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D&D 5E EB's Into the Eye of the Storm - PotA Campaign - IC

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OOC: Read somewhere you should try to reward a player a little for missing a roll by 1. Which is what happened, lol. Wish to try that more often in my games.

Talin gives the area a harder look after the dragonborns answer. "Well the old ghost did say he sent her off on adventure," he says looking at the pick handle. He follows it like an arrow with his foot to a patch of freshly dug earth. Grabbing the handle he starts to scrap away the dirt and uncovers a small coffer. "And what's an adventure without a little treasure at the end."

two rings of braided silver and electrum 25gp each

Talin smiles at Cyan and pockets the content of the coffer.

"We should be getting the girl back to town."

Talin turns and exits the small cave. Seeing the girl awake he turns to the others.

"Good to see her awake. We should hurry and get her back to town and her grandmother."


Cyan followed quickly. While she was glad to get the girl to the safety of her clutch, the Dragonborn had an uneasy feeling that she was missing....something!


The group makes it back to Red Larch a bit weary, but in high spirits. Pell had awakened along the way and was fine and hale (if a bit pale from blood loss), when she ran into her grandmothers arms. After all the crying had died down and the crowd of well wishers had moved back to their chores, Minny gathers up the group and herds them towards her home. The older lady doesn't take no for an answer and talks of giving the group their well earned reward.

Pell leads Niklos into the modest home of Minny and her three grown children, and granddaughter. The first thing that the group notices is the smell coming from the hearth. Roasted chicken sizzles as it spins on a roasting wheel, and another rest ready to eat upon the large round table near the rear of the large one room living space. Pell is greeted by her aunts and uncle and the group is treated as guest of honor as everyone sits down to the heavy laden table.

"A feast for heroes!"
Minny says with slight sarcasm and mirth. "Reward for the safe return of my granddaughter Pell. Dig in."

The table is filled with buttered potatoes, pickled chicken livers, split greens, and a variety of cheeses and fruits. The chicken is roasted a golden brown and is juicier than any you have ever had, the peppered gravy is delicious. Pell digs in with a gusto eating what looks like more than even Cyan.

Going to close the day out after your feast, then I would like to reward everyone with a work week of downtime. Will not actually be a work week, more like 3 days total game time, but I don't think 3 days downtime will get you much. I know Talin may want to look into his contract, and he can do that as he does whatever downtime activity he wishes no need for a separate that into something else. He hasn't been assigned to kill anyone yet, but when he hits level 3 I think he will. lol

So please RP here at dinner, and in the ooc we will work on the downtime activities, once were ready I'll advance the thread a couple days game time.[/sblock]


Captain Barakas Stormblade sits at the table, a wide grin on his blue skinned face. “I thankee, good woman,” he says as he digs into the food. Pirates know not to turn down good food when offered. Especially when it’s free.

Niklos is too polite to speak with his mouth full - which it is during the entire meal, as he eats at least two servings of each dish, in quantities to rival Pell and Cyan - but he nods in agreement to the others' statements.

Talin settles in at the table grabbing his plate and taking some chicken and sides. He eats quietly listening to the conversation going on around him. Talin finishes and pushes his plate away. He smiles at Minny.

"That was excellent. Thank you Minny."

Voidrunner's Codex

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