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DPR King Candidates 3.0


rx-75 said:
lv: 6

Race: Pixie +2 CHA +2 DEX

Class: Thief

DEX 20

Light Blade Expertise, Surprising Charge, Backstaber, Streak of light

L3 Vanguard Rapier +1, L6 Horned Helm, L2 Bracers of Mighty Striking, L2 Badge of the Berserker, L7 Marauders armor +2

Streak of Light = CA on charg

Badge of the Berserker = no Oportunity Attack on charg

Pixie = move in enemy scuares

fun to play

Charge whit Combat Advantage

Attack: +17 vs AC
Hit: 5d8 + 1d6 + 11

Attack: 3 (lvl) + 5 (DEX) + 1 (Ench) + 3 (prof) + 2 (combat advantage) + 1 (charge) +1 (Light Blade Expertise) + 1 (Thief Weapon Talent)

Damage: 1d8(Raiper) + 1d8 (Surprising Charge) + 2d8(Backstab) + 1d8 (vanguard) + 1d6 (Hornd Helmet)
+ 5 (DEX) + 2 (Weapon Finesse) + 1 (Ench) + 2 (Bracers of Mighty Striking) + 1 (Light Blade Expertise)


Charge 0,85*37 = 31,45
Crit 0,05*61,5 = 3,075

31,45+3,075 = 34,525 DPR

is this corect?

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magetaa said:
Nice builds everyone.

Ok, my turn

Cold as Hell

Cold as Hell (L12 Revenant Infernal Warlock/Hexer)
Con 23, Dex 13+

Arcane Implement Proficiency (Dagger)
Versatile Expertise (Light Blade - Rods/Implement of your choice)
Weapon Focus (Dagger)
Dual Implement Spellcaster
Durable (retrained to Called Shot at Level 11)
Killing Curse
Arcane Admixture (Hellish Rebuke : Cold)
Lasting Frost

Shadow Warlock Leather Armor
Shadowrift Blade Dagger +3
Dagger/Rod/Implement +3 (off hand) ideally Frost Dagger but not totally necessary
Gloves of Ice (paragon tier)
Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold / of the Mage (paragon tier)

At-will: Hellish Rebuke now keywords Fire & Cold doing Fire Cold damage.

To-hit: +19 (6 con + 6 level + 3 enhancement + 1 expertise + 2 CA +1 prime shot) vs Reflex 24 = 0.65 (Hit on 5+)
To-crit: on 20 = 0.05
Damage on Hit: 1d6 base +6 stat +3 enh +5 called shot +3 shard +2 gloves +3 DIS +2 WF +2d8 curse => 1d6+2d8+24

As a free action, if I hit, I activate the Shadowrift Blade, taking 5 dmg thus activating Hellish Rebuke.
1d6 base +6 stat +3 enh +5 cold +3 shard +2 gloves +3 DIS +2 WF => 1d6+24

So 2d6+2d8+48, ~64

Damage on Crit: 12+16+48 +3d6 (crit bonus)
= 3d6+76, ~86.5

DPR: 0.30 * 0 + 0.65 * 64 + 0.05 * 86.5 = 45.9

Voilà. You can also take nice cold-themed powers in your arsenal, like Chains of Levistus, Armor of Agathys, or Feast of Souls. Maybe Frigid Darkness if you go Two-Fold Pact (Star).

Edited for March and May updates


nelphine said:
Oh right. Thanks, I totally forgot about that.

Level 30 'Common Item only' Build:
Bugbear Avenger/Ardent Champion/Eternal Defender (140 DPR)


Str 18->30, Con 11->13, Dex 10->14, Int 8->10, Wis 14->22, Cha 10->12

Gouge Prof, Expertise, Focus, Battle Awareness, Acolyte Power (Martial Supremacy), Power Attack
Painful Oath, Impaling Spear, Deadly Axe, Black Hood Student, Black Hood Butcher, Devastating Critical
Hand of Divine Guidance, Overwhelming Critical, Headman's Chop, Leather Prof, Chain Prof, Iron Will

+6 Vicious Gouge, Bracers of Mighty Striking, +6 Elderchain, +6 Amulet

AC: 43, F: 42, R: 34, W: 42



Using Oath of Enmity, Martial Supremacy, Melee Basic Attacks

To Hit MBA: +15 lvl +10 str +6 enh +2 prof +3 feat -2 PA = +34 vs ref 42
= 7.5% miss
= 38.77% crit
= 53.73% hit

Damage: 4d9+4 base +10 str +6 enh +6 item +3 feat +9 PA +6 oath = 20 +44
= 64
Crit: 36 +44 +6d9+6 high crit +6d12 vicious +10 butcher +1d10 feat
= 170.5

DPR: 34.3872 + 66.10285 = 100.49005

Triggered MBA: +36 vs ref 42
= 3.78% miss
= 39.55% crit
= 56.67% hit

Damage: 64 -6 oath +5 chop = 63
Crit: 169.5

DPR: 35.7021 + 67.03725 = 102.73935 * 0.3877 = 39.83204

Total DPR: 140.322


nelphine said:
Another level 30 attempt to make single attacks compare with the classic multi-attack/avenger kings.

This attempt combines Charge bonuses with Ammunition Shenanigans.

Warforged Warlock|Monk(Barbarian)/Warforged Juggernaut/Reincarnate Champion (Shadar-Kai, Genasi), 134.9 DPR


Warforged Warlock|Monk(Barbarian)/Warforged Juggernaut/Reincarnate Champion (Shadar-Kai, Genasi)
Str 11->15, Con 18->30, Dex 10->12, Int 14->22, Wis 10->12, Cha 8->10
Expertise, Silvery Glow, Powerful Charge, Beserker's Fury, Wintertouched, Mindscorn Bite
Killing Curse, Lasting Frost, Reckless Charge, Two-Fisted Shooter, Dual Implement, Arcane Admix (Eldritch Blast, Cold)
Reaper's Touch, Extra Manifestation, Shocking Flame, Dual Manifestation, Bow Mastery, Cursed Spells

+6 Vicious Hand Crossbow x2, +4 Dual Arrows, Horned Helm, Gloves of Ice, Bracers of Archery, War Ring, Ring of Giants, Frost Shard of Siberys x2, +6 Magic Chain, +6 Beserker's Badge

Eldritch Blast (as a melee basic attack)

To Hit:+15lvl +10con +4enh +3feat +2charge +2ca = +36 vs Ref 42 roll twice
= 6.25% miss, 19% crit, 74.75% hit

Damage: 2d10 base +2d6 PP +3d6 helm +4 gloves +6 item +5 shard +4 enh +4 feat +2 charge +4d8+6 curse +5 vuln +8 shocking flame +10 con +6DIS
= 11 +17.5 +18 +60
= 106.5

Crit: 20+30+32+60+12+7d12
= 199.5

MBA: -2 to hit charge = +34 vs Ref 42 roll twice = 12.25% miss, 19% crit, 68.75% hit
Damage: -2d6 PP -3d6 helm -2 charge = 11+18+58 = 87
Crit: -32 = 167.5
DPR: 55.6875 + 30.685 = 91.6375

Charge DPR: 106.5*0.7475 + 199.5*0.19 +0.19*MBA = 75.12375 + 36.765 = 117.51375 + 0.19*MBA
= 134.924875

Any comments would be appreciated, as I would dearly love to break 150 with a single attack character that wasn't an avenger. (Although, I don't actually think an Avenger can even break 150 with a single attack power; 145 or so is the best I've seen.)


Squad said:
Well, it looks like my previous Warlock submission will have to be taken down a notch. Previously I had included Curse damage as part of the secondary damage from Hellish Rebuke, but that shouldn't happen due to the limitation on curse damage being applied once per round. To compensate a bit for the DPR loss, I added Reckless Curse and invested in a better off-hand implement.

Attack: +37
Damage: 7d6+44 (71.05 with Ring of the Radiant Storm)
Critical: 42+44+12+9d6 (132.39 with Ring of the Radiant Storm)

Target Reflex = 42 (Monster NAD: 12+level)
Initial DPR = (.20 * 0) + (.65 * 71.05) + (.15 * 132.39) = 66.041

I can automatically trigger the secondary damage of Hellish Rebuke with the off-hand Shadowrift Blade. I get all the same modifiers on the secondary damage except for my Curse damage, so:

Damage: 2d6+37 (45.37 with Ring of the Radiant Storm)
Critical: 12+37+12+9d6 (95.39 with Ring of the Radiant Storm)

Secondary DPR = (.20 * 0) + (.65 * 45.37) + (.15 * 95.39) = 43.799

Final DPR = 109.84

That doesn't include any potential damage from White Lotus Riposte and Master Riposte. I wasn't sure how to calculate that, and with the damage dealt above I doubt an enemy would choose to incur another shot.

Attack, Damage, and Critical details:

+8 Con, +15 Level, +6 Enhancement, +3 Expertise, +1 Superior, +2 Combat Advantage, +1 Nimble Blade, +1 Reckless Curse

2d6 Hellish Rebuke, +8 Con, +6 Enhancement, +5 Dual, +3 Focus, +3d6+7 Curse, +7 CA (Radiant One), +6 Radiant Weapon, +2d6 Curse and CA (Hands of Hadar), +2 Radiant Set

Critical 18-20 Range, Radiant Dagger +6d6, Executioner's Bracers +3d6, Ring of Giants +12

*Note - I used someone's suggestion in this thread regarding anydice.com to calculate the effects of the Ring of the Radiant Storm on damage (since it allows you to roll the damage dice twice and keep the higher result).

Here's the build itself - Human Warlock, Student of Caiphon, Radiant One:


====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
HW, level 30
Human, Warlock, Student of Caiphon, Radiant One
Build: Scourge Warlock
Eldritch Blast: Eldritch Blast Constitution
Eldritch Pact: Star Pact
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Light Blade)
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Rod)
Arcane Implement Proficiency: Arcane Implement Proficiency (light blade group)
Twofold Pact: Vestige Pact
Quickened Spellcasting: Hellish Rebuke
Background: Buried Alive (Dark) (Endurance class skill)

Str 10, Con 26, Dex 15, Int 24, Wis 12, Cha 13.

Str 8, Con 16, Dex 13, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 11.

AC: 42 Fort: 42 Reflex: 42 Will: 42
HP: 183 Surges: 14 Surge Value: 45

Endurance +28, Religion +27, Insight +21, History +27, Arcana +27

Acrobatics +17, Bluff +16, Diplomacy +16, Dungeoneering +16, Heal +16, Intimidate +16, Nature +16,

Perception +16, Stealth +17, Streetwise +16, Thievery +17, Athletics +15

Human: Weapon Focus (Light Blade)
Level 1: Reckless Curse
Level 2: Dual Implement Spellcaster
Level 4: White Lotus Riposte
Level 6: Versatile Expertise
Level 8: Arcane Implement Proficiency
Level 10: Superior Implement Training (Accurate dagger)
Level 11: Reserve Maneuver
Level 12: White Lotus Master Riposte
Level 14: Relentless Curse
Level 16: Twofold Curse
Level 18: Twofold Pact
Level 20: Paragon Defenses (retrained to Robust Defenses at Level 21)
Level 21: Epic Will
Level 22: Warding Curse
Level 24: Nimble Blade
Level 26: Student of the Athanaeum
Level 28: Cursed Spells
Level 30: Quickened Spellcasting

Bonus At-Will Power: Eyes of the Vestige (retrained to Hellish Rebuke at Level 12)
Eldritch Blast: Eldritch Blast
Reserve Maneuver: Fortune Binding
Warlock encounter 1: Chains of Levistus
Warlock daily 1: Flames of Phlegethos
Warlock utility 2: Ethereal Stride
Warlock encounter 3: Frigid Darkness
Warlock daily 5: Vestige of Ugar
Warlock utility 6: Grit and Spittle
Warlock encounter 7: Mordant Rains of Dis
Warlock daily 9: Feast of Souls (retrained to Vestige of the Onyx Queen at Level 13)
Warlock utility 10: Reactive Surge
Warlock encounter 13: Killing Flames (replaces Chains of Levistus)
Warlock daily 15: Tendrils of Thuban (replaces Flames of Phlegethos)
Warlock utility 16: Insightful Riposte
Warlock encounter 17: Life Force Reclaimed (replaces Frigid Darkness)
Warlock daily 19: Vestige of Kronata (replaces Vestige of Ugar)
Warlock utility 22: Painful Transference
Warlock encounter 23: Starless Void (replaces Mordant Rains of Dis)
Warlock daily 25: Thirteen Baleful Stars (replaces Vestige of the Onyx Queen)
Warlock encounter 27: Shattering of the Sword (replaces Killing Flames)
Warlock daily 29: Doom of Delban (replaces Tendrils of Thuban)

Shadow Warlock Starleather Armor +6, Hands of Hadar (epic tier), Ring of the Radiant Storm (paragon tier),

Cloak of Distortion +6, Radiant Accurate dagger +6, Executioner's Bracers (epic tier), Spark Slippers

(paragon tier), Eye of Awareness (epic tier), Ring of Giants (paragon tier), Shadowrift Blade Accurate

dagger +5, Belt of Breaching (paragon tier), Eager Hero's Tattoo (heroic tier)
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======


intro said:
For Level 1 DPR, I'd imagine a githzerai night stalker might be the way to go.

Githzerai Assassin
Dex 20, Cha 14
Feat: Githzerai Blade Master
Shadow Storm w/ Fullblade: +8 vs. AC, 1d12 + 5 (Dex) + 2 (Cha) + 1 (Power) + 2 (Feat)

DPR is 14.73 assuming that your target is isolated, and that you invoke your shrouds every round. You shouldn't, of course, but it's 2:30 a.m. and for the purpose of this exercise it's the most straightforward way to go about it.


EDIT: DPR assuming shrouds every other round: 15.24

Every third and fourth rounds bumps it up higher, but is less likely to be useful in a game situation (15.43 and 15.51, respectively).


tl said:
an idea I got about 1st level DPR; Curse of Io's Blood is probably the most damage you get for a feat
this assumes both I can be bloodied and that I can curse my target. if any of this can't be met, damage drops accordingly

Dragonborn Warlock 1
Str 20
Curse of Io's Blood
Maul MBA
Attack: +8 vs AC
Hit: 2d6 + 5 + 1d6 + 1 + 5
5 (Str) + 2 (prof) + 1 (Dragonborn Fury)

DPR: (0.65*21.5)+(0.05*29)=15.425
DPR (Ch): (0.7*21.5)+(0.05*29)=16.5 (Ch)

previous entry with Eldritch Strike
Dragonborn Warlock 1
Str 16, Cha 20
Curse of Io's Blood
Maul Eldritch Strike
Attack: +8 vs AC
Hit: 2d6 + 5 + 1d6 + 1 +3

DPR: (0.65*19.5)+(0.05*27)=14.025
a solid third

EDIT3: just remembered that Eldritch Strike is a MBA, so I can charge...
everything the same, except
Attack: +9 vs AC
being MBA also means we pick up Bracers of Mighty Striking and go to town @2
previous entry with Eldritch Blast
Dragonborn Warlock 1
Str 16, Cha 20
Curse of Io's Blood
Eldritch Blast
Attack: +7 vs Ref
Hit: 1d10 + 5 + 1d6 + 1 +3

DPR: (0.7*18)+(0.05*25)=13.85
previous entry with Gorebrute Charge
EDIT: I know this is supposed to be at-will, but how about encounter long buffs?
again, I need to be bloodied (Longtooth Shifting)

Longtooth Shifter Barbarian 1
Str 20
Gorebrute Charge
Maul Howling Strike
Attack: +8 vs AC
Hit: 2d6 + 1d6 + 5 + 2 + 3

DPR: (0.65*20.5)+(0.05*28)=14.725

For Level 1 DPR, I'd imagine a githzerai night stalker might be the way to go.

Githzerai Assassin
Dex 20, Cha 14
Feat: Githzerai Blade Master
Shadow Storm w/ Fullblade: +8 vs. AC, 1d12 + 5 (Dex) + 2 (Cha) + 1 (Power) + 2 (Feat)

DPR is 14.73 assuming that your target is isolated, and that you invoke your shrouds every round. You shouldn't, of course, but it's 2:30 a.m. and for the purpose of this exercise it's the most straightforward way to go about it.


EDIT: DPR assuming shrouds every other round: 15.24

Every third and fourth rounds bumps it up higher, but is less likely to be useful in a game situation (15.43 and 15.51, respectively).

if you're stacking your shrouds to 4, you get more DPR from Leaping Shade, basically trading +1 to damage on every attack for +1/+2/+3/+0 rotation.
the least thinking required to calculate this is every round for itself and average (it's getting really late here :p)

DPR calculations for each round
DPR1: (0.65*16.5)+(0,05*27.5) = 12.10
DPR2: (0.65*17.5)+(0.05*28.5) = 12.80
DPR3: (0.65*18.5)+(0.05*29.5) = 13.50
DPR4: (0.65*(15.5+14))+(0.05*(26.5+24))+0.3*(10.5) = 24.4
average DPR: 15.8125
that's more then 1 point over my longtooth charger, and he uses his encounter power!
now I agree it's unpractical to wait for 4 shrouds, but blocks of tofu don't mind I guess Laughing

EDIT4: I found error in my math and corrected it, optimized Githzerai Assassin DPR is now 0,05 lower


delewobmesid said:
15.1 to 23.1 DPR (CA,CH) level 1 Vryloka (or dragonborn), Paladin (Blackguard)

Vice: Vice of Fury
feat: Master at Arms (+1 to hit/teir)
STR 20, CON 11, DEX 10, INT 8, WIS 10, CHA 16
Vengeance Strike w/ Longsword
+12 vs AC 15 (base +9 + CA + Charge):

1d8 + 5 str + 3 Dark Menace (cha damage to CA enemy) +1 two handed versital bonus
+ 2 Spirit of Vice (Fury) (or +4 when bloodied creature present adjancent w/ CA)
+ 2 for each adjacent enemy(max +8)

15.1 : Single enemy DPR with CA (d8 +13)

23.1 : 4 adjacent enemies, w/ me or other creature bloodied (d8 + 21)


tl said:
a build that is optimized for charge DPR and little less; it assumes you've been bloodied and are using Shifting. I think we could afford 1 Blood Fury weapon to become bloodied 1st thing every encounter

Longtooth Shifter Avenger 6
Str 20
Gorebrute Charge, Powerful Charge, Avenging Resolution, Invigorating Pursuit
Avalanche Maul +2, Horned Helm

Attack: +13 vs AC
Hit: 2d6x2 + 1d6 + 15.755 (with 1s & 2s considered 3s)
3 (lvl) + 5 (Str) + 2 (Ench) + 2 (prof) + 1 (charge)
5 (Str) + 2 (Ench) + 2 (Shifting) + 3 (Gorebrute) + 2 (Powerful) + 1.755 (Pursuit)

the odds of me hitting previous round are 0.8775, so Invigorating Pursuit should, on average, contribute 1.755 damage

DPR ~ 34.64305 (Ch)

((1-(1-0.7)^2)-(1-(1-0.05)^2))*35.755 + (1-(1-0.05)^2)*57.355 = 34.64305

Melee Dragonborn Warlock; DPR 34.15
my level 1 warlock leveled; we still need to be bloodied

Dragonborn Warlock|Fighter 6
Str 18, Cha 20
Curse of Io's Blood, Mindbite Scorn, Hybrid Talent: Weapon Talent, WE
Avalanche Maul +2, Horned Helm

Battle Fury Stance

Maul Eldritch Strike:
Attack: +16 vs AC
Hit: 2d6x2 + 2d6 + 1d6 + 16
3 (lvl) + 5 (Cha) + 2 (Ench) + 2 (prof) + 1 (Dragonborn Fury) + 1 (class) + 1 (charge) + 1 (WE)
5 (Cha) + 2 (Ench) + 5 (Io's Blood) + 2 (stance)

DPR = 0.8*38.5+0.05*67 = 34.15 (Ch)

longtooth shifters, while shifting, make awesome chargers with Gorebrute Charge;
brightbane's druid can also be improved if we go that way

more or less same assumptions as before
Longtooth Shifter Druid 6
Wis 20
Gorebrute Charge, Ferocious Tiger Form, Enraged Boar Form, Powerful Charge
Staff of the Serpent +2, Claw Gloves, Iron Armbands of Power, Horned Helm

Attack: +14 vs Ref
Hit: 1d8 + 1d6 + 1d6 + 1d10 + 20
3 (lvl) + 5 (Wis) + 2 (Ench) + 1 (Form) + 1 (charge) + 2 (CA)
5 (Wis) + 2 (Ench) + 2 (Shifting) + 3 (Gorebrute) + 2 (Enraged) + 2 (Ferocious) + 2 (Powerful) + 2 (Armbands)

DPR = 0.8*37+0.05*59 = 32.55 (CA, Ch)

DPR = 32.55 (CA, Ch)

and the discussion:
I think we're overthinking this. it's a DPR competition (compilation). more or less any entry will venture outside it's role into strikers (unless it's posted here only for comparison). what are leaders and defenders doing in DPR Kings thread, anyway?

I would also request separation by level back.


Talamare said:
Scout - I technically made this for level 5 but there shouldnt be much changes going into 6 if anyone wants to make the changes (or optimize it more)

Lv5 Scout 20 dex Human
Feats - Cunning Stalker, Spiked Chain, Light Blade Expertise, 2 Weapon Fighting
Vanguard Spiked Chain +1, Iron Armbands
Powers - Charging Ram, Lurking Spider

MBA - 16 Attack (5 Dex, 3 Prof, 2 Level, 2 CA, 1 Charge, 1 Enc, 1 Feat, 1 Class) vs 19 AC 85% hit, 10% miss, 5% crit
Damage - 2d4+1d8+12 (5 Dex, 2 Ram, 2 Item, 1 TWF, 1 Enhance, 1 LBE) = 15-28[21.5] (29-35[32] Crit)

21.5 * 0.85 = 18.275 |+| 32 * 0.05 = 1.6 || == 19.875

DWA doesnt change much since the offhand weapon does the same weapon size as the mainhand
Attack - 15 Attack (5 Dex, 3 Prof, 2 Level, 2 CA, 1 Enc, 1 Feat, 1 Class) vs 19 AC 80% hit, 15% miss, 5% crit
2d4+12 (5 Dex, 2 Spider, 2 Item, 1 TWF, 1 Enhance, 1 LBE) = 14-20[17] (21-26[23.5] Crit)

17 * 0.8 = 13.6 |+| 23.5 * 0.05 = 1.175 || == 14.775

You would think you could just add those 2 together but DWA doesnt happen on if MBA misses so 14.775 * 0.9 = 13.2975

DPR = 33.17

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