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Relic Hunters in Tekumel (IC)

Deuce Traveler

The voyage through the ever twisting storm that separates your land from Tekumel is always rough going, but this time your two-masted brig sloop, Ching Shih, had several large waves surprise the crew in between tethering stations and you lost over three dozen good women when they were swept overboard. Still, your talents and seamanship saw you through the rest of it without further tragedy and you limped your way through with only half a ship compliment until you reached the starless night sky of Tekumel. Your cargo of iron ingots and coal also made it largely intact.

Your navigator (and acting captain when the relic hunters are not aboard), Jacquotte Delahaye, informs you that the ship made it through in good condition but that she will be looking to recruit more crew members to replace those lost before you can set out to deep sea once again. Captain Angelina Crawford nods her assent and helms the ship on its final leg past the Isle of Vra where your ship shared waters with the many fisherman of that land. Past Point Kune a lookout post housing a company of the Empire's Legion of the Sapphire Kettle, with their embroidered blue shields and stout javelins. Past strategically vital Thayuri Isle, where many battles had been fought from the time the fisherman king Ho Etehltu slew his own brothers and the famed Dragon Warriors in order to secure his throne untold ages ago, to the more sporadic raids of the club-wielding lizardmen called Hlutgru. And finally into the mouth of the Missuma River that leads to the great city of Jakalla, its ancient and impressively tall walls punctuated by a scattering of spires and towers. Captain Crawford guides the ship towards the eastern side of the city, as foreigners are only allowed to berth at Musa Jakall Harbor.

Spotters must have seen your ship approach, as you can hear the loud TUNG! TUNG! TUNG! of drums being beaten to alert the port officials to prepare. Moments later the drums are met with the sounds of various bells as well as the occassional gong. It is midday and many of the various religious sects are currently making a call to prayer, adding to the cacophany of sound. The smell of salty sea is also mixed with other influences, from the burning of trash pit on the outskirts of the city to the smoke of incense. Along the deck you see your elder butler and majordomo, James Grace, awaiting you ashore. That's never a good sign when he goes out of his way to meet you at port. That usually means that something happened between visits that he wants you to find out from him first. You can't help but wonder if it involves Handsome Jack and his salty crew, since you could not help but notice his ship, the Bonne Homme Ricard, was also at port. As you disembark, James Grace greets you and notes, "Good day to you, ladies. Strange that you seem to be short some crew. I hope it was the result of homesickness on the part of the sailors and not something more regrettable. I have sent a runner to gather some porters from the Green Pyramid clan to handle your cargo and luggage."

Sure enough you see several Tsoyani men and women quickly moving towards your ship. Like most Tsoyaini, the men are muscular and medium-built, copper-skinned with their square jaws, hawk-like noses, and glossy black hair. The women looks similar, but with more aquiline noses, triangular features, wide cheekbones, and rather voluptous figures. The Green Pyramid clan is among those of the least social status in Tekumel, and so are often depended upon as laborers. Because James Grace has the good sense to make frequent calls upon the head of the Green Pyramid house hold, takes time to explain your needs, pays above the norm, and seeks out the Green Pyramid clan first for your labor needs, he also has saved your crew money in the long run as the clan polices its own and ensures that everything is offloaded diligently enough to avoid materials becoming broken or going missing. They have been dependable in the past as porters, gardeners, maids, and as merchants of basic goods. Due to their access, they have also been of use to your crew as occassional spies, informing you of chatter they have heard from other foreigners of your district. They rarely ever spy on their fellow Tekumel people, although they have been free with open rumors.

You turn your attention back to James Grace, and you still can't help but wonder what he else he might have to say. He motions you away from the Green Pyramid clan and their labors. After all, as good as they have been as spies for you, there is every bit of reason to believe they are sometimes also paid ears for others.

NPCS of Note:
Ching Shih - Alright, maybe not a character, but you still can't help but to thing of your ship as having a personality. The wooden ship has two masts, ten cannons, a cargo hold, and a ship compliment of 75 salty she-devils. Captained by a relic hunter when one is aboard, and by Jacquotte Delahaye when one is not.
Jacquotte Delahaye- A woman of mixed heritage, she is dark-skinned with curly red hair and a quick mind with a temper to match. A born leader, she leads your crew of sailors on the ship when on mission and all relic hunters are disembarked or drinking and brawling at taverns when you are at port.
James Grace- Your estate majordomo and butler in Tekumel. Handles the logistics and finances for your crew when you are away. He was one a stalwart friend and adventurer for Mr. Crawford until age caught up with him. He now serves Mr. Crawford's daughter as an advisor. A good and dependable man.
Lord Horatio North- The realms ambassador to the unimportant post of Tekumel, more due to his family connections it is said than actual professional success. A man who tries to make up for his lack of talent with zest and an overly large ego. His galas are a constant break from the monotony of the post for those members of the ream that aren't relic hunters.
Handsome Jack- A no-good scallywag. A dishonest, lying dog lacking in sense, morality or common decency. A swindler, rogue, and villain. A sometimes blackguard, sometimes heel, and often crook. A ne'er-do-well no matter how many chances you give him. A charlatan of heart. A scalawag of sense. A rapscallion who lacks the brains to understand when his presence is neither sought nor welcome. A trickster who must never be trusted. A scoundrel of the lowest sort. A reprobate without shame or equal. An arrogant deviant who isn't at all the athletically, physically becoming sight he and many easily fooled women think he is. Captain Crawford also hates his stupidly perfect teeth and his stupidly perfect smile.

OOC Thread: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...-and-Crusades-rules-Tekumel-Campaign-Setting)
Rogue Gallery: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?410617-RG-Relic-Hunters-in-Tekumel
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Zephia is eager, more than eager, to get off the ship and stretch her legs. She is overdue for a bath, a good meal, and companionship, in that order. Despite these needs, she waits for the captain to give the go ahead to officially disembark, albeit impatiently.


Queen of Everything
Handsome Jack- A no-good scallywag. A dishonest, lying dog lacking in sense, morality or common decency. A swindler, rogue, and villain. A sometimes blackguard, sometimes heel, and often crook. A ne'er-do-well no matter how many chances you give him. A charlatan of heart. A scalawag of sense. A rapscallion who lacks the brains to understand when his presence is neither sought nor welcome. A trickster who must never be trusted. A scoundrel of the lowest sort. A reprobate without shame or equal. An arrogant deviant who isn't at all the athletically, physically becoming sight he and many easily fooled women think he is. Captain Crawford also hates his stupidly perfect teeth and his stupidly perfect smile.

OOC: OOC: DT I just love you. I just laughed so hard, tears were pouring out my eyes. This is exactly what I figured Jack and Angelica are, I just hadn't had the chance yet to form those thoughts into words. Awesome. Purely awesome. I will try to get an IC post up tonight :)


Queen of Everything
Angelina Crawford, the auburn haired adventurer, steps off her ship with her jaw clenched. She can't help it that every time she has any reminder of... him... her body betrays her with some kind of physical reaction, for better or for worse. Her teal eyes, the color of the sea itself, dart around looking for trouble. Luckily she finds none at the moment and she starts to relax when she sees her house manager, James Grace.

She places a hand upon his shoulder. "James, it is excellent to see you my friend. Sadly we had some trouble along the way and lost some good crew. We will have to make arrangements to notify their families and arrange compensation for them. But not now we all are in need of a good cleaning and decent food. Let us walk." She waits for her sister and best friends to exit off the ship and join them.

Angelina waits until they are a little way off the dock and out of the range of any strangers. "So, you don't usually bother to drag your ass out here and meet us right off the ship. While I appreciate it and all, why don't you tell me the bad news now and get it over with?" she grins while running a hand through her long hair. "I would quite rather have it out of the way so I can enjoy my bath."


First Post
OOC: You've gotta check out the photo I added on the Rogues Gallery, it is so perfect. I had to try to keep up with Queenie's gorgeous picture, I know why Handsome Jack hangs around.

Elsbeth stretches as she comes onto the dock, she's happy to be on land again, she enjoys their adventures, but not the trip it takes to get there and especially not the storms. The large Raven Branwyn flits down and lands on her shoulder.

"You want to stretch your wings?" she says to her.

"Yes" the bird croaks back.

"Well, come back when I need you."

With that the Raven takes wing and is off.

She follows along listening without interrupting, but her attention perks up with a bit of a smile at the mention of a bath.

[section]Briony threw back her head, tipping back and draining the dregs from a cast-off bottle of rum. Shaking the empty bottle and peering into its contents, Briony shook her head. The empty bottle fell discarded with a dull clank to the floor of the hold. "Damn. Empty. Go find another, hmmm?" Briony picked up her sword, callused fingers sweeping with love along the length of the blade. "Come, darling, let's us take a bit of a walk." She strapped the weapon onto her back. Fingers trailing a caress along two of the Ching Shih's ten cannons, Briony headed above deck.

Disembarking with a long-legged lope, Briony strode down the gangway. "James Grace!" Briony called loudly, not caring whose head turned to watch. Once off the gangway and onto the dock, Briony took a moment to steady herself. "Sea legs. Ugh." A hand shot out in greeting. "Master Grace. You're a sight for sore eyes." Briony turned a thumb to Angelina. "She's not harassing you again, I hope. Always with the questions, this one. Hurry up, Angelina. Business can wait. I'm in want of a drink." [/section]

[section]Briony threw an easy arm around Zephia's shoulders. "One, two, three drinks, what's the difference? Join me?" Briony grinned at Zephia.[/section]


First Post
"That sounds like wise advice, I could definitely use from fresh food. However, I'm sure we didn't come all this way merely for the food and drink."

Voidrunner's Codex

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