• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Debuting at GenCon: 5e Creature Decks: Prehistoric Creatures


Inkwell Ideas is continuing a few posts previewing products that we will be debuting at GenCon this year. One of these will be a new 5e Creature Deck with 52 prehistoric creatures. A little over half will be various dinosaurs such as albertosaurus, giganotosaurus, microraptor, and utahraptor, but the deck also has a few other creatures that are even older (dunkleosteus for example), existed at the same time, or more recent (woolly rhino). The deck even includes a couple early humanoids.

Each card has great art on one side and the creature’s complete stats for the 5th edition of the world’s best known RPG on the back. For this deck, we also include a short ecologocial entry and in many cases we add an option if you want to make the creature more fantasy-based. (After all, if the world has creatures that can paralyze with a gaze, breath fire, etc., some of their ancestors may have also.)

Other new decks at GenCon will be Sidequest Decks: Horror Fantasy, Sidequest Decks: Arcane Academy, and Deck of Beasts: Challenging Creatures (the CR 6-9 creatures from Kobold Press’s Tome of Beasts). Inkwell Ideas is booth 560 in the exhibitor hall.

We’ve done ten 5e Creature Decks previously, including those from the Tome of Beasts. Four cover the official SRD Creatures (Aberrations, Fiends, & More; Beasts, Oozes, & Plants; Constructs, Giants, Humanoids, & Undead; and Dragons & Monstrosities). Another deck is Nonplayer Characters with the SRD NPCs plus over 25 more that we created. Three more decks are creatures we converted from 3rd edition (More Aberrations; More Constructs; and More Dragons), And finally Deck of Beasts: Low-Level Creatures and Deck of Beasts: Moderate-Level Creatures have creatures from the Tome of Beasts covering challenge ratings 0-2 and 3-5 respectively.

The prior Ceature Decks are available in our store, on DriveThru/RPGNow or Amazon as well as game stores that work with Indie Press Revolution.

Here are a couple sample cards:



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