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D&D 5E To The Strongest: Dramatis Personae



"I am not afraid of an army of lions lead by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep lead by a lion."
- Alexander The Great

This is the cast listing for To The Strongest, a 5E Story of Mercenaries, Falling Empires, and War.

Please record your character sheets here, including the Stands in the Company's employ.

Important Threads
The Discussion Thread
The Story Thread
Hiring Hall

Available Everywhere

Peasants – 50 GP
Str - +0
Dex - +0
Con - +0
Int - +0
Wis - +0
Cha - +0

AC: 11 - Leather
HP: 5
Speed: 6
Passive Perception – 10


  • Quarterstaff: +2 to Hit, 1d8 B
  • Sling: +2 to Hit, 1d4 B, Range 2/6
– 100 GP[sblock=Stats]
Str - +0

Dex - +1
Con - +1
Int - +0
Wis - +0
Cha - +0

AC: 12 - Leather
HP: 10
Speed: 6
Passive Perception – 10


  • Scimitar: +3 to Hit, 1d6+1 S
  • Light Crossbow: +3 to Hit, 1d8+1 P, Range 4/16
[/sblock]Levymen – 150 GP[sblock=Stats]
Str - +1
Dex - +1
Con - +1
Int - +0
Wis - +0
Cha - +0

AC: 15 – Hide & Shield
HP: 20
Speed: 6
Passive Perception – 10


  • Spear: +3 to Hit, 1d6+1 P, Thrown 1/3. Carries 2
[/sblock]Skirmishers – 200 GP[sblock=Stats]
Str - +2
Dex - +0
Con - +2
Int - +0
Wis - +0
Cha - +0

AC: 13 – Leather & Shield
HP: 20
Speed: 6
Passive Perception – 12

Perception: +2


  • Javelin: +4 to Hit, 1d6+2 P, Thrown 2/6. Carries 4
  • Dagger: +4 to Hit, 1d4+2 P
[/sblock]Scouts – 350 GP[sblock=Stats]
Str - +0
Dex - +3
Con - +1
Int - +0
Wis - +1
Cha - +0

AC: 13 – Leather
HP: 15
Speed: 6
Passive Perception – 15

Perception: +5
Stealth: +6
Survival: +5


  • Longbow: +6 to Hit, 1d8+3 P, Range 8/30
  • Shortsword: +6 to Hit, 1d6+3 P
[/sblock]Light Cavalry – 450 GP[sblock=Stats]
Str - +1
Dex - +2
Con - +0
Int - +0
Wis - +1
Cha - +0

AC: 14 – Chainshirt
HP: 25
Speed: 12 (Mounted)
Passive Perception – 13

Perception: +3


  • Shortbow: +4 to Hit, 1d6+2 P, Range 4/16
  • Scimitar: +4 to Hit, 1d6+2 S
[/sblock]Veterans – 500 GP[sblock=Stats]
Str - +3

Dex - +1
Con - +2
Int - +0
Wis - +0
Cha - +0

AC: 16 – Chainmail
HP: 30
Speed: 6
Passive Perception – 12

Athletics: +5
Perception: +2


  • Longsword: +5 to Hit, 1d10+3 S
  • Heavy Crossbow: +3 to Hit, 1d10+1 P, Range 5/20
[/sblock]Heavy Cavalry – 800 GP[sblock=Stats]
Str - +4
Dex - +0
Con - +2
Int - +0
Wis - +0
Cha - +0

AC: 17 – Splint
HP: 50
Speed: 12 (Mounted)
Passive Perception – 10


  • Lance: +6 to Hit, 1d12+4 P, Reach

Human Mercenaries

Hoplites – 800 GP[sblock=Stats]
Str - +3

Dex - +1
Con - +2
Int - +0
Wis - +1
Cha - +0

AC: 18 – Chainmail & Shield
HP: 40
Speed: 6
Passive Perception – 10

Wis: +4

Athletics: +6
Intimidation: +3


  • Longspear: +6 to Hit, 1d10+3 P, Reach, Thrown 1/3. Carries 1
  • Scimitar: +6 to Hit, 1d6+3 S

Phalanx: So long as a Hoplite Stand is adjacent to another Hoplite Stand, both bestow Disadvantage to enemy Weapon Attacks targeting the Stands.[/sblock]

Peltasts – 600 GP[sblock=Stats]
Str - +0

Dex - +3
Con - +1
Int - +0
Wis - +1
Cha - +0

AC: 17 – Studded Leather & Shield
HP: 25
Speed: 6
Passive Perception – 11

Dex: +6

Stealth: +6


  • Javelin: +6 to Hit, 1d6+3 P, Thrown 2/6. Carries 8
  • Shortsword: +6 to Hit, 1d6+3 S

Harassers: A Stand of Peltasts in a Skirmisher Unit can be no more than 2 Squares away from any Stand in its Unit before it is considered Isolated. They can be no more than 1 Square away if they are in a Regiment[/sblock]

Hetairoi – 1,000 GP[sblock=Stats]
Str - +4

Dex - +0
Con - +2
Int - +0
Wis - +0
Cha - +2

AC: 18 – Plate
HP: 50
Speed: 12 (Mounted)
Passive Perception – 10

Con: +5
Cha: +5


  • Lance: +7 to Hit, 1d12+4 P, Reach
  • Warhammer: +7 to Hit, 1d10+4 B

Fearless: Hetairoi gain Advantage on Saves versus Fear and on Rally Checks. Hetairoi may Rally even without a Commander attached: they use their Charisma Save Modifier instead of their Wisdom Save Modifier when they do.

Companions' Charge: Hetairoi can substitute their melee attack roll against an Enemy Stand when they become Adjacent to it to instead force them to make a Strength Saving Throw equal to the Hetairoi's Strength Mod + 11 (Base 15). If they fail the save, the Enemy Stand is Paralyzed for one round. If the Hetairoi Retreat and become Adjacent to the Enemy Stand again, they can use this ability again.[/sblock]

Elven Mercenaries

Vexillarii – 800 GP[sblock=Stats]
Str - +1

Dex - +3
Con - +0
Int - +1
Wis - +0
Cha - +2

AC: 17 – Studded Leather & Shield
HP: 35
Speed: 6
Passive Perception – 10

Persuasion: +5


  • Javelin: +6 to Hit, 1d6+3 P, Thrown 2/6. Carries 2
  • Shortsword: +6 to Hit, 1d6+3 S

Follow The Standard!: If an Adjacent Stand would be eliminated as a Casualty, a Stand of Vexillarii may make a DC 15 Persuasion Check. If successful, roll 1d6 and add the Vexillarii's Persuasion: the Casualty Stand recovers that much in HP and remains fighting. A Stand can benefit from Follow The Standard! only once per battle.[/sblock]

Sagitarii – 700 GP[sblock=Stats]
Str - +0

Dex - +4
Con - +0
Int - +1
Wis - +1
Cha - +0

AC: 16 – Studded Leather
HP: 30
Speed: 6
Passive Perception – 19

Perception: +4
Stealth: +7


  • Longbow: +7 to Hit, 1d8+4 P, Range 8/30
  • Rapier: +7 to Hit, 1d8+4 P

Keen Senses: Sagitarii have Advantage on all Perception Checks. This increases their Passive Perception by 5
Multiattack: Sagitarii Can make 2 Weapon Attacks[/sblock]

Magii – 1,000 GP[sblock=Stats]
Str - +0

Dex - +2
Con - +1
Int - +4
Wis - +0
Cha - +0

AC: 12 / 15 with Mage Armor
HP: 25
Speed: 6
Passive Perception – 13

Con: +4

Arcana: +7
Perception: +3


  • Fire Bolt: +7 to Hit, 2d10, Range 6
  • Ray of Frost: +7 to Hit, 2d8, Range 6, Target's speed reduced by 1

Spell Save DC: 15
Cantrips: Dancing Lights, Fire Bolt, Mending, Ray of Frost
1st Level (4 Slots): Burning Hands, Fog Cloud, Grease, Mage Armor, Magic Missile
2nd Level (3 Slots): Invisibility, Misty Step, Ray of Enfeeblement, Scorching Ray[/sblock]

Dwarven Mercenaries

Bersekir – 900 GP[sblock=Stats]
Str - +4

Dex - +0
Con - +3
Int - +0
Wis - +0
Cha - +0

AC: 14 – Spiked Armor
HP: 50
Speed: 6
Passive Perception – 10

Intimidation: +4


  • Greataxe: +7 to Hit, 1d12+4 S

Rage: As a Bonus Action, Bersekir can enter a state of absolute fury. They gain +2 to all Melee Damage and Resistance to all Damage. They can also make 1 Additional Melee Attack. However, all attacks made against the Bersekir Stand are made with Advantage and the Stand makes Dexterity Saves at Disadvantage. Bersekir also gain Advantage on Intimidation Checks while Raging.

Spiked Retribution: Any Adjacent Stand that makes a Melee Attack against a Bersekir Stand while it is Raging suffers 3 Piercing damage.[/sblock]

Ambaxtoi – 700 GP[sblock=Stats]
Str - +3

Dex - +0
Con - +3
Int - +0
Wis - +2
Cha - +0

AC: 18 – Chainmail & Shield
HP: 40
Speed: 6
Passive Perception – 12

Str: +6
Con: +6


  • Longsword: +6 to Hit, 1d8+3 S

Strength of The Oak: As an Action, Ambaxtoi can throw themselves at the enemy with their shields and a resounding war cry, seeking to cause as much chaos as possible. The targeted Stand must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be Stunned.[/sblock]

Druidic Ceithern – 1,000 GP[sblock=Stats]
Str - +3

Dex - +1
Con - +2
Int - +0
Wis - +3
Cha - +0

AC: 15 – Hide & Shield
HP: 35
Speed: 6
Passive Perception – 13

Con: +5
Wis: +6

Nature: +3
Stealth: +4
Survival: +6


  • Club: +6 to Hit, 1d8+3 B (Shillelagh)
  • Produce Flame: +6 to Hit, 2d8 Fire, Range 1
  • Thorn Whip: +6 to Hit, 2d6 P, Range 1

Spell Save DC: 14
Cantrips: Guidance, Produce Flame, Shillelagh, Thorn Whip
1st Level (4 Slots): Cure Wounds, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Longstrider, Thunderwave
2nd Level (3 Slots): Barkskin, Heat Metal, Hold Person, Spike Growth[/sblock]

Orcish Mercenaries

Mangudai – 1,000 GP[sblock=Stats]
Str - +2

Dex - +4
Con - +1
Int - +0
Wis - +1
Cha - +0

AC: 16 – Chainmail
HP: 30
Speed: 12 (Mounted)
Passive Perception – 14

Animal Handling: +4
Perception: +4
Stealth: +7


  • Longbow: +7 to Hit, 1d8+4 P, Range 8/30
  • Scimitar: +7 to Hit, 1d6+4 P

Multiattack: Mangudai may make 2 Weapon Attacks when they take the Attack Action.
Parthian Shot: If taking the Retreat Action, Mangudai can still make one Ranged Weapon Attack.[/sblock]

Hu Jian – 700 GP[sblock=Stats]
Str - +3

Dex - +1
Con - +2
Int - +0
Wis - +0
Cha - +0

AC: 16 – Chainmail
HP: 30
Speed: 6
Passive Perception – 13

Dex: +4

Perception: +3


  • Greatsword: +6 to Hit, 2d6+3 S

Banzai!: If a Stand of Hu Jian moves at least 2 Squares before making a melee attack, the Stand can elect to Banzai: if they do and their attack hits, it is immediately considered a Critical. A roll of 20, resulting in a True Critical, stacks on top of this. However, adjacent enemies gain Advantage to attack the Stand until their next turn.

Cautious Assault: While in the Defend Configuration, Hu Jian Stands can still make Attacks. They only deal Half Damage when they do.[/sblock]

Chu Ko Nu – 900 GP[sblock=Stats]
Str - +1

Dex - +3
Con - +2
Int - +0
Wis - +0
Cha - +0

AC: 16 – Chainmail
HP: 30
Speed: 6
Passive Perception – 10


  • Heavy Crossbow: +6 to Hit, 1d10+3 P, Range 5/20

Multiattack: Chu Ko Nu may make 2 Crossbow attacks when they take the Attack Action.

Rapid Volley: Chu Ko Nu have Advantage on Attack Rolls against any Enemy Stand they are Adjacent to.[/sblock]
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River Song


Sex: Male
Race: Human (Macedonian)
Class/Level: Fighter 5 (Battle Master)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Size: Medium
Init: +0
Senses: Normal Human
Passive Perception: 13
Speed : 30

Stands: 1x Hoplites, 1x Skirmishers

AC: 18 (Chain mail, shield)
HP: 44 (5d10)
Saves: Str & Con

Attacks: 2
Weapons         Attack Damage  Type  Range      Property
Spear           +6    1d6+5      P           20/60          Versatile
Longsword       +6    1d8+5       S   -     Versatile
Javelin     +6   1d6+5      P    30/120

Shieldmaster - You use shields not just for protection but also for
offense. You gain the following benefits while you are
wielding a shield:
• If you take the Attack action on your turn, you can use
a bonus action to try to shove a creature within 5 feet
o f you with your shield.
• If you aren’t incapacitated, you can add your shield’s AC
bonus to any Dexterity saving throw you make against
a spell or other harmful effect that targets only you.
• If you are subjected to an effect that allows you to
make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage,
you can use your reaction to take no damage if
you succeed on the saving throw, interposing your
shield between yourself and the source o f the effect.
Inspiring leader - 10 min speech to inspire up to
6 allies. With Temp hit: 7

Str 16
Dex 10
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 14

SKILLS Proficiencies with *

+0 (dex) Acrobatics
+0 (wis) Animal Handling
+0 (int) Arcana
*+6 (str) Athletics
+2 (cha) Deception
+0 (int) History
*+3 (wis) Insight
*+5 (cha) Intimidation
+0 (int) Investigation
+0 (wis) Medicine
+0 (int) Nature
*+3 (wis) Perception
+2 (cha) Performance
*+5 (cha) Persuasion
+0 (int) Religion
+0 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+0 (dex) Stealth
+0 (wis) Survival

TOOL PROFICIENCIES: Brewer’s Supplies, Dice Set, Vehicles (land)

Extra Feat
Extra Skill

Feature: Mercenary Life : Officer

Fighting Style: Dueling
Second Wind: 1d10+5, BA 1/SR/LR
Archetype: Battle Master – Menacing, Sweep, Disarm
Superiority Dice: 4d8
Maneuver DC: 14
Extra Attack: 1
Action Surge: 1 SR/LR

Chain Mail Armour
Javelin x2
Explorers Pack
Money: =10 gp[/sblock]

Silver Horn of Elyssium (Valhalla):

2d4+2 Bezerkers within 60ft
For 1 hour, once every 7 days
AC: 13
HP: 67 SPD: 30
Great Axe +5 1d12+3
Reckless Attack

Personality Trait: I’ve lost too many friends, and I’m slow to make new ones.
Ideal: Responsibility. I do what I must and obey just authority.
Bond: My honor is my life.
Flaw: I’d rather eat my armour than admit I’m wrong.

Physical Appearance:
A thickset muscular man, with olive skin, brown eyes and black hair and thick beard. Theo stands 5’11” tall and weighs 175lbs. He is 25 years old and worships Machidoxia.

Coming soon
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First Post
Artemis Alorian, the Half-Breed Scourge

Race: Half-Elf
Class: Blood Hunter
Level: Fifth(5)
Order: Profane Soul
Pact: Undying(Orcus)
Alignment: CG
Background: Mercenary Veteran
AC: 14
Init. Bonus: +/-0
Speed: 30ft.
HP: 28
Hit Dice: 3d10
Prof. Bonus: +2

--STR: 16(+3) [+1 Racial]
--DEX: 10(+/-0)
--CON: 16(+3) [+1 Racial]
--INT: 8(-1)
--WIS: 16(+3)
--CHA: 12(+1) [+2 Racial]

Attack Bonus:
--Melee: +5
--Ranged: +2
--Improvised: +3

--Favored- Orcus' Touch: Deals 2d6+1 damage, deals an additional 1d6 damage against any living targets, Heavy, Two-Handed
--Secondary- Hand Crossbow: Deals 1d6 damage, Range(30/120)

--Languages: Common, Elvish, Abyssal
--Armor: Light, Medium
--Weapons: Simple, Martial
--Tools: Thieves' Tools, Tinker's Tools, Alchemist's Supplies, Gaming Cards, Vehicles(Land)
--Skills: Insight, Arcana, Athletics, Persuasion
--Saving Throws: Strength, Wisdom

-Orcus' Touch(+1 Black Iron Greatsword)
-Hand Crossbow
-Crossbow Bolts(20)
-Scale Mail Armor
-Explorer's Pack
-Gaming Cards
-Officer's Insignia
-Traveler's Clothes
-Coin: 10gp

--Fey Ancestry
--Skill Versatility

--Hunter's Bane
--Crimson Rite(1d4): Primal(Flame)
--Great Weapon Fighting
--Order(Profane Soul)
--Extra Attack

--Spell Attack Bonus: +5
--Spell Save DC: 13
--Cantrips: Eldritch Blast, Greenflame Blade
--1st Level(1 Slot): Protection From Evil/Good, Hex


-Feature: Mercenary Life
-Traits: I fear nothing, for I am the one to fear. I have little respect for men who are afraid to fight beside me.
-Ideal: Nothing In Life Is Free; I know not the meaning of the word 'favor', if you wish to make use of my blade I must be getting paid.
-Flaws: I'm hot-headed, I'm quite easily angered. My sense of humor can be a bit crude and dark.
-Bonds: Mercutio has been my brother in arms once before, his skill in battle has been proven to me.

Artemis' Underlings

Skirmishers: 200gp

-Str: +2
-Dex: +0
-Con: +2
-Int: +0
-Wis: +0
-Cha: +0
-AC: 13/Leather & Shield
-HP: 20
-Speed: 6
-Passive Perception: 12

-Perception: +2

-Javelin: +4 to Hit, 1d6+2, Thrown 2/6, Carries 4
-Dagger: +4 to Hit, 1d4+2

Scouts: 350gp

-Str: +0
-Dex: +3
-Con: +1
-Int: +0
-Wis: +1
-Cha: +0
-AC: 13/Leather
-HP: 15
-Speed: 6
-Passive Perception: 15

-Perception: +5
-Stealth: +6
-Survival: +5

-Longbow: +6 to Hit, 1d8+3, Range 8/30
-Shortsword: +6 to Hit, 1d6+3

Lt. Cavalry: 450gp

-Str: +1
-Dex: +2
-Con: +0
-Int: +0
-Wis: +1
-Cha: +0
-AC: 14/Chain Shirt
-HP: 25
-Speed: 12 (Mounted)
-Passive Perception: 13

-Perception: +3

-Shortbow: +4 to Hit, 1d6+2, Range 4/16
-Scimitar: +4 to Hit, 1d6+2

The Story of Artemis

Artemis spent all his life as a sword-for-hire, and a harvester of souls for the Order of Orcus. He was known for his brutal savagery on the field of battle. Friend and foe alike would shudder in fear as they watched him behead every soldier that fell to his blade while praying to the Dark Lord Orcus. He was so bloodthirsty that only the bravest of armies and kings would dare to employ him. Eventually he got sick of freelancing, and decided to start his own Mercenary Company, the Iron Wolves, with Mercutio, a fellow Half-Elf who he once fought beside, and a few others.
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Mercutio Tullius ♂ Half-Elf Heavy Cavalry Commander Champion of Kora

[sblock=Heavy Cavalry]
Str - +4
Dex - +0
Con - +2
Int - +0
Wis - +0
Cha - +0

AC: 19 – Splint & Shield
HP: 50
Speed: 12 (Mounted)
Passive Perception – 10

Lance: +6 to Hit, 1d12+4 P, Reach
Flail: +6 to Hit, 1d8+4 B

[sblock=Evelyn ♀ Celestial Tiger]
Str - +3
Dex - +2
Con - +2
Int - -2
Wis - +1
Cha - -1

AC: 12
HP: 44
Speed: 8 (Mounted)
Passive Perception - 13
Darkvision 60ft

Bite: +5 to hit, 1d10+3 P
Claw: +5 to hit, 1d8+3 S

Keen Smell: The tiger has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Pounce: If the tiger moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw orbe knocked prone. If the target is prone, the tiger can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.
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First Post
Neutral Stout Halfling Fighter 1 / Ranger 4

Str 8
Dex 18 (+2 race, +1 feat)
Con 14 (+1 race)
Int 10
Wis 14
Cha 12

HP 44
AC 17 (10 + 4 dex +2 armor +1 style)
Prof Bonus +3
Init +4

Halfling (stout)
+2 dex, +1 con
Speed 25
Small size (disad w/heavy weapons)
Lucky (reroll 1's on attacks, saves and checks)
Brave (adv vs fear)
Nimble (can move through the spaces of larger creatures)
Stout Resilience (adv vs poison, resist poison damage)

Fighting Style
- Two Weapon
Second Wind 1d10+1

Favored Enemy
- Humanoids (+2 dmg, adv on Survival to track and Int checks to gain info)
Natural Explorer
- Ignore diff terrain
- Adv on Init
- adv on attacks on 1st round vs creatures who have not acted
- When traveling an hour or more: Ignore diff terrain, can't be lost w/out magic, always alert, stealth at normal pace, 2x foraging, more info from tracking
Fighting Style
- Defense
Primeval Awareness (communicate with beasts, sense presence of favored enemies)
Ranger Conclave - Beast
- Companion Bonuses (+3 AC, dmg, +2 skills, prof in all saves, +1 HD, 1 ASI)

Armor: Light, Medium, shields
Weapons: Simple, Martial
Saves: Strength, Dexterity

Skills: Athletics and Survival
Tools: Any one musical instrument (Panflute)
Bonus Language
Origin: Bounty Hunter
Feature: Wanderer (excellent memory for maps and geography, can find food and water for group)

- Athlete (+1 dex, standing up uses 5' move, Climb at full speed, running jumps after 5')

Athletics +2
Animal Handling +4
Perception +5
Stealth +7
Survival +5

Common, Halfling, Dwarven, Elven

Spellcasting (Save DC 13)
Slots 1 - 3/3

1 - Cure Wounds, Hunter's Mark, Hail of Thorns, Longstrider

Cash: 10gp

2 Shortswords, +7atk, 1d6+4 dmg
Shortbow, +7 atk, 1d6+4 dmg, 80/320
- Arrows (20)

Studded leather, 45gp

Explorer Pack

Armor Class 17
Hit Points 17
Speed 40
Str 12 (+4) Dex 16 (+6) Con 12 (+4) Int 4 (+0) Wis 12 (+4) Cha 6 (-2)
Skills: Perception +4, Stealth +5, Athletics +4, Survival +4
Abilities: Keen Hearing and Smell; Pack Tactics; Proficient in all saves;
- Bite, +6 atk, 2d4+6 dmg, DC11 Str save or prone

- People see an animal and underestimate me. I use that to my advantage.

- If there's food unattended, I'll eat it.


1 Stand Scouts

1 Stand Light Cavalry
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Race: Half-Elf
Class: Monk 2/Warlock 3
Background: Hermit
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Experience: 2700

Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 19 (+4)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 17 (+3)

AC: 15 (Unarmored Defense); 16 (Mage Armor)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40 ft
HP: 48
Hit Dice: 5 d8+0
Proficiency Bonus: +3

Attack Range To Hit Damage Special
Shortsword (Pact Blade) Melee +6 1d6+3 Finesse, light
Green-Flame Blade Melee +6 1d8/1d8+3 First damage add to the attack; second to a
target within 5 ft (SCAG 143)
Eldritch Blast 120 ft +6 2 x 1d10 Each d10 is a separate beam requiring
separate rolls (PHB 237)
Unarmed Strike Melee +6 1d4+3
Dart 20/60 ft +6 1d4+3 Finesse, thrown

Strength, Dexterity


Acrobatics: +3
Animal Handling: +2
*Arcana: +3
Athletics: -1
*Deception: +6
History: +0
Insight: +2
Intimidation: +3
Investigation: +0
*Medicine: +5
Nature: +0
*Perception: +5
Performance: +3
Persuasion: +3
*Religion: +3
Sleight of Hand: +3
*Stealth: +6
Survival: +2

Passive Perception: 15

Languages: Common, Elvish, Draconic, Celestial
Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Shortsword
Tools: Smith’s Tools, Herbalism kit



Half-Elf (+2 Charisma and +1 to two other ability scores of my choice)

Skill Versatility:
I gain proficiency in two skills of my choice.

Hermit: Retreated from society after a life-altering event
Feature: Discovery
The quiet seclusion of my extended hermitage gave me access to a unique and powerful discovery. The exact nature of this revelation depends on the nature of my seclusion. It might be a great truth, a hidden site, a long forgotten fact, or unearthed some relic of the past that could rewrite history.

Undying Pact (Orcus)
-Among the Dead (the Undying 1, SCAG 139)
I learn the Spare the Dying cantrip and gain advantage on saving throws vs. diseases
If an undead targets me directly with an attack or spell, it must make a Wisdom save
On a fail, it must choose a new target or forfeit its attack or harmful spell
On a success or if I attack or cast a harmful spell on it, it is immune for 24 hours

-Eldritch Invocations (Warlock 2, PHB 107) [2 invocations known]
Armor of Shadows (Eldritch Invocation, PHB 110)
I can cast Mage Armor on myself at will, without spell slots or material comp. (PHB 256)
Mask of Many Faces (Eldritch Invocation, PHB 111)
You can cast Disguise Self at will, without expending a spell slot. (PHB 233)

-Pact of the Blade (Warlock 3, PHB 107)
As an action, I can create a pact weapon in my empty hand; I'm proficient in its use
I can choose the type of melee weapon every time I create it, and it has those statistics
The weapon disappears if it is more than 5 ft away from me for 1 minute
The weapon counts as magical; I can transform a magic weapon into my pact weapon
This occurs over an hour-long ritual that I can perform during a short rest
I can use an action to re-summon it in any form and can dismiss it as no action

Unarmored Defense (Monk 1, PHB 48)
Without armor and no shield, my AC is 10 + Dexterity modifier + Wisdom modifier
-Martial Arts (Monk 1, PHB 78) [1d4]
Monk weapons: shortsword, simple weapon (not two-handed/heavy), unarmed strike
With these, I can use Dex instead of Str and use the Martial Arts damage die
When taking an Attack action with these, I get one unarmed strike as a bonus action
-Ki (Monk 2, PHB 78) [2× per short rest]
Flurry of Blows (Ki Feature, PHB 78) [1 ki point]
After taking the Attack action, I can make 2 unarmed attacks as a bonus action
Patient Defense (Ki Feature, PHB 78) [1 ki point]
As a bonus action, I can take the Dodge action
Step of the Wind (Ki Feature, PHB 78) [1 ki point]
As a bonus action, I can either Dash or Disengage; My jump distance doubles when I do so
I need to meditate for at least 30 min of a short rest for that short rest to restore ki
-Unarmored Movement (Monk 2, PHB 78) [+10 ft]
Speed increases and eventually lets me traverse some surfaces without falling as I move

Backpack, with:
- Winter blanket
- Herbalism kit
- Bedroll
- Mess kit
- Tinderbox
- Torches x 10
- Rations, 10 days
- Waterskin
- Hempen rope, 50 feet
- Smith's tools
Common clothes
Scroll case with notes
Dart x 10
Pouch w/ 5 gp
Amulet of Health (Attuned)

Age: 45
Height: 5’ 8”
Weight: 150 lbs
Eyes: Grey-blue
Skin: Pale
Hair: Black
Description: Feyson is a tall thin man. He has pale skin and dark black hair. His eyes are grey-blue as the night sky. He dresses in black robes with a hood and cowl that he can obscure his face when needed.

Cantrips: (Save DC: 14)
Eldritch Blast
Green-Flame Blade
Spare the Dying

Spells Known: (Save DC: 14)
Slots: 2

1st Level:
Armor of Agathys
Arms of Hadar
Mage Armor (At Will; Self Only)

2nd Level:

Personality Traits: I'm oblivious to etiquette and social expectations.

Ideals: Free Thinking: Inquiry and curiosity are the pillars of progress. (Chaotic)

Bonds: Should my discovery come to light, it could bring ruin to the world.

Flaws: I'd risk too much to uncover a lost bit of knowledge.

Feyson was born during war. He took his first breath as the great Kadmos won victory over the Republica. This is all he knows about his birth. He was abandoned to a monastery near the site of the battle. The monks that raised him know nothing about his parentage. He grew up and trained with the monks but was never really one of them. He knew he was destined for more. He was a teenage when he first found the scroll. It was in the scriptorium hidden in a sealed unmarked scroll case. It seemed to sing to him drawing him to it. He took the scroll case and hid it in his room. He spent the next several months researching the strange case. Finally after exhausting the small library in the monastery he opened the case. Upon breaking the seal he smelled the scent of a fresh turned grave and a shiver ran up his spine. As he unrolled the scroll the words shifted and blurred incomprehensibly. He ran his hands over the script and as his fingers touched the blurred words a shock ran up his arm and he collapsed unconscious. Feyson is not sure how long he was unconscious but when he came to he could understand the writing. It was the first in a series of scrolls that outline a ritual to learn the secrets of life and death. The following day he left the monastery in search of the other scrolls.

It took him years to find all the scrolls. He performed the ritual immediately. Accepting any terms to learn the magic the scrolls promised. As he completed the last words in the ritual searing pain ran across his back. It was also the first time he heard his patron’s voice in his mind. He was now one of the undying bound to Orcus. An intricate tattoo had been scarred across his back. Central was the symbol of Orcus the intricate twists and turns spelling out his Pact in a language few comprehended. Orcus sent him visions and signs leading him to another of his chosen. He found a kindred spirit in Artemis. They were two sides of the same coin. Feyson was a scalpel to Artemis’s great-sword. With the partnership they both feed souls to their Dark Lord.

Peltasts x 1; Levymen x 2; Bandits x 1
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Charwoman Gene

Lucius Shadowleaf
Wood Elf Fighter(Scout) Outlander
Str 12 Dex 16 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 10
[sblock=Appearance & Personality]
Hair: Dark Blonde
Eyes: Green
Skin: Fair
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 125 lb.
Age: 123
An exercise in messiness, Lucius’s ragged appearance can be rather off putting. His raggedly cut hair ends near his shoulders, and he often keeps himself hooded.

Lucius’s quiet manner and simple speech render him very forgettable in social situations.
He plays the flute at every opportunity that wouldn’t threaten stealth.
The Elven Republic must survive, through whatever means are necessary.
The Iron Wolves are my family. Their blood is my blood.
Lucius is a gifted tactician, but his strategic instincts are very poor

Class Fighter 5 (Scout)
Background Outlander
Alignment N
hp 44
AC 15
Speed 35
Size Medium
Passive perception 14
[BSTR[/B] +3 DEX +3 CON +4 INT +0 WIS +2 CHA +0

Armor All armor, shields
Weapons Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools Flute

Acrobatics +5
Animal Handling +2
Arcana +0
Athletics +3
Deception +0
History +0
Insight +2
Intimidation +0
Investigation +0
Medicine +2
Nature +0
Perception +4
Performance +0
Persuasion +0
Religion +0
Sleight of Hand +3
Stealth +5
Survival +4

Initiative +3*
Longbow ranged martial weapon: +7, 1d8+3 piercing damage, ammunition, range 150/600, heavy, Two-Handed
Rapier melee martial weapon: +5, 1d8+3 piercing damage,finesse

Background Feature: Wanderer
You have an excellent memory for maps and geography, and you can always recall the general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around you. In addition, you can find food and fresh water for yourself and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers berries, small game,water, and so forth.

Class: Fighter
Fighting Style -- Archery
You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.
Second Wind
Bonus Action, 1d10+5 healed [Short/Long Rest]
Action Surge (One use)
On your turn, one additional action [Short/Long Rest]
Martial Archetype: Scout
Bonus Proficiencies
Natural Explorer (Also travel abilities)
-You ignore difficult terrain.
-You have advantage on initiative rolls. *
-On your first turn during combat, you have advantage on attack rolls against creatures that have not yet acted.
Combat Superiority: 4d8 [Short/Long Rest]
Maneuvers: (Save DC: 16)
-Add Sup Die to Athletics, Nature, Perception, Stealth, or Survival checks.
-Add Sup DIe to Attack Roll
-Reaction: one sup die add to AC, half damage if hits anyway
Feat: Sharpshooter
-Attacking at long range doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged weapon attack rolls.
-Your ranged weapon attacks ignore half cover and three-quarters cover.
-Before you make an attack with a ranged weapon that you are proficient with, you can choose to take a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you add +10 to the attack’s damage.

Studded Leather’
longbow, and 20 arrows
Includes a backpack, a bedroll,
a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet o f hempen rope strapped to the side of it.
A staff, a hunting trap, a trophy from an
animal you killed, a set of traveler’s clothes, and a belt pouch
Money: 17 gp
[sblock=Goals and Background]
Orphaned and alone in the woods as a child, Lucius tought himself how to survive in the wild. His rudimentary training with the bow served him well, and he became an excellent shot. His wandering put him in touch with the Orc tribes, whom he learned much about archery from. Eventually he encountered elves, and grew to be the commander of a small force in the wars. WIth the breakup of the elves into factions, he withdrew to the wild lands, retaining a few loyal troops. He eventually fell in with the Iron Wolves, gaiing their loyalty as he gained theirs.

Goal: Lucius’s ultimate goal is to see the Republic strong and united once again.

Lucius commands a stand of loyal Sagittari from his imperial days, and has raised up a motley crew ow various races and is trying to train them to be archers, but currently has them using crossbows until the training and equipping is complete.
1 Stand Sagittarii - 1 @ 700 gp = 700gp
3 Stands Bandits - 3 @ 100 gp =300gp
Total = 1000gp
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Members of The Iron Wolves


Race: Drow
Alignment: N
Role: Scout

Personality Traits:
"Elves are superior to other races. But we must not be too smug about it."
"Follow the money, but follow the Officers a little more."

"The world is a cruel place; Better to climb up the food chain than stay at the bottom."

"The Wolves are my Family now: they have earned that respect."

"I'd rather no one know where I come from, and I'll do anything to keep that a secret."[/section]

Alignment: LN
Role: Senior Lieutenant

Personality Traits:
"There's still much for this old soldier to learn. New ideas often bring victory."
"The younger ones are my responsibility, even the Officers."

"These constant wars must end. The world has known too much conflict in too short a time."

"Everyone comes home: No exceptions."

"I'm unwilling to risk the lives of my men: I'll disobey orders if I find the command unsavory."[/section]

Alignment: N
Role: Senior Hoplite

Personality Traits:
"Every avenue to Victory is an honorable one."
"Train. Train until you sweat blood. Then keep training."

"Kadmos had the right idea: these petty feuds must be crushed, and humanity united once more."

"Commander Theo took me in after the fall. I owe him my life."

"I have no patience for cowardice. Face the enemy like a warrior, or suffer my flail."[/section]


Notable Characters


In The Service of Queen Pantea

Queen Pantea, Haere of Kadmos
Alignment: LN
Role: One of the Haere

Personality Traits:




General Thalassa
Alignment: LN
Role: General of The Spears of Foslo

Personality Traits:
"My courage is unshakable, and my will more so."
"Information is more valuable than all the steel and gold in The East."

"Pantea will bring about Peace in this land, and I will lead that charge."

"My first duty is to my Troops, then My Queen."

"Trust no one. Trust is how The Empire fell. Keep tabs on friend and foe alike."[/section]

Captain Basileios
Alignment: NGRole: Captain of The Spears of Foslo

Personality Traits:
"I'm ready and eager to prove that I've earned my position."
"Pantea is a rightful ruler of The East; insult her at your own risk."

"It takes more than just Humanity to put the pieces of The Empire back together; Unity makes us Stronger."

"General Thalassa is a great leader: I'd follow her to the Styx and back."

"I still harbor prejudices against Non-Humans from endless years of war. Maybe they're not all worth it."[/section]


Members of the Dwarven Tribes

Alignment: NG
Role: Leader of the Druidic Council of the Averni

Personality Traits:
"I trust in the Gods: they have a plan, even if my eyesight is too poor to see it."
"My people have suffered enough. We need our independence, for we have little left."

"Freedom for all of the Tribes: this is our Gods-given right."

"The Averni trust me to guide them. I will never betray this trust."

"I am unwilling to compromise when it comes to my Tribe: too often have such deals been used against us. No more!"[/section]


In The Service of King Patroklos

King Patroklos, Haere of Kadmos
Alignment: LE
Role: One of the Haere

Personality Traits:




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