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D&D 5E [Rogues Gallery] The Lichway

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Name: Nissa "Flyleaf" Nackle
Sex: Female
Race: Rock Gnome
Class/Level: Cleric 1
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Small
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (Gnome)
Init: +1
Senses: Darkvision (60 ft.)
Passive Perception: 14

AC: 17 (14 Scale Mail, +2 Shield, +1 Dex)
HP: 10 (1d8 +2 Con)
Saves: Wisdom & Charisma
Special Defenses: Gnome Cunning. You have advantage on all Int, Wis, and Cha saving throws against magic.

Speed: 25ft
Melee: Handaxe +1 Attack, 1d6-1 Slashing; Dagger +3 Attack, 1d4+1 Piercing
Ranged: Light Crossbow +3 Attack 1d8+1

Str 8 (-1), Dex 12 (+1) , Con 14 (+2), Int 17 (+3), Wis 15 (+2), Cha 8 (-1)

SKILLS Proficies in bold, expertise in italics: 2 Cleric, 2 Knowledge Domain (E), 2 Background
Mod Attribute Name of Skill
+1 (dex) Acrobatics
+2 (wis) Animal Handling
+7 (int) Arcana
-1 (str) Athletics
-1 (cha) Deception
+5 (int) History (+7 if checks concern items)
+4 (wis) Insight
-1 (cha) Intimidation
+5 (int) Investigation
+2 (wis) Medicine
+3 (int) Nature
+4 (wis) Perception
-1 (cha) Performance
-1 (cha) Persuasion
+7 (int) Religion
+1 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+1 (dex) Stealth *Disadvantage*
+2 (wis) Survival

Darkvision: Can see in dim light within 60' as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it was dim light
Gnome Cunning: You have advantage on all Int, Wis, and Cha saving throws against magic.
Artificer’s Lore: Whenever you make an Int (History) check related to magic items, alchemical objects, or technological devices, you can add twice your proficiency bonus, instead of any proficiency bonus you
normally apply.
Languages: Common, Gnome, Celestial, Draconic, Abyssal, Infernal

Feature: Researcher
Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, History

Traits: Soft-spoken and shy, although if you get her talking about a subject she is passionate about,
she will talk your ear off.
Ideal: The pursuit of knowledge is not only a path to self improvement, but our duty to both our ancestors and our descendants.
Bond: I work to preserve the library of Stormhaven where I studied, and hope to contribute my own works one day and restore it to its former glory!
Flaw: I am easily distracted by the promise of information. It can be quite a challenge to tear me away from my work

- Spellcasting: Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your spells. The saving throw DC to resist a spell you cast is 12. Your attack bonus when you make an attack with a spell is +4.
Proficiencies Light armor, medium armor, shields, simple weapons
Divine Domain (Knowledge) Blessing of knowledge: add two languages known, select two skills (Arcana, Religion), you double your proficiency bonus for those skills.
Cantrips Known: Guidance, Sacred Flame, Mending
1st Level Spells Prepared: Bless, Guiding Bolt, Healing Word, Command*, Identify*

Physical Appearance:
Nissa is a fairly tall (by gnome standards) gnomish woman. She is dark of hair, with hazel eyes and a bright smile. Her complexion is more tan that one would expect from someone who spends at much time pouring over old tomes as she does, a fact which she attributes to the numerous skylights that provide the illumination of Stormhaven during the daylight hours.

Nissa came to Stormhaven to study a a young age. No tragedy or twist of fate landed her on the doorstep of the library, just an unending well of curiosity about anything and everything. Poor of coin and devoid of any marketable craft skills, Nissa elected to join the priesthood of the temple that oversaw the library. She spent many years pouring over old tomes on the arcane, history, religions, and anything else she could get her hands on. It was during this time that she befriended several of the orphans that the temple had taken in. They all had very different stories,but together they made a strange sort of family.

Nissa was eventually appointed curator of the great collection, and it was at this time that she realized just how much the library and temple were in decline. Stormhaven had been built to shelter the followers of Istus from a foretold tragedy that had never come to pass, and academic interests were a luxury that few could afford in a violent war-torn world.

Fearing the decline and stagnation of her home, Nissa hatched a plan. With the help of her good friends Ren and Ethian, she was going to set out and uncover the secrets of the fabled Lichway. If the legends are true, the old Sandlander burial ground should house more than enough treasure and forgotten knowledge to both fill the Temple coffers and provide ample subject material for her first original work.
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Captain "Blackpearl" Zanword Sealeaf
Half elf paladin 1


Alignment: Chaotic Good
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (Half elf)
Init: +3
Senses: Darkvision (60 ft.)
Passive Perception: 10

AC: 17 (12 Studded leather, +2 Shield, +3 Dex)
HP: 12 (1d10 +2 Con)
Saves: Wisdom, Charisma
Special Defenses: Advantage vs Charm, Immune to magical sleep

Speed: 30ft
Melee: Cutlass 1d6+3 slash; Harpoon (1d6+3)
Ranged: Harpoon (1d6+3) 30/60

Str 12 (+1), Dex 16 (+3) , Con 14 (+2), Int 8 (-1), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 16 (+3)

SKILLS: 2 paladin, 2 background, 2 half elf
DeceptionHalf elf
StealthHalf elf

Animal HandlingWIS+0+0
History INT-1-1
Sleight of HandDEX+3+3

Half elf
Darkvision: Can see in dim light within 60' as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it was dim light normally apply.
Languages: Common, Elven, Aquan

Feature: Right of passage
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Perception

Spellcasting: Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your spells. The saving throw DC to resist a spell you cast is 13. Your attack bonus when you make an attack with a spell is +5.
Divine Sense: as an action 4/day, sense all undead, celestial or fiend within 60' who is not behind total cover. Also senses (un)hallowed areas.
Lay of Hands: As a touch action, heal 5hp, cure disease or neutralize poison. Does not affect undead or constructs.


Traits: I never pass up a friendly wager, I stretch the truth for the sake of a good story
Ideal: Respect: the ship runs on respect between captain and his crew
Bond: I want to see our bay safe from depredation of pirates and clear of smugglers, my ship may take years to repair, but I'm patient
Flaw: My pride will probably lead to my destruction - once someone questions my courage, I'll never back down

scimitar (cutlass) and shield
studded leather armor and holy symbol
5 javelins
explorers pack (50' of rope, backpack, bedroll, a mess kit, tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations and a waterskin
navigators tools, belaying pin, 50' of silk rope and 10gp
armband with black pearl

[sblock=Description and History]
Stout blond discreetly half-elven (eyes are almost purple and the ears are pointed, but human sized) Sealeaf prefers light clothes which enable free movement. All his clothes have some sort of sea motif, from fish-scale armor to his personal lucky charm, armband with black pearl embedded into it.

His shield holds wave crest over anchor device and his ship Sea Glimmer is painted deep blue with wave-like pattern over it. A dolphin jumping out of the water serves as his prow and single mast is reinforced by whale bones.

Before becoming Captain Blackpearl, Zanword Sealeaf was part of the Sea Glimmer crew that fought pirates and smugglers around the city. They were good enough in their job that low-lives finally united, trapped them and in a costly battle sank the coast guard near Lichway some years ago. The crew mostly survived, but never again organized in similar fashion. Each of them had their own lives, ships and services to serve. Youngest of the warriors, Zanword, couldn't be found and was left for dead. In reality, he washed ashore a bit further along the shore and was taken and nursed to health by a knight, last warden of the abandoned graveyard. Seeing how his life was temporary afloat, Zanword remained and started learning and caring about the mission of the old hermit. He still felt the pull of the sea and in time he repaired the ship as much as he could, but it would take many more years before the vessel was again sleek menace to the underworld.

Now, he is well known in taverns all throughout the town, as good connoisseur of wines, appreciative of good stories and songs and tavern brawls. Less known to the public is his continued struggle with smugglers and occasional patronage of clean and not so clean public houses.
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Steve Gorak

Name: Ethian of Istus
Sex: Male
Race: Half Elf
Class/Level: Sorcerer/1
Alignment: Neutral Good
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (Human, Elf)
Init: +3
Senses: Darkvision (60 ft.)
Passive Perception: 13

AC: 16 (+3 draconic resilience, +3 dex)
HP: 9 (1d6 +2 con, +1 draconic resilience)
Saves: Constitution & Charisma
Special Defenses: Fey Ancestry: advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can?t put you to sleep.

Speed: 30ft
Melee: Dagger +5 Attack, 1d4+3 Piercing
Special Attacks: Spells (level):known/slots - (0):4, (1):2/2

(0) minor illusion SM (A bit of fleece) up to 1 min duration, 30 ft range
(0) prestigitation VS, up to 1h duration, 10 ft range
(0) fire bolt VS 120 ft range 1d10 fire damage
(0) shocking grasp VS touch 1d8 electricity, advantage if metal armor, no reactions till start of next turn

(1)shield VS 1 reaction when hit, 1 round duration, +5 to AC
(1)sleep VSM (a pinch of fine sand, rose petals or a cricket), 90 ft range, 1 min duration 5d8 hp of creatures within 20ft radius

Str 8 (-1), Dex 16 (+3) , Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 16 (+3)
Base array 15-14-13-12-10-8 +2 half elf to charisma, +1 half elf to constitution and dexterity

SKILLS Proficiencies in bold: 2 half elf, 2 Sorcerer, 2 background
Mod Attribute Name of Skill
+3 (dex) Acrobatics
+1 (wis) Animal Handling
+0 (int) Arcana
-1 (str) Athletics
+5 (cha) Deception
+0 (int) History
+3 (wis) Insight
+5 (cha) Intimidation
+0 (int) Investigation
+1 (wis) Medicine
+0 (int) Nature
+3 (wis) Perception
+3 (cha) Performance
+5 (cha) Persuasion
+0 (int) Religion
+3 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+5 (dex) Stealth
+1 (wis) Survival

Darkvision: Can see in dim light within 60' as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it was dim light
Fey Ancestry: Advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can?t put you to sleep
Skill Versatility: proficient in two skills of your choice
Languages: Common, Elven, Goblin (half-elf), Draconic (sorcerer), Orc (background)

Feature: Shelter of the Faithful as acolyte
Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Stealth
Tool Proficiencies: thieves? tools
Language: 1 extra language

Traits: I would rather make a new friend than a new enemy
Ideal: I?m loyal to my friends and to the priests that took me in, not to any ideals, and everyone else can take a trip down the Styx for all I care.
Bond: Someone I loved died because of a mistake I made. That will never happen again. Also, I owe my life to the priest who took me in when my
mother died
Flaw: I put too much trust in those who wield power within my temple?s hierarchy

- Spellcasting: Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your spells. The saving throw DC to resist a spell you cast is 13. Your attack bonus when you make an attack with a spell is +5.
- Draconic Ancestry: You can speak, read, and write Draconic. Whenever you make a Charisma check when interacting with dragons, your proficiency bonus is doubled if it applies to the check.
- Draconic Resilience: +1 HP per sorcerer level

Proficiencies Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows

Arcane focus (Wand)
Holy symbol (amulet, kept hidden)
A dungeoneer?s pack
One dagger

A crow bar, a set o f dark common clothes including a hood, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp

Also, as backup:
A bit of fleece (minor illusion), a pinch of sand, kept in belt pouch

Money: 15 gp

Physical Appearance:
Ethian is a thin half elf, 5 foot 8 inches tall, and weighs 150 poinds. He has pale skin, gold eyes and dark brown hair.

Ethian never knew his father, and his elven mother died when his sorcerous powers started manifesting as a toddler. He later learned that he was responsible for her death, shock-grasping her during a toddler's tantrum. His elven family forsook him, and left him to be raised by the priests of knowledge, hoping that they could better help him learn to control his powers. He has not yet gotten over the guilt of his mother's death and has never had the courage to meet his elven kin.

He grew up in the orphanage, but was somewhat aloof during the priest's teachings, preferring to learn how to harness his own powers and sharpen his skills. He has put his knack for influencing others at the disposal of the church, by learning how to gather information and bringing it back to the priesthood. He is friends with Ren and Nissa, with whom he grew up with, and considers them as family.

On a recent mission, he retrieved a tome of ancient history describing long lost rituals and ancient entities. He couldn't resist consulting the manual before bringing it to the priesthood, and his mind has been racing ever since. He's been having strange dreams too... (setting things up for warlock)
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
[MENTION=15132]Steve Gorak[/MENTION], you're probably having WIS 12 and not 14 or your mod isn't right and some other attribute is too high.

Erm...apologies everyone, didn't realize this is RG thread :-S
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Javier the Rat
He stands a few inches over six feet and weighs a good two hundred some odd pounds. He's big and muscular, but he tends to slouch most of the time. His hair is long and unkempt, and he hasn't shaved yet this week. His beard grows in patchy.

[sblock=Javier the Rat]
Rogue 1
Male Human (variant)
(boosted DEX and CON, took Intimidation, took Moderately Armored)
Proficiency +2
Passive Perception 13

+5 shortsword, 1d6+3 piercing damage
+5 light crossbow, 1d8+3 piercing damage
+1d6 sneak attack, if applicable

Armor Class: 18 | scale mail and shield

Hit Points: 11 of 11

He stands a few inches over six feet and weighs a good two hundred some odd pounds. He's big and muscular, but he tends to slouch most of the time. His hair is long and unkempt, and he hasn't shaved yet this week. His beard grows in patchy.

10 Strength | +0
16 Dexterity | +3
16 Constitution | +3
8 Intelligence | -1
12 Wisdom | +1
13 Charisma | +1

Skills: (* = trained)
+3 acrobatics
+1 animal handling
-1 arcana
+2 athletics*
+3 deception*
-1 history
+1 insight
+5 intimidation**
-1 investigation
+1 medicine
-1 nature
+3 perception*
+1 performance
+1 persuasion
-1 religion
+7 sleight of hand**
+5 stealth*
+1 survival

Gaming Set
Land Vehicles
Thieves' Tools

Soldier Background
Javier never took to soldiering. He campaigned for two years before he deserted. He saw a few battles from the distance, but only once was he caught up in the actual fighting. Once was enough. He disappeared on a scouting mission two months later, and he left his cloak stained with deer's blood hanging from a tree branch. They probably think he's dead.

Trait: Everybody is an idiot until they prove otherwise.

Ideal: Above all else, pragmatism. There's no sense getting yourself killed over something stupid.

Bond: Not everybody is willing to get their hands dirty. I'll get mine twice as dirty so they'll keep an eye on my back while I'm doing it.

Flaw: I'm a mean-spirited lout who will look to my own skin if the chips are down.

Scale Mail
Light Crossbow
20 Bolts
Thieves' Tools
5 Torches
10 Pieces of Chalk
Scroll Case

1 sp, 5 cp

Javier plans to beg rations from other people, or to catch something he can roast over the fire.



[sblock=Rurik Frostbeard, Connoisseur]
[sblock=Game Info]
Race: Mountain Dwarf
Class: Rogue
Background: Folk Hero
Level: 1
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Thieves' Cant
STR: 17 +3
DEX: 12 +1
CON: 16 +3
INT: 12 +1
WIS: 10 +0
CHA: 08 -1[/sblock]
HP: 11 = [1d8=8] + 3 (CON) + 0 (misc)
HD: 1d8
AC: 14 = 10 + 3 (armor) + 0 (shield) + 1 (DEX) + 0 (misc)
INIT: +1 = +1 (DEX) + 0 (misc)
Prof: +2
Str: +3 = +0 (prof) + 3 (abi)
Dex: +3 = +2 (prof) + 1 (abi)
Con: +3 = +0 (prof) + 3 (abi)
Int: +3 = +2 (prof) + 1 (abi)
Wis: +0 = +0 (prof) + 0 (abi)
Cha: -1 = +0 (prof) - 1 (abi)
Speed: 25 ft.
[sblock=Weapon Stats]
Shortsword (melee): +5 = +2 (PROF) + 3 (STR) / DMG = 1d6+3(P), Finesse
[sblock=Racial Traits]
+2 Str, +2 Con
Darkvision 60 ft.
Dwarven Resilience (Advantage/Resistance vs. Poison)
Dwarven Armour Training (Light & Mediuem)
Dwarven Combat Training (Battleaxe, Handaxe, Throwing Hammer, Warhammer)
Tool Proficiency (Smith's Tools)
[sblock=Class Features]
Light Armour
Simple Weapons, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords
Thieves' Tool
Dexterity, Inttelligence Saves
Deception, Intimidate, Perception, Stealth
Expertise (Intimidate, Stealth)
Sneak Attack 1d6
Thieves' Cant[/sblock]
[sblock=Background Features]
Animal Handling, Brewer's Tools, Survival
Rustic Hospitality[/sblock]
Total                      Stat   Prof  Misc       Dis/Adv
+01 =  Acrobatics          +01    +00   +00   DEX
+02 =  Animal Handling     +00    +02   +00   Wis
+01 =  Arcana              +01    +00   +00   INT
+03 =  Athletics           +03    +00   +00   STR
+01 =  Deception           -01    +02   +00   CHA
+01 =  History             +01    +00   +00   INT
+00 =  Insight             +00    +00   +00   WIS
+03 =  Intimidation        -01    +04   +00   CHA
+01 =  Investigation       +01    +00   +00   INT
+00 =  Medicine            +00    +00   +00   WIS
+01 =  Nature              +01    +00   +00   INT
+02 =  Perception          +00    +02   +00   WIS
-01 =  Performance         -01    +00   +00   CHA
-01 =  Persuasion          -01    +00   +00   CHA
+01 =  Religion            +01    +00   +00   INT
+01 =  Sleight of Hand     +01    +00   +00   DEX
+05 =  Stealth             +01    +04   +00   DEX
+02 =  Survival            +00    +02   +00   WIS
Brewer's Supplies
Smith's Tools
Thieves' Tools[/sblock]
Equipment                    Cost   Weight
Common Clothes                5 sp    3 lbs.
Chain Shirt                  50 gp   20 lbs.
Shortsword                   10 gp    2 lbs.
Backpack                      2 gp    5 lbs.
- 2 Common Clothes            1 gp    6 lbs.
- 5 Days Rations            2.5 gp    5 lbs.
- 50 ft Hempen Rope           1 gp   10 lbs.
- Bedroll                     1 gp    7 lbs.
- Crowbar                     2 gp    5 lbs.
- Hammer                      1 gp    3 lbs.
- Mess Kit                    2 sp    1 lb.
- Soap                        2 cp    -
- Tankard                     2 cp    1 lb.
- Whetstone                   1 cp    1 lb.
Flask                         2 cp    1 lb.
Pouch                         5 sp    1 lb.
- Thieves' Tools             25 gp    1 lb.
- Tinderbox                   5 sp    1 lb. 
Waterskin                     2 sp    5 lbs.

Total weight carried: 78 lbs.
Treasure: 2 gp, 5 sp, 3 cp Gems:

Carrying Capacity: 255
Push/Drag/Lift: 510[/sblock]
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 142
Height: 4'4"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Hair Color: Chestnut Brown
Eye Color: Steely Grey
Skin Color: Ruddy Tan
Appearance: Minimally Well-Groomed (Unkept to a Dwarf)
Demeanor: Lazy[/sblock]
[sblock=History]... [/sblock]
[sblock=Adventure Notes] None yet[/sblock]


First Post
Name: Mistral SilverTongue

Sex: Male
Race: Human
Class/Level: Bard/1
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (human)
Init: +3
Senses: Normal
Passive Perception: 15

AC: 15 (12 Studded Leather Armor +3 dex)
HP: 9 (1d8 +1 con)
Saves: Dexterity & Charisma
Special Defenses:

Speed: 30ft
Melee: Rapier (Finesse) +5 Attack, 1d8+3 Piercing
Ranged: (Hand Crossbow, ammunition, range 80/320, loading) +5 ATK, 1d6+3 Piercing
Special Attacks:
Spells: Attack +5 (Saving Throw DC: 13)
Cantrips Known: Mage Hand, Light, Eldritch Blast, Minor Illusion
Spell Slots: (1st) 2 + 1/day Hex
Spells Known: Healing Word (1st), Charm Person (1st), Sleep (1st) Thunderwave (1st)**Hex (1st)

Str 8 (-1), Dex 16 (+3) +1 racial, Con 12 (+1), Int 10 (+0), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 16 (+3) +1 racial

Traits: I'm well known for my work, and I want to make sure everyone appreciates it. I'm always taken aback when people haven't heard of me.
Ideal: Generosity: My talents were given to me so that I could use them to benefit the world.
Bond: I will get revenge on the evil forces that destroyed my place of business and ruined my livelihood.
Flaw: I'm horribly jealous of anyone who can outshine my handiwork. Everywhere I go, I'm surrounded by rivals.

Skills (Proficient in bold) 3 Bard, 1 Human, 2 background
Mod Attribute Name of Skill
+5 (dex) Acrobatics
+0 (wis) Animal Handling
+0 (int) Arcana
-1 (str) Athletics
+5 (cha) Deception
+0 (int) History
+3 (wis) Insight
+3 (cha) Intimidation
+0 (int) Investigation
+0 (wis) Medicine
+0 (int) Nature
+2 (wis) Perception
+3 (cha) Performance
+5 (cha) Persuasion
+0 (int) Religion
+5 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+5 (dex) Stealth
+0 (wis) Survival

Languages: Common, Elvish, Halfing, Sylvan

Racial Abilities:

Feats: Magic Initiate Warlock: Hex, Eldritch Blast, Minor Illusion

Background Abilities: Guild Merchant:

Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Persuasion
Tool Proficiencies: vehicles (land)
Languages: Any one standard languages of your choice
Equipment: A set of traveler's clothes, Artisans Tools, belt pouch containing 15gp

Feature: Guild Merchant: Buy/sell the works of others.

Spellcasting: Charisma DC 13
- Bardic Inspiration (d6) (3 uses)
Proficient: Light armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords
Tools: 3 musical instruments (Lute, Horn, Flute), Artisan Tools

Combat Gear:
Hand Crossbow w/ 20 bolts
Studded Leather Armor

Other Gear:

Traveler's clothes
Belt pouch
50' hempen rope
component pouch
mess kit
10 torches
10 days of rations
Money: 20 gp, 5 sp

Weight Carried: xx lbs
Carrying Capacity: 120 lbs
Push/Drag/Lift: 240 lbs

Physical Appearance:
Long brown hair, Green Eyes. 5'-10" and around 170 LB.

Mistral came from a poor Luskan family. He was apprenticed for his father the armor smith for one of the prominent trade conglomerates. Mistral was one of 4 apprentices but felt he had a knack for the skills. It was extremely competitive and he quickly became the favored apprentice. Until, one day, the shop was found burned down with the master smith inside.
While likely another shop was responsible, all four apprentices were held accountable. Their apprenticeships were canceled from the Guild. People knew too well the level of competitiveness that was going on. Mistral was crushed and since this had been his one valid ticket to success with his background. He has since suspected one of the other apprentices were responsible he has vowed to find the murderer of his master and take them to justice. However, he was stuck in a big city with no allies, no money, and in desperate straights.
He was approached from one of the High Captains. He mentioned that Mistral had a knack and talent that shoudn't go wasted. The captain trained Mistral about some of the finer arts which he quickly took an immediate liking to. He began work in the trade district helping to acquire materials needed for other smiths hired directly by the High Captain. His social skills grew and was soon asked to take on more responsibility in acquiring more high end materials and traveling to nearby trade settlements to help broker the deals.
He soon came to suspect that the fire of his shop was more than just a local rivalry. Perhaps the Captain realized something was up but he shortly after sent Mistral on a further trade agreement (or so he suspects) to keep him out of town for a short while.
During his travels he has become quite famous as a performer and is starting to make a name for himself in which he hopes will help him create an organization able trade secrets, etc.
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Brother Dave

First Post
I still need to finish fixing the equipment list and updating the background and description, but here's Ren:

[sblock=Ren of Istus]

Ren of Istus

Sex: Male
Race: Human
Class/Level: Fighter/1
Alignment: Neutral Good
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (human)
Init: +0
Senses: Normal
Passive Perception: 13


AC 18 (16 chain mail + 2 shield)
HP 13 (1d10 +3 con)
Saves: Strength, Constitution


Speed: 30ft
Melee (Warhammer, versatile 1d10) +5 ATK, 1D8+3 bludgeoning
Ranged (Hand Axe, light, thrown 20/60) +5 ATK, 1d6+3 slashing


Str 16 (+3) Save +5*
Dex 10 (+0) Save +0
Con 16 (+3) Save +5*
Int 12 (+1) Save +1
Wis 13 (+1) Save +1
Cha 8 (-1) Save -1


Traits: I'm a bit shy and have little practical experience dealing with people outside of the temple, but I'm fiercely protective of my friends. I also believe that anything worth doing is worth doing right. I can't help it - I'm a perfectionist.
Ideals: My talents were given to me so that I could use them to benefit the world.
Bonds: Nissa is my best friend. I will do anything to help and protect her and the church that took me in.
Flaws: Once I start a project, I become obsessed with it to the detriment of everything else in my life.

Skills & Languages

Skills: Athletics +5, History +3, Insight +3, Perception +3, Religion +3
Languages: Common, giant, gnomish

Racial Features: Variant Human

  • Ability Score Increase: +1 to Strength, +1 to Constitution
  • Skill Proficiencies: Perception
  • Languages: Common, Giant
  • Feat: Heavy Armor Master (+1 STR, -3 dmg from non-magical B/P/S weapons)

Background Features: Church Artisan

  • Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Religion
  • Tool Proficiencies: Mason's Tools
  • Languages: Gnomish
  • Equipment: Traveller's Clothes, Holy symbol of Istus (amulet), Mason's tools, Belt pouch with 15 gp
  • Feature: Shelter of the Faithful (as Acolyte).

Class Features: Fighter

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per fighter level + CON modifier
  • Armor Proficiencies: All armor, shields
  • Weapon Proficiencies: Simple weapons, martial weapons
  • Tool Proficiencies: none
  • Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, History
  • Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
  • Equipment: Chain mail, shield, warhammer, 2 hand axes, dungeoneer's pack
  • Feature: Fighting Style (Protection). Reaction to impose disadvantage on attacks vs allies within 5' when using shield.
  • Feature: Second Wind. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.


Combat Gear:
  • Warhammer [2 lbs]
  • Hand Axes (x 2) [4 lbs]
  • Chain Mail [55 lbs]
  • Shield [6 lbs]

Other Gear:
  • Traveler's clothing [6 lbs]
  • Holy symbol of Istus (amulet) []
  • Pouch [1 lb]
  • backpack [5 lbs]
    • Mason's Tools []
    • 50' hempen rope [10 lbs]
    • bedroll [7 lbs]
    • mess kit [1 lb]
    • tinderbox [1 lb]
    • torches (x 10) [10 lbs]
    • rations, per day (x 10) [20 lbs]
    • waterskin, full [5 lbs]

Money: 15 gp [~0.3 lbs]

Weight Carried: lbs
Carrying Capacity:
240 lbs
Push/Drag/Lift: 480 lbs


Age 19, 6'4", 230 lbs, blond hair, green eyes, tanned skin


Ren (he doesn't know his last name, so he just goes by Ren or Ren of Istus) was orphaned at a young age and lived on the streets for a while until the church took him in. He was tall and strong for his age, and showed a natural affinity for stonework and sculpture, so he was put to work maintaining the stonework in the temple and library in exchange for room and board and martial training (and of course daily lessons and devotions). His natural curiosity led him to an interest in the history of the buildings and the extensive stonework he was working on, which led to an interest in both sculpture and in general history - which ultimately led to Nissa.

Ren met and befriended Nissa while repairing a crumbling bit of wall in the library, and began finding excuses to visit with her in his free time. Before long he was spending all of his free time not already devoted to his sculpture following Nissa around, helping her fetch books and scrolls, and asking endless questions about her research. He didn't always understand everything she said, but he found it fascinating, and couldn't help but get caught up in her passion for restoring the library. Over time he developed a great fondness for her (not anything romantic, but more as the sister he never had) and took on the self-imposed role as her assistant and protector.

When Nissa announced her intention to seek out the Lichway, Ren immediately requested leave to accompany her.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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