• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Fey, the Far, and the Ugly Space In Between

Your stalwart allies, Exel and Xanob, are gone forevermore...

The green haze is advancing upon your position just as it seeps over the cliff's edge in giant swathes, mutating whatever it touches...

The mountain face above you is frozen in a sheen of ice...

Piscaethces whispers torture your mind, commanding you to throw yourself from the face...down to the hard earth and her mutating haze that will render you reborn in her twisted designs...

Just when our intrepid heroes hit their lowest low, the welcoming specter of a gargantuan draconic shape shrouds the face in an even deeper gloom than the sun-blotting clouds. Averandox announces his presence with fury as he lands on the Far Realm titan, rending and tearing with massive draconic claws and jaws!

Averandox Mechanics:

[sblock]Going with Hireling stats here:

Averandox (The Frozen Wind of the North)

Claws and Jaws: When you deal damage while Averandox is in melee with Piscaethces, take + 2 damage and add the Messy tag.

Frozen Breath (2): When you're damaged by Piscaethces Tentacles or Maw, take - d6 damage and the next attack against Piscaetches ignores armor. When this ability reaches 0, it can no longer be used.[/sblock]

Don't forget to start your next turn off with DD Wis (6- and you're taking d8 damage (no armor) and going to have to DD Con against the haze - as mechanics above). Take - 1 if you attempt to climb upwards. Note melee range info in post above.

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The mental intrusion of the Far Realm "God" is so overwhelming, I barely realize Averandox's arrival. I feel like I'm stuck somewhere deep in the corners of my mind, a great boot pressing my sense of self firmly to the cold ground.

I fight it with everything I have and attempt to assert myself...

[sblock]Defy Danger (Wis)
4, 2 + 0 = 6

Mark 1 xp

d6 damage to me (no armor). 3 damage.[/sblock]

..to no avail.

Per Manbearcat
You feel as a self-aware marionette might. The mind is unwilling, but the part of the brain the controls the body cares not. Off the face you step, falling and tumbling down the steep face...down...down...into the not-so-sweet embrace of the mutating green haze.

You feel a thousand maddening thoughts and a million more madening tugs at every part of your on-fire central nervous system. Your being desperately wants to..."change..."

The only thing that can save me is my will to live, at least a little while longer to complete the quest set before me, and fate...if there is such a thing...

[sblock]Defy Danger (Con)
5, 4 + 1 (-1 ongoing) = 9

Success but a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
As upthread at the beginning of combat:

[sblock]If you find yourself in it, Defy Danger (Con). 10+ and you're good. 7-9 and take - 1 forward. 6- and mark xp but take - 1 ongoing as you begin to mutate. If you get hit with it again, while you have - 1 ongoing, there is no DD. You're toast. A mutate bent on befouling and murderizing. Enjoy![/sblock]

Your body holds even though every inch of it is screaming in searing pain. You find your limbs are again your own to control as your mouth, voice box, and lungs give accoustical accompaniment to the screams of your body.

If you don't get out of the mist, and immediately, you're certain that your body will give in.

[sblock]Meaning proceed automatically to - 1 ongoing without a DD. If you still don't get out, you're toast.[/sblock]

Can I teleport onto Piscaetches back? Is the central mass outside of the mists?

Per Manbearcat
Yes to both. However, this isn't like the Unfettered Kraken situation. You can make a move with no penalty while on the "back" of her central core/stalk (whatever you want to call it). However, you're going to be defying danger to stay on their and make any moves after that first one. While she is collosal in size, she is moving violently and abruptly this way and that.

Fair enough. I draw upon the last vestiges of the Bladesong, step through worlds, and reappear outside of the mist onto the back of the mighty Blood Queen! I'll go to work with sword and spell with Averandox rending and tearing with claws and jaws!

[sblock]Spent 1 and only Bladesong for Void Note.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Very well. Sit tight though and make your Master's Bladework move after I catch Saerie up. And remember that you take -1 forward.


With learned poise and the easy confidence that comes with decades of living on my own in the wild, I fight back the Far Realm's mental intrusion.

[sblock]Defy Danger (Wis)
4, 3 + 2 = 9

Success but a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Your mind staggers and your body tenses as you battle back the worst of it. You do not do the monster's bidding and leap to your possible doom, but your body is locked up completely as a monstrous tentacle comes flailing at you...until the very last second when you regain your faculties.

[sblock]Any DD Dex you want to be doing here is going to take - 1 given the circumstances; no room, slick face as you move up, on steep gradient.[/sblock]

I roll to my right along the steep face, as far and as quickly as I can, to stop from being squished like a bug!

[sblock]Defy Danger (Dex)
5, 1 + 3 (take -1) = 8

Success but a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
You can avoid the worst of it but still get swept up in its coils (Forceful tag - grappled and pulled towards her massive maw) or you can eat the damage b[2d10 + 5] and avoid the grapple.

Would it be feasible to get my elven knife out from my boot before I get grappled by the tentacle.

Per Manbearcat

Then I slide and roll to my right avoiding two giant smashings of the tentacle on the stone face. I reach down to grab my Elven Longknife from my boot just as the huge tentacle enfolds around me and picks me from my perch.

As it squeezes the life out of me and pulls me up to drop me in its huge gapping maw, I see Rawr tearing away at its flesh and Averandox roars a mighty bellow as he does the same! This leads to a growl of my own as I stab profusely at the tentacle over and over and over and over again...

[sblock]Hack and Slash (Dex)
6, 2 + 3 = 11

d8 damage + 3 (Rawr) + 2 (Averandox) and Messy tag (Averandox) - 4 armor. 8 - 4 = 4 damage and Messy.

I'd like the Messy tag to sever the tentacle just before I'm about to be dropped into Piscaetches waiting maw.

I want to then try to land on her body and go to town with my weapons.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat

You almost lose consciousness from loss of blood pressure. You're pretty sure the entirety of your body is going to be black and blue tomorrow from the squeeze of the Far Realm behemoth. You can feel the creatures blood spilling all over you as you repeatedly cash it. You can hear the violence, the roars, all of it, ringing in your ears. You look down and your focus becomes a gaping maw, much bigger than a house, filled with nasty teeth.

But just then, you feel things go wobbly, like you're in a tree and suddenly it is being chopped down. The creature's grip goes slack and the tentacle falls away from you as mighty Averandox tears the appendage from the Blood Queen's body!

You fall, hurtling downward toward the collosal creature's body and massive mouth!

With my staff in one hand and my knife in the other, I pull myself up onto the tentacle right as it goes slack! I get a single running step off before the thing falls away from me, piloted by gravity instead of the Far Realm entity. I leap and tuck my legs in, somersaulting through the air, aiming for the massive body and hoping that the human adage of "when you mess with the bull...you get the horns.." doesn't come through in this instance!

[sblock]Defy Danger (Dex)
2, 3 + 3 = 8

Success but a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
You avoid the gaping maw (horns) and end up on the huge central core/body of the creature, but the landing ain't so soft.

[sblock]Take 1d6 damage (no armor).[/sblock]

Sit tight after that.

[sblock]1d6 damage (no armor) to me. 5 damage.[/sblock]


Per Manbearcat
Very well. Sit tight though and make your Master's Bladework move after I catch Saerie up. And remember that you take -1 forward.

As I was saying...

I draw upon the last vestiges of the Bladesong, step through worlds, and reappear outside of the mist onto the back of the mighty Blood Queen! I'll go to work with sword and spell with Averandox rending and tearing with claws and jaws!

[sblock]Master's Bladework (Int)
2, 4 + 3 (take - 1) = 8

d8 damage (1 piercing) + 2 and Messy (Averandox) , 2 techniques, and your opponent attacks you. 3 + 2 - 3 armor (less 1 pericing) = 2 damage and Messy.

Burst: Your attack deals an additional 1d4 damage and gains the ‘forceful’ tag. 4 damage and Forceful. I'd like my Forceful and Messy to repel one of the tentacles violently away toward the face to sort of serve as a bridge as Averandox amputates it with Messy.

Soul-Siphoning: Your attack heals you for 1d4. Heal 1d8 instead if this attack kills your target. 2 HP back to me.

Counterattack: b[2d10 + 5] and Forceful. Using 1 of the 2 uses of Frozen Breath so - d6 damage and the next attack against Piscaetches ignores armor. 2, 7 + 5 = 12 - 1d6 (4) = 8 - 4 armor = 4 damage and Forceful to me.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Five tentacles remain. As you tear into Piscaethces fleshy central mass, one of them flails wildly at you to swat you like a fly. With intense effort, you grasp it with telekinetic magic, halting its momentum long enough for Avernadox's mighty maw to tear it from the body at the "shoulder." It falls to the ground and flops around wildly. The length of it makes a neat "bridge" to the cliff face above the level of the green haze.

However, just as this is done, one of the remaining four tentacles is brought to bear against you. Like Saerie, it grasps you with titanic strength. A blast of icy frost breath from Averandox steals some of the tentacles strength, mitigating the worst of it. Unlike Saerie, however, it doesn't deposit you in the maw. It suspends you in mid-air, as the other three tentacles work to fend off the mighty chromatic dragon, crushing you with its vice-like grip.

One of your hands is pinned. Your sidearm which would come in handy right now was lost at the beginning of the battle. You cannot cast a spell and you cannot attack with your sword. Your options are limited.

The enmity that I have for this creature is fueled by the recent loss of Exel and Xanob. The grimace that I make as I'm being crushed turns into a deep scowl as a low growl forms in my throat. Inhuman strength is the only thing that will save me now.

Per Manbearcat


[sblock]1) Crushing damage here will ignore your armor.

2) On a 7-9, damage will only be d10 + 2 and no Forceful. You'll eat the damage, but you'll break free and land on the severed tentacle.[/sblock]

Here we go...

[sblock]Defy Danger (Str)
2, 2 + 0 = 4

Mark 1 xp.

Going to use the 2nd of the 2 uses of Frozen Breath so - d6 damage. b[2d10 + 5 (ignores armor)]and Forceful. 9, 7 + 5 = 14 - 1d6 (3) = 11 damage and Forceful to me.

4 HP left...[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Despite the fury of Averandox's frozen breath, despite your own fury, The Blood Queen's tentacle is implacable as it crushes the life from you. You can feel the blood leaving your head. Your vision blurs and you nearly swoon...it won't be long now if things don't change...and soon.

Sit tight as I move Saerie forward.

My thoughts rush to the girl I saved from The Master at the river, to my sweet mother who put a song in my heart before I could walk, to my father who put a sword in my hand when I was barely able to walk, to the recently lost, to my noble, stalwart friend who I would be leaving behind to fend off this monster by herself...and to the innocent people of this world should we fail...


I shout to Averandox as he tears into Piscaethces. "Averandox! Lend Otthor your tail!"

My intent here is to give Otthor Decades of Experience (take +1 and Mark xp for me) to catch Avernadox's tail if I can get him loose on this attack.

Per Manbearcat
Sure, that works. Otthor can DD and try to catch the dragon's (take +1) instead of falling hard to the ground below.

As The Frozen Wind of the North tears great chunks from the Piscaethces, the long tail of the mighty dragon curls under the tentacle holding Otthor in the air.

As Rawr and the great white wyrm do their part, I replace Covenent of Winter with my short sword. Standing on the core of the unfathomably large abomination, my two elven blades do their own part to put an end this apocalyptic creature.

[sblock]Hack and Slash (Dex)
5, 5 + 3 = 13

d8 + 1d4 (offhand) + 3 (Rawr) + 2, Messy, and no armor applies (Averandox). 1 + 3 + 3 + 2 = 9 damage and Messy. Dead!

Obviously, I want Otthor to be free of the tentacles grasp so Messy will rend it from its body.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Magic, arrows, poisonous stingers, blasts of frost breath, edged weapons, fell teeth and claws. Even a "god" from an alien dimension has its limits.

The tentacle is torn asunder, releasing Otthor. The core is shredded to ribbons. A mental wave washes through your collective minds. It is the keening death knell of The Blood Queen. Almost instantaneously, her colossal form is swallowed by the singularity from whence she came. Leaving Otthor in free fall. Leaving a legacy of inexhaustible green haze that spills over the edge of the mountain...like a great creeping doom of inevitability...down toward the fleeing refugees...down upon civilization...intent on ruin.

Is this what victory looks like?

Let us find out what happens to Otthor and I'll move us forward.


I can fainly hear Saerie's words, but when I do, my fading mind snaps to attention. Averandox's tail dangles beneath me. The moment before the Far Realm entity is slain, I feel its grip lessen enough where I can get my legs behind me into a crouching position. I thrust hard off the hard flesh of the tentacle and put every bit of coordination I possess into this last ditch effort for survival.

[sblock]Defy Danger (Dex)
1, 6 + 2 (+ 1 from Saerie's DoE) = 10[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
You explode from your crouched position and dive through the air with the agility of a predatory falcon. When you grasp the end of his tail, your legs fly forward with the momentum, almost catapaulting you in a full circuit. But you hang on.

The dragon's huge wings beat a single time, easily enough to light down upon the ascending peak of the mountain. As he sits you down, he remarks, "Your soothsayings appear to have more meat on their bones than I initially guessed."

Winter's price appears fully paid as the cloud cover finally gives way, revealing a descending sun. From your vantage, you can see down the mountainside to the fleeing refugees below. Far, far, far below that, you can see the faint motes of light of Giliad's Rest during twilight hours.

The green mists give chase. In their wake, abominations and horrors are given rise from all manner of insects and animals.

"My work is finished here" the mighty white wyrm says as he takes to the air. "It appears yours is just beginning." His final look toward the both of you is perhaps the only look of amiable respect a chromatic dragon has ever given eartlhy heroes. "Farewell."

Crestfallen at our suffered losses, I walk to Saerie and embrace her. "I'm so sorry my friend." Exhausted and aghast, I just look down the mountain at the green haze corrupting everything it touches. I don't know what we can do about it. Perhaps we just have to try to beat that malevolent fog down and evacuate the surrounding areas. All I do know is that we cannot rest or tarry, so as soon as Saerie tells me she is ready to set out, I'll be right behind her.

Per Manbearcat
I'll update things with a post soon enough. We'll be transitioning to 4e @ level 21, so attach your epic level characters in your next posts. We'll start off with you guys down all your resources except you can have (a) 1 Daily of your choice, (b) 1 Action Point, and (c) 2 Healing Surges each.


Better late than never! Defenses, Attack, and damage reflect Bladesong, given that it will be up most all combat rounds. For the stray round it isn't active, just drop + 2 AC/Attack and + 10 damage. Minor and Major Quests at bottom.

Otthor, level 21
Wood Elf, Wizard (Bladesinger), Sorcerous Sword, Shiradi Champion
Blade Magic Option: Rapier
Fey Anointment Option: Intelligence
Occupation - Military (+2 to Athletics)
Theme: Guardian

STR 14, CON 14, DEX 22, INT 26, WIS 15, CHA 11

STR 12, CON 12, DEX 14, INT 16, WIS 13, CHA 9

AC: 39 Fort: 35 Ref: 37 Will: 35
HP: 126 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 31

Acrobatics +21 b[2d20], Arcana +27, Athletics +18 b[2d20], Endurance +16, Heal +17, Nature +19

Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12, Dungeoneering +14, History +24, Insight +16, Intimidate +12, Perception +18, Religion +24, Stealth +21, Streetwise +12, Thievery +17

Brawling Warrior, Encouraging Shield, War Wizard's Expertise, Stout Shield, Improved Defenses, Jack of All Trades, Armor Proficiency: Hide, Striking Resurgence, Deft Blade, Battle Awareness, Agile Athlete, Skill Power, Martial Resolve

STANDARD ACTIONS (4d8 crit all)

AW Melee Basic Attack M1 30 vs Ref/AC; 2d8+27 dam Special: See Bladespells. Can switch to Cold damage. +1 OA and 1d6 dam.
AW RBA(Magic Missile) R20 (1 Creature) 17 force dam
E Feral Burst Attack CB1 Effect: MBA enemies in CB1.
E Second Wind M1 Effect: MBA + HS.
D Glorious Presence CB2 (Enemies) 27 vs Will; 1d6+27 rad dam + push 2 Effect: You and allies in B gain 2 THP. Special: MBA as Minor Action.
D Twilight Falls AB1-10 (E) 27 vs Will; 1d6+27 psy dam + origin sq dazed EoNT Effect: Zone EoNT. Enemy in zones attack, target has part conceal. Special: MBA as MA.
D Color Spray CBL5 (C) 27 vs Will; 1d6+27 rad dam + dazed EoNT Special: MBA as MA.
D Icy Rays R10 (1 or 2 C) 27 vs Ref; 1d10+27 cold dam + immob EoNT Miss: Slowed EoNT. Special: MBA as MA.
D Fire Sea Travel CB1 (C) 27 vs Ref; 2d6+27 fire dam + can't see past 3 sq EoNT Effect: You teleport 5 sq. Special: MBA as MA.
D Lightning Bolt R10 (1-3 C) 27 vs Ref; 2d6+27 light dam Miss: Half damage. Special: MBA as MA.
D Thunder Cage R10 (1 C) 27 vs Fort; 2d10+27 thun dam + 1d10 + 27 if leave sq before SoNT Special: MBA as MA.
D Imp Glorious Pres CB2 (E) 27 vs Will; 3d6+27 rad dam + push 2 Effect: You and allies in B gain 12 THP. Special: MBA as Minor Action.
D Mirror Sphere R10 (C) 27 vs Will; 1d10+27 psy dam + auto-hit self in addition to target on next attack. No res/imm apply. Miss: Half damage self. Special: MBA as MA.
D Dancing Flames CBL5 (E) 27 vs Ref; 5d6+27 fire dam Miss: Half damage. Special: MBA as MA.
D Force Volley R20 (1-3 C) 27 vs Ref; 2d6+27 force dam + dazed EoNT Special: MBA as MA.
D Enervation R20 (1 C) 27 vs Fort; 3d8+27 nec dam + -1 penalty all (save ends). Each failed ST (penalty worsens by 1, max -4). Miss: Half damage and weak EoNT. Effect: THP = HS value. Special: MBA as MA.


AW Mage Hand R5 Effect: Manipulate inanimate objects.
AW Acrobat Self Effect: Stand up from prone.
E Bladesong Self Effect: + 2 PB to defenses, to hit, and + 10 PB damage rolls. Shift Speed. OAs when hit in melee. Bladespell hits even when MBA misses.
E Emerald Eye R10 (1 C) Effect: UEoYNT + 5 PB to Insight against target and + 2 PB attack rolls against target’s Will.
E Brawling Warrior Self Effect: + 1 attack or AC once.
E PoF's Brand CB5 Effect: Extinguish fires and allies can make a saving throw against fire.0
D Refresh Bladesong * 2 Self Effect: Refresh Bladesong.
D Guardian Blades Self Effect: Adjacent enemies that make attack rolls take 8 force damage 1/turn.
D Fire Shield Self Effect: Resist 10 cold/fire. Creatures that make melee attacks against you take 2d6 + 8 fire damage 1/turn.
D Enter the Crucible Self Effect: Spend 1 HS for resist 10 all and immune to Weakened.
D Mass Resistance CB10 (You and allies) Effect: 13 Resistance against either acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, or thunder.


AW Dazzling Sunray R10 (1 C) Effect: MBA rider. 10 radiant damage and -2 to attack UEoYNT.
AW Lightning Ring R10 (1 C) Effect: MBA rider. 10 lightning damage and 1st time target moves UEoYNT, take damage again.
AW Unseen Hand R10 (1 C) Effect: MBA rider. 10 force damage and slide 3 squares.
AW Breaching Self Effect: When you reduce enemy to 0 HP, spend HS and teleport 5 sq.
E Elven Accuracy Self Effect: Reroll attack roll.
E Spook Self Effect: Arcana for Intimidate.
E Suggestion Self Effect: Arcana for Diplomacy.
E Bladespell Step Self Effect: Teleport 5 sq after bladespell.


E Guardian's Counter CB2 Trigger: Ally hit by attack, you not included. Effect: Interrupt. You and ally shift 2, swapping positions. You become target of attack instead. After attack, MBA attacker.
E Moonstride Self Trigger: Enemy moves adjacent to you. Effect: Reaction. Insubstantial EoYNT and shift 2 away.
E Watch Out! M1 Trigger: Adjacent ally hit by attack, you not included. Effect: Interrupt. You're hit instead. After attack, HS.
E Displacement R5 Trigger: Attack hits you or ally w/in 5 sq of you. Effect: Interrupt. Attacker rerolls and uses new result.
E Strikeback M1 Trigger: Adjacent enemy hits you. Effect: Reaction. MBA enemy.
E Battle Awareness M1 Trigger: Adjacent enemy shifts or hits ally. Effect: Interrupt: MBA enemy.


Attack Powers: 3 Encounters as Dailies + 1 Boon Spell + Envervation
Utility Powers: 4


Choir of Swords: MBA all adjacent


Sight: Low Light and Darkvision
Resists: 7 Cold, Fire
Immunities: Blinded, Charmed
Wild Step: Ignore DT when shifting
Reactive Stealth: Stealth check w/ any cover/concealment at initiative
War WIzard: - 5 to hit allies in bursts/blasts
Guardian: + 1 hit enemies who hit Saerie USoTNT. Sense when she is in danger w/in 1 mile.
Martial Resolve: Save at start of turn, as well as end, against dazed, immobilized, slowed, stunned, weakened.


Outside of the Inherent Bonuses, mainly I just took some of the stuff from Frost Brand for The Prince of Frost's Brand, refresh of Bladesong, the Ioun Stone stuff, Belt of Breaching, Strikebacks, Acro Boots, Elven Cloak, Tactical Bracers, Feral Feyhide stuff. Under 800 K budget.


Minor Quest: Save the fleeing refugees from the Blood Queen's Mists.
Minor Quest: Report back to the Summer Court about the thwarting of the prophecied Far Realm threat and our unfortunate confrontation with the Winter Court.
Minor Quest: Properly memorialize Exel and Xanob.

Major Quest: Prevent the mists from morphing all of folks in Giliad's Rest and the surrounding areas.
Major Quest: Convince the Summer Court to accept the alliance we've won with Averandox.
Last edited:


After much diddling about and going back and forth on build, I give you...Saerie of 4e (brought to you by the same crappy format of Tecklenburg's Otthor):

Saerie Dungeon World, level 21
Elf, Rogue/Ranger, Twilight Guardian, Beastlord
Hybrid Ranger Option: Hybrid Ranger Fortitude
Bonds of Life Option: Bonds of Life Wisdom
Hybrid Talent Option: Ranger Fighting Style
Ranger Fighting Style Option: Beast Mastery (Hybrid)
Knack for Survival Option: Beast Empathy (Ranger)
Nature's Rage Option: Nature's Rage Wisdom
Beast Companion Type: Bear
Spirit Companion: Lucky
Sarifal Feywarden (+2 to Athletics)
Theme: Beast Spirit Master (Fey Beast Tamer)

STR 16, CON 17, DEX 22, INT 14, WIS 20, CHA 12

STR 13, CON 14, DEX 14, INT 12, WIS 14, CHA 10

AC: 35 (36 M) Fort: 32 Ref: 36 (37 M) Will: 32
HP: 129 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 32

Acrobatics +21, Athletics +24, Diplomacy +16, Endurance +22, Heal +20, History +17, Insight +20, Nature +24

Arcana +14, Bluff +13, Dungeoneering +17, Intimidate +15, Perception +21, Religion +14, Stealth +22, Streetwise +13, Thievery +18

Master at Arms, Student of Battle, Brutal Accuracy, Improved Defenses, Weapon Focus (Bow), Skill Power, Jack of All Trades, Wasteland Wanderer, Hybrid Talent, Treetop Sniper, Resourceful Leader, Knack for Survival, Quick Beast Command

STANDARD ACTIONS (4d8 crit all)

AW Melee Basic Attack
M1 23 vs AC; 2d6 + 7 dam
AW Ranged Basic Attack R20 25 vs AC; 2d10+17 dam Special: 3d6 Quarry 1/round or 5d6 Sneak Attack w/ CA 1/turn
AW Acrobatic Strike M1 26 vs AC; 2d6+10 dam and escape grab. Special: Shift 1 sq before or after. 5d6 Sneak Attack w/ CA 1/turn
AW Twin Strike R20 (1 or 2 C) 25 vs AC; 2d10+11 dam Special: 3d6 Quarry 1/round
E Second Wind Self Effect: +2 PB defs + HS.
E Bonds of Life R5 (1 C) 25 vs Ref; 1d10 + 9 dam and restrained UEoYNT.
D Into Harm’s Way M1 26 vs Will; 2d6+10 dam and slide target 2 sq. Ally MBA as FA. Miss: Half. Special: 5d6 Sneak Attack w/ CA 1/turn
D Vicious Cooperation M1 26 vs AC (1 C flanking); 4d6+10 dam. Special: Flanking ally makes MBA as FA and add 5d6 Sneak Attack if either hit.
D Nature’s Rage CBL3 (enemies) 25 vs Ref; 2d10 +9 dam and restrained (save ends). Effect: Zone UEoE. Enemies who enter are restrained (save ends)
D Covenant of Winter Blizzard AB2 w/in 10 (E) 25 vs Fort; 2d6 + 9 cold dam and slide 4 sq. Effect: Zone UEoE. Enemies who end turn take 5 cold damage and slide 4 sq.


AW Rawr Melee Basic Attack M1 25 vs AC; 2d12 + 9 dam.
AW Rawr Standard Action - Beastlord
AW Quarry Effect: Nearest enemy + 3d6 damage 1/turn w/ Ranger
AW Master At Arms Effect: Sheathe one weapon and draw another
E Snap Shot R20 (1 C) 25 vs AC; 1d10+17 Special: 5d6 Sneak Attack w/ CA 1/turn
E Speed R20 (1 C) Effect: RBA
E Iron Resurgence M1 (you or one bloodied ally) Effect: Target loses HS. Spend 1 or 2 HS then gain THP equal to ½ HS value.
E Insightful Comment CB5 (you or all allies) Effect: UEoYNT +5 Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate.
E Communion M1 (one ally) Effect: You lose HS but gain 13 THP. Target regains HPs equal to their HS value.
D Inspiring Word CB15 (you or one ally) Effect: Spend HS + 5d6 HP.
D Surprising Arrow Stance Self Effect: ESE, make Surprising Arrow Attack as IR when enemy w/in 5 moves; 25 vs AC; 2d10+17 dam and target ends movement
D Twilight Stealth Self Effect: Invis UEoYNT w/ any cover/concealment
D Bracers of Archery Self Effect: Ignore cover on next attack.


E Elven Accuracy Self Effect: Reroll attack roll + 1d6 + 5 extra damage.
D Head-Taker’s Belt Self Trigger: Reduce enemy to 0 HP. Effect: Gain 21 THP.


E Invigorating Stride Self Effect: Shift 5 sq to sq not adjacent to enemy and use SW.
E Mighty Sprint Self Effect: 11 Speed, ignore DT, +5 Athletics.
E Covenant of Winter Gale CBL3 (Creatures) 24 vs Fort; Slide 3. Effect: Fly 3 sq.


E Disruptive Strike
R20 Trigger: You or ally is attacked by creature. Effect: Interrupt. 25 vs AC; 1d10+17 and – 8 penalty to attack. Special: 3d6 Quarry 1/rd.
E Duck and Draw R20 Trigger: Enemy makes melee attack against you. Effect: Interrupt. Shift 5 sq and 25 vs AC; 2d10+17 dam. Special: 3d6 Quarry 1/rd.
D Dream King Self Trigger: You are hit by illusion, psychic, or sleep power. Effect. Interrupt. + 4 bonus to defenses vs attack. If milestone today, then UEoYNT.
D Rawr Menacing Beast (adjacent to Rawr) Trigger: Adjacent enemy targets you with melee attack. Effect. Reaction. Slide Rawr 2 sq adjacent to enemy and MBA enemy.


Accurate Action: Roll twice on attack


Speed: 5 sq
AC: 36 Fort: 38 Ref: 34 Will: 36
HP: 216
Attack: 25 vs AC; 2d12 + 9

Speed: 8
AC: 34 Fort: 34 Ref: 36 Will: 32
HP: 64
Attack: 26 vs AC; 2d8 + 10
Aura 1: Enemies in aura can't get CA against Lucky's allies


Sight: Low Light
CA for me against enemies in Lucky's aura
Resists: 10 Cold and Fire
Wild Step: Ignore DT when shifting
Reactive Stealth: Stealth check w/ any cover/concealment at initiative
Communicate with Lucky, hounds, and wolves
Elfsight: Ignore concealment when attacking
Beast Empathy: Communicate with Beasts. + 2 Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate against Beasts
Resourceful Leader: Action Point + 7 damage on hit or + 7 THP on miss


So along with the Inherent Bonuses which I applied to Rawr as well…I took Cloak of Survival for the 10 cold resist to simulate my neck, a bunch of random stuff for Covenant of Winter, Elven Chain Shirt for the armor I just got. Vanous Menacing Beast for Rawr. Crown of the Dream King because the effect works to simulate that I’ve been fighting aberrations and aboleths and I’m not hardened to their illusions and psychic attacks. Bow of Speed, Rhythm Blade for my Elven Longknife, Sylvan Feylether. Under 800 K budget.


Minor Quest: Save the fleeing refugees from the Blood Queen's Mists.
Minor Quest: Report back to the Summer Court about the thwarting of the prophesied Far Realm threat and our unfortunate confrontation with the Winter Court.

Major Quest: Destroy all the aberrations that these tainted mists produce.
Major Quest: Prevent the mists from morphing all of the creatures in the surrounding areas and the people of Giliad's Rest..
Major Quest: Locate, confront, and defeat the Winter Court Braelani before she can extract vengeance upon me by hurting the people of these lands.
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Couple things right quick regarding logistics, one meta and one in-fiction.

Meta: Due to the abundance of off-turn actions and their synergy, we'll handle combat outside the PBP. We'll just do it one round at a time and and I'll do a singluar post updating that post as we go.

In-fiction: Changed my mind a bit regarding present resources. You still have your 1 AP (obviously you would have achieved multiple milestones so any milestone-triggered effect is in play), but you can have 2 Dailies and 3 Surges, so include the two Dailies that you have available in your following posts.

Crestfallen at our suffered losses, I walk to Saerie and embrace her. "I'm so sorry my friend." Exhausted and aghast, I just look down the mountain at the green haze corrupting everything it touches. I don't know what we can do about it. Perhaps we just have to try to beat that malevolent fog down and evacuate the surrounding areas. All I do know is that we cannot rest or tarry, so as soon as Saerie tells me she is ready to set out, I'll be right behind her.

Minor Quest: Save the fleeing refugees from the Blood Queen's Mists.

Minor Quest: Save the fleeing refugees from the Blood Queen's Mists.

With the above, I'm assuming that you guys are making a mad dash/climb down the treacherous mountainside in order to save the refugees. This is a feat only the epic of the most epic are capable of, no doubt. It would take normal mountaineers a staged, 2-day trip to get down this precarious peak, reach the trail and high-tail it to the refugees before they are overcome (by creatures and or the mist).

[sblock]Level + 3 (24), Complexity 2 SC. 6:3, 1 H DC. E = 21, M = 28, H = 37. As always, Surge loss on any failure.[/sblock]

There is a point where the mountain becomes "relatively hikable". However, that is a few hundred meters down a sheer, icy face that would give the willies to even the most adept climbers of the world. But that is the quickest way down.

[sblock]Group Check Hard DC, including Rawr (Lucky need not apply), so 2/3 must pass. You can have a 2nd success for your trouble if you make it. If you fail though, your Fort is getting attacked for - 1 physical skills until Extended Rest.[/sblock]

There is always the hard sprint back down or trying to find an alternative route.

Let me know.


Couple things right quick regarding logistics, one meta and one in-fiction.

Meta: Due to the abundance of off-turn actions and their synergy, we'll handle combat outside the PBP. We'll just do it one round at a time and and I'll do a singluar post updating that post as we go.

In-fiction: Changed my mind a bit regarding present resources. You still have your 1 AP (obviously you would have achieved multiple milestones so any milestone-triggered effect is in play), but you can have 2 Dailies and 3 Surges, so include the two Dailies that you have available in your following posts.

Ok. My Dailies are Surprising Arrow Stance and Nature's Rage.

Crestfallen at our suffered losses, I walk to Saerie and embrace her. "I'm so sorry my friend." Exhausted and aghast, I just look down the mountain at the green haze corrupting everything it touches. I don't know what we can do about it. Perhaps we just have to try to beat that malevolent fog down and evacuate the surrounding areas. All I do know is that we cannot rest or tarry, so as soon as Saerie tells me she is ready to set out, I'll be right behind her.

I look at my dear friend with eyes welled with tears and intense consolation. I embrace him and quietly say "You need be sorry for nothing. We will avenge them." I pull him back to arms length and stare intently into his eyes. "Every aberration we slay will be in their name." I turn and rush to the cliff edge to behold the perilous journey that lies before us.

With the above, I'm assuming that you guys are making a mad dash/climb down the treacherous mountainside in order to save the refugees. This is a feat only the epic of the most epic are capable of, no doubt. It would take normal mountaineers a staged, 2-day trip to get down this precarious peak, reach the trail and high-tail it to the refugees before they are overcome (by creatures and or the mist).

[sblock]Level + 3 (24), Complexity 2 SC. 6:3, 1 H DC. E = 21, M = 28, H = 37. As always, Surge loss on any failure.[/sblock]

There is a point where the mountain becomes "relatively hikable". However, that is a few hundred meters down a sheer, icy face that would give the willies to even the most adept climbers of the world. But that is the quickest way down.

[sblock]Group Check Hard DC, including Rawr (Lucky need not apply), so 2/3 must pass. You can have a 2nd success for your trouble if you make it. If you fail though, your Fort is getting attacked for - 1 physical skills until Extended Rest.[/sblock]

There is always the hard sprint back down or trying to find an alternative route.

Let me know.

With the gathering twilight and my peerless elven sight, can I see the Wyvern haunting the skies anywhere nearby?

Per Manbearcat
It was spooked pretty badly. You can see its form far in the distance, well out of earshot.

I reach down to the edge of this precarious drop, unbridled rage brimming from me, making the corners of my mouth quiver. I touch the frozen drop-off.

[sblock]Can I use Nature's Rage to bring the earth to life with writhing plants that can anchor and make easy our climb down? It creates a zone of plants that entangles and restrains enemies.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
[sblock]Absolutely. You can't have a straight up success here though because the climb down to the hikable ground is a significant distance. However, that would surely help dramatically. You can treat it like an Advantage and bump your Hard DC down to the Medium for the Group Check (and still earn the 2 successes if you succeed).[/sblock]

As the frozen earth springs to life with the verdant overgrowth of a healthy Spring, my eyes scan the treacherous descent for the best way down. I locate it quickly and point it out to Rawr and Otthor. "Stay with me. We move as the cheetah hunting the antelope on the open plains." With that, I literally vault into motion, scurrying down the abundantly green face like a monkey might. Rawr is fast behind me, his extraordinary climbing skills put to the test.

[sblock]Using the 1st Secondary Skill for Perception to grant everyone a + 2 on their Athletics. My Perception is 21 so it automatically passes the Easy DC.

Saerie Primary Skill Athletics + 24 + 2 (SS) + 5 (Mighty Sprint) = 31. Passes Medium DC without a roll.

Rawr Primary Skill Athletics + 20 + 2 (SS). Rolled 3. 25 fails.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Outcome pending Otthor's effort at the Group Check. I'll move the fiction forward with him once he goes.

Voidrunner's Codex

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