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Leif's 4E Adventuring in Encastulum [IC 01]


In the Tower -- Samwell

Samwell smiles broadly and rubs his hands together in glee. "I shall provide you with a chart showing the terrain of the area and likely roosting sites for ogres, and you may be on your way soon! Do you think it is wise for just the two of you to go, or do you wish to add another sword or three to your force?"

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In the Tower -- Samwell

After a bit of rummaging, Samwell produces a parchment map showing the city and surrounding areas. He indicates a region of rough wasteland that begins about a dozen miles away, "It is in this region where the Ogres are unusally active of late. These settlements along this edge of the wilderness," he says, indicating on the map, "have been at particularly high risk. Most of the settlements here are no more than one or two farms near enough together to have some feeling of neighborliness between them. The closest civilized place is here,"" he points to a silver star that is in the approximate center of the "settlements" and right on the brink of the wild lands. "This is John Applejohn's roadhouse, The Quiet Harpy. Here you may get a reasonably priced bed for the night, excellent meals, and the best ale for five hundred miles. This being the heart of civilization for the area, John Applejohn also serves as moneychanger, chirurgeon, father confessor, and hedge wizard. And occasionally blacksmith and animal husbandman."
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Rydan is a little taken aback at his companion's eagerness. He looks at the map with interest. "I do look forward to meeting this John Applejohn and sampling his food and drink." He considers a moment, "um, perhaps some extra help is warranted..."


In the Tower -- Samwell

OOC: Where will you begin to look for help? dream66_ is considering joining the game and should soon be posting a proposed character for me to review. He/She could possibly join your group either here in the city before you leave, fall in with you on the road, or be in John Applejohn's place, The Quiet Harpy, looking for work. I'm open to suggestions concerning this from any/all of you, including you, dream66_. Please post any suggestions in the OOC.

Samwell says, "You know what? Give me just a moment." He takes the map, grabs a slender volume from a shelf along with a delicate, long-necked glass decanter adjacent to the thin tome, and excuses himself with a gesture before he vanishes. Samwell reappears in the same spot half a moment later with the slender volume, and two copies of the map. The decanter is nowhere to be seen. He hands the map copy to Rydan, saying, "I thought that this might be of use to all of you."
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First Post
Irinea crouches in the undergrowth looking at the strip of unnatural stone the mortals call a road. It doesn't give off the feeling of death like the weapons of war, yet it is not alive like the forest, maybe it has a life of it's own. Even the elves use these roads, the elves walk in two worlds. Perhaps, she can as well.

Quietly she sits. She waits. She must find the right path to walk.


First Post
Firil's smiles once more.

Come then Rydan! Great adventure and a hard hunt await. Let's not keep the prey waiting.

He turns to Samwell.

We hope to return soon. Make sure all preparations on your side are in order. We will report back as soon as we can.

He turns lightly on his feet and begins to leave.


To The Quiet Harpy

You still have a couple of hours of daylight left, so you judge that you can make it to The Quiet Harpy by dusk or just after by taking a leisurely stroll that way. If you would rather go a bit faster, you can make it there a bit sooner, but it's not overly wise to run yourselves ragged on the first day. After you have traveled a bout a mile, you notice someone behind you on the road a little distance behind you.
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First Post
Without turning around, Firil says quietly:

Rydan, I believe we are being watched. I cannot tell if they are hostile or not but we best be on our guard.

His hands fall subtly toward his axes.

Voidrunner's Codex

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