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[sblock=Treygar Rockslayer, Barbarian 2]
[B]Character Name:[/B]  Treygar Rockslayer
[B]Race:[/B] Mountain Dwarf
[B]Class:[/B] Barbarian 2 (350xp)
[B]Background:[/B] Outlander(Bounty Hunter)
[B]Alignment:[/B] NG
4'3", 165#, Red hair, green eyes, tanned complexion

[B]STR[/B] 16 +3   [B]Save [/B]+5*
[B]DEX [/B]14 +2   Save +2
[B]CON[/B] 16 +3   [B]Save [/B]+5*
[B]INT[/B] 10 +0   Save +0
[B]WIS [/B]12 +1   Save +1
[B]CHA[/B]  8 -1   Save -1

[B]AC [/B] 15 (17 with shield)
[B]INT[/B] +2
[B]SPD[/B] 25ft
[B]Max HP[/B] 27
[B]HD [/B] 2d12+6
[B]Passive Perception[/B] 13

[B]Battle Axe [/B]  +5 1d8+3  Versatile (1d10)
[B]Hand Axe (2)[/B] +5 1d8+3  Light, Thrown (20/60)
[B]Javelin (4)[/B]  +5 1d6+3  Thrown (30/120)

Acrobatics      +2
Animal Handling +1
Arcana          +0
[B]Athletics*      +5*[/B]
Deception       -1
History         +0
Insight         +1
Intimidation    -1
Investigation   +0
Medicine        +1
[B]Nature*         +2*[/B]
[B]Perception*     +3*[/B]
Performance     -1
Religion        +0
Sleight of Hand +2
Stealth         +2
[B]Survival*       +3*[/B]

Light and Medium Armor
Simple and Martial weapons
Tool (horn), Tool (Smith)
Common, Dwarf, Orc

Battle Axe, 2 Hand Axes, 4 Javelins
Explorer's pack
-mess kit
-10 torches
-10 days of rations
-50' hemp rope
Hunting trap
Bear's tooth
Traveler's cloths
belt pouch

[B]Outlander:Bounty Hunter[/B]
[B]Features/Traits: Wanderer[/B]
-recall general layout of terrain, settlements and other features around me
-Find food and fresh water for myself and up to 5 others if the land can support it.

[B]Class Features[/B]
[B]Rage: [/B]
-+2 damage when using Melee attacks using strength.
-resistance to piercing, bludgeoning, and slashing damage
-advantage on Strength checks ans Strength saves
-lasts 1 minute (10 rounds)
-can end early if I don't attack, am knocked unconscious/die, or I choose

[B]Unarmored Defense:[/B]
-if wearing no armor, AC = 10 + DEX + CON (can use a shield)

[B]Reckless Attack:[/B]
-Advantage on Melee Weapon attack rolls using strength, but attack rolls against me have advantage until my next turn

[B]Danger Sense:[/B]
 -Advantage on Dexterity Saving Throws against effects that you can see. Can't be blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.

[B]Race Features[/B]
[B]Speed 25[/B]
-Unhindered by heavy armor or load

-can see in Dim Light as if it were Bright Light for 60'
-can see in darkness as if it were Dim Light for 60'
-B/W vision

[B]Dwarven Resilience:[/B]
-Poison resistance
-Advantage on saves vs Poison

[B]Stone Cutting:[/B]
-treat Int(history) checks as proficient with double prof bonus when making the check related to the origon of Stonework.

[B]Personality traits/ideals/bonds/flaws:[/B]
-I place no stock in wealthy or well-mannered folk.  Money and manners won't save you from a hungry owlbear
-I'm always picking things up, absently fiddling with them, and often breaking them accidentally
-There is no good in pretending to be something I am not
-I recently found 3 distant Uncles, Gundren, Tharden and Nundro Rockseeker, who I have quickly bonded with and have become not only family, but friends.
-There is no room for Caution in a life lived to the fullest.

As a young dwarf, Treygar did not exactly fit in with normal, structured, dwarven society. This led to many confrontations with his peers, often leading to some sort of fisticuffs. In those early days, his temper was much harder to control, and he was easily provoked. Still, Treygar is a dwarf, and dwarves do not abandon their own without much cause. Eventually, a suitable occupation as a Bounty Hunter was offered. This fit Treygar well, as it let him 'escape' the strict order of dwarven life, without completely abandoning his heritage. 

Recently, while laying over near Neverwinter, he ran into Gundren Rockseeker, his distant uncle from a neighboring clan. Gundren introduced him to his brothers--Tharden and Nundro as well. Over the last few months, Treygar has grown close to his Uncles, as they have spent many night drinking ale and trading tall tales.

As a young dwarf, Treygar did not exactly fit in with normal, structured, dwarven society. This led to many confrontations with his peers, often leading to some sort of fisticuffs. In those early days, his temper was much harder to control, and he was easily provoked. Still, Treygar is a dwarf, and dwarves do not abandon their own without much cause. Eventually, a suitable occupation as a Bounty Hunter was offered. This fit Treygar well, as it let him 'escape' the strict order of dwarven life, without completely abandoning his heritage.

Recently, while laying over near Neverwinter, he ran into Gundren Rockseeker, his distant uncle from a neighboring clan. Gundren introduced him to his brothers--Tharden and Nundro as well. Over the last few months, Treygar has grown close to his Uncles, as they have spent many night drinking ale and trading tall tales.

[sblock=Treygar Rockslayer, Barbarian 1 (archive)]
Character Name:  Treygar Rockslayer
Race: Mountain Dwarf
Class: Barbarian 1
Background: Outlander(Bounty Hunter)
Alignment: NG
4'3", 165#, Red hair, green eyes, tanned complextion

STR 16 +3   Save +5*
DEX 14 +2   Save +2
CON 16 +3   Save +5*
INT 10 +0   Save +0
WIS 12 +1   Save +1
CHA  8 -1   Save -1

AC 17 (10+2 dex + 3 Con + 2 shield)
INT +2
SPD 25ft
Max HP 15
HD  1d12
Passive Perception 13

Battle Axe   +5 1d8+3  Versatile (1d10)
Hand Axe (2) +5 1d8+3  Light, Thrown (20/60)
Javelin (4)  +5 1d6+3  Thrown (30/120)


Acrobatics      +2
Animal Handling +1
Arcana          +0
Athletics*      +5*
Deception       -1
History         +0
Insight         +1
Intimidation    -1
Investigation   +0
Medicine        +1
Nature*         +2*
Perception*     +3*
Performance     -1
Religion        +0
Sleight of Hand +2
Stealth         +2
Survival*       +3*

Light and Medium Armor
Simple and Martial weapons
Tool (horn), Tool (Smith)

Common, Dwarf, Orc

Shield  (used the 10gp I started with to buy a shield)
Battle Axe, 2 Hand Axes, 4 Javelins
Explorer's pack
-mess kit
-10 torches
-10 days of rations
-50' hemp rope
Hunting trap
Bear's tooth
Traveler's cloths
belt pouch

-recall general layout of terrain, settlements and other features around me
-Find food and fresh water for myself and up to 5 others if the land can support it.

-+2 damage when using Melee attacks using strength.
-resistance to piercing, bludgeoning, and slashing damage
-advantage on Strength checks ans Strength saves
-lasts 1 minute
-can end early if I don't attack, am knocked unconscious/die, or I choose

Unarmored Defense:
-if wearing no armor, AC = 10 + DEX + CON (can use a shield)

Speed 25: unhindered by heavy armor

-can see in Dim Light as if it were Bright Light for 60'
-can see in darkness as if it were Dim Light for 60'
-B/W vision

Dwarven Resilience:
-Poison resistance
-Advantage on saves vs Poison

Stone Cutting:
-treat Int(history) checks as proficient with double prof bonus when making the check related to the origon of Stonework.

Personality traits/ideals/bonds/flaws:
-I place no stock in wealthy or well-mannered folk.  Money and manners won't save you from a hungry owlbear
-I'm always picking things up, absently fiddling with them, and often breaking them accidentally

-There is no good in pretending to be something I am not

-I recently found 3 distant Uncles, Gundren, Tharden and Nundro Rockseeker, who I have quickly bonded with and have become not only family, but friends.

-There is no room for Caution in a life lived to the fullest.
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Brother Dave

First Post
[sblock=Laucian Arranis Amaravan III]

Laucian Arranis Amaravan III

Sex: Male
Race: High Elf
Class/Level: Fighter/1
Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (elf)
Init: +3
Senses: Darkvision 60’
Passive Perception: 11


AC 18 (16 armor + 2 shield)
HP 11 (1d10 +1 con)
Saves: Strength, Constitution


Speed: 30ft
Melee (Rapier, finesse) +5 ATK, 1D8+5 Piercing
Ranged (Light Crossbow, ammunition, range 80/320, loading, two-handed ) +5 ATK, 1d8+3 Piercing


Str 13 (+1) Save +3*
Dex 16 (+3) Save +3
Con 12 (+1) Save +3*
Int 16 (+3) Save +3
Wis 8 (-1) Save -1
Cha 10 (+0) Save 0


Traits: I take great pains to always look my best and follow the latest fashions. I don’t like to get my hands dirty, and I won’t be caught dead in unsuitable accommodations.
Ideal: Noble Obligation. It is my duty to protect and care for the people beneath me.
Bond: I will face any challenge to win the approval of my family.
Flaw: I secretly believe that everyone is beneath me.

Skills & Languages

Skills (Proficient in bold, marked with @)
Mod Attribute Name of Skill
+5 @ (dex) Acrobatics
-1 O (wis) Animal Handling
+3 O (int) Arcana
+3 @ (str) Athletics
+0 O (cha) Deception
+5 @ (int) History
-1 O (wis) Insight
+0 O (cha) Intimidation
+3 O (int) Investigation
-1 O (wis) Medicine
+3 O (int) Nature
+1 @ (wis) Perception
+0 O (cha) Performance
+2 @ (cha) Persuasion
+3 O (int) Religion
+3 O (dex) Sleight of Hand
+3 O (dex) Stealth
-1 O (wis) Survival

Languages: Common, elvish, sylvan, celestial

Racial Features: High Elf

  • Ability Score Increase: +2 to Dexterity, +1 to Intelligence
  • Darkvision: See in dim light within 60’ as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light (shades of gray only).
  • Keen Senses: Proficiency in Perception.
  • Fey Ancestry: Advantage on saving throws vs being charmed, and immunity to sleep magic.
  • Trance: Elves don’t need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.
  • Languages: Speak, read, and write Common, Elvish, and one extra language of your choice (Sylvan).
  • Elf Weapon Training: Proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.
  • Cantrip: You know one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it. (Mage Hand).

Background Features: Noble

  • Skill Proficiencies: History, Persuasion
  • Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set (Playing Cards)
  • Languages: One of your choice (Celestial)
  • Equipment: A set of fine clothes, a signet ring, a scroll of pedigree, and a purse containing 25 gp
  • Feature: Position of Privelege. Thanks to your noble birth, people are inclined to think the best of you. You are welcome in high society, and people assume you have the right to be wherever you are. The common folk make every effort to accommodate you and avoid your displeasure, and other people of high birth treat you as a member of the same social sphere. You can secure an audience with a local noble if you need to.

Class Features: Fighter

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per fighter level + CON modifier
  • Armor Proficiencies: All armor, shields
  • Weapon Proficiencies: Simple weapons, martial weapons
  • Tool Proficiencies: none
  • Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Acrobatics
  • Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
  • Equipment: Chain mail, rapier & shield, light crossbow w/ 20 bolts, explorer's pack
  • Feature: Fighting Style (Dueling). When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
  • Feature: Second Wind. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.


Combat Gear:
  • Rapier [2 lbs]
  • Light Crossbow [5 lbs]
  • Crossbow bolts (x 20) [1.5 lbs]
  • Chain Mail [55 lbs]
  • Shield [6 lbs]

Other Gear:
  • Fine clothing [6 lbs]
  • Signet ring [-]
  • Purse [1 lb]
  • backpack [5 lbs]
    • Scroll of Pedigree [-]
    • 50' hempen rope [10 lbs]
    • bedroll [7 lbs]
    • mess kit [1 lb]
    • tinderbox [1 lb]
    • torches (x 10) [10 lbs]
    • rations, per day (x 10) [20 lbs]
    • waterskin, full [5 lbs]

Money: 25 gp [~0.5 lbs]

Weight Carried: 136 lbs
Carrying Capacity:
195 lbs
Push/Drag/Lift: 390 lbs


Laucian is lean elf of average height at 5' 6" tall and 138 lbs. His fair skin and blue eyes mark him strongly as Teu-Tel'Quessir, but his striking gold-blond hair and the gold flecks marring the blue of his eyes reveal the streak of Ar-Tel'Quessir blood introduced to the family when his great-grandfather took a bride from the island nation of Evermeet. His smooth features reveal his relative youth at barely 100 years old. He is always dressed immaculately in fine clothing in the latest fashion, favoring golds and deep blues or reds that highlight his natural coloring. The fine steel links of his chain mail are always kept clean and well oiled, with not a spot of rust. The shield slung on his back is polished to a high sheen and engraved with the crest of the house of Amaravan (a stylized lily wreathed with oak leaves), and the rapier hanging at his belt is of fine quality, also engraved with his family crest, with looping and twining filigree covering the guard and hilt. A finely crafted crossbow of dark polished wood and polished steel is secured to the pack on his back. A large signet ring bearing his personal seal adorns the index finger of his left hand.


"I cannot deny that I have led a life of privilege, though while I enjoy a game of chance now and again, one could hardly call it leisure. My family does not tolerate lay-a-bouts. I have trained all my life, and have become quite the accomplished duelist. As a younger man I had a keen interest in magic - how could I not, when our lives are all but steeped in it? - but with three older, brilliant, and much more accomplished siblings already trained in the arcane arts (and with my aptitude sadly lacking in comparison), my mother felt I would be better suited to a more martial career. Although....I have heard of warriors who found ways to integrate the arcane and martial arts effectively. Perhaps in time I shall pursue a similar path.

As a fifth child (and blessed were my parents to have so many!) of a noble bloodline, I am expected to make a name for myself. My mother expects great things of me, and I will not let her down. I will prove my worth to my family, even if it means going out amongst the unwashed masses. They are deserving of our protection (I know my duty well), but that doesn't mean I want to (ugh) 'mingle' with them. But to prove myself I must "go on adventures" (her words), and that means joining with a group of other 'adventurers' - unlikely as they are to be as well-bred as I. At least I know I'll look good while doing so. Not that the commoners will know the difference."
– from the private diary of Laucian Amaravan III


The Amaravan clan is a well established minor noble Elven family in Waterdeep. The name means 'Forest Flower', but the family had long since left the forests behind and adapted to life - and politics - in the big city. At one time the family held a great deal of wealth and influence, but over time both have waned. The current matriarch of the family, Lady Lia Naivara Amaravan, is determined to restore the family to its former state, and expects her children to aid her in advancing the family name.

Laucian is the fifth and youngest child of Lia Naivara Amaravan and Laucian Arranis Amaravan II, with one older brother and three older sisters, and is well steeped in his mother's ideas of duty to the family. His parents are haughty and convinced of their superior breeding, and some of that attitude has rubbed off on Laucian and his siblings. His brother Aelar and his sisters Althaea and Silaqui are brilliant and accomplished mages, and his sister Theirastra is a devoted priestess of Corellon Larethian. Though Laucian showed some aptitude for magic himself, he had no hope of ever being in the same league as his siblings. Lacking a religious calling of any sort, and possessing a lean and somewhat athletic physique, Laucian's mother pushed him into following in his father's footsteps and training as a warrior. Laucian has accepted this path, even taking his father's name upon reaching adulthood (giving up his child-name of Sai), though he still harbors a desire to learn more of the arcane arts.

As a youth, 'Sai' was content to spend his days training, studying, and participating in numerous duels, and his parents were willing to indulge him. Now that he has reached adulthood, however, Laucian's mother is determined to see him fulfill his familial obligations and make a name for himself. Tiring of his many duels and what she deemed 'idle' behavior, she recently started suggesting that he might find opportunities in the vicinity of Phandalin. The family had once owned holdings in that area, and she hinted that he might pursue expanding family interests there again. She made arrangements for him to stay with Carric Amastatia, a distant cousin with a small townhouse in the Blacklake district in Neverwinter. Knowing his duty well, Laucian had little choice but to accept her direction.

Laucian began using Carric's connections in Neverwinter to make inquiries into possible ventures, as was delighted to discover that Sildar Hallwinter was currently in town and preparing for a trip to Phandalin. As an aging knight of some repute, Sildar had a passing acquaintance with many of the noble families in Waterdeep, and had met with Laucian's father several times to discuss some business or another. Laucian eagerly sought him out, hoping to ply him for advice and information about the area. Sildar had little time for him before leaving town, but suggested he accompany a wagonload of supplies headed for Phandalin and meet him there. The supplies belonged to Sildar's current business partner, a dwarf named Gundren Rockseeker, and were needed to advance their current scheme to recover some ancient mine. Gundren had a need for an extra sword to guard the wagon, and offered him a paltry sum to see it safely to its destination. With no better prospects, and curious about the old knight's business with the dwarf, Laucian accepted. Considering the quality of the ruffians Gundren would likely be able to hire, Laucian held no doubts that his sword would be needed.
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Lord Sessadore

Aenwyr, Elven Druid

[sblock=Character Sheet]Aenwyr

Race: Wood elf Gender: Male Alignment: Chaotic Good Background: Outlander (guide)
Class: Druid Level: 2 Druid Circle: Circle of the Land Deity: - Proficiency Bonus: +2
Height: 5'6"" Weight: 140 lbs. Size: M Speed: 35 ft. Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 15
Abilities and Saves
Str 12 (+1) -- +1
Dex 15 (+2) -- +2
Con 14 (+2) -- +2
Int 10 (+0) -- +2
Wis 16 (+3) -- +5
Cha 8 (-1) -- -1


Personality Traits
* I have a lesson for every situation, drawn from nature.
* I place no stock in wealthy or well-mannered folk. Money or manners won't save you from a hungry owlbear.
Harmony. We must all do our best to live in harmony with nature, taking only what is necessary.
An injury to the unspoiled wilderness of my home is an injury to me.
I will not help those who aren't strong enough to help themselves.


Initiative +2 Armor Class 15 Hit Dice 2d8+2 Hit Points 15
Melee: Scimitar Attack +4 Damage 1d6+2 slashing
Melee: Quarterstaff Attack +3 Damage 1d6+1 bludgeoning (1d8+1 two-handed)
Spell Save DC 13 Spell Attack +5


Bold are proficient.
Mod (Ability) Skill
+2 (Dex) Acrobatics
+3 (Wis) Animal Handling
+0 (Int) Arcana
+3 (Str) Athletics
-1 (Cha) Deception
+0 (Int) History
+3 (Wis) Insight
-1 (Cha) Intimidation
+0 (Int) Investigation
+5 (Wis) Medicine
+2 (Int) Nature
+5 (Wis) Perception

-1 (Cha) Performance
-1 (Cha) Persuasion
+0 (Int) Religion
+2 (Dex) Sleight of Hand
+2 (Dex) Stealth
+5 (Wis) Survival


Armor: Light Armour, Medium Armour, Shields
Weapons: Club, dagger, dart, javelin, mace, quarterstaff, scimitar, sickle, sling, spear, shortsword, longsword, shortbow, longbow.
Tools: Herbalism kit, flute
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills: Athletics, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Survival
Languages: Common, Elvish, Druidic, Goblin

Features and Traits

* Darkvision 60 ft
* Keen Senses - proficient in Perception
* Fey Ancestry - advantage on saves vs. being charmed, immune to magical sleep.
* Trance
* Elf Weapon Training - proficient with shortsword, longsword, shortbow, longbow.
* Mask of the Wild - can hide when lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.
* Wanderer - excellent memory for maps and geography, can always recall general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features. In addition, can find food and fresh water for himself and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers berries, small game, water, and so forth.
* Wild Shape - 2 uses, regain after short or long rest. Max CR 1/4, no flying or swimming speed. 1 hour per use.
* Circle of the Land:
* Bonus Cantrip
* Natural Recovery - during a short rest, recover 1/2 druid level worth of spell slots. Regain use of this ability after long rest.


Prepared Spells: 5
Cantrips: Druidcraft, Mending, Thorn Whip
Level 1: Cure Wounds, Entangle, Speak with Animals, Thunderwave


  • Leather armour
  • Wooden shield
  • Scimitar
  • Druidic focus - sprig of holly
  • Bear-pelt cloak
  • Backpack
  • - bedroll
  • - mess kit
  • - tinderbox
  • - 10 torches
  • - 10 days rations
  • - waterskin
  • - hunting trap
  • - 50 ft hemp rope
  • Staff
  • Traveler's clothes
  • Belt pouch
  • - 10 gp

Wild Shapes
[sblock=Wolf]Size: M Speed: 40 ft. Senses: Passive Perception 15
Abilities and Saves
Str 12 (+1) -- +1
Dex 15 (+2) -- +2
Con 12 (+1) -- +1

Initiative +2 Armor Class 13 Hit Dice 2d8+2 Hit Points 11
Melee: Bite Attack +4 Damage 2d4+2 piercing. If target is a creature, it must succeed on DC 11 Strength save or be knocked prone.

Skills: Stealth +4
Keen Hearing and Smell: advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Pack Tactics: advantage on attack rolls against creatures that have at least one of the wolf's allies within 5 ft and not incapacitated.[/sblock]
[sblock=Cat]Size: T Speed: 40 ft, climb 30 ft. Senses: Passive Perception 15
Abilities and Saves
Str 3 (-4) -- -4
Dex 15 (+2) -- +2
Con 10 (+0) -- +0

Initiative +2 Armor Class 12 Hit Dice 1d4 Hit Points 2
Melee: Claws Attack +0 Damage 1 slashing.

Skills: Stealth +4

Keen Smell: advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.[/sblock]
[sblock=Cougar (Panther stats)]Size: M Speed: 50 ft, climb 40 ft. Senses: Passive Perception 15
Abilities and Saves
Str 14 (+2) -- +2
Dex 15 (+2) -- +2
Con 10 (+0) -- +0

Initiative +2 Armor Class 12 Hit Dice 3d8 Hit Points 13
Melee: Bite Attack +4 Damage 1d6+2 piercing.
Melee: Claw Attack +4 Damage 1d4+2 slashing.

Skills: Stealth +6

Keen Smell: advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Pounce: If the cougar moves at least 20 ft straight toward a creature right before hitting it with a claw attack, the target must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throws or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the cougar can take a bonus action to make one bite attack against it.[/sblock]
[sblock=Horse]Size: L Speed: 60 ft. Senses: Passive Perception 15
Abilities and Saves
Str 16 (+3) -- +3
Dex 10 (+0) -- +0
Con 12 (+1) -- +1

Initiative +0 Armor Class 10 Hit Dice 2d10+2 Hit Points 13
Melee: Hooves Attack +2 Damage 2d4+3 bludgeoning.[/sblock]

[sblock=Description and Background]Description

Aenwyr has flowing, raven hair, which usually has a few braids woven in it. Bright green eyes occupy a strong face for an elf, not as slim as most elves. Seemingly random splashes of forest green tattoos encroach inwards from the edges of his face, and similar patterns can be seen covering his arms and legs when they are visible. He wears simple leather armour, fitted well, and a cloak made from the pelt of a brown bear, the claws coming around to form the clasp around his neck. An amulet made of woven holly twigs with the berries in the center hangs around his neck, all of which are still living and green. An elven-made scimitar with a handle of yew hangs at his hip, and he carries an oaken walking stick.


Aenwyr grew up in the Neverwinter Forest near a village called Thundertree, coming to admire the druids protecting the forest at an early age. He joined the druids when he came of age, and once the circle deemed him ready he became something of a liason with groups from Neverwinter. He served as their guide, knowledgeable about the lay of the forest as he was, while simultaneously keeping them from causing harm to the forest.

When Mount Hotenow erupted thirty years ago it destroyed great swathes of the forest, along with the town of Thundertree. While it saddened Aenwyr to see his beloved forest in flames, along with his animal friends, he did not let his sadness gain the best of him. The volcano was a part of nature as well, and the eruption was just a part of the eternal cycle. However, recently he came to learn that the ruins of Thundertree are haunted by ash zombies, and heard rumours of a dragon making its home in the Old Tower. This, Aenwyr decided, was certainly not natural. He seeks a way to drive off the dragon and cleanse the ruins to allow nature to reclaim them, and hopes his current companions might help in the endeavour.

[sblock=Mini Stat Block]Aenwyr, male wood elf druid
AC: 15 (13 from leather armor +2 from shield)
HP: 15/15 (1d8+2 Con)
Hit Dice: 1d8 x 2/2
Saves: Str +1, Dex +2, Con +2, Int +2, Wis +5, Cha -1
Melee: Scimitar Attack +4 Damage 1d6+2 slashing
Melee: Quarterstaff Attack +3 Damage 1d6+1 bludgeoning (1d8+1 two-handed)

* Wild Shape 2/2
* Natural Recovery 1/1

[sblock=Spellcasting:]Primary Ability: WIS, Spell Save DC: 13, Spell Attack Bonus: +5

Spell Slots:
Level 1= 1/3 per day

0 - Druidcraft
0 - Mending
0 - Thorn Whip

Spells Prepared: (Druid level 2 + WIS mod +3 = 5 per day)
- Cure Wounds
- Entangle
- Speak with Animals (ritual)
- Thunderwave[/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=Level 1 (Archive)]Aenwyr

Race: Wood elf Gender: Male Alignment: Chaotic Good Background: Outlander (guide)
Class: Druid Level: 1 Druid Circle: - Deity: - Proficiency Bonus: +2
Height: 5'6"" Weight: 140 lbs. Size: M Speed: 35 ft. Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 15
Abilities and Saves
Str 12 (+1) -- +1
Dex 15 (+2) -- +2
Con 14 (+2) -- +2
Int 10 (+0) -- +2
Wis 16 (+3) -- +5
Cha 8 (-1) -- -1


Personality Traits
* I have a lesson for every situation, drawn from nature.
* I place no stock in wealthy or well-mannered folk. Money or manners won't save you from a hungry owlbear.
Harmony. We must all do our best to live in harmony with nature, taking only what is necessary.
An injury to the unspoiled wilderness of my home is an injury to me.
I will not help those who aren't strong enough to help themselves.


Initiative +2 Armor Class 15 Hit Dice 1d8+2 Hit Points 10
Melee: Scimitar Attack +4 Damage 1d6+2 slashing
Melee: Quarterstaff Attack +3 Damage 1d6+1 bludgeoning (1d8+1 two-handed)
Spell Save DC 13 Spell Attack +5


Bold are proficient.
Mod (Ability) Skill
+2 (Dex) Acrobatics
+3 (Wis) Animal Handling
+0 (Int) Arcana
+3 (Str) Athletics
-1 (Cha) Deception
+0 (Int) History
+3 (Wis) Insight
-1 (Cha) Intimidation
+0 (Int) Investigation
+5 (Wis) Medicine
+2 (Int) Nature
+5 (Wis) Perception

-1 (Cha) Performance
-1 (Cha) Persuasion
+0 (Int) Religion
+2 (Dex) Sleight of Hand
+2 (Dex) Stealth
+5 (Wis) Survival


Armor: Light Armour, Medium Armour, Shields
Weapons: Club, dagger, dart, javelin, mace, quarterstaff, scimitar, sickle, sling, spear, shortsword, longsword, shortbow, longbow.
Tools: Herbalism kit, flute
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills: Athletics, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Survival
Languages: Common, Elvish, Druidic, Goblin

Features and Traits

* Darkvision 60 ft
* Keen Senses - proficient in Perception
* Fey Ancestry - advantage on saves vs. being charmed, immune to magical sleep.
* Trance
* Elf Weapon Training - proficient with shortsword, longsword, shortbow, longbow.
* Mask of the Wild - can hide when lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.
* Wanderer - excellent memory for maps and geography, can always recall general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features. In addition, can find food and fresh water for himself and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers berries, small game, water, and so forth.


Prepared Spells: 4
Cantrips: Druidcraft, Thorn Whip
Level 1: Cure Wounds, Entangle, Speak with Animals, Thunderwave


  • Leather armour
  • Wooden shield
  • Scimitar
  • Druidic focus - sprig of holly
  • Bear-pelt cloak
  • Backpack
  • - bedroll
  • - mess kit
  • - tinderbox
  • - 10 torches
  • - 10 days rations
  • - waterskin
  • - hunting trap
  • - 50 ft hemp rope
  • Staff
  • Traveler's clothes
  • Belt pouch
  • - 10 gp
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First Post
[sblock=Garuk Runestone]Garuk Runestone

Description and Background:
*Gossip from a Neverwinter tavern drunk about a dwarf that passed through recently*: "Garuk is a strange looking dwarf to say the least. First of all, he's hairless. Not just bald on top of his head, but his head and beard and even arms (and who knows what else) are shaved clean. He's also very pale and pasty, but his icy blue eyes shine out with intensity from within the white facepaint he wears that looks like a skull. He seems to be equipped as most dwarves you've seen, wearing scale mail armor over his travelling clothes, and hefting a battleaxe strapped across his back. But he spends more time reading his Spellbook than he does sharpening his axe. That's one of the other strange things, he's a Wizard it seems. I did say one of the strange things about him, right? He also seems to talk to himself alot. Except he claims that he's talking to, and listening to, the dead. His Grandfather in particular."

"It seems his Grandfather died in some mining expedition along time ago and his ghost has just now decided that it needs a proper burial. I heard him tell that his Grandfather's ghost explained that some live dwarves had recently found a way into this mine and that meant it was possible that someone could give him a proper burial or even finish what they all started long ago. The ghost's own children were already dead, but not before bringing a grandson into the world. Now that the grandson Garuk has started hearing his grandfather speaking to him, he can't seem to stop hearing many of the other dead around him. And there are so many in the 'Great Majority' that left unfinished business in the lands of the living and would love some help in tying up loose ends. Garuk started learning Wizardly magic soon after... from a dead and buried wizard he says."

"After being caught defiling tombs and graves in his dwarven settlement he was banished. He says the dead lady buried there wanted someone else to have the jewelry that was buried with her. Garuk insists he was trying to locate her living relative to give it to her, but the guards didn't believe him. Shunned by his own people and with no (living) family of his own to keep him there, Garuk was driven away into the wilderness where he spent more time learning the Wizardly ways and taking notes from any graveyard he happened to pass by. He's learned some interesting things and made some unique discoveries along the way, some of which he still doesn't really understand himself. Finally in Neverwinter, his Grandfather insisted that he hire on as a guard for the wagon-load of supplies that a dwarf was shipping south. Old (dead) Adrik Runestone insisted that this dwarf was one of those who found and reopened his uneasy resting place. He won't be happy (and won't leave Garuk alone) until his remains are located and buried properly. Meanwhile, Garuk suffers the unstoppable thoughts and beggings of the dead wherever he goes. He told me: 'Sometimes it's nearly enough to drive a dwarf mad, ya know?' I agreed with him and smiled as he left."

Sex: Male
Race: Mountain Dwarf
Class & Level: Wizard 2 (XP= 350/900) [*Reminder: take Observant feat at 4th!]
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (Mountain Dwarf)
Init: +0
Senses: Darkvision 60'
Passive Perception: 12
Ability Scores: STR 14 (+2), DEX 10 (+0), CON 14 (+2), INT 15 (+2), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 9 (-1)

AC: 14 (14 from Scale Mail armor)
HP: 13 (2d6+4 Con)
Hit Dice: 1d6 x 2/2
Saves: Str +2, Dex +0, Con +2, Int +4, Wis +4, Cha -1

Speed: 25ft
Battleaxe +4 ATK, 1d8+2 Slashing (Versatile 1d10+2)
Dagger +4 ATK, 1d4+2 Piercing (Finesse, Light, Thrown 20/60)
Dagger +2 ATK, 1d4+2 Piercing (Finesse, Light, Thrown 20/60)
Chill Touch +4 ATK, Range 120ft, 1d8 Necrotic and can't regain HP's till start of my next turn
Poison Spray Range 10ft, CON save DC12 or take 1d12 Poison damage
Ray of Frost +4 ATK, Range 60ft, 1d8 Cold and -10 to its Speed till start of my next turn.

Skills: (Proficient in bold)
Mod (Attribute) Name of Skill
+0 (dex) Acrobatics
+2 (wis) Animal Handling
+4 (int) Arcana
+2 (str) Athletics
-1 (cha) Deception
+4 (int) History
+2 (wis) Insight
-1 (cha) Intimidation
+2 (int) Investigation
+4 (wis) Medicine
+2 (int) Nature
+2 (wis) Perception
-1 (cha) Performance
-1 (cha) Persuasion
+4 (int) Religion
+0 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+0 (dex) Stealth
+2 (wis) Survival

Languages: Dwarven, Common, Draconic

Personality Traits: When listening to the dead, I often seem lost in my own thoughts and oblivious to my surroundings.
Ideals: I use my gifts to help the Great Majority who are beyond the help of others.
Bonds: My Grandfather's spirit will not rest until his remains are properly buried.
Flaw: The dark thoughts of the dead sometimes compel me or overwhelm me.

Mountain Dwarf Racial Traits:
-CON +2
-Darkvision 60'
-Dwarven Resilience (Advantange on saves vs Poison and Resistance to Poison damage)
- Combat Training (Weapon Proficiencies: Battle Axe, Handaxe, Throwing Hammer, Warhammer)
-Tool Proficiency (Smith's Tools)
-Stone Cunning (Double Proficiency bonus on History checks about Stonework)
-STR +2
-Armor Training (Light and Medium Armor Proficiency)

Wizard Traits:
-Weapon Proficiencies (Dagger, Dart, Sling, Light Crossbow, Quarterstaff)
-Proficient Saves (INT, WIS)
-2 Skill Proficiencies (Arcana, History)
-Spellcasting (@2nd-Know 3 cantrips and 8 first level spells. Prepare 4 Level 1 spells per day. Have 3 Level 1 slots per day) SEE BELOW
-Arcane Recovery (After short rest, can recover spell slots equal to 1/2 Wizard level, rounded up = 1 level @2nd, 2 levels @3-4th, etc)

-Arcane Tradition= School of Necromancy
--Necromancy Savant (1/2 gold & time cost to copy a Necromancy school spell into spellbook)
--Grim Harvest (Once per turn, when you kill one or more creatures (except undead or constructs) with a spell of 1st level or higher, you regain HP equal to spell level x2 (or x3 if a Necromancy spell is used).

Background (Hermit) Traits:
-2 Skill Proficiencies (Medicine, Religion)
-Tool Proficiency (Herbalism Kit)
-Additional Language known (Draconic)
-Seclusion Reason (I retreated from a society that shunned my because I can hear and talk to the dead.)
-Discovery while in seclusion (**Unknown - Need DM input/help**)

Combat Equipment:
Scale Mail [ lbs]
Arcane Focus (Quarterstaff)

Other Gear:
Clothes, Travellers
Backpack (Items stored inside below Italicized)
-Bottle of Ink
-Ink Pen
-Parchment (10 sheets)
-Herbalism Kit
-Mirror, Steel
-Mess Kit
-5 days Rations

-2 GP, 10 SP, 1 CP

Spellcasting: (Primary Ability: INT, Spell Save DC: 12, Spell Attack Bonus: +4)

0-Chill Touch
0-Poison Spray
0-Ray of Frost

Spells Known:
1-Comprehend Languages (ritual)
1-Detect Magic (ritual)
1-Identify (ritual)
1-Magic Missile
1-Ray of Sickness
1-Expedition Retreat
1-Find Familiar (ritual)

Spells Prepared: (Wiz level 2 + INT mod +2 = 4 per day)
-Magic Missile
-Ray of Sickness
-Expeditious Retreat

Spell Slots:
Level 1= 3/3
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Elven twins small.jpg

Height 5’ 9”; Weight 140# ; Hair: Copper; Age 100; Patron Deity:
Sex: Male Race: High Elf Class: Rogue Level:1
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Size: Medium Type: Humanoid
Init +3; Passive Wisdom ( Perception) 14
Languages : Common, Elvish, Goblin

AC 14
HP 9 (HD: 8 + 1 Con)
Saves: Dexterity and Intelligence
Death Saves:
Speed 30ft.
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Special Actions
Combat gear: None

Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12 , Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 10
Combat Stats:
Racial Traits: Dex +2, Speed 30 ft, Darkvision, Keen Senses (Proficient in Perception), Fey Ancestry (Advanatge on Saving Throws against being Charmed and magic can’t put you to sleep), Trance.
High Elf: Int +1, Elf Weapon Training (proficient with longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow), Cantrip (one cantrip from wizard spell list as Int), one extra language.
Background: Charlatan
Skill Proficiencies: Deception and Sleight of Hand
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise Kit, Forgery Kit
Equipment: A set of fine clothes, a disguise kit, tools of the con of your choice, belt pouch containing 15 gp
Feature: False Identity
Personality Trait: Sarcasm and insults are my weapon of choice
Ideal: Aspiration- I am determined to make something of myself
Bond: There are people back home who depend on me
Flaw: I am convinced that no one could ever fool me in the way I fool them

Class Features:
Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, short swords
Tools: Thieves tools
Saving Throws: Dexterity and Intelligence
Skills: Choose Four from: Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation,
Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth.
Expertise: Two skill proficiencies (or one and thieves tools) use double proficiency bonus
Sneak Attack: Extra 1d6 if have advantage or ally within 5ft
Thieves’ Cant

Skills : P Proficient; E Expertise
+5 Acrobatics P
+2 Animal Handling
+ 2 Arcana
+0 Athletics
+4 Deception PE
+2 History
+4 Insight P
+0 Intimidation
+4 Investigation P
+2 Medicine
+2 Nature
+4 Perception P
+0 Performance
+0 Persuasion
+2 Religion
+5 Sleight of Hand P
+5 Stealth P
+2 Survival

Thieves tools Expertise

Cantrip: Mage Hand

Short sword
Shortbow and quiver of 20 arrows
Burglars pack
Leather armor
Two daggers
Thieves tools

The count wasn’t suspicious when he lost the card game to the young human. He wasn’t concetrned over the large amount he lost to the strangely thin half-orc playing three-dragon monty. Nor was he worried when his head of house brought home a bottle of powdered unicorn horn that was supposed to help him lose weight. He wasn’t worried when he bought that “antique” and possibly powerful old amulet that apparently belonged to one of his ancestors. But after the young elf woman bumped into him in the crowd, and then his purse was missing, things started to click. All those people looked alike, whether they were a human, an elf, or a tiefling, they looked familiar somehow. And that was when all those people suddenly disappeared from Waterdeep.
Amron and Selari are siblings from a small village in a remote forest along the sword coast. They were a forgotten and isolated group, without many resources that the larger elven communities were able to gather in their new homes. They grew up doing some small trading with local human villages. They suffered through many hardships, and came to rely on gaining food, medicine and other needed resources through any means necessary. There were many young mouths to feed, and the humans took so much from the forest, without respect or moderation. Still, Selari and Amron did not come to resent all humans, who they saw as ignorant of the costs of their actions. They did develop a particular resentment though for the wealthy and powerful of the large cities, regardless of race. Those who ignored their village’s early pleas for help, and who made their fortune off the misfortune of others.
With maturity came a desire to travel, not the least because too many people knew them in the local environments and their reputations were such that it was hard for them to do any kind of business, reputable or not. The Sword Coast was then plagued by the pair as they worked their charms up and down the coast. Much of their proceeds made their way back home. But for Amron and Selari, the con was the fun, the money, though helpful, was secondary. They delight in the con, especially when played on those who can not only afford it, but deserve it.


Queen of Everything

[sblock] Selari


Height 5’ 6”; Weight 110# ; Hair: Copper ; Age 100; Patron Deity:
Sex: Female Race: High Elf Class: Rogue Level:1
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Size: Medium Type: Humanoid
Init +3; Passive Wisdom ( Perception) 12
Languages : Common, Elvish, Sylvan

XP +75

AC 14
HP 9 (HD: 8 + 1 Con)
Saves: Dexterity and Intelligence
Death Saves:
Speed 30ft.
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Special Actions
Combat gear: None

Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12 , Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14
Combat Stats:
Racial Traits: Dex +2, Speed 30 ft, Darkvision, Keen Senses (Proficient in Perception), Fey Ancestry (Advanatge on Saving Throws against being Charmed and magic can’t put you to sleep), Trance.
High Elf: Int +1, Elf Weapon Training (proficient with longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow), Cantrip (one cantrip from wizard spell list as Int), one extra language.
Background: Charlatan
Skill Proficiencies: Deception and Sleight of Hand
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise Kit, Forgery Kit
Equipment: A set of fine clothes, a disguise kit, tools of the con of your choice, belt pouch containing 15 gp
Feature: False Identity
Personality Trait: Flattery is my preferred tick for getting what I want
Ideal: Independence- I am a free spirit, no one tells me what to do
Bond: There are people back home who depend on me
Flaw: I can’t resist swindling people who are more powerful than me

Class Features:
Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, short swords
Tools: Thieves tools
Saving Throws: Dexterity and Intelligence
Skills: Choose Four from: Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation,
Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth.
Expertise: Two skill proficiencies (or one and thieves tools) use double proficiency bonus
Sneak Attack: Extra 1d6 if have advantage or ally within 5ft
Thieves’ Cant

Skills : P Proficiency; E Expertise
+5 Acrobatics P
+0 Animal Handling
+ 2 Arcana
+0 Athletics
+6 Deception PE
+2 History
+0 Insight
+2 Intimidation
+2 Investigation
+0 Medicine
+2 Nature
+2 Perception P
+4 Performance P
+4 Persuasion P
+2 Religion
+7 Sleight of Hand PE
+5 Stealth P
+0 Survival

Cantrip: Prestidigitation

Short sword
Shortbow and quiver of 20 arrows
Burglars pack
Leather armor
Two daggers
Thieves tools
A set of fine clothes,
A disguise kit,
A signet ring for an imaginary duke
Belt pouch containing 15 gp

The count wasn't suspicious when he lost the card game to the young human. He wasn't concerned over the large amount he lost to the strangely thin half-orc playing three-dragon monty. Nor was he worried when his head of house brought home a bottle of powdered unicorn horn that was supposed to help him lose weight. He wasn’t worried when he bought that “antique” and possibly powerful old amulet that apparently belonged to one of his ancestors. But after the young elf woman bumped into him in the crowd, and then his purse was missing, things started to click. All those people looked alike, whether they were a human, an elf, or a tiefling, they looked familiar somehow. And that was when all those people suddenly disappeared from Waterdeep.

Amron and Selari are siblings from a small village in a remote forest along the sword coast. They were a forgotten and isolated group, without many resources that the larger elven communities were able to gather in their new homes. They grew up doing some small trading with local human villages. They suffered through many hardships, and came to rely on gaining food, medicine and other needed resources through any means necessary. There were many young mouths to feed, and the humans took so much from the forest, without respect or moderation. Still, Selari and Amron did not come to resent all humans, who they saw as ignorant of the costs of their actions. They did develop a particular resentment though for the wealthy and powerful of the large cities, regardless of race. Those who ignored their village’s early pleas for help, and who made their fortune off the misfortune of others.

With maturity came a desire to travel, not the least because too many people knew them in the local environments and their reputations were such that it was hard for them to do any kind of business, reputable or not. The Sword Coast was then plagued by the pair as they worked their charms up and down the coast. Much of their proceeds made their way back home. But for Amron and Selari, the con was the fun, the money, though helpful, was secondary. They delight in the con, especially when played on those who can not only afford it, but deserve it.

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[SBLOCK=Prophet, Dwarf Cleric1 (Updated)]
Name: Prophet
Sex: Male
Race: Dwarf
Class/Level: Cleric 1
Alignment: Neutral Good
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (dwarf)
Init: -1
Senses: Darkvision (60 ft.)
Passive Perception: 13

18 (Chain mail, shield)
HP: 11 (1d8 +2 con, +1 Dwarven Toughness)
Saves: Wisdom & Charisma
Special Defenses: Dwarven Resilience

Melee: Warhammer +4 Attack, 1d8+2 Bludgeoning
Melee: Handaxe +4 Attack, 1d6+2 Slashing
Special Attacks: Spells

Str 14 (+2), Dex 8 (-1) , Con 15 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 12 (+1)

Cantrips Known (3): Guidance, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy

Spell Slots: 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
Slots Used: 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

Spells Prepared: Bless (domain), Cure Wounds (domain), Healing Word, Shield of Faith, Guiding Bolt, Detect Poison and Disease

SKILLS (Proficient in bold) 2 Cleric, 2 background
Mod Attribute Name of Skill
-1 (dex) Acrobatics
+3 (wis) Animal Handling
+0 (int) Arcana
+4 (str) Athletics
+1 (cha) Deception
+0 (int) History
+3 (wis) Insight
+3 (cha) Intimidation
+0 (int) Investigation
+5 (wis) Medicine
+0 (int) Nature
+3 (wis) Perception
+3 (cha) Performance
+1 (cha) Persuasion
+2 (int) Religion
-1 (dex) Sleight of Hand
-1 (dex) Stealth
+3 (wis) Survival

Darkvision: Prophet can see in dim light within 60' as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it was dim light
Dwarven Resilience: Advantage on saving throws vs. poison and resistance to poison damage
Dwarven Toughness: Hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a new level
Languages: Common, Dwarf

Feature (Mercenary Sergeant): You were a minor officer among the Mintarn mercenaries, a position that still gets you some perks. Even though you’re not on active duty, Mintarn soldiers recognize your authority and influence, and they defer to you if they are of a lower rank. You can requisition simple equipment and horses for temporary use. You can also gain access to Mintarn mercenary encampments and fortresses.
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Intimidation
Tool Proficiencies: Playing cards, mason's tools, vehicles (land)

Traits: I'm gruff and opinionated, but mostly harmless. I tend to react before I think, especially if it involves something or someone I deeply care about.
Ideal: Loyalty. Those who call me a friend have a friend for life.
Bond: I have three cousins—Gundren, Tharden,and Nundro Rockseeker—who are my friends and cherished clan members.
Flaw: I secretly wonder whether the gods care about mortal affairs at all.

- Spellcasting: Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your spells. The saving throw DC to resist a spell you cast is 13. Your attack bonus when you make an attack with a spell is +5. See the rulebook for rules on
casting your spells.
- Disciple of Life: Your healing spells are particularly effective. Whenever you restore hit points to a creature with a spell of 1st level or higher, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell’s level.

Proficiencies All armor, shields, all simple weapons, battleaxes, handaxes, light hammers, warhammers, playing cards, mason’s tools, vehicles (land)

Combat Gear:
Chain mail
Hand axe (x2)
Holy symbol

Other Gear: Backpack, crowbar, hammer, 10 pitons, 10 torches, tinderbox, 10 days of rations, waterskin,
50 feet of hempen rope, mason’s tools, dagger taken from a fallen enemy as a trophy, deck of playing cards, set of common clothes, pouch, rank insignia (sergeant)

Money: 10 gp

Weight Carried: xx lbs
Carrying Capacity: xx lbs
Push/Drag/Lift: xx lbs

Physical Appearance:
Prophet is a medium sized dwarf. His long, pointed white beard is contrasted by his bald head. His eyes are a crystal blue.

Trained as a soldier on the island of Mintarn, you traveled to Neverwinter as part of a mercenary company that serves as both army and city watch. You grew disillusioned with your fellow soldiers, who seem to enjoy their authority at the expense of the people they’re supposed to protect. Everything came to a head recently, when you
disobeyed an order and followed your conscience. You were suspended from active duty, though you kept your rank and your connection to the mercenaries. Since then, you have devoted yourself to your deity.

Personal Goal: Teach the Redbrands a Lesson. You’ve heard that Daran Edermath in the town of Phandalin is looking for people of courage and principle to teach some bullies a lesson. These thugs, the Redbrands, have been throwing their weight around in Phandalin, much as your compatriots did in Neverwinter. Putting a stop to their villainy is a worthy goal.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Prophet, Dwarf Cleric2]
Name: Prophet
Sex: Male
Race: Dwarf
Class/Level: Cleric 2
Alignment: Neutral Good
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (dwarf)
Init: -1
Speed: 30ft
Senses: Darkvision (60 ft.)
Passive Perception: 13

18 (Chain mail, shield)
HP: 19 (2d8 +2 con, +2 Dwarven Toughness)
Saves: Wisdom & Charisma
Special Defenses: Dwarven Resilience

Melee: Warhammer +4 Attack, 1d8+2 Bludgeoning 1d20+4;1d8+2
Melee: Handaxe +4 Attack, 1d6+2 Slashing
Special Attacks: Spell Attack +5; Spell Save DC 13

Str 14 (+2), Dex 8 (-1) , Con 15 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 12 (+1)

Spell Save DC: 13
Cantrips Known (3): Guidance, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy

Spell Slots: 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
Slots Used: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

Spells Prepared: Bless (domain), Cure Wounds (domain), Healing Word, Shield of Faith, Guiding Bolt, Detect Poison and Disease, Bane

SKILLS (Proficient in bold) 2 Cleric, 2 background
Mod Attribute Name of Skill
-1 (dex) Acrobatics
+3 (wis) Animal Handling
+0 (int) Arcana
+4 (str) Athletics
+1 (cha) Deception
+0 (int) History
+3 (wis) Insight
+3 (cha) Intimidation
+0 (int) Investigation
+5 (wis) Medicine
+0 (int) Nature
+3 (wis) Perception
+3 (cha) Performance
+1 (cha) Persuasion
+2 (int) Religion
-1 (dex) Sleight of Hand
-1 (dex) Stealth
+3 (wis) Survival

Darkvision: Prophet can see in dim light within 60' as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it was dim light
Dwarven Resilience: Advantage on saving throws vs. poison and resistance to poison damage
Dwarven Toughness: Hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a new level
Languages: Common, Dwarf

Feature (Mercenary Sergeant): You were a minor officer among the Mintarn mercenaries, a position that still gets you some perks. Even though you’re not on active duty, Mintarn soldiers recognize your authority and influence, and they defer to you if they are of a lower rank. You can requisition simple equipment and horses for temporary use. You can also gain access to Mintarn mercenary encampments and fortresses.
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Intimidation
Tool Proficiencies: Playing cards, mason's tools, vehicles (land)

Traits: I'm gruff and opinionated, but mostly harmless. I tend to react before I think, especially if it involves something or someone I deeply care about.
Ideal: Loyalty. Those who call me a friend have a friend for life.
Bond: I have three cousins—Gundren, Tharden,and Nundro Rockseeker—who are my friends and cherished clan members.
Flaw: I secretly wonder whether the gods care about mortal affairs at all.

- Spellcasting: Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your spells. The saving throw DC to resist a spell you cast is 13. Your attack bonus when you make an attack with a spell is +5. See the rulebook for rules on casting your spells.
- Disciple of Life: Your healing spells are particularly effective. Whenever you restore hit points to a creature with a spell of 1st level or higher, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell’s level.
- Channel Divinity: Turn Undead: Undead within 30 feet must pass a Wisdom saving throw or be turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage.
- Channel Divinity: Preserve Life: As an action, you present your holy symbol and evoke healing energy that can restore a number of hit points equal to five times your cleric level. Choose any creatures within 30 feet of you, and divide those hit points among them. This feature can restore a creature to no more than half its hit point maximum.
Proficiencies All armor, shields, all simple weapons, battleaxes, handaxes, light hammers, warhammers, playing cards, mason’s tools, vehicles (land)

Combat Gear:
Chain mail
Hand axe (x2)
Holy symbol

Other Gear: Backpack, crowbar, hammer, 10 pitons, 10 torches, tinderbox, 10 days of rations, waterskin, 50 feet of hempen rope, mason’s tools, dagger taken from a fallen enemy as a trophy, deck of playing cards, set of common clothes, pouch, rank insignia (sergeant)

Money: 10 gp

Weight Carried: xx lbs
Carrying Capacity: xx lbs
Push/Drag/Lift: xx lbs

Physical Appearance:
Prophet is a medium sized dwarf. His long, pointed white beard is contrasted by his bald head. His eyes are a crystal blue.

Trained as a soldier on the island of Mintarn, you traveled to Neverwinter as part of a mercenary company that serves as both army and city watch. You grew disillusioned with your fellow soldiers, who seem to enjoy their authority at the expense of the people they’re supposed to protect.

Everything came to a head recently, when you disobeyed an order and followed your conscience. You were suspended from active duty, though you kept your rank and your connection to the mercenaries. Since then, you have devoted yourself to your deity.

Personal Goal: Teach the Redbrands a Lesson. You’ve heard that Daran Edermath in the town of Phandalin is looking for people of courage and principle to teach some bullies a lesson. These thugs, the Redbrands, have been throwing their weight around in Phandalin, much as your compatriots did in Neverwinter. Putting a stop to their villainy is a worthy goal.[/SBLOCK]
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First Post
Gwendyllin Arimina Brightstar, AKA Mina of Silverbrook
(Updated to level 2)

[sblock= Game stats and mechanics]
>Race/Gender: Half-elf; Female
Class/Level: Bard 2/Warlock 0
Alignment: CG
Type (subtype): Humanoid (half-elf)
Size: Medium
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30 feet
Senses: Darkvision 60’
Passive Perception: 13

>Hit points: 15 (13 +2 CON)
>AC: 14 (11/Leather; +3 DEX)
>Saves: DEX, CHA

>Melee: Dagger +5; 1d4+3
>Ranged: Short bow +5; 1d6+3
>Spell: Vicious mockery; WIS save (DC 13) or take 1d4 psychic damage and have Disadvantage on next attack roll before end of their next turn.

STR 8 (-1)/Save -1
CON 12 (+1)/Save +1
DEX 16 (+3)/Save +5
INT 12 (+1)/Save +1
WIS 12 (+1)/Save +1
CHA 16 (+3)/Save +5

>Trait 1: There is nothing I like more than a good mystery.
>Trait 2: No one could doubt by looking at my regal bearing that I am a cut above the unwashed masses.
>Ideal: (Self-improvement) The goal of a lifetime in study is the betterment of oneself.
>Bond: I would do anything to earn the respect of my family, especially my dear “Grandmother”.
>Flaw: Some day my curiosity is probably going to get me killed- and probably some other people too...

Skills and Languages:
Acrobatics +4
Animal handling +2
*Arcana +3
Athletics +0
Deception +4
*History +3
Insight +2
Intimidation +4
*Investigation +3
Medicine +2
*Nature +3
*Perception +3
*Performance +5
*Persuasion +5
Religion +2
Sleight of hand +4
Stealth +4
Survival +2

Languages: Common, Elvish, +Sylvan, +Draconic, +Goblin

Tools: 3 musical instruments (small harp, dulcimer, flute)

Racial features (Half-elf):
>Size: Medium; Base speed 30 feet
>Languages: common, Elvish, +1 bonus (Goblin)
>Darkvision 60’
>Fey ancestry: Can’t be put to sleep by magic; has Advantage on saving throws vs. Charm effects
>Skill versatility: Gain proficiency in two extra skills (Performance, Nature)
>Ability score increase: +2 CHA, +1 to two other stats (DEX; INT)

Class features (Bard):
>Proficiencies: Light armor; Simple weapons, Hand crossbow, Longsword, Rapier, Shortsword; Any three musical instruments; Any three skills; DEX and CHA saves
>Cantrips known: (2) Prestidigitation, Vicious mockery
>Level 1 spells known: (4) Healing word, Sleep, Detect magic (R), Comprehend languages (R), Feather fall
>Spells per day: Level 1= 3x
>Jack of all trades: Add half proficiency bonus (+1) to all ability checks which do not already have proficiency bonus
>Song of rest: Can play soothing music during short rest- any allies who hear it can regain 1d6 extra hit points after the short rest.

Background features (Sage):
>Specialty: Researcher (Historical epics, especially about magic)
>Feature: Researcher
>Skill proficiencies: Arcana, History
>Languages: Any two (Draconic, Sylvan)

>Leather armor
>Simple weapon (short bow)
>Scholar’s pack
>Musical instrument (small harp)
>40 arrows (36)
>Traveler's clothes (1 set)
>Rations (x4 days)
>Mess kit
>1 bottle of black ink
>1 quill pen
>Small knife
>Common clothes (1 set)
>Letter from a dead colleague at university
>1 gp; 1 sp


[sblock= Description and history]

Description: The elvish side of Mina’s heritage is clearly visible in her slender build, her sparkling green eyes, and her gently pointed ears. She is a bit under average height, with pale skin and lustrous gold-tinged red hair that she usually wears in a single thick braid. She typically prefers to wear clothing of red, gold, or purple in simple fabrics and comfortable style- but of impeccable quality. She wears a single small dagger at her waist, and carries a small bow that seems more suited to target shooting than to war. She also carries a light backpack and a sturdy leather harp-case.

Personality: Mina is a bit naive and starry-eyed, inspired by countless tales and songs of adventure. While she knows the traveling life is hard and dangerous, she does not REALLY have a firm grasp of just how hard or how dangerous. She is a bit of an optimist, and a believer in heroes like those in her songs and stories- again, while she knows there are bad (mean, cruel, dishonest) people in the world, she doesn't truly grasp that they might be mean, cruel, or dishonest towards HER (she has only limited experience with the petty cruelties of court life, and has only encountered true evil in songs and tales). She is also fascinated by old songs, legends, and stories (particularly unusual ones), and by magic of all kinds.

History: Mina was born into a minor noble family in Cormyr. While the Brightstar family had a long history in that proud nation, they were a relatively minor power in terms of courtly politics- they were more well-known for arcane talent, and a noticeable trace of elven ancestry; one of their more common claims to fame is that there was a Brightstar (Sir Cyrus) among the very first War Wizards. In Mina’s case, she seemed to have more elven blood than anyone in several generations of her family- but she was also the seventh child and, in fact, the seventh daughter. With so many older sisters, it was clear that her family’s rather meager wealth and political resources would hardly be able to secure an advantageous marriage for her, so she was groomed for a life of scholarship. She was raised mostly on her family’s rural estate, far from the trials of court. Most of the time, Mina was all-but forgotten by the majority of her family- she had her tutors, and the run of the estate, but the rest of the family spent most of their time at court so she hardly ever saw them. In truth, she did not mind- she had her tutors and her books, after all. At an early age, she also demonstrated a talent for music, so her parents paid for an instructor in the bardic arts as well- as a trained bard, even an unmarriageable “surplus” daughter could be quite a boon to the family.
One day, in her 12th year, she was wandering through the woods of the family estate when she came upon a strange grove of trees- doubly strange, in fact. First of all, because she had walked that path a hundred times before and didn't remember this particular place, and second because while the rest of the forest was in the last traces of autumn this grove was still in the full blossom of early summer. Within the grove was a small cabin of sorts, bounded by a peculiar fence- as one might expect Mina's curiousity led her straight to the door. An elderly elven woman answered the knock as if she had expected it, and introduced herself as Mina's Grandmother (or perhaps her Great-Grandmother- she had lost track of how many children had come and gone over the years). The old woman was kind enough, if a bit, well, ODD, and she was both friendly and full of stories and entertaining advice. Mina spent many an afternoon there over the next few years, though for some reason she never thought to mention the old woman to any of her tutors, or even to her family...
Over the years, Mina visited the old woman every once in a while, and always found her ready with useful advice or interesting stories. Even once she began her serious studies at the University in Suzail (Cormyr's capital), Mina managed a visit now and then (she far preferred going home to the estate and her Grandmother to spending her extra time at court). It was, after all, her Grandmother's advice that inspired her thesis project, researching old songs and tales which had disappeared from the common repertoire. One tale seemed particularly interesting to the old woman- the ballad of a terrific battle at a place called Wave Echo Cave, site of the legendary Forge of Spells; 500 years ago, they said, an alliance of dwarves, gnomes, and wizards fought against a massive army of orcs, but there were few survivors and the songs told little of the aftermath. After her graduation from the University, Mina (advised and inspired by her Grandmother) packed her things and (essentially) ran away from home, headed north towards the possible site of the legendary battle. If she could find it, that might make her first song as a bard, or win her the acclaim of other scholars. After all, what could go wrong?

Current Goal: Mina has been traveling towards Phandalin in search of information about the Forge of Spells, and the lost Wave Echo Cave. She was originally interested after hearing fragments of ballads about the final battle there- and she was further encouraged by her Grandmother’s apparent interest in the legendary site. (In reality, her "Grandmother" is a Baba Yaga-ish fey entity, that will be Mina's patron when she MCs into Warlock...
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