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DPR King Candidates 3.0


FreakDrive said:
I will be starting a Lv.8 campaign using FR setting. There are 6 players and with the vital roles all covered, i am given the chance to experiment. Since Martial Power, i have been wanting to build a character around Martial Archetype so i decide to use this chance.
DM give expertise free.
DM does not allow other realm setting to be used. I.E. Ebberron, Dark Suns.
Campaign will last thro mid-epic at least.

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
AVpmcRNG level 30
Half-Elf, Avenger, Paragon Multiclassing, Martial Archetype
Avenger's Censure: Censure of Pursuit

Str 13, Con 17, Dex 24, Int 12, Wis 26, Cha 10.

Str 11, Con 13, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 6.

AC: 35 Fort: 29 Reflex: 33 Will: 34
HP: 205 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 51

Religion +22, Acrobatics +28, Stealth +28, Perception +29

Arcana +16, Bluff +15, Diplomacy +17, Dungeoneering +23, Endurance +18, Heal +23, History +16, Insight +25, Intimidate +15, Nature +23, Streetwise +15, Thievery +22, Athletics +16

Level 1: Adept Dilettante
Level 2: Power of Skill
Level 4: Novice Power
Level 6: Two-Weapon Fighting
Level 8: Acolyte Power
Level 10: Adept Power
Level 11: Versatile Master
Level 12: Painful Oath
Level 14: Courageous Shooter
Level 16: Prime Punisher
Level 18: Called Shot
Level 20: Two-Weapon Opening
Level 21: Hand of Divine Guidance
Level 22: Slashing Storm
Level 24: Weapon Focus (Light Blade)

Archetype's Edge: Tumbling Strike
Avenger at-will 1: Avenging Shackles
Avenger at-will 1: Overwhelming Strike
Dilettante: Twin Strike
Paragon Multiclassing: Hilt Slam
Paragon Multiclassing: Low Slash
Paragon Multiclassing: Fighter's Grit
Perfect Warrior: Perfect Strike
Warrior's Ascent: Master of the Hunt
Avenger encounter 1: Angelic Alacrity (retrained to Hunter's Pounce at Novice Power)
Avenger daily 1: Aspect of Might
Avenger utility 2: Refocus Enmity
Avenger encounter 3: Sequestering Strike
Avenger daily 5: Nine Souls of Wrath
Avenger utility 6: Soul Seeker (retrained to Invigorating Stride at Acolyte Power)
Avenger encounter 7: Chains of Censure
Avenger daily 9: Oath of Pursuit (retrained to Snarling Wolf Stance at Adept Power)
Avenger utility 10: Leading Step
Avenger encounter 13: Crimson Stride (retrained to Answer with Steel at Novice Power) (replaces Angelic Alacrity)
Avenger daily 15: Aspect of Fury (replaces Aspect of Might)
Avenger utility 16: Temple of Seclusion
Avenger encounter 17: Soulforge Hammering (replaces Chains of Censure)
Avenger daily 19: Blade of Astral Hosts (replaces Oath of Pursuit)
Avenger utility 22: Ghostly Vengeance
Avenger encounter 23: Phase Duel (replaces Sequestering Strike)
Avenger daily 25: Mantle of the Astral Champion (retrained to Deadly Sidestep at Adept Power) (replaces Nine Souls of Wrath)
Avenger encounter 27: Scatter to the Astral Winds (replaces Soulforge Hammering)
Avenger daily 29: Merciless Nemesis (replaces Blade of Astral Hosts)

====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

I did not include any gears yet. But weapon of choice atm will be Short Swords.

This build hopes to isolate a target using several Avenger's teleporting powers, and try to kill it using multi-attacks with a decent static bonus. Feats are looking very tight and i need help in that area.
PMC encounter choice is Low Slash, which is prob the best (other than Circling Predator)
PMC Utility and PMC Daily choice can possibly be improved since i can choose from any class, open to suggestion.
Similarly with power choice of Perfect Warrior, and Warrior's Ascent, Novice Power, Acolyte Power and Adept Power.
My powers selection are based mostly from Kilpatds's Avenger handbook (Thank you!)

Would appreciate any comments.

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songnsilence said:
Genasi Blaster (normal Wizard|Swordmage build)

DPR burst 2 (friendly, 5x5 *2.25) = 164

DPR burst 3 (friendly, 7x7 *3.45) = 229

Genasi Blaster Wizard

Genasi, Wizard|Swordmage, Malec-Keth Janissary, Sage of Ages
Arcane Implement Mastery: Staff of Defense
Elemental Manifestation: Stormsoul
Janissary: 1d4 cold added to all attacks.

Str 24, Con 12, Dex 15, Int 26, Wis 16, Cha 10.

Str 14, Con 10, Dex 13, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 8.

Hybrid Talent(Swordmage Warding)
Elemental Empowerment
Elemental Echo
Implement Expertise (Staff)
Superior Implement Training (Accurate staff)
Enlarge Spell
Resounding Thunder
Dual Implement Spellcaster
Destructive Wizardry
Weapon Focus (staff)
Armor Proficiency (leather)
Arcane Admixture (cold, Winged Horde)
Hidden Sniper
Improved Defenses
Epic Will
Quickened Spellcasting
Wizard Implement Expertise

Accurate Staff of Ruin +6, Rhythm Blade Dagger+6, Battle Harness Leather +6, Neck+6, Resplendent Gloves(epic), Ring of Giants, War Ring, Syberis Shard of the Mage(paragon tier), Executioner's Bracers,

AB: 15 +8(int) +2 (exp) +6(enh) +1(accurate) +2(ring) +2(CA) +2(ED) +1(echo) = +38 vs NAD [+39 with enc genasi power]

damage: +7(str) +6(enh) +6(item) +6(dis) +5(shard) +3(focus) +4(destructive) +3(echoThunder) +5(resplendent) +4(tempest whetstone) +5(cold) +1d4Janissary [+3d8Promise +6(echo)] = base(W+int) + 1d4 + 54 [+3d8+6]

Winged Horde: rounds 1+2 +39 vs Wil 42
normal: 2d6+1d4+3d8+60 (83)
critical: 12+4+24+60+12+3d6+7d10 (161)

Winged Horde:
normal: 2d6+1d4+60 (69.5)
critical: 12+4+24+60+12+3d6+7d10 (137)

The damage is kinda hard to calculate due to the extra roll from Sage of Ages. For simplicity, i'll assume first target gets roll twice, take better - but the extra roll can substitute any bad roll...

rounds 1+2 (onc. storm):
first target: 0.19*(161)+0.8*(83) = 97
sec targets: 0.1*(161)+0.8*(83) = 83

other rounds:
first target: 0.19*(137)+0.7875*(69.5) = 81
sec targets: 0.1*(137)+0.75*(69.5) = 66

non onc storm DPR:
DPR burst 2 (friendly, *2.25) = 164

DPR burst 3 (friendly, *3.45) = 229

Precise Genasi Blaster
DPR burst 2 (friendly, 5x5 *2.25) = 172

DPR burst 3 (friendly, 7x7 *3.45) = 247

Precise Genasi Blaster Wizard

Genasi, Wizard|Swordmage, Divine Oracle, Sage of Ages
Arcane Implement Mastery: Staff of Defense
Elemental Manifestation: Stormsoul

Str 24, Con 12, Dex 15, Int 26, Wis 16, Cha 10.

Str 14, Con 10, Dex 13, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 8.

Hybrid Talent(Swordmage Warding)
Elemental Empowerment
Elemental Echo
Implement Expertise (Staff)
Superior Implement Training (Accurate staff)
Enlarge Spell
Resounding Thunder
Dual Implement Spellcaster
Destructive Wizardry
Weapon Focus (staff)
Armor Proficiency (leather)
Arcane Admixture (thunder, Winged Horde)
Hidden Sniper
Improved Defenses
MC Cleric
Epic Will
Quickened Spellcasting
Wizard Implement Expertise

Accurate Staff of Ruin +6, Rhythm Blade Dagger+6, Battle Harness Leather +6, Neck+6, Resplendent Gloves(epic), Ring of Giants, War Ring, Syberis Shard of the Mage(paragon tier), Executioner's Bracers

AB: 15 +8(int) +2 (exp) +6(enh) +1(accurate) +2(ring) +2(CA) +2(ED) +1(echo) = +38 vs NAD [+39 with enc genasi power]

damage: +7(str) +6(enh) +6(item) +6(dis) +5(shard) +3(focus) +4(destructive) +3(echoThunder) +5(resplendent) +4(tempest whetstone) [+3d8Promise +6(echo)] = base(W+int) + 54 [+3d8+6]

Winged Horde: rounds 1+2 +39 vs Wil 42
normal: 2d6+3d8+55 (75.5)
critical: 12+24+55+12+3d6+7d10 (152)

Winged Horde:
normal: 2d6+55 (62)
critical: 12+24+55+12+3d6+7d10 (128)

The damage is kinda hard to calculate due to the extra roll from Sage of Ages. For simplicity, i'll assume first target gets roll thrice, take better - but the extra roll can substitute any bad roll...

rounds 1+2 (onc. storm):
first target: 0.271*(152)+0.728*(75.5) = 96.156
sec targets: 0.19*(152)+0.8*(75.5) = 89.28

other rounds:
first target: 0.271*(128)+0.728*(62) = 79.824
sec targets: 0.19*(128)+0.8*(62) = 73.92

non onc storm DPR:
DPR burst 2 (friendly, *2.25) = 172

DPR burst 3 (friendly, *3.45) = 247


Cuddlez said:
This character was originally made for pure roleplay because I wanted a warlock with a pet succubus (but no, the warlock only has ambassader imp, really?). Then I stumbled across the Balor, and thus my Pimpin' Pete became the Headmaster of Hell (yes I know balors are demons, but papa Asmodeus won't let me play with devils after he found out what I did to Cubi).

The build

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Headmaster of Hell, level 30
Tiefling, Wizard/Warlock, Academy Master, Archmage
Eldritch Pact (Hybrid) Option: Infernal Pact (Hybrid)
Hybrid Warlock Option: Hybrid Warlock Reflex
Twofold Pact Option: Sorcerer-King Pact
Hybrid Talent Option: Shadow Walk
Arcane Admixture Damage Type: Arcane Admixture Cold
Arcane Admixture II Option: Arcane Admixture Cold II
Narfell (Narfell Benefit)
Theme: Infernal Prince

STR 12, CON 28, DEX 13, INT 22, WIS 10, CHA 14

STR 10, CON 18, DEX 11, INT 14, WIS 8, CHA 10

AC: 44 Fort: 41 Ref: 40 Will: 33
HP: 155 Surges: 15 Surge Value: 38

Arcana +28, Endurance +36, Religion +26

Acrobatics +16, Athletics +16, Bluff +21, Diplomacy +19, Dungeoneering +15, Heal +15, History +21, Insight +15, Intimidate +17, Nature +15, Perception +15, Stealth +18, Streetwise +17, Thievery +16

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Infernal Prince Attack: Hellfire Heart
Wizard Utility: Chameleon's Mask
Wizard Utility: Light
Wizard Utility: Mage Hand
Wizard Utility: Suggestion
Warlock's Curse Power: Warlock's Curse
Feat Utility: Warlock's Wrath
Warlock Attack 1: Hellish Rebuke
Wizard Attack 1: Magic Missile
Wizard Attack 1: Wizard's Fury
Warlock Attack 1: Hand of Blight
Arcana Utility 2: Arcane Mutterings
Warlock Utility 6: Life Siphon
Warlock Utility 10: Troublesome Aid of Caiphon
Academy Master Attack 11: Learned Boost
Academy Master Utility 12: Refined Recall
Warlock Attack 13: Killing Flames
Warlock Utility 16: Offering of Blood
Wizard Attack 17: Mass Charm
Academy Master Attack 20: Master's Surge
Wizard Utility 22: Wraithform
Warlock Attack 25: Word of the Sorcerer-King
Archmage Utility 26: Shape Magic
Warlock Attack 27: Hellfire Curse
Wizard Attack 29: Summon Balor

Level 1: Superior Implement Training (Ashen rod)
Level 2: Hellfire Blood
Level 4: Rod Expertise
Level 6: Armor Proficiency: Leather
Level 8: Hellfire Arcanist
Level 10: Warlock's Wrath
Level 11: Twofold Pact
Level 12: Mindbite Scorn
Level 14: Devastating Critical
Level 16: Hybrid Talent
Level 18: Arcane Admixture
Level 20: Lasting Frost
Level 21: Blood Pact of Cania
Level 22: Cursed Spells
Level 24: Dual Implement Spellcaster
Level 26: White Lotus Enervation
Level 28: Arcane Mastery
Level 30: Arcane Admixture II

Ashen rod of Ulban +6 x1
Boots of Caiphon x1
Hands of Hadar x1
Ioun Stone of Vigor x1
Ring of Giants x1
Shadow Warlock Starleather Armor +6 x1
Ashen rod of the Star Spawn +6 x1
War Ring x1
Executioner's Bracers (epic tier) x1
Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold (epic tier)
Belt of the Witch King x1
Cloak of the Phoenix +5 x1
Elven Chain Shirt (paragon tier)
====== End ======

Assumptions for my DPR: Target is cursed. Hit with Hellish Rebuke last turn. Moved last turn for Shadow Walk. Balor is summoned.
224.45 DPR

Hellish Rebuke (arcane admixture - cold)
Attack Bonus Breakdown:
+9 Constitution modifier
+15 half your level
+6 enhancement bonus
+1 power bonus - Infernal Prince Starting feature
+1 Hellfire Blood bonus - Hellfire Blood
+3 Feat bonus - Rod Expertise
+1 Superior Implement bonus - Ashen Rod
+2 CA from shadow warlock armor
+1 bonus - arcane underpinning
-1 target reflex - white lotus enervation
39 attack vs 41 reflex = 90% accuracy (10%miss, 80%normal, 10%crit)
Damage Bonus Breakdown:
+9 Constitution modifier
+6 enhancement bonus
+6 off-hand enchancement bonus
+1 Hellfire Blood bonus - Hellfire Blood
+4 Feat bonus - Hellfire Arcanist
+5 bonus - Fundamental Mastery
+4 bonus - Blood Pact of Cania
+4 Superior Implement bonus - Ashen Rod
+5 item bonus - Ioun Stone of Vigor
+5 syberis shard of merciless cold
+15 fire and lightning balor symbiosis
+5 vulnerable cold
76 average triggered damage (no warlock's curse extra damage, no attack roll for crit)
+4d8+6 warlocks curse
+10 vulnerable pychic
+2d6 hands of hadar
117 average hellish rebuke with warlock's curse damage, 151+3d6+7d8+1d10+12 on crit

Magic Missile (arcane admixture II - cold)
17 damage (5+ INT mod +enhancement)
+5 siberys shard of merciless cold
+15 summon balor symbiosis
+5 vulnerable cold
42 magic missile damage

10% to do 42 damage = 4.2
80% to do 234 damage = 187.2
10% to do 330.5 damage = 33.05
mean DPR = 224.45
mean KPR = 224.45/264 = 0.85019

This is my first time doing dpr calculations and I kind of just browsed through other builds to figure out the equations used, so there might be some mistakes. Feel free to correct my math, or point out areas the damage could be further increased.


songnsilence said:
Perhaps we could calculate what our AC and defenses should be, as well as our HP, and have the submitter calculate what percentage of their ally's HP each hit is doing, and use that percentage as a penalty to the Ratio multiplier. For example if you did 10% of an average PC's HP in expected damage (calculating in average reflex) then you would take your ratio, let's say 1.45, and take a .1 penalty, so 1.35 would be your final reduction.
A 3x3 has no allies in it
a 5x5 has 1 ally
a 7x7 has 2 allies in it, and so forth.


Well, for ease of comparion i'd avoid anything more complicated than looking up a modifier from a max 2 row table like the one linked in your previous post. Everything else is too specific: Many parties i played with are not OK with powers damaging allies, no matter how much damage. Some parties might optimize their NADs, others might be ok with only 36. You'd have to give special penalties for status effects, depending how problematic it is - which is again not a problem with an easy answer. Some PCs might have party members that put up an effort to evacuate the squares surrounding enemies before your turn, others might hate you screwing with their tactical options. Etc.


Thief of Thunder - keeps both focus damage (84 DPR prime target) and friendly burst 2 damage (62 DPR secondary targets) at the same time.

DPR burst 2, friendly, 5x5 *2.24) = 161
DPR burst 3, friendly, 7x7 *3.45) = 221

thief of thunder

Race: Half-Elf
Class: Thief
PP: Lyrandar Wind Rider

str 13->15 (+2)
dex 14->16 (+3)
con 14-16->26 (+8)
wis 16-18->28 (+9)

Adept Dilettante
Weapon Training (Wisdom)
Arcane Implement Proficiency (light blade)
Superior Implement Training (Resonating Dagger +4 dam/+1 slide)
Arcane Admixture (Thunder)
Resounding Thunder
Enlarge Spell
Chainmail Proficiency
Dual Implement Spellcaster
Mark of Storm
Raging Storm (feat bonus to damage)
Focused Expertise
Destructive Wizardry
Lasting Frost
Versatile Master
Nimble Blade
Devastating Critical

Jagged Resonating Dagger+6
Magic Dagger+6
Resplendent Gloves (+5 untyped with will attacks)
executioners Bracers (+3d6 on crit)
agile chainmail+6
frozen whetstone
ring of giants

to hit
15(lvl)+9(cha)+6(enh)+3(exp)+3(CA)+1(WT)+1(PP)+1(ED)+1(item) = +40 vs Will 42

damage base
normal: 2d6+7(con)+6(enh)+3(feat)+6(DIS)+4(Resonating)+5(Finesse)+5(shard)+5(gloves)+4(destructive)+2(whetstone)+5(cold vuln) = 2d6+52 = 59
crit: ongoing 20 + 3d6 + 1d10 (dcrit) + 12 (ring giants) + 5 (maxed 2d6) = 37+16+59 = 112

0.85*(59)+0.1*(112) = 62

prime target = 2d6+5d8+52 (7+22.5+52) = 81.5
crit: ongoing 20 + 3d6 + 1d10 (ring) + 12 (ring giants) + 5 (maxed 2d6) + 17.5 = 70.5 + 81.5 = 152

0.85*(81.5)+0.1*(152) = 84

burst 2 (friendly), assuming 2.25 targets

1*(84) + 1.25*(62) = 161.5

burst 3 (friendly), assuming 3.45 targets
1*(80) + 2.45*(58) = 222.1


Lathaen-V said:
So this took a while, since the nerf to zones. Even though he is a Dragonborn using the breath 3x per round. He is not a revenant, nor does he use the zone damage. He is a fighter|warlock/swordmage with Ninefold Master PP and Arcane Sword ED. If you want to put a cheese tag on him for using this path to make his dragonbreath an at-will, then do so. In short, he breathes 3x per round hurling friendly breath that marks all foes, pushes8, pushes8, slows, immobolizes, dazes, and gives all enemies in the burst a -8 to hit. I did not do any items other than the 2 really needed, so I do not know if his defenses will be sufficient in round1 before he gets to go.


====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Kava, level 30
Dragonborn, Warlock/Fighter, Ninefold Master, Arcane Sword
Eldritch Pact (Hybrid) Option: Sorcerer-King Pact (Hybrid)
Eldritch Strike Option: Eldritch Strike Constitution
Hybrid Warlock Option: Hybrid Warlock Reflex
Draconic Resistance Option: Draconic Resistance Cold
Arcane Admixture Damage Type: Arcane Admixture Fire
Dragonborn Racial Power Option: Dragon Breath
Dragon Breath Key Ability: Dragon Breath Constitution
Dragon Breath Damage Type: Dragon Breath Lightning
Adaptable Breath Option: Dragon Breath Cold
Theme: Yakuza

STR 24, CON 26, DEX 14, INT 13, WIS 10, CHA 15

STR 16, CON 16, DEX 12, INT 11, WIS 8, CHA 11

AC: 27 Fort: 34 Ref: 28 Will: 27
HP: 184 Surges: 15 Surge Value: 54

Athletics +27, Endurance +28, Intimidate +24, Streetwise +24

Acrobatics +17, Arcana +16, Bluff +17, Diplomacy +17, Dungeoneering +15, Heal +15, History +18, Insight +15, Nature +15, Perception +15, Religion +16, Stealth +17, Thievery +17

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Yakuza Utility: Ruthless Demonstration
Dragonborn Racial Power: Dragon Breath
Warlock's Curse Power: Warlock's Curse
Fighter Attack: Combat Challenge
Warlock Attack 1: Eldritch Strike
Ninefold Master Attack 11: Dragon Aura
Ninefold Master Utility 12: Countering Breath
Ninefold Master Attack 20: Dragon Tempest
Arcane Sword Utility 26: Mass Aegis

Level 1: Draconic Spellcaster
Level 2: Daunting Breath
Level 4: Bolstering Breath
Level 6: Hurl Breath
Level 8: Adaptable Breath
Level 10: Dragonclaw Mark
Level 11: Admixture Breath
Level 12: Draconic Arrogance
Level 14: Dizzying Mace
Level 16: Frost Breath
Level 18: Thundering Breath
Level 20: Arcane Admixture
Level 21: Heart of the Blade
Level 22: Freezing Breath
Level 24: Deadly Immobilization
Level 26: Concussive Breath
Level 28: Superior Implement Training (Ashen rod)
Level 30: Dual Implement Spellcaster

Battle-Pact Ashen rod +6 x1
Arkhosian Scepter Ashen rod +6 x1
====== End ======

First, I have some warlock pact and the yakuza theme that do not do anything, too feat strapped to use those. I also found that dizzying mace will work better than the phychic damage on the curse and the -2 to hit for enemies. Please check my calculations for DPR. The first breath does not have CA yet because none of the targets are dazed yet.


To Hit:
+6 power
+8 CON
+15 1/2 level
+6 enhancement
+3 Draconic Spellcaster
+1 Superior Implement

To Damage:
+8 CON
+6 Enhancement
+6 Enhancement DIS
+7 Marked
+7 Draconic Arrogance via Thundering breath
+7 Draconic Arrogance via Concussive Breath
+8 Deadly Immobilization via Frost Breath
+8 Deadly Immobilization via Freezing Breath
+3 Draconic Spellcaster
+4 Superior Implement

Damage first breath = (.85)(74.5)+(.05)(85) = 67.575
Damage 2,3 breath = (.90)(74.5)+(.05)(85) = 71.3
Total in round = 206.45 DPR

I think that you still miss on a 1, that is why it is .90 on the regular hit, is this correct?
Also from reading the boards here, people were using +str damage from draconic arrogance twice because there were 2 pushes from 2 different feats. I expanded on this and used the same logic for the deadly immobilization. There might be more tweaking that can be done with the last few feats. Maybe a WSG for the prone and more +str damage instead of DIS.

KPR = 264/206.45 = 1.2787... I think you have it backwards in your glossary.
KPR = 206.45/264 = 0.782 I know I can not kill a creature of 264HP in one round, so this number is the correct one.
If we convert area to single I get 2.43KPR

Please comment and help me flesh out with ideas for more dpr via feats, like maybe a bigger burst. I would also like item suggestions. Seeing that he will give his enemies -8 to hit, I could get by with lower defenses.



langeweile said:
- a Battlemind build -

Born from a liason of a mortal and a god, you always stood above your peers.
But your mother knew of the prophecy, so she chose a life away from civilisation for you and her, among simple people. While you grew up you enjoyed that life, and you became fond and passionate about your friends - and while you were peaceful at heart, confrontations could not be avoided, and you fought with fervour and rage to protect your mates.
Still the prophecy wouldn't just let you walk away from it, and thus war came to you and even took your friends. You retaliated with a rage greater than ever, until everyone mortal stood aside to pause, wary to challenge you any further.
But you knew that the Gods wouldn't let your defiance pass that easily, so you went back to your home in time and conversed with the Spirits. They, too, saw the corruptions of the Gods, and thus you made an alliance that they would support you, while you would go out and set right some things - in Heaven and Underworld alike...


Build Explanation
Achilles is a Defender ("naturally") - Achilles is a Striker ("ohaa") - Achilles is both at the same time ! ("Whaat ?")
Yes indeed, this build manages damage output around the benchmark of what is considered a two-round-Striker. He is able to lockdown the mob he goes after, and he has more than enough mobility to go for the key targets. But he is also a Defender, as he can even check other mobs while nuking his main target.

L1-6: These levels are probably the hardest, as we have to build up the damage potential Striker classes have naturally. We do that by relying on our inherent resilience and using the biggest meanest weapon and powers that hit precise or many mobs at once, or we simply charge with an Avalanche Maul. Achieving the two-round target is a bit dependent on the situation, but usually should only fail because the mobs all go after us... which is a good consolation prize.
L7-12: Forceful Reversal allows us to set-up a solid catch-22, and combined with the big damage we already have, becomes very reliable to make the first mob hit the dirt after two rounds.
L13-20: With the arrival of Brutal Barrage our damage goes through the roof and is among the best of these levels - and due many attacks and on-miss effects, that damage output is very consistent as well. We also get strong mob neutralisation, as the mob is reliably prone and slowed and thus poses little danger to anybody, letting us concentrate on secondary targets to keep in check.
L21-26: Our ED not only provides another damage boost, but we also get a strong nova ability to frontload damage big time.
L27-30: The pinnacle of the adventurer carreer is for us hailed by getting Brilliant Recovery, which lets us smoke even Elites with ease.
Mobility: From class features to powers the Battlemind is already very mobile - by selecting Persistent Harrier, aquiring a few key feats and focussing our selection on those powers, we are all over the battlefield to both defend our allies and chase down key targets.

Inherent: Multi-marking and relying on Blurred Step / OA / Mind Spike is something we get for free - and as long as we can reach a somewhat decent position (which, as explained, is easy for us), we can use this asset through our whole career.
L1-6: Defending by damage threat is still quite viable at this level, and combined with debuffing powers we follow that route. We also gain our first non-standard lockdown with the Telepathic Challenge / Guard of Stone combo. Nightmare Vortex as Daily helps significantly as well.
L7-12: We aquire a few miscellaneous but important pieces like Sudden Roots, and Shattered Time is another Daily that enhances our Defender abilities until we can bring more to the front on per encounter basis.
L13-20: Brutal Barrage provides strong lockdown to our main target, so we can easier contrate on secondaries. Defense oriented feats and the arrival of Savage Intent as second non-standard lockdown combo further improves that. At last the regular use of Lightning Rush needs no explanation and speaks for itself.
L21-26: After our initial nova investment we largely concentrate our shoring up our resilience at this time.
L27-30: With Marked with Iron our third and last non-standard lockdown goes online, allowing us do force the battle towards us for easily three rounds per combat - aside from our regular Defender abilities and Dailys.
Defenses: The build has solid but not exceptional base defenses - better than very most Strikers, but lower than many Defenders. It instead emphasises reliable resilience by big HP and especially a huge amount of Surges, being almost impervious to conditions (mobility debuffs can be ignored by powers, daze / stun / dominate shaken off at the start of the turn) and some damage resist. On top of that are a number of situational defense buffs that add up well. At last don't discount mobility as defensive option, as it makes it much harder for the mobs to swarm us, often forcing them to run through all kinds of gauntlets.

Combat Strategy
Always stay in front of your group out-of-combat. After rolling initiative, see if either of the following two scenarios applies - if not delay / close in with your group. (That is the reason why we didn't put any optimisation into intiative, btw.)
Combat Opener #1: You are hit by a ranged attack - trigger Persistent Harrier and teleport right into the enemy backline. Consider using your free action mark to already bind other targets. Then procede to nuke down the first key target while checking the other mobs with your non-standard lockdown combos.
Combat Opener #2: A group melee mobs is in walking distance. Close in, fire your favourite AoE Defender power and let your allies move into formation savely. Then decide if any of these mobs is worth nuking early - if yes, proceed. If not, use your many mobility options to move further into the back ranks (even between your turns) and proceed like described in opener #1.
Further Strategy: After each target elimination check if an ally needs urgent help or if you can get to a mob cluster to fire one of your multi-mob Defender tricks - if yes, do so. If not, or after that interlude round, select a close and hopefully already damaged priority target and continue nuking it, again relying on your inherent abilities and non-standard combos as described above.

Prepare to recieve a lot of mob attention - you're a Defender and a high damage Striker. And while you're not frail, even you will go down eventually. As such work out with your Leader how much he can support you with healing and occasional saving throws - you have the Surges for it, and thus getting focus fired by the mobs isn't a problem, as your Leader can spamheal you, while the rest of your party has relatively free reign over the battlefield.
A Controller can be a big asset for you, if he can cluster marked mobs back around you with forced movement. In case you get swarmed he will also be happy to unleash AoE nukes on your position - usually you can use your mobility to get out before that, but don't fret taking an occasional hit from him - it's well worth it.
The build does not expect to hunt mobs in a team - the other Strikers are expected to either employ range or chase down any other stray target. If you regularly hunt in a group, adjust your abilities to boost your inherent Defender tricks like Mind Spike and Blurred Step more and adjust the rest accordingly. Probably even trade some damage for more resilience, as the targets will die very quickly - particularly if your partner exploits your work, for example by aquiring Headman's Chop.

You likely already heared of the infamous Brutal Barrage combos a Battlemind can pull off. Impressive DPR, no question, but by itself not an impressive character.
Hence the challenge was to make a build that fulfills all Striker requirments (target neutralisation, target selection, DPR) while still having a fully capable Defender. The explanation above should have illustrated the goals could be sufficiently met and this character operates in the absolute top tiers of both roles, although resources were indeed tight to make both parts work.
At last you see again the trinity of every good BM build - inherent toughness, mobility and maximisation of your favourite trick; finalised by putting any non-essential resources into filling any holes and weaknesses and preparing some backups for non-standard scenarios.


langeweile said:
Level by Level Discussion (Heroic, Paragon)

Level 1 - Snapshot
Race: Goliath (PHB2) [Spot on attributes, a few nice racials we'll use and good flavour.]
Class: Battlemind (PHB3)
Psionic Study: Persistent Harrier (PsP1) [Aggressive feature for instant action - just what we want.]
Background: +2 Intimidate (Out for Revenge, Dr373) [You're peace loving, but easily fall into a rage when provoked.]

Ability Scores
Strength 14 (+2)
Constitution 20 (+5)
Dexterity 12 (+1)
Intelligence 8 (-1)
Wisdom 12 (+1)
Charisma 10 (+0)
Maxed Con due high impact on accuracy and damage, the rest spread to meet the basic needs. If you want you can go with a more balanced spread like 14/18/12/8/16/10 or even 15/18/14/8/14/10 if you want to grab Bludgeon Mastery or Scale Specialisation later.

Hit Points / Bloodied: 35 / 17 (15 base + 20 Con)
Healing Surges: 14 (9 base + 5 Con)
Healing Surge Value: 8 HP
Strong start due high Con, and no need to invest here due other features like Stone's Endurance.

AC: 17 (10 base +7 Scale)
Fortitude: 15 (10 base +5 Con)
Reflex: 11 (10 base +1 Dex)
Will: 14 (10 base +1 Wis +2 class +1 racial)
Not great, but that's the price you pay for aggression - and everything except Reflex is still solid enough.

Maul: +7 // [2d6]+5 dmg (+2 prof +5 Con // +5 Con)
RBA (Throwing Hammer): +4 // [1d6]+2 dmg (+2 prof +2 Str // +2 Str) - Range 5/10
Solid accuracy and big damage, just as we need it.

Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 5 (6 base -1 armor)

At-Will: L1 Conductive Defense (PsP1); L1 Vicious Cobra Strike (PsP1) // Power Points: 2
Encounter: R: Stone's Endurance (PHB2)
Daily: L1 Accelerating Strike (PsP1)
We start our set with two basic powers - first Conductive Defense as workload power that is both very precise and yet slaps a solid debuff onto the target, enough to keep it in check even if we didn't mark it. Vicious Cobra Strike is our power to mark more creatures, finish of wounded targets or Minions and even throw out some solid AoE damage and debuff in case the enemies want to swarm us. You could replace VCS with Twisted Eye (PHB3) or Bull's Strength (PHB3) for more classical control features, but these two fit the build perfectly.
Our racial power offers a nice resilience boost, that we usually want to use early against the first barrage - and later it will see some nice upgrade.
Accelerating Strike is just the right combination of a solid opening punch that grants us big mobility to start with, and an encouter long debuff to said mobility. In case you prefer more control you can pick Aspect of Bitter Ice (PsP1), in case you want more surviveability take Aspect of Elevated Harmony (PHB3).

L1 Melee Training (Constituation) (PHB2)
Sad but true, we need it.

Notable Skills
Athletics: +9 (+5 trained +2 Str +2 racial), roll twice for climb & jump
Endurance: +10 (+5 trained + 5 Con)
Intimidate: +7 (+5 trained +2 background)
Nature: +3 (+1 Wis +2 racial)
Not great, but nobody expects you to perform big feats here. You can get by in town, and you are fit to survive in nature.

Gear (100gp)
Scale Armor (45gp)
Maul (30gp)
2x Throwing Hammer (10gp)
Adventurer's Kit (15gp)

Level 2
Feats: We take Goliath Greatweapon Prowess (PHB2) as we're looking for the maximum punch we can get.

Powers: We naturally grab Inspiring Fortitude (PHB3) - it can easily turn the tide at our level, as the tHP for our allies easily equal their bloodied value in HP.
If you want to jump straight to maximising Defender abilities take Telepathic Challenge (PHB3), but I recommend to wait a bit. Bounding Leap (PHB3) and Scrambling Climb (PHB3) are good Athletic Skill Powers if you're more interested in mobility. Endure Pain (PHB3) is probably an overkill in defense as we already have Stone's Endurance, and Grit and Spittle (Dr385), which is nice but still too unreliable and only works against save ends effects.

Gear (1.920gp)
L4, 840gp: Avalanche Maul +1 (AV2)
L2, 520gp: Veteran's Scale Armor +1 (AV1)
L2, 520gp: Badge of the Berserker +1 (AV2)
40gp left
A huge increase to our offensive arsenal. Charging is already a solid damage booster, and the Avalanche Maul is the most fearsome weapon you can get your hands on at this level range. Mobs tend to avoid Defenders, and still we can gain some base distance thanks to Blurred Step - and afterwards charge without fear of OAs. If they stick, all the better for us...
Veteran's Armor is a nice boost for that moment when we jumped right into the heat.

Level 3
Powers: We grab Momentum Swing (PsP1), as it provides solid and reliable mobility. It also offers the strongest one-two punch you'll find at this level, matching very well with our newly found love for charges and helps us getting an ally out of trouble if we need to.
If your prefer hard control you could instead take Spectral Legion (PHB3), which also synergises with Crippling Crush - but we'll have to wait with that feat and damage wise we don't get that much bang for our buck either.
We also gain two very needed PPs.

Gear (2.560gp / +640gp)
L2, 520gp: Bracers of Mighty Striking +2 (PHB1)
160gp left
It might not apply to every attack, but MBAs are still of frequent use for us as OAs and with charges.

Level 4
Attributes: +1 Con, +1 Wis
This is what we'll raise from first to last, as Wis will become a secondary damage attribute and also helps with our important Will defense.

Feats: We MC Warden with Defender of the Wild (PHB2), which also grants us Nature. But most important we gain a free action burst 1 mark, which has huge amount of uses - just keep extra mobs in check, save PPs, mark after charging, mark after using Persistent Harrier or just keep mobs in check if a turn brought a sudden and unexpected surprise.

Gear (3.200gp / +640gp)
L2, 520gp: Boots of Adept Charging (AV1)
280gp left
Another useful upgrade to our charge, as we can now reposition ourselves afterwards and thus much better shield our allies.

Level 5
Powers: This levels hails the arrival of the mighty Nightmare Vortex (PHB3), a Daily that let's use break up mob formations and keep them close. We already invested more than enough into carnage, and this helps significantly with our Defender abilities.
If you seek more resilience take a look at Aspect of Living Stone (PHB3). If you instead seek even more damage, Empathic Feedback (PsP1) offers a big and yet quite literal burst of damage.

Gear (4.480gp / +1.280gp)
L4, 840gp: Gauntlets of Blood (AV2)
L3, 680gp: Demonskin Tattoo (AV2)
40gp left
Still more slots to fill, and thus we further increase our damage and get some on demand resistance against common yet painful elemental damage.

Level 6 - Snapshot
Race: Goliath (PHB2)
Class: Battlemind (PHB3)
Psionic Study: Persistent Harrier (PsP1)
Background: +2 Intimidate (Out for Revenge, Dr373)

Ability Scores
Strength 14 (+2)
Constitution 21 (+5)
Dexterity 12 (+1)
Intelligence 8 (-1)
Wisdom 13 (+1)
Charisma 10 (+0)

Hit Points / Bloodied: 66 / 33 (15 base + 21 Con + 30 level)
Healing Surges: 14 (9 base + 5 Con)
Healing Surge Value: 16 HP

AC: 21 (10 base +3 level +7 Scale +1 enh)
Fortitude: 19 (10 base +3 level +5 Con +1 enh)
Reflex: 15 (10 base +3 level +1 Dex +1 enh)
Will: 18 (10 base +3 level +1 Wis +1 enh +2 class +1 racial)
Nothing to cheer about, but we have the resilience to take it and the punch to return it.

Maul: +11 // [2d6]+8 dmg (+3 level +2 prof +5 Con +1 enh // +5 Con +2 feat +1 enh)
-- bonus damage: +2 vs bloodied, +1d10 & prone on crit
-- MBA: 2d6+10 dmg
-- charge: 5d6+10 dmg
Good baseline damage and a big oomph and charges - if we do and hit something bloodied, it's most likely dead afterwards.

Initiative: +4 (+3 level +1 Dex)
Speed: 5 (6 base -1 armor)

At-Will: L1 Conductive Defense (PsP1); L1 Vicious Cobra Strike (PsP1); L3 Momentum Swing (PsP1) // Power Points: 4
Encounter: R: Stone's Endurance (PHB2); L2: Telepathic Challenge (PHB3); L6: Psionic Ambush (PHB3)
Daily: L1 Accelerating Strike (PsP1); L5: Nightmare Vortext (PHB3)
We pick up Psionic Ambush for free CA and as great mobility power - overcome movement debuffs, chase down mobs that are eating our squishys, etc etc.
Furthermore Inspiring Fortitude got replaced by Telepathic Challenge, as the increasing HP total lowered its strength somewhat and our Leader should be already improving on the healing front. On the other hand Telepathic Challenge opens up a very nice combo here - just see below.
Other good picks include Everybody Move (PHB3) to rearrange mobs to keep them in check, Mental Triumph (PsP1) for a bigger but just daily mobility insurance and Natural Terrain Understanding (Dr385) to get your allies out of trouble.

L1 Melee Training (Constituation) (PHB2)
L2 Golith Greatweapon Prowess (PHB2)
L4 Defender of the Wild (PHB2)
L6 Guard of Stone (Dr379)
That's a huge combat opener, particularly if we jump right into the middle of the mobs with Persistent Harrier. Mark everything around you, then give yourself a good resistance and at the same time keep all the mobs on you, as a -7 mark penalty just ain't funny for them. Then wait for the next round to nuke them all with your AoE.

Notable Skills
Athletics: +12 (+3 level +5 trained +2 Str +2 racial), roll twice for climb & jump
Endurance: +13 (+3 level +5 trained + 5 Con)
Intimidate: +10 (+3 level +5 trained +2 background)
Nature: +11 (+3 level +5 trained +1 Wis +2 racial)

Gear (6.400gp / +1.920gp)
L6, 1800gp: Horned Helmet +1d6 (AV1)
L4, 840gp: Avalanche Maul +1 (AV2)
L4, 840gp: Gauntlets of Blood (AV2)
L3, 680gp: Demonskin Tattoo (AV2)
L2, 520gp: Veteran's Scale Armor +1 (AV1)
L2, 520gp: Badge of the Berserker +1 (AV2)
L2, 520gp: Bracers of Mighty Striking +2 (PHB1)
L2, 520gp: Boots of Adept Charging (AV1)
160gp left
No big upgrades here as we lack the gold, but we complete our charging equipment with a stylish Horned Helmet.

Level 7
Powers: We get the very aggressive Forceful Reversal (DSCS), which replaces Momentum Swing. It's a tough decision, but MS provided the least focus fire, and due our new setup we can do multi-attacks well with Vicious Cobra Strike and get mobility from Psionic Ambush. Furthermore it was the least efficient in PP usage and thus a corner case option anyway.
Forceful Reversal on the other hand let's use regularly generate extra attacks and either set-up a follow-up charge (you don't need to take the shift) or round up mobs to smack them with an AoE, and the extra CA is great. The 2pA option is reserved only for big control needs. If your allies have Headman's Chop, or you prefer an Axe or Heavy Blade build, that option becomes of course a lot more interesting.
Yes, we do skip Lightning Rush here. The reason is that it doesn't synergise well with our focus fire approach, and it burns PPs much too quickly. But don't question what you know about BMs - we'll pick it up later in our career.
And of course we also gain 2 more PPs.

Gear (9.600gp / +3.200gp)
L9, 4200gp: Avalanche Maul +2 (AV2) [replaces: Avalanche Maul +1, 840gp]
We burn our last copper, but true to the spirit welcome our upgraded and shiny weapon. We somewhat lack behind on defenses, but Forceful Reversal just turned that weakness into an asset.

Level 8
Attributes: +1 Con, +1 Wis

Feats: We grab Markings of the Victor (PHB2) here. A great racial feat that ensures that Persistent Harrier triggers reliably, that the first OA hits or that the first charge connects - a great investment.

Gear (12.800gp / +3.200gp)
L7, 2600gp: Badge of the Berserker +2 (AV2) [replaces: Badge of the Berserker +1, 520gp]
1.120gp left
We finally start upping our defense, and NADs are the first priority.

Level 9
Powers: There's one really outstanding choice for us here, and that's Shattered Time (PsP1), as it creates a whole zone arounds us where we can defend and double stack OA with mark - just mind the sustain minor.
If that's not your cup of tea, you currently use one of the few builds that can reasonably employ Lion's Charge (PsP1) - but it is spread damage, and don't really count on finding three mobs close to each other and chargable. If you don't like either, both L1 and L5 still offer good alternatives.

Gear (16.000gp / +3.200gp)
L7, 2600gp: Veteran's Scale Armor +2 (AV1) [replaces: Veteran's Scale Armor +1, 520gp]
L6, 1800gp: Iron Armbands of Power +2 (AV1) [replaces: Bracers of Mighty Striking +2, 520gp]
960gp left
At last we upgade our AC and then also upgrade our bracers to apply to all melee attacks.

Level 10
Feats: Our OAs slowly lack the straight killing ability they had before, so we keep melee mobs in check much tighter with Sudden Roots (PHB2) - and it's also a great precursor for next level, which brings back the punch as well.

Powers: As we tend to go up against the biggest and baddest targets, we get Shadow Ally (PHB3). It's a great boost to defense and requires the mobs to chase it down with single target attacks, then hitting our upgradeded defenses and still provoking all kinds of punishment like OAs and marks. Remember to stay in range, but also remember that you can move it together with your regular move and range is only checked at the end of each of your turns - so feel free to hide it in some nice safe corner.
Battle Aspect (PHB3) is a solid alternative here, as it not only provides on demand Resist All when our gear doesn't cut it, but it also takes care of the nearing onslaught of hated movement debuffs in Paragon. Mind that as Polymorph it's not compatible with our Aspect powers. Reactive Surge (PHB3) helps with our high healing demand, in case your Leader is on the weak side of it - but it doesn't boost our Surge and blocks our Immediate.

Gear (22.400gp / +6.400gp)
L10, 5000gp: Diamond Cincture +1 (AV1)
2.360gp left
We just fill our last slot with a little defense boost combined with an on-demand emergency heal.

Level 11 - Snapshot
Race: Goliath (PHB2)
Class: Battlemind (PHB3)
Paragon Path: Son of Mercy (Dr370) [The pick of the PP is crucial, as it opens up a huge damage boost, and in particular one that is compatible with our soon to come Brutal Barrage. Mind the way you apply your Lawbreaker's Doom and chose your target wisely. The PP feature is somewhat superficial, but it can help against mobile Skirmishers and the like, particularly in combination with the L12 PP Utility power.]
Psionic Study: Persistent Harrier (PsP1)
Background: +2 Intimidate (Out for Revenge, Dr373)

Ability Scores
Strength 15 (+2)
Constitution 23 (+6)
Dexterity 13 (+1)
Intelligence 9 (-1)
Wisdom 15 (+2)
Charisma 11 (+0)

Hit Points / Bloodied: 98 / 49 (15 base + 23 Con + 60 level)
Healing Surges: 15 (9 base + 6 Con)
Healing Surge Value: 24 HP

AC: 27 (10 base +5 level +9 Scale +3 enh)
Fortitude: 24 (10 base +5 level +6 Con +2 enh +1 item)
Reflex: 18 (10 base +5 level +1 Dex +2 enh)
Will: 22 (10 base +5 level +2 Wis +2 enh +2 class +1 racial)
Yes, Reflex is very weak - but that's the price we'll have to pay. We'll do something about it soon, and we at least have some mobility utilities to mitigate possible movement debuffs.

Maul: +15 // [2d6]+13 dmg (+5 level +2 prof +6 Con +2 enh // +6 Con +3 feat +2 enh +2 item)
-- bonus damage: +8 (6 Con + 2 Wis) & slow vs Lawbreaker, +2 vs bloodied, +2d10 & prone on crit
-- charge: 5d6+13 dmg
-- OA: 2d6+19 dmg & slow
Our combo becomes ever more dangerous - at this level with a big step where we can add Con & Wis to our focus fire target and Con to our OAs - plus plenty of slowing.

Initiative: +6 (+5 level +1 Dex)
Speed: 5 (6 base -1 armor)

At-Will: L1 Conductive Defense (PsP1); L1 Vicious Cobra Strike (PsP1); L7 Forceful Reversal (PsP1) // Power Points: 6
Encounter: R: Stone's Endurance (PHB2); PP: Lawbreaker's Doom (recharges) (Dr370); L2: Telepathic Challenge (PHB3); L6: Psionic Ambush (PHB3); L11: Dispenced Justice (Dr370)
Daily: L1 Accelerating Strike (PsP1); L5: Nightmare Vortext (PHB3); L9: Shattered Time (PsP1); L10 Shadow Ally (PHB3)
Lawbreaker's Doom is the very reason we picked Son of Mercy and is already explaind.
Dispenced Justice is quite useless due our low Str, but you can gamble on a hit in dire situations or next level when we get Hammer Rhythm kill off badly wounded targets with it, before they can do harm - but usually Mind Spike is better, even though it's a reaction.

L1 Melee Training (Constituation) (PHB2)
L2 Golith Greatweapon Prowess (PHB2)
L4 Defender of the Wild (PHB2)
L6 Guard of Stone (Dr379)
L8 Markings of the Victor (PHB2)
L10 Sudden Roots (PHB2)
L11 Crippling Crush (PrP)
Con bonus damage every time we hit with an attack that slows... which is all the time against our Lawbreaker and with all OAs - great !

Notable Skills
Athletics: +14 (+5 level +5 trained +2 Str +2 racial), roll twice for climb & jump
Endurance: +16 (+5 level +5 trained +6 Con)
Intimidate: +12 (+5 level +5 trained +2 background)
Nature: +14 (+5 level +5 trained +2 Wis +2 racial)

Gear (32.000gp / +9.600gp)
L12, 13000gp: Mindhunter's Wyvernscale +3 (PsP1) [replaces: Veteran's Scale Armor +2, 2600gp]
L10, 5000gp: Diamond Cincture +1 (AV1)
L9, 4200gp: Avalanche Maul +2 (AV2)
L7, 2600gp: Badge of the Berserker +2 (AV2)
L6, 1800gp: Iron Armbands of Power +2 (AV1)
L6, 1800gp: Horned Helmet +1d6 (AV1)
L4, 840gp: Gauntlets of Blood (AV2)
L3, 680gp: Demonskin Tattoo (AV2)
L2, 520gp: Boots of Adept Charging (AV1)
1.560gp left
Upgrading our armor early is never wrong. We switch our trusty Veteran's Armor for the Mindhunter's, as by now daze and similar become ever more common - and it's in anticipation of more defense against those conditions soon.

Level 12
Feats: Further pushing our damage output we grab Hammer Rhythm (PHB1) - now misses don't hurt as much... or in fact still hurt the mobs quite a bit, considering our high Con.

Powers: We gain Red Death (Dr370) - not only a great prepartion for an AoE and another useful marking power, but we can recover our Lawbreaker's Doom in case the first target is unreacheable, as the power recharges after killing any LD target and subsequently allows us to have two at the same time if necessary.

Gear (48.000gp / +16.000gp)
L13, 17000gp: Breakchain Tattoo (Paragon) (AV2) [replaces: Demonskin Tattoo, 680gp]
1.240gp left
The Tattoo helps in case all our mobility options to fail and thereby gives us a nice on-demand mobility insurance - great !

Level 13
Feats: We retrain Goliath Greatweapon Prowess into Lasting Frost (PHB1), as the former doesn't apply to...

Powers: Brutal Barrage (PHB3) - all hail the mighty ! This is what we have been preparing for all the time, and this is when our damage output goes from substantial to stellar - not even mentioning that the mob on the recieving end is in very bad luck right now due being prone, slowed and usually marked. We lose Conductive Defense for it, and while it has served us well, BB is just surperior.
While you should freely use the one PP to augment BB, be mindful if you really need it. Finishing off a well bloodied mob, particularly due the high reliablility of multiple attacks and damage on miss due Hammer Rhythm, will often let you get by well on just three attacks.
Oh, and of course we get PPs again - altough this time it's only one.

Gear (64.000gp / +16.000gp)
L13, 17000gp: Frost Warhammer +3 (PHB1) [replaces: Avalanche Maul +2, 4200gp]
L2, 520gp: Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold +1 (EPG)
free: Heavy Shield
3.920gp left
Now the fun begins, as we start abusing the cold vulnerability with Brutal Barrage and also bring our regular hits a bit back to old damage levels. Use the daily power on a crit or when you somehow attack an off-target and want to slow it or just reap the benefits or Crippling Crush. As our weapon die doesn't matter for BB, we change to the good sturdy Heavy Shield and Warhammer.
To get around cold resistance just pick up some cheap Whetstones - they add damage, so you keep both cold and whatever else. I recommend acid as rarely resisted or lightning for some very nice AoE damage with the multiattacks of BB.

Level 14
Abilities: +1 Con, +1 Wis
We hit a nice even score again - and already see the big difference it makes in our Brutal Barrage - a hit now does 3 more damage... with up to four attacks...

Powers: As our damage is now up where it should be, we can work on our Defender capabilities again. Yes, exactly... it's time to switch Forceful Reversal for Lightning Rush (PHB3). I guess I don't need to tell you how to use that - redirect AoEs, double attack ranged mobs with LR and an OA and don't spam it unnecessarily or get eaten by OAs in the process.

Feats: It's late, but it's unavoidable by now - we take Weapon Expertise (Hammer) (PHB2).

Gear (80.000gp / +16.000gp)
L14, 21000gp: Cloak of Distortion +3 (AV1) [replaces: Badge of the Berserker +2, 2600gp]
1.520gp left
We slowly replace our charging equipment and thereby upgrade our NADs as well. You should have noticed that we demand plenty of attention due both our Defender as well as Striker capabilities - let's make it harder for the mobs to focus fire or force them to come close, so they clump for AoEs or are just in our own striking range.

Level 15
Powers: We replace Accelerating Strike with Inconstant Location (L5, PsP1), as the latter gives our mobility a much better boost. We can get around all kinds of movement debuffs, get out of being swarmed and we can prone a mob and then just teleport away one square so it can reach nothing.
Mind Blade (PHB3) is another solid option... if you run together with a melee Striker, preferabily big on multi-attacks like Ranger or Barbarian. Then you can set him up for an absolutely brutal Coup de Grace combo - but you yourself cannot really exploit it. Precognitive Eye (PsP1) can provide a solid encounter long buff for your attack and Aspect of Raging Tempest (PsP1) gives you an encounter long control over your marked victims, even if they are far away. At last a straight control is offered by Crushing Wave Strike (PsP1) or Aspect of Desert Storm (DSCS), the latter offering some nice mobility boost as well.

Gear (111.200gp / +31.200gp)
L14, 21000gp: Circlet of Arkhosia (Paragon) (PH:DrB) [replaces: Horned Helmet +1d6, 1800gp]
L10, 5000gp: Strikebacks (AV1) [replaces: Gauntlets of Blood +2, 840gp]
L7, 2600gp: Boots of the Fencing Master (AV1) [replaces: Boots of Adept Charging, 520gp]
L6, 1800gp: Solitaire (Cinnabar) (AV1)
3.800gp left
The Circlet allows us to get rid off some of the most nasty conditions before they ruin our turn, in particular allowing us even to save against conditions a save cannot normally end ! A nice synergy with our amor, and it'll even get better next level.
The boots are not only good mobility, but they should provide a constant bonus thanks to our regular shifting as well as our favourite Blurred Step. Furthermore we pick up our first Solitaire to make use of the regular crits we procude with our many attacks - some emergency save never hurts.
At last the Strikebacks increase our early round damage spike, as we have recently lost Forceful Reversal, and provide a nice bonus to OAs as well. We don't get Gloves of Ice, as Brutal Barrage is the damage workhorse and doesn't profit from it, and as explained above we don't really need the cold resistance braking. Gauntlets of Brutality are another option later, but as they only apply after proning, they are most useful on AP turns to produce damage spikes - but again Strikebacks are better there due the full extra attack.

Level 16 - Snapshot
Race: Goliath (PHB2)
Class: Battlemind (PHB3)
Paragon Path: Son of Mercy (Dr370) [We get a new feature that will provide us with a solid stream of tHP no matter our rather low Str. Not overwhelming, but a free and solid boost to our survivability, and we had our good feature already at L11.]
Psionic Study: Persistent Harrier (PsP1)
Background: +2 Intimidate (Out for Revenge, Dr373)

Ability Scores
Strength 15 (+2)
Constitution 24 (+7)
Dexterity 13 (+1)
Intelligence 9 (-1)
Wisdom 16 (+3)
Charisma 11 (+0)

Hit Points / Bloodied: 129 / 64 (15 base + 24 Con + 90 level)
Healing Surges: 16 (9 base + 7 Con)
Healing Surge Value: 32 HP
-- save vs any Daze & Stun effect at start of turn with a +6 bonus
Some great new condition mitigation we have - see feats for additional details.

AC: 34 (10 base +8 level +10 Scale +4 enh +2 Shield)
Fortitude: 29 (10 base +8 level +7 Con +3 enh +1 item)
Reflex: 24 (10 base +8 level +1 Dex +3 enh +2 Shield)
Will: 27 (10 base +8 level +3 Wis +3 enh +2 class +1 racial)
-- +1 to AC & Reflex [item] after shifting TEONT
-- +3 vs ranged [item] from more than 5 squares away
Solid all around, although not exceptional. Reflex got some help with the Shield. Two solid conditional bonuses - one common and one vs focus fire.

Warhammer: +22 // [1d10]+13 cold dmg (+8 level +2 prof +7 Con +3 enh +2 exp // +7 Con +3 enh +2 item +1 Shard)
-- bonus damage: +10 (7 Con + 3 Wis) & slow vs Lawbreaker, +5 cold vs vulnerable targets, +3d6 on crit
-- OA: 1d10+20 cold dmg & slow, +1 to attack
-- miss: 7 dmg (Hammer Rhythm)
-- Brutal Barrage: 3-4x attacks, hit 22 cold dmg / miss 7 dmg (7 Con + 3 Wis Lawbreaker + 7 Con Crippling Crush + 5 cold vul / 7 Con Hammer Rhythm)
Our pure base damage hasn't improved that much recently, but our OAs have punch, anyone eating regular attacks is further punished by cold vulnerability - and behold any victim of our Brutal Barrage.

Initiative: +8 (+8 level +1 Dex)
Speed: 5 (6 base -1 armor)

At-Will: L1 Vicious Cobra Strike (PsP1); L7 Lightning Rush (PHB3); L13 Brutal Barrage (PHB3) // Power Points: 7
Encounter: R: Stone's Endurance (PHB2); PP: Lawbreaker's Doom (recharges) (Dr370); L2: Telepathic Challenge (PHB3); L6: Psionic Ambush (PHB3); L11: Dispenced Justice (Dr370); L12: Red Death (Dr370); L16: Savage Intent (DSCS)
Daily: L5 Inconstant Location (PsP1); L5: Nightmare Vortext (PHB3); L9: Shattered Time (PsP1); L10 Shadow Ally (PHB3)
We pick up our second per encounter trick to defend the whole party for a turn. Savage Intent let's use chase down all marked mobs, threatening Mind Spike and probably OAs as well - you become a true whirlwind for one round.

L1 Melee Training (Constituation) (PHB2)
L4 Defender of the Wild (PHB2)
L6 Guard of Stone (Dr379)
L8 Markings of the Victor (PHB2)
L10 Sudden Roots (PHB2)
L11 Crippling Crush (PrP)
L12 Hammer Rhythm (PHB1)
L13 Lasting Frost (PHB1)
L14 Weapon Expertise (Hammer) (PHB2)
L16 Focused Mind (PHB3)
We complement our recently aquired helmet with a mighty +6 total save bonus against the dread Dazed / Stunned conditions to make sure we shed them before they do harm.

Notable Skills
Athletics: +17 (+8 level +5 trained +2 Str +2 racial), roll twice for climb & jump
Endurance: +20 (+8 level +5 trained +7 Con)
Intimidate: +15 (+8 level +5 trained +2 background)
Nature: +18 (+8 level +5 trained +3 Wis +2 racial)

Gear (160.000gp / +48.800gp)
L17, 65000gp: Mindhunter's Wyrmscale +4 (PsP1) [replaces: Mindhunter's Wyvernscale +3, 13000gp]
L14, 21000gp: Cloak of Distortion +3 (AV1)
L14, 21000gp: Circlet of Arkhosia (Paragon) (PH:DrB)
L13, 17000gp: Frost Warhammer +3 (PHB1)
L13, 17000gp: Breakchain Tattoo (Paragon) (AV2)
L10, 5000gp: Diamond Cincture +1 (AV1)
L10, 5000gp: Strikebacks (AV1)
L7, 2600gp: Boots of the Fencing Master (AV1)
L6, 1800gp: Iron Armbands of Power +2 (AV1)
L6, 1800gp: Solitaire (Cinnabar) (AV1)
L2, 520gp: Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold +1 (EPG)
free: Heavy Shield
1.400gp left
Another healthy armor upgrade - enjoy it !

Level 17
Powers: We replace Vicious Cobra Strike with Battle Vortex (PHB3). While VCS combined AoE damage nicely with some debuffing, BV is just a huge combat opener. The basic versions are nice to deal with Minions or Artillery - although you should seriously consider just nuking the latter - and the 4pA version creates a big zone that forces the mobs either to stay next to you or be immobilised for one round afterwards. It might be expensive, but it's great when your group is up against melee mobs - just start nuking in the round afterwards. You can even catch more mobs in the zone if you use intra turn repositioning (LR and BS) smartly.
We also gain 2 PPs to pay for these expensive powers.

Gear (240.000gp / +80.000gp)
L18, 85000gp: Frost Warhammer +4 (PHB1) [replaces: Frost Warhammer +3, 17000gp]
L11, 9000gp: Dice of Auspicious Fortune (Dr381)
4.400gp left
Time to upgrade our weapon...
... and we also get these nice dice - we already can double roll our first attack, but sometimes we also want our second attack like Battle Vortex to land with reliability, and these dice do that.

Level 18
Attributes: +1 Con, +1 Wis

Feats: While we can keep most mobs in check with Blurred Step, sometimes we run into difficult terrain or multi-shifting mobs like Skirmishers. Harrying Step (PsP1) solves just that, as we can convinently teleport to any square - without limitation of distance - adjacent to the target after it has shifted. Just mind that for defensive purposes you'll still have to rely on your regular shift.

Gear (320.000gp / +80.000gp)
L19, 105000gp: Cloak of Distortion +4 (AV1) [replaces: Cloak of Distortion +3, 21000gp]
400gp left
A defense upgrade is all that we got money for - but still important due both straight NADs as well as bonus ranged defense.

Level 19
Powers: While it is a very strong power, Shattered Time is replaced by Vengeful Mind (PHB3). The reason is that while it can generate lots of attacks, we by now a quite a few similar tools at hand on encounter basis, and it eats up our minor action which really hurts - Nightmare Vortex is just better in that regard. But less talking about the loss and more about the gain - VM is simply a huge incentative for any Solo to stay focused on us, because even AoE attacks that don't trigger our mark (but do trigger Lightning Rush, mind) give us a big boost to accuracy. Considering those mobs often have higher defenses, and what our BB can do - particularly in the soon to be Epic - that translates in lots of damage and thus much quicker dead mobs.
If you seek some different utility you might like Aspect of Stolen Identity (PHB3) - its augment is solid extra damage on BB, and with many mobs it can bring nice control as well, as they just debuff themselves.

Gear (400.000gp / +80.000gp)
L13, 17000gp: Farslayer Warhammer +3 (AV1)
L13, 17000gp: Ring of Giants (Dr378)
L12, 13000gp: Stone of Earth (AV2)
L12, 13000gp: Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold +3 (EPG) [replaces: Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold +1, 520gp]
L11, 9000gp: Solitaire (Citrine) (AV1)
11.920gp left
A lot of miscellaneous items - another Solitaire for a healing boost, the Stone provides a re-roll for the rare case that our double roll at combat opening doesn't cut it, the Shard just increases our non-BB damage while the Ring also improves BB damage due the high crit frequency.
At last the Farslayer is more backup than anything, as we are so extremly mobile - but you might never know, so that's a little but well spent gold.

Level 20
Feats: Weapon Focus (Hammers) (PHB1) here we come ? Noo... it will in fact be just a short visit, because next level we'll get something even better...

Powers: Blood Oath Fulfilled (Dr370) is nothing spectecular, but it comes with the PP. And it in fact is solid AoE damage and a debuff with a quite normal hit chance if you remember to combine it with Red Death - something we can use in case the mobs really want to try to swarm us.

Gear (560.000gp / +160.000gp)
L16, 45000gp: Iron Armbands of Power +4 (AV1) [replaces: Iron Armbands of Power +2, 1800gp]
L16: 45000gp: Solitaire (Aquamarin) (AV1)
L15, 25000gp: Premonition Ring (AV1)
59.400gp left
Another Solitaire for spike damage, some non-BB damage upgrade and finally some spare money for our last slot, a second ring - a little back-up against surprise never hurts, and at the moment there's nothing overwhelming that we might want to place there instead.
langeweile said:
Level by Level Discussion (Epic)

Level 21 - Snapshot
Race: Goliath (PHB2)
Class: Battlemind (PHB3)
Paragon Path: Son of Mercy (Dr370)
Epic Destiny: Reincarnate Champion (Past Spirit: Genasi (FRPG)) (PrP1) [Finally reaching our ED, we pick a most aggressive choice. Getting access to other races' powers and feats allows us to set up some neat combos for offense and defense - we start with Genasi, as described below.]
Psionic Study: Persistent Harrier (PsP1)
Background: +2 Intimidate (Out for Revenge, Dr373)

Ability Scores
Strength 16 (+3)
Constitution 26 (+8)
Dexterity 14 (+2)
Intelligence 10 (+0)
Wisdom 18 (+4)
Charisma 12 (+1)

Hit Points / Bloodied: 161 / 80 (15 base + 26 Con + 120 level)
Healing Surges: 17 (9 base + 8 Con)
Healing Surge Value: 40 HP
-- resist 15 lightning
-- save vs any Daze & Stun effect at start of turn with a +6 bonus

AC: 38 (10 base +10 level +11 Scale +5 enh +2 Shield)
Fortitude: 35 (10 base +10 level +8 Con +4 enh +1 racial +1 item +1 armor)
Reflex: 28 (10 base +10 level +2 Dex +4 enh +2 Shield)
Will: 31 (10 base +10 level +4 Wis +4 enh +2 class +1 racial)
-- +1 to AC & Reflex [item] after shifting TEONT
-- +4 vs ranged [item] from more than 5 squares away
Our NADs start lacking, as is the common problem in Epic - although Fortitude as most important for us is still going strong. Right now we still have slightly different priorities, but we'll do something about it soon enough.

Warhammer: +26 // [1d10]+23 cold & lightning dmg (+10 level +2 prof +8 Con +4 enh +2 exp // +8 Con +4 enh +4 item +3 Shard +4 Shocking Flame)
-- bonus damage: +12 (8 Con + 4 Wis) & slow vs Lawbreaker, +5 cold vs vulnerable targets, +4d6+8 on crit
-- OA: 2d10+31 cold & lightning dmg & slow, +1 to attack
-- miss: 8 dmg (Hammer Rhythm)
-- Brutal Barrage: 3-4x attacks, hit 29 cold & lightning dmg / miss 8 dmg (8 Con + 4 Wis Lawbreaker + 8 Con Crippling Crush + 5 cold vul +4 Shocking Flame / 8 Con Hammer Rhythm)
-- nova boost (minor action): +3d8 lightning & thunder TEONT on all attacks
A big boost to our damage output thanks to attribute increases and Shocking Flame - and we easily punch through any resistance now due multiple damage types. At last we also have a true nova ability now, as we can add that bonus damage to more than a dozen attacks if we want to.

Initiative: +12 (+10 level +2 Dex +2 item)
Speed: 5 (6 base -1 armor)

At-Will: L7 Lightning Rush (PHB3); L13 Brutal Barrage (PHB3); L17: Battle Vortex (PHB3) // Power Points: 11
Encounter: R: Stone's Endurance (PHB2), Swiftcurrent (FRPG), Promise of Storm (FRPG); PP: Lawbreaker's Doom (recharges) (Dr370); L2: Telepathic Challenge (PHB3); L6: Psionic Ambush (PHB3); L11: Dispenced Justice (Dr370); L12: Red Death (Dr370); L16: Savage Intent (DSCS)
Daily: L5 Inconstant Location (PsP1); L5: Nightmare Vortext (PHB3); L10 Shadow Ally (PHB3); L19: Vengeful Mind (PHB3); L20: Blood Oath Fulfilled (Dr370)
Two new great racial powers. First we select Swiftcurrent directly from our ED - it's another great mobility enhancer. Firepulse would be my actual favourite as another nice off-turn damage booster (it recieves quite a few bonuses), and Earthshock would be another good Defender enhancement - but both suffer from too low to-hit bonuses, hence only select them if you have that houseruled - we must stick to Swiftcurrent.
Second we get the massively damage boosting Promise of Storm from our Extra Manifestation - there's now question, as mentioned above we now have a true and devastating nova.
We also gain two sweet extra PPs.

L1 Melee Training (Constituation) (PHB2)
L4 Defender of the Wild (PHB2)
L6 Guard of Stone (Dr379)
L8 Markings of the Victor (PHB2)
L10 Sudden Roots (PHB2)
L11 Crippling Crush (PrP)
L12 Hammer Rhythm (PHB1)
L13 Lasting Frost (PHB1)
L14 Weapon Expertise (Hammer) (PHB2)
L16 Focused Mind (PHB3)
L18 Harrying Step (PsP1)
L21 Extra Manifestation (Stormsoul) (FRPG)
L21 Shocking Flame (FRPG)
Shocking Flame is the one feat the actually interested us - but to do that we need to have a manifestation, which our ED does not provide. Lucky for us that Genasis can buy more of these, so we get one and thereby some nice bonuses and an extra racial encounter power for free.

Notable Skills
Athletics: +20 (+10 level +5 trained +3 Str +2 racial), roll twice for climb & jump
Endurance: +23 (+10 level +5 trained +8 Con)
Intimidate: +20 (+10 level +5 trained +1 Cha +2 ED +2 background)
Nature: +23 (+10 level +5 trained +4 Wis +2 ED +2 racial)
Some nice extra bonuses from our ED - not our main reason to pick it, but why not ? In fact you don't suck that much anymore at all those mental skills, so you maybe want to go back to college and learn some more ?!

Gear (800.000gp / +240.000gp)
L22, 325000gp: Mindhunter's Nagascale +5 (PsP1) [replaces: Mindhunter's Wyrmscale +4, 65000gp]
L19, 105000gp: Cloak of Distortion +4 (AV1)
L18, 85000gp: Frost Warhammer +4 (PHB1)
L16, 45000gp: Solitaire (Aquamarin) (AV1)
L16, 45000gp: Iron Armbands of Power +4 (AV1)
L15, 25000gp: Premonition Ring (AV1)
L14, 21000gp: Circlet of Arkhosia (Paragon) (PH:DrB)
L13, 17000gp: Ring of Giants (Dr378)
L13, 17000gp: Breakchain Tattoo (Paragon) (AV2)
L13, 17000gp: Farslayer Warhammer +3 (AV1)
L12, 13000gp: Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold +3 (EPG)
L12, 13000gp: Stone of Earth (AV2)
L12, 13000gp: Stone of Storms (AV2)
L11, 9000gp: Solitaire (Citrine) (AV1)
L11, 9000gp: Dice of Auspicious Fortune (Dr381)
L10, 5000gp: Diamond Cincture +1 (AV1)
L10, 5000gp: Strikebacks (AV1)
L7, 2600gp: Boots of the Fencing Master (AV1)
L6, 1800gp: Solitaire (Cinnabar) (AV1)
free: Heavy Shield
26.600gp left
As customary we start by upgrading our armor. As our attacks are now lightning as well, we can also get another Stone as re-roll insurance.

Level 22
Feats: So many great feats to pick. But you already recognised the trend to jump into the middle of things and throw out marks like no tomorrow, so Strength Through Challenge (Dr387) is a natural pick here.

Powers: A lot of decent powers, but none standing out in particular. Psychic Feast (DSCS) offers a solid per encounter tHP package, that this of all BM builds could secure best, although it still lacks reliability, and worse overwrites our smaller but free PP feature - pick this if your Leader is on the weak side of healing. Immortal Endurance (PHB3) is much more reliable for the important fights, bigger and frontloaded - but you pay for it by getting it only once per day. Indomitable Maneuver (PHB3) is great for us, but we just got Swiftcurrent, so even despite the bigger distance this is probably too much double-up.
Level 16 offers a few good picks left untouched as well. Shield of the Iron Mind (PHB3) is great as ever, although we don't stand among our allies that often and already have Shadow Ally and much resilience against conditions. Instant Move (PsP1) is in fact great as it offers us an extra mobility right when we need it, so we will pick it... later.
For now we settle for Tactical Supremacy (PHB3) to reap a nice ongoing to-hit bonus in a crowded fight.

Gear (1.200.000gp / +400.000gp)
L23, 425000gp: Frost Warhammer +5 (PHB1) [replaces: Frost Warhammer +4 (PHB1), 85000gp]
86.600gp left
Unsurprisingly a weapon upgrade is our next pick.

Level 23
Powers: Not much to see here. Might of the Ogre is quite useful for proning, and there are some other fancy powers - but none offers that much of hard control in such a sizeable area as Battle Vortex does.
But another 2 PPs are always welcome.

Gear (1.600.000gp / +400.000gp)
L24, 525000gp: Cloak of Distortion +5 (AV1) [replaces: Cloak of Distortion +4, 105000gp]
66.600gp left
Another level in the usual order of upgrades.

Level 24
Attributes: +3 Con, +1 Wis
A special here - our ED gives us a free +2 to an attribute... No doubt we put it into Con.

Epic Destiny: Our ED now allows us to pick a second extra race - we choose Githzerai (PHB3).

Powers: Thanks to our race pick we also get Iron Mind (PHB3), a solid defense booster that has potential for more, as we will see.

Feats: We finally have room for Robust Defenses (PHB2) - great feat or feat tax, we don't care.
We also retrain Focused Mind for Iron Resolve of Zerthadlun (PHB3). The former was very good against Daze & Stun, but a +2 vs all conditions quasi all the time is even better - thank our new race here.
Other good Githzerai feats include Adamantine Mind (PHB3) for more defense with Iron Mind, Tempered Iron Mind (Dr378) to trigger it more reliable (see L27) and Githzerai Mobility (Dr378) for OA defense during Lightning Rush and the like. But we are already very feat starved, so weigh carefully which you would give up.

Gear (2.100.000gp / +500.000gp)
L24, 525000gp: Circlet of Arkhosia (Epic) (PH:DrB) [replaces: Circlet of Arkhosia (Paragon) (PH:DrB), 21000 gp]
62.600gp left
An expensive upgrade, but we now can even save against Dominated before it hurts us, and with a +4 bonus to boot.

Level 25
Powers: As far as single target elimination goes, nothing beats Dominated... with an additional slide attached to abuse OAs to the maximum. Hence we switch Vengeful Mind for Psychic Hammer (PHB3). We don't need more than one single target nuke, as our Dailys are mostly a toolbox to adapt to specific needs.
Vitality Theft (PHB3) is an alternative if you often have very drawn out fights and run out of PPs.

Gear (2.800.000gp / +700.000gp)
762.600gp left
No changes here - we need to save up some gold for two very expensive levels come.

Level 26 - Snapshot
Race: Goliath (PHB2)
Class: Battlemind (PHB3)
Paragon Path: Son of Mercy (Dr370)
Epic Destiny: Reincarnate Champion (Past Spirit: Genasi (FRPG), Githzerai (PHB3)) (PrP1)
Psionic Study: Persistent Harrier (PsP1)
Background: +2 Intimidate (Out for Revenge, Dr373)

Ability Scores
Strength 16 (+3)
Constitution 29 (+9)
Dexterity 14 (+2)
Intelligence 10 (+0)
Wisdom 19 (+4)
Charisma 12 (+1)

Hit Points / Bloodied: 194 / 97 (15 base + 29 Con + 150 level)
Healing Surges: 18 (9 base + 9 Con)
Healing Surge Value: 48 HP
-- resist 15 lightning
-- save vs any Daze, Stun & Dominated effect at start of turn with a +4 bonus

AC: 44 (10 base +13 level +13 Scale +6 enh +2 Shield)
Fortitude: 41 (10 base +13 level +9 Con +5 enh +2 feat +1 racial +1 item)
Reflex: 34 (10 base +13 level +2 Dex +5 enh +2 feat +2 Shield)
Will: 37 (10 base +13 level +4 Wis +5 enh +2 feat +2 class +1 racial)
-- +1 to AC & Reflex [item] after shifting TEONT
-- +5 vs ranged [item] from more than 5 squares away

Warhammer: +32 // [1d10]+25 cold & lightning dmg (+13 level +2 prof +9 Con +5 enh +3 exp // +9 Con +5 enh +4 item +3 Shard +4 Shocking Flame)
-- bonus damage: +13 (9 Con + 4 Wis) & slow vs Lawbreaker, +5 cold & CA vs vulnerable targets, +5d6+10 on crit
-- OA: 2d10+34 cold & lightning dmg & slow, +1 to attack
-- miss: 9 dmg (Hammer Rhythm)
-- Brutal Barrage: 3-4x attacks, hit 31 cold & lightning dmg / miss 9 dmg (9 Con + 4 Wis Lawbreaker + 9 Con Crippling Crush + 5 cold vul +4 Shocking Flame / 9 Con Hammer Rhythm)
-- nova boost (minor action): +3d8 lightning & thunder TEONT on all attacks

Initiative: +17 (+13 level +2 Dex +2 item)
Speed: 5 (6 base -1 armor)

At-Will: L7 Lightning Rush (PHB3); L13 Brutal Barrage (PHB3); L17: Battle Vortex (PHB3) // Power Points: 13
Encounter: R: Stone's Endurance (PHB2), Swiftcurrent (FRPG), Promise of Storm (FRPG), Iron Mind (PHB3); PP: Lawbreaker's Doom (recharges) (Dr370); L2: Telepathic Challenge (PHB3); L6: Psionic Ambush (PHB3); L11: Dispenced Justice (Dr370); L12: Red Death (Dr370); L16: Savage Intent (DSCS); L16: Instant Move (PsP1)
Daily: L5 Inconstant Location (PsP1); L5: Nightmare Vortext (PHB3); L10 Shadow Ally (PHB3); L20: Blood Oath Fulfilled (Dr370); L25: Psychic Hammer (PHB3); L26: Swift Reincarnation (PrP1)
Our ED provides us with a decent revival feature. The bonus is that we can a temporary new race and thus get another encounter power - I recommend Elf for a free re-roll or Longtooth Shifter for regeneration and a damage boost.
Second we switch Tactical Supremacy for Instant Move (PSP1), as should have CA most of the time by now due Wintertouched (see below), and soon we'll be short even on minor actions, so every bit of extra mobility helps.

L1 Melee Training (Constituation) (PHB2)
L4 Defender of the Wild (PHB2)
L6 Guard of Stone (Dr379)
L8 Markings of the Victor (PHB2)
L10 Sudden Roots (PHB2)
L11 Crippling Crush (PrP)
L12 Hammer Rhythm (PHB1)
L13 Lasting Frost (PHB1)
L14 Weapon Expertise (Hammer) (PHB2)
L18 Harrying Step (PsP1)
L21 Extra Manifestation (Stormsoul) (FRPG)
L21 Shocking Flame (FRPG)
L22 Strength Through Challenge (Dr387)
L24 Robust Defenses (PHB2)
L24 Iron Resolve of Zerthadlun (PHB3)
L26 Wintertouched (PHB1)
Between all our needs for defense and defending we finally have time to grab this nice mostly-on CA feat. But before it simply wasn't the strongest option from a DPR point of view.

Notable Skills
Athletics: +23 (+13 level +5 trained +3 Str +2 racial), roll twice for climb & jump
Endurance: +27 (+13 level +5 trained +9 Con)
Intimidate: +23 (+13 level +5 trained +1 Cha +2 ED +2 background)
Nature: +26 (+13 level +5 trained +4 Wis +2 ED +2 racial)

Gear (4.000.000gp / +1.200.000gp)
L27, 1625000gp: Mindhunter's Elderscale +6 (PsP1) [replaces: Mindhunter's Nagascale +5, 325000gp]
L24, 525000gp: Cloak of Distortion +5 (AV1)
L24, 525000gp: Circlet of Arkhosia (Epic) (PH:DrB)
L23, 425000gp: Frost Warhammer +5 (PHB1)
L16, 45000gp: Solitaire (Aquamarin) (AV1)
L16, 45000gp: Iron Armbands of Power +4 (AV1)
L15, 25000gp: Premonition Ring (AV1)
L13, 17000gp: Ring of Giants (Dr378)
L13, 17000gp: Breakchain Tattoo (Paragon) (AV2)
L13, 17000gp: Farslayer Warhammer +3 (AV1)
L12, 13000gp: Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold +3 (EPG)
L12, 13000gp: Stone of Earth (AV2)
L12, 13000gp: Stone of Storms (AV2)
L11, 9000gp: Solitaire (Citrine) (AV1)
L11, 9000gp: Dice of Auspicious Fortune (Dr381)
L10, 5000gp: Diamond Cincture +1 (AV1)
L10, 5000gp: Strikebacks (AV1)
L7, 2600gp: Boots of the Fencing Master (AV1)
L6, 1800gp: Solitaire (Cinnabar) (AV1)
free: Heavy Shield
662.600gp left
Our customary customary and final armor upgrade - quite some money left, but we direly need it next level.

Level 27
Powers: The final choice of at-wills, and while there are a few tempting powers, for us there is clearly only one choice - Brilliant Recovery (PHB3) replaces Battle Vortex. This completes our mighty damage and lockdown combo, and by now we have enough tools at hand to debuff and control mobs in other ways so we can let Battle Vortex go.
Of course we, for the last time, get another nice 2 PPs.

Feats: Our equipment now provide resist, hence Strength Through Challenge is replaced by Marked With Iron (Dr378). While the debuff is not as sizeable as the one from Guard of Stone, it still is the third non-Standard mob control combo, even triggering off-turn to make room for more Minors.

Gear (6.000.000gp / +2.000.000gp)
L29, 2625000gp: Ring of Free Time (AV2) [replaces: Ring of Giants, 17000gp]
54.600gp left
We already were dangerously low on minor actions before, and with Brilliant Recovery that's not going to get any better - thus this an expensive but very welcome addition to our equipment. Not that we wouldn't mind the Resist All 5 either, freeing us a feat.

Level 28
Attributes: +1 Con, +1 Wis

Feats: Epic Reflex (PHB2) finally covers the soft spot of our NADs - not fancy, but very useful.

Gear (8.000.000gp / +2.000.000gp)
L27, 1625000gp: Shadow Band (AV1) [replaces: Premonition Ring, 25000gp]
L22, 325000gp: Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold +5 (EPG) [replaces: Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold +3, 13000gp]
L20, 125000gp: Diamond Cincture +2 (AV1) [replaces: Diamond Cincture +1, 5000gp]
22.600gp left
The Shadow Band is an excellenct source of bonus defense, much more than any single feat could provide us at this level - thus we use those for better things. We also do some miscellaneous upgrades to our damage and self-healing.

Level 29
Powers: Our last power switch - we finally let go of Nightmare Vortex for Mind-Sundering Burst (PHB3). The Stance is only a slight but possibly useful upgrade to our regular OAs, but the opening attack is extremely vicious - something you like to let lose just when you teleported in the middle of a big ugly swarm of mobs.
Aspect of Annihilation (PHB3) is can generate massive single target lockdown if you can rely on an ally to provide the base effects. Omnicient Strike (PsP1) is a very effective out of turn attack-debuff that you might like as retaliation option. Focused Rampage (DSCS) let's you use Brutal Barrage as MBA for an encounter - but unaugmented it isn't that much better for the most common use (OAs) that it would merit using a Daily on it.

Gear (10.000.000gp / +2.000.000gp)
L28, 2125000gp: Frost Warhammer +6 (PHB1) [replaces: Frost Warhammer +5, 425000gp]
L21, 225000gp: Solitaire (Cerulan) (AV1)
101.600gp left
We do the final upgrade to our weapon and add another Solitaire to our nice little collection.

Level 30 - Snapshot
Race: Goliath (PHB2)
Class: Battlemind (PHB3)
Paragon Path: Son of Mercy (Dr370)
Epic Destiny: Reincarnate Champion (Past Spirit: Genasi (FRPG), Githzerai (PHB3)) (PrP1)
Psionic Study: Persistent Harrier (PsP1)
Background: +2 Intimidate (Out for Revenge, Dr373)

Ability Scores
Strength 16 (+3)
Constitution 30 (+10)
Dexterity 14 (+2)
Intelligence 10 (+0)
Wisdom 20 (+5)
Charisma 12 (+1)

Hit Points / Bloodied: 219 / 109 (15 base + 30 Con + 174 level)
Healing Surges: 19 (9 base + 10 Con)
Healing Surge Value: 54 HP
-- resist 15 lightning
-- save vs any Daze, Stun & Dominated effect at start of turn with a +4 bonus

AC: 46 (10 base +15 level +13 Scale +6 enh +2 Shield)
Fortitude: 46 (10 base +15 level +10 Con +6 enh +2 feat +1 racial +2 item)
Reflex: 41 (10 base +15 level +2 Dex +6 enh +2 feat +4 Epic +2 Shield)
Will: 41 (10 base +15 level +5 Wis +6 enh +2 feat +2 class +1 racial)
-- +1 to AC & Reflex [item] after shifting TEONT
-- +2 vs melee / ranged from concealment
-- +6 vs ranged [item] from more than 5 squares away

Warhammer: +36 // [1d10]+31 cold & lightning dmg (+15 level +2 prof +10 Con +6 enh +3 exp // +10 Con +6 enh +6 item +5 Shard +4 Shocking Flame)
-- bonus damage: +15 (10 Con + 5 Wis) & slow vs Lawbreaker, +5 cold & CA vs vulnerable targets, +6d6 on crit
-- OA: 2d10+41 cold & lightning dmg & slow, +1 to attack
-- miss: 10 dmg (Hammer Rhythm)
-- Brutal Barrage: 3-4x attacks, hit 34 cold & lightning dmg / miss 10 dmg (10 Con + 5 Wis Lawbreaker + 10 Con Crippling Crush + 5 cold vul +4 Shocking Flame / 10 Con Hammer Rhythm)
-- extra attacks vs missed target as minor
-- nova boost (minor action): +3d8 lightning & thunder TEONT on all attacks

Initiative: +17 (+15 level +2 Dex)
Speed: 5 (6 base -1 armor)

At-Will: L7 Lightning Rush (PHB3); L13 Brutal Barrage (PHB3); L27: Brilliant Recovery (PHB3) // Power Points: 15
Encounter: R: Stone's Endurance (PHB2), Swiftcurrent (FRPG), Promise of Storm (FRPG), Iron Mind (PHB3); PP: Lawbreaker's Doom (recharges) (Dr370); L2: Telepathic Challenge (PHB3); L6: Psionic Ambush (PHB3); L11: Dispenced Justice (Dr370); L12: Red Death (Dr370); L16: Savage Intent (DSCS); L16: Instant Move (PsP1)
Daily: L5 Inconstant Location (PsP1); L10 Shadow Ally (PHB3); L20: Blood Oath Fulfilled (Dr370); L25: Psychic Hammer (PHB3); L26: Swift Reincarnation (PrP1); L29: Mind-Sundering Burst (PHB3)
The ED grants us now access to all racial powers. As already mentioned, the two most interesting are from Elves and Longthooth Shifters - expend Swiftcurrent and then Iron Mind / Stone's Endurance in case you need both. Or just use your big goodies - Stone's Endurance and Promise of Storm - more than once per encounter, as the replacement can go either way.

L1 Melee Training (Constituation) (PHB2)
L4 Defender of the Wild (PHB2)
L6 Guard of Stone (Dr379)
L8 Markings of the Victor (PHB2)
L10 Sudden Roots (PHB2)
L11 Crippling Crush (PrP)
L12 Hammer Rhythm (PHB1)
L13 Lasting Frost (PHB1)
L14 Weapon Expertise (Hammer) (PHB2)
L18 Harrying Step (PsP1)
L21 Extra Manifestation (Stormsoul) (FRPG)
L21 Shocking Flame (FRPG)
L24 Robust Defenses (PHB2)
L24 Iron Resolve of Zerthadlun (PHB3)
L26 Wintertouched (PHB1)
L27 Marked with Iron (Dr378)
L28 Epic Reflex (PHB2)
L30 Harrier's Control (PsP1)
We pick a goody that would have been great already many levels earlier. Now we can slide and mark before using Persistent Harrier, we can instantly apply our Lawbreaker's Doom - and we save our MC Warden mark for later occasions as well. Futhermore the slide increases the possible places we land and thus let's us catch more mobs with our initial onslaught.

Notable Skills
Athletics: +25 (+15 level +5 trained +3 Str +2 racial), roll twice for climb & jump
Endurance: +30 (+15 level +5 trained +10 Con)
Intimidate: +25 (+15 level +5 trained +1 Cha +2 ED +2 background)
Nature: +29 (+15 level +5 trained +5 Wis +2 ED +2 racial)

Gear (14.625.000gp / +4.625.000gp)
L29, 2625000gp: Ring of Free Time (AV2)
L29, 2625000gp: Cloak of Distortion +6 (AV1) [replaces: Cloak of Distortion +5, 525000gp]
L28, 2125000gp: Frost Warhammer +6 (PHB1)
L27, 1625000gp: Shadow Band (AV1)
L27, 1625000gp: Mindhunter's Elderscale +6 (PsP1)
L26, 1125000gp: Iron Armbands of Power +6 (AV1) [replaces: Iron Armbands of Power +4, 45000gp]
L26, 1125000gp: Solitaire (Violet) (AV1)
L24, 525000gp: Circlet of Arkhosia (Epic) (PH:DrB)
L23, 425000gp: Breakchain Tattoo (Epic) (AV2) [replaces: Breakchain Tattoo (Paragon) (AV2), 17000gp]
L22, 325000gp: Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold +5 (EPG)
L21, 225000gp: Solitaire (Cerulan) (AV1)
L20, 125000gp: Diamond Cincture +2 (AV1)
L16, 45000gp: Solitaire (Aquamarin) (AV1)
L13, 17000gp: Farslayer Warhammer +3 (AV1)
L12, 13000gp: Stone of Earth (AV2)
L12, 13000gp: Stone of Storms (AV2)
L11, 9000gp: Solitaire (Citrine) (AV1)
L11, 9000gp: Dice of Auspicious Fortune (Dr381)
L10, 5000gp: Strikebacks (AV1)
L7, 2600gp: Boots of the Fencing Master (AV1)
L6, 1800gp: Solitaire (Cinnabar) (AV1)
free: Heavy Shield
9.600gp left
We upgrade a few last items and complete our favourite Solitaire colletion.
At this final level there are also two quite interesting Magic Heavy Shield options - both can be worn either full time or in exchange for your Iron Armbands, depending if you want more defense or offense in that particular encounter. A Dragonscale Shield (Dr365) combines neatly with your Shadow Band to give you a +2 to all defenses, as those cover all the different attack types completely. Shield of Ultimate Protection (AV2) extends your Shield bonus to Fort and Will, and has a huge Daily that stacks with your other buffs like Shadow Ally and the Shadow Band Daily. To pay that price you can leave your Iron Armbands at +4, skip the L26 and maybe even the L21 Solitaire - from there it gets harder to make cuts, but a Paragon Breakchain Tattoo works as well, and you might find other expendable pieces.

Congrationlations - you reached the pinnacle of your life as Hero, overcoming mortal and divine adversaries and even prophecy. Now head down to the Underworld and set a some things straight, that all those would-be heros never managed...


langeweile said:

Different options for powers are discussed at the individual level within the build, because most of them are not as modular and very circumstance dependant.

Recommended Consumables and other Items
You will already have noticed that I didn't include any adventuring material, like a good old Bag of Holding and the like. Buy those at your own discretion.
And feel free to cut or change some of the surrounding items if needed - not much of it is really essential or couldn't be replaced by a similar option, and an approximation to usual leveing behaviour anyway.

For consumables you first want to - aside from regular healing potions - consider Potions of Regeneration. By Paragon they're dirt cheap, you can easily afford the Surge, and over a long combat they not only add up but in fact get you out of bloodied afterwards for free !
Also consider Potions of Resistance, particularly the very useful Cryptspawn Potion. Again a Surge investment, but between multiple attacks, ongoing damage and auras these add up - and your Leader will thank you that he can spend his juice on your more fragile fellows instead.

Remember to always keep stuff like Talent Shards, Ungent of Darkvision or an Elixier of Flying at hand, once you can afford them.
Cognise Crystals are a very useful way to recharge some PPs in a long fight - something none Psionic Classes will envy you for. Use them !

At last get a few Whetstones - they let you punch through damage resistance, provide nice AoE (Tempest) or can even further pump your at-will DPR (Combustion and Genasi Firesoul) for a whole encounter.

The Core of the Build

Improving Resilience

Improving Striking

Improving Defending

Other Races

Specific Settings (Dark Sun, Ebberon)

Exploiting Crits

A variant using Heavy Blades and the Monk's Soaring Blade PP.

-- less item dependent
-- less stat intensive
-- works well as Hybrid

-- gains full force three levels later
-- less Defender-ish
-- somewhat lower damage output (but still strong)
-- no access to Reincarnate Champion

The basic idea is to abuse the L16 feature of Soaring Blade that adds Con to all damage with Heavy Blades, as well as making that damage cold. That relieves us of the need of wielding a Frost Weapon (although it is recommended until that level), to either be independent of items or to use another good enchantment like Jagged.
During Heroic it largely plays the same, but it uses either a Mage's Fullblade, or in case of Goliath a Vanguard Greataxe or Greatsword. Using the 2 PP augment of Forceful Reversal (keep it till L16) you can exploit Headman's Chop for massive extra damage. Remove all Warden and Hammer related feats, and instead use Heavy Blade Opportunity to add damage and hard control to your OAs as well.
You but you do lose some Defender tricks by not going Warden, although the Iron Monk Flurry helps as well for one round - and you might get good results employing other races.
As ED any with a Con bonus is recommended, in particular Topaz Crusader or Raven Knight.


lordduskblade said:
I actually threw a quick build together with your guidelines in mind, langeweile, and I think you may have sold it a bit short: I'm coming up with a bit more damage.

Dwarf Battlemind

Dwarf Battlemind/Son of Mercy/Demigod:
L1 – Str 14, Con 18, Dex 13, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 10
L4 – Str 14, Con 19, Dex 13, Int 8, Wis 17, Cha 10
L8 – Str 14, Con 20, Dex 13, Int 8, Wis 18, Cha 10
L11 – Str 15, Con 21, Dex 14, Int 9, Wis 19, Cha 11
L14 – Str 15, Con 22, Dex 14, Int 9, Wis 20, Cha 11
L18 – Str 15, Con 23, Dex 14, Int 9, Wis 21, Cha 11
L21 – Str 16, Con 26, Dex 15, Int 10, Wis 24, Cha 12
L24 – Str 16, Con 27, Dex 15, Int 10, Wis 25, Cha 12
L28 – Str 16, Con 28, Dex 15, Int 10, Wis 26, Cha 12

L1 – Melee Training (Constitution)
L2 – Dwarven Weapon Training
L4 – Weapon Expertise (Hammers)
L6 – Defender of the Wild (Perception)
L8 – Crippling Crush
L10 – Wintertouched
L11 – Lasting Frost
L12 – Hammer Rhythm
L14 – Armor Proficiency (Plate)
L16 – Dwarven Durability
L18 – Improved Initiative
L20 – Paragon Defenses
L21 – Devouring Demand
L21 – Robust Defenses (replaces Paragon Defenses)
L22 – Armor Specialization (Plate)
L22 – Superior Initiative (replaces Improved Initiative)
L24 – Rapid Mind Spike
L26 – Prescient Retaliation
L28 – Epic Reflexes
L30 – Epic Fortitude

AC: 48 --> 10 base, +15 levels, +14 armor, +6 enhancement, +2 shield, +1 feat
Fort: 48 --> 10 base, +15 levels, +9 ability (Constitution), +6 enhancement, +4 Epic Fortitude, +2 feat, +2 item
Ref: 41 --> 10 base, +15 levels, +2 ability (Dexterity), +6 enhancement, +2 feat, +2 shield, +4 Epic Reflexes
Will: 45 --> 10 base, +15 levels, +8 ability (Wisdom), +6 enhancement, +2 class, +2 feat, +2 item

HP: 217 --> 15 base, +174 levels, +28 ability (Constitution)
Bloodied: 108 HP or less
Healing Surges: 20 --> 9 base, +9 ability (Constitution), +2 Dwarven Durability
Healing Surge Value: 63 HP

Initiative: +30 --> +2 ability (Dexterity), +15 levels, +8 feat, +5 item

Magic Items (Expected GP = 14,625,000):
L29 (2,625,000 gp): Ring of Free Time (AV 2)
L28 (2,125,000 gp): +6 Frost Craghammer (PHB)
L28 (2,125,000 gp): +6 Frost Throwing Hammer (PHB)
L28 (2,125,000 gp): +6 Steadfast Amulet (AV)
L27 (1,625,000 gp): +6 Dwarven Godplate Armor (PHB)
L26 (1,125,000 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (Epic Tier) (AV)
L23 (425,000 gp): Eye of Awareness (AV)
L22 (325,000 gp): Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold (Epic Tier) (EPG)
L22 (325,000 gp): Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold (Epic Tier) (EPG)
L21 (225,000 gp): Gloves of Ice (Epic Tier) (AV 2)
L20 (125,000 gp): Diamond Cincture (Paragon Tier) (AV 2)
L18 (85,000 gp): Planestrider Boots (MOTP)
L13 (17,000 gp): Ring of Giants (D 378)
L9 (4,200 gp): Backlash Tattoo (AV 2)
Nonmagical: Heavy Shield (PHB)
TOTAL: 13,271,200 gp

Attack Bonus Sources:
+15 (Level)
+9 (Constitution)
+6 enhancement (+6 Weapon)
+3 feat (Weapon Expertise)
+2 (Combat Advantage)
+2 (Proficiency)
Total: +37

Damage Bonus Sources:
+9 (Constitution)
+9 (Crippling Crush)
+8 (Lawbreaker’s Doom)
+6 enhancement (+6 Weapon)
+6 item (Iron Armbands of Power)
+5 (Lasting Frost)
+5 (Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold)
+4 (Gloves of Ice)
+2 feat (Dwarven Weapon Training)

Brutal Barrage: +37 vs. AC with CA
Hit: 31 cold damage
Critical: 6d6+43 cold damage
Miss: 9 damage

Brilliant Recovery: +37 vs. AC with CA
Hit: 2d10 (brutal 2) + 54 cold damage
Critical: 6d6+86 cold damage
Miss: 9 damage

DPR: (3)*(0.65)*(31) + (3)*(0.05)*(64) + (3)*(0.30)*(9) + (1-[1-0.30]3)*(2)*([0.65]*[67] + [0.05]*[107] + [0.30]*[9]) = 145.95 DPR

DPR (1 PP expended): (4)*(0.65)*(31) + (4)*(0.05)*(64) + (4)*(0.30)*(9) + (1-[1-0.30]4)*(2)*([0.65]*[67] + [0.05]*[107] + [0.30]*[9]) = 182.62 DPR

DPR (1 PP expended, after milestone): (4)*(0.65)*(31) + (4)*(0.05)*(64) + (4)*(0.30)*(9) + (1-[1-0.30]4)*(3)*([0.65]*[67] + [0.05]*[107] + [0.30]*[9]) = 221.83 DPR

Suffice to say, very impressive, and likely worthy of its own thread, wouldn't you agree?

As for Radiant, I don't think it'll generate much more single target oomph this will; going for Morninglord and Radiant Advantage results in less damage than this (though it is markedly less feat-intensive, there's not all that many damage options for something that doesn't have a damage roll), and Headsman's Chop is kind of situational here (two or more BB attacks have to hit for that to happen, and giving up on Hammer Rhythm means you're likely treading water or worse on the DPR front).


Black_Knight999 said:
Here's a variant of LDB's Lone Wolf build using Eternal Defender to wield a pair of Frost Gouges. It uses Polearm Momentum with Ring of Ramming to push 2 squares and knock the enemy prone on hit, triggering Draconic Arrogance twice. Long Step allows you to follow your prey.

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Lone Wolf, level 30
Dragonborn, Ranger, Lone Wolf, Eternal Defender
Build: Two-Blade Ranger
Fighting Style: Two-Blade Fighting Style
Ranger: Prime Shot
Dragonborn Racial Power: Dragon Breath
Dragon Breath Key Ability: Dragon Breath Strength
Dragon Breath Damage Type: Dragon Breath Fire
Background: Auspicious Birth (Auspicious Birth Benefit)

Str 30, Con 15, Dex 18, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 14.

Str 18, Con 13, Dex 11, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10.

AC: 44 Fort: 48 Reflex: 39 Will: 38
HP: 202 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 52

Dungeoneering +22, Perception +22, Acrobatics +24, Athletics +30, Endurance +22, Intimidate +26

Arcana +15, Bluff +17, Diplomacy +17, Heal +17, History +17, Insight +17, Nature +17, Religion +15, Stealth +19, Streetwise +19, Thievery +19

Level 1: Armor Proficiency: Chainmail
Level 2: Weapon Focus (Axe) (retrained to Icy Heart at Level 11)
Level 4: Master at Arms
Level 6: Armor Proficiency: Scale
Level 8: Weapon Proficiency (Waraxe) (retrained to Weapon Proficiency (Gouge) at Level 24)
Level 10: Wintertouched
Level 11: Lasting Frost
Level 12: Prime Punisher
Level 14: Battle Awareness
Level 16: Draconic Arrogance
Level 18: Called Shot
Level 20: Improved Defenses
Level 21: Rending Tempest
Level 22: Long Step
Level 24: Polearm Momentum
Level 26: Headsman's Chop
Level 28: Prime Quarry
Level 30: Acolyte Power (Battlefury Stance)

Ranger at-will 1: Throw and Stab
Ranger at-will 1: Twin Strike
Ranger encounter 1: Off-Hand Strike
Ranger daily 1: Jaws of the Wolf
Ranger utility 2: Invigorating Stride
Ranger encounter 3: Ruffling Sting
Ranger daily 5: Snarling Wolf Stance
Ranger utility 6: Death Threat
Ranger encounter 7: Disruptive Strike
Ranger daily 9: Attacks on the Run
Ranger utility 10: Resume the Hunt
Ranger encounter 13: Off-Hand Diversion (replaces Off-Hand Strike)
Ranger daily 15: Blade Cascade (replaces Jaws of the Wolf)
Ranger utility 16: Wolfjaw Blows
Ranger encounter 17: Untamed Outburst (replaces Ruffling Sting)
Ranger utility 22: Master of the Hunt (retrained to Battle Fury Stance at Acolyte Power)
Ranger encounter 23: Nonchalant Collapse (replaces Untamed Outburst)

Ring of Giants (paragon tier), Backlash Tattoo (heroic tier), Iron Armbands of Power (epic tier), Gloves of Ice (epic tier), Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold (epic tier) (2), Frost Gouge +6 (2), Ring of Ramming (paragon tier), Eye of Awareness (epic tier), Bloodiron Elemental Drake Armor +6, Zephyr Boots (epic tier), Torc of Power Preservation +6, Diamond Cincture (epic tier)

====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

Assuming enemy is quarried, no creatures other than the quarry are adjacent, and enemy was hit at least once on the previous turn. Battlefury stance should be active.

DPR Calculations:
Attack = 15 [level] + 10 [Str] + 6 [enh] + 3 [feat] + 2 [prof] + 1 [prime shot] +1 [prime quarry] + 2 [focused hunter] + 2 [CA] = 42 (95% accuracy)

Damage bonuses:
damage = 6 [enh] + 6 [IAoP] + 5 [lasting frost] + 5 [dragonshard] + 4 [gloves of ice] + 4 [icy heart] + 5 [called shot] + 20 [draconic arrogance] + 6 [battle fury stance] +5 [headsman's chop] (if first attack hits) + 8 [rending tempest] (if first attack hits)

Twin Strike = 0.9*2*(16 + 61) + 0.95*(0.9*(8 + 5)+0.05*(12+5)) + 0.05*2*(24 + 61 + 12 + 6*3.5) + (1-0.05^2)*3*3.5
= 172.7962 DPR=0.6545 KPR

Edit: forgot to add quarry damage

Voidrunner's Codex

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