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Mike Mearls is polling about how much you'd pay for him to make you an AL legal custom subclass


To answer your question...

"$2,500: I will design a new option for an existing class, such as a sorcerous origin or warlock patron, to your specifications. The subclass will be balanced against existing options. You will receive a cert allowing you to play this subclass in Adventurers League."

Would you spend $2,500 and get something weak or under powered?

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That guy, who does that thing.
By writing of the Hazirawn example... you are making my point. Hazirawn was the tip of the iceberg and set the precedent of what was to come. What you say about Blackrazor et al is true but I would argue that it is an anomaly, an outlier.

Wait, what?

Hazirawn not being removed from the campaign was the tip of the iceberg that convinced AL admins that they had to...make the campaign overpowered by removing Blackrazor? The handling of Blackrazor is an outlier, when Wave, Whelm, the Ring of Winter, Bookmark...

Guess I've been too used to having intelligent conversations on this board. Welcome to the blocked list!



First Post
Wave & Whelm are likewise banned from AL play. Keeping any of those three items causes you to retire your character until such times as you remove it from your possession (justification is that you have to go to ground as you are being hunted by its rightful owner and the mercenaries they have hired to hunt you down)

If the admin were serious about organized play balance and an even playing field

The fix you were hoping from was originally suppose to come with season 7 but didn't because of reasons I can't discuss. Your concerns have been internally addressed and the fix you hope for should be deployed with season 8.


The fix you were hoping from was originally suppose to come with season 7 but didn't because of reasons I can't discuss. Your concerns have been internally addressed and the fix you hope for should be deployed with season 8.

Not to sound too contrary, but isn't too late for that? Whatever retcon the admins plan there is going to be a block of people who will not appreciate it. Too much water has flowed under the bridge, we are now in our 7th or 8th year in this campaign and NOW the Admins are talking about balance and an even playing field...

Even though in my opinion 5E is still thriving, AL is NOT the catalyst. Colville, Rutenberg and that guy who DMs the Hollywood stars are propelling the game forward.

Ask yourself one question, why is this forum so dead but the other 5E forum so active? I believe it is the initial decision making by whoever (Assumption it is the Admins) that steered OP in a direction that a majority of people have less fun doing. Fortunately for me I live in an area with a strong DnD community, our local convention literally attracts hundreds of players. Excluding GenCon and Origins, I have been told our local convention is one of the largest for DnD. Having said all that even this community based on the numerous conversations I have with many players are moving towards home brew games and AL is more used as a social mechanism to reconnect with people with less caring about the game itself.

I am just one opinion, you can disagree or agree... I am just relaying my observations


The fix you were hoping from was originally suppose to come with season 7 but didn't because of reasons I can't discuss. Your concerns have been internally addressed and the fix you hope for should be deployed with season 8.

And to clarify my position... I do not have concerns about balance any longer....AL can do whatever it wants

I posted my concerns in year 1 and said the guidelines in place were not conducive for OP long term and itemized and elaborated on each what each of those guidelines were and why.

I take comfort in the fact that over time that I was right


To Pauper,

You should really read what you write and take some time to think before you respond.

Yes, I think it is an Admin outlier that they disallowed Blackrazor and I wrote et al... meaning those other weapons that are usually associated with Blackrazor...Wave and Whelm.

Considering they have allowed the following:

1. Hazirawn
2. The various Dragon Masks
3. Maze Engine
4. Storm Kings Thunder treasure table rolls
5. Curse of Strahd items.... For someone who has played DnD since 1E, it offends that a character can get a Staff of Power and a Helm of Brilliance before level 10
6. Deck of Many Things
7. Bag of Beans

I really like how you brushed off the Deck of Many Things and the Maze Engine as items that were not "handled well"

Banning three items from one section of one book does not support the notion the Admins are trying to balance the game, it more supports the notion that the banning is an exception rather than the rule

As far as being on your blocked list, I don't really care, I do not think highly of you anyways since you first posted on the WotC 4E forums.


First Post
To answer your question...

"$2,500: I will design a new option for an existing class, such as a sorcerous origin or warlock patron, to your specifications. The subclass will be balanced against existing options. You will receive a cert allowing you to play this subclass in Adventurers League."

Would you spend $2,500 and get something weak or under powered?

I think the goal for many is not necessarily to have an OP subclass, but to have a subclass you feel is not represented. Maybe you wanted a summoner druid or an Undeath Cleric, a Mercenary Rogue. Lots of things which can be role played currently, but might require a multiclass or feat to make really mechanical options.

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