FRP RPG sucks

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Focus of games must becombat. I hate DnD because it is about natures, aligments, evil,good, chaotic stuff and you have to play as human like creatures andthere is limited amount of classes. In a great game you have to beable to play as everything. I must be able to be dragon, robot,turtle, lion. All characters must be playable with skills and classlevels ETC. So i built my RPG system.

If your damage is 8that will mean you will deal random damage between 1 and 8. So youwill roll 1d8 but we mostly use random number generators in my game.There is also dodge and hit rate for calculating accuracy. You addyour hit rate and enemys dodge to each other. Lets say your hit rateis 10 enemy dodge is 4. That makes 14. If you roll higher than 10 youwill miss; otherwise it is a hit. So if enemy has 1 dodge and youhave 15 hit you will roll between 1 and16; if it is 16 you miss if itis between 1 and 15 you hit.

Core mechanics are likethat; pretty easy and normal. Problem is cooldowns of skills are veryhard to calculate. Each turn decrease cooldown of 1 skill. If youhave too many skills and cooldowns, it can be really hard to refreshall cooldowns. Also you can roll a number for making a cooldownready. If cooldown is 28; you roll number between 1 and 28 if youroll 28 your cooldown for that skill becomes 0.

Like all systems atlate levels mana is being to high and you can cast extreme skills;for balancing the game everything have got Saiyan auras. By consumingmana every turn; you make all of your stats buffed so you become moredefensive and dont die.

Ofcourse spells andskills cant be balanced and your characters cant be balanced too.Because of that we create characters and let you choose one of thischaracters and give some paths, skill trees to this characters andlet you choose which direction you will go while developing yourchampion.

Game can be everyonefight against same monsters and than they fight against each other.Or deathmatch survival looting arena. Or coop boss killing chestlooting thing. However i prefer games like Death of Winter. You playas a government and you move your heroes. You can buy new heroes andyour heroes can die pretty easily; that type of game more fun andbetter i believe.

Do not obey to rules;make a fun balanced fair game. Goal is luck, strategy, methods fordefeating your enemies.

About movement andrange; this things must be more more expensive as you level up them.1 move can require 1 point but 2 move must require 3 and 3 move mustneed 6 points 4 will be 10. Because also in real world; moving fastrequires way more power. There is sound barrier and lightspeed andair doesnt let you move fast. Also gravity; your weight will affectso it is not easy to move too fast it is very expensive. ıfeverybody move 10 tiles every turn; that will be a meaningless map.You know there is a tiny board you playing on and you must not movefast; that makes map smaller.

First you move based onyour speed stat like in pokemon. First you play regeneration turn.You regenerate hp equal to your HPR,if hp is full you hold your extraHP until end of the turn so your regeneration also con block thedamage you will take. Also there is armor block ETC this things actlike HP but more different and complex, they also take damage beforeyour HP. If you dont have hp your mana will take the damage. If youdie, you stay in corpse mode and if they dont kill you, you can standup and survive.

After recover you moveand attack. You do not attack and move; there is no hit and run.After that turn is ended and you manage your cooldowns ETC. So eachturn is made of 3 turns; regeneration, move, end turn keeping tracks.And you have to write everything; otherwise you can forget or peoplemay cheat.

Most important thing isenemies must have levels and skills too; they have to be playablecharacters. And based on difficulty their levels will change; anddifficulty must be very balanced; rat and dragon at same difficultymust have equal power otherwise difficulty will not have a meaning.But you can edit difficulty for adding more fun and art to game.

First create charactersand their skills, builds, passives than let players choose one. Atstart all players must have nearly same power; do not let them dowhat they want; let them choose what they want. If you give freedomto players they will try to be very strong and break the fun of game.We have seen that in DnD Online or Neverwinter.

Skills must havecooldowns but this cooldowns will be random so things will not besame. 20 cooldown means something between 1 and 20 so you can roll 1and ignore the cooldown of skill. Players dont like to do same thingmany times so everything has to be different everytime.
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Bythe way using electricity causes climate change; and Earth want tokill all of you.[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]*[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Thereis also 12 damage types and 12 attack styles. This things increasedecrease your damage and hit rate to enemies based on their elementor type. When building dungeons you can put enemies that weak to youor send your hero with advantage. Since all players will do samefights; they can suffer.[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]HP16HPR1MP16MPR1ATK3HIT2FLEE1ARMOR2[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Level1=10points. 5 points will give you 1 skill upgrade point (15 25 35). 10point will give you new skill (10 20 30 40). You level up littlelittle; slowly. Leveling up gets harder as you progress. Level 1requires 1 orb but 2 will require 2 orbs and 3 will ask for 3 orbsfor 1 point. And leveling up is hard because you have to loot orbsfrom monsters and use them to level up. You can also level up afterend of the dungeon.[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Iactually decided to make this a zombie survival game. You will needfood, water and stuff to keep your heroes alive and you can alsosteal this things from other players. So you dont need to PvP but youcan kill other players if you want. You can also defend other playersagainst monsters. Think like monster hunter. Giant dragons willattack you or you can send monsters to other players if you findtheir cards. And this monsters may also attack to you too so they candestroy the board. ı am thinking about Death of Winter, DnD,deathmatch survival loot arena. Also players have to gather loots tobase before other players still them.[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Startto game with an level 1 hero; stat totals 10 with nearly randomstats.[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]HP2hpr1 MP0 mpr0 Atk2 Hit2 FLE2 ARM1 that stat points will make thisstats HP32 Hpr1Atk6Hit4Fle2Arm2 so different stats have differentbase values or multipliars.[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Andthan we will make many skills and skill trees for this character.What is can learn at level 2, than what new skills it will be able tolearn at level 3. It will learn only 1 skill every level. by the wayskills can be random and you can let players choose one of 3 skillsETC because we must not let players build their characters.[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Youwill loot stuff from monsters. This stuff can upgrade your champions.You may also consume this orbs for healing than they get wasted. Youwill also have defense towers. You can give jobs to your heroes.Everything in game have to be made by your champions so they can bebusy with tasks.[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Basiclygame is something like Age Of Empires but we are using powerfulheroes as units and we fight against waves of epic monsters.[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Eachcooldown decrease mana cost by one. Skills can consume too much mana.Skill mana cost and cooldown will be determined by your character forbalancing the game and make it more understandable. Upgrading yourskills will make them stronger and they will consaume more mana.[/FONT]

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I decided to change base values of stats. HPr 1 will mean your hp regeneration will be between 0 and 1 so you may not even regenerate hp. So if you have 9 hpr that will mean between 0 and 9 which makes 4,5. If it would be like regular FRP it would be between 1 and 9 which will mean 5. But in our game it is between 0 and its value. Therefor armor will be 1, attack will be betweeen 1 and 2. MPr also same. And hit rate will be 1 dodge will be 1. So With %50 rate your attcks will miss, game is even more chaotic than before. I advice you to build hit rate but some things may not even use dodge. A heavily armored monster may not try to dodge your attacks or an undead. Also buildings may not dodge. Because of hp is 16, 8 points in attack needed to one hit kill something and than you need to be very lucky. Thats the point of game, long fights; different tactics based on how much hp you left. So finals are:

HP MP16, hpr mpr 0-1, Armor 1, Atk 1-2, Hit rate and Flee 1. There is also move, range, wrestling, carry, act speed. Wrestling makes you very strong in wrestlings but have no any other use; nearly everything you have will be used in wrestling but mostly wrestling skill makes you winner in that kind of combat. While wrestling if there is multiple enemies; they can hit you very badly.


Staff member
Your initial post could use some editing. For example, you have many words that are run together, and that makes it more difficult to read.


41st lv DM
Yeah, I think I'll stick to D&D (1e, PF, or 5e) rather than decipher your mess.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
You seem to have three separate threads jammed into one post. The new rules you describe could be an interesting thread by themselves.

Print a copy and show a friend; he/she can point out where you are 'thinking out loud' and need to convert it into a sentence so the rest of us can understand too.
(For example, 'cooldown' appears and is used, but not described.)

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