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D&D 5E Enhancing "Curse of Strahd" (and DDAL adventures)


Links roundup time!

First, Power Score is back after being down briefly. They have two Curse of Strahd articles so far:

Guide to Curse of Strahd (It even contains a link to this thread--how's that for recursion? :D )
Curse of Strahd Review

And some more threads from this forum:

Another Death House Play Report (from Evilbob)
CoS: Full of Child Peril and Death but Lacking... (sex/sensuality)
Darkvision in a Gothic Setting
Ideal Tarokka Reading Storywise
CoS and Paladin's Divine Sense
Castle Ravenloft in 3D Glory! (two threads; see also here)
A Strahd Fear Variant
Curse of Strahd for Dummies (or, how to run a sandbox campaign if you're not used to it)

And there's also a thread for discussing MerricB's side adventure "Death in the Cornfields":

Death in the Cornfields

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First Post
I think this is the first adventure that does not have a monster supplement and references the DMG and Monster Manual.

The following lists can be spoilerish.

If anyone wanted to bookmark their DMG before playing, here is what you would want to mark:

"Weather" Extreem Cold Ch5
“Dungeon Hazards” brown mold Ch 5
“Dungeon Hazards” Green slime Ch5
“Dungeon Hazards” Spider Webs Ch5
“Wilderness Hazards” desecrated ground Ch5
“Sample Traps” locking pit/spiked pit Ch5
“Sample Traps” poison darts Ch5
“Sample Traps” poison needle trap Ch5
“Supernatural Gifts” Charm of heroism Ch7
"Maddness Effects" Indefinite Madness table Ch8
“Dungeon Master's Workshop” Musket Ch9

Magic Items you would need to look up:
I did not include simple items like +1 weapons, or items that are fully detailed in CoS.

various spell scrolls and potions
+1 rod of the pact keeper
alchemy jug
bag of tricks
Daern's Instant Fortress
deck of illusions
elixer of health
hat of disguise
helm of brilliance
Instrument of the Bards: Doss Lute
luck blade
Mace of Terror
Manual of Bodily Health
rind of mind shielding
ring of warmth
robe of usefull items (8 patches remaining)
staff of frost
staff of power
Sun Blade
tomb of understanding

I've also put together a list of all the monsters and how many you could encounter at one time for use with miniatures, but there are so many, I'm not sure how useful it would be.


I've had Death House be at the edge of Barovia in my game. After the heroes escape the place, they will be lured in through the gates.
What's going to lure them?

I've also put together a list of all the monsters and how many you could encounter at one time for use with miniatures, but there are so many, I'm not sure how useful it would be.
I'd be interested in seeing it, at least the list of different monsters needed.


First Post
Here is the list of monsters and how many you can encounter at one time. Some of the numbers are high like the commoners and guards, but that's only if the characters get an entire town to attack them.

I put the list together to try to see what kinds of miniatures I would need to look for.

Here are the ones from the Monster Manual:
acolyte x1
Animated armor x1
arcanaloth x1
archmage x1 (1 male human, 1 female elf)
assassin x1 (male dusk elf)
baboon x1
bandit captain x3 (vistani male or female)
bandit x20 (male and female)
banshee x1
berserker x6 (male and female)
black pudding
Blue dragon (young) x1
cat x3
Clay golem x4
Commoner x30
crawling claw x4
cult fanatic x4 (male and female human)
cultist x8
death slaad x1
dire wolf x6
draft horse x24
druid x6 (male and female humans)
flameskull x3
flesh golem (1 female, males)
flying sword x5
gargoyles x8
ghast x7
ghost x2
ghoul x6
giant goat x1
giant poisonous snake x4
Giant Spiders x9
giant wolf spider x3
Gladiator x1 (human male and human female)
grey ooze x1
grick x1
Guardian Portrait x1
guards x24 (24 human, 9 dusk elf)
hell hounds x3
imp x1
invisible stalker
iron golem x2
lich x1
mage x1 (human male)
mastiff x2
mimic x1
needle blight x30
night hag x3
nightmare x1
noble x2 (2 female, 2 males)
priest x1 (human female)
quasit x1
red dragon wyrmling x4
revenant x5
riding horse x6
Rug of Smothering x1
saber-toothed tiger x1
scarecrow x7
scout x6 (male and female human and vistani)
shadow demon x1
shadow x6
shambling mound x1
shield guardian x1
skeleton x12
specter x7
spy x3 (3 Vistani women, 1 man)
stone golem x1
swarm of bats x10
swarm of insects x1
swarm of poisonous snakes x7
swarm of rats x8
swarm of ravens x4
thug x5 (male and female human and vistani)
twig blight x12
vampire spawn x6 (3 female or random turned adventurers)
Veteran x1 (human male)
vine blight x3
Vrock x2
werewolves x7 (male and femal human)
wight x7
wolf x20
wraith x1
zombie x18

Here are the ones from the CoS:
Baba Lysaga (witch type)
barovian witch x7
broom of animated attack x3
Ezmerelda (Vistani adventurer)
Izek Strazni (monstrous human fighter)
Kasimir Velikov (male dusk elf)
Madam Eva (Vistani fortune teller)
mongrelfolk x9
phantom warrior x3
Pidlwick II x1 (halfling sized jester type)
Rahidin (male dusk elf)
Rictavio (half elf bard)
Strahd x1 (male vampire)
Strahd Zombie x8
Strahd's Animated Armor x1
Tree blight (can use a treant)
Vladamir Horngaard (human revenant)
wereraven x9 (4 male, 1 female, 4 children)
Baba Lysaga's creeping hut (15x15 house with roots as legs)


Links roundup time!

First, Power Score is back after being down briefly. They have two Curse of Strahd articles so far:

Guide to Curse of Strahd (It even contains a link to this thread--how's that for recursion? :D )
Curse of Strahd Review

And some more threads from this forum:

Another Death House Play Report (from Evilbob)
CoS: Full of Child Peril and Death but Lacking... (sex/sensuality)
Darkvision in a Gothic Setting
Ideal Tarokka Reading Storywise
CoS and Paladin's Divine Sense
Castle Ravenloft in 3D Glory! (two threads; see also here)
A Strahd Fear Variant
Curse of Strahd for Dummies (or, how to run a sandbox campaign if you're not used to it)

And there's also a thread for discussing MerricB's side adventure "Death in the Cornfields":

Death in the Cornfields

Great list! :)

I also put out a Ravenloft adventure The Beast of Graenseskov, with several strong links to Curse of Strahd.
There's some discussion of it here: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...An-Introductory-Ravenloft-Adventure-DMs-Guild.

And another thread here: http://fraternityofshadows.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=9673.

DMs Guild link in my sig.
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They just sort of followed their noses from Death House to Barovia. Then they blew through the town pretty quick and went straight to Vallaki. No Tarokka reading, which is unaccountably frustrating. Should I allow another character like Rictavio or the Baroness make a reading? or let them get around to getting back to Eva. Perhaps I'll add her in to the random encounter charts.


Also, I replaced Morgantha in Barovia with Jeny Greenteeth selling pies and spells. It was great. The fighter had two lingering wounds and still refused to risk doing Jeny a favor. Eventually he dd her a favor in order to save the little boy. This will make a good recurring character.


No Tarokka reading, which is unaccountably frustrating. Should I allow another character like Rictavio or the Baroness make a reading?
Ezmerelda is another one who can specifically do the reading, and she's a possible encounter in several places (tower, Krezk, castle), so they'll likely run into her eventually. Or put her on the random encounter table. Or just have some important Vistani refuse to work with them until they speak to Madame Eva first.


Oh man, we lost a lot here. Not even sure where to start, but let's talk about enhancing Castle Ravenloft because that's where my group is now- and we're playing tonight! 6th level, with the Sunsword and Holy Symbol of Ravenkind. They went down instead of up and met Cyrus, who they tied up.
What advice and pro-tips do you all have for the Castle.
I've kept a digital timer going to remind me to roll for wandering monsters every ten minutes outside of an encounter. Keeps the pressure on.


Oh man, we lost a lot here. Not even sure where to start, but let's talk about enhancing Castle Ravenloft because that's where my group is now- and we're playing tonight! 6th level, with the Sunsword and Holy Symbol of Ravenkind. They went down instead of up and met Cyrus, who they tied up.
What advice and pro-tips do you all have for the Castle.
I've kept a digital timer going to remind me to roll for wandering monsters every ten minutes outside of an encounter. Keeps the pressure on.

Hrm... they have the Holy Symbol and the Sunsword but are only 6th level? Yeesh. They might very well be in trouble. Yes, they have the two items necessary to allow for a permanent destruction of Strahd (the two items that can generate true sunlight).. but aren't nearly the level necessary to stand up to a hit 'n run assault by the Vampire Lord should be decide to put them down once and for all.

Thus if I was in your shoes... I think that if the party is now going through the castle making a nuisance of themselves (especially since they're tying up the castle's manservant), I'd make it a point to have Strahd not take that sort of affront lying down, but also not willing to get his hands dirty. The next time the party does something actually against the castle or one of its inhabitants... I'd probably have Strahd send a good half-dozen Vampire Spawn after the party to put them in their place. The book says that any previous adventurers to Barovia who attempted to go after him were made into Spawn, and there are always many places where Spawn show up across the valley... so having a large supply of Spawn available on hand, and him send an adventuring party of Spawn (or two) after your group is not out of place.

At that point... if your group puts the Spawn down, then Strahd realizes who he is up against and will start getting pissed (and thus devious). But if the group gets taken out by the Spawn because they just aren't high enough level to accomplish it (and/or because they haven't yet found the Tome of Strahd, and thus not learned whatever other "weaknesses" the book might state he has)... then some can be allowed to flee, while others might get knocked out and then later wake up to find themselves either bitten, or at the very least locked within one of the crypts underneath the castle.

I can't remember which of the various Ravenloft books/adventures this info has been printed in (or indeed if I just cobbled all of it together from various sources into one infodump)... but I might take the history of Saint Markovia as a good indicator of what might happen if the party is becoming too much of a threat:

Lore: As a youth in the village of Kresk, the young woman Markovia followed her heart and became a priestess in the church of the Morninglord soon after her eighteenth birthday. She proved a charismatic proselytizer and a cunning warrior, and consequently rose quickly in reputation. By her late twenties she had become a paladin, and had gained a reputation that no evil could stand before her. One day, the vampire Strahd heard townspeople make the boasts that Markovia could probably defeat even the Master of the Castle himself, she was so holy. Enraged by this comparison and the besmirchment of his power, he sent a passel of vampire spawn to her small home in Kresk that very midnight. They confronted Markovia in her sanctum and were destroyed to a one. Suffused with righteous victory after defeating a force of vampire spawn, Markovia advanced on Castle Ravenloft that very night. A great battle raged from the highest catacomb to the lowest parapet, but in the end, Markovia never returned to Kresk, and the Master of the Castle long walked with a limp and a grimace of pain. It is said he trapped Markovia in a crypt beneath his castle, and her remains linger there yet.

There is still plenty of time for you to keep the adventure going. It need not be a "Fight for the final time!" situation right now. They may want to try and go for the endgame at this point, but you have a lot of things at your disposal in the castle before sending Strahd in on a "All or nothing!" attack. Play with your players a bit... don't let them take it easy in the castle... especially if they act like they own the place have Strahd show them who the real Lord of the castle is.

Then, once they've left, gotten more powerful, found the Tome, and found their ally... then they can come back for the final showdown. :)

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