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Kronos's d20 Stuff


Disguise (Cha)
Normal Use: With a few props, some makeup, and a bit of time, a character can modify the appearance of himself or another person. He may also impersonate a particular person.

New Use (Blend In): The character can move into a large crowd of people and slightly change his appearance to resemble those around him. This allows the character to make a skill check without spending time creating a disguise. However, he may only use Disguise in this manner if there is a group of people nearby that he can escape into. For example, a character could blend into a small group of homeless by grabbing a nearby filthy, soiled cloak, draping it over his shoulders, and sitting down among them. Obviously, this skill does not prevent anyone who witnessed the attempt from pointing the character out to any pursuers or enemies.

New Use (Camouflage): The character knows how to hastily combineface paint, debris, and other items to camouflage himself or someone else. Using Disguise in this manner requires a skill check at DC 15. On a successful check, the recipient of a disguise gains a +2 competence bonus to Hide checks made in areas with heavy undergrowth or debris. This Disguise check is made in secret, so only the Games Master knows if the camouflage is truly effective.

Hide (Dex)
Normal Use: This skill is used to keep out of sight, evading the watchful gaze of others. A character sneak behind debris or use shadows to conceal his presence.

New Use (Tail): A character can discreetly follow another person, using the crowds or other cover to conceal his presence. He will keep his quarry in sight while remaining far enough in the background (up to 50 ft.) to evade sight. Every ten minutes of the pursuit, make a Hide check opposed by the target’s Spot skill. Note that if the character is following several people travelling as a group, every person pursued makes a Spot check. Victims consciously looking for someone tailing them gain a +2 competence bonus to their check, whilst unsuspecting victims receive a –2 competence penalty.

Listen (Wis)
Normal Use: This skill is used to detect someone sneaking up on a character, hear a whispered voice, or listen in on someone’s conversation.

New Use (Ear for Detail): Not only can the character detect noises but he is also an expert at identifying their source. After a successful Listen check has been made, the character can immediately attempt another to discern greater detail. The character can hear not only the scrape of boot against a floor but also recognise the pace of the footsteps and the distinctive sound of hobnailed boots, allowing him to identify an intruder as a soldier wearing a shell jacket before he comes into sight. If the character had met the soldier before, he would also recognise his stride and know exactly who approaches. If the character beats the DC of a Listen check by 20 or more, he attains an extraordinary success. This allows him to determine the precise source of a noise, such as the type of creature, what actions might cause the noise, and so on.

Move Silently (Dex)
Normal Use: The character treads carefully as he walk, muffling the sounds of his footsteps and allowing him to sneak up on others.

New Use (Whispery Movement): As the character quietly moves near an enemy, he can cause a moderate amount of noise designed to draw his opponent’s attention away from his position, such as throwing rocks or other small items away from him. In doing so, the character suffers a –2 competence penalty to his Move Silently check. In return, if he makes a Hide check within 2 rounds of moving silently, he gains a +2 competence bonus if his Move Silently check was successful.

Spot (Wis)
Normal Use: A character can use this skill to pick out visual cues and other details, such as a target sneaking down an alleyway or another sniper hidden in a ruined building.

New Use (Hawkeyed): The character’s sense of sight and eye for detail are so well-refined that he can pick out minor characteristics at a great distance. Make a Spot check at DC 15 + 2 per 10 feet of distance when looking at a target more than 30 feet away. On a successful check, the character picks out details on the target as if it were only 10 feet away. Obviously, even extremely small creatures exhibit no real detail at a 10 ft. distance, so the Games Master is free to use his judgement as to what can really be seen. The check suffers a –2 competence penalty against small and tiny creatures. For each size category above medium-size, a +2 competence bonus is added to the check.

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Created on 2489, the Archer and Wesson Corporation is a relative newcomer to the business world, although they have made advances in large steps in the interim, and consolidated themselves as a solid contender in the weapons industry by using advanced technologies (anything from forging techniques to add-ons) and making their weaponry easy-to-use, battlefield-friendly, and hard-hitting (even if they lack the enchantments and blessings that the HKA adds to its weapons-at least right out of the factory), as well as vehicles (anything from scout bikes to APCs) that are easy to maintain on the battlefield and have the occasional experimental gadget that can assist on its function.

Because of this, Archer and Wesson weapons are used by both corporate forces, the NPS armed forces, and the occasional vampiric opposing force that has managed to steal a shipment or two (an act that, of course, has brought the corporation to the attention of the Inquisition, but close scrutiny has dismissed these thefts as nothing more than routine attempts at resupplying and espionage by the vampiric nations).

The Archer and Wesson Corporation has many foundries and offices located throughout the Americas, the two biggest ones being in Nevada, U.S. and on the province of Alajuela in Costa Rica.


ARCHER & WESSON M-523 'MOSES' (.50 Action Express/10mm Heavy Pistol) (Personal Firearms Proficiency)

Damage: 2d8 (.50 AE)/2d6 (10mm)
Critical: 20
Damage Type: Ballistic
Range Increment: 40 ft.
Rate of Fire: Semiautomatic/Automatic.
Magazine: 14 box (.50 AE)/20 (10mm).
Size: Medium.
Weight: 4 lbs.
Restriction: Restricted (+2).
PDC: 18.
ADDITIONAL NOTES: The M-523 'Moses' comes with a laser sight (+1 to targeting rolls up to 30 feet away, +2 to Intimidation rolls when active).
The .50 Action Express version of the Moses fires in Semi-Automatic only. The 10mm version features a three-round burst setting. When used with the Burst Fire feat, this weapon fires only 3 rounds instead of 5, and can be used with only 3 rounds in the magazine. This setting does not grant the ability to make burst fire attacks without the Burst Fire feat; if you use the setting without the feat, you make a normal attack, and the extra two bullets are wasted.

The Archer & Wesson Corporation M-523 'Moses'. .50 Action Express semi-automatic pistol (also available in a fully-automatic 10mm version) is the standard sidearm of the A&W sales brochure. Not much is there to say about the gun other than it can be used with gloves worn, it has an intimidating look, and the firepower to back it up. With custom modifications and blessings, the 'Moses' has seen a rising use by the Knights.

The corporations shy from using the HKA convention of calling weapons after Biblical references (using instead others which are more fitting, like generals or legends or nicknames), but 'Moses' seemed fitting with this gun because it 'speaks with a great voice and lays down the Law'.

Voidrunner's Codex

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