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Xanathar's Guide to Everything

Dan Hass

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5 out of 5 rating for Xanathar's Guide to Everything

XGE is culled from the best playtest material (Unearthed Arcana) from the last three years with some refinement. So the content is good - as expected. And there is some selections of things that were not ever part of Unearthed Arcana - many spells, for example. But it is clear that a lot of development went into the content. There aren't nearly as many head scratchers as there were in the first big expansion book (Volo's - kobolds can do what? They grovel move away, and then everybody has advantage against the BBEG?). There is one spell that is notably not quite right as written, but a month in that is the only thing - so that a very good start.

So why the "low" A instead of a solid A? A lack of a unifying theme. I know they stick in the beholder's notes as a glue, but that is awfully forced. There are classes, and spells, and things about traps, and downtime - just a whole lot of stuff crammed together. It is all useful stuff, and I'm glad to have it, but XGE is not nearly as good a read as the four other comprehensive books so far.

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5 out of 5 rating for Xanathar's Guide to Everything

review to come but I'm a person that will use the names in the book so it's not a distraction to me, neither are the reprinted stuff as I'd rather have it in the least number of sources...2 books at the table compared to 3 with the POD elemental evil.

subclasses are a nice addition to the game and the dms tools add structure I can use.


4 out of 5 rating for Xanathar's Guide to Everything

This is a great resource for players who like lots of subclasses. I found the DM section subpar by comparison. Nitpiks on my part - really a solid effort by WOTC.


First Post
2 out of 5 rating for Xanathar's Guide to Everything

Xanathar's guide to Everything is the first major rules expansion of 5th edition, and like the books that came before it aims to split the content of the book so it is aimed at DMs and PC's alike. As such, I'll be breaking down each section individually.

Subclasses: Most of these are quite serviceable, and there are a couple real standouts like the Zealot barbarian (It's a berserker, but actually good), and the Ranger subclasses are all pretty great. Likewise though, there are a couple sour options as well, such as the incredibly lazy and multiclass-prone hexblade, the poorly thought out redemption paladin,and the Sun Soul monk, which is both terrible AND a reprint. Which brings me to my next point; as with many other elements of Xanathar's the subclass section is likewise marred by the presence of rehashed content that has long been available in other WotC products.

Tool section: incredibly hit or miss.Some of the already better tool kits are even more fleshed out and become highly valuable, like disguise and herbalism. Niche tools remain horrendously bad though, on top of having redundant features,such as calligrapher's supplies affecting forgery, when a forgery kit already has that covered. Overall, there's a lot more misses than hits here, and this section does very little to incentivize players to pick more niche tools rather than the more common adventuring ones or simply another skill.

Encounter building options are generally good, if prone to the same pitfalls as before with regards to variable monster quality. That said, the charts detailing personalities and relationships are great, and the copious random monster tables are really welcome for those doing a rotating campaign or who prefer classic, RNG heavy approaches.

Many of the miscellaneous ruling are quite good too, such as the falling long distances, flying monsters being knocked prone, and sleeping, both in armor and for perception thresholds to wake up.

The traps section is fantastic. For new DMs it offers solid advice one the philosophy behind effective trap placement and design, and for seasoned DMs is offers useful examples and damage benchmarks to work off of. None of this is strictlynecessary, but it's well done in my opinion and I expect to get good use from it.

Downtime Revisited: Most of these are great, and the addition of rivals who are not straight antagonists is welcome. That said, it's worth noting that Wizards still can't seem to grasp the fact that they can't do basic math, as scribing a scroll of wish costs 250,000 and forging a Luckblade costs 100,000. This is peculiar since consumables like scrolls are mentioned under the item creation rules, but Wizards still felt it needed to be expanded on elsewhere (poorly). It also mentions in the item creation rules that you need a formula to make a magic item, but doesn't describe how to create one or acquire one. Ultimately it still boils down to a vague“go do a CR appropriate sidequest and spend some money” that I assume many were already doing. Despite these complaints, I want to reiterate that the rest of the downtime section as a whole is pretty good.

The section on awarding magic items is mediocre, since it probably describes what most DMs were doing anyway if they weren't using a roll method, but it is nice to have some hard numbers to compare to. The common magic item section is garbage and a huge waste of space though, a few of them have some usefulness but most are wastes of ink designed to fill cliches like the Billowing Cloak or Dread Helm.

The new spells list overall has its share of stinkers (snilloc's snowball swarm) and high points (crown of stars), but overall this section is also marred by similar issues elsewhere in the book; there are a huge number of reprints from the Elemental Evil supplements. Worse, while some did get a decent balance pass that might justify their inclusion, others like Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting were reprinted and kept in an awful, borderline unusable state. On a personal level, I also hate the'stronghold' spells, such as Temple of the Gods or Mighty Fortress,since they both mess with world building and also conveniently stop Wizards from having to put forth stronghold rules of substance.

Names: The ultimate black mark on this book, and the single largest reason why, even without other flaws, I would likely never rate this book above 3/5. It is inconceivable that in a world with smartphones, tablets, and laptops, with more online name generators and repositories than you could shake a stick at,that Wizards thought it was acceptable to dedicate almost 10% of their first major rules expansion to NAMES. Maybe there's someone out there who has every player and NPC completely generated through dicerolls, right down to the name, and is simply dancing for joy. For everyone else, this is indefensible page count padding in a book that should have anything but.

Conclusion: There are elements here that are useful and welcome additions for the game, but there's so much filler, reprints, and conservative rule design that you'd think we were still in the 3.5 edition bloat days and this was yet another monthly release shoved off the presses. Instead, this is a sorry excuse for the first major rules update of 5th edition and I can't recommend it to anyone unless severely discounted.
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2 out of 5 rating for Xanathar's Guide to Everything

First up: Due to a mistake by Amazon, I ended up with a free copy of this book. I'm going to try not to let that influence my review, but I believe strongly that such things should be stated up front so the reader is aware.


If this book had come out 3-6 months after the 5e core rulebooks had been released, and had it been priced at $35, I would have given this book a solid 5 star review. As it is, however, this book is too little, too late, and way too expensive.

It's not that I consider the $50 price point excessive... provided they give good value for money for that. And the 256-page storyline books have mostly done that. Even "Volo's Guide", at 224 pages, was just about okay provided you got a decent discount from Amazon or similar (which sucks for the independent retailer, of course, but that's another rant).

But "Xanathar's Guide" costs the same $50, and further cuts the page count, down to 192 pages. To justify that, the contents have to be absolutely stellar - of a quality that hasn't been seen in RPG books since... I don't know - maybe since the very first edition of "Vampire: the Masquerade" changed the entire landscape?

The contents of "Xanathar's Guide" are... okay, I guess.

The book is broken down into three chapters and two appendices. The first chapter consists of character options, and is mostly made up of new subclasses for each of the twelve classes in the PHB. No new classes are presented here. The new subclasses are fine, with no stinkers that I could see. I was particularly impressed with the decision to make the Hexblade a Warlock subclass - I thought that was an inspired choice. Conversely, my reaction to the much-hyped Forge Cleric was "meh". I had read comments that suggested that this might patch the hole left by the Artificer, but frankly I didn't think it was anything more than 'okay'.

This chapter also has some additional feats, each tied to one of the races in the PHB. Those are okay. And there were some other bits an pieces about fleshing out a character's background, personality, or other details, which were fine.

The second chapter is filled with DM tools, which again range from the space-filling (we really need half a column on Cook's tools?) to the meh (knot tying!), to the really quite good actually (lots of random encounter tables, a new system on building encounters, and quite a lot of new ways to use downtime - including rules for both buying and crafting magic items). I also enjoyed the discussion on traps, except that I think they probably missed a trick here - the book notes that a simple trap mirrors a spell while complex trap mirrors a monster, while failing to note that that's probably exactly how these things should be presented (and we probably need a "Big Book of Traps" for exactly that reason).

The third, and shortest, chapter has some new spells. These are fine - I didn't feel any need for more spells, but there's no harm in them.

The first appendix is probably the single most useful part of the book, at least for my own, personal needs - it goes into quite a lot of detail about shared campaigns. But, more importantly, a whole of of the material here is easily adaptable for the sort of game where you can only play very rarely and want to skip away from a lot of the 'book-keeping' aspects of monitoring XP and assigning treasure. Good stuff.

And then the second appendix gives 18 pages of sample names.

Frankly, I'm baffled by this. Providing sample names is fine, I guess. But it's hardly the highest priority. And when the book has had its page count cut, and with the price point that marks it as a premium product, is this really the best material that WotC can find to fill it? After three years working on this fifth edition of the game, have they really produced so little useable material that they'll fill 10% of their new rules book with lists of names?

I find that a shocking decision.

So where does that leave "Xanathar's Guide"?

Ultimately, I cannot recommend this book. Yes, if you're desperate for new material, and especially for new subclasses, this book may fill that spot - and doubly so if only 'official' works will do. But other than that, and unless you can get a massive discount on the book, it's just not worth it - you'll get much better return on investment elsewhere.


First Post
3 out of 5 rating for Xanathar's Guide to Everything

Lets start with the things I liked shall we:
I really like what they've added with tools, it's really made a big step into making them a genuine part of the game, rather than just a bit of background for your character.
It adds a nice variety of things for characters to do, and really gives players a reason to go for more "just a dude" backstories, which I appreciate. It's also genuinely creative and useful for the most part, giving just about every tool an application (though cobblers tools still feel a bit useless, unless your DM is a bastard about footwear). The gambling proficiencies are my personal favourite, they encompass just about everything I'd want to do with them, aside from "win the imaginary game within the imaginary game"

The character generation is a bit so-so for me. It has some nice stuff for fleshing out a backstory, but that's not something I've ever noticed as lacking in any of my players. Reminding players that their characters have friends and families from before their career as adventurers is pretty good though.

Downtime revisted and complex traps is stuff I'm quite glad to see come in from Unearthed Arcana mostly unchanged. It's functional and has good guidelines and suggestions, and the example traps are pretty good, at least the ones I've seen and tested. Downtimes nice and simple, and pretty hands off for players, though I'd still let them do more detailed things if its good.

Other DMs stuff is kinda predictable and while useful, not anything difficult to make yourself or of fantastically high quality. A list of magic items is only more handy than the DMs guide if it includes them in an easy to access way, not if you have to flip though a separate book to find them.

The new racial feats are quite nice. Human ones are lackluster but they were always going to be, the others add a variety of pretty fun stuff. I am a big fan of the amount feats let you customise characters so it' always a plus. That does lead me to the below issue however...

Subclasses are... ok. They are for the most part, fine. I'm sorry that more of the elemental sorcery classes didn't make it in from UA, but we can't have them all I guess. Sticking with sorcerer for a little longer, every alternate subclass is nearly objectively more powerful than the standard players handbook ones. The Divine Soul is particularly irksome to me, it acts as fuel for the "I'm the chosen one" character my players occasionally make that drives me nuts, it has the same level 14 ability as the Draconic sorcery one, except for a possible change in fly speed and minus all the disadvantages. It also feels like it's encroaching strongly onto cleric territory, because why would you play a cleric or sorcerer when you can play both.
Stepping on other classes or existing subclasses toes is kind of a theme for the subclasses here. We are introduced to the swordy wizard (though we already had bladesinger), a clericy sorcerer and warlock and a rouge that's really a ranger (and I feel we narrowly missed out on a ranger that's pretty much a rogue). I don't love the grave domain, because it's like the death domain minus the evil (which I guess is the point), and the forge domain is a different enough take on light and knowledge for me to allow it.
Other than some blurring lines, there are a few classes with frankly weird or just plain near useless. Worst offenders to me are the Horizon Walker Conclave, which just seems way too specific to fit into most campaigns. It's a very hard sell that you'd just be a wandering ranger of a secret order of portal guardians or something, and it's a hard subclass for me to flavour nicely. I have the opposite problem with the hexblade patron: It's not enough. It's not really anything. How do you make a pact with "a force" that has no more flavour then: "sometimes manifests as weapons" and "has something to do with the raven queen." My issue with the raven queen UA was that it is too inflexible, and the hexblade kind of nonsensical. This attempted rewriting of it is kind of a useless middle ground. There's not really anything for a DM to work with here unless there's a book specifically about shadowfell about to come out or that I simply haven't read.

Spell list was a little disapointing. A lot of the "new" spells are from the elemental evil expansion, and while the new ones added much needed variety to high level warlock and sorcerer lists, the focus on arcane traditions only adds fuel to the huge mass of spells wizards already get access too, even adding more wizard exclusive spells. It's a pet peeve of mine that sorcerers don't have a single exclusive spell, and I was hoping dragon's breath would be the first, but wizards get that too. Non-Arcane classes tend to miss out in this one, with very few new spells for clerics and druids. Those they did add I quite liked, but there should have been more. And then there's the obvious: Healing Spritiy, or the bit they forgot to read over before pressing publish. A moderately broken healing spell, that really should have been picked up on.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with the minor bits of it, the little extra bits that weren't the focus, and the subclasses, about half the big stuff were alright, just let down by a few kinda crappy examples. The spells added are by and large good, but don't focus on where spells are really needed and my god needed a bit more editing.


5 out of 5 rating for Xanathar's Guide to Everything

initially I was uncertain about the slow release schedule. I’m glad they took the time to do it right. Great subclasses, and I like the DM goodies.


4 out of 5 rating for Xanathar's Guide to Everything

I found this book to be really useful - aside from the extra subclasses and options, there's a lot of nice extra information like uses for some of the less useful skills and things. The much maligned name chart is a waste of space which could have been better used but I still think this is the 2nd splatbook you need after Volos Guide to Monsters!

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