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DPR King Candidates 3.0


stratoblaster said:
Since KAM is nerfed, here's a Thief build using Paragon Multiclassing (into Ranger) to get the second attack and thus get DPR back to acceptablility.

Edit: Thanks Fardiz for the Span code; and KeithRic for the clarification on PMC and feats

Total DPR: 99.9786
Total KPR 0.6578

Introducting Anton

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Anton, level 16
Human, Thief, Paragon Multiclassing
Fey Beast Tamer Starting Feature: Fey Beast Tamer Companion (Young Owlbear)
Human Power Selection: Bonus At-Will Power
Gritty Sergeant Benefit: Weapon Proficiency (Rapier)
Background: Gritty Sergeant (Gritty Sergeant Benefit)

Str 16, Con 11, Dex 24, Int 9, Wis 15, Cha 11.

Str 13, Con 10, Dex 18, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 10.

AC: 30 Fort: 25 Reflex: 32 Will: 24
HP: 98 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 24

Athletics +16, Stealth +20, Thievery +20, Insight +15, Dungeoneering +15,
Acrobatics +20, Perception +15, Streetwise +13, Nature +15

Arcana +7, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +8, Endurance +8, Heal +10, History +7,
Intimidate +8, Religion +7

Human: Surprising Charge
Level 1: Light Blade Expertise
Level 2: Backstabber
Level 4: Two-Blade Warrior (ME: Ranger Entry Feat)
Level 6: Novice Power
Level 8: Acolyte Power
Level 10: Adept Power
Level 11: Deft Blade
Level 12: Silvery Glow
Level 14: Lasting Frost
Level 16: Two-Weapon Fighting
Bonus At-Will Power: Dual Weapon Attack (ME: PMC Retrain from Ripose Strike)
Paragon Multiclassing: Finishing Cut
Paragon Multiclassing: Agile Escape
Thief utility 1: Tactical Trick
Thief utility 1: Ambush Trick
Thief utility 2: Agile Recovery
Thief utility 4: Escape Artist's Trick
Thief utility 6: Swift Parry (retrained to Weave Through the Fray at Acolyte Power)
Thief utility 7: Unbalancing Trick
Thief utility 10: Acrobat's Escape

Adventurer's Kit, Climber's Kit, Boots of Adept Charging (heroic tier), Frost Rapier +3,
Badge of the Berserker +3, Gloves of Ice (paragon tier), Bracers of Mighty Striking (paragon tier),
Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold (paragon tier), Marauder's Drowmesh +3, Horned Helm (paragon tier),
Iron Armbands of Power (paragon tier), Thundergod Rapier +3, Frozen Whetstone (heroic tier) (5),
Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold (heroic tier)
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Combat Advantage comes from move actions
Move Action: Tell bugbear (free action) to stand next to target then tactical trick. Plenty of other ways to do it via allies (tactical trick) or ambush trick, unbalancing trick or flank
Minor Action: Apply Whetstone to Thundergod Weapon
Standard Action: Charge
Free Action: Dual Weapon Attack on hit
Free Action: On Crit, use free swing from Two Weapon Opening
Free Action: Use Boots of Adept Charging at end of turn to shift 1 away in order to use a trick/shift on next turn to re-Charge
Can also Shift 2 with Unbalancing trick or from distance, once prone, can use Sneak Attack on the DWA attack and still maintain DPR
Can also gain combat advantage through Ferret Out Fraility as a minor (add to build in place of swift parry)
Can use Backstabs(+3 Atk w/CA; +3d6 damange) to add to hit/damange rolls
Replaced Riposte Strike Human bonus At-Will with PMC DWA.
Stone of Earth is great for this build. Too bad it's rare now.
I guess much like KAM, I really don't have to use the feat, just possess the feat.

This is a glass cannon. Playability wise, I'd do Imporoved defenses and Two weapon defense, But where...


To Hit +27 vs Reflex : Charging w/Combat Advantage (happens 95% of the time; 5% of that crit)
8 1/2 lvl 16
7 Dex 24
3 Prof Rapier
3 Wep Enh Thundergod Rapier +3
2 Feat Light Blade Expertise
1 Misc Thief Weapon Talent
1 Charge

To Hit +26 Vs AC : Dual Weapon Attack - Free Action (happens 95% of the time, hits 85% of those times)
8 1/2 lvl 16
7 Dex 24
3 Prof Rapier
3 Wep Enh Frost Raper + 3
2 Feat Light Blade Expertise
1 Misc Thief Weapon Talent

To Hit +26 vs Reflex Two Weapon Opening - Offhand MBA Free Actiom (happens 95% of the time you crit)
8 1/2 lvl 16
7 Dex 24
3 Prof Rapier
3 Wep Enh Frost Raper + 3
2 Feat Light Blade Expertise
1 Misc Thief Weapon Talent


Damage: Charging w/Combat Advantage
8.5 1d8+1d6 Thundergod Rapier +3 (has Shard of Cold (heroic) on it)
4.5 1d8 Surprise Charge
13.5 3d8 Sneak Attack
10.5 2d6 Horned Helm
7 Dex
4 Misc Weapon Finesse
3 Feat Light Blade Exp + Two Weap Fight
3 Wep Enh Thundergod Rapier +3
2 Fey Bst Owlbear
2 Whet Frozen Whetstone
2 Misc Gloves of Ice
5 Vul Lasting Frost
1 Aug Shard of Cold
4 Item Iron Armbands
70 19.5 3d12 Crit Damage

Damage: Dual Weapon Attack - Free Action
4.5 1d8 Frost Rapier +3
7 Dex
4 Misc Weapon Finesse
4 Feat Silvery Glow + Two Weap Fight
3 Wep Enh Frost Rapier +3
3 Shard Shard of Cold (paragon)
2 Item Gloves of Ice
5 Vul Lasting Frost
2 Fey Bst Owlbear
4 Item Iron Armbands
38.5 10.5 Crit Damage

Damage: Two Weapon Opening - Offhand MBA Free Action
Same as the damage from DWA
38.5 10.5 Crit Damage


Monster Stats:
Monster Level 16
Monster AC 30 14+Monster level
Monster Reflex 28 12+Monster level

Edit: Due to Free Action Attack limits, free on crit Two weapon attack gets nerfed (fortunately it didn't add much to dpr)
Atk Min Max Avg Hit% Crit% DPR
MBA 40 104.5 70 .95 .05 (.9*70)+(.05*104.5)=68.225
DWA 35 52.5 38.5 .85 .05 (.8*38.5)+(.05*52.5)*.95=31.753 (atk happens 95% so can't use all dpr)
TWO 35 52.5 38.5 .95 .05 (.9*38.5)+(.05*52.5)*.05=1.863 (atk happens 5% so can't use all dpr)

Total DPR: 99.9786 = (68.225+31.753)
Total KPR 0.6578 = (99.9786/152) Monster level aka (8*16)

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Mengu74 said:
This is probably run of the mill, but thought I'd post it since I didn't see any paragon scouts. I also thought it was humorous to do it with a razorclaw, the purple race in the scout handbook. And it's LFR legal to boot (no duplicate items, no reliance on whetstones, no Mark of X feats)

A few fairly typical assumptions, shifting with blood fury weapon, CA with feybeast, charge. And I don't particularly like to assume first attack benefits from lasting frost, but most other builds were doing it, and for the sake of fair comparison, I made the assumption.

Level 16
0.62 Mean KPR Razorclaw Scout Shocktrooper , Mengu74 (Ch Fey Frst)

The Build (only relevant bits):

Level 16
Razorclaw Shifter Scout Shocktrooper
Fey Beast Tamer

Dex 24

Aspect of the Lurking Spider
Basic Attack
Dual Weapon Attack

Light Blade Expertise
Cyclone Warrior
Surprising Charge
Powerful Charge
Weapon Proficiency (Double sword)
Nimble Blade
Deft Blade
Blurring Claws
Lasting Frost
Icy Heart

Frost Doublesword +3
Iron Armbands of Power (paragon)
Horned Helm (paragon)
Gloves of Ice (paragon)
Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold (paragon)
Ring of Giants
Bloodfury Handaxe +1



Charge attack bonus: +8 (half level) + 7 (dex) + 3 (prof) + 3 (enh) + 2 (exprt) +1 (style) + 3 (CA) + 1 (charge) = +28 vs Reflex

Dual Weapon Attack Bonus: +8 (half level) + 7 (dex) + 3 (prof) + 3 (enh) + 2 (exprt) +1 (style) + 3 (CA) = +27 vs AC

Charge Damage: 1d8 ([W]) + 1d8 (surp. charge) + 2d6 (horned helm) +7 (dex) + 7 (dex shocktrooper) + 3 (enh) +4 (item) + 3 (shard) + 2 (gloves) + 3 (feat) + 2 (blurred claw) + 5 (lasting frost) + 2 (exprt) + 2 (powf charge) + 3 (stance) = 2d8+2d6+43

Dual Weapon Damage: 1d8 ([W]) +7 (dex) + 3 (enh) +4 (item) + 3 (shard) + 2 (gloves) + 3 (feat) + 2 (blurred claw) + 5 (lasting frost) + 2 (exprt) + 3 (stance) +4 (improved dual) = 1d8+38

DPR = (0.9*59)+(0.05*87.5) + 0.95*(0.85*42.5+0.05*62.5) = 94.7625
KPR = 94.7625/152 = 0.62


netarious said:
This build is based on the (perhaps loose) premise that when someone attacks with Twin Strike with a Radiant and a Frost weapon that the power gains both keywords and hence triggers both Frost and Radiant vulnerabilities for the next turn.

It is a partial rip-off of LDB's Stormwarden so apologies for the plagiarism.

level 16 Storminglord - DPR 90.83
Cheese Factor: (16@)

Longtooth Shifter, Ranger, Morninglord


====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Norman, level 16
Longtooth Shifter, Ranger, Morninglord
Fighting Style: Two-Blade Fighting Style

Str 24, Con 13, Dex 15, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 9.

Str 18, Con 11, Dex 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8.

AC: 26 Fort: 27 Reflex: 21 Will: 21
HP: 110 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 28

Dungeoneering +16, Stealth +14, Perception +16, Acrobatics +14, Athletics +21, Religion +13

Arcana +8, Bluff +7, Diplomacy +7, Endurance +10, Heal +11, History +8, Insight +11, Intimidate +7, Nature +11, Streetwise +7, Thievery +9

Level 1: Weapon Expertise (Heavy Blade)
Level 2: Two-Weapon Fighting
Level 4: Weapon Focus (Heavy Blade)
Level 6: Weapon Proficiency (Bastard sword)
Level 8: Disciple of Divine Wrath
Level 10: Wintertouched
Level 11: Lasting Frost
Level 12: Prime Punisher
Level 14: Prime Quarry
Level 16: Pervasive Light

Ranger at-will 1: Hit and Run
Ranger at-will 1: Twin Strike
Ranger encounter 1: Off-Hand Strike
Ranger daily 1: Jaws of the Wolf
Ranger utility 2: Yield Ground
Ranger encounter 3: Disruptive Strike
Ranger daily 5: Frenzied Skirmish
Ranger utility 6: Serpentine Dodge
Ranger encounter 7: Lashing Leaves
Ranger daily 9: Attacks on the Run
Ranger utility 10: Blood of the Fallen
Ranger daily 15: Blade Cascade (replaces Jaws of the Wolf)
Ranger utility 16: Evade the Blow

Radiant Bastard sword +3, Frost Bastard sword +3, Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold (paragon tier), Siberys Shard of Radiance (paragon tier), Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier), Gloves of Ice (paragon tier), Pelor's Sun Blessing (level 3), Symbol of Divine Light +4, Frozen Whetstone (heroic tier) (10), Belt of Vigor (heroic tier), Summoned Earthhide Armor +3, Blood Fury Bastard sword +1
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

Calculations didn't copy well. You'll just have to trust me.


vonlazuli said:
I thought I might throw up an alternate level 16 Hellish Rebuke Warlock. This build is similar to Landsknecht73's build, but uses Revenant Teifling and doesn't require Prime Shot for the damage. The equipment is based on gp value of level +1, level, level -1 items. If it were treasure parcel based, it is likely that the defenses wouldn't tank so badly.

Total DPR: 89.59

Cheese: @

[spoiler DPR calcs]
Chance to have hit last round: 0.94 (1 - (0.05 + (0.05x0.1)))

To-Hit: +23(26) to hit Ref 28

+7 Constitution
+8 Half-level
+4 Enhancement
+2 Expertise
+1 Hellfire Blood
+1 Incendiary Dagger
(+2 Combat Advantage - near certain from Shadow Warlock Armour)
(+1 Arcane Underpinning - applies 94% of the time)

Initial and Rebuke Damage: 1d6 + 31 (35) fire and cold damage (38.5)
Crit: 4d6 + 41 fire and cold damage (55)

+7 Constitution
+4 Enhancement
+3 Off-hand Enhancement
+2 Weapon Focus
+3 Blood Pact of Cania
+1 Hellfire Blood
+3 Fundamental Mastery
+3 Dragonshard
+3 Incendiary Dagger
+2 Gloves of Ice
(+4 Subtle Dagger - near certain from Shadow Warlock Armour)

Cold Vulnerability - 5 (applies 94% of the time and to every rebuke)

Curse: 2d6 (7)
Crit: 12

Total DPR:
0.94 x (0.9 x (38.5 + 7 + 5 + 38.5 + 5) + 0.05 x (55 + 12 + 5 + 38.5 + 5)) + 0.06 x (0.85 x (38.5 + 7 + 38.5 + 5) + 0.05 x (55 + 12 + 38.5 + 5))
= 89.59

[spoiler Build]
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Rebuke Cold, level 16
Revenant, Warlock, Academy Master
Eldritch Blast: Eldritch Blast Constitution
Eldritch Pact: Infernal Pact
Arcane Implement Proficiency: Arcane Implement Proficiency (light blade group)
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Light Blade)
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Rod)
Arcane Admixture Damage Type: Arcane Admixture Cold
Choose your Race in Life: Tiefling
Arcane Admixture Power: Hellish Rebuke

Str 9, Con 24, Dex 19, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 14.

Str 8, Con 18, Dex 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 13.

AC: 27 Fort: 28 Reflex: 27 Will: 24
HP: 111 Surges: 13 Surge Value: 27

Religion +13, Thievery +17, Bluff +15, Intimidate +17

Acrobatics +12, Arcana +10, Diplomacy +10, Dungeoneering +8, Endurance +17, Heal +8, History +8, Insight +8, Nature +8, Perception +8, Stealth +12, Streetwise +10, Athletics +7

Level 1: Arcane Implement Proficiency
Level 2: Versatile Expertise
Level 4: Weapon Focus (Light Blade)
Level 6: Blood Pact of Cania
Level 8: Hellfire Blood
Level 10: Bloodied Boon
Level 11: Dual Implement Spellcaster
Level 12: Superior Implement Training (Incendiary dagger)
Level 14: Arcane Admixture
Level 16: Lasting Frost

Eldritch Blast: Eldritch Blast
Infernal Pact: Hellish Rebuke

Shadowrift Blade Dagger +3, Shadow Warlock Drowmesh +3, Khyber Shard of the Fiery Depth (paragon tier), Gloves of Ice (paragon tier), Subtle Incendiary dagger +4, Amulet of Protection +3
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======


EDIT: Corrected a slight mis-calculation, DPR is actually 0.25 points lower


Rancid_Rogue said:
I much prefer the new methodology, although I'm not sure that I've got it straight. If I do, I have a new 2.67KP5R L16 build:

Basic Build and Concept
Level 16 Genasi Fighter/Assassin/Pit Fighter
Str 22, Con 12, Dex 15, Int 11, Wis 19, Cha 11
One-Handed Weapon Talent
Templar Theme
Quite simply, we're going to take arcane attack powers from the Dark Sun theme, then use Mage's Weapons to swap them out for more Rain of Blows. We'll couple that with a thunder ki focus and Promise of Storm for more nova burst.

1: Shadow Initiate
2: Ki Focus Expertise
4: Nimble Blade
6: Weapon Focus (Light Blades)
11: Wintertouched
11: Lasting Frost
12: Shocking Flame
12: Marked Scourge
14: Superior Reflexes
16: Echoes of Thunder

17: Badge of the Berserker +4 65000
16: Dragonrider Armor +4 45,000
14: Thunderfist Ki Focus +3 14 21,000
11: Gloves of Ice 9000
7: Frozen Whetstones (10) 1,000
6: Iron Armbands of Power 1,800
2: Mage's Rapier +1 2 520
2: Mage's Spiked Shield +1 2 520
2: Eberron Shard of Lightning +1 2 520

Attack Stats
+24 vs AC. (+8lvl+6Str+3prof+3enh+1OHWT+3CA)
+3 after Shield Feint
1d8+35. (+6Str+3enh+4BFS+2GoI+2FW+2itm+1shrd+2feat+2SF+4PP+2ET+5LF)
+2 if target bloodied
+4 Marked Scourge 1/round
+2d8 Promise of Storm
-2 till first hit, Echoes of Thunder
-5 if no Lasting Frost
-6 if Rain of Blows

Encounter Attack Sequence
Turn 1
Minor: Battle Fury Stance
Minor: Apply Frozen Whetstone
Standard: All Bets Are Off
Turn 2
Free: Apply Assassin's Shroud
Minor: Promise of Storm
Standard: Rain of Blows

Turn 3
Free: Apply Assassin's Shroud
Minor: Exchange Fettering Glare for Rain of Blows via Mage's Spiked Shield
Standard: Rain of Blows

Turn 4
Standard: Shield Feint

Turn 5
Minor: Exchange L13 Fearsome Command for Rain of Blows via Mage's Rapier
Standard: Rain of Blows

Encounter Nova: 405 Hits, 2.67KP5R


0.7 37 28.625 All Bets Are Off 1 2W
0.05 54.5
No EoT or LF
0.8 38.5 33.375 All Bets Are Off 2 +2 but 1d6
0.05 51.5

0.9625 4 3.85 Marked Scourge


0.7 44.5 34.425 RoB plus PoS
0.05 65.5
Add Bloodied
0.7 44.5 34.425 RoB plus PoS
0.05 65.5
Add Bloodied
0.7 37.5 29.175 RoB plus PoS
0.05 58.5
No Bloodied or LF
0.984375 4 3.9375 Marked Scourge
0.984375 6.5 6.398438 Assassin's Shroud


0.7 42.5 32.925 RoB plus PoS
0.05 63.5

0.7 44.5 34.425 RoB plus PoS
0.05 65.5
Add Bloodied
0.7 44.5 34.425 RoB plus PoS
0.05 65.5
Add Bloodied
0.984375 4 3.9375 Marked Scourge
0.984375 6.5 6.398438 Assassin's Shroud


0.7 34.5 26.575 Shield Feint
0.05 48.5
No Bloodied or LF

3 Marked Scourge


0.85 33.5 30.85 RoB
0.05 47.5
+3 to hit via SF
0.7 35.5 27.325 RoB
0.05 49.5
Add Bloodied
0.7 35.5 27.325 RoB
0.05 49.5
Add Bloodied
0.99375 4 3.975 Marked Scourge




Cheese: Dark Sun theme used to power swap.
Frozen whetstones used to add Cold keyword.
CA isn't cheese; it's a multiattacking Permafrost build with Wintertouched.
No charging or mount involved.


JohnnyBlaise said:
Okay, here's the new DPR King of Level 24, for comments and approval:

Start at or below 0 hit points. [Using soulfang to assure this]

From Superior Will, make save vs. daze with +9. [background+2, focused mind +4, horreb cube +2, theme +1]

To Hit: +34 v. Ref (vs 36) = 95% chance to hit; 10% chance of crit.

Avg Regular Damage 54 Avg Crit Damage: 76

Standard: Miss with Avalanche of Fury (+22 - 98% chance). Triggers Star Favored Champion feature, letting me basic attack as a minor. Avalanche of Fury is both reliable and comes back if you miss the second attack roll.

Move: Divine Bolts

Minor: Divine Bolts

Move (Ghostly Vitality): Divine Bolts

Minor (Ghostly Vitality): Divine Bolts

Minor (Death’s Quickening): Divine Bolts

10 attacks X 52.4 damage = 524 damage per round (262 single target)

The Chiller

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======

The Chiller, level 24

Revenant, Invoker/Ranger, Crimson Hunter, Star-Favored Champion

Hybrid Talent Option: Ranger Combat Talent

Ranger Combat Talent Option: Prime Shot (Hybrid)

Hybrid Ranger Option: Hybrid Ranger Fortitude

Covenant Manifestation Option: Manifestation of Wrath

Hybrid Invoker Option: Hybrid Invoker Will

Choose your Race in Life: Half-Elf

Background Benefit: Scorned Noble

Theme: Chevalier


STR 10, CON 18, DEX 24, INT 13, WIS 24, CHA 12


STR 8, CON 14, DEX 15, INT 11, WIS 17, CHA 10

AC: 30 Fort: 31 Ref: 38 Will: 39

HP: 121 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 30


Acrobatics +27, Endurance +23, Nature +25, Perception +25, Stealth +25


Arcana +13, Athletics +14, Bluff +14, Diplomacy +16, Dungeoneering +19, Heal +19, History +13, Insight +19, Intimidate +18, Religion +13, Streetwise +14, Thievery +19


Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack

Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack

Chevalier Attack: Valiant Charge

Revenant Utility: Dark Reaping

Hunter's Quarry Power: Hunter's Quarry

Seeker Feature: Inevitable Shot

Star-Favored Champion Feature: Sign of Challenge

Invoker Attack 1: Divine Bolts

Ranger Attack 1: Twin Strike

Ranger Attack 1: Fox's Cunning

Invoker Attack 1: Silent Malediction

Seeker Attack 1: Elemental Spirits

Ranger Utility 2: Crucial Advice

Invoker Utility 6: Demand Justice

Ranger Utility 10: Prime Shift

Crimson Hunter Attack 11: Ravaging Shot

Crimson Hunter Utility 12: Hunter's Mobility

Invoker Attack 13: Seal of the Heretic

Ranger Attack 15: Blade Cascade

Ranger Utility 16: Curving Shot

Ranger Attack 19: Threefold Assault

Crimson Hunter Attack 20: Bloody Despair

Ranger Utility 22: Master of the Hunt

Ranger Attack 23: Avalanche of Fury


Level 1: Staff Fighting

Level 2: Hybrid Talent

Level 4: Staff Expertise

Level 6: Superior Will

Level 8: Primal Sharpshooter

Level 10: Wintertouched

Level 11: Lasting Frost

Level 12: Called Shot

Level 14: Primal Eye

Level 16: Death's Quickening

Level 18: Superior Reflexes

Level 20: Power of Skill

Level 21: Ghostly Vitality

Level 22: Focused Mind


Belt of Sonnlinor Righteousness (paragon tier) x1

Dice of Auspicious Fortune

Stone of Wind

Horreb Ritual Cube

Adventurer's Kit

Rovikar's Dagger +2

Bracers of the Perfect Shot (epic tier) x1

Eagle Eye Goggles (epic tier) x1

Frost Quarterstaff +5 x1

Gloves of Ice (epic tier) x1

Amulet of Double Fortune +5 x1

Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold (epic tier)

Any Soulfang
====== End ======


lordduskblade said:
In a related story, here are my DPR numbers for the Stormwarden at the other levels.

Level 6 DPR

Ability Scores:
Str 19, Con 13, Dex 17, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10

Spiked Chain Training
Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Expertise (Light Blades)
Weapon Focus (Light Blades)

+1 Frost Spiked Chain
Iron Armbands of Power (Heroic Tier)
Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold (Heroic Tier)

Attack Bonus Sources:
+4 (Strength)
+3 (Levels)
+3 (Proficiency)
+1 (Weapon Expertise)
+1 enhancement (+1 weapon)

Damage Bonus Sources:
+4 (Strength)
+2 item (Iron Armbands of Power)
+1 (Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold)
+1 (Two-Weapon Fighting, main hand only)
+1 enhancement (+1 weapon)
+1 feat (Weapon Focus)

Twin Strike: 2 attacks, +12 vs. AC
Hit, Main Hand: 2d4+10 cold damage
Crit, Main Hand: 1d6+18 cold damage
Hit, Off Hand: 2d4+9 cold damage
Crit, Off Hand: 1d6+17 cold damage
Hunter’s Quarry: +1d6 cold damage

DPR: (0.60)*(15) + (0.05)*(21.5) + (0.60)*(14) + (0.05)*(20.5) + ([0.60]2 + 2*[0.35]*[0.60])*(3.5) + (1-[0.05]2)*(6) = 22.82 DPR

Level 12 DPR

Ability Scores:
Str 21, Con 14, Dex 19, Int 9, Wis 15, Cha 11

Lasting Frost
Prime Punisher
Spiked Chain Training
Swift Blade Style
Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Expertise (Light Blades)
Weapon Focus (Light Blades)

+3 Frost Spiked Chain
Gloves of Ice (Paragon Tier)
Iron Armbands of Power (Heroic Tier)
Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold (Heroic Tier)

Attack Bonus Sources:
+6 (Levels)
+5 (Strength)
+3 (Proficiency)
+3 enhancement (+3 weapon)
+2 (Combat Advantage)
+1 (Prime Shot)
+1 (Weapon Expertise)

Damage Bonus Sources:
+5 (Strength)
+3 enhancement (+3 weapon)
+2 (Gloves of Ice)
+2 feat (Weapon Focus)
+2 item (Iron Armbands of Power)
+1 (Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold)
+1 (Two-Weapon Fighting, main hand only)

Twin Strike: 2 attacks, +20 vs. AC with CA (+21 vs. AC when no allies are adjacent)
Hit, Main Hand: 2d4+16 cold damage
Crit, Main Hand: 3d6+24 cold damage
Hit, Off Hand: 2d4+15 cold damage
Crit, Off Hand: 3d6+23 cold damage
Hunter’s Quarry: +2d6 cold damage
Swift Blade Style: 4 damage
Blade Storm: 4 damage

DPR: (0.75)*(21) + (0.05)*(34.5) + (0.75)*(20) + (0.05)*(33.5) + (0.80)*(0.80)*(4) + ([0.75]2 + 2*[0.20]*[0.75])*(7) + (1-[0.05]2)*(12) + (4) = 47.92 DPR

Level 16 DPR

Ability Scores:
Str 22, Con 14, Dex 20, Int 9, Wis 15, Cha 11

Called Shot
Lasting Frost
Prime Punisher
Prime Quarry
Spiked Chain Training
Swift Blade Style
Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Expertise (Light Blades)
Weapon Focus (Light Blades)

+3 Frost Spiked Chain
Gloves of Ice (Paragon Tier)
Iron Armbands of Power (Paragon Tier)
Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold (Paragon Tier)

Attack Bonus Sources:
+8 (Levels)
+6 (Strength)
+3 (Proficiency)
+3 enhancement (+3 weapon)
+2 (Combat Advantage)
+2 (Prime Shot)
+2 (Weapon Expertise)

Damage Bonus Sources:
+6 (Strength)
+5 (Called Shot)
+4 item (Iron Armbands of Power)
+3 (Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold)
+3 enhancement (+3 weapon)
+2 (Gloves of Ice)
+2 feat (Weapon Focus)
+1 (Two-Weapon Fighting, main hand only)

Twin Strike: 2 attacks, +24 vs. AC with CA (+26 vs. AC when no allies are adjacent)
Hit, Main Hand: 2d4+24 cold damage
Crit, Main Hand: 3d6+32 cold damage
Hit, Off Hand: 2d4+23 cold damage
Crit, Off Hand: 3d6+31 cold damage
Hunter’s Quarry: +2d6 cold damage
Swift Blade Style: 5 damage
Blade Storm: 5 damage
Twin-Blade Storm: 5 lightning damage to two targets

DPR: (0.80)*(29) + (0.05)*(42.5) + (0.80)*(28) + (0.05)*(41.5) + (0.85)*(0.85)*(5) + ([0.80]2 + 2*[0.15]*[0.80])*(7) + (1-[0.05]2)*(12) + (5) + (5) = 70.74 DPR, and 5.00 DPR to a secondary target

Level 24 DPR

Ability Scores:
Str 27, Con 15, Dex 25, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 12

Called Shot
Lasting Frost
Light Blade Mastery
Nimble Blade
Prime Hunter
Prime Punisher
Prime Quarry
Rending Tempest
Spiked Chain Training
Swift Blade Style
Two-Weapon Fighting
Two-Weapon Opening
Weapon Expertise (Light Blades)
Weapon Focus (Light Blades)

+5 Frost Spiked Chain
Gloves of Ice (Epic Tier)
Iron Armbands of Power (Paragon Tier)
Ring of Giants
Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold (Paragon Tier)

Attack Bonus Sources:
+12 (Levels)
+8 (Strength)
+5 enhancement (+5 weapon)
+3 (Proficiency)
+2 (Combat Advantage)
+2 (Prime Shot)
+2 (Weapon Expertise)
+1 (Nimble Blade)
+1 (Prime Hunter)

Damage Bonus Sources:
+10 (Ring of Giants, critical only)
+8 (Strength)
+5 (Called Shot)
+5 enhancement (+5 weapon)
+4 (Gloves of Ice)
+4 item (Iron Armbands of Power)
+3 (Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold)
+3 feat (Weapon Focus)
+1 (Two-Weapon Fighting, main hand only)

Twin Strike: 2 attacks, +33 vs. AC with CA (+36 vs. AC when no creatures are adjacent)
Hit, Main Hand: 4d4+33 cold damage
Crit, Main Hand: 5d6+59 cold damage
Hit, Off Hand: 4d4+32 cold damage
Crit, Off Hand: 5d6+58 cold damage
Basic Melee, Two-Weapon Opening: 6d4+40 cold damage
Basic Melee, Two-Weapon Opening, Critical: 5d6+74 damage
Hunter’s Quarry: +3d6 cold damage
Rending Tempest: +2d4 cold damage
Swift Blade Style: 7 damage
Blade Storm: 7 damage
Twin-Blade Storm: 7 lightning damage to two targets

DPR: (0.80)*(43) + (0.10)*(76.5) + (0.80)*(42) + (0.10)*(75.5) + (0.10)*(0.80)*(55) + (0.10)*(0.10)*(91.5) + (0.90)*(0.80)*(5) + (0.90)*(0.10)*(8) + (0.90)*(0.90)*(7) + ([0.80]2 + 2*[0.10]*[0.80])*(10.5) + (1-[0.10]2)*(18) + (7) + (7) = 124.33 DPR, and 7.00 DPR to a secondary target

Also, I'd like to point out that you have the Pit Fighter's L21 DPR labeled as its L30 DPR. The L30 DPR value is 93.62 DPR.


mellowship said:
Here's my attempt at Warlock charger build. He's a Warforged Warden|Warlock/Fighter who gets 89.725 at-will DPR at 24th level without multiattacks of any kind. His Eldritch Strike charge attack pushes 1, slides 1, lowers AC by 1, slows, and grants CA and cold vulnerability. Basically, I stacked up all the usual Warforged charger bits plus frostcheese, Crippling Crush, and Draconic Arrogance.

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
level 24
Warforged, Warden|Warlock, Warforged Juggernaut, Reincarnate Champion
Eldritch Strike: Eldritch Strike Constitution
Hybrid Warden: Hybrid Warden Will
Eldritch Pact (Hybrid): Infernal Pact (Hybrid)
Hybrid Warlock: Hybrid Warlock Will
Hybrid Talent: Warden's Armored Might
Guardian Might: Earthstrength
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Hammer)
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Wand)
Epic Vitality: Epic Vitality Constitution
Student of the Sword: Student of One-Handed Weapons
Arcane Admixture Damage Type: Arcane Admixture Cold
Past Spirit: Past Spirit (Longtooth Shifter)
Past Spirit: Past Spirit (Dragonborn)
Dragon Breath Key Ability: Dragon Breath Constitution
Dragon Breath Damage Type: Dragon Breath Acid
Arcane Admixture Power: Eldritch Strike
Background: Chessenta (Chessenta Benefit)

Str 24, Con 28, Dex 12, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 10.

Str 15, Con 17, Dex 10, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 8.

AC: 41 Fort: 37 Reflex: 32 Will: 32
HP: 180 Surges: 16 Surge Value: 45

Endurance +27, Thievery +15, Athletics +21

Acrobatics +10, Arcana +15, Bluff +14, Diplomacy +14, Dungeoneering +16, Heal +16, History +15, Insight +16, Intimidate +16, Nature +16, Perception +16, Religion +15, Stealth +10, Streetwise +14

Level 1: Hybrid Talent
Level 2: Versatile Expertise
Level 4: Weapon Proficiency (Craghammer)
Level 6: Deadly Draw
Level 8: White Lotus Enervation
Level 10: Student of the Sword
Level 11: Hindering Shield
Level 12: Crippling Crush
Level 14: Weapon Focus (Hammer)
Level 16: Killing Curse
Level 18: Arcane Admixture
Level 20: Lasting Frost
Level 21: Gorebrute Charge
Level 22: Bludgeon Mastery
Level 24: Draconic Arrogance

Hybrid at-will 1: Thorn Strike
Hybrid at-will 1: Eldritch Strike
Past Spirit (Dragonborn): Dragon Breath
Hybrid encounter 1: Roots of Stone
Hybrid daily 1: Armor of Agathys
Hybrid utility 2: Fast Hands
Hybrid encounter 3: Cloud of Flies
Hybrid daily 5: Thunder Step
Hybrid utility 6: Treacherous Ice
Hybrid encounter 7: Mordant Rains of Dis
Hybrid daily 9: Form of the Vengeful Storm
Hybrid utility 10: Ethereal Sidestep
Hybrid encounter 13: Creeper's Grasp (replaces Cloud of Flies)
Hybrid daily 15: Form of the Crushing Mountain (replaces Thunder Step)
Hybrid utility 16: Caiphon's Disquieting Liberty
Hybrid encounter 17: Rough Advantage (replaces Roots of Stone)
Hybrid daily 19: Form of the Avalanche Unleashed (replaces Form of the Vengeful Storm)
Hybrid utility 22: Eagle's Wings
Hybrid encounter 23: Arrow of Arcane Light (replaces Creeper's Grasp)

Heavy Shield, Cloak of Translocation +5, Horned Helm (paragon tier), Boots of Quickness (paragon tier), Ring of Retreat (paragon tier), Ring of Giants (paragon tier), Breakchain Tattoo (paragon tier), Thundergod Craghammer +5, Blood Fury Longsword +1, Adventurer's Kit, Crowbar, Climber's Kit, Dagger, Magic Wand +4, Gloves of Ice (paragon tier), Bracers of Mighty Striking (epic tier), Battle Harness Darkhide Armor +4, Diamond Cincture (heroic tier)
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

My DPR calculations assume that WarWarWarFight is under the effects of Longtooth Shifting and has hit with Eldritch Strike the previous round. He can charge every round by Ethereal Sidestepping two squares back and then charging back in (unless he's immobilized, of course, but he has ways of dealing with that). He can activate Longtooth Shifting even when he's not bloodied by using his Blood Fury weapon.

DPR calculations
Against a target that he's hit the previous round with Eldritch Strike, his charge is at +33 against AC 37 (thanks to the White Lotus Enervation AC penalty), hitting on a 4, doing 2d10 brutal 2 + 3d8 + 6d6 + 51 on a normal hit (average 96.5), or 5d12 + 141 on a crit (average 173.5).
Expected value DPR is thus (.75 * 96.5) + (.10 * 173.5) = 89.725.

Against a fresh target, his charge is at +31 against AC 38, hitting on a 7, doing an average of 91.5 on a normal hit or 168.5 on a crit.
Expected value DPR is thus (.60 * 91.5) + (.10 * 168.5) = 71.75.

Note that this isn't really a practical build. In a real game, I would put more of his feats into improving defenses and control rather than raw DPR. In particular, I would probably retrain Crippling Crush into Overwhelming Impact to give him an at-will daze. And drop the frostcheese for some defensive feats.


ThatWasTotallyNinja said:
EDIT: Minor corrections. Also, recent errata means this build uses 3 rare items (Ring of Free Time, Dice of Auspicious Fortune, and Stone of Spirit). 3 rares in Epic is considered acceptable, but none of them are really necessary anyway. Switch Many-Fingered Gloves+Ring of Free Time for Breaching Gauntlets, if desired (helps with Resist All; not many good options...)

I've seen a bunch of dragonbreath spamming builds lately, so after a while I started to look into it in full detail. Combined it with some ideas from the Blender and some tactics, and it got pretty fun...

Tags: Rev., noLFR, AoE (optionally)

Level 30 Build

Revenant (Dragonborn), Sorcerer|Shaman, Ninefold Master, Archspell (Doom of Chaos)
Sorcerous Power (Dex), Companion Spirit (World Speaker Spirit)
Ninefold Master resistance: Lightning
Dragon Breath: Fire, Constitution
Theme: Harper Agent
Background: Arcane Student Who Saw Too Much

Str 12, Con 26, Dex 26, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 10.

Str 10, Con 16, Dex 16, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 8.

AC: 41 Fort: 38 Reflex: 38 Will: 38

Trained skill: Religion

Level 1: Hybrid Talent (Dragon Soul Fire)
Level 2: Dragonborn Soul
Level 4: Enlarged Dragon Breath
Level 6: Mark of Storm
Level 8: Draconic Spellcasting
Level 10: Death's Quickening
Level 11: Arcane Admixture (Dragon Breath, Lightning)
Level 12: Cyclone Spirit
Level 14: Arcane Reach
Level 16: Burning Breath
Level 18: Ancient Soul
Level 21: Thundering Breath
Level 21: Ghostly Vitality
Level 22: Superior Will
Level 24: Conflagration Breath
Level 26: Disciplined Talent
Level 28: Sorcerous Flux
Level 30: Controlling Advantage

Encounter: Dragon Breath
Utility: Deliverance of Faith, Maiden's Waking
Daily: Doom of Chaos

Arkhosian Scepter +6, Ring of Free Time (epic tier), Belt of Sonnlinor Righteousness (epic tier), Many-Fingered Gloves (paragon tier), Ring of the Radiant Storm (paragon tier), Life Charm +5, Eager Hero's Tattoo (epic tier), Rushing Cleats (heroic tier), Coif of Focus (epic tier), Ring of the Crimson Sun (paragon tier), Zaarani's Solitaire (heroic tier), Salve of Power (heroic tier), Ankhmon's Bracers (paragon tier), Totem of the Harrier's Claws +3, Harper Pin (heroic tier), Wyrmsilk Armor of Resistance +6 (thunder), Dice of Auspicious Fortune (paragon tier), Stone of Flame (paragon tier)


Before the encounter, make sure you are at nonpositive HP and have your spirit companion conjured. Also, spend 4 healing surges right after ending an extended rest, so that each battle starts with at least 27 THP from the Eager Hero's Tattoo.

First round: Use Doom of Chaos (choose fire), then spam Dragon Breath (you will have 6 minors: 5 from revenant cheese + 1 from the Ring of Free Time).
Subsequent rounds: Use Dragon Breath 6 times (5 minors + 1 standard).

Dragon Breath can use a square within 2 as its origin due to Arcane Reach. Also, it pushes Con mod squares when it hits due to Thundering Breath (though I'm only going to push 4), then slides 4 (Mark of Storm+Rushing Cleats+Cyclone Spirit+Controlling Advantage), and is a blast 5 due to Enlarged Dragon Breath. When it hits me, I recharge it via Ancient Soul, so I make sure to be in the blast. Diagram:

O x x x x x
x|E x x x x|
F|x S x x x|
x|F x x x x|
F|x x x x x|
x|F x x x x|

O = origin square for blast, E = enemy, S = self, F = forced movement square (path that the push/slide follows)

Each DB creates a zone (Conflagration Breath), so by using the forced movement in this way, the enemy enters the zone 4 times per hit (and takes the zone damage, which deals 20 damage due to Doom of Chaos giving vulnerable 10 fire). Also, the zones stack. Which means that, on the 6th DB of turn 2, there are 12 overlapping zones and the enemy takes damage from each one, i.e. 240 damage each time it enters, for 960 damage per hit.

CA is gained for Controlling Advantage via the Totem of the Harrier's Claws and Burning Breath. I'm not sure where the SC needs to be to trigger Cyclone Spirit (should it be adjacent to the enemy's initial square, or the square that they start sliding from?), but wherever it's ruled that the SC needs to be, that's where I put it.

Also, the first time a crit is scored (after the first round), I use Zaarani's Solitaire to do another slide and get a bunch more damage.

With Sorcerous Flux, I make sure that I always get hit by DB (I can hit myself on a 2). If a 1 is rolled against both targets, I use an AP to DB again as a free action (this is the only thing APs are saved for). I can also recover DB 2/day with the Ring of the Radiant Storm and the Salve of Power...but the APs should almost always be enough.

Dice of Auspicious Fortune are used to help ensure a miss with Doom of Chaos (anything other than a 20 will miss).

If the SC is killed, then I need to use a minor action to bring it back (the damage is completely resisted, so it doesn't matter). That hurts DPR...but it also probably means that the enemy has not actually harmed the party at all, so it works out to practically a stun. As such, the enemy is unlikely to choose this.

The enemy could move around, but the standard assumption for DPR calcs is that they do not. Also, the blast has pretty good range, so shifting is unlikely to get them far enough, and I'd just use the first DB to slide them back into position in the main zone. Worst case scenario, I throw rarity rules to the wind and buy 5 Rings of Personal Gravity (they're cheap) and use one each encounter to lock the enemy down.


Taking all these hits will hurt. It doesn't hurt that much...each attack is 3d6+29, and I have resist 30 and insubstantial, so expected damage is 4.5. But when it's 6 attacks per turn, that adds up quickly.

First thing is the aforementioned Eager Hero's Tattoo. That soaks up all the damage from turn 1. Then there's more THP from the Ring of the Crimson Sun, giving me a good 6 more rounds of life...which is not enough. So at the end of that last round, trigger Ankhmon's Bracers on the second-to-last DB (reroll with Stone of Flame if necessary; must hit the enemy). This gives healing, which means we start at 0 when gaining the HP. Then on the last DB, I go back to negative (not too much damage though; I still have 15 resist from the armor + PP + Dragon Soul). I am dazed.

On the next round, save vs. the daze via Superior Will (+5 from Coif of Focus, +1 from background). If it fails, reroll with a +2 via Harper Pin. If that fails, use Maiden's Walking to ignore the daze this turn, then save again at the beginning of the next one.

That should be enough HP to get through 10 rounds. If not, there is also Deliverance of Faith to get a surge worth of THP (1/enc), and also Healing Spirit (1/enc) if I run into big trouble.

Can never fail a death saving throw due to the Life Charm.


Actual calculations are all done in the DPR Kings spreadsheet (go to View -> Hidden Sheets -> Inferno; please re-hide afterward). I won't bother writing it out here to explain, but I tried to make at least the attack and damage bonuses as transparent as possible.

Calculations for the AoE were not done in depth at all because I don't think it's as interesting, and figuring out how Sorcerous Flux improves everything is complicated, and it's just generally a lot of work. So I assumed that the damage dealt to the secondary targets was 1/4 of my base damage (because they don't have the fire vulnerability, and they aren't necessarily positioned well to make the push damage them). I think if I did all the calculations it'd end up a little higher than that, but not by enough to make me care.

Simplifications for the single target damage:
1) I assume the very first DB was a hit, to cause OGD and create CA.
2) I assume the enemy always has OGD on its turn (this only fails if every single DB missed on the last turn, and the enemy successfully saved against ODB last time).
3) The damage added by the Ring of the Radiant Storm was approximated by simulating the dice rolls a million times.

There are a number of other assumptions/simplifications made, but those are all generally contained in the Tactics section already.

Single-target KPR: 14.61 (post-MS: 18.30)
AoE KPR: 19.28 (post-MS: 24.15)

I can't really see anything controversial in this build; the meat of the damage is from the fact that Conflagration Breath creates a damaging zone that was unaffected by the zone nerf, and overlapping zones each deal damage as normal, and DB can be recharged perpetually via Ancient Soul...all of that is pretty clearly established. The rest is just fluff for optimizing around that basic tactic.


mellored said:
Blender mk2 is no more since lighting fury is errated... So we switch to Deep Freeze.

Bonuses: It has the weapon, melee, and cold keyword (admixtured lighting for wind-rider). Greatly increasing damage per slide.
Negitives: It's takes a standard to set-up. It also uses the ED so less power points to slide people with.

blender mk3
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Blender mk3, level 30
Revenant, Battlemind/Swordmage, Lyrandar Wind-Rider, Archspell
Psionic Augmentation (Hybrid) Option: Hybrid Power Point Option
Hybrid Talent Option: Psionic Study (Hybrid)
Psionic Study (Hybrid) Option: Wild Focus (Hybrid)
Extra Manifestation Option: Stormsoul
Extra Manifestation II Option: Earthsoul
Earthshock Option: Earthshock Strength
Choose your Race in Life: Genasi
Theme: Underdark Envoy

STR 15, CON 28, DEX 20, INT 15, WIS 12, CHA 10

STR 13, CON 18, DEX 10, INT 13, WIS 10, CHA 8

AC: 30 Fort: 40 Ref: 36 Will: 34
HP: 217 Surges: 17 Surge Value: 54


Acrobatics +20, Arcana +17, Athletics +17, Bluff +17, Diplomacy +17, Dungeoneering +16, Endurance +26, Heal +16, History +17, Insight +16, Intimidate +17, Nature +16, Perception +16, Religion +17, Stealth +20, Streetwise +17, Thievery +20

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Underdark Envoy Attack: Insidious Commentary
Revenant Utility: Dark Reaping
Battlemind Feature: Battlemind's Demand
Genasi Racial Power: Promise of Storm
Genasi Racial Power: Earthshock
Battlemind Feature: Wild Focus
Wizard Utility 2: Feather Fall
Swordmage Attack 3: Dimensional Vortex
Swordmage Attack 5: Deep Freeze
Lyrandar Wind-Rider Attack 11: Wind Burst
Lyrandar Wind-Rider Utility 12: Zephyr Wings
Battlemind Attack 13: Brutal Barrage
Swordmage Utility 16: Borrowed Confidence
Lyrandar Wind-Rider Attack 20: Unruly Cyclone
Archspell Utility 26: Channel the Signature
Battlemind Attack 27: Brilliant Recovery

Level 1: Extra Manifestation
Level 2: Extra Manifestation II
Level 4: Bludgeon Expertise
Level 6: Hybrid Talent
Level 8: Telekinetic Savant
Level 10: Mark of Storm
Level 11: Shocking Flame
Level 12: Earthshock Master
Level 14: Beguiling Torment
Level 16: Restless Dead
Level 18: Disciplined Talent
Level 20: Death's Blessing
Level 21: Ghostly Vitality
Level 22: Controlling Advantage
Level 24: Lightning Soul
Level 26: Power Attack
Level 28: Lasting Frost
Level 30: Wintertouched

Life Charm +6 x1
Iron Armbands of Power (epic tier) x1
Gloves of Ice (epic tier) x1
Rushing Cleats x1
Circlet of Arkhosia (epic tier) x1
Eberron Shard of Lightning (epic tier)
Ring of Free Time x1
Frozen Whetstone (heroic tier)
Ring of Mental Power x1
Staggering Maul +6 x1
Belt of Sonnlinor Righteousness (epic tier) x1
====== End ======

If you can get a setup before battle, things go alot smoother.

1) Use Deep Freeze on yourself with the spiked shield to miss. (21 vs 40).
2) Use the ring of free time to apply a frozen whetstone.
3) Use a minor to miss with Earthshock. (21 vs 42, reliable)
4) Brilliant recovery x4 (move, death's quickening, ghostly vitality move, ghostly vitality minor)
4b) Slide 10 (mark of storms/shocking flame + staggering weapon + rushing cleats + Telekinetic Savant + Controling advantage).

1) Use brutal barrage augment 1. (use power attack / unarmed attack to ensure 1 miss),
2) Brilliant recovery x5 (move, death's quickening, ghostly vitality move, ghostly vitality minor)
2b,c,d) Slide for (1d10+Stuff) x 10.

mellored said:
[sblock To-Hit: 80% or 70%]
mellored said:
15 lvl
9 Con
6 Enh
3 Feat
2 Prof
2 Restless Dead
2 CA
1 Wind-Rider

= 40 vs 44.

[sblock unarmed: 15%]
15 lvl
9 Con
2 Restless Dead
2 CA
1 Wind-Rider
-2 Power Attack

= 27 vs 44.

[sblock BB damage = 24]
9 Con
9 Wind-Rider
4 Shocking Flame
2 Whetstone

[sblock BR damage = 61]
7 Maul
9 Con
9 Wind-Rider
6 Enh
6 Item
5 vuln
5 shard
4 gloves
4 Shocking Flame
4 Feat
2 Whetsone

[sblock Slide damage = 57.5]
5.5 Deep Freeze
9 Wind-Rider
9 Power Attack
6 Enh
6 Item
5 vuln
5 shard
4 gloves
4 Shocking Flame
4 Feat

Quick Estimate:

2.8 * (24 + (57.5 * 10)) = 1677.2

4 * (61 + (57.5 * 10)) * .8 = 2035.2

/ 264 = 14.06212121 KPR.

-1 BB (1677.2) - 1 BR (508.8) in round 1. (5.78 KPR in round 1)
+ crits. (less then 10 DPR).

Voidrunner's Codex

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