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DPR King Candidates 3.0


Reg06 said:
Githzerai Rogue (Brutal Scoundrel) 6
20 DEX, 16 STR
Versatile Duelist
Githzerai Weapon Training
Heavy Blade Expertise

Piercing Strike

+2 Vicious Bastard Sword
Iron Armbands of Power

Assumption: You have Combat Advantage, since a Rogue should always have CA, and no analysis of Rogue damage is accurate without CA.

Piercing Strike
+16 vs Reflex (+5 DEX +3 level +3 proficiency +1 feat +2 enhancement +2 combat advantage)
d10+ 2d8+ 15 (+5 DEX +3 STR +1 versatile +2 enhancement +2 iron armbands +2 feat)
Calculating in crit damage and chance to hit, DPR = 0.9*29.5+0.05*54 = 29.25

edt; credit goes to Mengu for turning my Githzerai rogue up to 11.

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tl said:
a build that is optimized for charge DPR and little less; it assumes you've been bloodied and are using Shifting. I think we could afford 1 Blood Fury weapon to become bloodied 1st thing every encounter

Longtooth Shifter Avenger 6
Str 20
Gorebrute Charge, Powerful Charge, Avenging Resolution, Invigorating Pursuit
Avalanche Maul +2, Horned Helm

Attack: +13 vs AC
Hit: 2d6x2 + 1d6 + 15.755 (with 1s & 2s considered 3s)
3 (lvl) + 5 (Str) + 2 (Ench) + 2 (prof) + 1 (charge)
5 (Str) + 2 (Ench) + 2 (Shifting) + 3 (Gorebrute) + 2 (Powerful) + 1.755 (Pursuit)

the odds of me hitting previous round are 0.8775, so Invigorating Pursuit should, on average, contribute 1.755 damage

DPR ~ 34.64305 (Ch)

((1-(1-0.7)^2)-(1-(1-0.05)^2))*35.755 + (1-(1-0.05)^2)*57.355 = 34.64305

Melee Dragonborn Warlock; DPR 34.15
my level 1 warlock leveled; we still need to be bloodied

Dragonborn Warlock|Fighter 6
Str 18, Cha 20
Curse of Io's Blood, Mindbite Scorn, Hybrid Talent: Weapon Talent, WE
Avalanche Maul +2, Horned Helm

Battle Fury Stance

Maul Eldritch Strike:
Attack: +16 vs AC
Hit: 2d6x2 + 2d6 + 1d6 + 16
3 (lvl) + 5 (Cha) + 2 (Ench) + 2 (prof) + 1 (Dragonborn Fury) + 1 (class) + 1 (charge) + 1 (WE)
5 (Cha) + 2 (Ench) + 5 (Io's Blood) + 2 (stance)

DPR = 0.8*38.5+0.05*67 = 34.15 (Ch)

longtooth shifters, while shifting, make awesome chargers with Gorebrute Charge;
brightbane's druid can also be improved if we go that way

more or less same assumptions as before
Longtooth Shifter Druid 6
Wis 20
Gorebrute Charge, Ferocious Tiger Form, Enraged Boar Form, Powerful Charge
Staff of the Serpent +2, Claw Gloves, Iron Armbands of Power, Horned Helm

Attack: +14 vs Ref
Hit: 1d8 + 1d6 + 1d6 + 1d10 + 20
3 (lvl) + 5 (Wis) + 2 (Ench) + 1 (Form) + 1 (charge) + 2 (CA)
5 (Wis) + 2 (Ench) + 2 (Shifting) + 3 (Gorebrute) + 2 (Enraged) + 2 (Ferocious) + 2 (Powerful) + 2 (Armbands)

DPR = 0.8*37+0.05*59 = 32.55 (CA, Ch)

DPR = 32.55 (CA, Ch)

and the discussion:
I think we're overthinking this. it's a DPR competition (compilation). more or less any entry will venture outside it's role into strikers (unless it's posted here only for comparison). what are leaders and defenders doing in DPR Kings thread, anyway?

I would also request separation by level back.


ironsky said:
So, I thought I'd throw in a level 6 contender that doesn't require anything but his Oath of Emnity; no CA, no charge, just reliable damage.

Here he is:

Falchion Avenger
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Falco Venger, level 6
Elf, Avenger
Avenger's Censure: Censure of Retribution

Str 10, Con 10, Dex 13, Int 17, Wis 20, Cha 8.

Str 10, Con 10, Dex 11, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 8.

AC: 22 Fort: 14 Reflex: 17 Will: 19
HP: 54 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 13

Religion +11, Stealth +9, Acrobatics +9, Perception +15

Arcana +6, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Dungeoneering +8, Endurance +3, Heal +8, History +6, Insight +8, Intimidate +2, Nature +10, Streetwise +2, Thievery +4, Athletics +3

Level 1: Valenar Weapon Training
Level 2: Avenging Resolution
Level 4: Unarmored Agility
Level 6: Heavy Blade Expertise

Avenger at-will 1: Bond of Retribution
Avenger at-will 1: Radiant Vengeance
Avenger encounter 1: Avenging Echo
Avenger daily 1: Aspect of Might
Avenger utility 2: Avenger's Resolve
Avenger encounter 3: Halo of Fire
Avenger daily 5: Menacing Presence
Avenger utility 6: Enduring Spirit

Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier), Vicious Falchion +2, Siberys Shard of Radiance (heroic tier), Shadowdance Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +1
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Bond of Retribution DPR 20.5
Level 6 enemy AC: 20

To hit: +14 (+5 Wis + 3 Level + 3 Proficiency + 2 Enhancement + 1 Expertise)
Damage: +12(+5 Wis + 2 Enhancement + 2 Valenar +2 Armbands + 1 Shard)

Miss: .0625 * 19.3 = 1.2**
Hit: .8473 * 6.5(2d4, min 3) + 12 = 15.6751
Crit: .0903 * 6.5(High crit 2d4, min 3) + 13.5(Vicious 2d12, min 3) + 20(maximized hit) = 3.612
Total: 19.3
Total w/ Elven Accuracy: 20.5

On average he'll only miss once every 19 attacks which is once per 2-3 encounters or so. This being the case, it seems safe to make the assumption that he'll have Elven Accuracy available when this happens so we can apply the non-Elven Accuracy DPR to miss damage.

Additional DPR:
Each non-oath enemy that has hit him since his last turn adds 2.8 to his DPR via Censure
One non-oath enemy that has attacked him since his last turn adds 2.8 to his DPR via Bond of Retribution


Mengu74 said:
I want to see more area DPR candidates! I want more level 24 adn level 16 candidates. We have a dearth.

I tried some area DPR candidates, but it's not exactly glorious. Most striker DPR comes from multiple attacks (or damage rolls). Blasters typically have only one damage roll to work with, which brings their best DPR to something like half the DPR of a single target striker. I'll post my 6th level halfling blaster, but his 17.1 DPR at 6th level is probably laughable. At least it gives someone else a target to beat.

17.1 DPR (3x3) Halfling Sorcerer|Rogue (6), by Mengu74 (8@)

Sorcerer|Rogue 6

Dex 18, Cha 20

Superior Implement (Incendiary Dagger)
Versatile Expertise (Light Blade)
Hybrid Talent (Rogue weapon Talent)
Dual Implement Spellcaster

Burning Spray

Goblin Totem Dagger +2
Distance Dagger +2
Khyber Shard of Fiery Depth (heroic tier)
Executioner's Bracers (heroic tier)

Assumption: You are attacking a medium or larger creature.

Burning Spray
Attack: +13 vs Reflex (+5 charisma +3 level +1 expertise +2 enhancement +1 superior implement +1 rogue talent)
Damage: 1d8+16 damage (+5 charisma +4 dexterity +2 enhancement +2 dual implement +2 superior Implement +1 shard)
Crit: +2d6 (weapon) + 1d6 (bracers)

DPR = 0.75*20.5+0.05*34.5 = 17.1 (3x3)


Squad said:
Okay, here's my first shot at calculating something like this . . .

Longtooth Shifter Druid Blightbeast:

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
level 16
Longtooth Shifter, Druid, Blightbeast
Build: Guardian Druid
Primal Aspect: Primal Guardian
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Staff)
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Totem)

Str 14, Con 20, Dex 14, Int 11, Wis 22, Cha 9.

Str 11, Con 16, Dex 13, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 8.

AC: 29 Fort: 26 Reflex: 23 Will: 27
HP: 107 Surges: 12 Surge Value: 26

Nature +19

Acrobatics +9, Arcana +8, Bluff +7, Diplomacy +7, Dungeoneering +14, Endurance +14, Heal +14, History +8, Insight +14, Intimidate +7, Perception +14, Religion +8, Stealth +9, Streetwise +7, Thievery +9, Athletics +11

Druid: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Enraged Boar Form
Level 2: Superior Implement Training (Accurate staff)
Level 4: Versatile Expertise
Level 6: Vicious Advantage
Level 8: Gorebrute Charge
Level 10: Ferocious Tiger Form
Level 11: Powerful Charge
Level 12: Weapon Focus (Staff)
Level 14: Opportunistic Withdrawal
Level 16: Ruthless Killer

Druid at-will 1: Grasping Claws

Ritual Book, Accurate staff of the Serpent +4, Horned Helm (paragon tier), Claw Gloves (heroic tier), Marauder's Earthhide Armor +3, Bracers of Mighty Striking (paragon tier), Aversion Accurate staff +1, Badge of the Berserker +2, Boots of the Fencing Master (heroic tier), Blood Fury Scythe +1, Baldric of Tactical Positioning (heroic tier), Demonskin Tattoo (heroic tier)
Animal Messenger
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If I Charge a target with Combat Advantage using Grasping Claws:
Attack +25 versus Reflex
Damage 1d8+1d10+3d6+37 + Immobilization

Attack & Damage details:

+ 6 Wisdom, +8 Level, +4 Enhancement, +2 Versatile, +1 Accurate Staff, +1 Charge, +1 Enraged Boar Form, +2 Combat Advantage

1d8 Grasping Claws, +1d10 Claw Gloves, +2d6 Horned Helm, +1d6 Staff of the Serpent (+4d8 on critical), +6 Wisdom, +4 Enhancement, +2 Weapon Focus, +4 Bracers of Mighty Striking, +2 Enraged Boar Form, +2 Powerful Charge, +3 Gorebrute Charge, +2 Longtooth Shifting, +2 Ferocious Tiger Form, +5 Blightbeast, +5 if target doesn't have necrotic resistance

Opportunistic Withdrawal & Badge of the Berserker aid in charging every round. Grasping Claws & Vicious Advantage aid in getting combat advantage every round. The Blightbeast PP adds necrotic damage = Con, ignores necrotic resistance, and inflicts Vulnerability 5 on any target that lacks necrotic resistance. The Blood Fury weapon is there so that I can trigger Longtooth Shifting at the start of each encounter.

Target Reflex = 28 (Monster NAD: 12+level)
= (.10 * 0) + (.85 * 57.5) + (.05 * 91) = 53.425 + Immobilization

I don't know if I calculated that correctly, so please let me know if I made any mistakes. Also, I don't know if that DPR value is high enough to make the list, but it's not too shabby for a Controller (especially a fairly durable one).

Edit - I should have stated explicitly that this is a Level 16 build.

A little bump in the hopes of being added to the 16th level group for the above build.

Also, here's a 24th level version that takes advantage of the Slashing Storm feat:

If I Charge a target with Combat Advantage using Grasping Claws:
Attack +32 versus Reflex
Damage 2d8+1d10+3d6+52 + Immobilization

Target Reflex = 36 (Monster NAD: 12+level)
= (.20 * 0) + (.75 * 77) + (.05 * 121) = 63.8 + Immobilization



+ 8 Wisdom, +12 Level, +5 Enhancement, +2 Versatile, +1 Accurate Staff, +1 Charge, +1 Enraged Boar Form, +2 Combat Advantage

2d8 Grasping Claws, +1d10 Claw Gloves, +2d6 Horned Helm, +1d6 Staff of Corrosion (+5d8 critical), +8 Wisdom, +5 Enhancement, +3 Weapon Focus, +6 Bracers of Mighty Striking, +2 Enraged Boar Form, +2 Powerful Charge, +3 Gorebrute Charge, +2 Longtooth Shifting, +2 Ferocious Tiger Form, +6 Blightbeast, +5 if target doesn't have necrotic resistance, +8 Slashing Storm

Druid Striker:


====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
level 24
Longtooth Shifter, Druid, Blightbeast, Reincarnate Champion
Build: Guardian Druid
Primal Aspect: Primal Guardian
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Staff)
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Totem)
Epic Vitality: Epic Vitality Wisdom
Past Spirit: Past Spirit (Razorclaw Shifter)
Past Spirit: Past Spirit (Githzerai)

Str 16, Con 23, Dex 14, Int 12, Wis 27, Cha 10.

Str 12, Con 16, Dex 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 8.

AC: 39 Fort: 37 Reflex: 33 Will: 37
HP: 150 Surges: 13 Surge Value: 37

Nature +27, Perception +27, Insight +27, Endurance +25

Acrobatics +14, Arcana +15, Bluff +14, Diplomacy +14, Dungeoneering +22, Heal +22, History +15, Intimidate +14, Religion +15, Stealth +14, Streetwise +14, Thievery +14, Athletics +17

Druid: Ritual Caster
Level 1: Enraged Boar Form
Level 2: Superior Implement Training (Accurate staff)
Level 4: Versatile Expertise
Level 6: Vicious Advantage
Level 8: Gorebrute Charge
Level 10: Ferocious Tiger Form
Level 11: Powerful Charge
Level 12: Weapon Focus (Staff)
Level 14: Opportunistic Withdrawal (retrained to Githzerai Mobility at Level 24)
Level 16: Ruthless Killer
Level 18: Quick Wild Shape
Level 20: Battle Awareness
Level 21: Slashing Storm
Level 22: Second Skin
Level 24: Robust Defenses

Druid at-will 1: Grasping Claws

Ritual Book, Accurate staff of Corrosion +5, Horned Helm (paragon tier), Claw Gloves (heroic tier), Marauder's Stalkerhide Armor +5, Periapt of Cascading Health +4, Bracers of Mighty Striking (epic tier), Aversion Accurate staff +1, Backlash Tattoo (heroic tier), Boots of Quickness (paragon tier), Belt of Vim (paragon tier), Ring of the Dragonborn Emperor (paragon tier), Ring of Many Forms (paragon tier)
Animal Messenger
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Illeist said:
Level 16 Pixie Sorceror|Executioner/Academy Master (Oracle of the Evil Eye)

Here's some substandard charging damage with above-standard riposte.

Ensorcelled Blade (Charge)

+27 vs. Reflex
+7 (Charisma)
+8 (1/2 level)
+3 (Proficiency)
+3 (Enhancement)
+2 (Expertise)
+2 (CA: Wintertouched)
+1 (Charge)
+1 (Academy Master)

58.5 damage
+2.5 (Dagger)
+9 (Attack Finesse)
+7 (Charisma)
+3 (Enhancement)
+3 (Silvery Glow)
+2 (Light Blade Expertise)
+5 (Wild Spellfury)
+7 (Horned Helm)
+7 (Celestial Charger)
+5 (Lasting Frost)
+5 (Sorcerous Power)
+3 (Academy Master)



Riposte Business

10 Damage
+5 (Ensorcelled Blade)
+5 (Lasting Frost)

12 Damage
+7 (White Lotus Riposte)
+5 (Lasting Frost)

7 Damage
+2 (Gaze of the Evil Eye)
+5 (Lasting Frost + Arcane Admixture)

+26 vs. Reflex (White Lotus Master Riposte)
+7 (Charisma)
+8 (1/2 level)
+3 (Proficiency)
+3 (Enhancement)
+2 (Expertise)
+2 (CA)

44.5 damage
+2.5 (Dagger)
+9 (Attack Finesse)
+7 (Charisma)
+3 (Enhancement)
+3 (Silvery Glow)
+2 (Light Blade Expertise)
+5 (Wild Spellfury)
+5 (Lasting Frost)
+5 (Sorcerous Power)
+3 (Academy Master)


Total DPR: 55.925+10+12+7+42.625=127.55
DPR without Riposte: 55.575

EDIT: This build has a higher than average chance of triggering the riposte, thanks to the combination of Teeny Target and Persistent tail. After all, what monsters pass up a free opp on the squishy mage running away?

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