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Fire genasi ASHIR the rogue

Fire genasi ASHIR is on :cool:board for some adventure. Looking for fame fortune and more. Not quite done but figured I have you give it a look over. the buglar pack and weapons and things have me a bit and not sure everything where or adds how it should. Let me know and looking forward to gaming.


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Towering, gold-encrusted monuments break the unending monotony of a horizon formed of sun-blasted sand. Awe-inspiring, animal-headed gods walk among the people, offering them care and protection from the horrors of the desert. A wide, life-giving river offers its abundant bounty, providing for every physical need. Happy, hopeful people offer sacrifices in grand temples dedicated to their benevolent gods, addressing their spiritual needs. For they know that this life, as wonderful as it might be, is just the beginning—a prelude to the perfection that awaits them in the afterlife, promised to them by their God-Pharaoh.


Amonkhet, a demiplane of the God-Pharaoh, is connected to Heliopolis, the joint realm of three Mulhorandi deities in Arcadia's second layer of Buxenus. Beyond the lush river valley spreads endless scorching desert. Accursed, desiccated mummies roam that desert, while carefully embalmed mummies attend to the needs of the living in the glorious city-state. The people have everything they need. They are protected from the desert heat and wandering mummies by the magical barrier called the Hekma, and they spend their lives in focused training, honing body and mind to perfection. Yet they eagerly anticipate the time when they will be permitted to die in combat and leave this world behind.


On the surface, Amonkhet seems like a marvelous place to live. But something unsettling and nefarious lurks behind the grand facade. The wise and benevolent God-Pharaoh, said to be busy preparing the wondrous afterlife for the worthy, is actually Sseth whose schemes reach far beyond his plane. And all the preparation and training, all the trials and contests, all the effort to be made worthy—all of this is meant to prepare the people of Amonkhet for transformation into an undead army under Sseth's command.


Unknown to any of the plane’s inhabitants, the entire society of Amonkhet has been manipulated by Sseth, who has seized control of the world, the gods, and the magic of the plane. Conveniently, he also found here a pious, structured civilization that he could easily subvert to his own purposes. Making himself the God-Pharaoh, he brought the gods themselves under his control, and eliminated anyone who tried to stand against him. Then he transformed the world into a factory designed to produce a huge army of perfect undead soldiers. Throughout their lives, the people of the plane believe they are drawing nearer to the promised afterlife—and at last they die in the final trial, a mass battle with no survivors. But rather than earning a place in the afterlife, they are instead embalmed and stored in Sseth's great necropolis, adding to the ranks of his undead army.


Even in the carefully constructed and curated city-state of Naktamun, and in the presence of the five gods, some people rebel against the doctrines of the God-Pharaoh.
These dissenters simply refuse to follow the ordained course of life that leads to the glorious afterlife. To contain this mouvement, the God-Pharaoh ordered the creation of a special unit of bounty hunters and sent them chase those dissenters. Khefren was one of them.


His mission was to capture those who question the God-Pharaoh's rule and were hidden in the city. After he delivered his captives, the gods were tasked with carrying out the punishment that Sseth's law demands. Dissenters were bound into sarcophagi—the Tombs of Disgrace—and exposed to the mockery of fellow citizens in the Display of Doubt. On the following morning, the gods carry the sarcophagi into the desert and abandon the dissenters to the horrors of the sands.


Then, one day, Khefren found this Dissenter girl. She led him into their hiding place and there, as he was storming the place, he discovered that Oketra, the goddess of Solidarity was helping the Dissenters. Oketra showed him who was truly the God-Pharaoh. She managed to turn Khefren, he was the pawn she needed to get access to the God-Pharaoh. Together they set a plan up. Khefren had to bring back all the Dissenters that was hiding in the city, asking an audience to the God-Pharaoh for his exploit. Oketra will wait for the right time to strike. But she was far from understanding who the God-Pharaoh really was and the extent of his powers.


In a simple wave of his hand, the Dissenters were all drained from their energy life. Oketra could only watch them die... and raise, under the control of the God-Pharaoh. Before being submerged, Oketra manage to open a portal, urging Khefren to get help and save his people from this slavery. Without asking question, Khefren jumped into the gate and, traveling through the planes, landed in Sigil, in a back alley, dealing with portalsickness.
Human, Monk Level 2, Chaotic Good
Native from Stygia, Ankhwugaht

Armor Class. 17 (Unarmored Defence)
Hit Points. 22 (2d8)
Speed. 50 ft.
Initiative. +4
STR 16 (+3), DEX 18 (+4), CON 16 (+3), INT 11 (+0), WIS 16 (+3), CHA 16 (+3)
Saving Throws. Str +5, Dex +6
Skills. Acrobatics +6, Athletics +5, Perception +5, Persuasion +5, Stealth, +6
Languages. Common, Draconic
Background. Urban Bounty Hunter
Tool. Thieves' tools, Cartographer's Tools
Instrument. Kalimba https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjGMLcLC_k4

Unarmed strike. Melee : +6 (1d4+4 bludgeoning)
Spear. Melee : +6 (1d6+4 piercing, thrown (20/60), versatile(1d8))

Features and Traits
Unarmored Defence. AC equals 10 + Dex + Wis
Martial Art. d4. Unarmed strike as Bonus Action
Ki. 2. Flurry of Blows (+1 attack), Patient Defense (Dodge), Step of the Wind (Disengage, Dash, jump x2)
Unarmored Movement. Movement +10ft.
Mobile. +10ft. When Dash action, difficult terrain doesn’t cost you extra movement. You don’t provoke OA from creature you attacked this turn.

Spear, Darts (10), Backpack, Bedroll, Mess kit, Tinderbox, Torches (10), Rations (10), Waterskin, Rope (50ft), Kalimba, Manacles

Coins 18 gp Equipment weight 71lb

Carrying Capacity 240 lb

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Li Shenron

Sir Reginald Nelson Elizabeth de-la-Salle Schneider Wilkenfeld

I quickly brought together the stats for this character directly in the official character sheet.
I usually use my own character sheets, but in this case I thought you might prefer the more familiar one.

The character is a human Paladin based on the default ability scores array, and using the Harmonium background from your Player's Guide to Planescape.

Character picture of course had to be a DiTerlizzi :)



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