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Anyone interested in running an online D&D game?


First Post
Unfortunatly I can't DM it myself, but I'd love to get in on another online game. Anybody out there willing to take the helm and run a few of us through a good game?

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First Post
online game? well you can go to the "in character" forum. there are always peopel there that are role playing one adventure or another. Though it doesnt go as fast as you would like... it is fun to sit in there for a couple days and brush up on your RP skills-


First Post
I'm looking to start a wheel of time game when the new official module comes out next month.... That is, if anyone wants to join. I already have one local guy who will play. I will be running from a chat room on my web site. Email me if you're interested.



I. JANUARY UPDATE: Online 3e D&D Campaign Seeks Aquatic Characters

Attention Sea Elf and Atlantean Enthusiasts: Chapter 87 of "Beneath the Pinnacles of Azor’alq" has been posted.

There are currently three openings in "Beneath the Pinnacles of Azor'alq" (BPAA), a 3e D&D World of Greyhawk message-based game (Play-by-Post) set beneath the surface of the Dramidj Ocean. The current level of play is between 3 to 5. The campaign, which uses the "core rules of 3e, select supplements from 2e, and the heart of 1e", is designed for those interested in participating in a work of coauthored interactive fiction.

In the campaign, I post a new "Chapter" once a week. During the week, the players respond to events in the Chapter, to NPCs, and to one another. I will add updates as time permits. The next week, I post a new Chapter. While this method of game play requires a degree of patience and the occasional spell-checker, I have found it one of the best options for those with hectic schedules.

The party is currently 250 fathoms beneath the surface of the sea, in a sunken lighthouse known as the Nighthouse. Their hostess, a spectral hag, is preparing them for a perilous quest.


In the past, I mandated that the minimum requirement, for players in BPAA, was the 3e D&D Players Handbook (PH). Given the nature of message-based games, where statistics and numbers are intentionally veiled behind fictional writing, I am relaxing that requirement.

Mind you, I still consider the campaign to be one of Dungeons & Dragons. Terms and definitions common to the various editions of D&D will be prevalent. Therefore, while I still strongly recommend that a player make a minimum investment in purchasing the PH, to familiarize themselves with the mechanics of "the game beneath the story", I will accept the following four levels of involvement.

Free-Form Gamer - For those players who neither own nor plan to purchase the 3e Player's Handbook, I ask that you research the d20 System. Comprised of the System Reference Document and the Open Gaming License, the d20 System allows for use of the game system at the heart of Dungeons & Dragons, by anyone who wishes to do so. By using d20, common lists of spells, monsters, weapons, and similar items may be obtained. One could easily create a half-fiend sea elf sorceress or half-dragon merfolk bard, using the information presented in the System Reference Document. Also, utilizing the various character generators available on the internet may prove useful.

- Official d20 Information: http://www.wizards.com/d20
- d20 Development: http://www.opengamingfoundation.org
- Jamis Buck's RPG Generators: http://www.d20reviews.com/generators/

AD&D Legacy Gamer ("old timers") - Having previously familiarized yourself with the mechanics of AD&D, you would do well, to peruse the information presented in the Conversion Manual.

- http://www.wizards.com/dnd/DnD_CYC_intro.asp

While I will accept characters generated using the 1e AD&D and 2e AD&D rule sets, they will advance and be treated as 3e D&D characters.

3e D&D Player - Grab the PH and you're all set! Should you wish to utilize information found in additional D&D or d20 supplements, please ask.

World of Greyhawk (GH) Enthusiast - As of this writing, few of the "Mysterious Places" of Oerth have been mentioned in 3e materials. For official information, regarding the region of the Pinnacles, refer to the "Greyhawk Mysterious Places" web page, or the Greyhawk Adventures rulebook, now available as an ESD. Note: this information is NOT required, for players of BPAA. As the background history for the BPAA campaign is filled with various GH references, I suggest you read further.

BPAA was previously set in a 1e AD&D Pre-Wars World of Greyhawk timeline, 579 CY (Common Year). 3e D&D World of Greyhawk advances the timeline to 591 CY, a difference of 12 years. Obviously, I could simply rule that the campaign was set in 591 CY the whole time. This is not the case. In Chapter 49, the presiding roster of characters was turned to stone. They remained inanimate for the missing 12 years.

- http://www.wizards.com/greyhawk/dndgreyhawkmysteriousplaces.asp
- http://www.wizards.com/rpga/lg/


As few 3e rules have been released, which govern underwater adventuring, I will be utilizing a variety of supplements and accessories, to facilitate the growth of this campaign, including but not limited to the following:

- D&D (older): The Sea People
- 1e AD&D: All hardback rulebooks, The World of Greyhawk Boxed Set
- 2e AD&D: Of Ships and the Sea, The Sea Devils, Sea of Fallen Stars, GreySpace
- 3e D&D: core rulebooks, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, Psionics Handbook, select supplements

There are several d20 supplements which may prove useful, as well, including:

- "Seafarer's Handbook", http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/shprod.html, DEC 01
- "Seas of Blood", http://www.mongoosepublishing.com/ttseasofblood.htm, NOW AVAILABLE. Also see notes regarding "Ships of the Goblinoids", "The Slayer's Guide to Sahuagin" (FEB 02), and "The Slayer's Guide to Kraken" ESD
- "Twilight of Atlantis", http://www.avalanchepress.com/gameAtlantis.html), NOV 01. Also see notes regarding "Black Flag: Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Sea and Foam"
- "Skull and Bones", http://adamant.rpg.net/, FEB 02
- "Deep Quiet", http://www.trolllord.com/id48.htm
- "Twin Crowns: Age of Exploration", http://www.livingimagination.com/

I have also begun work on "Aquan Adventures", which will detail the various aspects of underwater adventures within the bounds of the 3e rule set. New skills, feats, and prestige classes will be presented, as well as new spells, magic items, monsters, psionic powers, and deities. Various terrains will be explained and encounter tables will be devised for them.

Granted, some of the best inspiration for an underwater campaign can come from the Discovery Channel and Animal Planet, visiting your local aquarium or fish store, and perusing ocean-related materials in a bookstore. BPAA provides me with the means to amalgamate my interests in writing, D&D, and saltwater aquariums.


The following is an excerpt from the campaign’s background:

"Over the years, a new society laid claim to the lower reaches of the pillars. The aquatic races, known collectively as Thal, discovered the spires, even as massive forests of coral encrusted the submerged stone. The lower reaches of the mangrove roots, immense forests of kelp, and lush fields of sea grass often shroud the shallows of the pillars, while drifting swamps of floatweed partially cloak regions in shimmering shadows. The Thal rarely travel above the surface of the Dramidj, for they hold the surface to be sacred, referring to it as Synsaal, the barrier between worlds. In the eyes of the Thal, the air-breathing descendants are spoken of as Those Above."


I simply read through the various monster tomes, making a list of everything I liked. While not excluding amphibious races, I tried to keep the list to those beings which could breathe water indefinitely, not requiring trips to the surface. Also, I tried to keep in mind races which could swim, not ones which walked upon the ocean floor. I also excluded deep-dwelling races that were incapable of living in the shallows. Lastly, I tried to limit the possibilities to non-evil individuals, as I generally do not allow evil PCs in my games. The following are examples of races which fit these criterion. These lists are far from complete:

From the 3e MM: aquatic elf, chuul, koalinth, kuo-toa, locathah, merfolk, merrow, sahuagin, malenti, skum, triton, scrag

Miscellaneous 3e: genasi (MoF), shalarin (MoF), half-elemental (MotP), sea spirit folk (OA), tako (OA)

From First Edition AD&D: kopoacinth, koalinth, scrag, nixie, eye of the deep, kelpie, neried, nymph, sirene, merman, sahuagin, aquatic elf, ixitachitl, kelpie, locathah, triton

From My Own Creations: anemoid (small humanoid anemone), driftwood nymph (sea dryad), fiendish fey: nixie, sea goblin (blinogo), gorgonian (small humanoid sea fan), jellyfolk, koalinth crossbreed (bakaruda), sea kobold (iblishi), half-kraken (krakidan), merrow mage, mermataur (sea minotaur), sea flayer (aquatic mind flayer), nautilean (small humanoid nautilus), aquatic orc (krana), aquatic half-orc, sharkling (halfling/shark mix), shrimpie (humanoid prawn), kresh (merrow/scrag crossbreed), oceanid (salt hag/triton offspring), locathah half-breed (garibaldi), sea satyr, vilaxx (aquatic thri-kreen)

Of course, I will allow for unique situations, such as humans which have been altered, voluntarily or otherwise, to exist underwater.

I would also allow for the use of 3e Templates, as presented in the Monster Manual. A half-bronze dragon / half-locathah, half-fiend / half-sahuagin, half-elemental porpoise, were-sea lion or weresquid would not be out of the question.

More mundane creatures, such as sharks, fish, eels, and so on could also be considered for use as player character races.

So dive into the various hardback books or gaming magazines, look through reference books, watch a nature special on TV, or visit your local fish store. Find a water-breathing race you think would be both fun and challenging to play. Take a moment to "get into" your character and devise a history for him or her. Remember, many aspects of game play require special care, when dealing with underwater adventures. That longsword you picked from the equipment list, for example; where did it come from? There are no forges under the ocean, or are there? Was the weapon found in a shipwreck, or looted from the lair of a giant octopus? Perhaps choosing weapons made of bone, coral, or similar substances would be more suitable. You get the idea.

Be aware that life underwater has its limitations; typical potions are all but impossible to imbibe, paper scrolls will quickly disintegrate, and typical metal items are subject to corrosion. Many spells listed in the Players Handbook are not suitable for underwater casting, such as the many fire-based spells.

Movement, vision, hearing, and speech are all affected by immersion in water.


CHARACTERS: Ferlius (krakidan), Xmador (triton), Dubheasa (Malenti), Storm (sea elf), Cilvia (tiefling mermaid), Nee'Kaa (oceanid), unnamed water genasi, unnamed chuul

COMPANIONS: Mulan (Plasmanta; Cilvia's Familiar), Croceus (Agathion; Xmador's golden crown), unnamed cuttlefish construct (Ferlius), Smalt (foo sea lion, Dubheasa)

TOPICAL NPCs: Stinger (anemonoid cleric), Meir (greenhag), Xaetra (spectral hag), Orrok (sea bugbear), Zander (shade), unnamed half-dragon (deep)/half-hag (night)


You can find further information regarding this campaign, including possible PC races and information regarding the region of the Pinnacles, at:

Feel free to contact me at the following address if you have further questions: aeolius@lobi.com



If you want online play, try GRIP. Better than OpenRPG and WebRPG (and no, I'm not an employee). You can check it out at rpgrealms.com, and there's a yahoo group dedicated to it called "griplist". I have a d&d3e sheet posted there for use with GRIP.

Voidrunner's Codex

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