnomes, high kobolds, high orcs, galeb duhr, dinosaurs of all types, lizard men, lizard kings, evil) PL 20

- - -


Human dominated nations and peoples

Caliphate of Ekbir (Baklunish humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments) PL 3
Spirit Empire of Garnak (Baklunish humans, certain types of undead, treants, sentient trees, forest spirits, treants, sentient animals, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 8
Istivar (Baklunish humans, dwarves, all alignments but few evils) PL 3
Ket (Baklunish humans, neutral and evil) PL 4
The Paynims (Baklunish humans, all alignments) PL 2
Tusmit (Baklunish humans, dwarves, gnomes, all alignments) PL 3
Ull (Baklunish humans, all alignments) PL 2
Yecha (Baklunish humans, dwarves, gnomes, neutral) PL 2
Sultanate of Zeif (Baklunish humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments) PL 4

Demihuman dominated nations and peoples

Peoples of the Kettish Hills (Gnomes, baklunish humans, oeridian humans, dwarves, all alignments) PL 3
Peoples of the Tusman Hills (Dwarves, gnomes, baklunish humans, svirfneblin, deep dwarves, all alignments) PL 5

- - -


Human dominated nations and peoples

March of Bissel (Suel humans, baklunish humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and good) PL 3
Geoff (In hiding are suel humans, flannae humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes - occupied by drow and giants) PL none
Gran March (Suel humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and good) PL 5
Hold of the Sea Princes (Suel humans, oeridian humans, dwarves, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) PL 4
Kingdom of Keoland (Suel humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments but few evils) PL 8
Sterich (Suel humans, flannae humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, heavily good) PL 5
Yeomanry (Suel humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 4

Demihuman dominated nations and peoples

County of Ulek (Gnomes, halflings, suel humans, flannae humans, oeridian humans, good) PL 3
Duchy of Ulek (elves, suel humans, oeridian humans, good) PL 3
The western half of the Principality of Ulek (Dwarves, elves, gnomes, suel humans, oeridian humans, neutral and good) PL 5
Peoples of the Stark Mounds (Hill dwarves, mountain dwarves, gnomes, oeridian humans, suel humans, high elves, gray elves, good) PL 4
Valley of the Mage (Valley elves, gnomes, suel humans, baklunish humans, oeridian humans, neutral) PL 4

Humanoid dominated nations and peoples

Peoples of the Hool Marshes (Lizard men, hempmonalander humans, monsters of every sort from the MM, neutral and evil) PL 3
Humanoids of the Barrier Peaks (Humanoids of every type, slaves of every type, evil) PL 3
Humanoids of the Crystalmists (Humanoids of every type, slaves of every type, evil) PL 4
Humanoids of the Hellfurnaces (Humanoids of every type, slaves of every type, evil) PL 3
Humanoids of the Jotens (Humanoids of every type, slaves of every type, evil) PL 3
Orcish Empire of the Pomarj (Orcs, half-orcs, other humanoids, slaves of all kinds, monsters of every type from the MMs, evil) PL 15
The eastern half of the Principality of Ulek (Orcs, half-orcs, other humanoids, slaves of all kinds, evil) PL 2

Undead dominated areas

Beings of the Dreadwood (Undead trolls, undead treants, undead sentient trees, evil forest spirits, other undead of every type, humanoids, monsters of every sort from the MM, evil) PL 5

- - -


Human dominated nations and peoples

Empire of the Bright Lands (Rary, baklunish humans, dwarves, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, constructs, summoned beings, evil) PL 4
Free City of Dyvvers (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 2
Kingdom of Furyondy (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments but few evils) PL 7
Shadow Throne (Was known as Domain of Greyhawk) (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, half-orcs, some humanoids, all serving the Shadow Empire, all in the process of becoming Shades, evil) PL 5
Shieldlands (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, good) PL 3
Archclericy of Veluna (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, good) PL 8
Viscounty of Verbobonc (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, good) PL 2
Wild Coast (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 4
Isles of Woe in the Nyr Dyv (The Wizard King, the Codex of Infinite Planes, humans of unknown type, slaves of all types, monsters, constructs, evil) PL 18

Demihuman dominated nations and peoples

The Beings of the Cairn Hills (Monster hordes of Zagyg the Mad, monsters of Castle Greyhawk, secret bases of the Rhennee humans, Wardens of the Doomgrinder, dwarves, gnomes, some humans of all types, all alignments but few good) PL 5
Kingdom of Celene (Grey elves, high elves, wood elves, wild elves, neutral and good) PL 5
Peoples of the Gnarley Forest (High elves, wood elves, oeridian humans, some humans of other types, some gnomes, treants, forest beings, good) PL 2
Domain of Highfolk (High elves, grey elves, wood elves, some humans of all types, some gnomes, some halflings, good) PL 6
Peoples of the Kron Hills (Dwarves, gnomes, halflings, some elves, some humans of all types, neutral and good) PL 3
Technomancy of the Lortmils (Gnomes, dwarves under the secret tutelage of the United Commonwealth of Toril, all alignments but few evils) PL 17
Peoples of the Northern Lortmils (Dwarves, gnomes, some humans of all types, neutral and good) PL 3
Peoples of the Welkwood (high elves, wood elves, wild elves, grey elves, humans of every type, gnomes, treants, forest beings, all alignments but few evils) PL 3

- - -


Human dominated nations and peoples

Prelacy of Almor (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, good) PL 3
Kingdom of Nyrond (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments but few evils) PL 8
Duchy of Tenh (Oerdian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes) PL 4
County of Urnst (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 4
Duchy of Urnst (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 3

Demihuman dominated nations and peoples

Calrune (Centaurs, high elves, oeridian humans, suel humans, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 3
The People of Celadan Forest (High elves, oeridian humans, suel humans, gray elves, wood elves, gnomes, halflings, good) PL 4
Delrune (High elves, gray elves, wood elves, wild elves, good) PL 5
The People of Gamboge Forest (High elves, gray elves, wood elves, wild elves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 4
The People of the Phostwood (High elves, gray elves, oeridian humans, dwarves, gnomes, good) PL 4
Seldanora (High elves, oeridian humans, gray elves, flannae humans, wood elves, suel humans, neutral and good) PL 4

- - -


Human dominated nations and peoples

Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdi (Oeridian humans, suel humans, dwarves, gnomes, slaves of all types, undead of all types, monsters, neutral and evil) PL 13
United Kingdom of Ahlissa (Oeridian humans, dwarves, slaves of all types, undead of all types, monsters, evil) PL 15
Dullstrand (Oeridian humans, suel humans, dwarves, gnomes, neutral) PL 2
Peoples of the Hestmark Highlands (Suel humans, oeridian humans, dwarves, neutral and evil) PL 3
Idee (Oeridian humans, some humans of other types, elves, dwarves, gnomes, good) (Part of the Iron League) PL 3
Onnwall (Oeridian humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) (Part of the Iron League) PL 3
Rel Astra (Oeridian humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, undead, neutral and evil) PL 6
Sunndi (Oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, evil under the mental domination of Acererak) PL 4

Demihuman dominated nations and peoples

Peoples of the Adri Forest (High elves, wood elves, wild elves, oeridian humans, flannae humans, gnomes, halflings, treants, forest beings, neutral and good) PL 4
The Lost Elves of the Adri Forest (Now released - high elven, grey elven, banshees and other elven undead, evil forest beings, evil) PL 8
Peoples of the Flinty Hills (Dwarves, gnomes, some humans of oeridian and suel types, neutral and good) PL 4
Peoples of the Grandwood (High elves, oeridian humans, wood elves, suel humans, wild elves, some humans of other types, grey elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, treants, forest beings, neutral and good) PL 3
Peoples of the Northern Hollow Highlands (Hill dwarves, suel humans, oeridian humans, gnomes, high elves, neutral and good) PL 2
Peoples of the Southern Hollow Highlands (Hill dwarves, suel humans, oeridian humans, gnomes, high elves, neutral and good) PL 3
Peoples of the Iron Hills (Dwarves, gnomes, some humans of oeridian and suel types, neutral and good) (Part of the Iron League) PL 3
Free City of Irongate (Dwarves, gnomes, halflings, oeridian humans, neutral and good) (Part of the Iron League) PL 4
People of the Loftwood (High elves, gray elves, wood elves, humans of every type, gnomes, treants, good forest spirits, good) PL 2
Peoples of the Vast Swamp (wood elves, wild elves, neutral and evil) PL 2

Giant dominated nations and peoples

Starmont (storm giants of the Glorioles, good) PL 5

Humanoid dominated nations and peoples

Bone Marsh (Humanoids of all types, undead of all types, evil) PL 2
Dark Swamp (Humanoids of all types, undead of all types, evil) PL 2

Undead dominated areas

Ivid the Undying and the City of Rauxes (Ivid the death king, the tarrasque, death knights, skeletal warriors, undead of all types, powerful monsters, large animated constructs) PL 15
Medegia (Undead of all types, humanoids of all types, dark enchantments covering large areas, evil) PL 4

- - -


Human dominated nations and peoples

Blackmoor (Flannae humans, lizard kings, lizard men, evil) PL 5
Perrenland (Flannae humans, some humans of other types, elven, dwarven, gnome, halfling, all alignments but few evils) PL 4
Heimmorj (Flannae human, evil) PL 3
Tiger Nomads (Baklunish human, all alignments) PL 2
Wolf Nomads (Baklunish human, all alignments) PL 2

Demihuman dominated nations and peoples

Aerlindre (Avariel of the Yatils, giant eagles, good) PL 3
Peoples of the Sepia Uplands (Gnomes, some humans of various types, neutral and good) PL 3
Peoples of the Vesve Forest (Elves, gnomes, oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, treants, forest beings, neutral and good) PL 4
Dwarves of the Yatils (Mountain dwarves, hill dwarves, gnomes, svirfneblin, neutral and good) PL 7

Giant dominated nations and peoples

Sonnmonnten (Cloud giants of the Yatils, good) PL 5

Humanoid dominated nations and peoples

Quaggoth Fells of the Burneal (Quaggoths, treants, sentient trees, spirits of the woodlands, remorhaz, white puddings, monsters of every type from the MM, neutral) PL 15
Humanoids of the Yatils (humanoids of every type, evil) PL 3

- - -



Iuz the Old (Demipower, evil) PL 7

All the nations and peoples here are human dominated

Artonsamay (Humans of all types, humanoids, dwarves, some beings from the Underdark, monsters of every type from the MM, evil) PL 5
Rovers of the Barrens (Flannae humans, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) PL 3
Refugees of Fellreev Forest (Humans of all types, demihumans of all types, forest spirits, forest beings, all alignments) PL 4
Horned Society (Humans of all types, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, undead of all types, dwarves, evil) PL 7
Empire of Iuz (Humans of all types, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, undead of all types, dwarves, evil) PL 25
Redhand (Humans of all types, humanoids, dwarves, monsters of every type from the MM, evil) PL 5
Riftcrag (Humans of all types, humanoids, dwarves, gnomes, some elves, some beings from the Underdark, neutral and evil) PL 7
Kinemeet (Humans of all types, humanoids, dwarves, gnomes, elves, monsters of every type from the MM, evil) PL 4
Kor (Humans of every type, elves, dwarves, gnomes, monsters of every type from the MM, neutral and evil) PL 5
Fellands (Humans of every type, humanoids, dwarves, some beings from the Underdark, evil) PL 5

- - -


Human dominated nations and peoples

Frost Barbarians / Fruztii (Suel humans, all alignments) PL 4
Ice Barbarians / Cruski (Suel humans, all alignments) PL 3
Ratik (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, good) PL 3
Hold of Stonefist (Suel humans, flannae humans, dwarves, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) PL 6
Snow Barbarians / Schnai (Suel humans, all alignments but few evils) PL 5

Demihuman dominated nations and peoples

Chauntosbergen (Deep dwarves, mountain dwarves, hill dwarves of the western Griff Mountains) PL 4
Garrel Enkdal (Mountain dwarves, all alignments but few evils) PL 4
People of Timberway Forest (Swanmay, treants, forest spirits, high elves, grey elves, suel humans, oeridian humans, gnomes, halflings, good) PL 3

Humanoid dominated nations and peoples

Beings of Hraak Forest (Quaggoths, remorhaz, dire wolves, hill giants, dark gnomes, some humanoids, slaves of every type, evil) PL 2
Humanoids of the Rakers (humanoids of every type, evil) PL 3
Beings of Spikey Forest (Quaggoths, dire wolves, forest spirits, evil) PL 2

Giant dominated nations and peoples

Archenmont (Cloud giants of the Corusk Mountains, good) PL 4
Crystalmont (frost giants of the Rakers, evil) PL 4
Esserbaudos (hill giants of the Rakers, evil) PL 3
Grannmont (storm giants of the Rakers, good) PL 6
Haermont (Stone giants of the Griff Mountains, neutral) PL 3
Heimmont (cloud giants of the Rakers, good) PL 5
Heisenbaudos (Frost giants of the Corusk Mountains, nibelungen dwarves, dark gnomes, slaves of every type, the Deepspawn and all the monsters it produces, slaves of all types, evil) PL 10
Kindlemont (Storm giants of the Corusk Mountains, giant intelligent ravens, silver wolves, good) PL 5
Beings of Sable Wood (Hill giants, formidians, many beings of mixed race, forest spirits, neutral and evil) PL 2
Silvamont (Avariel of the Corusk Mountains, giant eagles, good) PL 3
Sleichenbaudos (Hill giants of the Corusk Mountains, slaves of every type, evil) PL 4
Usurbaudos (fire giants of the Rakers, evil) PL 4

- - -


Human dominated nations and peoples

Sea Barons (Suel humans, oerdian humans, flannae humans, slaves of all types, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and evil) PL 4

Demihuman dominated nations and peoples

Lendore Isles (Grey elves, high elves, wood elves, wild elves, all alignments) PL 7

- - -


Human dominated nations and peoples

Peoples of the Amedio Rainforest (Humans of unknown types, monsters of every type from the MMs, all alignments) PL 3
Black Brotherhood (Suel humans who have infiltrated the Scarlet Brotherhood, evil) PL 7
People of Hempmonaland (Hempmonalander humans, suel humans, lizardmen, many other races, monsters of every type from the MMs, all alignments) PL 15
Lordship of the Isles (Suel humans, slaves of all types, evil) PL 4
Isle of Olman (Hempmonalander human, neutral) 2
Scarlet Brotherhood (Suel humans, Hempmonalander humans, dwarves, assorted monsters under magical control, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) PL 30
Isle of Touv (Hempmonalander human, neutral) 2

Humanoid dominated nations and peoples

Western Amedio Rainforest (humanoids of all types, various underdark races, monsters of every type from the MMs, slaves of every kind, humans of unknown types, evil) PL 3

- - -


The nations and peoples of the Under-Oerth

Drow of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (Drow, fire giants, frost giants, hill giants, slaves of all types, evil) PL 8
Formians of the Southern Hellfurnaces (Formians (giant ants), lawful neutral) PL 7
Illithid of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (Illithid, slaves of all types, evil) PL 3
Kuo-Toa of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (Kuo-toa, slaves of all types, evil) PL 5
Trogolodytes of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (Trogolodytes, slaves of all types, evil) PL 3

The nations and peoples of the Oerthian Underdark

Aboleth of the Underdark (Aboleth, slaves of all types, evil) PL 3
Cloakers of the Underdark (Cloakers, neutral) PL 6
Delvers of the Underdark (Delvers, neutral) PL 4
Derro of the Underdark (Derro, slaves of all types, evil) PL 4
Destrachan of the Underdark (Destrachan, evil) PL 4
Duergar of the Underdark (Duergar, slaves of all types, evil) PL 4
Drow of the Underdark (Drow, slaves of all types, evil) PL 25
Grimlocks of the Underdark (Grimlocks, evil) PL 3
Kuo-Toa of the Underdark (Kuo-toa, slaves of all types, evil) PL 8
Trogolodytes of the Underdark (Trogolodytes, slaves of all types, evil) PL 5
Umber Hulks of the Underdark (Umber hulks, evil) PL 4

- - -


Coral Empire (sea-elves, dolphins, many other underwater races, in the Solnor Ocean, neutral and good) PL 15
Deepwater League (Merfolk, sea-elves, tritons, dolphins, in the Drawmij Ocean, neutral and good) PL 15
Sea League (merfolk, tritons, in the Solnor Ocean, neutral) PL 13
People of the Shining Grottos (Merfolk, sea-elves, dolphins, tritons, in the Azure Sea, heavily good) PL 10
Sea Allies of the Solistarim (Dark underwater races of every kind, lawful evil and neutral evil) PL 20

- - -


Faerie of the Flanaess (Every type of Faerie, neutral and good) PL 20
Unseelie of the Flanaess (Every type of Dark Faerie, evil) PL 13

- - -


Kas (Suel human, evil) PL 4
Legions of Kas (Suel humans, undead of all types, monsters of every sort from the MMs, constructs, evil) PL 30
Vecna (Suel lich, world’s greatest mage, evil) PL 20
Legions of Vecna (Suel humans, undead of all types, monsters of every sort from the MMs, constructs, evil) PL 100

- - -


Acererak (Suel demilich, evil) PL 10
Acererak's Minions (Undead of every type, monsters of every type from the MMs, constructs, evil) PL 20


Deep Dragons and Chromatic Dragons of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (Dragons, evil) PL 7

- - -


Knights of Aerdi (Dedicated to restoring the Great Kingdom, all alignments) PL 2
Knights of Luna (Dedicated to making Celene aid it's good and neutral neighbors, good) PL 2
Rangers of the Gnarley Forest (Dedicated to protecting Gnarley Forest, good) PL 2
Order of the Hart (Dedicated to stopping Iuz, good) PL 2
Knights of Holy Shielding (Dedicated to holding the Shieldlands and stopping Iuz, neutral and good) PL 2
The Fellowship of the Torch (Dedicated to stopping Iuz, all alignments) PL 2
Knights of the Watch (Dedicated to protecting the Sheldomar Valley from the Baklunish, neutral) PL 2

- - -


City of the Gods (City of superscience in the Godspires) PL 300 (See the rules on the City of the Gods)
The Robots (From the crashed spaceship in the module S3, Expedition to the Barrier Peaks) PL 3


- - - THE CLAIMS LIST - - -


The Mysterious One (PC, unknown race, unknown classes, unknown alignment) PL 3

Xeg-Ya (Planars of the Positive Material Plane, good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Jann (Planars of unspecified Elemental Planes, neutral and good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Nature Elementals (Planars from various Planes, all alignments but always on nature's side) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Anfaren Silverbrow, High Priest of the Lendore Isles (NPC, grey elf, cleric of all the Seldarine of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2
Bucknard (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2
Leomund (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Prince Melf Brightflame, Leader of the Knights of Luna (NPC, grey elf, fighter/mage of very high level, good) PL 1
Yolande, Queen of Celene (NPC, grey elf, fighter/mage of high level, neutral) PL 1

(The Alliance of the Rising Sun)

(Kingdom of Celene (grey elves, high elves, wood elves, wild elves, neutral and good) PL 5
Celestial Imperium (Oriental humans, Spirit Folk (Oriental elves), Oriental dwarves, Oriental gnomes, Oriental halflings - these races have different names in the Celestial Imperium, all alignments) (west off-map) PL 30
Lendore Isles (grey elves, high elves, wood elves, wild elves, all alignments) PL 7
Knights of Luna (Dedicated to making Celene aid it's good and neutral neighbors, good) PL 2)
Nippon Dominion (Oriental humans, spirit folk (oriental elves), oriental dwarves, oriental halflings, oriental humanoids, monsters of every kind, all alignments) PL 20
Varnaith (Elves, dwarves, gnomes, Suel and other humans from outside the Flanaess, all alignments) (south-southwest off-map) PL 23)

- - -


Anabstercorian - Anabstercorian, Prodigal Heir of Ilsensine (PC, Torilian illithid, Psychic Warrior 20 / Cleric of Ilsensine 20 / Psion (Telepath) 20 / Monk 20 / Gundancer 10 / Fighter 5 / Blackguard 5, lawful evil) PL 4

Solistarim (Flannae humans, rogue phaerimm, beholders, illithid, aboleth, some neogi, sahuagin, kraken, intelligent evil sea life, lizard kings, lizard men, efreeti, salamanders, fire elementals, fire giants, frost giants, Nibelungen dwarves, dark gnomes, chromatic dragons, liches, vampires, various undead, various other lawful evil and neutral evil races, evil) PL 60
Blackmoor (Flannae humans, lizard kings, lizard men, evil) PL 5
Heimmorj (Flannae human, evil) PL 3

Sea Allies of the Solistarim (Dark underwater races of every kind, lawful evil and neutral evil) PL 20

- - -


Guardinals (Planars of Elysium, neutral good) PL PL see the Planar Arms Race
Eladrin (Planars of Arborea, chaotic good) PL PL see the Planar Arms Race
Faerie of the Realm of Faerie (Planars of the Realm of Faerie, good and neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

(The Circle of Eight)

(Mordenkainen the Magnificent (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2

Alhamazad the Wise (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Bigby (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, neutral) PL 2
Drawmij (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Jallarzi Sallavarian (NPC, human, mage of high level, good) PL 1
Nystul (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Otto (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 1
Theodain Eriason (NPC, high elf, mage of high level, neutral) PL 1
Warnes Starcoat (NPC, human, mage of high level, neutral) PL 1)

Elven Imperial Navy of Greyspace (spelljamming elves, neutral and good) PL 15

Faerie of the Flanaess (every type of Faerie, neutral and good) PL 20

Domain of Highfolk (high elves, grey elves, wood elves, some humans of all types, some gnomes, some halflings, good) PL 6
Tiger Nomads (Baklunish human, all alignments) PL 2
Wolf Nomads (Baklunish human, all alignments) PL 2
Perrenland (Flannae humans, some humans of other types, elven, dwarven, gnome, halfling, all alignments but few evils) PL 4
Peoples of the Sepia Uplands (gnomes, some humans of various types, neutral and good) PL 3
Peoples of the Vesve Forest (elves, gnomes, oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, treants, forest beings, neutral and good) PL 4

- - -


Earth Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, in this case evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Xeg-Yi (Planars of the Negative Material Plane, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Yugoloths (Planars of the Gehenna, the Grey Waste, Tartarus, neutral evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Vecna (PC, Suel lich, world’s greatest mage, evil) PL 20
Legions of Vecna (Suel humans, undead of all types, monsters of every sort from the MMs, constructs, evil) PL 100


Sanctus Punitor (In Latin: Holy Avenger) (PC, male high elf, Pal 10 / Rgr 10, lawful good) PL 2

Celestials (Planars of Mount Celestia, lawful good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Metallic Planar Dragons (Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Nature Elementals (Planars from various Planes, all alignments but always on nature's side - in this case good) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Tenser (NPC, human, fighter/mage of very high level, good) PL 1

Peoples of the Amedio Rainforest (Humans of unknown types, monsters of every type from the MMs, all alignments) PL 3
Calrune (Centaurs, high elves, oeridian humans, suel humans, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 3
The People of Celadan Forest (High elves, oeridian humans, suel humans, gray elves, wood elves, gnomes, halflings, good) PL 4
Delrune (High elves, gray elves, wood elves, wild elves, good) PL 5
Refugees of Fellreev Forest (Humans of all types, demihumans of all types, forest spirits, forest beings, all alignments) PL 4
The People of Gamboge Forest (High elves, gray elves, wood elves, wild elves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 4
Peoples of the Gnarley Forest (High elves, wood elves, oeridian humans, some humans of other types, some gnomes, treants, forest beings, good) PL 2
Rangers of the Gnarley Forest (Dedicated to protecting Gnarley Forest, good) PL 2
Peoples of the Grandwood (High elves, oeridian humans, wood elves, suel humans, wild elves, some humans of other types, grey elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, treants, forest beings, neutral and good) PL 3
Grannmont (storm giants of the Rakers, good) PL 6
Heimmont (cloud giants of the Rakers, good) PL 5
Peoples of the Northern Hollow Highlands (Hill dwarves, suel humans, oeridian humans, gnomes, high elves, neutral and good) PL 3
People of the Loftwood (High elves, gray elves, wood elves, humans of every type, gnomes, treants, good forest spirits, good) PL 2
The People of the Phostwood (High elves, gray elves, oeridian humans, dwarves, gnomes, good) PL 4
Seldanora (High elves, oeridian humans, gray elves, flannae humans, wood elves, suel humans, neutral and good) PL 4
Duchy of Tenh (Oerdian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes) PL 4
People of Timberway Forest (Swanmay, treants, forest spirits, high elves, grey elves, suel humans, oeridian humans, gnomes, halflings, good) PL 3

- - -


Olinstaad Corond, Prince of the Principality of Ulek (NPC, dwarf, fighter of very high level, good) PL 1

Dwarven Citadels of Greyspace (dwarves, spelljamming mountains, neutral and good) PL 25

(The Kingdom of Keoland)

(Peoples of the Kron Hills (dwarves, gnomes, halflings, some elves, some humans of all types, neutral and good) PL 3
County of Ulek (gnomes, halflings, suel humans, flannae humans, oeridian humans, good) PL 3
Duchy of Ulek (elves, suel humans, oeridian humans, good) PL 3
The western half of the Principality of Ulek (dwarves, elves, gnomes, suel humans, oeridian humans, neutral and good) PL 5
Viscounty of Verbobonc (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, good) PL 2
Peoples of the Welkwood (high elves, wood elves, wild elves, grey elves, humans of every type, gnomes, treants, forest beings, all alignments but few evils) PL 3
Wild Coast (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 4)

- - -


Shyntara Starfire (PC, female gray elf / half-fire elemental, Wiz 20 / Sor 12 / Clr 12 / Brd 12 / Ftr 11 / Rog 12 / Lor 10 / Planeshifter10 / Archmage 5 / Mystic10 /Arcane Devotee 5 / Divine Disciple 5 / Hierophant 5, neutral) PL 4

Gem Planar Dragons (Gem Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Dao (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Fire Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Fire, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Undead (Undead of all types, good) PL see the Planar Arms Race (the same rules apply)

Erypt (Humans of unknown kind, powerful undead, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far southwest off-map) PL 25
Esmerin (Halflings, cloud giants, stone giants, storm giants, titans, neutral and good) (west off-map) PL 25
Orcreich (Gnomes, halflings, hill dwarves, svirfneblin, mountain dwarves, some humans, high elves, good) PL 20
Dwarves of the Yatils (Mountain dwarves, hill dwarves, gnomes, svirfneblin, neutral and good) PL 7

(The Baklunish Confederation)

(Caliphate of Ekbir (Baklunish humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments) PL 3
Spirit Empire of Garnak (Baklunish humans, certain types of undead, treants, sentient trees, forest spirits, treants, sentient animals, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 8
Istivar (Baklunish humans, dwarves, all alignments but few evils) PL 3
The Paynims (Baklunish humans, all alignments) PL 2
Peoples of the Tusman Hills (Dwarves, gnomes, baklunish humans, svirfneblin, deep dwarves, all alignments) PL 5
Tusmit (Baklunish humans, dwarves, gnomes, all alignments) PL 3
Ull (Baklunish humans, all alignments) PL 2
Yecha (Baklunish humans, dwarves, gnomes, neutral) PL 2
Sultanate of Zeif (Baklunish humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments) PL 4)

- - -


Kas the Terrible (PC, Suel human of the Arcane Age, evil) PL 4

Salamanders (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Fire, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Rakshasas (Planars of Acheron and Hell, home plane unknown, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Xill (Planars of the Ethereal Plane, lawful evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Drax the Invulnerable (NPC, undead, fighter of high level, evil) PL 1 ?
Xaene the Accursed, Lich (NPC, two-headed lich, mage of extremely high level, evil) PL 2 ?

Isles of Woe in the Nyr Dyv (The Wizard King, the Codex of Infinite Planes, humans of unknown type, slaves of all types, monsters, constructs, evil) PL 18 ?
The Lost Elves of the Adri Forest (Now released - high elven, grey elven, banshees and other elven undead, evil forest beings, evil) PL 8 ?

(The Dark Union of Eastern Oerth)

(Knights of Aerdi (Dedicated to restoring the Great Kingdom, all alignments) PL 2 ?
Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdi (Oeridian humans, suel humans, dwarves, gnomes, slaves of all types, undead of all types, monsters, neutral and evil) PL 13 ?
United Kingdom of Ahlissa (Oeridian humans, dwarves, slaves of all types, undead of all types, monsters, evil) PL 15 ?
Sea Barons (Suel humans, oerdian humans, flannae humans, slaves of all types, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and evil) PL 4 ?
Bone March (Humanoids of all types, undead of all types, evil) PL 1 ?
Dullstrand (Oeridian humans, suel humans, dwarves, gnomes, neutral) PL 2 ?
Legions of Kas (Suel humans, undead of all types, monsters of every sort from the MMs, constructs, evil) PL 30 ?
Medegia (Undead of all types, humanoids of all types, dark enchantments covering large areas, evil) PL 4 ?
Rel Astra (Oeridian humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, undead, neutral and evil) PL 6 ?)

- - -


Silver Phase (PC, vampiric kobold, 90th lvl - 20 fighter, 20 rogue, 20monk, 10 duelist, 10 weaponmaster (rapier), 10 warmaster, lawful evil) PL 4

Modrons (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Chromatic Planar Dragons (Chromatic Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Earth Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Obmi (NPC, dwarf, assassin/fighter of very high level, evil) PL 1

Scro Armada of Greyspace (Spelljamming scro, evil) PL 30

Zindia (Star dwarves, nibelungen dwarves, star gnomes, high kobolds, high orcs, galeb duhr, dinosaurs of all types, lizard men, lizard kings, evil) PL 20

Western Amedio Rainforest (humanoids of all types, various underdark races, monsters of every type from the MMs, slaves of every kind, humans of unknown types, evil) PL 3
Valley of the Mage (Valley elves, gnomes, suel humans, baklunish humans, oeridian humans, neutral) PL 4
The Robots (From the crashed spaceship in the module S3, Expedition to the Barrier Peaks) PL 3

Aboleth of the Underdark (aboleth, slaves of all types, evil) PL 3
Cloakers of the Underdark (cloakers, neutral) PL 6
Delvers of the Underdark (delvers, neutral) PL 4
Derro of the Underdark (derro, slaves of all types, evil) PL 4
Destrachan of the Underdark (destrachan, evil) PL 4
Duergar of the Underdark (duergar, slaves of all types, evil) PL 4
Grimlocks of the Underdark (grimlocks, evil) PL 3
Trogolodytes of the Underdark (trogolodytes, slaves of all types, evil) PL 5
Umber Hulks of the Underdark (umber hulks, evil) PL 4

- - -


Forrester (PC, multiracial humanoid, high level, good) PL 5
The United Commonwealth of Toril, peoples and beings of almost every race on Toril and in Realmspace, all alignments but few evils) PL 1,000


Vaeregoth, The Proxy of the Scion Queen (PC, Formian, psionicist supreme, alignment neutral) PL 5

Modrons (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Formians (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Unseelie of the Realm of Faerie (Dark Planars of the Realm of Faerie, evil) PL see below

Illithid of Greyspace (spelljamming illithid, slaves of every type, evil) PL 25
Neogi of Greyspace (spelljamming neogi, their umber hulk servants, slaves of every type, evil) PL 30

Unseelie of the Flanaess (every type of Dark Faerie, evil) PL 13

Humanoids of the Jotens (Humanoids of every type, slaves of every type, evil) PL 3

Formians of the Southern Hellfurnaces (Formian Giant Ants, lawful neutral) PL 7
Kuo-Toa of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (kuo-toa, slaves of all types, evil) PL 5
Illithid of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (illithid, slaves of all types, evil) PL 3
Trogolodytes of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (trogolodytes, slaves of all types, evil) PL 3

Kuo-Toa of the Underdark (kuo-toa, slaves of all types, evil) PL 8

- - -


Kessel GnomeWorks, the Arch-Mechanic, Lord over all Technology of Oerth, Master of the Three Forces of Technology, Psionics, and Magic (PC, gnome, Gadgeteer 20 / Psion 20 / Wizard 20 / Rogue 15 / Cleric 5 / Fighter 5 / Ranger 1, alignment unknown) PL 3

Formians (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Modrons (Planars of Mechanus, lawful neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Earth Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Chauntosbergen (Deep dwarves, mountain dwarves, hill dwarves of the western Griff Mountains) PL 4
Peoples of the Southern Hollow Highlands (Hill dwarves, suel humans, oeridian humans, gnomes, high elves, neutral and good) PL 2
Technomancy of the Lortmils (gnomes, dwarves under the secret tutelage of the United Commonwealth of Toril, all alignments but few evils) PL 17
Peoples of the Northern Lortmils (dwarves, gnomes, some humans of all types, neutral and good) PL 3

(The Eastern League)

(Peoples of the Adri Forest (high elves, wood elves, wild elves, oeridian humans, flannae humans, gnomes, halflings, treants, forest beings, neutral and good) PL 4
Prelacy of Almor (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, good) PL 3
Peoples of the Flinty Hills (dwarves, gnomes, some humans of oeridian and suel types, neutral and good) PL 4
Garrel Enkdal (mountain dwarves, all alignments but few evils) PL 4
Kingdom of Nyrond (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments but few evils) PL 8
County of Urnst (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 4
Duchy of Urnst (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 3)

(The Iron League)

(Idee (Oeridian humans, some humans of other types, elves, dwarves, gnomes, good) (Part of the Iron League) PL 3
Peoples of the Iron Hills (Dwarves, gnomes, some humans of oeridian and suel types, neutral and good) (Part of the Iron League) PL 3
Free City of Irongate (Dwarves, gnomes, halflings, oeridian humans, neutral and good) (Part of the Iron League) PL 4
Onnwall (Oeridian humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) (Part of the Iron League) PL 3)

- - -


Iuz the Old (demipower, evil) PL 7

Rary the Traitor (NPC, baklunish human, mage of very high level, evil) PL 2
Lord Robilar (NPC, human, fighter of extremely high level, evil) PL 1

Rovers of the Barrens (Flannae humans, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) PL 3
Empire of the Bright Lands (Rary, baklunish humans, dwarves, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, constructs, summoned beings, evil) PL 4
The Beings of the Cairn Hills (Monster hordes of Zagyg the Mad, monsters of Castle Greyhawk, secret bases of the Rhennee humans, Wardens of the Doomgrinder, dwarves, gnomes, some humans of all types, all alignments but few good) PL 5
Empire of Iuz (Humans of all types, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, undead of all types, dwarves, evil) PL 25
Horned Society (Humans of all types, humanoids of all types, slaves of all types, undead of all types, dwarves, evil) PL 7
Ket (Baklunish humans, neutral) PL 4
Hold of Stonefist (Suel humans, flannae humans, dwarves, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) PL 6
Humanoids of the Yatils (humanoids of every type, evil) PL 3

- - -


King Thayadon Fasfoni, Avreil Arch-Lich (PC, Avreil, Fighter 5 / Sorcerer 20 / wizard (Diviner) 20 / Loremaster 10 / Cleric 20 (air, good) / Rogue 10/ psion (shaper) 20, good) PL 3

Air Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Air, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Djinn (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Air, good) see the Planar Arms Race
The Water Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Water, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Gnomish Sidewheelers of Greyspace (gnomes, neutral and good) PL 10

Aerlindre (Avariel of the Yatils, giant eagles, good) PL 3
Archenmont (Cloud giants of the Corusk Mountains, good) PL 4
Kindlemont (Storm giants of the Corusk Mountains, giant intelligent ravens, silver wolves, good) PL 5
Isle of Olman (Hempmonalander human, neutral) 2
Silvamont (Avariel of the Corusk Mountains, giant eagles, good) PL 3
Sky League of the Isle of the Phoenix (Winged oeridian humans, winged humans of unknown kinds, avariel, winged dwarves, winged gnomes, winged halflings, all alignments but few evil) (far east off-map) PL 22
Sonnmonnten (Cloud giants of the Yatils, good) PL 5
Isle of Touv (Hempmonalander human, neutral) 2

(The Sea League)

(Coral Empire (sea-elves, dolphins, many other underwater races, in the Solnor Ocean, neutral and good) PL 15
Deepwater League (Merfolk, sea-elves, tritons, dolphins, in the Drawmij Ocean, neutral and good) PL 15
Sea League (merfolk, tritons, in the Solnor Ocean, neutral) PL 13
People of the Shining Grottos (Merfolk, sea-elves, dolphins, tritons, in the Azure Sea, heavily good) PL 10)

- - -


Kalanyr, Master of the Demon Blades, Knower of the Unknown, Favoured of Lolth, Slayer of Devils, The Hidden Weapon, Torturer of Souls and General of the DemonWeb, The Oozing One (PC, Balor (former drow/half-fiend), Anarchic Balor (20HD) Wizard 20 / Loremaster 10 / Archmage 5 / Arcane Devotee (Lolth) 10 / Divine Oracle (Lolth) 10 / Planeshifter 10 / Fighter 10 / Weaponmaster(Longsword) 10 / Blackguard 10 / Cleric 10 (Lolth) / Divine Disciple (Lolth) 10 / Ranger 20, chaotic evil) PL 5

Demons (Planars of the Abyss, chaotic evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Slaadi (Planars of Limbo, chaotic neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Unseelie of the Realm of Faerie (Dark Planars of the Realm of Faerie, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Undead (Undead of all types, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (the same rules apply)

Eclavdra (NPC, drow, fighter/cleric of extremely high level, evil) PL 2
Iggwilv (NPC, witch of extremely high level, evil) PL 3
Keraptis (NPC, human, mage of extremely high level, evil) PL 2
Lyzandred the Lich (NPC, lich, mage of extremely high level, evil) PL 3
Zuggtmoy (NPC, female archfiend, evil) PL 2

Tharizdun (NPC, demipower, former race unknown, insane) PL 6

Empire of the Yuan-Ti (Yuan-Ti, Hempmonalander humans, slaves of all types, evil) (southeast off-map) PL 20

Ivid the Undying and the City of Rauxes (Ivid the death king, the tarrasque, death knights, skeletal warriors, undead of all types, powerful monsters, large animated constructs) PL 15
Geoff (In hiding are suel humans, flannae humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes - occupied by drow and giants) PL none
Humanoids of the Barrier Peaks (Humanoids of every type, slaves of every type, evil) PL 3
Humanoids of the Crystalmists (Humanoids of every type, slaves of every type, evil) PL 4
Humanoids of the Hellfurnaces (Humanoids of every type, slaves of every type, evil) PL 3

Drow of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (drow, fire giants, frost giants, hill giants, slaves of all types, evil) PL 8
Drow of the Underdark (drow, slaves of all types, evil) PL 25
Deep Dragons and Chromatic Dragons of the Hellfurnaces and Crystalmists (dragons, evil) PL 7

- - -


Acererak, the Devourer, Cambion Demilich (PC, demilich, Necromancer 20 / Cleric 20 (Death, Evil) / True Necromancer 10 / Master of Shrouds 10 / Archmage 5 / Epic 150, evil) PL 10

Demons (Planars of the Abyss, chaotic evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Xeg-Yi (Planars of the Negative Material Plane, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Undead (Undead of all types, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race (the same rules apply)

Korenth Zan, Father of Obedience (NPC, human, monk of extremely high level, lawful evil) PL 2

Acererak's Minions (undead of every type, monsters of every type from the MMs, constructs, evil) PL 20
People of Hempmonaland (Hempmonalander humans, suel humans, lizardmen, many other races, monsters of every type from the MMs, all alignments) PL 15
Peoples of the Hestmark Highlands (Suel humans, oeridian humans, dwarves, neutral and evil) PL 3
Scarlet Brotherhood (Suel humans, Hempmonalander humans, dwarves, assorted monsters under magical control, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) PL 30
Sunndi (Oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, evil under the mental domination of Acererak) PL 4
Peoples of the Vast Swamp (wood elves, wild elves, neutral and evil) PL 2

- - -


Shadow Empire (The Empire of Shade in the Plane of Shadow, many kinds of beings with the Shade template or associated with Shadow, Torilian humans, demihumans, humanoids, some Oerthian converts, evil) PL 77
Shadow Throne (Was known as Domain of Greyhawk) (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, half-orcs, some humanoids, all serving the Shadow Empire, all in the process of becoming Shades, evil) PL 5

- - -


Black Brotherhood (Suel humans who have infiltrated the Scarlet Brotherhood, evil) PL 7

- - -


The God Emperor of the Dark Union (PC, human, 20 wizard / 5 archmage / 7 epic wizard / 5 rogue / 20 cleric (worshipping the ideal of Power) / 9 epic cleric (with innate spell Miracle), evil) PL 4

Yugoloths (Planars of the Gehenna, the Grey Waste, Tartarus, neutral evil) PL PL see the Planar Arms Race
Devils (Planars of Hell, lawful evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Efreet (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Fire, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Isles of Woe in the Nyr Dyv (The Wizard King, the Codex of Infinite Planes, humans of unknown type, slaves of all types, monsters, constructs, evil) PL 18 ?

Drax the Invulnerable (NPC, undead, fighter of high level, evil) PL 1 ?
Xaene the Accursed, Lich (NPC, two-headed lich, mage of extremely high level, evil) PL 2 ?

The Lost Elves of the Adri Forest (Now released - high elven, grey elven, banshees and other elven undead, evil forest beings, evil) PL 8

(The Dark Union of Eastern Oerth)

(Knights of Aerdi (Dedicated to restoring the Great Kingdom, all alignments) PL 2 ?
Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdi (Oeridian humans, suel humans, dwarves, gnomes, slaves of all types, undead of all types, monsters, neutral and evil) PL 13 ?
United Kingdom of Ahlissa (Oeridian humans, dwarves, slaves of all types, undead of all types, monsters, evil) PL 15 ?
Sea Barons (Suel humans, oerdian humans, flannae humans, slaves of all types, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and evil) PL 4 ?
The southern one-third of the Bone March (Humanoids of all types, undead of all types, evil) PL 1 ?
Dullstrand (Oeridian humans, suel humans, dwarves, gnomes, neutral) PL 2 ?
Legions of Kas (Suel humans, undead of all types, monsters of every sort from the MMs, constructs, evil) PL 30 ?
Medegia (Undead of all types, humanoids of all types, dark enchantments covering large areas, evil) PL 4 ?
Rel Astra (Oeridian humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, undead, neutral and evil) PL 6 ?)

- - -


Hellmaster Phibrizzo (PC, male Half-Celestial (Death Slaad)/Half-Machine, Fighter 20, Barbarian 20, Planar Champion 10, Weapon Master 10 (Claw), Sorceror 20, Spellsword 2, Templar 1, Rogue 1, Epic 14 (10 Sorceror, 4 Fighter), chaotic evil) PL 5

Slaadi (Planars of Limbo, chaotic neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Demons (Planars of the Abyss, chaotic evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Chromatic Planar Dragons (Chromatic Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, evil) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Quaggoth Fells of the Burneal (Quaggoths, treants, sentient trees, spirits of the woodlands, remorhaz, white puddings, monsters of every type from the MM, neutral) PL 15
Heisenbaudos (Frost giants of the Corusk Mountains, nibelungen dwarves, dark gnomes, slaves of every type, the Deepspawn and all the monsters it produces, slaves of all types, evil) PL 10
Beings of Hraak Forest (Quaggoths, remorhaz, dire wolves, hill giants, dark gnomes, some humanoids, slaves of every type, evil) PL 2
Beings of Sable Wood (Hill giants, formidians, many beings of mixed race, forest spirits, neutral and evil) PL 2
Beings of Spikey Forest (Quaggoths, dire wolves, forest spirits, evil) PL 2

(The League of the Warlords)

(Artonsamay (Humans of all types, humanoids, dwarves, some beings from the Underdark, monsters of every type from the MM, evil) PL 5
Fellands (Humans of every type, humanoids, dwarves, some beings from the Underdark, evil) PL 5
Kinemeet (Humans of all types, humanoids, dwarves, gnomes, elves, monsters of every type from the MM, evil) PL 4
Kor (Humans of every type, elves, dwarves, gnomes, monsters of every type from the MM, neutral and evil) PL 5
Redhand (Humans of all types, humanoids, dwarves, monsters of every type from the MM, evil) PL 5
Riftcrag (Humans of all types, humanoids, dwarves, gnomes, some elves, some beings from the Underdark, neutral and evil) PL 7)

- - -


Turrosh Mak (PC, half-orc, fighter 20, neutral evil) PL 2

Githzerai (Planars of the Astral Plane, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Earth Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Dao (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Jaran Krimeeah (Jearmeeh Kreemah), Mage of the Valley of the Mage (NPC, human, mage of very high level, neutral) PL 2

Kalden, the Prince of Swords (NPC, demipower, was human, fighter of extremely high level, neutral) PL 5

Gith of Greyspace (Spelljamming mercenary gith, neutral) PL 20

Crystalmont (frost giants of the Rakers, evil) PL 4
Dark Swamp (Humanoids of all types, undead of all types, evil) PL 2
Beings of the Dreadwood (Undead trolls, undead treants, undead sentient trees, evil forest spirits, other undead of every type, humanoids, monsters of every sort from the MM, evil) PL 5
Esserbaudos (hill giants of the Rakers, evil) PL 3
Haermont (Stone giants of the Griff Mountains, neutral) PL 3
Hold of the Sea Princes (Suel humans, oeridian humans, dwarves, slaves of all types, neutral and evil) PL 4
Peoples of the Hool Marshes (Lizard men, hempmonalander humans, monsters of every sort from the MM, neutral and evil) PL 3
Orcish Empire of the Pomarj (Orcs, half-orcs, other humanoids, slaves of all kinds, monsters of every type from the MMs, evil) PL 15
Humanoids of the Rakers (humanoids of every type, evil) PL 3
Sleichenbaudos (Hill giants of the Corusk Mountains, slaves of every type, evil) PL 4
The eastern half of the Principality of Ulek (Orcs, half-orcs, other humanoids, slaves of all kinds, evil) PL 2
Usurbaudos (fire giants of the Rakers, evil) PL 4

- - -


Aurican, the Great Dragonix (PC, Great Gold Dragonix, Wizard 20 / Sorcerer 20 / Cleric 20 (Knowledge, Magic) / Loremaster 10 / Archmage 5, Neutral Good) PL 3

Metallic Planar Dragons (Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Metallic Planar Dragons (second selection) (Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Gem Planar Dragons (Gem Dragons from all Planes other than the Prime, neutral) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Philidor, the Blue Wizard (NPC, human (blue colored!), mage of very high level, alignment unknown but thought good) PL 2
Zagyg the Mad Archmage (NPC, demipower, was human, mage of extremely high level, chaotic neutral) PL 6

(The United Alliance of the Northwestern Crescent)

(Ishtarland (Humans of unknown kind, genies, demihumans of unknown kind, humanoids of unknown kind, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far west off-map) PL 25
Lyrn (humans of unknown kind, genies, demihumans of unknown kinds, humanoids of unknown kinds, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far west off-map) PL 40
Wind Dukes of Aaqa (Oriental humans, spirit folk (oriental elves) oriental demihumans, oriental humanoids, lawful neutral and lawful good) (far west-northwest off-map) PL 30)

- - -


Prince Valkys, Hand of Oberon, Dark Prince of the Unseelie (PC, dark elf (half-fiend template, shade template, balor special qualities), Wizard 20 / Cleric (Oberon) 20 / Skyknight 5 / Arcane Devotee (Oberon) 5 / Incantatrix 10 / Fae Battle Wizard 5 / Archmage 12 / Blackguard 2 / Fighter 6 / Mage Killer 10 / True Necromancer 10 / Guild Mage of
the Faerie Realm 5 / 50 Epic Levels, chaotic evil) PL 5

Unseelie of the Realm of Faerie (Dark Planars of the Realm of Faerie, evil) PL 9
Elementals (Elementals of the various Elemental Planes, neutral) PL 9
Nature Elementals (Planars from various Planes, all alignments but always on nature's side) PL 9

- - -


Archcleric Hazen of Veluna (PC, Human, high level cleric of Rao, good) PL 3

Celestials (Planars of Mount Celestia, lawful good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Guardinals (Planars of Elysium, neutral good) PL see the Planar Arms Race
Earth Elementals (Planars of the Elemental Plane of Earth, in this case good) PL see the Planar Arms Race

Larissa Hunter, Magister of Dyvvers (NPC, human, mage of high level, good) PL 1

Heward (NPC, demipower, was human, bard/sorcerer of extremely high level, neutral good, friend of Mordenkainen) PL 5
Keoghtom (NPC, demipower, was human, cleric/mage of extremely high level, chaotic good, friend of Mordenkainen) PL 5
Murlynd (NPC, demipower, was human, paladin/mage of extremely high level, lawful good, friend of Mordenkainen) PL 5

Suhfang (Humans of unknown kind, powerful undead, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) (far southwest off-map) PL 25

Peoples of the Kettish Hills (Gnomes, baklunish humans, oeridian humans, dwarves, all alignments) PL 3

(The Kevellond League)

(March of Bissel (Suel humans, baklunish humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and good) PL 3
Free City of Dyvvers (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 2
Kingdom of Furyondy (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, rhennee humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments but few evils) PL 7
Gran March (Suel humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, neutral and good) PL 5
Kingdom of Keoland (Suel humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, all alignments but few evils) PL 8
Shieldlands (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, good) PL 3
Peoples of the Stark Mounds (Hill dwarves, mountain dwarves, gnomes, oeridian humans, suel humans, high elves, gray elves, good) PL 4
Sterich (Suel humans, flannae humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, heavily good) PL 5
Archclericy of Veluna (Oeridian humans, suel humans, flannae humans, baklunish humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, good) PL 8
Yeomanry (Suel humans, oeridian humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, neutral and good) PL 4)

Knights of Holy Shielding (Dedicated to holding the Shieldlands and stopping Iuz, neutral and good) PL 2
Knights of the Watch (Dedicated to protecting the Sheldomar Valley from the Baklunish, neutral) PL 2
Order of the Hart (Dedicated to stopping Iuz, good) PL 2
The Fellowship of the Torch (Dedicated to stopping Iuz, all alignments) PL 2

- - -


Storm Riders of Telchuria (Agnakok mages, agnakok humans of unknown kind, agnakok demihumans of unknown kinds, agnakok humanoids of unknown kinds, small sentient tornadoes, spirits of the earth and sky, neutral) (far northwest off-map) PL 35

Frost Barbarians / Fruztii (Suel humans, all alignments) PL 4
Ice Barbarians / Cruski (Suel humans, all alignments) PL 3
Ratik (Oeridian humans, suel humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, good) PL 3
Snow Barbarians / Schnai (Suel humans, all alignments but few evils) PL 5


- - - THE ARMS RACE LIST - - -


ALYX (Planar Xeg-Ya/Jann/Nature Elementals, Alliance of the Rising Sun) PL 97
ANABSTERCORIAN (Blackmoor, Heimmorj, Sea Allies of the Solistarim, Solistarim Confederation) PL 92
BLACK OMEGA (Planar Guardinals/Eladrin/Faerie, Circle of Eight, Faerie of the Flanaess, Elven Imperial Navy, Highfolk, People of the Vesve, Sepia Uplands, Perrenland) PL 67
BONEDAGGER (Planar Evil Earth Elementals/Xeg-Yi/Yugoloths, Vecna, The Legions of Vecna) PL 120
CREAMSTEAK (Planar Celestials/Metallic Dragons/Good Nature Elementals, Tenser, Good Giants, Delrune, Calrune, Tenh, Seldanora, Peoples and Rangers of the Gnarley, Peoples of the Gnarley Forest/Grandwood/Phostwood/Amedio Rainforest) PL 62
DAGGER (Dwarves of Greyspace, Kingdom of Keoland) PL 49
DARKNESS (Planar Gem Dragons/Dao/Fire Elementals, Good Undead, Erypt, Esmerin, Orcreich, Dwarves of the Yatils, Baklunish Confederation) PL 113
MR DRACO (Planar Salamanders/Rakshasa/Xill, Isles of Woe, Lost Elves, Dark Union of Eastern Oerth) PL 110
FESTY DOG (Planar Chromatic Dragons/Modrons/Earth Elementals, West Amedio Rainforest, Races of the Underdark) PL 102
FORRESTER (The United Commonwealth of Toril, peoples and beings of almost every race on Toril and in Realmspace, all alignments but few evils) PL 1,000
FORSAKEN ONE (Planar Modrons/Formians/Unseelie, Illithid and Neogi of Greyspace, Unseelie of the Flanaess, many Underdark Races of the H/C) PL 102
FRIGID SPLEEN (Planar Eladrin) 9
GNOMEWORKS (Planar Formians/Modrons/Earth Elementals, Technomancy of the Lortmils, Eastern League, Iron League) PL 72
JOHN BROWN (Cairn Hills, Ket, Rary and Empire of the Bright Lands, Iuz and Empire of Iuz) PL 67
KABOOM (Planar Air Elementals/Djinn/Water Elementals, Gnomes of Greyspace, Good Giants, Sky and Sea League) PL 112
KALANYR (Planar Demons/Slaadi/Unseelie, Undead, Empire of the Yuan-Ti, Ivid and Rauxes, Drow of Oerth, Dragons of H/Cs, occupied Geoff) PL 108
MAUDLIN (Planar Evil Demons/Xeg-Yi, Evil Undead, Vast Swamp, Sunndi, Acererak, People of Hempmonaland, Minions of Acererak, Scarlet Brotherhood) PL 86
LORD MELKOR (TALOS) (Shadow Empire, Shadow Throne) PL 83
SERPENTEYE (Lost Elves, Dark Union of Eastern Oerth) PL 110
SOLLIR FURRYFOOT (Planar Slaadi/Demons/Chromatic Dragons, Evil Undead, Quaggoth Fells, League of the Warlords) PL 67
TURROSH MAK (Planar Githzerai/Earth Elementals/Dao, Gith of Greyspace, Evil Giants, Orcish Empire of the Pomarj) PL 72
UVENELEI (Planar Metallic Dragons/Metallic Dragons/Gem Dragons, The United Alliance of the Northwestern Crescent) PL 106
VALKYS (Planar Unseelie/Elementals/Nature Elementals) 32
WILLIAM RONALD (Planar Celestials/Guardinals/Good Earth Elementals, People of the Kettish Hills, Kevellond Alliance) PL 104
ZELDA (Storm Riders of Telchuria, Ratik, the Frost/Snow/Ice Barbarians, People of Timberway Forest) PL 50

THE PLANAR ARMS RACE (Note: Any Strength listed below is added to the Strength Totals shown above)

Alyx 0
Anabstercorian 0
Black Omega 0
Bonedagger 0
Creamsteak 0
Dagger 0
Darkness 0
Mr Draco 0
Festy Dog 0
Forrester 0
Forsaken One 0
GnomeWorks 0
John Brown 0
Kaboom 0
Kalanyr 0
Maudlin 0
Lord Melkor (Talos) 0
Rhialto 0
Serpenteye 0
Sollir Furryfoot 0
Turrosh Mak 0
Uvenelei 0
Valkys 0
William Ronald 0
Zelda 0

THE MAGICAL ARMS RACE (Note: Any Strength listed below is added to the Strength Totals shown above)

Alyx 0
Anabstercorian 0
Black Omega 0
Bonedagger 0
Creamsteak 0
Dagger 0
Darkness 0
Mr Draco 0
Festy Dog 0
Forrester 0
Forsaken One 0
GnomeWorks 0
John Brown 0
Kaboom 0
Kalanyr 0
Maudlin 0
Lord Melkor (Talos) 0
Rhialto 0
Serpenteye 0
Sollir Furryfoot 0
Turrosh Mak 0
Uvenelei 0
Valkys 0
William Ronald 0
Zelda 0

THE TECHNOLOGICAL RACE (Note: Any Strength listed below is added to the Strength Totals shown above)

Alyx 0
Anabstercorian 0
Black Omega 0
Bonedagger 0
Creamsteak 0
Dagger 0
Darkness 0
Mr Draco 0
Festy Dog 0
Forrester 0
Forsaken One 0
GnomeWorks 0
John Brown 0
Kaboom 0
Kalanyr 0
Maudlin 0
Lord Melkor (Talos) 0
Rhialto 0
Serpenteye 0
Sollir Furryfoot 0
Turrosh Mak 0
Uvenelei 0
Valkys 0
William Ronald 0
Zelda 0

THE UNDEAD ARMS RACE (Note: Any Strength listed below is added to the Strength Totals shown above)

Alyx 0
Anabstercorian 0
Black Omega 0
Bonedagger 0
Creamsteak 0
Dagger 0
Darkness 0
Mr Draco 0
Festy Dog 0
Forrester 0
Forsaken One 0
GnomeWorks 0
John Brown 0
Kaboom 0
Kalanyr 0
Maudlin 0
Lord Melkor (Talos)) 0
Rhialto 0
Serpenteye 0
Sollir Furryfoot 0
Turrosh Mak 0
Uvenelei 0
Valkys 0
William Ronald 0
Zelda 0

- - -

Level of your Society and Culture, in Terran terms.

Alyx 1500
Anabstercorian 1500
Black Omega 1500
Bonedagger 1500
Creamsteak 1500
Dagger 1500
Darkness 1500
Mr Draco 1500
Festy Dog 1500
Forrester 0
Forsaken One 1500
GnomeWorks 1880 and 1500
John Brown 1500
Kaboom 1500
Kalanyr 1500
Maudlin 1500
Lord Melkor (Talos) 2100 and 1500
Rhialto 1500
Serpenteye 1500
Sollir Furryfoot 1500
Turrosh Mak 1500
Uvenelei 1500
Valkys 1500
William Ronald 1500
Zelda 1500
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First Post
Wee! I'm the first one to post!

IC: Thayadon Fasfoni, king of the sky-sea league is troubled. He sees the sending of the wonderer and wonders if the account of toril is biased.
Regardless, a war is coming.
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Alliances are mad, plans are forged and all my little monsters are ready for battle. Our plans and devious plots are very well planned so we'll see what's in our way :)

This was OOC thank you :D

Edena, all the other races I poses on Oerth Except for the Illithid, and SpellJamming Forces are Thralled by the Formians into one Swarm of minions.
This will result in Formian Power level = 26. The unseelie will be on their own and will be the honored users of Magic in my own personal forces. The illithid are respected masters of psionics and share a common goal. They are GREATLY respected masters and enslavers and have earned a place in my nobility ranks. My SJ fleets are standing by ready for use.
If Anyone want's something from me or my Underdark Friends, let me know now. But I doubt there is anything that hasn't been discussed and very well been taken care off within the group of allies that are worthy.

Remember stick together and we will come through.

Kaboom with a 200 limit and even less this thread I suggest you use your posts well and edit alot. Tnx, I think the rest will agree on this. No small 1/2 line posts. We cannot afford it. Takes to much time to read up and takes off the post limit.
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William Ronald

The Kevellond League Speaks. An Emperor ponders the fate of Oerth

(Edena: I will be gone for a couple of hours. I will e-mail my moves shortly in case Turn 1 begins while I am gone.

My post is quite long and is meant to give role playing flavor. I will e-mail the actions I am taking.)

In Veluna city, a tall, broadly built man in white and blue robes walks into a throne room, courtiers standing at attention for him. His hair is dark blondish brown, with some read. His facial features and skin coloration show heavy Oeridian and Flan influences, along with those of other human races. His face is relatively unlined, although a look of concern dominates his pleasant features. On his chest hangs an ivory holy symbol of Rao, a serene face regarding a world. Archcleric Hazen of Veluna glances kindly at the faces of his troubled courtiers.

The courtiers are a mixed lot of humans of all races, elves, dwarves, gnomes and halfilings. They are dressed in the clothing and colors of many lands. There is a low murmuring and sighs of relief.

As he sits on an ornate throne, he glances to his right and his left. The flag of Veluna, black with a four pointed star and an upraised crescent moons in four corners is by his right hand. At his left is an orange banner, the flag of the Kevellond League. The Star of Veluna is on the left, the Lion of Keoland on the right and the downturned crescent moon of Furyondy is on the right border.

“Lord William Ronald of Keoland,” the man says in a rich baritone voice. “I have a statement for you to release to all our ambassadors throughout the Flanaess and beyond:

The Kevellond League has been meeting. We have EXTREME doubts about the veracity of the message sent by one claiming to be the Wanderer. Any partial truth can be used to craft a lie. With no offense to the city of Greyhawk, if we concocted a message showing the actions of the 10 worst of your citizens it would be very uncharacteristic of the truth. Similarly, with no insult to the brave and noble people of Celene, there are those who could misrepresent the Fey Mysteries into something perverse. Indeed, some of your foes have done so in the past, trying to make a depravity out of acts of devotion. Someone is trying to manipulate us, the free peoples of Oerth, and the leaders of Keoland, Veluna,Furyondy, Sterich, Gran March, Bissel, the Yeomanry and our other lands, say that we must learn what is the total truth. A half-truth can be far more damaging than a lie. We refuse to panic, or be manipulated. We urge others to pursue this course.”

A short man, but broad shouldered bows before Archchleric Hazen. His hair is a bit redder than that of Archcleric Hazen. He is dressed in a nobleman’s garb with the symbol of Keoland on his tunic. “It will be sent, lord.”

“Ambassador Guillaum Dolanor,” Hazen says as a handsome gnome wearing the colors of Furyondy stands at attention. “You will speak to the leaders of the Lortmils. Determine their purposes and intent. Here is our message:

” We wish them to explain their actions, and to determine the truth for ourselves. If we determine that you are friends of Oerth, and not foes, we wish to discuss matters of mutual interest. It is quite possible that if you are indeed people who legitimately wish a better future for Oerth - but not as a colony of Toril - we may be able to ally. We are far closer than Aerdi and far more reasonable. You know our resources well, and we are neighbors. We hope that we are friends as well.”

“Ambassador Jeremiel Keppoch of Bissel,” Hazen says to a thin man of mostly Baklunish blood. His rich robes pale in comparison to the cup and talisman holy symbol of Al Akbar. “Tell the Baklunish-Esmerin confederation that we are willing to work with you in the common interest of our world. In the past we may have had difficulties, but we respect your faith and your cutures. Now is the time for all who love Oerth to stand as one.”

“Ambassador Salvor Riland,” Hazen says as an elf with golden hair and violet eyes regards him. He is dressed in the robes of a wizard and carries a sword at his hips. The symbol of Sterich is pinned to his robes. “Here is the message for you to deliever to To Yolande, Queen of Celene: We counsel caution. We need to determine the truth of what has transpired. We seek your counsel as well. Join us in our efforts and ambassadorial missions. Your people are wise and courageous. It is our hope to have better relations with you and your people. Lady Rhalta of All Elvenkind, we wish you and your people well.”

“Ambassador Orvandel Riland,” Hazen says to an elf who appears to be a twin to Salvor. “ Here is our message to Varnaith. While there is much about your land we do not understand, we see much that is good in your culture. We have found that diverse people, united in friendship and freedom, can achieve more together than separately. Please accept our ambassador. and join us in our efforts to determine the best course for our peoples.”

“Ambassador Saraene Riland,” the Archcleric says to an elf woman dressed as a priest of Sehanine, who stands by Orvandel’s side “ You shall go to the Lendore Isles. Tell them we greet you in peace and friendship. We ask for your advice and assistance. Your people are renowned for their lore and good judgement. Help us determine what is the truth. We would wish you to join our ambassadors in learning the truth of Toril. If Toril is as the message portrayed, obviously we would have no truck with anyone who wishes to subjugate our world. However, we have our doubts about the message. Surely, you - leaders of one of the most magical lands in Oerth - realize that we must determine the truth for ourselves.

”Ambassdor Shalonae Riland,” Hazen says to an elf woman holding Salvor’s hand. She wears the holy symbol of Corellon Larethian.” Speak to the Knights of Luna. Tell them that they are among the most famous orders in the Flanaess, renowned for courage, skill, and good judgement. Speak to us, and help us determine the truth. Your wisdom and courage may be needed in the coming days.”

“We need someone to speak to the leaders of the Ulek states,” Hazen says, looking at a mountain dwarf clad in armor. He wears the colors of the Yeomanry beneath the symbol of Moradin the Soulforger. “Ambador Orrin Valkur. Speak of our concerns to the Ulek states. Trouble is brewing.”

“I will shortly assign other ambassadors to other lands. Ambassador Gwilym Raonul of Veluna, step forward.” The crowd of courtiers clears for a man shorter than most. His hair is a blondish-red. His face and pale golden-brown skin show his heritage: Baklunish, Oeridian, Flannae, Suel, Rhennee and hints of other human ancestry. He is dressed much like the Archcleric, bearing the same holy symbol or Rao. His face is young but determined. “You have perhaps the most difficult task of all. We have spoken with the celestials. Regardless of the truth or lie of the Wanderer’s message, someone must go to Toril. We have learned of a place of goodness called Hope Island. Go there and speak with the celestials who hold it. Learn the truth and return when you can. You are authorized to open embassy with any and all powers of Toril. Find allies and learn who are foes truly are there, if any. This is a dangerous task. It is possible that you may not return? I do not command but ask you to accept this mission. What do you say?”

Gwilym bows before Hazen. “My lord, I shall go on the hour if you but show me the way. All I ask is leave to speak to my family should this go badly.”

“You shall have it,” Hazen said. “I wish you well. I have chosen you for your perception and persuasiveness. Return soon.”

Lord Ronald of Keoland walks to the throne and bows. “I have spoken to our commanders. The trenches and earthwork defenses are beginning as we speak. Our armies are on the move to the destinations that the League has ordered,” he says in a calm voice.

“What of our ally in the Far West? Will they aid us?” he asks more insistently.

“We can hope,” Hazen says. “In the end, that may be all we have.”

Thousands of miles away, a man in wizardly robes and a high crown kneels before a sarcophagus. He is young, black haired with dark golden-brown skin and tilted eyes.
He speaks in a rich voice.

“Emperor Pa-ser the First of Sahfung, I desire speech with thee. I am thy heir, Cho Je Pa-ser the Third of Sahfung. We seek your blessing for our counsels and our war.”

Above the tomb, a silvery mist forms. The ghostly image of a man in a white kilt, bear to the waist with a rich crown appears. He is dark-skinned and appears to be of the people of Erypt. He regards the current Emperor of Sahfung with a warm smile.

“In the thousand years since I founded Sahfung, there have been few as wise to sit on the Peacock Throne. You have my blessing and a request. When you address your troops, do not speak the name of our foe. An odd request, but the gods ask it of me.”

A relieved look spreads on Cho Je Pa-ser’s face. “I shall do so. Do you think we can trust our allies.”

“I trust your wisdom. That is good enough for me. I look forward to your next visit. May the gods bless you and our people in these dark times,” the ghost of Emperor Pa-ser says, vanishing in a radiant burst of silver light.

Emperor Cho Je the Third stands, whispers a few words and vanishes. He reappears at a balcony of a huge castle, over looking a harbor in a city of towers and temples. In the distance, well tilled fields of grain and rice are seen.

An army stands before the tower. They cheer at the appearance of their emperor.

“People of Sahfung, I greet you,” Emperor Cho Je Pa-ser the Third says. His voice is magnified so that the entire city hears him. “I have spoken with the spirit of Emperor Pa-ser the First. He blesses our endeavours and asks that in this speech, I will not mention our enemy by name. I will honor his request.”

“Our foes have threatened and insulted our nation. We ask our allies to join in our sacred cause. Soldiers of Sahfung, you have been given your orders. Fulfill them and may the blessings of the gods, our ancestors, and our people be upon you.”

The soldiers cheer as Emperor Cho Je Pa-ser gazes into the east and whispers. “Soon the destiny of the world will be decided. May the gods help us all.”

In Veluna City, Gwilym Raonul bows before Archcleric Hazen. “I will now attempt to discern the truth of these people of Toril. May Rao grant that I return soon.” He chants a few words and vanishes.

“May Rao grant it indeed,” Archleric Hazen whispers.


First Post
A red elf is walking through some far-off palace, his head bowed, waiting. On his left hand, a pale red glove glows somberly. Aids and servants stream by him, moving messages from place to place as needed, all but unaware of the figure in their midst.

Then comes the message.

The red elf's eyes snap forward, locked on to some visage that can only be seen by him. He is not alone in this. The entire hall begins to fill with gazes both blank and focused on some distant point.

Images flash through the minds of all.

The wanderer's sending inspires hate, disgust, dislike and mistrust for the terrible time - is it one second or a hundred? Noone can tell. - it goes on. And on. Eyes lifted, staring at nothing, seeing images of doom.

Then it ends.

The red elf staggers, as if hit by some unseen blow, some violent force of motion that does not exist. His left hand reaches out, catches on nothing, and he stands still for some time. All about him, men and women drop to the floor, to lie there. Who can stand seeing a sight so terrible?

But this is no ending.

The red elf shakes his head, as if throwing off some force. His eyes snap forward, down the hallway. One crimson boot lifts, and he begins to walk, stepping over the writhing bodies of the confused. As he walks, his mouth moves, mutters;

"So. It has come."


A tall cleric, holy symbol in hand, stands aboard a ship that bucks wildly amid an ocean as broad as it is fierce. The sailors around him have fallen back from their work in disbelief, blinking rapidly in fear and terror.

The cleric does not move.

He stands there for a long time, gazing towards the west, at the shore of a great kingdom that is bordered by another great kingdom, and so on and on. Now, that land would become a battleground. He knew this. He had known it for a long time.

"Now we learn the truth of our kingdoms. I pray this is not the end of my world."


An imperious queen sits still and silent on a throne almost as cold as she is herself. Her pale skin shines softly, a radience mirrored throughout the throne room. An elf with long red hair bows before her, bearing a scroll, his right hand lift in appealment. The message had come, robbing them of speech, and this pose held through it all. Now the queen drops her raised eyes to the knight.

"Very well. Let our nation join these outsiders. We will not survive otherwise."

The words roll like acid off her honeyed tongue.


South, far away, an elven nation where elves hold sway. Courts are disrupted, elves cuaght in a trance that bodes ill for the world. Glasses shatter, bowls break, silence decsends in that all too terrible wake. A wizard peers over a crystal ball, saying with a sigh;

"Now it begins. The war is nigh."


West, a monastary filled with robes and meditation. Inscense drifts in the air, unsmelt by those bound to the vision. These monks and warriors are left calm, even in the wake of this wrenching message, even in the face of the uncertain future. One man turns, his eyes glowing a harsh brown.

"The Empire goes to war."


And so the world woke to the war brewing. Now all stand, and some may fall. The test, the conflict, the war is upon us.

It has come.
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Suddenly another sending comes across Oerth, similar to those of Wanderer. In this vision, a beatiful female Drow appears, dressed in dark violet, her body however looks very peculiar, shadowy.

She speaks, and listening to her is like listening to The Voice of Saruman( she is very high level enchantress with maxed Charisma!):

Greetings Oerthians! I am Shadowlady Ahlissa, High Ambassador of The Shade Empire! You have propably heard about our swift takeover of Greyhawk! Many of you propably consider us evil, but we don`t believe there are Good and Evil, only Power and Weakness!

And true power lies only in Darkness for only Darkness was at the beginning and only it shall remain at the end! We spent long time in Plane of Shadow, in the realm of ultimate Darkness,, and we were purged from the lies of the light like those you call mercy or compassion!

Behold! For now we are free of such weaknesses! We are ruthless! We are mighty! And we will crush everyone that stays in Shadow`s way!

( Images of Shadow Hordes emerging in The City of Greyhawk, including undead, planar beings, Shadow Dragons and many others, ruthlessly eliminating all the opposition!)

However we ask all that want true power to join us, and they shall be greatly rewarded, with a chance to become a Shade, purest of beings!( images of Oerthians being transformed into Shade) and with the secrets of technology! ( images of guns firing)

But we know that Torilians are also here, trying to corrupt this world! Being known as Wanderer has shown you true! But we will stop them with help of our many alllies, we hate them, they harmed us!

We demand that all agents of Torillian Commonwealth immediately leave Toril! If not we will strike upon them, and upon their pawns, like Lortmilis Technomancy!

May The Darkness bless you!



Did you add stuff to my claims... Thats fine by me if it was unclaimed, otherwise it could be an error... (banking on unclaimed :) )


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
The Forsaken One said:
Kaboom with a 200 limit and even less this thread I suggest you use your posts well and edit alot. Tnx, I think the rest will agree on this. No small 1/2 line posts. We cannot afford it. Takes to much time to read up and takes off the post limit.
:rolleyes: I disagree: Post whatever you like, folks!. After all, it's not like we can't just start another turn after finishing one, you know! :cool: So take it easy, and let me be the one who has to worry about post limit. :p

edit: We can handle it otherwise if Edena wants, of course, but I wouldn't advise it: Constant editing is an unnecessary hassle for Edena, who would have to constantly double-check everything. And I don't want to have him become paranoid. ;)
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