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D&D 5E Out of the Abyss IC

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Round 3

Raza began sawing at the net covering Kago. It took some doing, and a short sword with a sharper edge rather than the pointy-tipped dagger would have made it easier going, but Raza managed to cut a large enough hole in the net to free Kago. Up on the ledge, Brinn punched Kuo-Toa 5, and felled the creature at his feet. Solace lunged around the corner at Kuo-Toa 1, but missed. Kamael fired scorching ray at the kuo-toa monitor. Two of three fire-blasting rays struck the monitor, dealing 15 points of fire damage. The acrid smell of burnt hide filled the cavern passageway. The monitor, however, remained standing--its eyes intently fixed on Kamael, who quickly darted out of reach before the monitor could react.

OOC: Adustments to map (I will do an update to the map tonight): Raza is now in H11, Kuo-Toa 5 is down, and Kamael is in M6. No opportunity attack on Raza by Kuo-Toa 5 for the reason that she was not within "reach" of Kuo-Toa 5, who was 15' up from Raza's former location. It'll cost Kago half his movement to finish shrugging off the net, [MENTION=23298]industrygothica[/MENTION].

Raza 20
Brinn 14
Solace 8
Kamael 8
Monitor 8
Guards 5
Kago 3
NPCs 1

GM: Monitor I11 -35/__
Kuo-Toa 1 18/18
Kuo-Toa 2 18/18
Kuo-Toa 3 18/18
Kuo-Toa 4 18/18
Kuo-Toa 5 DEAD
Kuo-Toa 6 18/18
Kuo-Toa 7 8/18
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When Kamael fled to the west, deeper into the cavern, the earthen hand he cast via Maximillian's earthen grasp winked out of existence ceased squeezing Kuo-toa 7, who promptly escaped the hand's clutches. The hand shifted slightly, crowding against the rock wall of the passageway nearby Kago.

The monitor whirled and punched at Raza, hoping to catch her off balance and by surprise, but missed. When he missed, he hissed in ire, then punched again, hitting this time and dealing 7 points of bludgeoning plus 3 points of lightning damage. The punch temporarily stunned Raza, leaving her unable to react as the monitor turned and darted toward Kamael. Ignoring Turvey, the monitor strode forward, and made a lunging bite attack against Kamael. Sharp fangs ripped through Kamael's flesh, dealing 5 points of damage.

Kuo-toa 1 jabbed again at Brinn, hitting and dealing 9 points of damage. Brinn dropped in place, unconscious.

Kuo-toa 4 was spearless after having thrown at but missing Kago, but it fearlessly darted forward and bit at the orc, hitting an artery and dealing a total of 6 points of damage from the critical hit. Blood surged from a ragged bite in Kago's thigh. Kuo-toa 7, freed from the earthen hand's grasp, gasped for air and staggered backward out of sight. Kuo-toa 2 stalked forward and, although it, too, was spearless, it bit at Kago, but missed. Kuo-toa 3 drew a spear and threw it at Kago, but missed. Kuo-toa 6 ran from the stairs to join Kuo-toa 3, took aim and threw its spear, but missed.

OOC: The monitor's lightning damage to Raza denies her of her reactions until the end of the monitor's next turn. I need a Wild Magic surge check for Kamael for scorching ray, [MENTION=33284]Yavathol[/MENTION]. Also, Kamael's shield spell is set to auto-activate when he takes 5 or more hp of damage, but the monitor's bite hits AC 21 (more than the AC 20 he nets from casting shield). Do you still want to burn a 1st lvl spell slot on another casting of shield? If so, I need two Wild Magic surge checks. Normally, shield would just go off automatically, but I figured I'd better ask since this is the second time this encounter. Now that you guys are fighting tougher monsters, you might want to think about fine-tuning the protocol when shield automatically activates. Maximillian's earthen grasp ended when Kamael moved to M6, out of range of the spell remains in effect, and the hand is within 30' of Kamael. The hand, however, stopped squeezing Kuo-toa 7 when Kamael stepped out of range. Now that it's (barely) back within the 30' range, Kamael can direct it. Doing so takes an Action. Kago's turn, [MENTION=23298]industrygothica[/MENTION]!

Credit: Wizards of the Coast. Artist: Jared Blando.

Raza 20
Brinn 14
Solace 8
Kamael 8
Monitor 8
Guards 5
Kago 3
NPCs 1

GM: Monitor I11 -35/__
Kuo-Toa 1 18/18
Kuo-Toa 2 18/18
Kuo-Toa 3 18/18
Kuo-Toa 4 18/18
Kuo-Toa 5 DEAD
Kuo-Toa 6 18/18
Kuo-Toa 7 8/18
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OOC: Thanks CB, I'd forgotten the wild surge:

Regarding shield, its up to you how we adapt the rule for PBP - I believe technically I would decide before knowing the roll, so I'm happy to say it has been cast & wasted :)
Obviously if you're willing to let me decide after seeing the roll then great, that saves me a spell slot! :)

OOC: No surge, thanks for the wild magic surge check, [MENTION=33284]Yavathol[/MENTION]. Please note I retconned the last post to include that the earthen hand did not wink out of existence. It is available to be controlled in subsequent rounds as an Action. My ruling is that Kamael will need to be within 30' of the hand to direct it, otherwise it will stay where it last was. Brinn dropped in Round 3 (this round). He won't have a to make a death saving throw until Round 4 (next round). You rolled a success, so let's keep what you rolled for Brinn's turn on Round 4, [MENTION=6799753]lowkey13[/MENTION].


Kago shrugs loose from the net, then promptly smashes the kuo-toa's face in with his warhammer.

OOC: Warhammer vs. Kuo-toa 4: 1D20+5 = [5]+5 = 10
1D8+3 = [2]+3 = 5

Use Channel Divinity: Guided Strike to add +10 to the attack roll, making it hit AC 20 for 5 damage

Kago then calls forth the spectral image of Grummsh's spear to give the kuo-toa's in the back something to play with.

OOC: Summon Spiritual Weapon to E15 as a bonus action.
Spiritual Weapon attack vs. kuo-toa 6: 1D20+5 = [19]+5 = 24
1D8+3 = [1]+3 = 4

As the kuo-toan blood begins to spill, Kago turns to the nearest one without a broken face. "Gruumsh will receive his tribute this night!"

[B]AC:[/B] 18; [B]HP:[/B] [COLOR=#FF000]25[/COLOR]/31
[B]Initiative:[/B] -1
[B]Saves:[/B] WIS +5, CHA +2
[B]Passive Perception:[/B] 13
[B]Languages:[/B] Orc, Common, Goblin
Darkvision 60 ft.
[B]Skills:[/B] Athletics +5, Insight +5, Medicine +5, Survival +5
[B]Stats:[/B] Str 16 (+3), Dex 8 (-1) , Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 10 (+0)

-[B]Inspiration[/B]? [ ] Yes, [[COLOR=#FF0000]X[/COLOR]] No
-[B]Channel Divinity available[/B]? 1.[[COLOR=#FF0000]X[/COLOR]] 2.[ ] (recharge after a long or short rest)
-[B]War Priest[/B] (bonus action, 2 uses per long rest): 1.[[COLOR=#FF0000]X[/COLOR]] 2.[ ]

[B]Spell Slots:[/B] 4, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[B]Slots Used:[/B]  1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
[B]Spells Prepared:[/B] (5) [URL="http://ephe.github.io/grimoire/"](Grimoire)[/URL]
[*][B]Cantrips:[/B] Resistance, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy
[*][B]Domain Spells:[/B] Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, Magic Weapon, Spiritual Weapon
[*][B]1st Level:[/B] Create or Destroy Water (*), Cure Wounds (*), Guiding Bolt (*), Healing Word (*), Inflict Wounds (*)
[*][B]2nd Level:[/B] Lesser Restoration, Prayer of Healing (*)
(*) can be cast at higher levels
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Round 4

Freed from the net, Kago smashed his warhammer against Kuo-toa 4's head, delivering a blow that crushed the creature's temple, dealing 5 points of damage, and leaving the head distorted grotesquely. The crackle of force as the Spear of Gruumsh was summoned and subsequently spiked through Kuo-toa 6 was satisfying retribution for having been caged in the net. The spectral spear slammed into Kuo-toa 6, dealing 4 points of damage.

Shuushar moved forward and, with Turvey's help, managed to beat out the flaming bundle of rags. The griffin grease proved hard to put out; small fires kept re-kindling. Eventually, however, the pair got the fire put out. All was ruined, save for the smooth glass orb, which remained perfectly intact and unspoiled. Turvey eyed it with suspicion.

Stool shrank backward, away from the kuo-toa monitor, toward JimJar, who stayed put but drew a dagger.

OOC: End of Round 3, start of Round 4. Map update for later: spiritual weapon in E15. Shuushar in I9. Stool in U10. Kuo-toa 4 -5 hp. Kuo-toa 6 -4 hp. Raza's turn, [MENTION=40413]GlassEye[/MENTION]! (recall that Raza has no reactions available to her until the end of the monitor's turn this round)
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Raza Thulcandra

Raza watched Brinn tumble to the ground. It was... unfortunate, but not unexpected. After all, a person or even a small group who tested their strength against that of a city were bound to get crushed. She had also taken wounds; the monitor's bite was particularly troublesome and she could feel blood soaking the rags she wore. A quick prayer to the Mother Night took the worst off the injury but it still throbbed painfully.

Raza assessed the battlefield. She thought now might be the time to slip away. She moved away from the fray and next to the jagged wall of the cavern.

[sblock=OOC]Cast Cure Wounds on self: CW to Raza: 1D8+3 = [3]+3 = 6
Move to H8.
[/sblock][sblock=Raza, in brief]
[size=+1]Raza Thulcandra[/size], halfling Druid 4
Initiative: +3; Inspiration: No
AC: 14, Current: 14; HP: 21/31; Speed: 25 ft

Str 8 (-1), Dex 16 (+3) , Con 14 (+2), Int 11 (+0), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 12 (+1)

Conditions: Darkvision
Saves: Intelligence +2, Wisdom +5
Skills: Insight +5, Perception +5, Religion +2, Stealth +5
Senses: passive Perception 15

In Hand:
Spells Prepared: (7) (Grimoire)
  • 2nd level: 0/2; Darkvision, Flame Blade*, Lesser Restoration, Spider Climb (circle), Spike Growth (circle)
  • 1st level: 3/4; Absorb Elements*, Cure Wounds*, Faerie Fire, Goodberry
  • Cantrips: Druidcraft, Mold Earth, Produce Flame, Guidance
* can be cast at higher level
Spell Attack: +5; Spell save DC 13

Lucky, Brave, Halfling Nimbleness, Naturally Stealthy, Natural Recovery 2/2
Wild Shape 0/2 (1 hour duration)



Voidrunner's Codex

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