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Name: Helios Maskell
Class: Paladin 1
Background: Noble
Race: 1/2 Orc
Alignment: Neutral Good
Languages: Common, Orc, Celestial

Hit dice: 1d10+2

Passive Perception:
Passive investigation: 10

18 Chainmail, Shield
Initiative: -1
Speed: 30'

Saving Throws:

Str 3
Dex -1
Con 2
Int 0
* Wis 3
* Cha 4

Base Stats
Strength: 16 (+3) Dexterity: 8 (-1) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 10 (0) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 15 (+2)


Acrobatics -1
Animal Handling +1
Arcana +0
*Athletics +5
Deception +2
*History +2
*Insight +3
*Intimidation +4
Investigation +0
Medicine +1
Nature +0
Perception +1
Performance +2
*Persuasion +4
Religion +0
Slight of Hand -1
Stealth -1
Survival +1
* = proficiency

Other Proficiencies:
Armor: All light, medium and heavy armour, shields
Weapons: All simple and martial weapons
Tools: Dragon Chess Set

Melee: +5
Ranged: +1

Longsword To Hit +5 Damage 1d8+3/S
Javelin To Hit +5 Damage 1d6+3/P


Bought gear (120gp starting gold)

Chain mail 75
Shield 10
4 Javelins 2
Longsword 15
Explorers Pack 10
Holy Symbol (Amulet) 5

Total 117

Background gear
- Set of Fine clothes
- Signet Ring
- Scroll of pedigree
- Purse with 25 gp

Total gold left: 28gp

Features and Traits:
Darkvision 60ft
Relentless Endurance
Savage Attack
Feature: Position of Privalige
Divine Sense x3 LR
Lay on Hands: Action, Touch, (5) [S/LR??]

Background Info
Age: 16
Height: 6’5”
Weight: 285 lbs.
Eyes: Black
Skin: Tanned
Hair: Black

Personality Traits:

  • Despite my noble birth, I do not place myself above other folk. We all have the same blood.
  • The common folk love me for my kindness and generosity.

Ideals: Noble Obligation. It is my duty to protect and care for the people beneath me (Good)
Bonds: I am in love with the heif of a family but that family despises me.
Flaws: Too often I hear veiled insults and threats in every word addressed to me and I am quick to anger.

Character Background

Helios is the product of a failed marriage between a daughter of the Maskell family and Grushnak, an Orc chieftan. Helios' mother, Anya, did her duty to her family and produced a child that would cement an alliance between the two warring factions. Despite this, she loved he son more than anything in the world and raised him with kindness and love. If only the rest of the family had been so kind, Helios endured many taunts about his "mixed blood" and "mongrel" status but due to his mothers influence his status as a member of the Maskell family was never questioned.

Helios grew to manhood quickly, quicker than the other noblemen and early on dedicated himself to Torm. He learnt from his mother the responisbilities of the noble caste and could often be found doing civic works alongside his mother. Grushnak at no stage expressed any interest in his half-human progeny but whilst Helios lived the treaty between the humans and orc was in place.

The taunts of the others have left Helios sensitive to percieved slights and he can react quite aggressively when he feels insulted. This is seen as further evidence of the taint of his orcish side. When he was twelve, Helios had the misfortune of meeting the fifteen year old Margaritte, heiress of House Val Moran. It was a misfortune in the sense that as soon as he laid eyes on her his heart was lost. When it became known how the young half orc felt, the Val Moran family sent a messenger to House Maskell with the message that under no circumstances would they entertain a suit from Helios.

Crushed, Helios turned more ferverently to Torm and in a few short years he was granted status as a Paladin of Torm.
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Ibn Khaldun

I think this is everything...

[B]Name[/B]: Cruciger Vulpes 
[B]Class/Level[/B]: Druid 1
[B]Race[/B]: Elf (Wood)

STR:  8 (-1)
DEX: 14 (+2)
CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 10 (+0)
WIS: 16 (+3)
CHA: 13 (+1)

[B]Hit Dice[/B]: d8
[B]Hit Points[/B]: 10

[B]Saving Throws[/B]:
STR: -1
DEX: +2
CON: +2
INT: +2*
WIS: +5*

[B]ARMOR CLASS[/B]: 14 / 15 w/Shield

[B]Features / Traits[/B]:
- Darkvision (60')
- Keen Senses
- Fey Ancestry
- Trance
- Elf Weapon Training
- Fleet of Foot
- Mask of the Wild
- Druidic
- Spellcasting

Acrobatics:      +0
Animal Handling: +3
Arcana:          +0
Athletics:       +1*
Deception:       +1
History:         +0
Insight:         +3
Intimidation:    +1
Investigation:   +0
Medicine:        +3
Nature:          +0
Perception:      +5*
Performance:     +1
Persuasion:      +1
Religion:        +0
Sleight of Hand: +0
Stealth:         +0
Survival:        +5*

[B]Weapon Proficiencies[/B]:
- Clubs
- Daggers
- Darts
- Javelins
- Longbow
- Longsword
- Maces
- Quarterstaffs
- Scimitars
- Shortbow
- Shortsword
- Sickles
- Slings
- Spears

[B]Armor Proficiencies[/B]:
- Light armor**
- Medium Armor**
- Shields**

[B]Tool Proficiencies[/B]:
- Herbalism Kit

- Cantrips - 2 known
  - Produce Flame
  - Shillelagh
- 1st Level - 5 known / 2 slots
  - Entangle
  - Faerie Fire
  - Goodberry
  - Healing Word
  - Speak with Animals

- Hide Armor (10gp, AC 12)
- Wooden Shield (10gp, AC +2)
- Quarterstaff (2sp, 1d6 / 1d8 bludgeoning)
- Druidic Focus - Sprig of Mistletoe (1gp)
- Explorer's Pack (10gp)
- Traveller's Clothes
- Currency: 28gp, 8sp (60gp starting)

[B]Background[/B]: Outsider

[B]Personality Traits[/B]:
"I'm driven by a wanderlust that led me away from home."

"Life is like the seasons, in constant change, and we must change with it."

"I suffer awful visions of a coming disaster and will do anything to prevent it."

"I am slow to trust members of other races, tribes, and societies."

*  Proficiency
** Metal forbidden
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Balthassar of the Yellow Rose

Balthassar "Frostburn" of the Yellow Rose
Dragonborn Sorcerer

[sblock=Basic information]
Name: Balthassar of the Yellow Rose
Sex: Male
Race: Dragonborn
Class/Level: Sorcerer 1
Alignment: Neutral Good
Size: Medium
Type: Humanoid
Speed: 30ft.
Init: +1
Prof. Bonus: +2
Passive Perception: 10

AC: 14
Maximum HP: 9
Current HP: 9
Saves: Constitution, Charisma

Melee: Dagger +3; 1d4+1 Piercing; Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60)
Ranged: Light Crossbow +3; 1d8+1 Piercing; Loading, two-handed, range 80/320
Spell: Fire Bolt +5; 1d10 Fire; Ignite flammable object, range 120
Spell: Ray Of Frost +5; 1d8 Cold; Speed reduced by 10 ft. until start of my next turn, range 60
Breath Weapon: Cone 15 ft.; 2d6 Cold; Save half damage (Con save, DC 12)

Str 10 (+0), Dex 13 (+1) , Con 14 (+2), Int 12 (+1), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 16 (+3)
[/sblock][sblock=Features & proficiencies]

Draconic Ancestry: White dragon
Breath Weapon: 15 ft. cone of 2d6 cold damage (Con save, DC 12, save half damage)
Damage Resistance: Cold
Languages: Common, Draconic, Elvish

Skill Proficiencies: Medicine, Religion
Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism kit
Life of Seclusion: I grew up in the monastery to learn how to master my inner struggle.
Discovery: I discovered that ancient dragon myths tell of others of my kind, and hopefully a wise dragon can tell me more.
Personality Traits: I often get lost in my own thoughts and comtemplation, becoming oblivious to my surroundings. I resent being treated as a curiosity.
Ideal: If you know yourself and where you come from, there is nothing left to know.
Bond: I am committed to finding others of my kind. Also, I would do anything to protect the Monastery I grew up in.
Flaw: I harbor dark, bloodthirsty thoughts that my meditation and training failed to quell completely. Also, I tend to "collect" shiny precious-looking trinkets that do not belong to me.

Armor Proficiencies: None
Weapons Proficiencies: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows
Tools Proficiencies: None
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Insight
Sorcerous Origin: Draconic Bloodline
Dragon Ancestor: Red dragon (fire)
Draconic Resilience: Maximum hit points +1 each level; AC is 13 + dexterity modifier.
* Cantrips known (4): Fire Bolt, Poison Spray (range 10), Prestidigitation, Ray Of Frost
* Spells known (2): Burning Hands (cone 15 ft), Shield
* Spell slots, Level 1st: 2
* Spell save DC: 13
* Spell attack: +5

SKILLS (Proficient in bold)
+1 (dex) Acrobatics
+0 (wis) Animal Handling
+3 (int) Arcana
+0 (str) Athletics
+3 (cha) Deception
+1 (int) History
+2 (wis) Insight
+3 (cha) Intimidation
+1 (int) Investigation
+2 (wis) Medicine
+1 (int) Nature
+0 (wis) Perception
+3 (cha) Performance
+3 (cha) Persuasion
+3 (int) Religion
+1 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+1 (dex) Stealth
+0 (wis) Survival
Light crossbow with 20 bolts
Dagger x2

Arcane focus: Rod
Scroll case with notes from studies
Winter blanket
Set of common clothes
Herbalism kit
Explorer's pack:
* Backpack
* Bedroll
* Mess kit
* Tinderbox
* Torches x10
* Rations x10
* Waterskin
* Hempen rope 50 ft.

5 gp
[/sblock][sblock=Appearance & bio]
[sblock=portrait] Vorel.jpg[/sblock]Balthassar is shaped much like a human, but with clawshaped hands and an obviously draconic head. His body is covered in scales, most of them a pale white, but speckled with bright red ones. His unreadable eyes appear feline, but reddish in hue.

Usually dressed in simple brown clothes bearing the symbol of Ilmater, Balthassar often wears a cloak with the hood up to avoid his appearance to cause too much of a disturbance. The only obvious weapons he carries are a crossbow and two daggers; his arcane rod is made from a crystalline material and looks too fragile to be used as a weapon.

Balthassar of the Yellow Rose, nicknamed Frostburn, has lived his entire life among the monks of the Monastery of the Yellow Rose in Damara. All that he knows of his origins is that a merchant gave the newly-hatched dragonborn to a travelling monk, panicked because the merchant was convinced the ancient-looking egg was empty and he was not prepared to raise, feed or sell the creature.

Being raised amongst the monks of St Sollars the Twice-Martyred, Balthassar learned how to control his aggressive and arrogant nature through discipline and ascetic living. When his sorcerous powers emerged, Balthassar was delighted and trained his arcane skills with a human monk named Kane as his tutor. Whenever Kane was busy, Balthassar spent time outdoors on the Glacier of the White Worm. In hindsight, the young sorcerer is amazed he never ran into any real dangers, but then the future Grandmaster Kane might have been responsible for that.

Balthassar was quite the sight for the rare visitors to the Monastery of the Yellow Rose, and he resented being treated as a curiosity. This made controlling his sorcerous powers and inner turmoil more difficult and if it wasn't for Kane, someone might have gotten hurt. Kane gently led Balthassar to study the written knowledge of the monastery, in order to learn about his origins. His appearance suggested a connection both to the cunning white dragons and to the infamous red dragons, but there was no doubt that Balthassar was not, technically, a dragon. For lack of a better word, he chose the word Dragonborn.

Never did he meet or learn about any others of his kind, until one day he discovered an ancient half-burned scroll in the vast library of the monastery, detailing a myth about the origin of dragons; it spoke of noble bipedal draconic creatures serving the first dragons.

Convinced that there must be others of his kind, Balthassar decided that only the eldest and wisest of dragons living today could tell him more. But walking up to an ancient dragon of any kind basically amounts to suicide, so Balthassar figured the best way to approach a dragon is through kobolds, who revere dragons. And kobolds are often encountered by adventurers, so his decision was made: Balthassar would go to New Phlan to meet adventurers and make a name for himself, and eventually find his way to a dragon to tell him about his race.
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First Post
The Kestrel
Neutral Human Monk 1
Background: Urchin (City secrets)

Str 10
Dex 16 (+1 racial)
Con 12
Int 8
Wis 15 (+1 racial)
Cha 13

HP 9/
AC 15 (10 +3 dex + 2 Wis; 18 w/Mage Armor)
Prof Bonus +2
Init +3
Exp: 0

- +1 to 2 attributes (Dex, Wis)
- Bonus Skill Proficiency
- Bonus feat

- Unarmored Defense: Use Dex and Wis to modify base AC
- Martial Arts: Use Dex with unarmed or monk weapons, unarmed or monk can do 1d4 damage, bonus unarmed atk

Weapons: Simple, Shortsword
Armor: None
Tools: Thief tools, Disguise kit, Flute
Saves: Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom

Magic Initiate (Warlock: Mage Armor, Mage Hand, Eldritch Blast)

Acrobatics +5
Athletics +2
Insight +4
Perception +4
Sleight of Hand +5
Stealth +5


Cash: 5sp

Unarmed, +5, 1d4+3
Darts (10), +5, 1d4+3, 2.5lbs, thrown 20/60
Shortsword (monk), +5, 1d6+3, 2lbs

Common Clothes

Backpack, 2gp, 5lbs
- Blanket, 5sp, 3lbs
- Hooded Lantern, 5gp, 2lbs
- Oil (3 pints), 3sp, 3lbs

Belt Pouch, 1lb
- Small knife, 1lb
- Caltrops, 1gp, 2lbs
- Memento (trinket) 22
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First Post
Caius Graycloak

This is my first D&D 5th Edition Character, so please let me know if I erred.

Caius Graycloak
Half-Elf, Ranger, Outlander, Neutral

Strength 13 (1)
Dexterity 16 (3)
Constitution 12 (1)
Intelligence 10 (0)
Wisdom 15 (2)
Charisma 10 (0)

AC: 14
Initiative: 3
Speed: 30
HP: 11 (1d10/1)
Proficiency Bonus: 2

Saving Throws:
Strength 3
Dexterity 5
Constitution 1
Intelligence 0
Wisdom 2
Charisma 0

Acrobatics 3
Animal Handling 2
Athletics 3
Insight 4
Investigation 2
Medicine 2
Nature 2
Perception 4
Sleight of Hand 3
Stealth 5
Survival 4

Proficiencies and Languages:
Light and Medium Armor
Simple and Marshal Weapons
Common, Elvish, Sylvan, and Dwarvish

Bealt Pouch (20 GP)
Leather Armor
Two Shortswords
Longbow and Quiver (20)
Explorer's Pack (Backpack, Bedroll, Mess Kit, Tinderbox, 10 Torches, 10 Rations, Waterskin, a 50 ft. Rope)
Hunting Trap
Traveler's Clothes

Features and Traits:
Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
Fey Ancestry: Advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.
Favored Enemy (Beasts): Advantage on Wisdom (Survival) to Track and Intelligence to recall information.
Natural Explorer (Forest): When making Intelligence or Wisdom checks related to Forest, your proficiency bonus is doubled. While traveling for an hour or more in Forest, you gain the following benefits: Difficult terrain doesn’t slow your group’s speed. Your group can’t become lost except by magical means. Even when you are engaged in another activity while traveling, you remain alert to danger. If you are traveling alone, you can move stealthily at a normal pace. When you forage, you find twice as much food as you normally would. While tracking other creatures, you also learn their exact number, their sizes, and how long ago they passed
through the area.
Wanderer: You can always recall the general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around you. In addition, you can find food and fresh water for yourself and up to five other people each day.

Attacking and Spellcasting:
Shortsword, 3, 1d6+1 Piercing (When attacking with both, you receive a bonus action for second sword, but the bonus action doesn't receive your ability modifier to damage).
Longbow, 5, 1d8+3 Piercing

Personality Traits:
I was a Guide who was driven by a wanderlust that led me away from home.

It is each person's responsibility to make the most happiness for the whole tribe.

I am the last of my line, and it is up to me to ensure their names enter legend.

There's no room for caution in a life lived to the fullest.

Background and Appearance:

Caius stands tall and proud, but clearly well worn. With a longbow slung across his back and two shortswords dangling at his side, he cuts an imposing figure. He is dressed in the drab gray of an explorer or a scout, sporting black locks with dark, unruly facial hair.

Caius Graycloak’s father, Aileron Crispus, was a guardsman in service to the Lords of Hulburg. Having met and fallen in love with an elven maid, Alixana Graycloak, Aileron was soon ostracized for his halfblooded child, Caius. Rather than live in shame, Aileron cut ties with both Alixana and Caius, after forcing the pair to relocate to the Cormanthor Forest. Soon after arriving, however, Alixana took ill and died. Caius grew up salvaging in the forest while learning how to defend himself. He quickly became proficient with both sword and bow, tracking and scouting. To honor his mother – never Aileron – he took Alixana’s surname, and became known as Caius Graycloak. Before long he began to escort trade wagons throughout Cormanthor, and carved a name for himself as a lone, but battle-hardened scout. On one such trip, Caius escorted a member of New Phlan's city council, Ambrus Valsin, through the forest. It was then that he first heard of the city council's plan to fund adventurers willing to free the city from the evil hordes encroaching upon it. Caius' heart stirred at the thought of something new, something other than the forest that he had known all of his life. Seeking change, adventure, and perhaps one day his father, Caius heeded Valsin's words and traveled to New Phlan.

With the wit and skills that he has acquired for himself over the years, Caius serves no one but himself and the memory of his fallen mother.
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[MENTION=4843]Ibn Khaldun[/MENTION]

Hey guys,

Still awaiting finished characters from the both of you. I'd like to get started on the campaign today if at all possible :)

Ibn Khaldun

Just updated my sheet. All the technical stuff is there. Don't really have a backstory other than the barebones stuff. Mind if I come up with it as I go?

Voidrunner's Codex

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