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Rats of NIMH meets DND (recruiting)


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Wanting 4-6 players for an unusual game. Rats of NIMH meets DND.

Posting frequency every other day or so (but more preferred) . I will be doing some international traveling in the next couple weeks so there may be interruptions. Or I may be stuck in an airport coffee shop for 8 hours writing game replies.

I have a 4 month summer break, so I have time for this again.


You live in cages and Daddy feeds you and pets you and teaches you tricks and plays games with you. Daddy is big and dark and wears grey robes. You have brothers and sisters in the other cages on the shelf. Sometimes Daddy takes them away. Sometimes Daddy changes them. Sometimes Daddy brings new ones. You don’t remember anything before Daddy. You know there was something before you started remembering, and you think you have changed somehow, but you don’t really understand. You just wait for your turn to play and time to eat.

Character creation. (No stats yet. Description first. Make something that is mobile and able to go on an adventure. I may tweak to fit the set up. )

Create a mix-match creature. gm-squid-bear.jpg

Your skin is: scaly, bumpy, hairy, furry (loose skin, dense hair), feathered, hard (exo), tough, hairless, sparse hair, slimy, rubbery, thorns, quills, snailshell. (Choose one or a combination that makes sense. You may customize)

Your tail is: none, short, long, prehensile, has a stinger, has a blade, has a pincer, whiplike, has a fin, has a propeller. (customize, but not too complex)

Your tongue is: none, fixed to bottom of mouth, sharp, hard,……

You mouth is: None (eat breath somehow else, describe how), a tube (butterfly, anteater), a piercer (mosquito), Lips, soft beak (dolphin), hardbeak (birdlike/squidlike), has teeth(describe), toothless, fishlike…..

How many legs/limbs do you have? None(snake/worm), 1 foot (snail), ……

Your limbs are: (don’t do anything completely aquatic, must be mobile, must have a ground based movement mode.). Tentacles, bug like, mammal like, 2 feet and wings, …..

Your fingers are: none/nil, agile, clawed, suction cups…..

Your eyes are: Color/number/ anything special? Eyelids?

Any decorations? Frills, horns, antennae, ect.

Your colors are: any pattern?

You are very: (ability or skill)

Your best trick is: (subject to dm approval)

If you are feeling artistic, a drawing would be nice.

Name: 1 to 3 syllables that you use amount your siblings. Daddy calls you something else. Like “Special-men won-therdy-do”. “Special-men” must be the name of your family….

Game will be using a variation of d20 (3.5 mostly, spiced with a bit of 5e and pf) with some d100 (odd skills). Worry about character more than stats for now. Rules will be customized as we go, and character creation will continue though the introductory adventure. In-game decisions will effect character stats (computer rpg personality test). Character sheets will be issued after the first adventure.

In the introductory adventure you will sometimes be acting as individuals and sometimes be acting as a group. Think scared clutch of ducklings.
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Well any mention of NIMH has my attention, but I have a few questions, a see obviously the physical mutation bit, but how does this relate to NIMH, in my opinion a NIMH game would have altered mental states, not physical.

Many different classes of rats, mice, maybe ferrets or similar, but I don’t see the physical mutation. Anyway I am game, I just need a little more games system information before I commit, what is the system?


First Post
The mental aspect starts off with the critter being smarter than a rat. Minimum INT and CHA 8. How smart Algernon ultimately gets depends.....

For character creations you just describe it, and then we stat it out, based on what is already available in the MM. Probably take a wrymling chassis, junk the subtype and breath weapon, and then bolt on, say, cactus thorns and spider legs and lobster claws. This could range form the Wuzzels to Alien.

The system will be mostly 3.5, but we can borrow parts form PF or 5e.

The advancement and leveling system will be custom, and figuring out how those mechanics is part of the mystery as you explore the lab....

Ever see Firestarter? Or Iron Man 3? Captain America? They had to test those serums on some(non)body before human trials...
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