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Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]

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World of Kulan DM

The last few hours have been a blur.

After the fight with the sand spiders, the Gods sought to challenge your resolve. The first test was when Lorien found the body of missing fisherman in the beached launch. He had been the first to reach the boat and found the half-eaten corpse tied up and webbed in the boat next to another man – a local hermit named Aeron. He had been near death, yet Sheyla had been able to heal his wounds.

Once recovered, he was able to tell you that a group of thugs had surprised him and Yorick while they had been sharing breakfast together. The men beat them, tied them up, and left them for dead in the boat. The noise must have attracted the sand spiders. He wasn't sure if all the thugs got away, but he had heard the other boat in the water after some shouting. You did find one of the men dead in the webs, and Gareth was able to tell you the man had been one of the rude mercenaries that had met with Lady Pendour.

It seems the thugs planned to take the fortress at Gurnard's Head for themselves.

You would have left right away to chase them down if not for Sheyla surprising announcement that she had to leave. While healing Aeron, her deity had spoke to her in a vision telling her that she was needed at home. Her family was in peril. Reneg Desrek also chose to go with his close friend, and much to Lorien's surprise, Halmar decided to accompany them.

The three of them returned to Carnell and returned the gold they had been advanced and their writs of service. Gar Ebal had been angry, but he did not try to stop them.

With only Lorien and Quinn to face the harpies, and now a band of thugs bent on stealing the wealth of Gurnard's Head, new recruits to the cause were needed. For saving his life, Aeron promised his young half-orc charge, Caerth Heart-of-Oak, to the quest. He was the first to be recruited. Two other newcomers to the region had arrived at Carnell inn, Gurnard's Arms, shortly after the group had left for the beachhead. They had heard of the need for heroes and had hoped to help.

There arrival caused quite a stir in the seaside village. An unique looking elf and dogheaded humanoid traveling together was quite the sight. The elf's name was Minvelepharadan Tamlyranth, although he has a shrter name that the locales choose to refer to him by, Phar. His traveling companion calls herself Aureus Canis. The people in Carnell originally mistook her for a gnoll, which nearly ended in blades being drawn. It was only after Phar assured everyone that she was a hutaakan and not a gnoll that the blades were sheathed.

Still, it took some convincing to let her help with the mission. Gar had been against it. Even his son Sir Ghal had been against it. However, time was short, and Lady Pendour approved the new arrivals for the mission. Writs were signed and gold redistributed.

Now, all of you stand over the grave of the fisherman Yorick near his home along with several villagers. Aeron conducts the funeral of his friend with Caerth standing next to him. They had both known Yorick for years. It was a sad day for them. Gareth and Sir Ghal stood on the opposite side of the grave from Lorien and Quinn. Gareth's encounter with the sand spiders had left him pale. He'd survive, but Ghal was holding him up. The young captain was keeping a wary eye on Aureus Canis who stood back from the rest next to Phar.

The funeral concludes with a song sung by Lorien. The villagers leave one by one until only the five of you and Aeron are left standing at the grave.

“These are the heroes you'll be working with, Caerth. Follow their lead and help where you can. I know your heart and that you will work hard to avenge Yorick.”

The old hermit turns to Lorien, “Look out for him, old friend.”

It had become obvious to all that Aeron and Lorien knew each other, although they hadn't said how. He shakes all your hands before kneeling before his friend's grave, praying. The beachhead awaits. You must get to Gurnard's Head, quickly.
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The strange elf stood motionless, apart, as the funeral was conducted and the mourners took their leave. He was as still as a tree in the forest only his purple cloak swaying occasionally in the breeze. His cool violet eyes miss nothing, but no shadow of his thoughts could be seen upon his face. When at last they were alone he seems to return to the world. He shakes Aeron's hand with a courtly bow. When he speaks his voice is soft, cultured and precise, so low that only by focusing could the words be heard. "Well met. I would hear more of the work to be done. Good Aureus and I have traveled much, but are new come to the shore." Something is a bit odd about the elf. Not just that he's traveling with a lass who looks like a Gnoll, but isn't. Something in his eyes and style. His armor is so delicately made it looks as if it would shatter at a touch and of a type seen only in a museum though the metal shine brighter than any polished steel. As men measure such things he is slight and of perhaps average height, but for an elf he is towering yet slender as a sapling. His speech has the ring of ages long past and lands far away. His bow is thick and carved with symbols not familiar.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
It was a surprise for Lorien to see Aeron here. Lorien hadn't even recognised the man at first, only after he greeted Lorien as a friend did it come to him. It had been nearly fifty years since they last met, both but mere boys back then. The druid was an old man by now, yet Lorien had barely changed at all. Two decades later Lorien learned that his friend had settled somewhere in the Thunder Lands, and that was the last he had heard of him.

The two changed a few memories in Sylvan as they returned to the village and Aeron told about his protégé. Another surprise from a druid who had fought orcs with the elves back in the day. But his assurance made Lorien accept the half-orc.

And then the third surprise at the funeral. The other two didn't even compare to this one. A Grey Elf! Lorien could barely believe his eyes.

After the rites had been concluded the group was brought together and Lorien could not help himself but to sing a verse of old elven song.

-"In ancient Amylinion lived the Ashen King,

He greets the other two with a courteous bow, and faces the elf with a smile. Despite the strangeness of his face, the elf carried some clothing that was definitely from Silver Leaves.

-"You are a myth my friend... What news from Silver Leaves?"
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Phar bows in the style of his folk and greets Lorien with clasping of hands. "I have been some time on the road and my news is not fresh, but Silver Leaves was awash in flower petals when last I saw her in the late spring. The Salthules family was celebrating the birth of a child and there was much singing. I heard your verse of lost Amylinion, as you have observed my father is of that land and I carry the memory of it in my heart though it is lost to us. My mother is of the people of Silver Leaves and that is the land of my youth. In this age of my life I seek knowledge in the wider world."


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Those news are most assuredly a delight to my ears. I knew the Salthules. It must have been Elendil who brought a child to their family. It has been closer to a century since I last layed my eyes on the trees of Silverleaf. I am Lorien of House Mornyano, and it is a pleasure to meet you and your companion.

Lorien clasps hands with him in the elven way. House Mornyano is a well known and respected noble house in the city of Silverleaf, so the other elf probably recognises the name.

Lorien turns to regard the half-orc.

Your mentor is an old friend of mine, as he probably told you, and he assures me that you are nothing like your bloodkin. I welcome your aid as a friend.

He offers his hand in the human greeting


the magical equivalent to the number zero
The tall and muscular half-orc known as Caerth Heart-of-Oak nods, grasping the offered hand and shaking it.

"I don't know any others of both human and orc blood, so I don't know if I am like my kin," the druid replies seriously.

Obviously not one for elaborate conversations, Caerth lets go of Lorien's hand and stands looking around for a moment. When he sees Aeron giving him an encouraging nod, the half-orc realizes that it would be appropriate to offer the others a friendly shake of his hand too.

He holds out his hand in the general direction of Phar, looking expectantly.


World of Kulan DM
Aeron finishes his prayer in silence while raising his hands into the air. He then spreads dirt from a ceramic jar over the grave. Once finished with his rites, he stands and looks at Phar.

“While I'm sure Lorien and Quinn can both tell you more about the mission, I do have some knowledge about Gurnard's Head and the evil infecting it. After Lord Pendour failed to return, I discovered that there is more than harpies and rooks infesting that place. The soldiers that were stationed there were blockaded during the Second Ogre War. As they starved to death, they turned to cannibalism. It's a horrific story, and while the locals do talk about it, they rarely mention that these evil men did not all die off. The survivors formed a cannibalistic cult, and when their evil deeds were discovered, they were exiled back to Gurnard's Head. The people of Carnell believe the cultists either died off or left the Strandlands. I, however, believe that the cult survives and that they may still have a foothold in the fortress.”

He looks at each of you one by one before continuing.

“You have a dangerous challenge ahead of you. If the cultists are there, they have likely taken claim of Lord Pendour's body. If they are gone, you will still have to deal with harpies and rooks – likely more of the latter. Rooks are dangerous creatures very much like harpies, but they don't have the same types of enchantments. Lady Pendour has been kind to me over the years, so I hope you can find her husband's body so that it can be given a proper burial.

“That is all know. I wish you all good luck, and may the North Gods walk beside you on this journey.”

Aeron gathers his adornments, gives Caerth a fatherly hug, and picks up his walking stick. He walks away towards Carnell.


Phar considers briefly before speaking. "I would help this woman bury her dead. He looks to Thoughts of his mortal shell in the hands of some dark and cannibalistic cult must fill her mind with terrible thoughts. Such a vileness should not stand. He pauses to look to Aureus Canis for assent. "Harpies are challenging foes. Have you faced them as yet? I have heard tales that their song can render a man insensible and vulnerable. We must consider carefully how we might counter this before we face them. Their skill at arms is not insurmountable if their song can be rendered harmless. There is a spell which can block all sound, but I know it not and I would be unable to call upon my own powers within that silence. I have heard tales of warriors stuffing their ears with tallow or cotton, but I wonder if such a mundane solution could stand against an uncanny power. I have read some accounts..." His violet eyes seem to lose focus as he thinks back to things he's heard or read of such creatures.

OOC: Knowledge Nature Check (1d20+8=27)
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Guest 11456

Aureus Canis, female hutaakan rogue

The hutaakan had merely nodded to any one speaking in her direction. But she had finally reached her limit and she turned to her elf companion. She hated having to use such a different dialect of Vananean but it was the only way she had found to speak with her companion. While they both seemed to speak Gnoll the language was too simple for much conversation.
{In a Vananean/Elven hybrid}"What say? Not language."
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