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D&D 5E Enhancing "Storm King's Thunder"

Maybe a relic of the open world design of Storm King's Thunder - at its core, that seems to be an AP in the mold of an Elder Scrolls game. Sure, there is an important main plot, and you'll get to it in good time, but that doesn't mean that you cannot wander around first - go explore the world, find cool stuff, and generally forge your own narrative a little. Of course, not every side quest in Elder Scrolls has a particularly important or exciting conclusion - and that's okay, since it adds to the varied feel of the whole thing.

An interesting element of the open world wandering is that it is entirely possible for the players in SKT to find and defeat one of the Giant Lords without ever reaching the Temple of Annam. If they wander up the Delimbyr Vale far enough, for example, it is very likely that they'll try to find and defeat Thane Kayalithica regardless of what Harshnag says to them.

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First Post
I am weaving Tyranny of Dragons with Storm Kings Thunder.

For me, the Cult of the Dragon instigated Hekatons abduction as a way to break the ordning and put the ancient foe of dragons into disarray. I am keeping the various other giants behaving badly, and so when they get to RoT and the council bit, getting the Giants to focus on the dragons is the goal, thus the need to "fix" the ordning. I'll leave it to the players, but installing another giant at the top of the ordning is fine, but Hekaton possesses the Maguffin so the adventure can still mostly progress as written, they just might choose to kill hekaton and take the maguffin...


And, yet another one ;)I've just uploaded a DM's Resource for Triboar. The product is created to enhance the town of Triboar when you run it during the Storm King's Thunder adventure, as well as significantly reduce the preparation time needed to run Triboar in an entertaining way. The download includes:

  • Introductions - a guide to introducing Triboar and its NPCs to your players in an immersive and entertaining manner. Includes two one-page quests that introduce your party to all the playable NPCs.
  • Attack on Triboar - a step-by-step guide to running the attack on Triboar, giving you a plan to follow so that you don't get overwhelmed.
  • Playable NPCs - an evaluation of each playable NPC.
  • NPC Quests - an evaluation of each NPC quest, as well as advice on which to focus on.
  • Maps - two 50 x 50 handdrawn maps of different locations in Triboar, that can be both printed or used with a digital tabletop. The features of each map are also explained, and each map come in a gridded and ungridded version. The maps are scaled perfectly to the map of the town found in the book.
  • Creature Cards - Printable index cards for each of the creatures your players are likely to interact with during the attack on Triboar.

The two quests were very useful, thanks for including them!

Your guide was really useful, my group are starting to learn about Triboar. When things start to slow...the giants will arrive. :D


My player's characters are Magnus, a human sorcerer from Julkoun (a village east of Daggerford), Felis, a wood elf druid who has lived as a hermit in recent years, Draxilraen, a half-drow rogue who is an agent of Bregan D'aerthe (home-brewed background), and Johan, a human fighter who is a member of the Roaringhorn noble family from Amphail.

I've used bits of Scourge of the Sword Coast as my starting point (rather than Chapter 1). The PCs arrived in Daggerford along with a caravan of refugees fleeing villages bombarded by rampaging hill giants. The Daggerford gates were firmly closed though and no new arrivals were being allowed us. Johan persuaded the guards to let him in to see the Duke while Draxilraen and the others sneaked in behind them. Once in Daggerford they found the city almost full to the brim with refugees and the Duke in a rage because someone had stolen something from him. After a brief investigation the characters found themselves roped into investigating the disappearance of the item--the Deliymber Bloke. Leads within the city walls pointed to a dwarf who had recently left for Firehammer Hold and a sculptor he had dealings with who had also left town--apparently to Julkoun. Deciding to follow this lead the characters headed towards Julkoun. A day or so outside the village they were attacked by goblins riding wolves. Dispatching them, they were then contacted by a dryad who told them that the goblins were part of a larger group who were following hill giants around, taking advantage of the destruction and havoc.

Approaching the village from the north the characters could see some hobgoblins in the lower section but, more importantly, they spotted what looked like a way through the walls without being spotted in the higher section. Their entrance took them into the back of the Jester's Pride Inn where they came across the resting goblins and hobgoblins. Working their way through the Inn they cleared it out without too many issues and then moved onto the lower village, dispatching the remaining goblinoids (my dice rolling was appalling!)

They did manage to capture one alive though and questioned him as to the location of the villagers. From this they learnt that the villagers had been sold to some duergar who had taken residence in Firehammer Hold. After resting, they started the journey north. Upon reaching the Hold, they found a secret door and started exploring. In one of the rooms there where engraved murals depicting dwarves battling a blue dragon. Felis and Magnus racked their brains and recalled some information about a blue dragon that was once known in this part of the world--Iymrith.

The characters managed to sneak further into the Hold but their luck failed them at the wrong moment and they found themselves assailed by a large number of duergar. Things started looking very grim but, thanks to some careful spells, the tide turned and they were victorious. They have holed up in a secure location to recover before descending deeper into the Hold to rescue the villagers.

OOC Notes
I gave the players a hand out on Iymrith taken from the Wyrms of the North article in Dragon magazine. Likewise, in the deeps of the Hold they will come across a similar mural, this time depicting Kaluth--and again there will be a hand out on him. I've done it this way to provide some foreshadowing but hopefully it won't be too overt ;)

Once the characters have cleared out the Hold and rescued the villagers they will receive the quests that the villagers from Chapter 1 of SKT would have given out. Probably directing them to Goldenfields as I'm keeping things, kind of, local at the moment.


Thanks a lot, I'm happy to hear that the guide has been of use to you! If you have the time, a rating or review on the DM's Guild would mean the world to me! :)

So, my players went after the hill giant chief and then went to visit the storm giant court in today's session. It went really well - the party used the female hill giant from the broken tower to pull her husband guard away from the front door (to the bemusement of the other humanoids around, but then again, they have seen a lot of weird stuff since they've been hired on). The half orc in the party persuaded the orcs outside the stedding that he was a new recruit, which allowed him to scout out the place, then nearly blew it when asked why he was headed back out again by saying that he thought he saw humans outside (which put the whole place on alert). Thankfully, he was able to turn this to his advantage by riding along with a goblin scout, killing the goblin and wolf when they met the rest of the party, and then using the rest of the party in the old "fake captives" routine. Taken before Guh's "throne", they managed complete surprise and caused her to fall to the floor (and then, to the level below when she broke through one of the pit coverings), while the sorcerer cast confusion on the remaining hill giants (one of which walked unerringly due north, through the wall, and summarily drowned in the lake beyond). The party was able defeat the remaining hill giants (the goblins wisely scattered and some of the hill giants and ogres ran down to help their incapacitated chief on her bellowing orders), grab all the loot, and escape in the utter chaos they had caused.

The storm giant hold was even more interesting. For anyone running the campaign, make sure that anyone sneaking out of the storm giant start area and up towards the main hall notices the passageway to the kitchen immediately to the left of the stairs they climb. My group was able to sneak past all the giants (as they were paying attention to the performing princesses) and into that corridor and the kitchen beyond. Then, I had the gathered giant lords, during a break in the princesses' concert, go to the kitchen to get some snacks. This allowed the party to overhear their conversation, which brought up plot points they had missed (mainly that Iymrith, who had been identified by the dragon cultists as the dragon that wrecked the Eye of the All-Father, was an advisor at the storm giant court), as well as bringing up each giant's particular personality quirk for use later on. Allowing the party to overhear this sort of conversation proved to be really helpful in the smooth running of this part of the adventure.

After some further exploring (in which my swashbuckler got a very lucky roll by me on the magic item table and got a flame tongue rapier), they found that, since they couldn't traverse the watery passages they would need to sneak past the giants in the reception room again. This time they were caught and taken by the guards to the guest rooms while the princesses "spoke to their sister". Of course they simply decided to dispose of them by ordering the other giant lords to kill them. My players used the info they had overheard to persuade three of the giant lords not to kill them and lead them to Serissa. This rapidly led to the exposure of Iymrith and the sisters. Finally, when Serissa showed the party the coin, my group, having already encountered such coins on the party barge in Yartar, immediately guessed where they needed to go next. She has also mentioned in passing that once her father has been rescued, that she would like the party to go after the remaining rebel giant lords.

Next week, they should go and rescue Hekaton, and probably get to work on taking out the remaining giant leaders...
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"...my group, having already encountered such coins on the party barge in Yartar, immediately guessed where they needed to go next."

Well played, DM. That kind of closing of the circle in a campaign is worth its weight in diamond dust.

"...my group, having already encountered such coins on the party barge in Yartar, immediately guessed where they needed to go next."

Well played, DM. That kind of closing of the circle in a campaign is worth its weight in diamond dust.

That's why I recommend choosing Triboar as the location to use in Chapter 2. The party is almost guaranteed to go through Yartar for the follow-up quests, in all likelihood twice. Once they are in Yartar, it's easy to get them curious about the party barge and set up a lot of the later adventure well in advance. The best part about it is that since virtually every settlement has a side-adventure as a bit of local color, my players just assumed it was a minor side diversion instead of something hugely plot relevant!
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