• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E EB's ToEE and RttToEE Campaign - IC


Putting down the tea absently, "Now, Master Javin; where do we stand on the matter of this wheel of yours?"

Javin Mertall.jpg "We are ready mi'lady. I must warn you though that we will need to push on well past dark, it will be tiresome for some." he says frowning at those that will take turns walking.

"But I can promise you a bed at the end of your journey, and not the cold hard ground to sleep on," he hastily adds.

The prospect of a bed is grand news to everyone, so no one disagrees with traveling after dark. After gathering their loot and quenching the fire, the merchant train sets out once more, weary of the forest about them.

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24th of Goodmonth 579 CY
the Village of Hommlet
11:39 pm

The party has been traveling all day and even though the trip was broken up as best as Javin could manage the trek was exhausting to say the least. Only a full nights rest can cure the trouble that ails your weary bodies, the troubles that weigh on your mind will hopefully find a way to work themselves out.

As you reach the first crossroads into the sleepy village, Rana and Aridha leave the group heading down the opposite road. Before leaving she instructs Zanword to help protect the ladies and tells the rest of the group to keep Zanword out of trouble. With a raspy tired croak she informs everyone that the two of them will join everyone at the Inn of the Welcome Wench in the morning.

A few minutes later Hexiros is helping Emmyr get Rebekah's chest out of the second cart. They have stopped in front of the inn, where Javin pays his farewells to the Lady Rebekah, Gwylla, Emmyr, and Zanword. The four watch the carts slowly trudge up the dirt road, before turning their attention on the huge building before them.

OOC: Everyone suffers one level of Exhaustion from the force march.
Best way I know to have players want to see their characters get to bed.


Tired beyond belief Rana's steps are heavy though not due to her fatigue. The road bends ahead and the nearly full moon lights the road well, but Rana's eyes are closed, squeezed shut to keep back the tears. She knows this path so well she needs no help in finding her way... home.

Rana cabin.jpg

"Whose house was that?" Aridha asks looking at the broken down cabin that the forest seems trying to swallow up.

"Mine," Rana says softly. "Mine and Gill's, from years long, long ago." Stepping as if wearing leaden shoes Rana makes it to the building and places a wrinkled hand on the wood, her eyes shut tight.

After a moment Aridha kicks at the dirt, and the old crone's eyes shoot open. "Don't stand there. Undo the harness and take the frog out back to the stream. Then meet me inside." The younger woman jumps at the familiar snap of Rana's commanding voice.

Inside the cabin is a jumbled mess of leaves, branches, and bits and pieces of furniture mostly broken or wood beetle eaten. Rana goes to the fireplace as Aridha lays out their blankets. Above the fireplace is an oval shaped discoloration, where a painting of both her and her late husband once hung. She wonders a moment who would take it, and then her eyes see a broken pipe laying on the mantel, one of Gill's old pipes. She clutches it close...


"I can't stay awake another minute," Aridha says through another yawn, then here eyes widen. "Are you sure this is safe?" All thought of sleep forgotten. "maybe I should...Oww!" A small sting strikes the back of her neck. "Hey, what was thhaat ffooorr?"


"Sleep child," Rana says putting out a finger for a small strange insect to land on. "All will be well, the Lady will watch over us." She nods to the bug in thanks. The gossamer wings buzz quickly as if to say, your welcome, in reply.

OOC: and you didn't want to take sleep - :p


Standing before a large two and a half story building Rebekah, Gwylla, Emmyr, and Zanword watch as Javin and his carts meander slowly up the road. Wearily they gather their belongings, (Zanword on one side of the chest, Emmyr the other) and walk to the porch of the Inn of the Welcome Wench.


The two half elven women hold the heavy door wide, as the chest enters and then is put onto the nearest table. The large room has a high ceiling supported by whole tree trunks adron with ivy and carvings of woodland creatures. Tables of different shapes and sizes, along with chairs of every stripe are haphazardly strewn about the room. The smell of beer, roast fowl, and pipe smoke dominate the room.

Poe.png "Hey, now! What are you all up to here?" a gaunt old man says approaching the group.

"We are weary from the road. And are here to seek rooms for the night, perhaps the week."
Rebekah says so tired, only the need to maintain poise keeps her standing and not plopping into a chair. Gwylla has no qualms and plops away.

"Mah Lady is tired," Emmyr says untying his belt pouch and putting the jingling satchel on the table beside the chest. "A room, your best now, for her and her companion," Emmyr adds crossing his massive arms. "We," he nods to Zanword, "will sleep in the commons."

"I'll sleep right here standing up," Zanword says with a grin. His legs filling like a new swab's on his first trip upon the open blue.

"You'll pay half a week up front," the old man says eyeing the satchel. "Then tomorrow, you can decide to pay the rest and stay the week or you'll get the difference back."

A young lady and scullion boy of twelve approach from the bar area. The boy rubs at his sleepy eyes.

barmaid_1.jpg "Come now Poe, haggle less so these people, and the rest of us, can try and get some much needed sleep."

She sends the scullion off to have the fires in the room lit and wash water readied. "We rarely get travelers at this late hour, but the Inn of the Welcome Wench is always ready to serve. Come, come," she says helping Gwylla to her feet and leading her and Rebekah to the stairs.

After the young lass is gone, "Half now." Poe says holding out a hand. Emmyr grumbles as he counts out the coins for three nights lodging and breakfast in the morning, to tired to haggle. (8gp, 9sp) Then he and Zanword take the chest up the stairs the women ascended. When they are out of ear shot the dwarf mutters to the half-elf, "You owes the Lady five silver spires."

Later the two warriors are bedding down, Zanword watches as the dwarf searches his backpack, armor, and pockets looking for something. "What are you missing?" Zanword asks causally.

"The five silver you owe us." the dwarf mutters in retort.

"No really what is it?"

"That darn dagger," the dwarf says bewildered. "Must have dropped it along the road."

Zanword had a feeling the dwarf would see that dagger again one day.
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After leaving the others off at the inn, Hexiros and Templeton continue on with Javin to the local teamster. Tired, they watch as Javin pounds on the door, and then argues with the man who answered about the late hour. Eventually the man gives in and orders Javin to bring his carts around back.

Minutes later, body running on empty, the carts are secured and the horses are almost completely brushed down. Javin and the teamster walk by and one word perks up both sets of ears...

"...bandits it was."
The teamster says finishing his sentence. "I lost a horse, cart, and the poor souls driving her. The way north isn't safe, you may..."

"Neither is the way south,"
Javin interrupts. "I'll sell you my extra cart, make up for what those dog-men took and with one cart not bogged down I may be able to outrun whatever tries to rob me. Men or dogs."

They continue on past, haggling prices as they go.

With everything done Templeton and Hexiros stand before Javin as he counts out the other half of the pay for their services. "Sorry, that this is the end of our arrangement, not sure what lies ahead. But I'm planning on traveling fast and light," he says eyeing the silver armor and huge weapons.

"And I'll only have one cart too." he amends with a look to the rogue.

"Well here you are," he says handing over the coins. "And Kolon says you can stay the night in the loft there." he adds pointing to a ladder. Templeton swiftly climbs up and disappears over the edge.

"The bandits..."
Hexiros starts to say.

Javin holds up his hands to stop him, "Not dog-men," he says starting to walk away. "Regular men. People around here call them The Flaming Eye Bandits. They operate out of some moathouse in the swamp to the east. You may want to let your friends know. But I want nothing to do with... with whatever it is you are doing."

At the door he turns around and watches Hexiros climb the ladder, "Gods watch over all of you, and good luck." he whispers in farewell.

At the top of the ladder the dragonborn sees a small neat area with three cots, a washstand, and two chairs. Templeton is already abed fully dressed as if the omens from this day hadn't affected him at all. The dragonborn knows better, no man or dragon, can escape the strings of destiny once they tie themselves to you.

Struggling out of his armor he looks at the weapons sitting against the wall. "Sword," he chuckles. "I've never owned a sword. How can I be one?"


"Least ye gettin' ta be sumting useful," Templeton says still laying back eyes closed. "Pwst! A crowbar! Really!? Why I can't..."

"Can't what? Can't be both tool and weapon? Ever been hit by a crowbar before?", the dragonborn asks putting away his gear and then sits atop his cot cross-legged. Templeton opens an eye to study the seriousness of his companion.

(Insight: oh very serious)

A nearly toothless grin crosses his face, "Well since ya puts it thataway. I be in."

Hexiros nods. "In the morning we will join the others and let them know about these bandits. From there...?", he shrugs and then turns in for a much need rest.

OOC: +2gp to each of you, other half of your pay, and your both Folk Heroes how'd that happen?? Rustic Hospitality for the both of you
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First Post
Sometimes people writing about having a dream will say something like, 'they woke up, but it was a dream instead of being awake.' But that's wrong. That's not how dreams are at all.

Aridha didn't suddenly come to consciousness in her dream. She was just...there. As if she'd always been there. She didn't remember anything outside of it. It was, she would think later, disturbingly like being awake.

She wasn't sure where she was. It was dark, and warm and humid. The ground she was sitting on wasn't like normal earth or stone. It was soft and a little moist. Moss maybe, but warmer. There was a sound. A repeating, low-pitched whooshing noise. Something breathing heavily. Something big.

High above her, a silver-white ball of light appeared. The moon hung there. Only...then a black dot swerved down its surface and Aridha frowned, trying to see what it was. Something moving between her and the moon? Or something ON the moon?

Then the moon blinked. Underneath it a jagged crack opened in the sky, lined with mismatched teeth that glimmered in the moonlight.

...it's time.

In the light of the...the moon? The eye? Aridha could see the bare silhouette of a monstrous head. A snout, shaggy fur, tusks, antlers, all hinted at without ever quite being completely revealed. It almost seemed to change, moment to moment. She'd see the curled horns of a ram...then it would blink and when its eye opened again there would be branching stag-like points. Its other eye was swollen and closed.

Aridha jumped to her feet, almost losing her balance as the ground undulated under her for a second.

The monster looked up...and far, far overhead Aridha could feel the moon. The real moon. Not a light in the sky but a PULL.


The beast did not speak, but Aridha understood it all the same. A thunderous cacophony of roars and bellows and shrill cries and shrieks all screaming the same raw exultation. Tonight RUN it would HUNT be free again, after EAT what felt like forever.

It reached out with talons, each of which seemed as large as Aridha's whole body...and stopped.

From the darkness around the monster something flashed with a pure metallic gleam. When Aridha squinted a little she realized she could see it there...thin vertical lines that passed between her and the creature. What was it??

The inky midnight black over their heads parted, and the MOON was there with them. Aridha felt the pull herself now; some corner of her brain still remembered the old days in caves, alongside rivers, hunting with rocks and sticks. RUN. HUNT. EAT. It was heady. It was freedom, of a kind. Forget everything, be no one and simply live.

But that same mad light illuminated something else. Around the beast were thin silvery bars, woven like a cage that came up from the ground. The ground that was pink and vaguely purple and smooth, yet soft. It reminded Aridha of her first time cleaning a kill after hunting; the organs of the doe had looked a little like this. The cage was clearly unnatural though, erupting from the 'flesh' at her feet. Even so, it seemed pitifully fragile looking compared to the creature's size and strength.

The exultation of anticipated freedom soured instantly to a frenzied rage. With a multi-voiced roar of fury it threw itself at the bars; tore at them with claws and talons and teeth and spines, gored with horns, battered with cloven hooves. Each time it was struck, the silver bars shone white for a moment, but they did not bend. Not even a little.

Aridha wasn't sure how long she watched. There was something hypnotic about seeing the creature captive, witnessing the transcendence of its wrath. Finally, eventually, it paused. She turned...not sure how to leave, or if she COULD leave, but satisfied that the druids' handiwork would hold. This time at least.


She paused. Was it...addressing her? Slowly Aridha turned to look back. Its vast lunatic eye bulged at her through a gap between the bars, at head height.


There was a mountain of difference between simply observing it while it seemed unaware of her presence, and facing its undivided attention. Its desire was like a physical thing; a line with hooks snagging at her clothes and skin, trying to reel her in.

"Nnno," she managed to reply, pushing the word unwillingly past her tongue and lips. "I won't have yeh be usin' me tae hurt people."

The bars turned white and STAYED white. Aridha realized it was pushing against them, all at once...straining to push through them to bend them to break them...to get to her. They didn't budge.

All the while that white eye loomed, bigger around than her head, perfectly round. Staring unblinking.

It took all of Aridha's courage, combined with her sheer stubbornness and spite, to turn her back on that monster. Even contained as it was.

"STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!" it thundered in a choir of animal wails.

"I'm not letting you use me," she repeated, trying to keep the quaver out of her voice. The old man hadn't mentioned this would happen!


Aridha shook her head, took a step away, then stopped. Wait. What?

She looked back.

The eye was still there, but she saw something behind its round-wide glare. Desperation.

"What are you talking about?"

The eye rolled in its socket, then focused again on Aridha's.


And the eye, like the moon, was a pull...and Aridha felt herself being drawn insideto where she was running through tall grass a spear in one hand while two wolves bounded just alongside her. They'd been the first cubs of the wild wolves who'd been lurking around her tribe, sneaking away with scraps but kept at arms length by hunters and their fear of fire. Most of the cubs had taken after their parents, but some...some had been more curious. Playful and endearing in their infancy, they had tumbled into camp and swiftly charmed tribesmen. The other wolves abandoned them to their fate, but humans had picked up where wolves left off. Now they hunted with them, lived with them, ate with them...where an intense flash of awareness detonated behind her eyes as she realized all at once what was being suggested.

"You...want me to tame you?" she asked, numb with shock.

The bars flashed white again.


It took her a second, with that baleful mad eye beaming at her, and the distant pull of the moon overhead, and the weirdly organic 'floor' she was standing on...but Aridha started to understand.

With me. A partnership. It would sacrifice ALL freedom for SOME freedom. She would lead the hunt, guide the hunt...and it would be there with her. Not free, but not trapped. And for her...well, she'd felt its strength. Its uncanny vitality. Could it be hers?

Would that be enough to kill the thing she hunted? The creature that had attacked her? Should she turn the curse against itself?

"How?" Aridha asked.


She hesitated. The thing in there was made of mouths and claws. "With...my hand?"


It made sense. It couldn't reach out. If there was to be a bridge between them, one she controlled...she'd have to make the first move.

"Rana would not approve of this," Aridha moaned...and slipped a hand between the bars of the cage, poking into the formless black that writhed inside.

Something seized it.

Aridha woke up suddenly, the very cliche of someone startling themselves awake out of a nightmare. She sat up with a cry and snatched her hand back, but because her hand wasn't being held by anything, it whipped back and smacked into a wall with a thud. She yelped and pressed the sore spot to her mouth.

Then she remembered where she was and called out, "Rana?"
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25th of Goodmonth
Inn of the Welcome Wench
Village of Hommlet

Rebekah requests a private room in the morning for her and her guest to have a quiet breakfast. And quite a breakfast it was indeed. Platters of sweetmeats along with bread and butter sat in the center of the table. Serving girls brought in plates of warm ham, sizzling bacon, and upon request poached eggs. Fruits from around the continent sat in two large bowls and the strawberries were fresher than any the group had tasted before. Hot tea and mulled wine washed down the grand meal, that was suppose to feed four, but was clearly more than Emmyr, Zanword, Gwylla, and Rebekah could eat alone. Since Gwylla hasn't stopped long enough from scribbling a new spell into her book, to finish her first piece of toast.

Rana and Aridha were present, but Templeton and Hexiros had not yet arrived.

<speaking of>

A female scream followed by a loud crash brings all eyes at the table to the door that leads to the common room.


Waking early and going through his forms in the yard, the dragonborn warrior feels ready to set out. He and Templeton make their way back down the road to the inn among a great amount of dog barking, and running townsfolk.

"Do I smell?" Templeton asks. "No more than usual," Hexiros replies.

Opening the door to the inn they are not greeted by a friendly hello but by a deafing scream and a dropped pitcher.


"Aieee! Ingundi!" a woman screams before fleeing behind a table. Suddenly a couple patrons draw weapons and stand at the ready.

OOC: Almost forgot.
+75xp to everyone
Congrats on the level up


Templeton simultaneously draws a dagger and crouches behind Hexiros defensively. "Aye? Wot's all this then?" he calls. "Something wrong with that Bird?"

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!

[Gnoll ambush]
Templeton watched the exchange of the others while happily slurping his tea. "I rather like swamps..." he put in absently.]
“Good man,” approved Rana on her way out, although her hand didn’t quite manage to come down to his shoulder, pausing - oh - about an inch above instead... The smell on that boy!

[Later that day, House of memories]
"Mine," Rana says softly. "Mine and Gill's, from years long, long ago." Stepping as if wearing leaden shoes Rana makes it to the building and places a wrinkled hand on the wood, her eyes shut tight.
“Had foolish hopes Marin, or maybe even that free-lander of Florence’s - “

Aridha woke up suddenly, the very cliche of someone startling themselves awake out of a nightmare. She sat up with a cry and snatched her hand back, but because her hand wasn't being held by anything, it whipped back and smacked into a wall with a thud. She yelped and pressed the sore spot to her mouth.

Then she remembered where she was and called out, "Rana?"
“What is it, child?” came the startlingly immediate reply. And with the snap of one not entirely pleased to be disturbed either.

Letting her eyes adapt, Aridha saw Rana’s hard gaze peering out of her blanket-ladden form by the smoking fireplace. (Quite obviously *something* had decided to nest in there in the years since its last use; One could only hope they’d be spared a chimney fire).

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Templeton simultaneously draws a dagger and crouches behind Hexiros defensively. "Aye? Wot's all this then?" he calls. "Something wrong with that Bird?"
Rana the Green stared at the developing mess with concentrated interest - And maybe a bit too much anticipatory enjoyment? - chewing on a tea-dipped piece of soft bread which she had not been, technically, formally invited to partake.

“So you’re saying the sealing couldn’t have cracks in?“ she asked as an aside to Silent Elf Girl, part of an ongoing exchange of views.

OOC: Knowledge Arcana on the Seal used by the Circle of Eight on the temple, and how cultist might want to go about weakening or bypassing it please: Arcane happenings: 1D20+4 = [4]+4 = 8. Bluh... Maybe Gwylla will have some lights?

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