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D&D 5E [SPOILERS] Enhancing Tomb of Annihilation


Fair enough. I have a strong bias against SKT so I guess my thinking was that the enhancing thread was meant to "fix" SKT.
I borrowed the expression "Enhancing" from a series of excellent threads on running the "Dawn of Defiance" campaign for Star Wars Saga Edition on the old WOTC forums. Those threads were an enormous help to me, and I thought it would be great if we could have a similar set for D&D adventures. But I don't mind if someone else gets in first with a different title; thanks to the new Wiki thread, people will still be able to find it.

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Teleporting to Chult seems less fun for me than sailing in, and I also know my players are gonna joke around about level 1s being sent to the island instead of a more skilled/experienced party, so I'm gonna kill two birds with one stone while also giving a nice action set piece in the beginning.

While what you're doing is cool and I don't discourage it, it does say at the start that Syndra has sent others before them and none have returned or sent word so the PC's are the last resort because she has no better options.


First Post
While what you're doing is cool and I don't discourage it, it does say at the start that Syndra has sent others before them and none have returned or sent word so the PC's are the last resort because she has no better options.

Yeah, true, it just felt a little too much like lip service to fly with my jaded players, haha.

Gleep Wurp

First Post
I know. My point was that if they all gain a level of exhaustion around noon, they would likely stop, rather than continue and risk running into bad things. They'd effectively be moving only half normal distance each day, but that's only a problem if they're on a time limit.

wouldn't the things still run into them? Chult is busy. May as well keep moving, or the zombies will catch up


First Post
It relies on having someone in the party who can cast that spell in the first place (create food and water is a 3rd level spell, and create water is 1st), and to have it prepared. My players do have a cleric in the group, but it's not an easy choice to spend a spell slot every day (extremely valuable at low levels) on that. Especially when there are mundane ways to accomplishing the same thing.

Yes, the rainwater collectors and water-purification tablets provide a mundane way of easy-access to clean water on most days, but clearly Purify Food and Drink (1st Level Spell available to Clerics, Druids, and Paladins) is the winner. It can be cast as a ritual, so it only takes 10 minutes preparation -- so no slot has to be dedicated to preparing it or casting it. One of the guides is a Druid, and there are a few Side Quests that provide an Acolyte or even Priest if the party does not have these resources prepared and planned for.


It just hit me, I'm totally going to add a scene in the Bay of Chult where the dragon turtle Aremag gets attacked by a (radiant) fire breathing T-rex named Arijog. Which one will be the fan favorite?

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One thing I did after skimming through ToA was curse the book's organization (or lack thereof), and added the following stickers to make it easier on myself. Especially Chapter 2: Chult – which gets no breakdown of various micro-areas in the Table of Contents. I may add more stickers or change them as I read individual sections for actual play...



First Post
As a probable DM for ToA, I'd like to interject to the WotC teams that wrote this adventure module and ask them how they think it's possible to complete the module in the timeline suggested. While possible, it's too-tight. As a crisis manager, I would tell you that Syndra and her contingent would likely be in denial, using crisis response strategies based around denial or diminishing for at least 60, not 20, days. After that time, they would take stronger action such as rebuilding or bolstering strategies that would involve hiring or involving the party. Yes, Faerun has divination spells, etc -- but the result might still be similar to what we see with decision-making systems today.

Additionally, the authors of ToA provided at least 80 or 90 days (if not 120 days) of markers and material in the module. In my role as DM for the module, I'd like to see these markers and material made good in full, or, at the very-least, 90 percent complete. In order to accomplish this goal, I see a few factors at play. First, the ability to fudge the timeline a bit. Second, the capability to deliver motivators that players need without directing them entirely. Lastly, I need the primary NPCs to be able to deliver their capabilities to the party (the team that they selected and trust to deliver on results) at the right place at the right time in the right ways.

The first morning, after partial exploration of Port Nyanzaru, Syndra will be at 78 hit points. With the party staying at either inn, the Thundering Lizard or Kaya's House of Repose, I would introduce Side Quest 2 (page 18) into the playing space. I want to lead the party towards Fort Beluarian with Rokah, River of Mist, and Flask of Wine at a fast pace. When they arrive, I would like to give them opportunity to see through both Rokah and Liara in order to make their own decision about which evil is worse, the Flaming Fist working with pirates or the Zhentarim gaining advantage over those two factions. River and Flask should help the party put Dungrunglung on their map (without revealing that the party has Syndra's map), but they aren't important anymore to the adventure. Perhaps they should disappear forever and be replaced by Qawasha and Kapalue (Shago should be out and nobody should yet reveal him).

When returning to Port Nyanzaru, I'd prefer to run Side Quest 9 (page 18) in order to center the party's sights on the troubles of Port Nyanzaru. After which (as late as that same evening), the party can meet Volo, who will offer the party to join him on his visits to the Merchant villas, starting with Wakunga, then Jobal. but finishing as many as the party can bear. I don't want Jobal or his consorts to introduce too-many guides. In fact, I'd like the party to join up with Eku and then run Side Quests 3, 4, 7, and 10 before leaving Port Nyanzaru that same day.

I don't think the party needs too-many guides at this point. Eku, Qawasha, Kapalue, Undril Silvertusk (the priest from Side Quest 3), Inete (the acolyte from Side Quest 4), and Eshek (the acolyte from Side Quest 10) are quite-enough! The group can head to Dungrunglung and those with Loyalty of 9 or lower can camp until the party completes this portion of the module. I'd like to see Dungrunglung proceed without a hitch, especially since it's the party's first foray into the module's dangers. There are ways to make that happen by fudging rolls or providing additional layers of magic and intrigue sided to the party's efforts.

With canoe and insect repellent in tow, the party can head to the River Olung in order to have Eku guide them upstream to the outskirts of Nangalore. They only need to map the location for Lerek Dashlynd (Side Quest 7) and maybe pick a few flowers. They can then cross Olung again and trek to the Heart of Ubtao to copy some teleportation circle sigils. Entering the Aldani Basin where they can continue Eku's guidance to Orolunga will also complete Side Quest 4.

At Orolunga, give the party everything they need to kill the green hag and her flesh golem at Mbala even if it means fully-conspiring with Artus Cimber and Dragonbait. Be sure to note whether or not the party perceives the Wreck of the Star Goddess from Mbala (they have to make the roll). Artus can suggest a plan to meet at Jahaka Anchorage (noting it on their map) in one month in order to free prisoners and put a stop to the pirates in that region. He would certainly suggest (because the party shares their maps with his maps) that they complete Liara's Shilku quest, Hew Hackinstone's Wyrmheart Mine quest, and Musarib's Hrakhamar quest before they meet him at Jahaka Anchorage.

From Mbala, the party should travel downstream the River Soshenstar at around 2-3 hexes per day (the earlier ride to Dungrunglung was upstream at 2 hexes per day, which is recommended by the module for both directions, but I would fudge this -- downstream should be obviously-faster). The party stops first at Camp Vengeance (dropping off Undril from Side Quest 3) and then makes their way downriver to Camp Righteous, Yellyark, and then Vorn. After acquiring Wakanga's lost-long friend, the party heads back to Port Nyanzaru.

Upon their highly-successful return, Syndra and Wakanga will be excited to establish a connection to the teleportation circle at the Heart of Ubtao for the party. With a grip of gold and treasure, the party can build an army to command both the Brazen Pegasus (led by Captain Ortimay Swift and Dark) and the ship that Lerek Dashlynd (Side Quest 7) promised them. After initiating Side Quests 5 and 8, the party might leave immediately (in the Brazen Pegasus) with Hew Hackinstone and Musarib and somehow allow Xandala and Salida to command Lerek's sailing ship with their secondary army when it arrives -- in order to meet the party in Jahaka Bay when they return from Shilku Bay.

The party can complete Hew Hackinstone's and Musarib's quests without a hitch. Jahaka Anchorage, on the other hand, is where things get interesting. They'll have Artus Cimber and Dragonbait on their side, but they will also reveal the treachery of both Xandala and Salida (who should be in-league at this point). With Captain Zaroum Al-Saryak's and Salida's sending stones, the party can suggest that Syndra and Wakanga pair the stones so that the party can communicate to Captain Ortimay for a time (or they can simply retrieve Liara's which is already paired with Zaroum's). When they return with the pirate ships to Port Nyanzaru, Side Quest 8 will also successfully-complete.

From Port Nyanzaru, the party can meet up with Faroul, Gondolo, and Azaka. I might also run the final Side Quests 1 and 6 at this time. The party can then use the teleportation circle to travel instantly to the Heart of Ubtao, travel downstream (again maybe 2-3 hexes per day depending) the River Olung to Needle's Bones, crossing Ataaz Muhahah on the way to Firefinger, and order Captain Ortimay (via the sending stones) to meet the party at Mezro. On the way back to Port Nyanzaru, the party can stop at the Hvalspyd, and Fort Beluarian.

At their final stop at Port Nyanzaru before the adventure conclusion, the party gives the sending stone to Syndra, teleports yet-again to the Heart of Ubtao, walks right over to destroy Nangalore, and heads to Kir Sabal. From Kir Sabal, the party can fly to the Wrecks and, their last stop, Omu.

I tag that optimized path at about two months, maybe 9-and half weeks (pun there). It's harsh.
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