• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E IG's "It's a Brand New World" [Rogue's Gallery]


For archival purposes, please post your characters in an SBLOCK with your character's name, class, and level.

[SBLOCK=Nissa, Barbarian 1]You can break down your character however you want inside this block, including even more blocks by class, race, and background if that makes it easier for you. Just make sure the main wrapper is labeled as above.[/SBLOCK]
When you level, you'll edit your post with a new block for your new level and class combination. I'd like to keep a record at each level just to see how far everyone has come.

I tend to get fairly OCD about neatness when it comes to these things, as silly as it is. For the sake of my sanity, please only make one post in this thread, and keep all other discussion in the game or OOC threads. Thanks.


Original recruiting thread
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock

[sblock="Garrison, level 1 and backstory"]Garrison
N Halforc Rogue
Level 1

Abilities (point buy):
STR 16 (+3)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 10 (+0)
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 12 (+1)

Size M
Speed 30
AC 13
Init +2
Hit Points 10

Proficiency bonus: +2
Proficiencies: Light Armor, rogue weapons, thieves' tools, sailmaker's tools, water vehicles
Saves: DEX, INT
Skills: Stealth, Deception, Insight, Perception, Athletics, Intimidation, Animal Handling
Languages: Common, Orc, Thieves' Cant

Background (trait): Freed Slave (the trouble I seen)*

Race abilities:
* Darkvision 60'
* Relentless Endurance (when dropped to 0 hp but not killed, go to 1hp instead; 1/long rest)
* Savage attacks (add an extra weapon damage die to critical hits)

Class abilities:
* Expertise: double proficiency for Thieves' tools and Athletics
* Sneak Attack: 1d6

+2 (dex) Acrobatics
+2 (wis) Animal Handling
+0 (int) Arcana
+7 (str) Athletics (expertise)
+3 (cha) Deception
+0 (int) History
+2 (wis) Insight
+3 (cha) Intimidation
+2 (int) Investigation
+0 (wis) Medicine
+0 (int) Nature
+2 (wis) Perception
+1 (cha) Performance
+1 (cha) Persuasion
+0 (int) Religion
+2 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+4 (dex) Stealth
+0 (wis) Survival

+6 (dex) Thieves' Tools (expertise)

Equipment: Shortsword, Shortbow with a quiver of 20 arrows, Burglar's pack, Leather armour, two daggers, thieves' tools, common clothes, a certificate of manumission, artisan's tools, coin purse with 5gp.

Weight: ***

* Custom Background: Freed Slave
Skills: Athletics, Animal Husbandry
Tools: Vehicles (water or land), Artisan's tools
Feature: The Trouble I Seen. Calloused hands and calloused back, you have experienced pain and hardship. You have a bond with other slaves and servants, and can often get them to talk and reveal details of their lives and situation that would normally be kept from strangers. Further, no task is too repetitive or tedious for you.
Possessions: Common clothes, a certificate of manumission, artisan's tools, coin purse with 5gp.


[sblock="backstory"](from post 35, adapted)

Garrison was born on the edge of the Tragic Jungle, and was quickly adopted into a home in Largo by a well-meaning family unable to have children of their own. He was three when the Buonnuevos themselves conceived a child, and six when their twins were born. Their progeny assured by natural means, Garrison had now become an embarrassment, a halfbreed who already looked like a teenager and who was considerably greener than the others.

The Buonnuevos were good people, though, and wouldn't cast Garrison out on their own. They were however willing to listen to a merchant who was looking for a cabin boy, and felt that sending Garrison to sea would show him the world and perhaps offer him a promising future far from Largo and their family. They did not know that the merchant was a slaver, and to this day Garrison believes that his family wanted the best for him, despite all that followed.

Slavery is regulated and in a few places outlawed, of course, but its persistence comes from the comparative inaccessibility of one continent from the other. Even the Tragic Jungle occupies a neck that separates one half of the Western Continent from the other, virtually requiring maritime communication to maintain effective trade. When Garrison was first brought to the larger Eastern Continent, it was easy to sell him in the port of Conybere to a local as a rower with a strong back. Since Garrison was not a citizen of the Free Town of Conybere, he lacked any legal recourse, and a few whippings were enough to convince him that continued service was the preferred course. He lacked resources to return home, and he was kept (with dozens of older men and women) in a barracks on a coastal homestead that would put the residents to employment as the master saw fit.

This was the beginning of Garrison's education. He learned what he could from the others where he lived, picking up tricks that would help him survive. He tended sheep for a while. Garrison was for the most part well-liked, and willing to help, but he did not attract attention to himself when he had the opportunity. He learned how to fight, and how to steal, and how to be wary. Sometimes he was employed on house business as an enforcer, and sometimes as little more than a beast of burden, carrying the possessions of Caerella, the mistress of the house, when she would travel. (He was especially welcome for sea travel, since his stomach was not distressed by the rolling waves, and he seemed at home there. It was on one of those trips, to Silverport, when her eye was caught by a dwarf owned by another travelling noble, whose contract she purchased. The whims of nobility can trifle with human lives, and Garrison was discarded like last season's gowns -- a dwarf and a halfbreed such as Garrison would not be seemly. Garrison was discharged, and after three weeks in quarantine, being unclaimed, he was emancipated by the state. It's not a full emancipation, of course, and technically it could be revoked if Caerella's memory or attachment should return. But he had been left in an unknown city, far from home, no longer a slave as far as Silverport was concerned, and he was ready to meet the world on his own terms.[/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock="Garrison, level 2"]Garrison
N Halforc Rogue
Level 2

Abilities (point buy):
STR 16 (+3)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 10 (+0)
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 12 (+1)

Size M
Speed 30
AC 13
Init +2
Hit Points 17 (2d8)

Proficiency bonus: +2
Proficiencies: Light Armor, rogue weapons, thieves' tools, sailmaker's tools, water vehicles
Saves: DEX, INT
Skills: Stealth, Deception, Insight, Perception, Athletics, Intimidation, Animal Handling
Languages: Common, Orc, Thieves' Cant

Background (trait): Freed Slave (the trouble I seen)*

Race abilities:
* Darkvision 60'
* Relentless Endurance (when dropped to 0 hp but not killed, go to 1hp instead; 1/long rest)
* Savage attacks (add an extra weapon damage die to critical hits)

Class abilities:
* Expertise: double proficiency for Thieves' tools and Athletics
* Sneak Attack: 1d6
* Cunning Action (bonus action each turn: Dash, Disengage, Hide)

+2 (dex) Acrobatics
+2 (wis) Animal Handling
+0 (int) Arcana
+7 (str) Athletics (expertise)
+3 (cha) Deception
+0 (int) History
+2 (wis) Insight
+3 (cha) Intimidation
+2 (int) Investigation
+0 (wis) Medicine
+0 (int) Nature
+2 (wis) Perception
+1 (cha) Performance
+1 (cha) Persuasion
+0 (int) Religion
+2 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+4 (dex) Stealth
+0 (wis) Survival

+6 (dex) Thieves' Tools (expertise)

Equipment: Shortsword, Shortbow with a quiver of 20 arrows, Burglar's pack, Leather armour, two daggers, thieves' tools, common clothes, a certificate of manumission, artisan's tools, coin purse with 55gp.

Weight: ***

* Feature: The Trouble I Seen. Calloused hands and calloused back, you have experienced pain and hardship. You have a bond with other slaves and servants, and can often get them to talk and reveal details of their lives and situation that would normally be kept from strangers. Further, no task is too repetitive or tedious for you.
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[sblock=Nissa, Barbarian 1]

Nissa Faori of Timberfall

The daughter of a lumberer who wanted a son, Nissa's mother was cursed by the hags of the Fey Moor to give birth to a daughter who would eventually become a hag. The midwife present at the birth happened to be a priestess of Lathandar. Sensing the curse, the priestess attempted to reverse it but was only partially successful, passing most of the evil to Nissa's mother, who transformed into something...monstrous while giving birth to Nissa. Nissa's mother disappeared into the Fey Moor after giving birth.

Nissa grew up a sickly child due to the aftereffects of the curse and its attempted removal. While the other children were learning the major trade of Timberfall, lumber cutting, hauling, and shipping, Nissa was inside reading books, learning, and studying anything and everything she could about magic.

When Nissa reached puberty, the episodes started. She had always been a target of bullying from the other children whenever she had to be out and about. With puberty, it got worse, until one day she flew into a blind rage and...changed. She flew at one of the local boys and bit him on the arm hard enough to cause permanent damage. The curse had not been entirely removed and it caused her fits of uncontrollable anger accompanied by a physical transformation - not as hideous as a true hag, but monstrous nonetheless. Frantic, Nissa's father tried to find the priestess midwife, but learned she had died just a year earlier. Desperate, he ventured into the Fey Moor and made a bargain with a hag - a remedy that Nissa could take once daily to keep her anger in check. In exchange for the recipe for the remedy, the hag demanded a future favor from either Nissa or her father. Her father agreed, but kept the bargain secret from Nissa, figuring he would shoulder the burden himself.

Nissa's father being relatively well off, he was able to make good on a promise to send her to far-off Kingsport and the prestigious Blackthorn Academy. Nissa has a supply of her remedy and the recipe to make more. What she doesn't know...she is building up a tolerance for the remedy and its starting to lose its effect on her. The rages will soon return and get worse.

Race: Human (Variant)
Class: Barbarian (Path of the Berserker)
Background: Sage
Alignment: Lawful Good

Str: 12 (+1)
Dex: 13 (+1)
Con: 12 (+1)
Int: 15 (+2)
Wis: 12 (+1)
Cha: 14 (+2)

HP: 11
HD: 1d12
AC: 12 (+1 Dex, +1 Con, no armor)

Dagger - +3 to hit, 1d4+1 piercing, finesse, light thrown (range 20/60)
Shortbow - +3 to hit, 1d6+1 piercing, ammunition (20 arrows; range 80/320), two-handed
Battle Axe - +3 to hit, 1d8+1 slashing, versatile (1d10)

Racial Traits

+1 to two ability scores (Int and Cha)
Skill Proficiency - Medicine
Feat - Linguist (+1 Int, 3 languages, create written ciphers)

Background Traits

Skill Proficiencies - Arcana, History
Languages - Two
Specialty - Discredited Academic (the discredited part has likely not happened, yet; once her secret comes out, she's likely to be expelled from Blackthorn)
Feature - Researcher (if she doesn't know something, she knows where to find the knowledge - libraries, universities, other sages, etc)

Class Traits

Rage - 2/long rest, Advantage on Str checks and saves, +2 damage with Str based melee attacks, Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage

Unarmored Defense - Without armor, AC = 10 + Dex mod + Con mod


Proficiency Bonus: +2

Arcana (Int)
History (Int)
Medicine (Wis)
Nature (Int)
Perception (Wis)

Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons

Strength Saves, Constitution Saves

Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan, Dwarven, Giant, Draconic

Equipment and Gear

Battle Axe (a woodcutting axe that was "weaponized" by Nissa's great great grandfather to fight creatures from the Fey Moor when Timberfall was first settled; it is now a family heirloom and Nissa carries it in a display case currently, having no current intentions of using it as an actual weapon)
Shortbow + 20 arrows

Scholar's Pack (backpack, History of the Central Marches 4th Edition, bottle of ink, ink pen, 10 sheets of parchment, bag of sand, small knife)
Extra bottle of ink and quill
Extra small knife
Acceptance Letter to Blackthorn Academy
Common clothes
Belt Pouch (59 gp)


Personality Trait - I am horribly awkward in social situations.
Personality Trait - I have a hard time trusting people and keep secrets even from the people I do trust.

Ideal: Knowledge transcends the material; the mind and spirit can and should transcend the body.

Bond: I secretly wish to find my mother and learn what really happened when I was born.

Flaw: I am afraid for my soul...I have begun to enjoy and even crave my bouts of rage.

Future Development

Multi-class to Warlock (when the hag who originally cursed her mother and later made the bargain with her father comes calling to collect the favor, she demands Nissa's service in a Pact of the Tome - archfey patron, the hag's mistress)

Possible Feats - Healer, Keen Mind, Observant, War Caster[/sblock]
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First Post
[SBLOCK=Aedon Everwood, Level 1 Wizard]
Name: Aedon Everwood

Sex: Male
Race: Human
Class/Level: Wizard/1
Alignment: Lawful Good
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (human)
Init: +2
Passive Perception: 12
Speed: 30'

AC: 12 (+2 dex)
HP: 11 (1d6 +3 con +2 Tough)
Saves: Intelligence, Wisdom
Special Defenses:

Speed: 30ft
Melee: Quarterstaff +4 Attack, 1d6+2 Bludgeoning
Ranged: (Light Crossbow, ammunition)+4 Attack, 1d6+2 Piercing (Dagger)+4 Attack, 1d4+2 Piercing
Special Attacks:

Spells: Attack +5 (Saving Throw DC: 13)
Cantrips Known: Fire Bolt, Light, Mage Hand
Spell Slots: (1st) 2
Spells Known: Alarm(Ritual) (1st), Chromatic Orb (1st), Find Familiar(Ritual) (1st), Mage Armor (1st), Shield (1st), Sleep (1st)

Str 8 (-1), -1
Dex 14 (+2) +2
Con 16 (+3) +1 racial +3
Int 16 (+3) +1 racial +5
Wis 10 (+0) +2
Cha 8 (-1) -1

Background: Hermit
Life of Seclusion: I retreated from society after a life-altering event.
Feature: Discovery - The reason for my "return" to real society is I have uncovered a long forgotten fact that now may become truly damaging to the world.

Traits: I am utterly serene, even in the face of disaster.
Ideal: Emotions must not cloud our sense of what is right and true, or our logical thinking.
Bond: Should my discovery come to light, it could bring ruin to the world.
Flaw: I like keeping secrets and won't share them with anyone.

Skills (Proficient in bold) 2 Wizard, 1 Human, 2 background
Mod Attribute Name of Skill
+2 (dex) Acrobatics
+0 (wis) Animal Handling
+5 (int) Arcana
-1 (str) Athletics
+0 (cha) Deception
+5 (int) History
+0 (wis) Insight
+0 (cha) Intimidation
+5 (int) Investigation
+2 (wis) Medicine
+3 (int) Nature
+0 (wis) Perception
+0 (cha) Performance
+0 (cha) Persuasion
+5 (int) Religion
+2 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+2 (dex) Stealth
+0 (wis) Survival

Languages: Common, Draconic, Infernal, Abyssmal

Feats: Tough

Skill Proficiencies: Herbalism kit, Medicine Kit
Tool Proficiencies:
Armor: None
Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows
Tools: None

Spellcasting: Intelligence DC 13, +5 attack
- Arcane Recovery
- Ritual Casting
- Spellcasting Focus

Combat Gear:
Dagger x1

Other Gear:
Spell Focus (Orb)
50 GP diamond
Common clothes
Explorers pack
Winter blanket
Scroll case
2 torches
10 days of rations
Herbalism kit
Money: 5 sp

Weight Carried: 17 lbs
Carrying Capacity: 120 lbs
Push/Drag/Lift: 240 lbs

Hawk (Celestial Falcon)
Armor Class: 13
Hit Points: 3
Speed: 10', fly 60'
STR: 5 (-3), DEX: 16 (+3), CON: 8 (-1), INT: 2 (-4), WIS: 14 (+2), CHA: 6 (-2)
Skills: Perception +4
Senses: Passive Perception 14
CR: 0

Keen Sight: The hawk has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Talons: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 attack, reach 5', 1 slashing damage

Physical Appearance:
Tall and lanky. is quite skinny and stands at 6'-0". He tends to slouch and has unkempt black hair but is always clean shaven with no facial hair. He wears the robes of his order and typically walks with his quarterstaff. He does not seem to pay attention to his surroundings often lost in thoughts. He always appears calm and serene and is not one to appear surprised even though he seems to not be paying full enough attention.

Aedon has a secret and it might just be earth shattering. If that wasn't enough, he has visions. Dark tidings of a future he hopes may not come to pass. While studying as an apprentice he made a discovery that went in line with his visions showing that, clearly, he was not deranged and this possible future may come to pass. He now must do as any hero does, he must seek out a way to save the world at any cost. Knowing few would understand his secrets or his visions, Aedon trusts no-one and seeks ways to further his goals. It must be him who helps bring a brighter future to pass. No fool, he welcomes the aid of others as no 1 man can truly accomplish something but he trusts you only as far as he can throw you (and that isn't very far). He's realizing that locked in a tower, studying books while quite delightful to him, that a life of seclusion just wasn't in the cards for him. To save the world he must become the mightiest of archmages, but he also must find that place of his visions where darkness and light clash and he is dab smack in the middle!

Aedon is the son of a noble family. At a young age he showed magical talent but it quickly became an inconvenience for his father. His father was of good standing and a wizard himself at Blackthorn. Having come into money by providing guidance and advice to his peers it started to fall apart when Aedon became old enough to start using his newly found "power". Aedon could sometimes glimpse the future and he would often speak out things about his fathers clients that no one else should know. Often to the embarrassment of the clientele, his father was forced to get early enrollment for Aedon to help manage his prowess but more likely to more quickly get Aedon out of the manor.

As Aedon became older, he realized that he was considered an embarrassment to his family. He soon learned that his only home now lied at Blackthorn Academy. Kingsport was a fine town with a lot of resources available and Aedon was able to flourish in his classes as he was trained towards becoming a wizard. But he eventually became a loner and a hermit. No real friends since he was a a "legacy" he quickly learned to focus on his studies as he slowly became one of the forgotten at the academy. Until recently, he has a renewed vigor.

His vision showed him weaving complicated spells as he battled the darkness for the light somewhere in the Everwood Mountains. He knew he must figure out how to become the hero he needed to be to help be there at that time and at that place.

The Everwood mountains was named after his grandfather who was an explorer and a profit. It was rumored that after settling down at Kingsport, his grandfather became crazy and moved back to those mountains never to be seen again (living or dead). The curiosity gene stuck with Aedon but he never had the courage to start something on his own until now. He is trying to enlist and find new friends to find a rare herb that will help in his chemical and herbal experiments. His real goal, however, to bind them together so that he has the help and strength to take the next steps.

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First Post
*Stats all done, just need to add story fluff
[sblock=Justice, Paladin 1]Sex: Male
Race: Human (Variant)
Class & Level: Paladin 1
XP: 0/300
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (Human)
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Init: +0
Senses: Divine Sense - 4/4 uses per day (1+CHA mod 3)
Passive Perception: 12

Ability Scores:
STR 17 (+3) [15 from PB + 1 from Human +1 from Atlete Feat]
DEX 11 (+0) [11 from point buy]
CON 12 (+1) [12 from point buy]
INT 8 (-1) [8 from point buy]
WIS 10 (+0) [10 from point buy]
CHA 16 (+3) [15 from point buy + 1 from Human]

AC: 16 (from Chainmail) or 18 (if using Shield)
HP: 11 (1d10+1 Con)
Hit Dice: 1d10 x 1
Saves: Str +3, Dex +0, Con +1, Int -1, Wis +2, Cha +5

Speed: 30ft
Longsword +5 ATK, 1d8+3 Slashing (Versatile 1d10+3)
Club +5 ATK, 1d4+3 Bludgeoning (Light)
Javelin +5 ATK, 1d6+3 Piercing (Thrown, Range 30/120)

Skills: (Proficient in bold)
Mod (Attribute) Name of Skill
+0 (dex) Acrobatics
+0 (wis) Animal Handling
-1 (int) Arcana
+5 (str) Athletics
+3 (cha) Deception
-1 (int) History
+0 (wis) Insight
+5 (cha) Intimidation
-1 (int) Investigation
+2 (wis) Medicine
-1 (int) Nature
+2 (wis) Perception
+3 (cha) Performance
+5 (cha) Persuasion
-1 (int) Religion
+0 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+0 (dex) Stealth *Disadvantage due to armor
+0 (wis) Survival

Languages: Common, Elven

Personality Traits: I work hard so I can play hard when the work is done.
Ideals: (Aspiration) Someday I'll own my own ship and chart my own destiny.
Bonds: Ruthless pirates murdered my Captain & crew and left me for dead. Vengeance will be mine.
Flaw: Once I start drinking, it's hard for me to stop.

Human (Variant) Racial Traits:
-2 Ability Scores get +1 to start (From 15 to 16 on both STR and CHA)
-Proficiency in Persuasion skill
-Athlete feat:
---STR +1 (from 16 to 17)
---Standing from prone only uses 5ft of movement.
---Climbing doesn't halve my movement rate.
---Can make a running long/high jump after moving only 5ft instead of 10ft.

Background (Sailor) Traits:
-Skill Profs (Athletics, Perception)
-Tool Profs (Navigators Tools, Water Vehicles)
-Starting equipment (see below)
-Feature (Ship's Passage free for self and group)

Paladin Traits:
-HD= d10
-Armor Proficiencies (All Armors and Shields)
-Weapon Proficiencies (All Simple and Martial weapons)
-Proficient Saves (WIS & CHA)
-2 Skill Proficiencies (Intimidation, Medicine)
-Starting Equipment (see below)
-Divine Sense (1+CHA mod 3)= 4 / day (refresh after long rest)
-Lay on Hands (Heal 5 HP per day [equal to 5 x Paladin level 1], refreshes after long rest)

Combat Equipment:
-Javelins x5
-Holy Symbol of Tyr(focus)

Other Gear:
-Set of Common Clothes
-Beltpouch (51 gp, 10 sp)
-50ft Silk Rope
---10 candles
---2 blocks of incense
---A censer
---An Alms box
---2 days rations
---Pirate flag with Dragon Skull & Crossbones on it

[sblock=Story of Justice]---PART I---
What his name used to be isn't important. He was a man of unusual size & strength. He had a quiet way about him and a hearty spirit that make him likeable and trustworthy to all who knew him. His fellow crew members on the merchant vessel 'The Golden Promise' trusted him to see to their wounds when they were injured or to plot their course with the lead navigator.

His wife, Nira, trusted him to keep coming home from each voyage and provide for her and their young son and daughter. Jolan and Jenelle trusted their father to protect them from harm. But one act of kindness betrayed their trust and destroyed them all.

---PART II---
Nira had worked all season to organize a relief shipment of food for the people around Silverport suffering from the drought that was killing their crops. Through cajoling, campaigning, and shaming the wealthy nobles of Kingsport,, she was eventually able to get agreements from enough of them to contribute a shipload full of food and supplies which would help those whose farms were failing. She even managed to get the King to donate the use of one of the Navy's ships to transport the goods to Silverport. Her husbands ship, the "Golden Promise" was tasked with delivering the cargo of foodstuffs. She was even going to be allowed to sail on the ship with her husband and their children on the journey to Silverport and back to Kingsport. She was scared, a little, but her husband assured her how safe the short journey normally was. With a hug from him, she banished her fears and went back to supervising the loading of the ship as stormclouds gathered on the southern horizon.

---Part III---
The storm soaked the deck of the Golden Promise as she sailed towards Silverport. Lightning flashed and thunder cracked and boomed from the black sky. Another boom sounded suddenly, the sound of wood splintering and a fireball exploding on deck! They were under attack! Grappel lines were thrown and the inevitable boarding began. Nira was locked in the Captains cabin with the children for safety. Her husband turned from the locked doors and found himself face to face with an onrushing wall of flame and wood splinters. He tried to dive away, but darkness took him and he knew no more for awhile while the battle raged on around his prone form.

---Part IV---
He awoke to the sound of continued battle and the smell of smoke and blood. A limp body was sprawled across him and as he went to get up, the person he shifted of of himself groaned and started sliding off the edge of the hole in the deck, threatening to fall into the fire raging below. He wasn't sure who this person was, but if he didn't grab the man, he was as good as dead. Catching a belt, he strained and pulled the man back up on the deck before passing out from the pain and the strain. Consciousness unfolded around him again as he opened his eyes to see the soot smeared face of the man he had saved before. "This is the one that saved my life? You are sure?", the man asked one of the pirates standing nearby. "Yes sir.", the pirate nodded three times while twisting his hat in his hands nervously. "So, a member of my own crew causes a disaster that nearly kills me, and this stranger saves my life from your incompetence. Is that an accurate sumnation of the events today?", the pirate captain asks. "Yes, sir. Yes, sir." the pirate crewman says while nodding his head even faster before continuing, "But..." he begins, before a slim rapier punctures his throat and drives out through the other side. The pirate drops to the deck, gasping and gurgling like a fish out of water before expiring in a rapidly expanding pool of crimson. "I suppose I can't kill YOU then, since I owe you my life. I swear, you shall leave this ship alive, good sir. It's the least I can do for you, and I mean that sincerely.", the captain says before motioning to one of those holding the prisoner as he walks away. With a thump on the back of his skull, darkness claims him again as he realizes that he knows that face from somewhere!

---Part V---
The splash of water on his face awoke him, if barely. Salty and warm. He saw the prow of the ship out of blurry eyes as the waves lapped at him. The prow was sinking below the waves as he watched and soon afterward, the suction of the ship going down under him threatened to pull him under or knock him off his precarious perch on a large wooden hatchcover which bobbed and floated on the waves amongst the wreckage and the bodies. The waves and the tears conspired to keep his vision watery and dimmed until the darkness took him away again from the pain and the loss he was drowing in more surely than the ocean deep beneath him.

---Part VI---
He was on an island somewhere in the boundless sea. It had taken him a few days to walk around the edge of the island to make sure. But now he stood there on the beach holding the marker he had placed there a few days ago before setting out to test his theory. No civilization, no people, and no boats along the shoreline. Jungle covered most of the island down to the beach and all the way up the central hill. He fell to his knees, then over onto his side as the sobbing began. "Nira! Jolan! Janelle! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry..." he moaned as the sun set on another day and the tide began to roll in and splash against the man lying on the wet sand.

---Part VII---
He slashed his way through the jungle with the knife which had made the crossing with him in his boot. Anger gave his limbs power and kept his legs churning as he made his way up the incline towards the summit of the island. It had been several months since his arrival here, and the man had found a rythem of anger and pain which fueled his survival and pushed him onward. Except for the times that he remembered too much and collapsed in a useless sobbing heap. Like a weakling. Like a child..."NO!" he yelled at himself. Not that. Not again. Not now that he was close to the top finally. It was steep here and the path was slippery in the torrential rain, at least when the sucking mud didn't threaten to rip the boots off his feet and keep him from moving forward. At least the rain would be filling his water pits again. They had almost run dry since the last rains. Finally, he made it around the hill and up the last part to the top of the hill just as the sky cleared and the rain went away as suddenly as it had started. He looked out over the island, slowly turning in a circle, and saw nothing but ocean as far as the eye could see past the shore. Except in some areas where the view was blocked by the tallest trees high on the top slope. He would have to sharpen some new rocks and cut them down.
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First Post
Hup! Will add the backstory and so on soon!

Wood Elf Druid 1
Background: Outlander

Str 10 2
Dex 16 7
Con 12 4
Int 10 2
Wis 16 9
Cha 11 3

HP 9
AC 13 (10 + 3)
Prof Bonus +2
Init +3

Wood Elf
+2 dex, +1 wis
Weapon Training (long/shortsword, long/shortbow)
Keen senses (trained in Perception)
Adv vs Charm, immune to magic sleep
Trance (4 hrs rest)
Fleet of Foot: base speed 35'
Mask of the Wild: Can hide with only light obscurement in natural environment

Druidic Language

Armor: Light, Medium, shields (only nonmetal armor)
Weapons: Clubs, daggers, darts, jevelins, maces, staves, scimitars, sickles, slings, spears
Tools: Herbalism Kit
Saves: Intelligence and Wisdom

Skills: Athletics and Survival
Tools: Any one musical instrument (Panflute)
Bonus Language
Origin: Forester
Feature: Wanderer (excellent memory for maps and geography, can find food and water for group)


Common, Elven, Druidic, Sylvan

Spellcasting (Save DC 13)
Slots 1 - 2
- Guidence
- Shillelagh
1 - Cure Wounds, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Thunderwave

Cash: 10gp

Staff with cougar skull mounted on top (spellcasting focus)
Dagger, +5 atk, 1d4+3dmg, 2gp
Shortbow, +5 atk, 1d6+3 dmg, 25gp

Leather armor

Explorer's pack
Hunting Trap


First Post
[sblock= J'hanna the Lioness, Fighter 1]

J’hanna bint Tazri, the Lioness

>Race/Gender: Human; female
Class/Level: Fighter 1/Ranger 0
Background: Folk hero (farmer)
Alignment: NG (tending Lawful)
Type (subtype): Humanoid (human)
Size: Medium
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 feet
Senses: N/A
Passive Perception: 11

>Hit points: 12 (10 +2 CON)
>AC: 18 (16/Chainmail; +2 Shield)
>Saves: STR, CON
>Heavy armor mastery: While wearing heavy armor bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical weapons is reduced by 3.

>Melee: Longsword +5, 1d8+3 slashing
>Melee: Whip +5, 1d4+3 slashing (reach)
>Ranged: Thrown Hand ax +5, 1d6+3 slashing (range 20/60)

STR 17 (+3)/Save +5
CON 14 (+2)/Save +4
DEX 10 (+0)/Save +0
INT 10 (+0)/Save +0
WIS 13 (+1)/Save +1
CHA 12 (+1)/Save +1

Personality (Folk hero):
>Defining event: I stood alone against a terrible monster (two hyenas that attacked my farmstead when most of the militia were helping another village).
>Trait: I face problems head-on. A simple, direct solution is the best path to success.
>Trait: My friends know they can rely on me, no matter what- and my word is ALWAYS good.
>Ideal: (Sincerity) There is no good in pretending to be something I’m not, or in saying something I know isn’t true.
>Bond: My family and the people of my village are the most important thing in my life, even when they are far from me.
>Flaw: Once someone questions my courage, I never back down- no matter how dangerous the situation.

Feats/Stat increases:
>Level 1 (racial bonus): Heavy Armor mastery (+1 STR; while wearing heavy armor bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical weapons is reduced by 3)
>Fighter 4: +1 STR (18)/+1 WIS (14)
>Fighter 6: Shield mastery
>Ranger 4: +2 STR (20)

Skills and Languages:
Acrobatics +0
*Animal handling +3
Arcana +0
*Athletics +5
Deception +1
History +0
*Insight +3
Intimidation +1
Investigation +0
Medicine +1
*Nature +2
Perception +1
Performance +1
Persuasion +1
Religion +0
Sleight of hand +0
Stealth +0 (Disadvantage- armor)
*Survival +3

Languages: Common, Elvish

Tools: vehicles (land); artisan’s tool (carpenter’s tools)

Racial features (Human- variant):
>Size: Medium; Base speed 30 feet
>Languages: common, +1 bonus (elvish)
>Ability score increase: +1 bonus to any two stats (STR, CON)
>Skill: gain 1 bonus skill (Insight)
>Feat: gain one feat of choice (Heavy Armor Mastery)

Class features (Fighter):
>Proficiencies: All armor, shields, simple weapons, martial weapons; STR and CON saves; two skills from class list (Athletics, Survival)
>Fighting style (Protection)
>Second wind: use bonus action to heal 1d10+1 HP (resets on short or long rest)

Background features (Folk hero):
>Feature: Rustic hospitality
>Skill proficiencies: Animal handling, Nature (replaces Survival)
>Tool proficiencies: Vehicles (land), artisan’s tools (carpenter’s tools)

>Chainmail armor
>Martial weapon (longsword)
>2 Handaxes
>Explorer’s pack

>Small knife (tool, not weapon)
>Artisan’s tools (carpenter’s tools)
>Common clothes (1 set)
>Slightly less than 10 gp

>History: J’hanna’s father Karim was born in a small farming village on the island of New Lunarial, but he was drafted at an early age. He served in the armies of the elven Sultan for twenty years, including 10 years in the elite Lion Guard. When he retired he was given a small farm on the estate of a prosperous noble, the emir Kazarian. Many of the elven nobles of New Lunarial paid little attention to their estates, as long as the crops and the taxes kept producing, but Kazarian seemed to genuinely care for his land and his tenants; this was quite important to the village folk since the estate was perilously close to the border of the badlands. While the soil and the water were good, the farmsteads had to deal with occasional wild beasts and even raids by the few orcs or goblins that lived in the unsettled territory. Karim was quickly deputized to lead the local militia, and he married a local woman, Tazri, whose first husband had died. Tazri had a bit of a reputation as a fine cook, and she was young enough to bear two children with Karim, their daughters J’hanna and Salima. Karim trained the local militia in his spare time, and he trained (and disciplined) his children like soldiers as well. While Salima took after her mother and trained as a cook and an herbalist, J’hanna was much more like her father- she grew up big and strong, and inclined to athletic physical pursuits; by the age of fourteen she was a member of the militia like most of the village boys of the same age.
About five years ago, the frequency of raids and animal attacks out of the badlands began to increase, and then some of the crops and livestock began to sicken. When a neighboring village was nearly wiped out by a flood, most of the healthy adults from J’hanna’s village pitched in to help- and so they were at least a full day’s walk away when a pair of vicious hyenas came out of the badlands. The beasts were hungry and brutal- then killed a pair of goats, and attacked an old man who tried to fend them off. While one of the villagers went to the neighboring farm to retrieve the rest of the adults from the militia, J’hanna strapped on her father’s old armor- somehow she managed to kill one of the beasts and injured the other so badly that it ran off; by the time the rest of the adults got back, the problem was over. For a brief time, J’hanna was something of a local hero- the local emir even discussed the idea of enrolling her in his guard in Silverport. But the chores still needed to be done and the blight kept getting worse- and J’hanna’s strong back was needed in the village. She kept her place in the village militia, but it looked as if she would stay in the village…
Last winter, several of the village folk began to sicken, and some of the livestock died; even some of the crops withered before they could be harvested. The village decided to send some of their respected elders to Silverport to petition their emir (or even the Sultan himself) for help- J’hanna was sent along to help protect the group on the roads, and to help with the chores of traveling. Her father would have gone as well, but by then he had started to sicken as well- he had a harsh hacking cough that could not be eased; he did give J’hanna the names of some of his old friends in the Sultan’s guards, just in case. When the group reached Silverport, they were well received- as noted, emir Kazarian did care for his people, and the Sultan had heard similar reports from other districts. But after careful thought, the scholars of the court had few real answers- after some debate, the emir and the sultan provided the resources for the delegation to go to the famous academy in Kingsport, in hopes of finding the answers there. The journey was long, and the answers they sought were not easy to find- days in Kingsport stretched to weeks, and the envoys seemed no closer to the help that they needed. J'hanna, away from home far longer than she had ever been before, grew bored and restless- she managed to train a bit with the local guard, just to stay in practice, but the dreary city of Kingsport was no substitute for the comforts of home. She haunted the docks as well, greeting each ship from Silverport in hopes of news from home. Had the blight begun to recede? Was her father on the mend? Were her mother and her sister, both skilled herbalists and physickers, helping the villagers in their time of trial?

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