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Races in my world


haha, thanks to @Corwin I can restart this thread. Same story as before.
A young world, with much to promise, slowly pulling its way out of the Chaos that surrounds the universe. Constant shifting of Alliances and territories, soon leading to no one trusting anyone else. Gods are born, slowly growing in their believers eyes, and withering as a new civilization crumbles. Throughout all of this, the creatures on this world do not realize that there is more land to be found, just through the Chaos that surrounds their small country. One tribe of Hin, fed up with the wars, ask their god for a way to escape, to which the answer is simply "walk". Trusting in their god, they do. They walk directly into the Chaos, firm in the belief that they will be protected. As they do this, it melts away before them, carving a path through the billowing void that has enclosed society for so long. They push on, finding that their belief, their raw power of Need, pushes the Chaos away for miles, giving them everything they need, and a million new things they never even knew they wanted.

Alas, this was not to last long. With the new land came new creatures, creatures that were once nothing more than floating sparks within the Chaos, and now are living embodiments of that strange force. Even worse, the other races soon find the hole they pushed into the Chaos, and follow. The Hin were fighting a desperate war on two sides by this point, while the other races attempted to furiously charge ahead of each other into this new land to conquer. Looking for help from their god, the Hin begged, day and night, for a way to end the war, but received no answer. They had left their god behind, in the old world, and were instead under new gods. One took pity on them, and asked what she could do to help. They asked her to help them make more land, hoping that if there was more space to share, the Races would fight less. So she helped, walking to the edge of her Domain in the Divine Lands, and pushing against the Chaos there, as the Hin did the same on the Material. The goddess could not push far beyond her Domain, but passed the torch to a new god, asking him to continue her charge. Lucky for her, this new god was Warlike, and was happy to have such a destructive foe as the Chaos to fight. This was a hard time for the Hin, as they were forced to march almost constantly, day and night, to keep up with this new god. However, he was loath to pass his torch to the next god, and instead wanted to assist the new god in pushing even further. Unfortunately for the Hin, this god was happy for the help.

So it was that, over the following years, the Hin traveled almost constantly, shaping the world in their wake and leaving very few pockets of Chaos, on their Plane at least. As their world fell out of the Era of War, the gods above started their true battle. Chaos pushed against their Plane from all sides, and the many new gods that the Hin had found had to fight this dark force. So it was that, during the Era of Greatest Peace on the Material Plane, the Gods fought the Chaos war. A bloody battle, raging for nearly a century against seemingly endless swarms of beasts and monstrosities, the gods began to fall, and the sky below began to darken one shade at a time. In their paranoia, the races below threw themselves into war again, each one believing the fault lay with the others. Slowly but surely, despite the Hin's best efforts to bring peace, the war began again. Chaos found new roots within the world, thriving in the already untamed nature, and corrupting what gods there were that held sway in the Uncivilized Reaches.

This brings us to the New Era. Both Wars have ended, as the Chaos bled from above into the Material Plane, and the Races below had to stop their fighting, and work together simply to scrape by. An Era of relative peace, but much strife, the Races now must survive, drawing power from the few gods that remain to possibly push the Chaos back once again.

Second note: I have since decided this is basically the thread for my Races, while previously it was just a general worldbuilding thread. So, while there is some general stuff here at the beginning, it should be all races going forward.

EDIT: Second note being said, I will also now fix the world history, which has changed a good deal since my first posting of my scattered thoughts.
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These will be added to or changed as becomes necessary, and will be made into links to the relevant post as I get through them. This section is potentially endless, since I have no idea how many races I might cram into the world.

Currently known races


Dragonborn (Drakar)

Tiefling and Aasimar will be templates which replace subraces, as will a large number of Half-breeds like Half-Elf and Half-Orc.

Gods: each will have their own bio, explaining what they are like in my world, and why they are that way.

The Morrigan
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Kobolds are an unfortunate bunch of creatures. Among the smallest of all sentient races, they found themselves perfect prey for all sorts of undesirable beasts. Rather than go groveling to the Cities like most, they forged their own communities. Ramshackle huts, cities of tents, or re-purposed caves can all be found as houses for Kobold Cities, a tight knit society. They have learned that, because of their size, the only way to survive is together.

Cave Kobolds

Possibly the least representative of the normal pack-like behavior of Kobolds, these cave dwellers can be found Underground. What many don't recognize is that they still hold that pack instinct within them, but consider their pack much tighter than most. You will most often see groups of five or six traveling together, and never fewer than three. The largest known gathering of them is in the City of Gaulder, where hundreds live together in a confusing political environment.
-Darkvision 60 feet
-Sunlight sensitivity
-Pack tactics

Desert Kobolds

On the other end of the spectrum lies the Desert Kobolds, living out on the Wastes. They travel in massive roving bands, leaving a beautiful chain of lights behind them, as their caravans stretch for miles. This sight represents salvation for many, or a perfect target. These kobolds are notable for their adaptations to survive in the desert, growing a rough skin to protect against heat, and spikes to defend against predators, as well as help collect what little moisture can be found in the Wastes. They have snouts much shorter than most kobolds, with rough pits in the nose that allow them to see heat in a small radius.
-Pack tactics
-Spiked hide: Advantage to escape grapples, creatures grappling you take 1d6 piercing damage at the start of their turn.
-Infrared vision: See living creatures within 10 feet

Water Kobolds

The most savage incarnation of the Pack mentality, these Kobolds can be seen traveling in Swamps, or shallows by the coast. Highly territorial, they will attack almost anything in sight. Using their superior strength, and a little poison, they focus on dragging their prey underwater, where they have the advantage, and the poor target can be swarmed from all sides by their gnashing teeth.
-Advantage to grapple
-Bite: 1d4 piercing save against paralysis until the start of your next turn. DC equals 8+prof+Con
-Pack Tactics
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Racial draft: Gnomes
Second in their paranoia only to the Dwarves, the vast majority of the Gnomes closed themselves in their temples even before the Resurgence of Chaos, believing that the times of peace were numbered, and that a cataclysm was sure to follow. During this time they consulted with the Spirits of the elements, rather than the gods, and worked to hone their bodies and minds. Now the cataclysm they foresaw has passed, and they move out into the world to spread their teachings to the survivors.

Temple Gnomes

Mastering a balance of body and mind, these Gnomes are often mystical to the other races. They are capable of maintaining a perfect calm through the most dire of circumstances, and face the dangers of the new world with a calm curiosity. Within their temples, they represent sanctuary from the chaos, as they use their martial skills to defend all who reside within. Outside their temples, they are an oddity, once rumored to be extinct.

Crafting Gnomes
These Gnomes are most often seen in small clusters traveling with other races. they are known for their ingenuity and dedication. They have proven themselves to be savvy engineers, capable of blending magic and technology, to a degree, with devastating effect.

Island gnomes
Living far away from the rest of the world, these Gnomes have enjoyed a peaceful history on an island paradise. They have a calm life on a chain of islands, months travel by sea from anywhere and everywhere else, the rare few seen on the mainland chose a life of adventure, either finding that the peace of home was boring, or feeling guilty that they had such a perfect upbringing in a world of fear.
NOTE: These Gnomes are not immediately available. adventurers must find the chain of islands, and establish trade routes for them to be playable (currently. I may change my mind on this)

Northern Gnomes
These Gnomes are only seen naturally in the far north, deep in the snowy tundra called The White. Black skinned and white haired, these Gnomes could not be more different from Drow. They are perpetually cheery, and are among the best home makers in the world. Those gifted in magic are most often seen working as Warlocks of Saint Nicholas, Archfey of the North, spreading joy wherever they may be in the world. Those without the gift of magic work with Nicholas personally, helping him prepare for his annual Journey, out to spread joy for the good, and bludgeon the evil with his massive sack of coal.
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Racial Draft: Hin
Tribal warriors, and one of the few forces with enough knowledge of survival to combat the Elves monopoly on safe travel. They were the first race to follow a god, and most continue to be faithful to those deities who still listen. The Descendants of The First Followers are the closest to the gods, and often act as their agents on the Material Plane. The Plains Walkers hold sway over most of the Northern Reaches, empty plains that seem to go on forever. Lastly, there are the Jungle Folk, who feel that they were cheated out of a place with the gods. They sit within the jungles to the east of the Mountains, and are hostile to most who enter, though they pay homage to deeper primal forces within the jungles.


Much like their ancestors, these Hin keep a close relationship with the gods, and are often on a friendly basis with at least one deity. They are also excellent negotiators, and are most often seen acting as ambassadors in the territories of other races.

Plains Walkers

The most numerous of the Hin, or at least the most often seen, they are well respected among the Northern Folk, for holding the tenuous line between The Forest and the Quiet Plains, keeping the chaotic beasts at bay.

Jungle Folk

The descendants of a warrior tribe, they tell tales of how their ancestors were destined to battle with the gods during the Chaos War, but feel that the appearance of the new gods denied them that chance. Now they hold sway in the Jungles, wary or any interlopers, and despising anyone who follows the new gods. It is not uncommon to see trees lined with various burned holy symbols on the borders of their territory.


I doubt this will be the final draft, but it will give a basic idea of what drives Aphrodite in my world.

God Draft: Aphrodite

Aphrodite was the Goddess of Love and Fertility in her world. While the rest of her Pantheon proved pivotal in the Chaos War, Aphrodite found her powers nearly useless against their foes. She remained on the back lines of the War, looking remarkably similar to those young boys who would be dragged away from their families to fight in the wars of their country, novice and helpless. She survived the War by luck, having been kept out of the thick of the battles. by the time the War reached her, it was nearly over, and Pan ended the War, dying in his last great rage against the Chaos.

After this, Aphrodite was lost. All of the gods that remained had lost someone, but she was the only one who had been truly useless, and it grated on her. She made a choice, to change and be ready for the next War. She began by training with Apollo, learning to use the bow, then moved on to the Morrigan to learn swordplay. After learning what they had to teach her, she looked to the mortals, knowing that they had perfected a hundred different styles of fighting. She traveled from Training camp to Temple, Tribe to city, learning from the Sentient races all of their enumerable techniques and weapons.


Here's my crappy map. Consider it as being drawn from the point of view of someone in the world, not someone who knows what it actually looks like from above. I can pretty much answer any questions regarding what is on here, if there are any.

Voidrunner's Codex

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