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D&D 5E What DM flaw has caused you to actually leave a game?


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
I’m just glad people in this thread aren’t running the games I’m in.
I'd play with any of them. The main reason I participate in these threads is to see how different people think about their games, so that I can adapt myself to play with more people and be familiar with more systems.

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Victoria Rules
Not confusing those things at all. In the game the PC has already hit and killed the opponent. Then, AFTER the player has found out that fact, the player can suddenly have the PC time travel back to before damage was rolled and decide to knock out the opponent. The player should know before the swing if he wants the PC to knock out the creature, so there's no time travel needed for a knockout to occur. It's a silly rule.
Agreed. If you want to knock out an opponent instead of kill it (or the reverse, depending on what's been set as the default at that table) then such should be declared before the to-hit roll is made. This reflects the fiction where the attacker is making the decision to strike for subdual before taking that attack.

It's a white room scenario [MENTION=42582]pemerton[/MENTION]. Knocking out the 20 goblins killing the townsfolk does nothing as the will just get back up and kill more. What is the party going to do? Leave them out in the middle of the forest to wake back up? It's not feasible to carry them to town. Carrying them to town will just result in the town killing them anyway, which will introduce the fighter to meting out death indirectly.
This assumes the townsfolk will kill them. Of course, the other most likely option - slavery or servitude - isn't much better...

That's not much of an example. If they were not capable of advancing in level at all, then the Captains and Lieutenants would be level 0 still. At some point they were capable of gaining experience and advancing in level, but for game balance reasons, Gygax halted them at the level they had already progressed to. Also, what happens if the PC makes the 7th level Captain a henchman? Henchman can gain levels and advance, yet the NPC is still also a mercenary Captain which cannot gain levels an advance. Will he or won't he be able to gain experience again?
Yep, more silliness brought about from treating PCs differently from adventuring NPCs differently from everyone else.

The intent is that if the mercenary captain becomes a hench then she sheds her "everyone else" label and acquires the "adventuring NPC: hench" label, stuck to her forehead. Same as if that mercenary captain suddenly became someone's PC for some reason (I've seen it happen!); the "everyone else" label gets tossed in favour of the "PC" label. The label determines the advancement mechanics used for that character.

In-fiction consistency wasn't exactly top-of-mind when this was designed. Fortunately, it's pretty easy to fix.


Perhaps for the same reason you treat DMs as if they will abuse their power and act in bad faith.

Can you show me where I've done that? I take a lot of flak because I don't automatically agree that everything every DM does is automatically right, that's true. But, where have I argued that DM's will abuse their power and act in bad faith?

There's a difference between not thinking that sitting in the DM's chair makes one completely immune to making mistakes and treating DM's as if they will act in bad faith.

I'd point out that I'm hardly the only one noting the pretty strong undercurrent of hostility to players in this thread. It was pointed out by quite a few others.


Just to go back to the T-Rex for a moment.

The argument about consequences is interesting to me. I wonder just how far that goes. Think about it, we're a 17th level D&D party including a 17th level druid. We're the closest thing to gods with a heartbeat. Having a T-Rex is probably the least noticeable thing about this party. We're each carrying enough personal wealth to destabilize large economies. This being a 3e game, we've got more magic items than you can shake a stick at. It's quite possible that some of us have wings or various other things. But a T-Rex? Oh hell no. :uhoh:

I can just imagine the discussion at the town's gate:

Guard: Hold! You cannot bring that beast into town. Away with you!

Druid: ((The sky darkens, the ground shakes and a few trees take half a dozen steps towards the town)) Sorry, what was that? I missed what you said.

Guard: Move along. No problems here...

But, I have a sneaking suspicion based on all the examples in this thread and others, that "consequences" only mean bad things for the PC's. I could be wrong. Fair enough. But, no one has mentioned a single good consequence yet.


Then don't play using Backgrounding? :erm:

So why create so much fuss about something that has zero impact on how you will continue to play your game?

pretty sure i stated from the beginning on backgrounds that its not something i would use and why.

Are you somehow suggesting that the only folks who should post on a topic are those who will be using it?

if not, what does your question mean?


pretty sure i stated from the beginning on backgrounds that its not something i would use and why.

Are you somehow suggesting that the only folks who should post on a topic are those who will be using it?

if not, what does your question mean?

Well, there's some difference between questioning how something works, and arguing at considerable length when you obviously are not understanding how something works.


That's not much of an example. If they were not capable of advancing in level at all, then the Captains and Lieutenants would be level 0 still. At some point they were capable of gaining experience and advancing in level, but for game balance reasons, Gygax halted them at the level they had already progressed to. Also, what happens if the PC makes the 7th level Captain a henchman? Henchman can gain levels and advance, yet the NPC is still also a mercenary Captain which cannot gain levels an advance. Will he or won't he be able to gain experience again?
It's an example from the published rules of AD&D. It's completely workable. You can tell whatever story you want to about how the 4th level mercenary captain worked his/her way up from the ranks, or was trained at the King's court, or whatever other fiction takes your fancy. You can even have the captain improve his/her command ability if you want - the point of the "incapable of working upwards" rule is to prevent the mercenary captain being used as a hencman, taken on adventures and thereby improving in class ability.

I think the answer to your "captain as henchman" question is trivially obvious, but at the moment I'll leave it as something for the interested reader to resolve. A more interesting question is whether a PC or henchman fighter enjoys the command abilities of a NPC captain if appointed to such a role. The rules don't tell us. I would suggest that they do, but that's an extrapolation from the rules, not an interpretation of them.

It's a white room scenario pemerton. Knocking out the 20 goblins killing the townsfolk does nothing as the will just get back up and kill more. What is the party going to do? Leave them out in the middle of the forest to wake back up? It's not feasible to carry them to town. Carrying them to town will just result in the town killing them anyway, which will introduce the fighter to meting out death indirectly.
I gave an actual play example upthread (from a different system, but no different in principle in this respect). [MENTION=23935]Nagol[/MENTION] gave an example. I can't remember the colours of the walls where I was playing, and don't know about Nagol's case, but white paint or not these are reports of actual play.

As far as the goblins are concerned: (i) why is it not feasible to take them to town? (ii) where do the rules say that they will be killed in the town? (iii) handing someone over to someone else who then murders them typically is not a case of meting out death? (iv) why can't the PCs take an oath from the goblins to renounce their evil ways (thats what the PCs in my 4e game did on more than one occasion)?

You seem to have an incredibly narrow conception of what is possible - presumably you think most of the above is house ruling, but I don't know where in the rulebooks you're taking your narrow conception from.

In the game the PC has already hit and killed the opponent. Then, AFTER the player has found out that fact, the player can suddenly have the PC time travel back to before damage was rolled and decide to knock out the opponent.
No. At the table the player learns that the result of the resolution is reducing the foe to zero hp. The player decides that the foe falls unconscious. In the fiction, the foe falls unconscious.

Do you apply your "time travel" interpretation to the 5e shield spell, so that it can't protect against the triggering attack?

This assumes the townsfolk will kill them. Of course, the other most likely option - slavery or servitude - isn't much better...
Why not? Most moral and legal system don't treat death and servitude as equivalent fates.


Morkus from Orkus
In that case, you can't make any sweeping claims what any role would require as it would depend entirely on the game engine and people at the table. Certainly, I've had king's champions that have run the whole ranges from inexperienced to highly experienced, low skill to high skill, no body count to high body count and I'm a single GM.

Why would a king have a champion that would lose to the barroom bully?


Morkus from Orkus
I'd play with any of them. The main reason I participate in these threads is to see how different people think about their games, so that I can adapt myself to play with more people and be familiar with more systems.

It's also a huge mistake to think that from the snippets you get in online "discussions" that you can tell how the game will run with that person. I'd at least try a game with everyone I've interacted with here.

Voidrunner's Codex

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