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DPR King Candidates 3.0


ThatWasTotallyNinja said:
EDIT: Updated after errata to only use 3 rare items. Minor corrections to calculations. Switched some things around to remove noLFR tag, while also increasing KPR.

I'm gonna hold off a couple days before "officially" putting this on the list, but here's a new build (with a trick I haven't seen used before).
Level 30 Build
A Thousand Cuts
Revenant (Mul), Fighter|Ranger, Mul Battle Slave, Legendary Sovereign
Hybrid Talent: Arena Training (in place of Fighter Weapon Talent - DCSC 86)
Arena Training: Arena Weapon (Rapier)
Arena Training: Arena Weapon (Zulaat)
Theme: Samurai
Sword of Kings: Twofold Flinch

Str 26, Con 12, Dex 24, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 16.

Str 18, Con 10, Dex 14, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 10.

AC: 47 Fort: 39 Reflex: 38 Will: 33

Level 1: Hybrid Talent
Level 2: Death's Quickening
Level 4: Past Soul
Level 6: Light Blade Expertise
Level 8: Cunning Sneak
Level 11: Arena Battle Rhythm
Level 12: Lasting Frost
Level 14: Two-Weapon Fighting
Level 16: Two-Weapon Opening
Level 18: Reserve Maneuver
Level 21: Triumphant Attack
Level 21: Rending Tempest
Level 22: Vengeful Declaration
Level 22: Ghostly Vitality
Level 24: Disciple of Divine Wrath
Level 26: Prime Hunter
Level 28: Heavy Blade Mastery
Level 30: Mobile Warrior

At-will: Twin Strike
Reserve Maneuver: Twofold Flinch (replaces Challenge of Blades from PP)
Encounter: Untamed Outburst, Nonchalant Collapse, Weaponmaster's Lure
Utility: Battle Fury Stance, Incredible Toughness (via Past Soul)

Belt of Sonnlinor Righteousness (epic tier), Sandals of Avandra, Symbol of Victory +2, Life Charm +5, Gauntlets of Destruction, Frozen Whetstone (paragon tier) (35), Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold (epic tier), Vorpal Zulaat +6, Ring of Free Time, Quickhit Braces (epic tier), Ioun Stone of Might, Eager Hero's Tattoo (paragon tier), Veteran's Elderhide Armor +6, The Fading One - Lighter than Wind (heroic tier), Ring of Giants, Solitaire (Violet)

The Trick

Twofold Flinch is an awesome power. It makes 2 attack rolls, and does so as a minor (!) action. Sadly, it does not deal any damage, which really limits the abusability of this otherwise-great thing.

On the other hand...Arena Battle Rhythm lets you deal damage when you make a melee attack and don't deal damage. Pretty neat, but static damage isn't really all that big a deal...

Then Rending Tempest makes it so that, if you hit, you deal extra [W]'s of damage. Now we not only are dealing damage, but there is a damage roll with it as well. Use MBS to make the power reliable, then add Sword of Kings, and now we can spam Twofold Flinch every round - with a damage roll.

There will probably be objections to this on a variety of grounds, but I will pre-empt one of them:
Objection: Arena Battle Rhythm just says the target "takes damage," not necessarily that you're dealing it as part of the hit. If you're not dealing it, then you can't add Rending Tempest.
Rebuttal: For starters, the rules generally treat "the target takes damage" due to your attack identically to "you deal damage to the target." But if you want to get more specific, just compare to the wording of Critical Hits on RC 217. It says that, on a crit, you do not deal damage as normal. "Instead, the target takes damage as if the maximum result had been rolled for damage." But then a moment later, it describes how extra damage (such as from a magic weapon's crit dice) will still add in, even though the wording is "the target takes damage." This is identical to what I'm doing with Arena Battle Rhythm + Rending Tempest.


Start the battle at non-positive HP, holding a Frozen Whetstone

First round:
free action: Iaijutsu (shift next to isolated target, get a +2 to attack...assumes target is reachable via shift 4)
RoFT minor: use Frozen Whetstone
minor 1: activate Battle Fury Stance
free: use OoE on target
standard: Untamed Outburst
minor 2: Nonchalant Collapse
AP: Weaponmaster's Lure
minor 3: Twofold Flinch
minor 4: Twofold Flinch
minor 5: Twofold Flinch

Every subsequent round:
standard: Twin Strike
all minors: Twofold Flinch

Shift 1 from Mobile Warrior after every single attack (gives +1 to the next attack due to The Fading One - Lighter Than Wind).

Can use an AP the first 5 enc/day due to Symbol of Victory and a violet solitaire.

I assume an isolated target for Cunning Sneak and Prime Hunter (though CS could easily be switched with Wintertouched). This isn't too crazy, because on turn 1 I can activate Sudden Strength to give a push on all attacks (and thus push the opponent away from the field). This is aided by Weaponmaster's Lure, which can reposition nicely if necessary.

Survivability is better than it looks at first, because 1) in theory, there's only 1 bad guy nearby, 2) that bad guy takes a -4 to attack me due to Twofold Flinch, and 3) I'm a revenant with the survivability tricks that come with that.


Instead of actually posting calculations, I will link to my sheet on the DPR King Candidates spreadsheet (go to View -> Hidden Sheets -> A Thousand Cuts; please re-hide afterward). I explained the tactics used above.

Simplifications used:
1) I assumed Triumphant Attack kicked in after the second attack on Weaponmaster's Lure...it's just a lot easier to actually pinpoint a time for that one, so I picked something a little pessimistic (chance of critting by that point = 65.13%).
2) I assumed that Twofold Flinch always had a damage roll from Rending Tempest (which isn't true if every attack before it missed). Very small effect on DPR.
3) I assumed that Lasting Frost is in effect forever after the first attack in the encounter.

Mean KPR: 4.866
Mean KPR post-milestone: 5.781

The "trick" part of it is the interesting aspect of the build, and I welcome any criticism about that (or any other piece of the build).

Also, since this is the first build to use the spreadsheet for damage calcs, any feedback on that is appreciated too (I don't think I'd want to put more than 1 build on a given sheet, by the way).

EDIT: Forgot to list cheese.
Rev., Frst, Twin, Typed, Solo

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JohnnyBlaise said:
Still working on the math, but I think this comes out to about 1113 per round.

Start at 0 hit points or fewer and auto save vs. daze (+10 to that save).

Minor action: miss with earthshock. (+21 vs. fort 95% chance of missing - also see dice and sorc. re-roll)

Remaining 5 actions (six after milestone) become ranged basic attacks (unless you have more than one target in which case your standard becomes a rapid shot and the remaining attacks become basic attacks)

RBA to Hit (with combat advantage)
Waistband: -2
Combat Advantage: +2
Dex: +9
Head: +3
Enhancement: +6
1/2 Level: +15
Expertise: +3
Nimble Blade: +1
Proficiency: +3
=+40 vs reflex

RBA Damage (frost dagger +6)
Waistband: +5
Dex: +9
Gloves: +4
Lasting Frost:+5
Light Blade Focus: +3
Primal Eye: +9
Light Blade Expertise: +3
Bracers: +6
Shard: +5
Harp: +5 (note this character never needs to take a short rest so this is a persistent bonus).
= 2d4+ 60 = 65. Crit = 89

Lighning Field:
2d6+9+5= 21 per square of slide = 168 damage per hit.

.95*168+.9*65+.05*89 = 222.5 X 5 attacks = 1113 dpr

For every additional target in a rapid shot you would add about 200 to that total (not quite 220 because you need to take a -2 to hit). If one were concerned about killing oneself in a rapid shot volley, you could forgo the waistband (which sucks to do admittedly) and put on the resist all 30 waist slot item instead.

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Cold shocker, level 30
Revenant, Sorcerer/Ranger, Lightning Fury, Star-Favored Champion
Sorcerous Power Option: Sorcerous Power Dexterity
Hybrid Talent Option: Soul of the Sorcerer
Soul of the Sorcerer Option: Storm Soul
Hybrid Ranger Option: Hybrid Ranger Fortitude
Extra Manifestation Option: Earthsoul
Earthshock Option: Earthshock Strength
Choose your Race in Life: Genasi
Scorned Noble (Scorned Noble Benefit)
Theme: Chevalier

STR 10, CON 24, DEX 28, INT 12, WIS 16, CHA 12

STR 8, CON 13, DEX 18, INT 10, WIS 13, CHA 10

AC: 34 Fort: 34 Ref: 34 Will: 33
HP: 181 Surges: 13 Surge Value: 45

Acrobatics +31, Dungeoneering +23, Nature +23, Stealth +29

Arcana +16, Athletics +17, Bluff +16, Diplomacy +18, Endurance +24, Heal +18, History +16, Insight +18, Intimidate +20, Perception +18, Religion +16, Streetwise +16, Thievery +24

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Chevalier Attack: Valiant Charge
Revenant Utility: Dark Reaping
Hunter's Quarry Power: Hunter's Quarry
Seeker Feature: Inevitable Shot
Genasi Racial Power: Earthshock
Star-Favored Champion Feature: Sign of Challenge
Ranger Attack: Rapid Shot
Sorcerer Attack 1: Acid Orb
Ranger Attack 1: Fox's Cunning
Seeker Attack 1: Elemental Spirits
Ranger Utility 2: Crucial Advice
Ranger Attack 5: Bloody Throw
Sorcerer Utility 6: Chaos Wager
Sorcerer Utility 10: Narrow Escape
Lightning Fury Attack 11: Furious Bolts
Lightning Fury Utility 12: Lightning in the Blood
Sorcerer Utility 16: Dominant Winds
Lightning Fury Attack 20: Bolt of Power
Sorcerer Utility 22: Fool's Luck
Ranger Attack 23: Avalanche of Fury
Ranger Attack 25: Unstoppable Arrows
Star-Favored Champion Utility 26: Sign of Hope
Ranger Attack 29: Five-Missile Dance

Level 1: Light Blade Expertise
Level 2: Hybrid Talent
Level 4: Primal Sharpshooter
Level 6: Mark of Storm
Level 8: Extra Manifestation
Level 10: Nimble Blade
Level 11: Primal Eye
Level 12: Lasting Frost
Level 14: Earthshock Master
Level 16: Death's Quickening
Level 18: Superior Will
Level 20: Deft Blade
Level 21: Ghostly Vitality
Level 22: Focused Mind
Level 24: Deadly Draw
Level 26: Archery Mastery
Level 28: Weapon Focus (Light blade)
Level 30: Distant Shot

Dice of Auspicious Fortune
Stone of Wind
Horreb Ritual Cube
Adventurer's Kit
Bracers of the Perfect Shot (epic tier) x1
Eagle Eye Goggles (epic tier) x1
Rushing Cleats x1
Staggering Mace +6 x1
Ollamh Harp
Frozen Whetstone (heroic tier)
Gloves of Ice (epic tier) x1
Waistband of the Grappler x1
Ring of the Radiant Storm x1
Ring of Free Time x1
Eberron Shard of Lightning (epic tier)
Frost Dagger +6 x1
====== End ======


Cazzeo said:
New psionic power feat:
Beguiling Torment. Whenever you daze an enemy with a psionic power, you can slide it 1 square for 1pp.

Since powers inherit all the triggered slides (see mark of storm+staggering weapon working, etc.), Staggering Weapon/Hindering Shield should work with this slide:

Terrifying Deluge
Stygian Adept for 2 more pp/Fleeing Fear
MC Fighter
Hindering Shield
Staggering Weapon (Hammer) +6
Rushing Cleats
Topaz Crusader Epic Destiny for 2 more pp

Hit the target. It slides from Fleeing Fear and is slowed (HS) and therefore dazed (OI), triggering Beguiling Torment. Slide w/beguiling torment, which slows the mob, which dazes it again, triggering Beguiling Torment again. You can do this as many times as you have power points.

Total squares of slide = 8 initial (Stygian Adept) + 8*19 (Beguiling Torment) = 160.

Note that you could also conserve pps and "only" slide 56 squares 3 times =)
kergma said:
Ok then. lvl 30 Genasi Battlemind|Sorcerer/Lightning Fury/Invincible mind with all the feats and items listed here plus waistband of the grappler and shocking flame. Use Brutal Barrage unaugmented.

Each time you hit, spend all your PP on sliding. Each time you hit, regain two PP. Net slide of 24 per hit. 2d6+5 (waistband)+4 (Dex)=16 damage per square. If you miss, use brilliant recovery twice with the same shtick.
BB: 3*((.6)*(7+4 SF+(16)*24)+.05*(14))+
BR: 2*(1-.6^(3))*(.6*(4.5+7 Con+4 SF+5 (shard)+(16*24)+.05*(17.5))=1 095 DPR
kergma said:
The Blender, level 30
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Blenn'dir, level 30
Genasi, Battlemind|Sorcerer, Lightning Fury, Invincible Mind
Sorcerous Power: Sorcerous Power Dexterity
Hybrid Talent: Soul of the Sorcerer
Soul of the Sorcerer: Storm Soul
Psionic Augmentation (Hybrid): Hybrid Power Point Option
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Heavy Blade)
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Light Blade)
Arcane Implement Proficiency: Arcane Implement Proficiency (heavy blade group)
Elemental Manifestation: Stormsoul
FINAL ABILITY SCORESStr 15, Con 24, Dex 18, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 20.
STARTING ABILITY SCORESStr 10, Con 17, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14.

AC: 39 Fort: 41 Reflex: 38 Will: 42HP: 182 Surges: 14 Surge Value: 45
TRAINED SKILLSHistory +22, Arcana +22, Endurance +29
UNTRAINED SKILLSAcrobatics +19, Bluff +20, Diplomacy +20, Dungeoneering +15, Heal +15, Insight +15, Intimidate +20, Nature +17, Perception +15, Religion +17, Stealth +19, Streetwise +20, Thievery +19, Athletics +17
Level 1: Hybrid Talent
Level 2: Versatile Expertise
Level 4: Arcane Implement Proficiency
Level 6: Mark of Storm
Level 10: Unarmored Agility
Level 11: Shocking Flame
Level 12: Wrathful Warrior
Level 14: Opportunity Sidestep
Level 16: Paragon Defenses
Level 18: Hindering Shield
Level 20: Ubiquitous Shield
Level 21: Overwhelming Impact
Level 22: Melee Training (Constitution)
Level 24: beguiling torment
Level 26: Encouraging Shield
Level 28: Shield Proficiency (Light)
Level 30: Robust Defenses
Hybrid at-will 1: Twisted Eye
Hybrid at-will 1: Lightning Strike
Psionic Defense (Hybrid): Blurred Step
Hybrid daily 1: Shocking Magnetism
Hybrid utility 2: Dragonflame Mantle
Hybrid encounter 3: Flame Spiral
Hybrid daily 5: Nightmare Vortex
Hybrid utility 6: Psionic Ambush
Hybrid at-will/encounter 7: Psionic Speed
Hybrid daily 9: Glacial Armor
Hybrid utility 10: Chaotic Defense
Hybrid at-will/encounter 13: Brutal Barrage (replaces Twisted Eye)
Hybrid daily 15: Lightning Daggers (replaces Shocking Magnetism)
Hybrid utility 16: Fog Form
Hybrid at-will/encounter 17: Breath of Winter (replaces Flame Spiral)
Hybrid utility 22: Tactical Supremacy
Hybrid at-will/encounter 23: Flame Spiral (replaces Breath of Winter)
Hybrid at-will/encounter 27: Brilliant Recovery (replaces Psionic Speed)
Rhythm Blade Dagger +1, Helm of Opportunity (heroic tier), Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier), Rushing Cleats (heroic tier), Waistband of the Grappler (paragon tier), Barrage Bracers (heroic tier), Eberron Shard of Lightning (epic tier), Evil Eye Fetish +6, Staggering Warhammer +6, Prismatic Robe Mindpatterned Armor +6



mellored said:
Booming blade can be abused, you just need a way to make the enemy move on it's turn. (and use the somewhat dubious "per square" reading).

Praetor Legate let's you do that automaticly. (thanks Armisael & erachima) So we effectivly have twin-strike.
With controling advantage, we can bring it back.
And since it's arcane, we can use WLMR + mark of storms to ensure it's triggered at least 3 times (assuming ally's stay out of range).
Add prone, to help encourage them attacking us, so it's either 4x damage, or 3x and stun.
Staggering flail + rushing cleats adds 7 more to the riposte...

I threw this on a elementalist base (+Con damage). Though a (persuit?) avenger might do just as well. Sage of Ages for accuracy, though destined scion might be better (saves a few feats).

[sblock build] ====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Boomer, level 30
Half-Elf, Sorcerer (Elementalist), Praetor Legate, Sage of Ages
Elemental Specialty Option: Earth Elementalist
Earth Elementalist Option: Thunder
Arcane Admixture Damage Type: Arcane Admixture Lightning
Half-Elf Power Selection Option: Dilettante
Arcane Sentinel (+2 to Arcana)
Theme: Templar

STR 12, CON 24, DEX 13, INT 26, WIS 10, CHA 14

STR 10, CON 14, DEX 11, INT 18, WIS 8, CHA 10

AC: 42 Fort: 41 Ref: 42 Will: 40
HP: 181 Surges: 13 Surge Value: 45

Arcana +48

Acrobatics +16, Athletics +16, Bluff +17, Diplomacy +19, Dungeoneering +21, Endurance +22, Heal +15, History +31, Insight +17, Intimidate +17, Nature +21, Perception +15, Religion +29, Stealth +16, Streetwise +17, Thievery +16

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Templar Feature: Templar's Fist
Sorcerer Attack: Elemental Bolt
Sorcerer Attack: Elemental Escalation (Earth)
Swordmage Attack 1: Booming Blade
Sorcerer Utility 2: Unseen Aid
Praetor Legate Attack 11: Obsidian Javelin
Praetor Legate Utility 12: Dustwalk
Praetor Legate Attack 20: Dictator's Judgment
Sage of Ages Utility 26: Trick of Knowledge

Level 1: Flail Expertise
Level 2: Skill Focus (Arcana)
Level 4: Arcane Familiar
Level 6: Disciple of Lore
Level 8: Mark of Storm
Level 10: White Lotus Riposte
Level 11: Awakened Potential (Psion)
Level 12: White Lotus Master Riposte
Level 14: White Lotus Enervation
Level 16: Arcane Admixture
Level 18: Oncoming Storm
Level 20: Versatile Master
Level 21: Controlling Advantage
Level 22: Quickened Spellcasting
Level 24: Weapon Proficiency (Triple-headed flail)
Level 26: Lightning Soul
Level 28: Improved Defenses
Level 30: Unarmored Agility

Runic Mindpatterned Armor +6 x1
Staggering Triple-headed flail +6 x1
Rushing Cleats x1
Iron Armbands of Power (epic tier) x1
Amulet of Protection +6 x1
====== End ====== [/sblock]

The build isn't tweaked (missing alot of possible items), and feats aren't even close to being in order.
mellored said:
DPR and such.

[sblock To-Hit: 96%]
8 (int)
6 (enh)
3 (flail)
3 (feat)
2 (sage)
2 (CA)
+1 (WLE)
+1 (oncomming storm)
= 41 vs 46 = 80%

Roll twice 1-(.2*.2) = 96%[/sblock]

[sblock Damage: 43 ]
11 (2d10)
8 (int)
8 (elemental)
7 (Con)
6 (item)
3 (feat)
= 43[/sblock]

[sblock Booming damage = 34.5]
7 (con)
8 (elemental)
7 (con)
6 (item)
3 (feat)
= 34.5[/sblock]

[sblock Slide]
1 mark of storms
6 staggering weapon
1 rushing cleats
1 controling advantage

[sblock crit = ]

If it does nothing:
.96 * (43 + 34.5) = 74.4

If it attacks you:
.96 * (43 + 34.5 + (.92 * (43 + 34.5 * 9)) + 8 = 394.2912
mellored said:
Can't find a way to get fire damage in there... took primordial adept theme for the +2 damage instead.

And yea.. AC is lvl+14.

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Boomer, level 30
Genasi, Swordmage/Battlemind, Lyrandar Wind-Rider, Destined Scion
Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid) Option: Aegis of Shielding
Psionic Augmentation (Hybrid) Option: Hybrid Power Point Option
Arcane Admixture Damage Type: Arcane Admixture Cold
Epic Heroism Option: Constitution
Epic Heroism Option: Intelligence
Hybrid Talent Option: Battlemind Armor Proficiency
Elemental Manifestation Option: Stormsoul
Theme: Primordial Adept

STR 12, CON 28, DEX 15, INT 28, WIS 13, CHA 10

STR 10, CON 16, DEX 13, INT 16, WIS 11, CHA 8

AC: 45 Fort: 44 Ref: 47 Will: 37
HP: 217 Surges: 17 Surge Value: 54


Acrobatics +15, Arcana +28, Athletics +14, Bluff +15, Diplomacy +15, Dungeoneering +16, Endurance +24, Heal +16, History +28, Insight +16, Intimidate +15, Nature +18, Perception +16, Religion +28, Stealth +15, Streetwise +15, Thievery +15

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Primordial Adept Attack: Vezzuvu's Eruption
Genasi Racial Power: Promise of Storm
Swordmage Feature: Aegis of Shielding
Battlemind Feature: Battlemind's Demand
Swordmage Attack 1: Booming Blade
Wizard Utility 2: Feather Fall
Swordmage Attack 3: Blades of Fiery Wrath
Battlemind Attack 7: Lightning Rush
Lyrandar Wind-Rider Attack 11: Wind Burst
Lyrandar Wind-Rider Utility 12: Zephyr Wings
Lyrandar Wind-Rider Attack 20: Unruly Cyclone
Destined Scion Utility 26: Epic Recovery
Battlemind Attack 27: Brilliant Recovery
Destined Scion Utility 30: Undeniable Victory

Level 1: Flail Expertise
Level 2: Hybrid Talent
Level 4: White Lotus Riposte
Level 6: Improved Defenses
Level 8: Mark of Storm
Level 10: Wrathful Warrior
Level 11: Shocking Flame
Level 12: White Lotus Master Riposte
Level 14: Hindering Shield
Level 16: Icy Heart
Level 18: White Lotus Enervation
Level 20: Arcane Admixture
Level 21: Lasting Frost
Level 22: Quickened Spellcasting
Level 24: Wintertouched
Level 26: Battering Shield
Level 28: World Serpent's Grasp
Level 30: Dragging Flail

Rushing Cleats x1
Iron Armbands of Power (epic tier) x1
Amulet of Protection +6 x1
Staggering Alhulak +6 x1
Heavy Shield x1
Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold (epic tier)
Gloves of Ice (epic tier) x1
Opal Ring of Remembrance x1
Magic Mantle Armor +6 x1
====== End ======

To hit: 15 + 9 + 6 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 40
+CA + enervertion = 43 after the first hit. vs 44

so 95%

damage: 9 + 9 + 6 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 = 49
+5 after the first hit = 54
+9 (2d8), or +3.5 (1d6) = 63 / 57.5

(.95 * (63 + (.95 * 57.5 * 18))) + 14 = 1007.9375

WOO 1k mark

/264 = 3.82 KPR.


Non-abusive (real world) DPR.
.95 * (63+(.95 * 57.5)) + 14 = 125.74375

Possibly higher, since you don't neccicarly need to punt+slow people 18 squares, but a battering shield -> epic will wouldn't hurt either.


Lathaen-V said:
So this took a while, since the nerf to zones. Even though he is a Dragonborn using the breath 3x per round. He is not a revenant, nor does he use the zone damage. He is a fighter|warlock/swordmage with Ninefold Master PP and Arcane Sword ED. If you want to put a cheese tag on him for using this path to make his dragonbreath an at-will, then do so. In short, he breathes 3x per round hurling friendly breath that marks all foes, pushes8, pushes8, slows, immobolizes, dazes, and gives all enemies in the burst a -8 to hit. I did not do any items other than the 2 really needed, so I do not know if his defenses will be sufficient in round1 before he gets to go.


====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Kava, level 30
Dragonborn, Warlock/Fighter, Ninefold Master, Arcane Sword
Eldritch Pact (Hybrid) Option: Sorcerer-King Pact (Hybrid)
Eldritch Strike Option: Eldritch Strike Constitution
Hybrid Warlock Option: Hybrid Warlock Reflex
Draconic Resistance Option: Draconic Resistance Cold
Arcane Admixture Damage Type: Arcane Admixture Fire
Dragonborn Racial Power Option: Dragon Breath
Dragon Breath Key Ability: Dragon Breath Constitution
Dragon Breath Damage Type: Dragon Breath Lightning
Adaptable Breath Option: Dragon Breath Cold
Theme: Yakuza

STR 24, CON 26, DEX 14, INT 13, WIS 10, CHA 15

STR 16, CON 16, DEX 12, INT 11, WIS 8, CHA 11

AC: 27 Fort: 34 Ref: 28 Will: 27
HP: 184 Surges: 15 Surge Value: 54

Athletics +27, Endurance +28, Intimidate +24, Streetwise +24

Acrobatics +17, Arcana +16, Bluff +17, Diplomacy +17, Dungeoneering +15, Heal +15, History +18, Insight +15, Nature +15, Perception +15, Religion +16, Stealth +17, Thievery +17

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Yakuza Utility: Ruthless Demonstration
Dragonborn Racial Power: Dragon Breath
Warlock's Curse Power: Warlock's Curse
Fighter Attack: Combat Challenge
Warlock Attack 1: Eldritch Strike
Ninefold Master Attack 11: Dragon Aura
Ninefold Master Utility 12: Countering Breath
Ninefold Master Attack 20: Dragon Tempest
Arcane Sword Utility 26: Mass Aegis

Level 1: Draconic Spellcaster
Level 2: Daunting Breath
Level 4: Bolstering Breath
Level 6: Hurl Breath
Level 8: Adaptable Breath
Level 10: Dragonclaw Mark
Level 11: Admixture Breath
Level 12: Draconic Arrogance
Level 14: Dizzying Mace
Level 16: Frost Breath
Level 18: Thundering Breath
Level 20: Arcane Admixture
Level 21: Heart of the Blade
Level 22: Freezing Breath
Level 24: Deadly Immobilization
Level 26: Concussive Breath
Level 28: Superior Implement Training (Ashen rod)
Level 30: Dual Implement Spellcaster

Battle-Pact Ashen rod +6 x1
Arkhosian Scepter Ashen rod +6 x1
====== End ======

First, I have some warlock pact and the yakuza theme that do not do anything, too feat strapped to use those. I also found that dizzying mace will work better than the phychic damage on the curse and the -2 to hit for enemies. Please check my calculations for DPR. The first breath does not have CA yet because none of the targets are dazed yet.


To Hit:
+6 power
+8 CON
+15 1/2 level
+6 enhancement
+3 Draconic Spellcaster
+1 Superior Implement

To Damage:
+8 CON
+6 Enhancement
+6 Enhancement DIS
+7 Marked
+7 Draconic Arrogance via Thundering breath
+7 Draconic Arrogance via Concussive Breath
+8 Deadly Immobilization via Frost Breath
+8 Deadly Immobilization via Freezing Breath
+3 Draconic Spellcaster
+4 Superior Implement

Damage first breath = (.85)(74.5)+(.05)(85) = 67.575
Damage 2,3 breath = (.90)(74.5)+(.05)(85) = 71.3
Total in round = 206.45 DPR

I think that you still miss on a 1, that is why it is .90 on the regular hit, is this correct?
Also from reading the boards here, people were using +str damage from draconic arrogance twice because there were 2 pushes from 2 different feats. I expanded on this and used the same logic for the deadly immobilization. There might be more tweaking that can be done with the last few feats. Maybe a WSG for the prone and more +str damage instead of DIS.

KPR = 264/206.45 = 1.2787... I think you have it backwards in your glossary.
KPR = 206.45/264 = 0.782 I know I can not kill a creature of 264HP in one round, so this number is the correct one.
If we convert area to single I get 2.43KPR

Please comment and help me flesh out with ideas for more dpr via feats, like maybe a bigger burst. I would also like item suggestions. Seeing that he will give his enemies -8 to hit, I could get by with lower defenses.



bergtau said:
L30 Build

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Battle Assassin, level 30
Genasi, Battlemind, Lyrandar Wind-Rider, Perfect Slayer
Build: Harrier Battlemind
Psionic Study Option: Persistent Harrier
Elemental Manifestation Option: Stormsoul
Arcane Student Who Saw Too Much (Arcane Student Who Saw Too Much Benefit)
Theme: Sohei

STR 16, CON 28, DEX 18, INT 12, WIS 16, CHA 12

STR 13, CON 18, DEX 13, INT 8, WIS 10, CHA 10

AC: 41 Fort: 44 Ref: 38 Will: 40
HP: 217 Surges: 18 Surge Value: 54

Athletics +23, Endurance +31, Insight +25, Stealth +24

Acrobatics +19, Arcana +16, Bluff +16, Diplomacy +16, Dungeoneering +18, Heal +18, History +16, Intimidate +16, Nature +20, Perception +20, Religion +16, Streetwise +16, Thievery +19

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Sohei Attack: Sohei Flurry
Genasi Racial Power: Promise of Storm
Battlemind Feature: Battlemind's Demand
Battlemind Feature: Blurred Step
Battlemind Feature: Mind Spike
Battlemind Feature: Persistent Harrier
Assassin Feature: Assassin's Shroud
Battlemind Attack 1: Renewed Focus
Battlemind Attack 1: Accelerating Strike
Battlemind Utility 2: Concussive Response
Wizard Utility 2: Feather Fall
Battlemind Utility 6: Sense Minds
Battlemind Utility 10: Subjective Gravity
Lyrandar Wind-Rider Attack 11: Wind Burst
Lyrandar Wind-Rider Utility 12: Zephyr Wings
Battlemind Attack 13: Brutal Barrage
Battlemind Utility 16: Teleport Trigger
Lyrandar Wind-Rider Attack 20: Unruly Cyclone
Battlemind Utility 22: Fearless Mindset
Battlemind Attack 23: Blade Tremor
Battlemind Attack 25: Deadly Haste Strike
Perfect Slayer Utility 26: Killer's Judgment
Battlemind Attack 29: Killing Wind Assault

Shadow Initiate
Level 1: Mark of Storm
Level 2: Heavy Blade Expertise
Level 6: Weapon Proficiency (Fullblade)
Level 8: Improved Defenses
Level 10: Headsman's Chop
Level 11: Shocking Flame
Level 12: Repel Charge
Level 14: Heavy Blade Opportunity
Level 16: Lasting Frost
Level 18: Brutal Shroud
Level 20: Lethal Shroud
Level 21: Inexorable Shroud
Level 22: Armor Specialization (Hide)
Level 24: Killer's Insight
Level 26: Weapon Focus (Heavy Blade)
Level 28: Superior Will
Level 30: Blood Thirst

Melegaunt's Darkblade Fullblade +6 x1
Summoned Roc Hide Armor +6 x1
Iron Armbands of Power (epic tier) x1
Cloak of Distortion +6 x1
Frozen Whetstone (epic tier)
Ring of Free Time
====== End ======

Powers were auto-chosen so this can be improved on a lot, so feel free. This was just to show the at-will DPR.

Action order = Frozen Whestone, Assassin's Shroud(x2 from Killer's Insight, Inexorable lets them stay), Move, Brutal Barrage Augment 1

Perfect Slayer feature lets you keep shrouds when you invoke them, so you get them for each BB.

DPR = 274

4 attacks:
+39 vs AC, 28 + 2d8 + 29 damage
+39 vs AC, 38 + 2d8 + 29 damage
+39 vs AC, 38 + 2d8 + 29 damage
+39 vs AC, 38 + 2d8 + 29 damage


9(Con mod base) + 1(LWR) + 3 (Prof) + 6 (Ehn) + 3 (Exp) + 15 (Half) = 37, Combat Advantage adds two and you will have it because of Perfect Slayer.


28/38 = BB base = 9(Con mod base) + 9(Con mod LWR) + 6(Frozen Whetstone) + 4(Shocking Flame), then adds 5(Lasting Frost) + 5(Headsman's Chop)
2d8 + 29 = Assassin's Shroud = 2d8 (Lethal Shroud, 2 shrouds) + 20(Lethal Shroud, 2 shrouds) + 9(LWR)

It gets LWR's bonus because it is its own damage roll that does not benefit from bonuses to damage rolls. Since LWR gives a bonus to damage (not damage rolls), it applies. If not, the build's DPR drops to 245.2.
Add in Promise of Storm and 4 Shrouds from the Perfect Slayer's utility, it goes to:

+39 vs AC, 28 + 7d8 + 49
+39 vs AC, 38 + 7d8 + 49
+39 vs AC, 38 + 7d8 + 49
+39 vs AC, 38 + 7d8 + 49

For a total average damage of 443

I don't consider this to be AWDPR, though, because if you kill your target, you can only save 2 of your shrouds via Inexorable Shroud. That's why I calculated the 274 using 2 shrouds.

Note: The 274 and 443 include 1d8 + 19 and 3d8 + 39 on a miss respectively, as well as crits. The math I posted does not. I'm using a DPR calculator and will write out more complete math later on, as well as possibly improving the build to include other encounters (like Sohei Flurry).


nelphine said:
Here is both the original Marilith Summoner, and the Optimized Marilith Summoner. There are 3 reasons I totally love this build:
First: Mariliths are my favorite demons ever, and demons are my favorite monsters ever, and I love that I get to use them now.
Second: High crit has always appealed to me, even though it's not really optimized. Lightning has also always been my favorite damage type. Lancing Dagger therefore has always screamed at me to be used, but I had a hard time justifying it. Similarly, Ball Lightning is super awesome. Every time I look at the Sorcerer class I say 'Why would I ever play them, when they can't get Ball Lightning??!?!'. Yes I realize it's not actually that fantastic. But I loves it dearly.
Third: I've managed to avoid the Radiant Mafia! (Which, given my half-elf radiant twin-striking mafia, I'm quite proud of.)

The only thing that shows up due to the key is the Summon Marilith power which is from the Dragon magazine, and the fact that Shocking Flame confers the lightning keyword.

Defensive Marilith Summoner, 209.55(@9)

Only the Important Info

Voidsoul Genasi Wizard/Rimetongue Caller/Radiant One, Level 30
Str 14->24, Con 10->12, Dex 13->15, Int 16->26, Wis 14->16, Cha 8->10

+6 Accurate Staff of Ruin, +6 Summoner's Tome, Epic Siberys Shard of Cold, Gloves of Ice, Ring of Giants, Ring of Giants, Opal Ring of Remembrance, +6 Dawn Warrior Starleather, +6 Cloak of Arachnidia, 291k gold

Resist: 15 Psychic/Poison, 10 Lightning/Fire/Cold/Acid
AC: 43, Fort: 44, Ref: 45, Will: 42

Arcane Admix (Summon Marilith, Cold), Wintertouched, Lasting Frost, Versatile Expertise (Staff), Staff Focus, Elemental Empowerment
Dual Implement Spellcaster, Wizard Implement Mastery, Arcane Mastery, Vistani Heritage, Vistani Foresight, Leather Proficiency
Superior Implement, Robust Defenses, Elemental Warrior, Epic Will, Epic Fortitude, Epic Reflexes

Power: Summon Marilith (Use once, Use once from AP, Use once from Vistani AP, Use once from Tome, Use once from first milestone AP, Use once from second milestone AP, Use once from third milestone AP, total 7 encounters without problem)

+15 lvl +8 int +6 enh +3 feat +1 accurate +2 CA +2 item = +37 vs Ref 42
= 20% miss chance, 10% crit, 70% hit

Damage: 2d10 base +8 int +6 enh +6 item +6 DIS +5 vuln +8 CA +7 str +5 shard +1d6 PP +3 feat +4 gloves = 14.5 + 58 = 72.5 * 0.7 = 50.75 average hit damage per attack
Crit = 6d10 + 26 + 58 + 24 rings = 33 + 108 = 141 * 0.1 = 14.1 average crit damage per attack

DPA = 64.85

DPR = DPA * 3 + Aura = 194.55 +15 = 209.55

Offensive Marilith Summoner (379.055, @)


Stormsoul Genasi Wizard|Fighter/Bloodmage/Archspell
Str 14->24, Con 10->12, Dex 11->13, Int 18->28, Wis 10->12, Cha 8->10

+6 Jagged Lancing Dagger w/ Epic Siberys Shard of Cold, +6 Magic Dagger, Gloves of Ice (Epic), Ring of Giants, Opal Ring of Remembrance, Iron Armbands of Power (Epic), 5 +4 Dancing Rapiers, +6 Runic Starweave, +5 Magic Neck, Ring of Free Time, 2235000 gp (Mummified Hand costs 1.625 if your DM wil allow you to simply wear the Mummified Hand instead of holding it in order to get the benefits. This allows you to wear all 3 rings at once.)

Superior Implement (Lancing Dagger), Wintertouched, Lasting Frost, Light Blade Expertise, Silvery Glow, Elemental Empowerment
Dual Implement Spellcaster, Hybrid: Tempest Technique, Arcane Mastery, Vistani Heritage, Vistani Foresight, Leather Proficiency
Intelligent Melee Training, Improved Defenses, Light Blade Arcane Implement, Arcane Admix (Ball Lightning, Cold), Arcane Admix (Summon Marilith, Cold), Shocking Flame

Powers: Summon Marilith (Signature Spell, usable 1/encounter) + Bolstering Blood), Ball Lightning (Arcane Mastery useable 5 encounters/day (4th encounter uses AP from Vistani Foresight) + Bolstering Blood)), Martial Supremacy

AC: 44, Fort: 43, Ref: 43, Will: 36

Marilith DPR:
Hit: +15 lvl +9 int +6 enh +3 feat +2 CA +2 item +1 Talent +2 signature spell = +40 vs Ref 42 = 5% miss chance, 10% crit, 85% hit
Damage: 2d10 base +2d10 bolstering blood +9 int +6 enh +6 item +6 DIS +5 vuln +7 str +5 shard +4 feat +4 gloves +4 shocking flame +4 energized +2 tempest +3 expertise = 22 + 65 = 87 * 0.85 = 73.95
Crit = 20 ongoing + 40 + 65 +3d10 high crit +12 giants = 29 + 117 + 16.5 = 162.5 * 0.1 = 16.25
DPA = 90.2
DPR = DPA * 3 = 270.6

Dancing DPR:
Hit: +15 lvl +9 int +4 enh +3 prof +3 feat +2 item +2 CA roll twice Martial Supremacy= +38 vs AC 44 = 6.25% miss, 9.75% crit, 84% hit
Damage: 2d8 +9 int +4 enh +4 shocking flame +6 item +3 expertise = 9 + 26 = 35 * 0.84 = 29.4
Crit: 16 +26 +12 +4d6 = 54 + 14 = 68 * *0.0975 = 6.63
Total = 36.03

Ball Lightning DPR:
Hit: +15 lvl +9 int +6 enh +3 feat +2 item +2 CA +1 talent = +38 vs Ref 42 = 15% miss chance, 10% crit, 75% hit
Damage: 3d6 base +2d10 bolstering blood +9 int +6 enh +6 DIS +5 vuln +7 str +5 shard +4 feat +4 gloves +4 energized +2 tempest +3 expertise = 10.5 +11 + 55 = 76.5 * 0.75 = 57.375
Crit: 38 + 55 +12 giants + 20 ongoing + 3d10 = 29 + 105 + 16.5 = 150.5 * 0.1 = 15.05
Total = 72.425

Total DPR: 379.055 (343.025 without Dancing)

Additional Note: You could get 2 Marilith's out in one encounter due to the Bloodmage level 12 Utility ability. This means that for the most part you don't have to worry about the Marilith dying.

And now for a mediocre Marilith Summoner on an Avenger Chassis - due to needing to use Oath too often, and trying to keep myself as well as the Marilith adjacent to enemies, the action economy on this chassis simply doesn't work without large party cooperation.

I'm probably going to actually make a thread based on this version, although sadly he no longer uses a Lancing Dagger OR Ball Lightning..


Deva Unity Avenger/Morninglord/Radiant One

Str 10->12, Con 13->15, Dex 11->13, Int 16->26, Wis 16->26, Cha 8->10

Vistani Heritage, Wizard MC, Light Blade Expertise, Light Blade Focus, Wintertouched, TWF
TWO, Lasting Frost, Adept Power, Intelligent Melee, Improved Defenses, Light Blade Implement
Arcane Mastery, Vistani Foresight, Hand of Divine Guidance, Arcane Admix (Cold), Punishing Radiance, Dual Implement Spellcaster

Desired DPR Feats that were dropped for defenses: Incendiary Dagger Proficiency

+6 Vicious Incendiary Dagger w/ Epic Khyber Shard of the Fiery Depth, +6 Frost Rapier w/ Paragon Khyber Shard of the Fiery Depth, Opal Ring of Remembrance, Ring of Giants, Iron Armbands of Power (Epic), Gloves of Ice (Epic), 5 +4 Dancing Rapiers w/ Paragon Khyber Shard of the Fiery Depth, +6 Runic Starweave, +6 Magic Neck

Powers: Summon Marilith (Arcane Mastery useable 5 encounters/day (4th encounter uses AP from Vistani Foresight)), Oath of Enmity

Quick Note:
4 attacks per turn, 19% crit rate = 57% chance of at least 1 crit/turn
3 attacks per turn with main hand weapon, 19% crit rate = 47% chance of crit spawning TWO attack per turn
We assume Wintertouched/Lasting Frost for all Marilith and Dancing Attacks, and never for TWO attacks, although technically, that isn't quite the right break down.

Marilith DPR:
Hit: +15 lvl +8 int +6 enh +3 feat +2 CA +2 item = +36 vs Ref 42 = 6.25% miss chance, 19% crit, 74.75% hit
Damage: 2d10 base +8 int +6 enh +6 item +6 DIS +5 vuln +8 ED +5 shard +3 feat +4 gloves +3 expertise +5.7 punishing radiance +10 morninglord +3 unity = 11 + 72.7 = 83.7 * 0.7475 = 62.56575
Crit = 20 +72.7 maxed base +12 giants +6d12 vicious = 104.7 +39 = 143.7 * 0.19 = 27.303
DPA = 89.86875
DPR = DPA * 3 = 269.60625

Dancing DPR:
Hit: +15 lvl +8 int +4 enh +3 prof +3 feat +2 item +2 CA = +37 vs AC 44 = 9% miss, 19% crit, 72% hit
Damage: 2d8 roll +4 int +4 enh +8 ED +5 shard +3 feat +3 expertise +5.7 punishing radiance +10 morninglord +3 unity +6 item = 9 +51.7 = 60.7 * 0.72 = 43.704
Crit: 16 +51.7 +4d6 +8 = 89.7 * 0.19 = 17.043
Total = 60.747

Hit: +15 lvl +8 int +6 enh +3 prof +3 feat +2 item = +37 vs AC 44 = 9% miss, 19% crit, 72% hit
Damage: 2d8 roll +4 int +6 enh +8 ED +5 shard +3 feat +5.7 punishing radiance +10 morninglord +3 unity +4 gloves +6 item= 9 +54.7 = 63.7 * 0.72 = 45.864
Crit: 20 +57.7 +6d6 +12 = 110.7 * 0.19 = 21.033
Total = 66.897

Total DPR: 269.60625 + 60.747 + (0.47*(66.897) = 31.44159)
= 361.79484

Incendiary Dagger: +1 to hit (+2.25% hit), +4 to damage for Marilith attacks
= +3*(0.0225*83.7 + 0.96*4) = 3*(1.88325 + 3.84) = 17.16975

Total DPR with pure DPR feats: 378.96459

And now for something completely different. I wanted to start work on this before I post a proper thread, so I'm just doing it here for convenience.


Goliath Barbarian/PMC Fighter/Martial Archetype
Str 18->28, Con 11->15, Dex 14->22, Int 8->10, Wis 10->12, Cha 10->12

Gouge Prof, Spear Expertise, Student of the Sword, Novice Power, Acolyte Power, Adept Power
Silvery Glow, Deadly Axe, Power Attack, Impaling Spear, Improved Defenses, Goliath Double Attack
Spear Mastery, Martial Mastery, Epic Resurgence, Epic Will, Overwhelming Critical, Toughness

Hurricane DPR:
4 attacks:
To Hit: +15 lvl +9str +6 enh + 3 feat + 2 prof +2 CA -2 PA = +35 vs AC 44 =


Round 1:
Hurricane of Blades
Round 2:
Hurricane (19%), Rain of Blows (81%)
Round 3:
Hurricane (8.1%), Rain (28.20366%), Storm of Blades (63.69634%)
Round 4:
Hurricane (7.29%), Rain (25.910777%), Storm (3.102883%), Howl (63.69634%)
Round 5:
Hurricane (6.561%), Rain (15.809834%), Storm (12.806366%), Howl (64.8228%)
Round 6:
Hurricane (5.9049%), Rain (14.663367%), Storm (10.104012%), Howl (69.327721%)

Rain = Hurricane(n-1)*(Hurricane(n-1)*HurricaneCrit + Rain(n-2)*RainCrit +Storm(n-2)*StormCrit + Howl(n-2)*HowlCrit) + Rain(n-1)*RainCrit + Storm(n-1)*StormCrit + Howl(n-1)*HowlCrit

Storm = 1 - Hurricane(n)- Rain(n) - Storm (n-1) - Storm (n-2) - Storm (n-3) + Storm(n-1)*Storm(n-2) + Storm(n-1)*Storm(n-3) + Storm(n-2)*Storm(n-3) - Storm(n-1)*Storm(n-2)*Storm(n-3)

Howl = 1 - Hurricane(n)- Rain(n) - Storm(n)

Hurricane Crit: 0.1*4 - 0.01*6 +0.001*3 - 0.0001
= 0.3429
Rain Crit: 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.96*0.1 - 0.1*0.1 - 0.1*0.96*0.1 - 0.1*0.96*0.1 +0.1*0.1*0.96*0.1
= 0.26776
Storm Crit: 0.1 + 0.8*0.1 + 0.64*0.1 - 0.1*0.8*0.1 - 0.1*0.64*0.1 - 0.8*0.1*0.64*0.1 + 0.1*0.8*0.1*0.64*0.1
= 0.224992
Howl Crit:
= 0.1

Avenger Kulkor (289 DPR at 30)


Bugbear Avenger|Artificer/Kulkor Arms Master/Lorekeeper

Str 13->17, Con 12->18, Dex 11->17, Int 8->10, Wis 18->26, Cha 10->12

Arcana, Religion, Nature

Power of Skill, Surprising Charge, Gouge Proficiency, Polearm Momentum, Battle Awareness, Spear Expertise
Axe Focus, Impaling Spear, Deadly Axe, Arcane Admix (Sigil of Luck, Cold), Acolyte Power, Painful Oath
Kulkor Battlearm Student, Lasting Frost, Devastating Critical, Wintertouched, Slashing Storm, Power Attack

Rushing Cleats, +6 Carnage Gouge, Iron Armbands, Gloves of Ice, War Ring, Ring of Giants, Frost Shard, Horned Helm

Overwhelming Strike, Martial Supremacy, Vorpal Weapon, Sigil of Luck

To Hit:
+15 level +8 wis +6 enh +3 feat +2 prof +2 CA +1 power -2 PA +1 charge = +36 vs Ref 42
= 0.045 miss, 0.478 crit, 0.477 hit (on charge)
= 0.065 miss, 0.478 crit, 0.457 hit (kulkor attack)

4d7+4 base +8 wis +2 lorekeeper +3 feat +2d7+2 surprising charge +3 expertise +8 oath +5 vuln +8 slashing storm +9 power attack +6 enh +6.6 carnage +6 item +4 gloves +5 shard +3d6 helm +4 sigil = 24+10.5+83.6
= 118.1 (on charge)
= 81 (kulkor)

42+18+77 max base +12 giants +6.6 carnage +6d7+6 high crit +6d12 carnage +1d12 war +1d10 devastating
= 236.6 (on charge)
= 183.6 (kulkor)

0.477*118.1 + 0.478*236.6 + 0.955*(0.457*81 + 0.478*183.6)
= 288.6

Avenger Kulkor level 16 (87 DPR)



Str 13->16, Con 10->11, Dex 13->17, Int 8->10, Wis 18->24, Cha 10->12

Gouge Proficiency, Surprising Charge, Power of Skill, Battle Awareness, Kulkor Battlearm Student, Polearm Momentum
Wintertouched, Lasting Frost, Painful Oath, Spear Expertise

To Hit:
+8 lvl +7 wis +3 enh +2 feat +2 ca +2 prof +1 charge = +25 vs AC 30
= 9.75% crit, 86.25% hit (charge)
= 9.75% crit, 84% hit (kulkor)

2d5+2 base +7 wis +2d5+2 surprising charge +5 vuln +7 oath +2 expertise +3 enh +4 item +3 shard +2 gloves +2d6 helm = 12+7+37
= 56 (charge)
= 32 (kulkor)

= 85.5 (charge)
= 52.5 (kulkor)

DPR: 0.8625*56 + 0.0975*85.5 + 0.96*(0.84*32 + 0.0975*52.5)
= 87.35505

Half-Elf Avenger/Kulkor/Thief of Legend (271 DPR)


Str 13->16, Con 10->12, Dex 13->22, Wis 18->30

Polearm Momentum, Adept Diletante, Kulkor Battlearm Student, Heavy Blade Expertise, Power of Skill, Heavy Blade Focus
Versatile Master, Heavy Blade Opportunity, Heavy Blade High Crit MBA, Acolyte Power, Lasting Frost, Deadly Draw
Hand of Divine Guidance, Thievery Training, Painful Oath, Slashing Storm, Power Attack, Reckless Attacker

+6 Frost Glaive, +6 Piwafwi, +6 Shadowflow Starweave, Rushing Cleats, Iron Armbands, Gloves of Ice, Frost Shard, War Ring, Ring of Giants, Horned Helm

Stealth: +38

Overwhelming Strike, Brash Strike, Oath of Enmity, Martial Supremacy

To Hit:
+15 lvl +10 wis +6 enh +3 feat +3 prof +2 CA +1 charge -2 power attack = +38 vs AC 44
= 0.050625 miss, 0.3439 crit, 0.605475 hit (charge)
= 0.0729 miss, 0.3439 crit, 0.5832 hit (MBA, no charge)
= 0.0324 miss, 0.3439 crit, 0.6237 hit (brash, no charge)

4d4 base +10 wis +6 enh +6 item +5 shard +4 gloves +5 vuln +3 feat +9 power attack +3d6 helm +10 oath +10 storm = 10+10.5+68
= 88.5 (charge)
= 58 (MBA)
= 68 (Brash)

16+18+68+6d6 frost +1d6 war +6d4 high crit +12 giants
= 143.5 (charge)
= 105.5 (MBA)
= 100.5 (Brash)

DPR: 0.605475*88.5 + 0.3439*143.5 + 0.949375*(0.5832*58 + 0.3439*105.5) + 0.6237*68 + 0.3439*100.5 + 0.3439*(0.5832*58 + 0.3439*105.5)
= 270.575433


songnsilence said:
Tiefling Battlemind (268 DPR)

Warning, uses multiple vulnerabilities (fire, frost, radiant, psychic) . Btw, i also created a slide based Battlemind with 600 DPR here (relies on specific mark of storm interpretation however).

Edit: Now 306 DPR (added TWO). Still no damage calcs for headmans chop...

Tiefling Battlemind


Battlemind/Morninglord/Radiant One

Str 21
Con 26
Dex 13
Int 16

Relevant Feats:
Wintertouched (CA)
Lasting Frost (frost 5)
Psychic Corruption of Malbolge (fire + psychic 6)
Axe Mastery + high crit axe etc

Relevant Items:
Battlecrazed Weapon (+3d6)
5x frost gauntlets lvl 17 = 1x lvl 23 (+3 cold / +4 cold on milestone)
iron armbands
ring of giants
Shard of Ice
pelors boon

Attack Bonus Sources:
+15 (Level)
+8 (Constitution)
+6 enhancement (+6 Weapon)
+3 feat (Weapon Expertise)
+2 (Combat Advantage)
+3 (Proficiency)
Total: +37

Damage Bonus Sources (brutal barrage):
3d6 (battlecrazed)
8 (con)
3 (radiant one)
3 (cold gauntlets)
10 (radiant vuln morninglord)
6 (fire vuln malbolge)
5 (cold vuln frostcheese)
8 (pelor's boon)
Total: 53.5

additional sources for damage rolls (brilliant recovery):
+4 (feat)
+6 (enh)
+6 (item)
+5 (shard)

DPR (1PP expended): 4*0.6*(53.5) + 4*0.1*(106.5) + (1-(0.9⁴))*(0.6*81+0.1*149.5) + (1-(0.7⁴))*2*(0.6*81 + 0.1*149.5) + (1-(0.7⁴))*(1-(0.9⁴))*(0.6*81+0.1*149.5) = 306 DPR

(brutal barrage hit+ crit + TWO , BB miss + 2x brilliant recovery + TWO chance for them)


szyn said:
My second attempt at a CharOP DPR build. Please offer suggestions if you have any!

I started just playing around with a fairly standard Kulkor Avenger with a gouge (trying to combine it with a cleric for more utility), and noticed the awesome Immortal origin option of the Keeper of the Everflow ED, which allows me to change my untyped at-will damage to radiant. This made me think about Punishing Radiance, and with regeneration 5 when bloodied (also from Everflow) I could also last a bit longer with the Martial Supremacy stance without needing a heal. I also have resist all 5 from Ring of Free Time, so when I'm bloodied I'm negating 10 dmg per round.

If I do end up dropping to 0, I get a free MBA and when my turn starts I regain HP to my bloodied value and end all bad effects. I haven't really looked into whether the Iron Wolf MBA can grant more than just the 1 MBA (or also granted MBAs) and also I'm not sure whether Martial Supremacy stops when I drop to 0 hp or not. I won't be spending a surge to get back to bloodied so I would think it would keep going.

Long step lets me shift 2 and spam charge, and also lets me shift 2 on each MBA while I slide my target 2. This can end up being some crazy mobility tricks if you keep landing crits. You could pull a baddie way off into a corner or move into the middle of a group so Slashing Storm hits them all.

IMO this is a very playable build with only 2 items really required to make it work (I suppose you could loose the rending weapon and greatly reduce your DPR if need be) and has pretty high defenses. It's also pretty much the same sustained DPR every encounter because it doesn't rely on big dailies to boost it up, which I thought was lacking in most DPR builds.

Obviously my gear is out of hand, but I just threw in about all I could for the sake of max potential. With just the required gear I am probably still around 300 DPR.

I get an extra minor from Ring of Free Time.

FIRST TURN: (minor) Healing Word (Grants Temp HP via belt for some extra time keeping MS active), (minor) Martial Supremacy, (minor) Oath, Charge

*For the sake of DPR calcs I'm going to assume this starts on the second turn after the target has been hit and is granting CA. Also assuming I am adjacent to the target*

PoS = Power of Skill
KoE = Keeper of the Everflow
MS = Martial Supremecy stance
PO = Painful Oath
SS = Slashing Storm
MBA = Melee Basic Attack (In this case Overwhelming Strike)
CA = Combat Advantage
PA = Power Attack


THIS TURN: (minor) Apply Whetstone, (move) Shift 2 via Long Step, charge attack

+15 Lvl +10 Wis +6 Enh +2 Prof +3 Feat = +36 vs Reflex 42
+38 with CA from Radiant Advantage or prone target
+39 on charge
-2 from PA
Crit 19-20 (Hand of Divine Guidance)

HIT Oath target:
1-(0.25^2) = 0.9375 (93.75% chance to hit)
With CA
1-(0.15^2) = 0.9775 (97.75% chance to hit)

Charge with CA
1-(0.10^2) = 0.99 (99% chance to hit)
With CA + PA activated
1-(0.25^2) = 0.9375 (93.75% chance to hit)
Charge with CA + PA activated
1-(0.20^2) = 0.96 (96% chance to hit)

CRIT Oath target:
1-(1-0.10)^2) = 0.19 (19% chance to crit)

HIT Oath target + MS: (Hit but not crit)
[(1-0.10)^2)]*[(1-(0.25^2))-(1-(1-0.10)^2)] = 0.6055 (60.55% chance to hit)
With CA
[(1-0.10)^2)]*[(1-(0.15^2))-(1-(1-0.10)^2)] = 0.6379 (63.79% chance to hit)
Charge with CA
[(1-0.10)^2)]*[(1-(0.10^2))-(1-(1-0.10)^2)] = 0.648 (64.8% chance to hit)
With CA + PA activated
[(1-0.10)^2)]*[(1-(0.25^2))-(1-(1-0.10)^2)] = 0.6055 (60.55% chance to hit)
Charge with CA
[(1-0.10)^2)]*[(1-(0.20^2))-(1-(1-0.10)^2)] = 0.6237 (62.37% chance to hit)

CRIT Oath target + MS:
1-(1-0.10)^4) = 0.3439 (34.39% chance to crit)

From Rending Weapon, I am granted another MBA whenever I crit, so it's possible to have a few other MBAs coming from the original 2 attacks. Combined with stacking Punishing Radiance and stacking Font of Radiance, this can end up being a HUGE amount of damage if you get lucky on a sequence of crits. If anyone has some formulas to make this more accurate (or correct), please let me know. For now this is what I have:

Granted MBA calcs: (if you have a better way of doing it please let me know)
Chance of granted MBA from crit:
34.39% crit chance each main attack * 2 attacks
1-(1-0.3439)^2) = 0.5696 (56.96% chance that at least one of the two attacks will crit)
0.3439^2 = 0.1183 (11.83% chance that both will crit)
0.5696 - 0.1183 = 0.4513 (45.13% chance that only 1 will crit)
Scenario 1: both crit
11.83% chance on first round (2 more MBAs)
5.33% chance that both crit on first round and only one crits on second round (1 more MBA)
1.4% chance that both crit on first and second round (2 more MBAs)

Scenario 2: 1 crit
45.13% chance that only 1 crits (1 more MBA)
15.52% chance that 1 crits first round and crits again second round (1 more MBA)
5.34% chance that rounds 1-3 all crit (1 more MBA)
1.84% chance that rounds 1-4 all crit (1 more MBA)

(I didn't bother calculating further due to the small amount of DPR it would contribute)

Avg number of granted attacks: (0.1183*2)+(0.014*2)+(0.0533)+(0.4513)+(0.1552)+(0.0534)+(0.0184) = 0.9962 avg granted attacks
Avg chance of an attack being granted and hitting with CA + PA activated:
0.9962*0.9375 = 0.9339

Pervasive Light calcs:
Crit on first attack of the round:
1 charge attack at 96% hit rate + 2 kulkor attacks at 93.75% hit rate + (0.9339*2) = 1.868 avg granted attacks to hit on 2 rounds + 1 guaranteed granted attack from current crit at 93.75% hit. 0.96+1.875+1.868+0.9375 = Total 5.6 following attacks hit.
10 extra dmg per hit, so 5.6*10 = 56 extra crit dmg via pervasive light
Crit on second attack:
1 charge attack at 96% hit rate + 1 kulkor attacks at 93.75% hit rate + (0.9339*2) = 1.868 avg granted attacks to hit on 2 rounds + 1 guaranteed granted attack from current crit at 93.75% hit. 0.96+0.9375+1.868+0.9375 = Total 4.7 following attacks hit.
10 extra dmg per hit, so 4.7*10 = 47 extra crit dmg via pervasive light

Crit on granted attack:
1 charge attack at 96% hit rate + 1 kulkor attacks at 93.75% hit rate + 0.9339 avg granted attacks to hit on next round + 1 guaranteed granted attack from current crit at 93.75% hit. 0.96+0.9375+0.9339+0.9375 = Total 3.8 following attacks hit.
10 extra dmg per hit, so 3.8*10 = 38 extra crit dmg via pervasive light

To figure Pelor's Blessing damage, we have to conclude that the previous round had 2 attacks with a 34.39% crit chance.
1-(1-0.3439)^2) = 0.5696 (56.96% chance the target has been crit already and is vuln)

Font of Radiance:
1-(1-0.3439)^2) = 0.5696 (56.96% chance the target has been crit this turn and is affected)
0.9962 avg total crits on a turn from granted attacks, each stacking 10 vuln.
10+(10*0.9962) = 19.96 avg vuln.
Damage: 3d6(font)+10(Pelor)+19.96(vuln)
Triggers after my turn.

Charge Attack (On hit slide and prone, grant MBA):
Damage: 4d6(weapon)10(wis)+6(enh)+3(feat)+6(item)+3(Spear Exp)+9(PA)+10(PO)+10(SS)+5(shard)+3d6(helm)+6(whet)+5.7(pelor)= 18+62+13.5+6+5.7= 105.2 (120 max)
Crit: 97.7(base)+3d6(helm)+6d6(weapon)+6d6(high crit)+24(giants*2)+56(pervasive light)= 97.7+13.5+27+27+24+56 = 245.2 (272 max) plus MBA

Kulkor MBA:
Damage: 4d6(weapon)10(wis)+6(enh)+3(feat)+6(item)+9(PA)+5(shard)+6(whet)+5.7(pelor)= 18+39+6+5.7= 68.7 (79 max)
Crit: 74.7(base)+6d6(weapon)+6d6(high crit)+24(giants*2)+47(pervasive light)= 74.7+27+27+24+47 = 199.7 (222 max) plus MBA

Granted MBA:
Damage: 4d6(weapon)10(wis)+6(enh)+3(feat)+6(item)+9(PA)+5(shard)+6(whet)+5.7(pelor)= 18+39+6+5.7= 68.7 (79 max)
Crit: 74.7(base)+6d6(weapon)+6d6(high crit)+24(giants*2)+38(pervasive light)= 74.7+27+27+24+38 = 190.7 (213 max) plus MBA

Charge attack:
((0.96-0.3439)*105.2)+(0.3439*245.2) = 64.81+84.32 = 149.13 DPR
Kulkor MBA:
((0.9375-0.3439)*68.7)+(0.3439*199.7) = 40.78+68.68 = 109.46 DPR

Granted MBA:
((0.9339-0.3439)*68.7)+(0.3439*190.7) = 40.53+65.58 = 106.11 DPR

Font of Radiance:
0.5696*(10.5+10+19.96)= 23.05 DPR

149.13+109.46+106.11+23.05 = 387.75



No dailies required! I'm sure my calculations could be perfected but hopefully they are somewhat correct. If they are wrong, I probably left some DPR on the table from pervasive light and granted MBAs. Any suggestions or comments are very welcome.

Build Details:
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
The Infinite Punisher, level 30
Human, Avenger/Cleric, Kulkor Arms Master, Keeper of the Everflow (Immortal origin)
Hybrid Cleric Option: Battle Cleric's Lore (Scale prof. and +2 AC)
Human Power Selection Option: Heroic Effort (In case you actually miss once in a while)
Deity: Dol Dorn
Theme: Iron Wolf Warrior (free MBA if I die)

STR 18, CON 14, DEX 16, INT 12, WIS 30, CHA 10

STR 12, CON 12, DEX 12, INT 10, WIS 18, CHA 8

Avenger Feature: Oath of Enmity
Cleric Utility: Healing Word (Heal urself for Temp HP via Cincture of Vivacity)
Avenger Attack 1: Overwhelming Strike (Used as MBA via PoS)
Fighter Utility 22: Martial Supremacy
Avenger Attack 27: Spark of Hatred (Cuz it's fun!)

FEATS (Ignore the order for playability, I just threw them in there)
Level 1: Spear Expertise
Level 2: Power of Skill
Level 4: Avenging Resolution
Level 6: Battle Awareness
Level 8: Weapon Focus (Spear)
Level 10: Kulkor Battlearm Student
Level 11: Weapon Proficiency (Gouge)
Level 12: Impaling Spear
Level 14: Painful Oath
Level 16: Power Attack
Level 18: Polearm Momentum
Level 21: Hand of Divine Guidance
Level 21: Long Step (Shift extra square to spam charge)
Level 22: Acolyte Power (Martial Supremacy)
Level 24: Slashing Storm
Level 24: Deadly Axe
Level 26: Punishing Radiance
Level 28: Radiant Advantage
Level 30: Font of Radiance

Rushing Cleats x1 (Needed)
Magic Scale Armor +6 x1
Horned Helm (epic tier) x1
Ring of Giants x2
Cincture of Vivacity x1
Siberys Shard of Radiance (epic tier)
Badge of the Berserker +6 x1
Symbol of Victory +6 x1 (Grant yourself another AP)
Rending Gouge +6 x1 (Needed)
Many-Fingered Gloves x1
Ring of Free Time x1
Iron Armbands of Power (epic tier) x1
Pelor's Sun Blessing (level 3)
Frozen Whetstone (epic tier)

====== End ======

Also could swap out the Cleric hybrid for Paladin or Artificer to get a daily crit range of 18-20, which would add a good chunk of DPR, but I feel those options lose a lot of playability that the Cleric hybrid can offer this build. Wearing scale, healing abilities, removing effects, and Radiant Advantage are all nice benefits of the Cleric.

*Edited: updated calculations for Font of Radiance, Pervasive Light, and Pelor's Blessing.

*Edited: swapped out Power of Strength for Avenging Resolution.


nelphine said:
One Stroke To Kill Them All

Build Goal

Most builds that go in for high DPR do so by trying to make as many attacks as possible; by stacking static modifiers this allows for beastly DPR.
This build aims to use all the tricks available to us in order to make a character with the most devastating MBA possible; he attempts to show Twin Strike (or other multi-attack abilities, including Hellish Rebuke) is not the only viable means of achieving high levels of DPR. Not only does he achieve this goal using Overwhelming Strike, he also achieves the strongest BMA I have personally seen: 130 DPR assuming that his free attack limit has already been reached.

The Build @ lvl 30


Avenger|Artificer(Fighter)/Ardent Champion/Lorekeeper
Worshipper of Bane
Follower of

Str 12->16, Con 12->14, Dex 12->22, Int 10->12, Wis 18->26, Cha 8->10

Feats (Order is roughly correct, although exact retraining not shown here; see lower level builds for more specifics)
Power of Skill
Gouge Proficiency
Painful Oath
Versatile Expertise (Weapon: Axe, Implement: Holy Symbol)
Axe Focus
Hybrid Talent: Censure of Pursuit
Impaling Spear
Lasting Frost
Battle Awareness
Acolyte Power (Martial Supremacy)
Power Attack
Slashing Storm
Ferocious Critical
Deadly Axe
Devastating Critical
Leather Proficiency
Hide Proficiency

Pertinent Gear
+6 Frost Gouge w/ Siberys Shard of Frost (Epic)
Horned Helm (Epic)
Gloves of Ice (Epic)
Iron Armbands of Power (Epic)
Ring of Giants
War Ring
+6 Great Cat Elderhide

Pertinent Powers
Overwhelming Strike (Counts as MBA via Power of Skill)
Martial Supremacy (Allows re-roll of BA attacks; combines w/ Oath of Enmity for 4 attack rolls)
Vorpal Weapon (Encounter Power via Lorekeeper)
Battle Rapture (Encounter Power via Lorekeeper)

DPR Calculations


Oath of Enmity is on the target, 99.8775% of the time we have hit or crit the previous turn keeping Cold Vulnerability active, 52.39% of the time we have crit the previous turn, so Ferocious Critical adds +2 to hit and +2 to damage on our initial attack, Great Cat Armour permits us to shift+charge every round, Vorpal Weapon and Martial Supremacy and Battle Rapture are all active

Charge To Hit:
+15 lvl +8 wis +6 enh +3 feat +2 ferocious +2 CA (via Cold Vuln) +1 charge +2 prof -2 power attack
= +37 vs Ref 42 (via Impaling Spear)
miss: 0.1225%
crit: 52.39% (4 rolls, 18-20 crit range, also crit if either the first 2 rolls are the same (and hit) or the last 2 rolls are the same (and hit))
hit: 47.4875%

Charge Damage:
4d5+4 base +8 wis +6 enh +3 feat +3d6 helm +1d10 +15 battle rapture +8 painful oath +8 slashing storm +9 power attack +6 item +5 vuln +5 shard +4 gloves +2 ferocious critical
= 16 +10.5 +5.5 +79
= 111 average damage

Charge Critical:
20 +18 +10 maxed rolls +83 normal bonus +12 giants +6d6 frost +6d5+6 high crit +2d5+2 war ring +1d10 devastating
= 201.5 + MBA

MBA To hit:
No charge bonus -1, full Ferocious bonus +2 = +38 vs Ref 42
miss: 0.050625%
crit: 52.734375%
hit: 47.215%

MBA Damage:
No horned helm -3d6, no Slashing Storm/Painful Oath -16, full Ferocious bonus +2 = 86.5

MBA Critical:
No Horned Helm -18, no Slashing Storm/Painful Oath -16, full Ferocious bonus +2 = 169.5

86.5*0.47215 + 169.5*0.52734375 = 40.840975 +89.382565625 = 130.223540625

Final DPR:
111*0.474875 + (201.5+130.223540625)*0.5239 = 52.711125 + 173.7899472164375
= 226.5010722164375

General Comments


The first thing to mention is that Hybriding to Artificer initially seems terrible. I have to do it in order to guarantee an 18-20 crit range at level 30; but it might seem that levels 1-29 aren't really gaining that much, especially with the 10 intelligence we start with.
However there are 2 other highly useful benefits the Artificer hybrid gives us:
First, we get surgeless healing which is very important for keeping up the Fighter Stances.
Second, Sigils do not require any intelligence; as such, 2 of our 3 dailies will be Artificer Sigils. Artificer utilities are also miles better than Avenger utilities, so (except for level 6) all our utilities will be Artificer. Our only problem therefore is from our encounter power; by making sure we take an immediate weapon action, we at least ensure we can spam Overwhelming Strike (or some other Avenger/Ardent Champion power) every round, thus avoiding as much of the problem of low int as possible.

Next on my list is the critfishing. This build only has 50 DPR without crits.. but since it actually crits more often than it hits, critfishing is actually viable.

Which brings me to my next point: Lorekeeper is most definitely not the best ED for a striker. If you can swing it, get your leader with high Int to take Lorekeeper + Vorpal Weapon, so you don't have to. Of course, you'll lose Battle Rapture as an encounter ability, so you'd better make sure your ED makes up for 20+ damage per hit, or Lorekeeper will still be better for you.

Battle Rapture itself is a bit of a sticky point. If anyone else attacks your target.. you'll be hurting. Which will cause you to spend a surge (unless your party leader is an Artificer.. yes please!) which will dismiss Martial Supremacy, which will drop your crit rate by 20%. However, at level 30 you do enough damage that that shouldn't be a problem - especially if your Leader can grant out of turn attacks (like a Warlord).

So.. make sure your party leader is Killswitch! And you'll do just fine.

Nova powers!
Nope, this build does not have a good nova potential. It has no effective way to gain multi-attacks (unless there is a decent Avenger multi-attack power I've missed). And you don't get Martial Supremacy with anything except Overwhelming Strike... and you can only get 1 free MBA per turn so AP Overwhelming Strike only adds 130 DPR.. so.. no Nova for you!
Bring along a different Half-Orc Avenger/Ardent Champion (specifically, an Eternal Seeker) in order to have nova.
nelphine said:
Lower Level snap shots

Level 16 Feats

Painful Oath
Power of Skill
Gouge Proficiency
Axe Expertise
Axe Focus
Power Attack
Hybrid: Pursuit
Impaling Spear
Lasting Frost

Level 16 DPR (57)


To Hit: +8 lvl +6 wis +3 enh +2 prof +2 CA +1 charging +2 feat -2 power attack
= +22 vs Ref 28 (+21 vs Ref 28 for MBA)
miss: 6.25%
crit: 13.25%
hit: 80.5%

2d5+2 base +6 wis +3 enh +2 feat +2d6 helm +6 painful oath +4 item +5 vuln +3 shard +2 gloves +6 power attack
= 8 +7 +37
= 52 (39 for MBA)

12 +12 maxed dice +39 bonus +6 giants +3d6 frost
= 79.5 (61.5 for MBA)

39*0.78 + 61.5*0.13 = 30.42 + 7.995
= 38.415

52*0.805 + (79.5 + 38.415)*0.1325 = 41.86 +15.6237375
= 57.4837375

General Comments


This build on the surface is probably weakest in paragon. No room for defensive feats, not enough room for all the multitudes of offensive feats, Martial Supremacy isn't around yet, etc.

However, one thing that isn't reflected in the At-Will DPR is the powers of the build. Paragon is where this build likes it's powers the most: 3 sigils, vorpal weapon, battle rapture. That's 5 encounters per day (6 if your avenger daily is something like Temple of Light) where all your attacks are getting big boosts. Encounter powers don't have to compete with Martial Supremacy + Overwhelming Strike, and so are actually able to boost your DPR when used.

Not that any of that helps your defense.

Level 6 Feats + Gear changes


Painful Oath
Power of Skill
Fullblade Proficiency (to be retrained to Gouge probably by level 7 to 9)
Mounted Combat (to be retrained as soon as the Dire Boar is no longer useful)

Pick up a +1 Vanguard Fullblade, Lion Claw Gauntlets, Bracers of Mighty Striking, a Horned Helm and a Dire Boar + any defensive items you can.

Level 6 DPR (34)


Assumptions: Overwhelming Strike lets you shift away, or your leader shifts you, or you eat an OA; you charge every round.

To Hit:
+3 lvl +4 wis +3 prof +1 charge +1 enh +1 lion claw = +13 vs AC 20
miss: 9%
crit: 9.75%
hit: 81.25%

1d12 +4 wis +1 enh +1d8 vanguard +2 item +1d6 helm +4 painful oath = 6.5 +4.5 +3.5 +11
= 25.5 + Gore

12 +8 +6 maxed rolls +11 bonus +1d12 high crit +1d8 vanguard = 37 +6.5 +4.5
= 48 + Gore

+11 vs AC 20 = 5% crit, 50% hit
2d10+4 = 15 hit, 24 crit
DPR: 7.5 + 1.2 = 8.7

0.8125*(25.5+8.7) + 0.0975*(48+8.7) = 28.35625 + 5.52825
= 33.8845

General Comments


In heroic, this build works very well. 34 DPR at level 6 is nothing to scoff at, when the build is also functional at higher levels. Of course, the defenses are still somewhat low, but having that 1 artificer heal/encounter really helps out at this stage. Even without the Boar, One Stroke still manages about 26 DPR, which is still very respectable.

Voidrunner's Codex

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